• last year
Vivir de Amor Capítulo 121 Completo HD
00:00He took advantage of my trust to not only do his fraudulent moves but also to mess with my mother to the point of murdering her.
00:10That would explain why Bruno shot my aunt. Maybe she found out and that's why he killed her.
00:18Don't you think, mom?
00:23Are you okay?
00:28Mom, what's wrong?
00:29Please call the doctor.
00:38For God's sake, Angeli.
00:39You're pretending to cancel the wedding so your sister won't go.
00:42Rebeca is very happy with her relationship.
00:44I know she's not interested in Jose Emilio anymore.
00:47Good for her, mom, but neither Jose Emilio nor I want her to be.
00:51Please, I'm asking you to support me in this.
00:53Don't worry, Angelita.
00:55We'll pretend the wedding was canceled.
00:57And as soon as we see Santiago, we have to warn him so he won't meddle.
01:01Yes, yes, please.
01:03Thank you.
01:04Thank you, mom.
01:08No, no, don't worry. Look, I feel much better now.
01:11Are you sure?
01:12Yes, I'm very well, my love.
01:13Mom, the problem I caused at the hacienda probably affected you, right?
01:18No, my love, none of that.
01:19It's very strange. I don't understand why you passed out.
01:22You've been a strong, healthy woman.
01:25Yes, my love.
01:26Leave the octopus thing to me.
01:29But there must be a reason for what happened to you.
01:33Maybe the shrimp she ate didn't suit her.
01:36But instead of going to bed, she insisted on coming to the hacienda.
01:40Well, you should have listened to Adolfo, my love.
01:43An intoxication with shrimp is to be careful.
01:47Yes, dad.
01:48Come on, let's go home.
01:50Yes, mom, I'll help you. Let's go.
01:52Mom, in the meantime, I'll call Dr. Lara so she can see you at home.
01:56No, it's not necessary anymore. We already went to see him.
01:59Right, Adolfo?
02:00Yes, yes, that's right.
02:02And he told her to rest.
02:04Well, then don't say anything else.
02:06Let's go home, mom. Let's rest.
02:08No, let's go. Look, I'm perfect now.
02:10Yes, you too.
02:11Grandpa, you need to rest too.
02:13Well, yes.
02:16I need to regain strength for your wedding tomorrow with Angelita.
02:21Yes, but please be discreet.
02:25Neither Angelina nor I want Rebeca for anything in the world.
02:29So I told her and Misael that the wedding was canceled.
02:33Let's go.
02:34Let's go, daughter.
02:35Let's go, dad.
02:36Let's go, little girl.
02:37Come on, come on.
02:38Yes, daddy.
02:39But I don't understand.
02:40I thought the board had called Jose Emilio.
02:42You said he didn't trust you and was putting you in jail.
02:45No, it was worse than that, Rebeca.
02:47The engineer, that incompetent guy who's with Fatima,
02:50turns out to have lost all the harvest of the farm.
02:54And now how are they going to get the orders?
02:55I don't know.
02:56Adolfo is managing the insurance right now to cover the damage of the loss.
03:00I hope it's soon.
03:01Well, yes.
03:02And what happened with the other matter?
03:04Didn't they tell you anything about the payment?
03:06The loans?
03:10That's already been resolved.
03:13Iker found out that Bruno is responsible for the delays in the payment.
03:18And they believed him?
03:21Fatima said something that may be right.
03:24I mean, maybe my mom found Bruno
03:28and that's why she killed her.
03:35Come in.
03:38Brother, how is Cristina?
03:41She got intoxicated with shrimp.
03:43Fatima took her to rest.
03:45I'm glad to know she's okay.
03:47And you?
03:48Are you going to continue with your plan?
03:50Yes, Sebastian.
03:51But I still have something else to do.
03:54Tomorrow I'll see Bruno in prison.
03:58And did Jose Emilio say why he canceled the wedding?
04:01No, he didn't say anything.
04:03And the truth is, I understand.
04:05Dio, it won't be easy to tell everyone
04:07that I found Angeli on a romantic date with the cook
04:10a day before the wedding.
04:12Well, the wedding was canceled.
04:14Petra confirmed it to me this morning.
04:17How difficult.
04:19Can we talk, cousin?
04:21Of course, come in.
04:23How is my aunt doing?
04:26Despite the news I gave you,
04:29I canceled my wedding, Misael.
04:31I'm not going to marry Angeli anymore.
04:36And apparently you are not surprised.
04:40Sebastian told us.
04:42And he also told us why you canceled the wedding.
04:45Really, cousin, I'm very sorry.
04:47Yes, Jose Emilio.
04:49What a shame, you looked very in love.
04:51Please, I don't want to talk about this anymore.
04:55Of course.
04:56And I came to see you because it occurred to me
04:58that maybe you want to take advantage of the trip
05:00I paid to celebrate my wedding.
05:03As you understand, I don't want it anymore.
05:08Why don't you enjoy it?
05:11It's the plane tickets.
05:30Thank you.
05:32We have to get Memo out of jail.
05:34He's one of us.
05:35Miguel, forget about Memo.
05:37That guy is worth it.
05:38If not even Ramiro can get him out of jail,
05:40I won't be able to get Memo out.
05:42But he's part of the Jaguars' gang.
05:45Without him, there are only two of us.
05:46We won't be a gang anymore, Brian.
05:48We'll find other kids.
05:50That are smarter and don't get caught by the cops
05:52like Memo did.
05:54No, but Memo is one of us.
05:55Memo is not like the other kids.
05:57Let's see.
06:00I already told you that Memo is worth it.
06:02And if you keep insisting like this,
06:04you'll make me lose my patience.
06:06So, either you stop talking about Memo
06:08or I'll make you talk to me.
06:09Because if you don't help me, you'll see.
06:11Look, now listen to me carefully.
06:13Now the most important thing is to destroy Lucas.
06:17And we have to make it very clear
06:18that I'm in charge here.
06:20Because I'm the owner of the neighborhood.
06:22And that includes the miserable life of the kid.
06:27I know.
06:32You're doing very well with your therapies, Matilde.
06:34Thank you very much, Doc.
06:35See you tomorrow.
06:36I'm sure you will.
06:38Thank you very much.
06:39See you.
06:44Well, wow.
06:46But you look very tired.
06:48I'll let you rest.
06:50If you need anything, I'm here.
06:52Just shout.
06:53No, wait.
06:56Stay with me for a little while longer.
07:16Cristina, let me help you.
07:18Thank you.
07:20Lie down.
07:21Like this, like this.
07:23Are you comfortable?
07:27Yes, thank you.
07:28Did you do the rinses with the water of thyme
07:30that the doctor indicated?
07:32I left you in the bathroom a toothbrush with soft bristles
07:36and the paste that you should use.
07:38Look, here is a jar with fresh water.
07:42Remember, you must give soap to hydrate, Cristina.
07:46And there is also your lip balm.
07:50Thank you.
07:52Thank you for everything.
07:53And for allowing me to spend the night here with you.
07:57No, I didn't want to spend the night at my house
08:00where everyone was going to realize how I feel.
08:03I don't want to.
08:05You won't be able to hide the truth from him for a long time, Cristina.
08:09With so many problems in the company,
08:11I don't want to run the risk that something happens to my dad,
08:14no matter how strong it is.
08:17He is an older person.
08:18I'm afraid he'll come down.
08:21You know I'll always support you.
08:23And I'll never leave you alone.
08:26But you have to follow the doctor's instructions.
08:29I want you to get out of this.
08:30Not just for you, but also for me.
08:34You'll say I'm a coward and selfish.
08:38But I realize that I couldn't live without looking at you.
08:42Without having you close, by my side.
08:46That we are not together.
08:47Although you never accept me again.
08:49I need you to be able to breathe.
08:52Promise me that when you feel better,
08:55we'll go somewhere together to enjoy life.
08:59That we will fight together.
09:02Definitely yes.
09:04We will do it.
09:09I promise you.
09:11My uncle has already started the insurance process.
09:14He says that will solve the loss of the harvest.
09:17I'm reassured to know that there is a solution.
09:21Anyway, you know I'm more than ready for whatever you offer.
09:25Yes, thank you.
09:26Remember that tomorrow is the wedding.
09:28Don't be late.
09:30You're going to have me more than ready.
09:34And get your mother.
09:36I'm looking for her.
09:42How strange she is not.
09:43There she is.
09:45Just thinking that tomorrow we will be married forever.
09:50I think I'm going to spend the night under the candle, my life.
09:54I even went down for a tea.
09:56I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep, my love.
09:59I'm like nervous, excited, but very happy.
10:03If you want, we can stay talking all night.
10:08Don't tempt me, because I accept.
10:11My love.
10:13By the way, you didn't tell me what happened to your plan.
10:16Did Isabel and Rebecca agree to go on a trip or not?
10:20Yes, yes.
10:21They accepted the tickets right away.
10:23The destination was very tempting.
10:25And tomorrow they will surely be taking the flight
10:29and we enjoying our wedding.
10:32Oh, I'm very nervous.
10:34Don't make me nervous.
10:36Do you know how you're going to calm down?
10:38Sending me kisses.
10:40Yes, send me one on the cheek.
10:46No, I didn't feel it.
10:48Send me another one.
10:51Let's see, on the nose.
10:54On the nose?
10:56What's wrong with you?
10:58The ones you want.
11:01Has Josemilio returned?
11:04Will he be in his room?
11:08What if he went to look for Angeli?
11:10And he reconciles with her?
11:14What if I go see?
11:18You're not going to take my son's love away from me.
11:31Where are you going?
11:33Here you are. You took a long time, so I came to look for you.
11:36So you found me.
11:39I went for my son to the slum,
11:41and can you believe I was in camp with that woman?
11:44Rebeca, I've been thinking about it,
11:48and I think it would be better for Pedrito to come on a trip with us.
11:51Oh, but I don't want to go on that trip.
11:53I don't feel like it.
11:55Let's see, Rebeca.
11:57It's a good opportunity for the three of us to go on a trip.
12:01Spend time together.
12:03I don't think it's convenient because of how things are at the company.
12:05I don't doubt that Jose Emilio has given you those tickets to keep you away on purpose.
12:11Even if it were, the truth is not a bad idea.
12:14It's going to be good for us a few days away from here,
12:17the three of us together, enjoying.
12:26Uncle, my mom is not at home.
12:30Oh, no, no, no.
12:32Don't worry, I'm not going to judge them.
12:33Carlos, I understand that you don't want to say anything yet,
12:37but I swear I love that you are together.
12:40Thank you.
12:42It's super romantic.
12:44Well, I'll leave you.
12:46I'm glad you're together, uncle.
12:48Good night.
13:00You finally agreed to negotiate with me, Jose Emilio.
13:04I want you to explain to me why you delayed the loan payments.
13:10What was your goal?
13:12It wasn't my decision.
13:14I did it on Misael's orders.
13:16I want proof, Bruno.
13:18Well, get me out of here.
13:20I'll give you Misael myself.
13:22And since you're free, I'll give you the proof you need.
13:26What do you think?
13:28Do you take it or leave it?
13:30I agreed to go on a trip because I think this can help us get along more as a family.
13:34Rebeca, Pedrito and me.
13:37Grandpa, I do want this to work.
13:40I understand that the family doesn't agree that Rebeca is my partner,
13:44but the truth is that I do want her as a life partner.
13:48Well, at least wait for Wanda to return to the neighborhood.
13:54So you can say goodbye to her.
13:57So you can say goodbye to Pedrito.
14:01And when you return from that trip,
14:04it will be a good time for you to tell the child the truth about his mother.
14:11They're going to take me on a trip.
14:14I don't want to, Grandpa.
14:16But why, son?
14:18Look, you'll see that you're going to have fun.
14:21You're going to fly on a plane.
14:23You'll walk among the clouds.
14:26You'll see the sea and the mountains.
14:29It's going to be very nice.
14:31But above all, you're going to have the opportunity to get to know your dad better.
14:37He's very excited to be together every day.
14:44Oh, isn't it beautiful, daughter?
14:48You're going to look beautiful at Angelita's wedding.
14:51Whatever it is, Mom, but it's very uncomfortable.
14:54It's like so elegant, curly, and this, I don't know.
14:58I knew it, honey.
15:00I told you, she wasn't going to like it.
15:03That's why, honey, I also bought you one.
15:09Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:12Oh, my daughter, you left me speechless.
15:15No, I can't deny that the dress is very nice, Dad.
15:19But if I were 15 years old, Dad, I'm not a girl anymore.
15:22No, and our daughter dresses to good taste.
15:25You're going to look beautiful in the dress I bought you.
15:28No, no, no, no, no.
15:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:32No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:34No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:35You're going to look beautiful in the dress I bought you.
15:38No, no.
15:39Let's see, don't be offended, but I also bought a dress for the wedding.
15:44Oh, yeah?
15:45Oh, no.
15:53Wow, look at that.
15:56Be careful, boy, you're going to throw me.
15:59You don't change, Chueco.
16:02Did you see how he spoke to me?
16:03Oh, no, if I had answered like that to my mom.
16:06Rebecca is a boy.
16:08Sit here, Pedrito.
16:10Let's see.
16:12Have you ever been on a plane?
16:15Yes, many times.
16:17It goes very fast, the truth.
16:19But you don't feel the speed, don't worry.
16:21I want to get on one.
16:23But I don't want to go on a trip.
16:26It's only going to be a few days, Pedrito.
16:28Look, I promise you, we're going to have a great time.
16:33Although then the planes fall.
16:38Don't listen to him.
16:40Oh, Jose Emilio, you're still worried about the company.
16:44But today you have to be happy, it's your wedding.
16:47Yes, grandfather, I do that.
16:50But I won't look as handsome as you.
16:53Although I am very happy.
16:56I wish with all my heart that it is so.
16:59And that doubts never return to your heart.
17:03That's not going to happen, grandfather.
17:05I assure you that those doubts are gone forever.
17:08And there will be nothing that makes me doubt Angelí.
17:11Much less that I separate from her.
17:13Because today our lives and our destinies
17:17are going to be legally united forever.
17:20That's right, boy, that's right.
17:23How strong, grandfather, how handsome.
17:25Look at that.
17:32And did you think about how you're going to comb your hair, my love?
17:35Yes, I want something simple.
17:37Like up, but see me as beautiful as you.
17:41Oh my God.
17:43You look more beautiful, my love.
17:45Don't lie to me.
17:47You look beautiful, mom.
17:49Thank you, my love.
17:51I can't believe that today
17:52you are going to join your life with José Emilio
17:55after so many problems that have happened.
17:58You don't know how much I love you, my love.
18:01You have been an extraordinary daughter.
18:04And you are going to be a wonderful wife.
18:08And an extraordinary mother, my love.
18:11A mother that I could not be.
18:16My love, I made many mistakes.
18:18With you.
18:20With Santiago.
18:22My loves.
18:28I know it hasn't been easy for you.
18:30Everything we've been through.
18:32My dad's death.
18:34Frida's disappearance.
18:36So many years looking for her and not being able to find her.
18:39I know you would have wanted to be with us longer.
18:43But none of that was your fault, okay?
18:46Despite everything, mom.
18:48You have always been a loving mother.
18:52Understanding, loving.
18:54I love you.
18:56Angeli, you're right, mom.
18:58Neither of us have anything to blame you for.
19:01On the contrary.
19:03I know I have not been the best son.
19:06And that I have made many mistakes.
19:08No, my love. It's not your fault.
19:11I admit that I should have paid more attention to you.
19:16But now you are a man.
19:18And I am proud of you, my child.
19:20My man.
19:23From today on, we're going to be alone, you and me.
19:27But don't worry, sister.
19:30Now that you're not going to be with us anymore.
19:33I promise to be the son my mom needs.
19:36I'm going to protect her and take care of her.
19:39I'm determined to make up for my mistakes.
19:43You are my family.
19:45And I'm going to be up there, I promise you.
19:48My love.
19:50I love you.
19:58Oh, Santi.
20:00I love you.
20:02I love you.
20:08I don't know what color to wear.
20:11Between what, my love?
20:13This one?
20:15Let's see.
20:17Oh, this one is beautiful.
20:19Your dress looks amazing.
20:25You're very pale, aren't you?
20:27Like this?
20:28Let me, let me put a little on you.
20:29Just like when you were a child.
20:30Let's see.
20:33Oh, mom.
20:34Your intoxication was thick, wasn't it?
20:37But you're better now, right?
20:39I feel much better.
20:41Oh, mom.
20:42I love you.
20:47I want you to be very happy.
20:48Because it's fair.
20:50You deserve it.
20:51And I love you.
20:52And I love you.
20:53I love you.
20:54Come here.
20:56Mom, how did you sleep?
20:58Hello, handsome.
21:01Everything is fine.
21:02And you?
21:05Well, it's not to intrigue, but I think our mom is being ruined by Cupid.
21:10No, don't pressure her, Fatima.
21:13Mom, it doesn't matter what you decide.
21:15You know that.
21:16I just want you to be very happy.
21:20That you enjoy life.
21:23Of your grandson who is coming.
21:26Of the love of your children.
21:29Yes, mom.
21:30I still need you a lot.
21:32But well, I wouldn't mind sharing.
21:35I love you.
21:36I love you.
21:37And I love you.
21:38And I thank you very much for being close to me.
21:43It's my family.
21:44I adore you with all my heart.
21:48Hey, handsome.
21:49Tell me.
21:50We have to go.
21:51Yes, yes.
21:52It's okay that the boyfriend leaves waiting for the girlfriend.
21:56Let's go.
21:57Let's go.
21:58Let's go.
21:59How handsome you are.
22:01Thank you, mom.
22:05And really, thank you very much for joining us.
22:08How do you think we were going to miss Angelie's wedding?
22:10With how much we love her.
22:12Thank you for inviting us.
22:14And we bring you your little gift, Angelie.
22:16It's very modest, but with a lot of affection.
22:18Thank you very much.
22:20Here's another one, here's another one.
22:21Give me, give me, give me.
22:23Thank you, son.
22:24Thank you, son.
22:25Thank you, son.
22:26Guandita, but what a rescue you come.
22:28That's right.
22:29You look very pretty.
22:30Well, I almost didn't recognize you when I saw you.
22:33I want to see myself more serious for my son.
22:35I hope he likes my Pedrito.
22:38How long are you going to tell him that I'm his mother?
22:41Not yet.
22:42I'm afraid he'll reject me.
22:45Are you ready at the table? Will you accompany me, please?
22:47Yes, of course.
22:49Thank you, Carmelo.
22:52So many gifts.
22:54How are you?
22:55Hello, Sebastian.
22:57What happened, my Sebas?
22:59Hey, have you seen Doris? We agreed to meet here.
23:03The big surprise you're going to get when you see her.
23:06My daughter got desperate to surprise you, right?
23:11Look, he's coming.
23:14Hi, Dati.
23:16My Sebas.
23:18Hi, my love.
23:19You look beautiful.
23:23You look beautiful.
23:24Thank you.
23:25Let's go.
23:26Let's go.
23:32I want to say goodbye to my mom.
23:34Don't tell her we're going on a trip.
23:36I don't want her to worry.
23:38In the meantime, I'm going to take my son for an ice cream.
23:41Let's go, Pedrito.
23:42Yes, let's go.
23:46El Olmo Restaurant?
23:48This is Rebeca.
23:49Pass me my mom.
23:51That's going to be very difficult.
23:53Because the lady is there receiving the guests.
23:55And since the bride is almost here...
23:57What bride?
23:58Miss Angeli.
24:00Don't you see that today is her wedding with the young Jose Emilio?
24:03The wedding wasn't canceled?
24:17Well, the Rivero Cuellar arrived without the uncomfortable nephew.
24:21I guess he stayed with Rebeca.
24:23So good.
24:24That's exactly why Angelita changed her wedding.
24:26So they didn't come to spoil the moment.
24:29It hurts so much to think that I will never have given birth to my children.
24:33Anyway, I can't leave Rebeca.
24:35Be careful.
24:36She is my daughter and she will never stop being mine.
24:39Besides, sign the papers so she can regain her identity.
24:44She is Frida del Olmo and I can't take that away from her.
24:48I understand you, friend, but...
24:50Angelita and Santiago already know?
24:54You know what I'm going to do when my procedure is ready?
24:58Please don't say anything.
25:28Why did you take so long?
25:30I didn't want ice cream and it took you so long to choose your palette, but we're leaving.
25:33We have to document this.
25:34No, no, no.
25:36I'm not going to accompany you.
25:38Your family will never accept me.
25:40What are you talking about, Rebeca?
25:42I just found out that Angelita is going to marry your cousin today.
25:46They lied to you so you wouldn't take me to the wedding.
25:48I have to accept that no one in your family loves me, Misael.
25:53And maybe you agreed, right?
25:54To avoid problems with your family.
25:56No, Rebeca.
25:57I didn't know my cousin was getting married today.
25:59I thought the wedding was canceled.
26:00I had thought that too.
26:02But you don't have to lie to me.
26:04If you didn't want me to accompany you to the wedding, you would have told me.
26:08I understand that you don't want to lose your family because of me.
26:12Maybe it's better if we don't see each other again.
26:14No, Rebeca.
26:15You're very wrong.
26:17We're both going to that wedding and Jose Emilio is going to listen to me.
26:21Let's go.
26:24Come on.
26:26Come on, Pedrito.
26:32He said it!
26:33He said it!
26:38He said it!
26:43He said it!
26:44He said it!
26:47He said it!
26:48He said it!
26:49He said it!
26:50He said it!
26:51He said it!
27:00You look beautiful, my love.
27:02Thank you.
27:03And you look more handsome than ever.
27:08Good morning.
27:09If you don't mind, let's start the ceremony.
27:14We are here to unite in marriage Angelie Del Olmo Sandoval
27:19and Jose Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuellar.
27:33Come on, kid.
27:38Come on.
27:43Lucas returned to the neighborhood.
27:47Just what I was expecting, bro.
27:56It's time to give the guy what he deserves.
27:58No, no, wait, Brian.
28:00He's not even in the neighborhood.
28:02They went to a brothel.
28:03But they have to come back, don't they?
28:06And when he does, I'll be waiting for him.
28:10Oh, wait.
28:13Don't worry.
28:18Are you scared?
28:20Angelie Del Olmo Sandoval, do you agree to marry
28:24Jose Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuellar?
28:30I do.
28:31I do.
28:33Jose Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuellar,
28:36do you agree to marry Miss Angelie Del Olmo Sandoval?
28:41Yes, I do.
28:45Since you are willing to marry in front of the witnesses,
28:49please sign.
29:02Yes, sir.
29:23I hereby declare you husband and wife in the name of the law.
29:32Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
29:43Oh, how exciting.
29:44They look so in love.
29:46Oh, yes, they were born for each other, my friend.
29:49Yes, my friend.
29:53Oh, they look so happy, Dad.
29:56And so it will be as long as God gives them life, my daughter.
30:00They were born to be together.
30:15Bravo, my love.
30:24Bravo, bravo.
30:32I see that you got married.
30:37You don't let me be impressed, Rebeca.
30:39What are you doing here?
30:40Please leave.
30:42You have nothing to do here.
30:44And if you came, it shouldn't be for anything good.
30:47I wanted to share your joy with you.
30:50I guess you decided to marry for my nephew, right?
30:53Don't mess with my son, okay?
30:54Don't mess with my son, Rebeca.
30:56Listen to me well, you're not dead,
30:57you're going to hurt my son.
31:00I want you close to my son.
31:01Is that clear to you, Rebeca?
31:02Leave us alone!
31:03Get out!
31:04Get out of here, Rebeca.
31:05Why are you treating me like this?
31:09I just came to congratulate you.
31:11And what do I get in return?
31:14What did I do to you?
31:16I'm sorry.
31:17I'm sorry, but you don't stop attacking me all the time.
31:20Stop pretending, Rebeca.
31:21You're a hypocrite.
31:22If you were a month ago, I wouldn't even remember.
31:24You're my pregnancy.
31:25Get out, Rebeca.
31:26That's enough.
31:27I warned you not to get close to my family.
31:30So you're leaving.
31:31Rebeca, you're leaving right now.
31:33She's coming with me.
31:34Oh, thanks for the invitation.
31:36No, don't tell me.
31:37Well, you can both leave.
31:38Because she's not welcome here.
31:41Let's go, Rebeca.
31:42Apparently, we're not welcome here.
31:44If you knew that I really don't have any memory of my past,
31:48maybe you would understand me.
31:51Sister, what do I have to do for you to believe me?
31:53I lost my memory.
31:54You don't have to do anything because I don't believe you.
31:56We don't believe you.
31:57Enough, Rebeca.
31:58I don't understand.
31:59We already know that you were the one who set up the hotel.
32:04I just came to congratulate you for your wedding.
32:07Congratulate us?
32:08Threaten us?
32:10Because I don't forget your words.
32:11No, I really don't.
32:12They resonate in my head and haunt me every night.
32:14You know what I'm talking about.
32:16I want you away from my son.
32:18I want you away from my family.
32:19Away from my husband.
32:20Get out of our lives.
32:21Get out.
32:22Go forever.
32:23Leave me alone.
32:24Rebeca, please.
32:26Let Angelie enjoy her wedding.
32:28Please leave.
32:30Please leave.
32:32You told me you weren't coming.
32:34You promised me, Rebeca.
32:35You only come to cause problems.
32:38Daughter, Isabel.
32:40Please take him, okay?
32:43If they decide to get married, I will gladly accompany you
32:45and I will give you daughters.
32:49Let's go, Rebeca.
32:53No, no, no.
32:54Pedrito stays here with us.
32:57Let him enjoy the party.
33:00Okay, Grandma.
33:02Let's go.
33:09Are you okay?
33:11What do you think about Rebeca coming to your wedding?
33:14Yes, everything is fine.
33:16My life.
33:18It's over.
33:19It's over.
33:20Forget about Rebeca, okay?
33:24This is our wedding.
33:26And you are already my wife.
33:31Yes, I am your wife.
33:34And you are the wife that any woman would like to have by her side for the rest of her life.
33:39I love you.
33:40I love you.
33:50No manches, la Rebeca está bien lúreas.
33:53One day I told Mrs. Almita very clearly that I was telling the Virgin.
33:58Take care of my little girl.
34:00You see that she is sick in her head.
34:04Do you like it?
34:05Yes, Pedrito.
34:06But it's a secret.
34:08You can't tell anyone.
34:11Don't cheat on me.
34:13Pinky promise.
34:16Sorry, Rebeca, but I need you to answer me.
34:18Why are they accusing you of trying to separate us?
34:21I swear I have no idea.
34:22What do you mean you have no idea?
34:23Mention something about a hotel, about a trap.
34:25I swear I don't know.
34:26I just came to congratulate them and I wanted to do this for you, but everything went wrong.
34:31What do you mean for me?
34:33I don't want your family to put you aside because of me.
34:36Realize, Isabel, your family hates me.
34:40And it's the truth.
34:41Don't try to defend them.
34:43Because with what just happened, it's clear to me that they don't care.
34:46Well, honey, understand.
34:47Angeli and Jose Emilio need time to trust you again.
34:51Your amnesia doesn't make them forget all the harm you've done to them, daughter.
34:55Well, we're not going to be begging them, Elena.
34:57And with the humiliation they caused Rebeca, I'm not going to forgive them.
35:00Okay, honey.
35:01Let's go.
35:02I'm sorry I put you in this situation.
35:05It's my fault for coming, but I didn't do it with any bad intentions, I swear.
35:11My girl.
35:12I love you, Mom.
35:13I love you, my girl.
35:19I knew you wouldn't fall into the trap of the trip, Jose Emilio, I knew it.
35:22Let's see, I don't understand anything you're talking about.
35:25Rebeca set me up so I could find Angeli in a hotel room with Renato.
35:31She sent me a message, making me believe she was sending it to Bruno.
35:33And I received a supposed note from Jose Emilio,
35:35telling me that he had prepared a surprise for me in a hotel room.
35:38And when I arrived, I saw a romantically prepared jacuzzi.
35:41I really thought you had prepared it.
35:44And Renato also received a message, which was a lie.
35:47Rebeca set up the triangle of a supposed betrayal.
35:50And with that, I only confirm our suspicions, because Rebeca doesn't suffer from amnesia.
35:56And what he told me about my baby was obviously to provoke me,
35:58to remind me of the threat he made to me.
36:01It's just that every time I understand a little bit more,
36:04Santiago, I'm going to tell you the truth.
36:07When Angeli disappeared, it was because Rebeca kidnapped her.
36:14So that she wouldn't give her away, she threatened to hurt our son.
36:18Because of her, Angeli has nightmares.
36:21At night, she wakes up restless.
36:24Rebeca steals her peace of mind.
36:26That's why we didn't want her to come.
36:28We don't want her to come.
36:30It's in you.
36:31Please, I don't want you to say anything,
36:33because Rebeca has no limits and I don't want her to fulfill her threat, okay?
36:37I have to protect my son.
36:40Calm down.
36:41Come on, let's go.
36:43Let's go.
36:49Please, Jim, Jim.
36:51Help me bring back the joy of this party.
36:53It's Angeli's wedding.
36:55I don't know what to do.
36:57Help me bring back the joy of this party.
36:59It's Angeli's wedding.
37:00Of course.
37:01Don't worry.
37:02Wait a minute.
37:03Armando, put on some music, please.
37:05We're running out of time.
37:06Yes, yes, yes.
37:07We have to get up early.
37:08Yes, yes, yes.
37:09Don't worry, America.
37:11Everything will be fine.
37:12Nothing happened.
37:13Angeli is married.
37:18Sandra, do you need help?
37:19No, thank you, Andy.
37:20I'm fine.
37:24What's that?
37:26It's for you.
37:29Why are you giving me a flower?
37:30It's not my birthday or anything.
37:32Because it's pretty.
37:34I'm giving you this flower because it's pretty.
37:44Thank you, Andy.
37:47My love, let's forget about this moment we're living in.
37:51We're here for what?
37:52To celebrate our love.
37:54Our marriage.
37:56And that has to be the only important thing for both of us.
38:00Yes, my love.
38:01You're right.
38:02I won't let Rebeca ruin our wedding.
38:05That's the spirit.
38:07I want to see that smile.
38:08Let's see.
38:10I love you so much, my love.
38:11It's our day.
38:13And I want to see you happy.
38:17Let's see, let's see.
38:18Your attention, please.
38:19I want to ask the newlyweds to come in
38:22to open the dance
38:24because this celebration is just beginning.
38:49How you taught me to speak
38:53With a scream and a live flesh
38:56I will love you
39:09Silence and the secret
39:12I will love you
39:13No, it can't be.
39:14Rufino took too long to get here for us.
39:17I'm sorry you can't be at Jose Emilio's wedding.
39:21He's your own cousin.
39:23Maybe if you weren't with me,
39:24your family wouldn't have gone against you.
39:27I'm sorry.
39:29They don't accept that you want to take care of me
39:31and be generous with me.
39:33It's not generosity what I feel for you, Rebeca.
39:36It's love.
39:39You're the only one who loves me
39:42and believes in me.
39:44Thank you very much.
39:46It's not your gratitude what I want, Rebeca.
39:49Let's see, understand.
39:51I love you
39:52and what I want is to share my life with you.
39:54I want your love.
39:56Let's see.
40:01We're leaving if that's what you want to know.
40:04Santi, if you come to complain, I...
40:06They didn't have to come to my sister's wedding.
40:09Much less to torture her.
40:11Let's see, don't be dramatic, Santiago.
40:13Nobody is doing that.
40:14Rebeca is doing it.
40:16And don't even try to deny it.
40:18If it weren't true, you wouldn't have set up the number at the hotel.
40:21Oh, go ahead with the happy story of the hotel.
40:23Rebeca had nothing to do with that, you idiot.
40:26That's what she told you?
40:27Look, you want to believe her.
40:30But I'm not going to give you another one, Rebeca.
40:32And you neither.
40:34You're not going to hurt my mother,
40:36or my sister,
40:37and much less my nephew, who is not yet born.
40:40Go, my Cell.
40:42Get out and take this crazy woman.
40:43We're brothers, Santiago.
40:44You're not Frida.
40:46And you're nobody to me.
40:48Nobody loves you here.
40:50Everything you've achieved has been with lies.
40:52And by force.
40:54But not anymore.
40:56I'm talking very seriously, my Cell.
40:58If both of our lives don't disappear,
41:00if they don't go far away,
41:02I'm going to tell the Rivero Cuellar who paid me to steal at their house.
41:07And above all,
41:08I'm going to tell them who shot Dulce.