A girl named Rachael Newman has developed a taste for murder and will stop at nothing to become a college professor's assistant HD ( Horror, Thriller )

  • 3 months ago
A girl named Rachael Newman has developed a taste for murder and will stop at nothing to become a college professor's assistant HD ( Horror, Thriller )
00:00:00I was only 12 years old, naïve and somewhat trusting, but all that was about to change.
00:00:07You know how some babysitters take you to the movies or rollerblading in the park?
00:00:13Mine brought me along on a date with a serial killer, Patrick Bateman.
00:00:17Not my idea of a romantic evening.
00:00:21God, I mean, look at her, all drugged up and tied to a chair.
00:00:26I knew we should have gone to the movies.
00:00:32At first I was scared.
00:00:35I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could.
00:00:39But then, something came over me.
00:00:46As soon as I was free, I got really pissed.
00:00:50I mean, he was about to make a real mess of my babysitter.
00:00:54So I did what I believe many of you would do in similar circumstances.
00:00:58I took matters into my own hands.
00:01:01And it changed my life forever.
00:01:06Is everything alright in there? I thought I heard a crash.
00:01:09Yes, everything's fine, thanks.
00:01:12They found Bateman and his final victim a few days later.
00:01:16The FBI quickly uncovered his psycho past and a few ex-drone cell murders on him,
00:01:20and he became an instant celebrity, an overnight sensation.
00:01:24I think they even wrote a book about him.
00:01:26Only in America.
00:01:28As for me, I was never tied to the scene.
00:01:31And rather than self-destruct or spend the rest of my life on some shrink's couch,
00:01:36I told no one of what had happened.
00:01:38I silently vowed to devote my life to stopping other psycho killers.
00:01:42I couldn't wait to grow up.
00:01:50The next six years of my life were a blur.
00:02:10My parents wrote me off emotionally,
00:02:12my mom became a raging alcoholic,
00:02:14and my dad was busy fucking the secretary.
00:02:17Pretty cliche, huh?
00:02:31So, here I am today,
00:02:33attending the most renowned behavioral studies program in the nation.
00:02:37Here they focus on profiling.
00:02:39The art, craft, and science of tracking serial killers.
00:02:43Of course, the subject matter itself attracts some weirdos.
00:02:46Hey, Rach.
00:02:48Then again, maybe it's just me, dork.
00:02:51Problem is, I don't have time for games.
00:02:53I gotta focus on my work.
00:02:55Come on, you can do better than that.
00:02:57That's what your mama said.
00:03:01And what can I say?
00:03:03Studying murder often brings out the best in people.
00:03:06Got you quick.
00:03:10Getting into West Washington wasn't easy.
00:03:13I busted my ass in high school and maintained a perfect 4.0 grade point average.
00:03:18All this so I could study with the best mind in the field.
00:03:22Professor Robert Starkman.
00:03:25Quite possibly, the most revered hunter of serial killers the FBI ever produced.
00:03:30After solving every high profile crime ever thrown at him,
00:03:34he suddenly made a startling life change and became a teacher.
00:03:37Some say it was his last case.
00:03:40The mysterious death of serial killer Patrick Bateman.
00:03:43Good morning.
00:03:44Funny how life works, isn't it?
00:03:46Good morning.
00:03:47Starkman never discusses the Bateman case.
00:03:51And congratulations on getting through the first half of the semester.
00:03:58I have here the official application form for the teacher's assistant position for next year.
00:04:04This is my golden ticket to Quantico, the FBI's elite training program.
00:04:09Unfortunately, everyone else is here for the same reason.
00:04:12They all know that nine out of Starkman's last ten teaching assistants were accepted into the FBI.
00:04:17I'll be announcing my new assistant for next year by the end of the week,
00:04:21just before we head off for spring break.
00:04:23And talking about spring break, don't forget the party at the dean's mansion.
00:04:28We'll have an opportunity to say goodbye to Ms. McGuire who's leaving us for bigger and better things.
00:04:35Well, after weeks of grueling, if not gruesome work, let's have some fun, shall we?
00:04:41Today we'll be looking at the unique aliases the FBI, the press, and the general public have nicknamed serial killers.
00:04:49And why.
00:04:51His present TA is Elizabeth McGuire.
00:04:54She's already been accepted to Quantico.
00:04:56Early admissions.
00:04:58I'm the front runner to replace her.
00:05:00Nobody comes close to my rock-solid GPA.
00:05:02Dr. H.H. Holmes was once vilified in a biography as the arch-fiend.
00:05:09I'd like to say that none of them have a chance, but grades aren't everything.
00:05:13And I do have some competition.
00:05:16Contender number one.
00:05:18Brian Lees.
00:05:20A GPA as low as his wouldn't normally pose a threat.
00:05:23But his family's fortune isn't so great.
00:05:26A GPA as low as his wouldn't normally pose a threat.
00:05:28But his family's fortune, easily numbering in the hundreds of millions, can't open a lot of doors.
00:05:34I mean, how do you think he got into this school?
00:05:37Can you spell donation?
00:05:39He can't.
00:05:41Albert Fish, a.k.a. the Moon Maniac.
00:05:44A.k.a. the Werewolf of Wisteria.
00:05:47Contender number two.
00:05:49Cassandra Blair.
00:05:50Rumor has it that she and Starkman have been going at it since the beginning of the semester.
00:05:54But my guess? No way.
00:05:57I mean, he's old enough to be her grandfather.
00:06:00Nanny Doss.
00:06:02The black widow who murdered four of her husbands.
00:06:05Contender number three.
00:06:07Keith Lawson.
00:06:09He poses the biggest threat of the three.
00:06:11He and I have been sparring all year in this class.
00:06:14But I've yet to lose a single round.
00:06:17Fact is, none of them have a chance.
00:06:24She's done it on me.
00:06:29She's done it on me.
00:06:33She's done it on me.
00:06:38I'm sorry.
00:06:39But you have a good for nothing moment.
00:06:43Red lips and red leaves fall on my knees like autumn.
00:06:48I miss a cigarette every single day of my life.
00:06:52When you make love to me I close my eyes and pray you say goodbye.
00:07:00She's done it on me.
00:07:06She's beautiful.
00:07:11She's beautiful.
00:07:14It's not that you don't know what love is.
00:07:18It's just that you do not love me.
00:07:29Filling out the application is a mere formality.
00:07:32Come Friday, I will be Professor Starkman's new teaching assistant.
00:07:37The position is mine.
00:07:39I deserve it and I'm going to get it.
00:07:42Yes, there may be a few more hoops I have to jump through.
00:07:46But I can handle them.
00:07:49Besides, failure is not an option.
00:07:55Listen, why don't we just start over here?
00:07:57Because I highly suggest you reconsider your position on this.
00:08:00I'm sorry, Mr. Leeds.
00:08:01I can't make any exceptions.
00:08:03Your GPA is simply not high enough.
00:08:06Are you saying no to me?
00:08:07I mean, do you know who my father is?
00:08:08Do you?
00:08:09Mr. Leeds, I'm well aware of your family's legacy.
00:08:14But heed my advice.
00:08:15A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
00:08:19That's your fucking advice?
00:08:21Listen, I have some advice for you.
00:08:22Get ready to take a very long vacation.
00:08:24Go with God, dear heart.
00:08:27Can you believe this shit?
00:08:29Will, she sees my GPA after my cousin hacks into the mainframe.
00:08:34Hey, do you think they give those things out for Bitch of the Month
00:08:36because that hag in there could be the reigning champion?
00:08:39She's lucky I don't bash her brains in.
00:08:49I was told to drop off my teaching assistant application here after I'm done with it.
00:08:55Well, looks like everything's in order here.
00:08:58Thank you.
00:09:00Wait a second.
00:09:01What's this?
00:09:03It says here that you're a freshman.
00:09:05Yeah, so what?
00:09:07Well, we don't usually allow freshmen or sophomores to become TAs.
00:09:11They have to be a junior or above.
00:09:13Well, this isn't your usual situation.
00:09:16Professor Starkman already told me I could apply.
00:09:19Shouldn't this decision be left up to the professor, not the school?
00:09:22Afraid not.
00:09:23Gonna have to run this one up the flagpole and see who salutes.
00:09:29I'll have to speak with your teacher.
00:09:31Look, I have a schedule to keep.
00:09:33It's all worked out.
00:09:35We do this for your own good, dear.
00:09:37Freshmen can be extremely overwhelmed.
00:09:40Being at college and away from home for the first time in their lives.
00:09:44Here, take this.
00:09:46Beat common freshman fears in ten easy steps.
00:09:50So many new experiences.
00:09:54It's so exciting.
00:09:56Look, the only experience I want is to be Professor Starkman's teaching assistant next semester.
00:10:02Afraid not.
00:10:03It just wouldn't be right.
00:10:05I'm sure Professor Starkman will put in a good word for you,
00:10:08but I don't see how I can make any exceptions at this point
00:10:12without setting a dangerous precedent in school policy.
00:10:16I'll be informing the dean of the situation.
00:10:19I'm sorry, Miss Newman.
00:10:21You'll just have to wait.
00:10:26Have a nice day.
00:10:38I'll see you later.
00:11:05Ricky Martin!
00:11:12Come to Mama!
00:11:17Ricky Martin!
00:11:26You've got some explaining to do.
00:11:46Bad things
00:11:49Oh, thank God!
00:12:19Oh, thank God!
00:12:49Sad things, sad things have to happen.
00:12:56Girls fall in love, together they take us.
00:13:04Hey, Miss Newman.
00:13:05Wow, Brian. Are you stalking me now?
00:13:08No, Rach, listen. If I was stalking you, you'd know it.
00:13:11I mean, you wouldn't know it, you know?
00:13:15Listen, I just thought we should get together and, you know, discuss the State of the Union and just life in general.
00:13:21You get to the point, Brian.
00:13:24My inside source says he's narrowed it down. Guess who's still in the running?
00:13:30Keith, Cassandra and me. I mean, unless you find some way to raise your GPA in the next couple of days.
00:13:36Well, that problem's already solved.
00:13:39So, do you want to catch a bite to eat tomorrow night? Maybe some dinner? Discuss it?
00:13:43And what's to discuss?
00:13:45It's not like it was ever between anyone else. We were always the frontrunners.
00:13:49Well, we could get together and maybe form an alliance. Eliminate our competition.
00:13:57Well, that sounds intriguing, but I have a paper to write.
00:14:01A paper? Listen, Rachel, we should get to know each other better.
00:14:05Is it just me or is there unspoken sexual tension between us?
00:14:09You know, we should just bring it to the surface and stop lying to each other.
00:14:15Are you on crack?
00:14:17I don't know. It was white. It was in a pipe. So, what do you say?
00:14:22I told you I have a paper to write.
00:14:24No, no, no. I'm not taking no for an answer twice in one day.
00:14:27Look, you have to eat, right? I have to eat. We both have to eat. Let's just eat together. It's no big deal.
00:14:32Listen, I was just fucking around with the sexual tension stuff, right?
00:14:35I just throw stuff out there. I'm like crazy. I'm like on a volcano just waiting to erupt.
00:14:41Okay. Okay. Fine. Fine. Just pick me up at 8.
00:14:458? Like 8 p.m.?
00:14:48Like between 7 and 9?
00:14:53Because it's great for me.
00:14:55Alright, I'll see you at 8.
00:14:57Maybe I'll be there like five minutes later.
00:15:02So, what are you doing for spring break?
00:15:05I'm just going to hang around and get some work done.
00:15:07What do you mean hang around? You mean like stay on campus?
00:15:13You're not going home?
00:15:16Because I have work to do.
00:15:18Besides, my family is coming to visit. It's my mom's birthday and they want to see how the other half lives.
00:15:22Okay. That sounds terrible.
00:15:24I know.
00:15:25What are you doing?
00:15:27Bobby's taking me up to his cabin in the Northern Cascades.
00:15:29Cassandra, please don't call him Bobby in front of me.
00:15:32I'm sorry.
00:15:33Professor Starkman is taking me up to his cabin.
00:15:37When do you guys leave?
00:15:38Well, he's got to go upstate first to meet Diana and Louisa.
00:15:42You mean his wife and his baby daughter?
00:15:44Whatever. Yes. Them.
00:15:47He's meeting them as in-laws for the long weekend.
00:15:49God, you know, I can't stand how much of his time they take up.
00:15:53Cass, they're his family.
00:15:56Look, I'm late for a study session. I should just go.
00:16:01God, I can't believe you're actually going out with Brian.
00:16:04I mean, how did that happen?
00:16:10So the other day, our eyes met across a crowded room.
00:16:14And there was this, um, this spark.
00:16:17I mean, it was the sign I'd been waiting for my whole life.
00:16:20I mean, it was then that I knew that, well, that Brian was my soulmate.
00:16:27Oh, my God.
00:16:28I know.
00:16:31No, not really.
00:16:38It's kind of great to be here tonight with you.
00:16:46Can I get you something to drink?
00:16:47Yes, please.
00:16:48Um, I'll have a Kettle One Martini, straight up.
00:16:51Very dry. Very, very dry.
00:16:55And the lady will have...
00:16:57I'll just have a glass of House Red, please.
00:16:59House Red.
00:17:02Be right back.
00:17:05So, you, uh, look great.
00:17:08I mean, you know, your hair is sort of different.
00:17:10It looks good.
00:17:14No problem.
00:17:19So, you know, it's great that we finally have some us time.
00:17:22You know, just you and I hanging out.
00:17:24I agree.
00:17:27Listen, uh, Rach, uh, before we sort of embark on our evening, um, I have a confession to make.
00:17:35Brian, can you wait until we get our drinks before you start making your confessions?
00:17:39Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure, sure.
00:17:47So, um, I'm going to go get a drink.
00:17:57Oh, look, my drinks.
00:18:01Thank you.
00:18:03There you go.
00:18:04Thank you.
00:18:07It's my first day.
00:18:11So, ready to order?
00:18:12Can you, uh, just sort of give us a minute here?
00:18:18Just take your time.
00:18:22Thank you.
00:18:26Okay, so what would you like to confess?
00:18:31Well, this is difficult for me because I really want us to remain friends after I,
00:18:35or regardless of who Starkman picks for the teaching assistant position.
00:18:40Wow, I'm touched.
00:18:41Brian, I really am.
00:18:44But you should know that I'm very determined to get the position.
00:18:47You know, after the last few months, I've been, uh, doing a little research on Cassandra Blair.
00:18:53What kind of research?
00:18:54Well, let's just say that if she gets the position,
00:18:57the dean's office is going to receive an anonymous letter regarding her and Starkman's relationship,
00:19:03accompanied by some very revealing photographs.
00:19:06How Christian of you.
00:19:09Okay, so I guess that narrows it down to three?
00:19:16You know who my father is, right?
00:19:18Yes, Brian, we're all in awe of your family's money.
00:19:21You know, you and Keith are very smart,
00:19:24so I've had to go to great lengths to ensure that my bright future in the FBI goes without a hitch.
00:19:33What are you smiling at?
00:19:42That is the press release for the new Carson Leeds Behavioral Science Building.
00:19:46It's just one of my dad's new pet projects.
00:19:50So, I have an offer you can't refuse.
00:19:55Drop out of the race for the T.A. position,
00:19:57and I'll ensure that you have seven digits of my family's eternal gratitude.
00:20:08Brian, are you bribing me now?
00:20:13Bribe? Rachel, did I say bribe?
00:20:15Just think of it as a business opportunity.
00:20:18Trust me, the alternative wouldn't be too pleasant.
00:20:25I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.
00:20:31It's a quote. Bob Dylan, maybe you've heard of him?
00:20:36Oh, yeah.
00:20:37You know, Brian, you should really get out more.
00:20:40Maybe I will.
00:20:44Night's young.
00:20:46That it is.
00:21:16That's how you do it, right?
00:21:17We're home. We're home.
00:21:27This is like a room.
00:21:47We can stop if you want.
00:21:58No, no, I just, I just don't.
00:22:01What, you don't have any?
00:22:03Listen, don't worry, I'll take care of everything when the time comes.
00:22:07Oh, the old pull out and pray trick. Great, a renaissance man.
00:22:12Wait a sec, wait a sec, the convenience store down the street, I'll just go down there,
00:22:17it's right around the corner, it's really convenient, and I'll get some, I'll get tons.
00:22:21Wait a minute, what am I saying? My roommate, my roommate has got tons of them,
00:22:25like drawers full of them, I mean it's like a prophylactic factory.
00:22:31Are we done here?
00:22:35No, no we're not done. Just wait here, I'm gonna walk down the hall and get some from a friend.
00:22:40Oh, great.
00:22:42Just, just make yourself comfortable.
00:22:49I'll be here.
00:23:11Jeez, a piss chute.
00:23:31What the fuck?
00:24:06For her pleasure.
00:24:09Yep, I just killed Brian.
00:24:12But you gotta look at the positive side, I'm killing for a better tomorrow.
00:24:17Once I get into the FBI, I'll be in a position to stop dozens,
00:24:21maybe even hundreds of serial killers, every year.
00:24:25Okay, think about it, I'm killing the few to save the many.
00:24:29Sort of like Robin Hood, you know?
00:24:32God, I think I need some professional help.
00:24:36So Rachel, have you ever been to a psychiatrist before?
00:24:39No, no. How does it work?
00:24:42It works like this. You want answers.
00:24:45So we get together, we have weekly conversations,
00:24:47and together we ask the questions that will lead you to your answers. Right?
00:24:52God, I could tell you anything, and you'd still never know the real me.
00:24:58Sure you could, and that's your choice, but why would you lie to me?
00:25:02Because I don't expose my Killy Seal to anyone.
00:25:06Why do you say that?
00:25:08Look, all I'm saying is I need to be on watch.
00:25:11If I'm not looking out for number one, then who is?
00:25:14It's a dog-eat-dog world out there,
00:25:17and my future depends on not getting eaten by the other dogs.
00:25:21I have schedules, appointments, goals, and dreams that only I'll be able to fulfill.
00:25:25No one's going to do that for me.
00:25:28Who is it that you think is keeping you from achieving these goals?
00:25:31Other people.
00:25:33What people?
00:25:35Anyone who gets in my way.
00:25:38If you could be anyone in the world, except yourself, who would that be?
00:25:45Elizabeth McGuire.
00:25:48Elizabeth McGuire. Who's she?
00:25:51She's Professor Starkman's present TA, and the next in line to go to Quantico.
00:25:56And Quantico is?
00:25:58My goal. My destiny.
00:26:02I see.
00:26:04Have you ever wanted something so bad that you'd do anything to get it?
00:26:13Go on.
00:26:16And that's why I went to West Washington.
00:26:20And I've always known that, really,
00:26:23there were only three other people who could steal the TA position away from me.
00:26:27What happens if you don't get the position?
00:26:30Oh, I can't even consider that.
00:26:32No, no, failure's not an option. I will get the position.
00:26:36How can you be so sure?
00:26:38Because I am.
00:26:45Why don't we stop there?
00:26:50My secretary will get your billing info on the way out.
00:26:54So, same time next week?
00:26:57You bet.
00:27:11Hey, Bobby, it's Eric.
00:27:12Hey, Eric. What's up?
00:27:15Hey, look, Bobby, I just had a first-time session with one of your students.
00:27:18Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:27:20Aren't we violating some sort of privacy code here?
00:27:23Listen, though, I'll tell you what.
00:27:25I won't tell you the name if you promise not to say it out loud once you've figured it out.
00:27:30Is that a deal?
00:27:32Okay. Fire away.
00:27:35All right.
00:27:37All right, I think I've identified this person as a textbook sociopath.
00:27:41That seems to be a prerequisite for getting into college in the first place.
00:27:44Yeah, tell me about it.
00:27:46Still, this girl has no concept of reality or the difference between right or wrong.
00:27:50A girl?
00:27:52Hmm. The plot thickens.
00:27:54Yeah, she's obsessed with becoming your teaching assistant next semester.
00:27:58Well, if that's her obsession, it's no big deal.
00:28:01These kids seem to think I'm their ticket to the FBI.
00:28:03Look, Bobby, just keep your eyes open.
00:28:06This girl, um...
00:28:08Oh, she scared me.
00:28:10Jesus, Eric, if she's that dangerous, maybe you better tell me her name
00:28:14before she turns up in class with an AK-47.
00:28:17You know I can't do that. I've already broken the law by placing this call.
00:28:21Just be aware that there's a student like this in your class.
00:28:25What exactly do you mean, be aware?
00:28:2825 years in the FBI.
00:28:30Just turn your radar on.
00:28:32Just make sure she doesn't get out of hand.
00:28:34She's already identified three of her peers as enemies.
00:28:37Dr. Daniels?
00:28:40Kate, Kate, Mother.
00:28:44I've got to go. I've got an appointment downtown.
00:28:47I love you. I do. I love you, too.
00:28:50Okay, I'll see you this weekend. Bye.
00:28:54I am so sorry to disturb you.
00:28:56I didn't realize you were on the phone, and your secretary was away from her desk.
00:28:59It's okay.
00:29:01I just left my keys here.
00:29:03I'm sorry.
00:29:05It's okay.
00:29:07I just left my keys here.
00:29:09You know, I am such a textbook nutcase sometimes.
00:29:12I'd probably lose my head if it wasn't screwed on.
00:29:15Oh, there they are.
00:29:21You know, it is so nice that you stay in touch with your mom.
00:29:25How old is she?
00:29:29Wow, 72. That's a great age.
00:29:32So many new and exciting things. The golden years.
00:29:38No. I'm...
00:29:40My wife and I never had children.
00:29:43Was she not able to?
00:29:45Actually, Rachel, we're divorced.
00:29:48You know, I have another patient coming in soon, and I have to prepare for them.
00:29:52So I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
00:29:55Now, which is it, Eric?
00:29:58An appointment downtown?
00:30:00Or a patient in your office?
00:30:06I mean, it's not nice to lie to your dear old mom.
00:30:12See you next week.
00:30:31After my session with Eric, I really needed some therapy.
00:30:35That guy just about drove me nuts.
00:30:37So I went back to something my dad always said.
00:30:40Nothing like a change of scenery to clear your head.
00:30:43To ease the burden of a busy schedule.
00:30:45Besides, tonight is the annual behavioral sciences party at the dean's mansion.
00:30:50I have to look good. I want to be dressed to kill.
00:31:00So sad
00:31:05Other times feels twice as bad
00:31:13When the tears are in her eyes
00:31:20She never cries
00:31:27Ordinary girl
00:31:32I know
00:31:36We're different
00:31:40But I'm a stranger in the world
00:31:43Ordinary girl
00:31:55Excuse me.
00:31:57You see, the Anthony Perkins character in Psycho was modeled on that game.
00:32:02My heart rate nearly triples when I get to the party.
00:32:05And see that the vultures have already descended upon Starkman.
00:32:08He broke the mold because he only murdered two people in his entire career.
00:32:12I must have lost track of time running.
00:32:15I had planned to get here early to get as much face time with Starkman as possible.
00:32:19And now I'm late. This is a disaster.
00:32:22I was the inspiration for Leatherface in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
00:32:26And, uh, hello, Miss Brown.
00:32:31It's good to see you.
00:32:33Hey, Rach. How's it going?
00:32:36So, how was your date with Brian?
00:32:39Oh, fine. Short, I guess. I don't know.
00:32:42Short? How short was he?
00:32:45I mean, it.
00:32:47We didn't get that far. He went home right after dinner.
00:32:49What do you mean?
00:32:50Why'd you come by my room last night to borrow a rubber if he went home right after dinner?
00:32:54Why are you giving me the third degree?
00:32:56Look, I'm just confused is all. Did you guys get it on or not?
00:32:59Look, I don't think it's any of your business. Can we just drop this, please?
00:33:06You know, sometimes I just don't get what's going on in your head.
00:33:08It's like you're not even here.
00:33:11What'd you do last night?
00:33:14Bobby came over for a study session.
00:33:16I'm sorry. Professor Starkman came over for a study session.
00:33:19And let me assure you, it was definitely not short.
00:33:24Oh, I'm gonna vomit.
00:33:30What are you smiling at, freak?
00:33:33Come here.
00:33:37Bob, I mean, the professor, told me I'm a shoo-in for the TA position next year.
00:33:42I mean, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but since you and I are so close, I figured I could share.
00:33:46I was gonna burst.
00:33:49Just think, now I get to spend all this time with my sweetie.
00:33:52And his wife's just gonna think we're working.
00:33:56Oh, hey, wait a minute. Maybe I'll even get to go to Quantico.
00:33:59How great would that be?
00:34:01Just make sure you don't tell anyone, okay?
00:34:04Not even Brian?
00:34:05You know what, Cass, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.
00:34:08God, this party's such a dud.
00:34:10Why don't we just blow it off and you can give me all the details?
00:34:14Let me talk to Starkman, and then we can go to Jittery Joe's, grab coffee.
00:34:17No, no, no, no, no. It's way, way too crowded.
00:34:19You don't want anyone to know about you and Bobby.
00:34:22Why don't we grab a bottle of wine and go to your room?
00:34:25Oh, that sounds great.
00:34:27Just make sure you don't tell anyone, okay?
00:34:30Don't let me down.
00:34:32Don't worry. I would never let you down.
00:34:37Like I said, Cassie, student-teacher relationships just never work out.
00:34:45Hi, it's Cassandra. I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a quickie and I'll get back to you. Bye.
00:34:56Hello, Cassandra. Professor Starkman here.
00:35:00Listen, it's 11.25, and you missed your study session.
00:35:05Call me back to reschedule.
00:35:15Dr. Daniels?
00:35:17I'm sorry to drop in without an appointment, but there's something on my mind.
00:35:23Sure. Sure, Rachel.
00:35:27How are things with you?
00:35:29Oh, they couldn't be better.
00:35:31Really? Any word on that teaching assistant job yet?
00:35:35He's not going to announce it until the day before spring break.
00:35:38When does that start for you guys?
00:35:41When does that start for you guys?
00:35:43End of the week.
00:35:45Really? Two days?
00:35:48How do you feel about that?
00:35:49Pretty confident.
00:35:51So, you think you'll get the job?
00:35:53Oh, I don't think, Eric. I know.
00:35:56Okay, Rachel. Worst case scenario, you don't get the job. What then?
00:36:02What are you talking about, Dr. Daniels? It's mine.
00:36:06I know you want me to come with some informed idea of what's wrong with me, but I'll be honest, okay?
00:36:11I came here today to tell you that I'm not coming back next week.
00:36:14Don't worry, though, because I have every intention of paying for your time this morning.
00:36:17However, I feel that the problem we have connecting here lies mostly with you.
00:36:23Look, this is a small town, and my guess is you know almost everyone here.
00:36:30You were born here, right?
00:36:33It must be so disappointing to see all these college kids come in and out of your town.
00:36:38Every year, moving on to bigger and better opportunities,
00:36:41while you just stay here, year after year, just getting older and older.
00:36:46I mean, all while taking care of your dear old mom.
00:36:49And on top of this, you're divorced?
00:36:51I mean, God, the female population in this town, aside from the sexy little college girls running around, must be pretty weak.
00:37:00This alone will cripple any man.
00:37:03Your level of frustration must be through the roof.
00:37:06A dead-end job with no love life?
00:37:09I mean, all while taking care of your sick mom.
00:37:13Just the other day, I noticed you were judging me.
00:37:18Is that fair? I mean, really, is that?
00:37:22I don't think so.
00:37:25Your life is very similar to Ed Gein's.
00:37:29Ed Gein?
00:37:30Yes, Ed Gein.
00:37:32Very famous serial killer.
00:37:35A bachelor, raised by his domineering mother, until she died when he was roughly your age.
00:37:41God, he went nuts. He couldn't handle the loss.
00:37:45I wonder what would happen to you without your mother.
00:37:47Okay, Rachel, that's enough.
00:37:49You don't know me, and I don't know you.
00:37:52We're just in the process of getting to know each other, all right?
00:37:54That's what these sessions are, a process, so don't go jumping to conclusions.
00:37:58Oh, no, no, no. I'm not jumping to any conclusions here.
00:38:02If you'd just open up your eyes, you'd see I'm already there.
00:38:09Have a good day, Doctor.
00:38:16Let's talk about Ted Bundy for a minute, shall we?
00:38:20What kind of a killer was he?
00:38:23How was he perceived?
00:38:26Mr. Lawson wishes to participate. Please, let's hear it.
00:38:31He was perceived as a very organized killer, very calculated.
00:38:37You don't agree, Ms. Newman?
00:38:39Yes and no.
00:38:42Come on, this guy planned each and every detail in advance.
00:38:46He chose victims with extreme accuracy, he stalked them meticulously and waited for the absolute precise moment to attack.
00:38:52All while maintaining an air of patience not even the FBI's greatest could penetrate.
00:38:56No offense, sir.
00:38:58Not taken.
00:39:00Oh, but I still don't agree.
00:39:02On top of that, he picked all his dumping sites ahead of time with the utmost caution.
00:39:06He was unquestionably an organized killer, premeditated with a capital P.
00:39:11Capital P?
00:39:13P, it's a letter in the alphabet.
00:39:16Between the O and the Q.
00:39:22You have something to say, Ms. Newman?
00:39:27He started out organized, but spiraled downward late in his so-called career.
00:39:32He began to keep bodies for days, meticulously washing their hair and even applying makeup before disposing of them.
00:39:38And he littered the dumping sites with evidence, using the utmost caution.
00:39:42However, his last victim, and his youngest girl ever, fell out of his typical victim selection.
00:39:49He was chosen out of sheer availability.
00:39:52The sheer need to kill.
00:39:54He was both.
00:39:56An organized killer and off-the-charts lunatic.
00:39:58Oh, with a capital L.
00:40:01You're right.
00:40:03He was both.
00:40:05Very impressive, Ms. Newman.
00:40:08Now, Professor Starkman, how would you classify a killer whose downward spiral was actually calculated into their grand scheme?
00:40:16Well, that's a very interesting hypothesis, Ms. Newman.
00:40:19Unfortunately, in this class, we stick to the facts.
00:40:23And there's no known case study of that nature.
00:40:46Keith's little display of brainpower in class today was totally unacceptable.
00:41:14I mean, it's a day before Starkman announces his new teaching assistant.
00:41:18This could be catastrophic.
00:41:20I wasn't about to watch years of hard work go down the drain.
00:41:23It was time to pick Keith's brain.
00:41:29You know that warm feeling you get when you realize that there are people out there just like you?
00:41:34It almost makes you feel normal.
00:41:37I mean, all this time, I thought he was taking notes.
00:41:40But no.
00:41:41Look at his work.
00:41:43His sketches.
00:41:45They're absolutely brilliant.
00:41:48This may be a waste of a rare mind.
00:41:50But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
00:42:14Thank you.
00:42:34Hi, Professor Starkman.
00:42:38Ms. Brown.
00:42:39How are you?
00:42:41So, the big day's tomorrow, right?
00:42:45What do you mean?
00:42:46For the TA position.
00:42:48You're announcing it tomorrow, right?
00:42:49Yes, of course.
00:42:51At noon.
00:42:52In my classroom.
00:42:54I can't wait.
00:42:56I think my chances are much better this year than they were last.
00:42:58I would think so.
00:43:00It's a very tight race this year.
00:43:04So were you looking for Cassandra?
00:43:07Because, I mean, she wasn't in class.
00:43:08So she probably left for spring break quite early.
00:43:10Well, actually, um...
00:43:12The, um...
00:43:14It's Cassandra, isn't it?
00:43:16She got the position.
00:43:18Well, good for her, but...
00:43:20Look, I can't say that I'm not disappointed, but, I mean...
00:43:24It's like they say.
00:43:26What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?
00:43:30Well, I'll see ya.
00:43:40I'll see ya.
00:44:10Oh, my God.
00:44:41Hi, it's Cassandra.
00:44:43I can't get to the phone right now,
00:44:45so leave a quickie and I'll get back to ya.
00:44:50Hi, it's Cassandra.
00:44:52I can't get to the phone right now,
00:44:54so leave a quickie and I'll get back to ya.
00:45:14Eric, for God's sakes.
00:45:16She's dead.
00:45:18Who is?
00:45:20She is.
00:45:22The she whose name we agreed not to say aloud.
00:45:25My patient, dead?
00:45:29She hung herself.
00:45:31You didn't say she was suicidal.
00:45:34Well, she had suicidal tendencies, but...
00:45:37I was more concerned with these sociopathic and homicidal patterns that were emerging.
00:45:41Spare me your psychopathal bullshit.
00:45:44This girl...
00:45:46She may have been a little forward,
00:45:48but she wasn't crazy.
00:45:50Okay, well, I'm sorry you disagree, Bobby,
00:45:52but you didn't see what I saw.
00:45:54I mean, this girl was not a pretty picture.
00:45:56Listen, Eric, I spent a lot of time with this girl,
00:45:58and I gotta tell you, I don't agree with you on this one.
00:46:01Okay, well, there are tons of kids in your classes.
00:46:03I mean, how could you possibly know her as well as you think you did?
00:46:07We're bound by...
00:46:10the guidelines of doctor-patient privilege, right?
00:46:14Oh, shit.
00:46:16You didn't, Bob.
00:46:18You weren't sleeping with her?
00:46:21Well, no wonder she was obsessing over you.
00:46:24Bobby, how could you do this to Diane?
00:46:26None of your fucking business.
00:46:28Fine. Fine.
00:46:30Why'd you call me in the first place?
00:46:32Because you're my fucking shrink.
00:46:34I'm sorry, Eric.
00:46:36I just needed someone to talk to.
00:46:40I loved her.
00:46:47Eric, can you get me some Valium?
00:46:50Yeah. Yeah, I'll call it into the pharmacy.
00:46:54Can I give you some advice?
00:47:13So here we are.
00:47:15The big day.
00:47:17In moments, I will be crowned Starking's new TA
00:47:20and be one step closer to the FBI.
00:47:23Oh, it's too bad Bryan Cass and Keith couldn't be here to watch me,
00:47:27but wherever they are,
00:47:29I'm sure they'll realize they did not give up their lives in vain.
00:47:33I will make them proud.
00:47:35Guys, can I have your attention, please?
00:47:38Professor Starkman told me to tell you
00:47:41that unfortunately he's decided that his sabbatical,
00:47:44which was previously scheduled for next year,
00:47:47is now effective immediately.
00:47:49In other words, there'll be no TA position for next semester.
00:47:56Have a great spring break.
00:49:13Professor Starkman.
00:49:18Professor Starkman.
00:49:31Why haven't you gone home?
00:49:35Oh, I'm just going to hang around here during the break, Professor.
00:49:41Don't you have family that's waiting at home for you?
00:49:45No. No, actually, they're going to come visit me here.
00:49:51Are you okay, Professor?
00:49:54I mean, I heard about the change in plans.
00:50:01Is that why you're here?
00:50:04Is that all you people ever think about?
00:50:08Goddamn teaching assistant job.
00:50:12Quantico. Don't you kids get it?
00:50:15It's not even that important.
00:50:18Well, it's important to me.
00:50:20I have a schedule, a plan, a dream. I need it.
00:50:23What makes you think you're going to get it?
00:50:27Other students have applied too, you know.
00:50:30Some more qualified than you.
00:50:32I beg your pardon?
00:50:34I believe I am the most qualified for this position.
00:50:37Name someone who's more dedicated or intelligent,
00:50:40that has more experience than me.
00:50:42What do you mean, more experience?
00:50:44You don't even know what you're talking about.
00:50:46Go on home.
00:50:49What are you doing?
00:50:51Shh. Just relax, Bobby.
00:51:08Where'd you get that?
00:51:10I don't know.
00:51:12It's in my pocket.
00:51:15Where'd you get that?
00:51:20And the dress.
00:51:26What's going on here?
00:51:28Bobby, what's wrong?
00:51:30Don't fuck with me.
00:51:32That necklace.
00:51:34And Cassandra's dress.
00:51:36It was a present.
00:51:38Bobby, don't you remember?
00:51:41Bobby, don't you remember?
00:51:43You gave it to me.
00:51:47Stop it.
00:51:49This isn't...
00:51:52I said go home.
00:51:55I mean it.
00:51:59Look, I have a confession to make.
00:52:02I've had feelings for you for a long time now, Bobby.
00:52:05Longer than you could imagine.
00:52:08I've always wanted something to happen between us.
00:52:11Something beautiful.
00:52:15I love you, Bobby.
00:52:19Please don't be upset, Bobby.
00:52:21Stop calling me Bobby.
00:52:23Okay, I'm a little confused.
00:52:26You're confused? How do you think I feel?
00:52:29Rachel, Miss Newman.
00:52:33This is unacceptable.
00:52:35Oh, it is.
00:52:37But it was okay for you and Cassandra.
00:52:39How did...
00:52:41I don't know what you're talking about. Please leave.
00:52:43God, I've always loved you.
00:52:46Ever since I first saw you.
00:52:48Before Diane ever loved you.
00:52:50Before Cassandra ever loved you.
00:52:52Before Clara even ever loved you. It was always me.
00:52:55God, don't you get it?
00:52:57How'd you know about Clara?
00:52:59That was six years ago.
00:53:01I was there, Bobby.
00:53:03Clara was babysitting me that night.
00:53:05Clara is here.
00:53:07Do something.
00:53:09I was in Bateman's apartment.
00:53:11Clara used to babysit me all the time.
00:53:14She would tell me about your relationship with her.
00:53:16She'd show me pictures of you.
00:53:18You were my first crush.
00:53:21You were in Patrick Bateman's apartment?
00:53:24That night he killed Clara?
00:53:35And I know you quit the FBI because of what happened to her.
00:53:38I think you blame yourself for her death.
00:53:41Bobby, homework. No play.
00:53:44You want to play? Uh-huh.
00:53:48But she was the one who looked through your stuff and found the file on Bateman.
00:53:51She's the one who tracked him down.
00:53:53And she went to his apartment that night and dragged me along.
00:53:56Rich and good looking.
00:53:58Remind me why we're together again?
00:54:00You shouldn't blame yourself.
00:54:02She was going over there to cheat on you. Did you know that?
00:54:04I mean, did you know she was a slut?
00:54:06Shut up! It's the truth.
00:54:08Okay? She got what she deserved.
00:54:10And so did Cassandra.
00:54:12You know, she always thought you didn't love her enough.
00:54:15It's my turn now. I've waited for this for over six years.
00:54:18I won't let anyone get in my way.
00:54:20Not even Diane and your baby girl.
00:54:22Don't you threaten my family?
00:54:25Oh, so now you care about your family.
00:54:31You just can't hold a relationship together, can you?
00:54:34You think you're the catch of a lifetime.
00:54:36Old man, you're just the opportunity of a lifetime.
00:54:40After you can't break any more hearts, you'll still break just one more.
00:54:43Your baby daughters.
00:54:46Please. No more.
00:54:59Goodbye, Poppy.
00:55:10Hope you had a safe trip.
00:55:21Hey, nice walk.
00:55:24Sweet dreams.
00:55:58Hey! Hey, stop!
00:56:03Yeah, that's it. Yeah.
00:56:05Bring it back. Yeah, yeah.
00:56:07Bring it... Yeah, yeah.
00:56:09Back it up. That's it. Yeah, you got it.
00:56:12Bring it in here. Thank you very much.
00:56:15Driving around here like goddamn maniacs.
00:56:18That's good. Perfect. Thank you very much.
00:56:22I sure do hope you've got...
00:56:26Holy shit!
00:56:32What the hell's going on here?
00:56:34Oh, oh, that? That's Professor Starkman.
00:56:36He's a little out of it tonight.
00:56:51You've reached Robert Starkman in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department.
00:56:55Please leave a message.
00:56:57Hey, Bobby, it's Eric.
00:56:59I felt bad about the other day. I just wanted to call you and say I was sorry.
00:57:02And I hope you got the prescription filled okay.
00:57:05So call me if you need anything.
00:57:14Good afternoon, Dr. Daniels' office.
00:57:16Mary, if that's Bobby Starkman, I'll take it in here.
00:57:19I can take you at three. All right. Bye-bye.
00:57:25It was for an appointment, not the professor.
00:57:29I put her in at three. That really intense girl, Rachel Newman,
00:57:32she wanted to come in today.
00:57:40Rachel Newman? Are you sure?
00:57:42Yeah. Eric, are you okay?
00:57:49You can reschedule her if you want.
00:57:51I'm, uh...
00:57:54No, I'm, I'm, I'm fine. I'm fine.
00:57:57I just, uh, it's been a long day, I guess.
00:58:00Okay. Let me know if you need anything.
00:58:07Bye, Mary.
00:58:24You've reached Robert Starkman
00:58:26in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department.
00:58:28Please leave a message.
00:58:30Yeah, Bobby, it's Eric again.
00:58:32Call me when you get this.
00:58:34I'm really confused about something.
00:58:36If you don't reach me by three, just, uh,
00:58:38I'll drop by your office between 4 or 4.30, something like that.
00:58:41Okay. Bye.
00:59:02Hi, honey.
00:59:07We made it.
00:59:08Hi, princess.
00:59:10Aren't you going to invite us in?
00:59:14Geez, I'm sorry. Yes, please, come in.
00:59:16Well, hi, happy birthday.
00:59:18Oh, thank you, sweetie.
00:59:20Oh, we've been planning this for months.
00:59:24Sweet Jesus, it smells like somebody died in here.
00:59:28Yeah, the toilet's clocked up,
00:59:30and the maintenance is not really up and running,
00:59:32so there's nothing I can do.
00:59:33Oh, well, that's wretched.
00:59:36Oh, sweetheart, you are such a clothes horse.
00:59:39What am I going to do with you?
00:59:41Don't open the closet, Mom.
00:59:43Your present's in there.
00:59:45Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
00:59:47Look at me, always almost spoiling the surprise.
00:59:51Well, what are we going to eat?
00:59:53I'm hungry.
00:59:54Oh, good, good.
00:59:55I made a reservation at a restaurant for 5.30.
00:59:57You see, I'm going out of town with a friend of mine later tonight, so...
01:00:00Well, is this restaurant reasonably priced?
01:00:03Is there an early bird special?
01:00:06I don't think so.
01:00:07Oh, that's too bad.
01:00:09What's it called?
01:00:10Chez Girard's.
01:00:11Is that Italian?
01:00:13You know, your father cannot digest Italian food.
01:00:16It's too spicy.
01:00:17Mother, it's French.
01:00:21Oh, how sophisticated.
01:00:24Yeah, okay, I've got to finish packing
01:00:26and finish writing some term papers,
01:00:28so why don't you guys go back to the motel,
01:00:30and we'll meet back at the restaurant at 5.30?
01:00:32Sounds good to me.
01:00:34I've got to use the head.
01:00:36You really got to get maintenance up here.
01:00:38Daddy, I called.
01:00:40Now, how will we ever find this place?
01:00:43No, we'll be back at 5.15 to pick you up.
01:00:45Okay, Mom.
01:00:46Okay, Mom.
01:00:47Bye, Princess.
01:00:48Bye. I love you guys.
01:00:49Love you, too.
01:01:04He's coming.
01:01:25You've reached Robert Starkman
01:01:26in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department.
01:01:28Please leave a message.
01:01:30Hey, Bobby, it's Eric.
01:01:32Listen, I know you're going through some tough times,
01:01:34but, um, she, uh, the she who hung herself,
01:01:37well, she made an appointment to see me today.
01:01:39I don't know if this is some kind of joke,
01:01:41but something's not right.
01:01:42Call me when you get this, all right?
01:01:47Roses are red, violets are blue.
01:01:50The Daniels will soon be calling back you.
01:01:53Yeah, Mom, you really got to change that message.
01:01:56Anyway, I'll come by around 5.30,
01:01:58pick you up for our big date,
01:02:00and I'll make sure to get you back in time for Murder, She Wrote.
01:02:02All right, bye.
01:02:15Bon appétit.
01:02:16Happy birthday, Mom.
01:02:20Oh, it's gorgeous.
01:02:24Oh, this is the most beautiful thing
01:02:26I have ever received in my life.
01:02:28How ever did you afford it?
01:02:30It's stainless steel.
01:02:32It's silver, you old lump.
01:02:35It's stainless steel.
01:02:37Silver has that, uh, you know, distinguished look about it.
01:02:41Anyway, as I was saying before,
01:02:45I said to Leora she ought to have it looked at immediately.
01:02:49So what does she do?
01:02:51She waits an entire month before she sees the doctor,
01:02:54and then when she finally does see him,
01:02:56he orders a biopsy, and it comes back positive.
01:03:00Well, could you just die?
01:03:02I mean, if she had only taken my advice,
01:03:05she could have avoided this entire mess.
01:03:07I know we're going to eat dinner at some point in time.
01:03:10The question is when.
01:03:12Excuse me, I'm going to go use the restroom.
01:03:15Don't forget to wash your hands.
01:03:19Now, where's my steak knife?
01:03:21My mother drives me crazy.
01:03:23Now, I know that sounds pretty cliché,
01:03:25but how many people actually envision
01:03:27carving into their mother's neck and yanking out her vocal cords?
01:03:30Or maybe ripping her tongue out and serving it to her
01:03:33as an early-bird special?
01:03:36Daniel's table for two, please.
01:03:38Great. I've got a table right here for you.
01:03:40Excellent. After you.
01:03:45Why don't you sit on the other side?
01:03:47Get a view of the whole thing.
01:03:50Oh, excusez-moi, Garson.
01:03:53Could I have an ultra steak knife, silver plate?
01:03:57Oh, of course.
01:04:00Madame, madame.
01:04:02Would you like a table closer to the window?
01:04:04Well, that would be very nice, dear.
01:04:06Okay, I'll ask.
01:04:07All right.
01:04:08Good evening, good evening.
01:04:09Listen, I was wondering if it was possible
01:04:11to get a table a little closer to the window
01:04:13in that section over there?
01:04:14Oh, that section's closed for spring break.
01:04:18Um, no problem.
01:04:21I understand. This table is fine.
01:04:24Good. So can I get you something to drink?
01:04:27I'll have a whiskey sour, ma'am.
01:04:29I'll need some water so I can take my pills.
01:04:35As I stare at myself in the mirror,
01:04:37I realize that I can't let my mother get the best of me.
01:04:40I'm Robert Starkman's next T.A.,
01:04:42and that is where I'm going to focus my energies.
01:04:44I should set up a meeting with Bobby
01:04:46when I get back to the dorm.
01:04:47Maybe we can brainstorm at his cabin tonight.
01:04:50I'll make him my special eggs.
01:05:01Ready to order?
01:05:04Maybe you'd give us a little bit more time?
01:05:07Sure, of course.
01:05:09I'll be just over there.
01:05:11Take your time.
01:05:12Thank you.
01:05:16Cheers, my dear. Cheers.
01:05:22Oh, my God.
01:05:28Hello, Dr. Daniels.
01:05:30It's great to see you.
01:05:34And this must be your mother.
01:05:37Why, hello, Mrs. Daniels.
01:05:38How are you doing this evening?
01:05:40Oh, I'm fine, dear.
01:05:42Oh, my God.
01:05:44I just love that hat.
01:05:47I would kill for a hat like that.
01:05:50It is just so cute.
01:05:53You know what?
01:05:54I have to be getting back to my table,
01:05:56but it was great meeting you.
01:05:57Very nice meeting you, too, sweetheart.
01:06:03See you later, Eric.
01:06:10Well, who is that pretty girl?
01:06:12A new girlfriend, I hope.
01:06:16She's a patient.
01:06:18A very sick patient.
01:06:22Would you excuse me for a second?
01:06:23Yes, of course, dear.
01:06:24I'll be right back.
01:06:32Excuse me.
01:06:33I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner.
01:06:34I'm a friend of your daughter's, and...
01:06:37Miss Newman, could I have a word with you for a moment?
01:06:43Mom, Dad, I'll be just a minute.
01:06:47Excuse me.
01:06:50Shit, I'm eating.
01:06:53Didn't he just call her a different name?
01:06:58All right, you have some explaining to do.
01:07:00First of all, you insult me.
01:07:02Then you threaten my mother.
01:07:04You're having an affair with a married man.
01:07:05Then I hear that you've hung yourself.
01:07:07And now you act as if none of this ever happened.
01:07:09So, what is going on?
01:07:11Wait, you heard I hung myself?
01:07:14Eric, why would you say that?
01:07:16Let's just say a mutual friend told me that he found you hanging.
01:07:22Is this some sort of sick joke?
01:07:24He never found me.
01:07:26He found her.
01:07:29Her who?
01:07:32You know what? It doesn't even matter anymore.
01:07:34It's not that important.
01:07:36What's important is it's my mom's birthday and I'm here with her.
01:07:39I'll catch up with you later.
01:07:48Honey, why did he call you Ms. Newman?
01:07:51I don't know, Mom.
01:07:52Can we just eat, please? I have to go home and pack.
01:07:54Oh, honey, can't you cancel?
01:07:56I mean, we never get a chance to see you.
01:07:59Look, Mom, I wish I could, but I can't.
01:08:01I mean, they're very special plans.
01:08:03A boy?
01:08:06Yes, it's a boy.
01:08:08Oh, what's his name?
01:08:10Bobby Starkman.
01:09:27Hey, Jim.
01:09:28Hey, Dr. Daniels.
01:09:29Can I offer you a cup of this apricot peppermint blend I got from New York?
01:09:32Ah, thanks, Jim. Listen, I think we might have a bit of trouble.
01:09:35Is Harvard?
01:09:36Yeah, he's in back.
01:09:38Hey, brain old Ziggy Ford himself.
01:09:40What's the good word, Doc?
01:09:41Not much, Harvey.
01:09:42I want to file a missing persons report on Robert Starkman.
01:09:45Are you kidding?
01:09:46I wish I was.
01:09:47Well, no, I mean his wife Diane called about 20 minutes ago trying to do the same thing.
01:09:51Yeah, apparently he didn't show up at his in-laws upstate like he was supposed to.
01:09:55You're kidding.
01:09:56Well, I wish I was. It's been a crazy year for that kind of thing.
01:09:58What do you mean?
01:09:59Well, it's the third NPR we've filed this year.
01:10:02Isn't that right, Jimmy?
01:10:03That's a record around these parts, Doc.
01:10:05Well, who else was there?
01:10:06Well, let's have a look.
01:10:12Yeah, I got a brand new one here.
01:10:13This is a woman, Gertie Fleck.
01:10:15Worked at the student services, just up and disappeared.
01:10:18And, of course, the Newman girl.
01:10:22Yeah, about seven months ago.
01:10:23Student by the name of Rachel Newman disappeared.
01:10:26The first day of the fall semester, actually.
01:10:28Jimmy and I tootled up onto the campus there to check it out, and guess what?
01:10:33Afternoon. I'm Sheriff Winslow. This is Deputy Duncan.
01:10:36We're just looking for a...
01:10:39Are you Rachel Newman?
01:10:41Yeah. Why, what's wrong?
01:10:43Well, we just checked on a missing persons report on yourself.
01:10:47You're not missing, are you?
01:10:50No, I'm okay.
01:10:53She was there, completely unharmed.
01:10:56Are you sure I couldn't offer you a cup of tea?
01:10:58No, thanks, Jim.
01:11:00Yeah, I actually know this Rachel Newman girl, and I gotta be honest with you.
01:11:03I don't trust her one bit.
01:11:06Um, are you just telling me that the parents just dropped the...
01:11:09Well, no, I never said nothing about parents there, Doc.
01:11:11Well, the Newman girl, she was an orphan.
01:11:14The report was filed by some student friends of hers.
01:11:16Like I said, it was a false alarm.
01:11:18Well, how do you know it was the right girl?
01:11:20Well, there's only one Rachel Newman registered at West Washington.
01:11:23It had to be her.
01:11:25Can I convince you guys just to come to the campus with me
01:11:28so that we can just make sure everything's okay?
01:11:31Yeah. Yeah, no problem, Doc.
01:11:37Should I get in here?
01:11:38Yeah, that's fine.
01:11:48You've reached Robert Starkman
01:11:49in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Department.
01:11:52Please leave a message.
01:11:54Hey, Bobby, it's me.
01:11:55I'm almost done packing here, so I'll be there soon.
01:11:58I hope you're as excited as I am.
01:12:00Hey, if you need me to pick up anything from the store,
01:12:02I'll be here for another five minutes.
01:12:03Otherwise, I'll see you soon.
01:12:06I love you.
01:12:17God, you stink.
01:12:23Now, how'd you get open?
01:12:26You weren't trying to sneak out on me, now, were you?
01:12:29I just brought you up, and you're already causing problems.
01:12:35Don't fall apart on me now, Rach.
01:12:43I like your room.
01:12:44But actually, I like your name, too.
01:12:50I mean, you don't mind if I borrow it for a bit, do you?
01:12:52Right, well, this is, uh,
01:12:54a little coot's chase, I guess, Jimmy.
01:12:56Well, you have a good day, all right?
01:12:57Okay, you, too.
01:12:58Thank you, officer.
01:13:03Hey, Mom.
01:13:05I know I've been out of touch,
01:13:06but I got accepted to West Washington.
01:13:08I know, can you believe it?
01:13:12I'm so sad about your parents,
01:13:13the whole car accident thing and all.
01:13:15So tragic.
01:13:16It must have been so hard growing up an orphan.
01:13:19But, I gotta tell you,
01:13:21I'm sure glad you shared it with me.
01:13:40Oh, Bobby.
01:13:42Now, I told you to get your beauty sleep.
01:13:44We have a long night ahead of us.
01:13:50Ugh, you're disgusting.
01:13:59So, I'm two cans of gas
01:14:01and a brick away from Quantico.
01:14:03All I've gotta do is stop the I's and cross the T's,
01:14:05and I'm home free.
01:14:09Look out!
01:14:11Jesus Christ!
01:14:13Jesus jumped up the window!
01:14:15I think that was a Newman girl.
01:14:16She's on the move, boys. Hang on.
01:14:27Not now, Bobby.
01:14:29Just wait till we get to the cabin.
01:14:31I'll make you a fire.
01:14:33I'll heat you up real good.
01:14:42Well, I think this qualifies as breaking the speed limit,
01:14:44don't you think, Garth?
01:14:45Oh, yeah.
01:14:46Doing 60...
01:14:48in a 35.
01:14:50Yeah, yeah, Jimmy.
01:15:08Coming up on oatmeal bend, boys.
01:15:10Slow down for the curve there.
01:15:11That's where we'll take her.
01:15:12Okay, just take it easy, Garth.
01:15:13We don't want anyone getting hurt.
01:15:15It's all under control, doc. All under control.
01:15:17That's 275 bucks, man.
01:15:19Yeah, do you think you could pull up next to her?
01:15:21Well, yeah. Yeah, for a bit.
01:15:22All right. Hang on, boys.
01:15:33Jesus Christ!
01:15:41God darn it, Harv, can you do something?
01:15:43All right, all right, all right.
01:15:44Tighten the wheel, doc.
01:15:57All right, she's slowing down.
01:15:58She's slowing down, boys.
01:15:59All right, that did the trick.
01:16:11Whoa, whoa, doc, you stay here.
01:16:13Okay, just be careful. She's a loose cannon.
01:16:15That's all part of the job.
01:16:16All right, Jimmy?
01:16:40Ma'am, you want to open the door?
01:16:42Come on!
01:16:45Come on, come on.
01:16:46Come on, guys.
01:16:47Don't let her get away.
01:17:06Oh, this don't look good.
01:17:15What the hell?
01:17:16Oh, don't let it be Bobby.
01:17:24How the hell?
01:17:29Where the heck's our lady?
01:17:32Oh, Jesus Christ!
01:17:33Oh, my God!
01:17:34Oh, my God!
01:17:35Oh, my God!
01:17:36Oh, my God!
01:17:37Oh, my God!
01:17:38Oh, my God!
01:17:39Jesus, get back!
01:17:40Oh, my God!
01:17:46Come on.
01:18:10A bizarre killing spree finally came to an end last night
01:18:13when 18-year-old West Washington student Rachel Newman,
01:18:16now identified as the West Washington...
01:18:18Rachel Newman's killing spree is believed to have begun
01:18:20Wednesday evening with the murder of Gertrude Fleck.
01:18:23The body of Cassandra Blair was found hanging in her West Washington...
01:18:26The body of Brian Leeds, eldest son of Walter...
01:18:29West Washington student Keith Lawson was found stabbed to death...
01:18:32The bodies of a West Washington security guard and janitor
01:18:34were found within hours of each other.
01:18:36Once a typical all-American girl,
01:18:38Rachel Newman's death leaves many questions unanswered.
01:18:41The most burning question of all?
01:18:53As a case study, Rachel Newman was as rare as they come.
01:18:58She was more obsessed than Dahmer.
01:19:00She's more calculated than Bundy
01:19:02and certainly more faceless than Bateman.
01:19:05In a perfect world, she'd still be alive.
01:19:10But for her, it all ended in a blaze of fire
01:19:14in which she and her final victim,
01:19:17a friend of mine, Robert Starkman,
01:19:21they burned to death.
01:19:24I wish I had a chance to study her mind more,
01:19:28but all we ended up with were dental records.
01:19:31All in all, she killed eight people.
01:19:34Eight people which we know of.
01:19:37Rachel Newman is one in a billion.
01:19:41One in a billion.
01:19:44She's in a league of her own.
01:19:48But she will remain a constant and strong reminder
01:19:51that people aren't always what they seem to be.
01:19:54Thanks for taking the time to come out.
01:20:09Thank you for coming, Doctor.
01:20:10It's a pleasure.
01:20:11Who should I make it out to?
01:20:12Lewis. O'Conn.
01:20:16Here you go.
01:20:17Thank you.
01:20:18It's a pleasure. Who should I make it out to?
01:20:20Lewis. O'Conn.
01:20:23Here you go.
01:20:24Thank you.
01:20:26Can I have a different pen?
01:20:27Here you go.
01:20:30Who should I make it out to?
01:20:35Elizabeth McGuire.
01:20:45Your work is so inspiring.
01:20:47It's a huge honor to meet you.
01:20:50If you could be anyone in the world, besides yourself,
01:20:52who would that be?
01:20:54Elizabeth McGuire.
01:20:55Professor Starkman's presentier.
01:20:57And the next in line to go to Quantico.
01:21:00You can't be.
01:21:03What, Eric?
01:21:05One in a billion?
01:21:13Hello, Doctor Daniels. Thank you.
01:21:15Do you know that girl?
01:21:18Elizabeth McGuire.
01:21:20You mean Agent McGuire.
01:21:22She's the first Quantico student in history
01:21:24to be drafted into the Bureau in her sophomore year.
01:21:36Are you all right, Doctor?
01:21:47It's like they say.
01:21:48The brightest futures are based on forgotten pasts.
01:21:52In the end, I did put Doctor Daniels in a bit of a pickle.
01:21:55But you've got a gift to take, you know.
01:21:58He gets his national bestseller, which is ever so flawed.
01:22:03I wonder how he sleeps at night knowing that I still walk the streets.
01:22:08I need for him to know.
01:22:10I mean, what's the point of pulling off the perfect set of murders
01:22:14to realize my dream
01:22:15if there isn't someone alive who knows about it?
01:22:20It would be as if I've done nothing at all.
