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00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02For my daughter Nicole, I leave the remainder of my personal belongings.
00:07That's it.
00:08She's left me nothing.
00:10Nick, we've barely been making ends meet since you've been off work.
00:12I took out a payday loan.
00:15I wanted to make things easy, you know, so that you could be with Leanne.
00:19Who was stabbing me in the back.
00:21Fucking rotten hell.
00:22This is very nice, spending time with you.
00:24So, how did it go with Naz tonight?
00:27It didn't.
00:28I'm sorry, I should go.
00:30He's just so not into me.
00:32How do you know?
00:33Because he just, he wouldn't go there, okay?
00:35What do you think?
00:36Yeah, there's urgency in that knock.
00:38Like he's got something to get off his chest.
01:02Seems to be post-op infection.
01:04Okay, how serious is it?
01:06Well, the antibiotic the doctor prescribed her last night seems to be bringing her temperature down.
01:11Right, so she's not going to drop dead on me?
01:13I don't think that's likely.
01:16There's a possibility her body might be rejecting her kidney transplant.
01:21Why would that be?
01:22Well, the pills in her bag, they're anti-rejection medication.
01:26Even if she's taking them as directed, for some patients, complications may arise.
01:32Are you okay?
01:34No, I could strangle her.
01:37Hey, it's not Moira's fault.
01:39Sometimes rejection just happens, even with the best surgeon and no other complications.
01:44Yeah, well, complications is her middle name.
01:47I could just be worrying you needlessly.
01:49It might just be a simple infection.
01:52So far, she seems to be responding pretty well.
01:56Thanks, Madonna.
02:05It's been you.
02:06Where did you go?
02:07I went and got coffee, I told you.
02:09Yeah, I got you these for you.
02:11Just in case you've got energy to read about fashion.
02:13That is so sweet, darling, thank you.
02:16You're looking better. I thought you were going to die on my doorstep last night.
02:19I feel better.
02:20Madonna says you're improving. You must be happy about that.
02:23Yeah, I am.
02:26This would look lovely on you.
02:28If only you wouldn't wear your hair pulled back so tightly.
02:31There's nothing wrong with the way I wear my hair, Mother.
02:33It's just so severe, darling. I mean, it draws attention to all the wrong features.
02:37All right, well, maybe we should draw attention to the fact that you had an illegal transplant.
02:41No one needs to know about that.
02:43That is why I keep my mouth shut for hours.
02:45Thank you.
02:46Did you follow the post-op instructions?
02:49They've already asked me that.
02:50Yes, and you told them you did, but did you actually?
02:52Yes, and I took all the pills until I rattled.
02:55Okay, so you think they did a proper job?
02:57Yes, they did. I'm just having a bit of a wobble, that's all. I'll be fine.
03:02Okay, all right. Well, I have to go get changed, have a shower and get ready for work.
03:06But you just got here.
03:08I have been here all night with you, and I'm supposed to be in charge of this place.
03:12Okay, well, if you have to go, you have to go. I'll be here.
03:17I'm feeling quite sick, actually. Oh, dear.
03:21I don't know.
03:24All of a sudden, I feel dizzy again.
03:26Okay, I'll get a nurse.
03:28Thank you.
03:29God, all of this is just so overwhelming.
03:32Maybe just stay with me a little bit longer, please.
03:41Nick, Billy forgot his raincoat. I'll drop it at school on the way to work.
03:45I'll grab a lift.
03:46What are you doing?
03:48I know that you're going to think it's a bad idea, but I am going back to work.
03:52Nick, no.
03:53I'm fine.
03:54You're not fine. You need to give yourself time to grieve properly.
03:58Tell that to the bills that are piling up, okay?
04:00They're not just going to disappear because we're sad.
04:02Yeah, that's my fault.
04:04No, it's Mum's fault.
04:05And I'm sorry about being bitter last night. That doesn't help anything.
04:09So, come on, let's go.
04:11You have bereavement leave.
04:12So, I'm taking on some extra shifts.
04:14Nick, we're going to figure this out, okay?
04:16Just take the rest of the week, at least.
04:19Just to stare and complain.
04:21It's better to be busy.
04:26I still don't understand what you're doing back at work.
04:29Well, Maughan's mum's been admitted. Kidney infection, so I have to be here.
04:32But I take it you are here to discuss Emmett.
04:37What the hell were you thinking?
04:40He's an excellent ED doctor.
04:42When what we need most right now is another surgeon.
04:45I thought you understood that.
04:46I do.
04:47And I am trying, believe me.
04:49And instead I get no consultation and a fait accompli.
04:52And now Maeve and I have got to manage Emmett and his giant ego.
04:55Well, I'm sure you are up for the challenge.
05:03Oh, for goodness sake.
05:06When dinosaurs walk to the earth, right?
05:09Am I dreaming or does this mean you're back?
05:11Oh, I'm back, baby.
05:12Okay, well, you know we've changed the power structure in ED.
05:16Harper's co-head now.
05:18So I am.
05:19It's not going to be a problem, is it?
05:22Why would it be?
05:23No reason at all.
05:27It's good to have you back.
05:31So how's your daughter?
05:33And beautiful little cut of Mia.
05:36Collapsed lung. Won't wait.
05:45Oh, great.
05:46You too.
05:47About last night, I'm sorry.
05:48My behaviour, stupid.
05:50Now that you mention it, what was it about?
05:52It's the situation didn't feel right.
05:54The situation?
05:55Or me?
05:56No, just the timing, the bar, it didn't feel right.
05:59I mean, if we're going to go on a date, we should go on a proper date.
06:02Monique, how's your poor mum?
06:03She's in a ward.
06:04Is she okay?
06:05She looked like death warmed up.
06:06What's the problem?
06:07She had her kidney transplant and it's not agreeing with her.
06:10Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
06:11Yeah, and she's milking it for sympathy and making me late.
06:14So, if you don't mind.
06:16Apparently the butthead's a lot.
06:20Are you sure you're okay to work today?
06:22Would I be here if I wasn't?
06:24Well, if you need anything, just let me know.
06:26Thank you.
06:27Where do you want me?
06:28Uh, I've got you in outpatients today.
06:32Are you sure? Because I know you're short-staffed in geriatrics.
06:35No, no, geriatrics is fine and I've got new nurse Joanne in outpatients
06:39but I need someone that's really experienced in there and that's you.
06:42I know what you're doing.
06:44I'm fine, okay?
06:46I need the distraction so don't just give me the easy shifts.
06:49As if I'd do that.
06:51Could have bounced.
06:55Well, not you too. I'm okay, I promise.
06:58Off to outpatients I go.
07:03You look worried.
07:05Well, she's not okay to be back at work but I can't afford for her not to be.
07:09Yeah, that's really hard.
07:11I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make all our problems disappear.
07:16Meanwhile, we'll have her back.
07:18We'll look after Nicole the way we looked after Leanne.
07:20Aw, thanks Madonna.
07:22And hey, can I come running to you if Emmett's mean to me?
07:25What? Is he back?
07:27Larger than life.
07:30What's owned up, bro?
07:32I was thinking about Chris.
07:35I thought he'd started to make some real progress, you know?
07:38Being more positive, making an effort with people.
07:42It feels like he's going back into a shell.
07:45Bro, you need to find another flat.
07:48He's on a downward spiral, bro, okay?
07:50Cut your losses, otherwise I'm going to drag you down with him.
07:53You can be so hard, you know that?
07:55Because men never change.
07:57Give me a good book any day.
08:04Would you be an absolute darling and get me some water?
08:07You can reach it yourself.
08:10Do you want to hear your horoscope?
08:12No, I'm good.
08:13Are you sure? It's a good one.
08:15Mum, I'm busy.
08:16We're still down a surgeon and our CEO is meant to be resting,
08:19but apparently she's determined to die on the job, so just...
08:22I'm good.
08:23Whatever they're paying you, it isn't enough.
08:25Yeah, noted.
08:26Can't we just chat? We haven't spoken in months.
08:29And whose fault is that?
08:30Oh, by your tone, I'm guessing you think it's mine.
08:32You literally refuse to stay in contact with me.
08:34And then when you're here,
08:35you just expect me to drop everything and be best friends.
08:37Well, I suppose it was silly of me to think that you would care enough
08:40to take some time out of your busy schedule
08:42to spend five minutes with your gravely ill mother.
08:44Are you kidding me? I stayed up with you all night.
08:47What? You did?
08:48Yes, I did, and you completely brought this upon yourself.
08:51Here we go.
08:52Did you honestly think that you could go and buy yourself
08:55a black market organ from God knows where
08:57and what, just get away scot-free?
08:59I was out of options,
09:00and anyone in my position would have done the same.
09:02Oh, for God's sakes, no, they wouldn't, Mother.
09:05God! All you do is think about yourself, only you.
09:07And you know what? I'm so sick of it.
09:11I was just coming to check on you. Where are you going?
09:13Uh, to go do my job.
09:14Is your mother okay?
09:15Yes, she'll probably outlive us all.
09:17I've just, I've got better things to do than sit around
09:19while she feels sorry for herself.
09:21You've had an argument.
09:22You don't have half of it.
09:27I didn't dare to dream I'd even get a break today,
09:29let alone one with my beautiful wife.
09:31And you're busy.
09:32Juggling a full list with barely enough surgeons to go around.
09:34Tell me about it, we are swamped in ED too.
09:37Well, I'm glad you could spare a moment for little old me.
09:40What does that mean?
09:41Joking, kind of.
09:43About what?
09:44Come on, it does seem like you've been a bit distracted lately.
09:48Have I?
09:49A little bit.
09:50And hey, it's me too, and
09:53I know we haven't exactly been on fire in the bedroom lately.
09:56Yeah, well, three kids and long hours will do that.
09:59Oh, yeah.
10:00And we've really been dropped in it with Ehia leaving.
10:02I think Esther's punishing me for it.
10:04Eh? It's nothing to do with you.
10:06Well, maybe it's my bad management,
10:08like I should have known what was going on with my team.
10:10Yeah, you're not wrong there.
10:12Hey, look who's here.
10:14You back for good?
10:15Yeah, a couple of months.
10:16You're owning ED like it's a sinking ship.
10:18Well, I don't recall asking for your opinion.
10:21Yeah, no, you got it anyway.
10:23Never fear, I'm here.
10:25Snarky bugger.
10:27Don't listen to him.
10:28I won't.
10:29Hey, you're fantastic at your job.
10:31You're running ED like clockwork,
10:33and your staff love you almost as much as I do.
10:35You're doing nothing wrong, okay?
10:43How was your morning in outpatients?
10:45Yeah, actually, really good.
10:48Joanne has a great handle on everything,
10:50so I just helped out on the wards.
10:52You deserve to take it easy.
10:54Staying busy is helpful for me.
10:56Okay, if you're sure.
10:58So, where can I help?
11:01Actually, I was on my way to get that pain relief
11:04for your spinal patient, Miss Donahue.
11:06Oh, I forgot about her.
11:08Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry.
11:10No, no, no, I'm sorry.
11:11I've got it.
11:12No, you don't need to be picking up my slack.
11:14Nursing is a team effort.
11:16You do the same for me.
11:18Hey, Nicole, can you help me with something?
11:21Can you check these TPNs for me?
11:22I just don't want Emmett to bite my head off.
11:24Yeah, sure.
11:25They can be a tricky infusion.
11:27What's the condition?
11:28Acute hepatic encephalopathy.
11:30Okay, right, so you need to restrict their protein
11:33to 0.8 grams per kilogram per day.
11:37Everything else is normal.
11:38Including the amino acids?
11:40The proteins.
11:42Right, so if the carbohydrate is normal,
11:44even if the patient has encephalitis?
11:46Like I said, everything else is normal.
11:49So same with the lipids emulsions?
11:50Yeah, look, if you're not going to pay attention,
11:53then I'll just do it myself.
11:56Sorry, I can ask someone else.
12:06You didn't want to meet in the uncle room?
12:08Don't, please.
12:09I'm sorry.
12:11At least we can't get sprung here.
12:13We're not going to get sprung anywhere because it's not happening.
12:16Look, I've realised that I need to tell Drew about us.
12:20I can't keep lying to him.
12:23Oh, he higher knows.
12:25One word from him, we almost got sprung yesterday.
12:28It's only a matter of time.
12:30Yesterday was stupid.
12:31We need to be more careful.
12:33My marriage won't survive Drew finding out like that.
12:36I need to tell him myself.
12:42What do you expect me to do?
12:43Be in two places at once?
12:45I know you have a full list,
12:46but I suggest you defer anything that's not urgent.
12:48I've already done that.
12:49I can't handle this caseload.
12:51Nobody could.
12:52I will be filling in to cover the gaps like your surgical mesh removal.
12:55That's not good enough.
12:56You're putting us under too much pressure
12:58and don't even get me started on ED.
13:00Well, that's not your department.
13:01It directly affects us, Esther.
13:03We need surgeons.
13:05Mine is already on it.
13:06It's just not that simple.
13:08Well, I'm not going to put my patients' lives at risk
13:10because my team is stretched.
13:11Call anyone.
13:12Call Chris.
13:14Why not?
13:15Because he's unstable.
13:16Chris is a brilliant surgeon
13:17with more experience than the rest of us.
13:19It's not an option, Drew.
13:21Okay, well, on your head, be it.
13:28Would you go home, please?
13:31Would you go and see your mum, please?
13:33No, thank you.
13:34Mon, what is actually the problem?
13:36She is a designer of her own misfortunes,
13:38much like yourself.
13:40I'm not doing anything too stressful.
13:42Yes, I do not want to have to give you CPR on the office floor.
13:45It's triggering.
13:46Well, I will go home and rest for a whole eight hours tonight.
13:49And then what?
13:50Jump on the treadmill?
13:52Surgical struggling, Edie, is a mess.
13:54That is why we hired Emmett.
13:56Yeah, he's great, but he's not a surgeon.
13:58Well, I'll look for more surgeons.
14:02And then go and see your mum because she's unwell.
14:04You're unwell?
14:05I am fine.
14:06You don't need to worry about me.
14:07Just go and see your mum.
14:15I think she just apologised to Sage.
14:18And that he'll understand it's not the end of the world.
14:20I shouldn't have lost control.
14:22Especially when everyone is being so kind to me.
14:25Honey, you're grieving.
14:27I'm not even sad, though.
14:28I'm furious.
14:29Well, sometimes that's how grief works.
14:32I mean, I don't want to hate my mum.
14:35I know you don't.
14:37It's so, so shallow of me.
14:39I know, I know.
14:40It's just money.
14:42No, I don't think it's shallow.
14:44It sucks.
14:45It sucks.
14:46And you are allowed to be angry.
14:49And you should let it out, but maybe just at home.
14:52What do you mean?
14:53Well, I mean one extra day off.
14:55Won't break us.
14:57The money for Billy's school camp is due next week.
15:01So I'm just going to put aside my upset, angry thoughts and go to work.
15:07You know?
15:09I'm not sure that's the healthiest thing to do.
15:12That's how I'm going to do it.
15:13So, see you back at the Colfax.
15:29You all right?
15:31No, I'm not all right.
15:33What's happened?
15:34We just lost Nadia Brogan.
15:36Your surgical...
15:38My surgical mesh removal, yes.
15:40By the time we got her into theatre, she'd hemorrhaged and was septic.
15:43She was a real mess.
15:44I'm sorry.
15:46Well, you should be.
15:47Because if we'd had enough doctors, we could very well have got to her sooner.
15:51She'd have had a better chance if she'd ended up in Central.
15:53I am trying to.
15:54Well, try harder.
15:56It is your job to make sure we have enough staff to keep our goddamn patients alive.
16:02Well, there is a shortage of surgeons and you know this.
16:05I told you to call Chris and you wouldn't listen.
16:07He is too much of a risk.
16:09Anyway, I don't have time for your excuses, Esther,
16:11because I've got to go and explain to a young woman's family how she's dead because of a staffing issue.
16:22Hey, honey.
16:26Feeling any better?
16:28Yeah, yeah.
16:30I'm just glad I got through the rest of the day without losing it at anyone else.
16:34Well, if you need to talk about it so that you don't lose it again...
16:37No, it's fine.
16:39I'm furious, but I'm fine.
16:43Maybe I should watch Mum's message.
16:47Are you sure you want to do that now?
16:50No, I just mean, is it a good idea?
16:53You had a pretty intense day.
16:54Yeah, so I can't get much worse, right?
16:57I'd love to hear whatever lame excuse Mum has for not leaving me a single cent.
17:03Yeah, I'm just not sure.
17:05Can you watch it with me?
17:08Of course.
17:18Darling Nicole, by the time you get this, I will be in the loving arms of universal consciousness.
17:26God, you're frail.
17:28No, we've had our ups and downs.
17:31These last few years, these last few weeks especially,
17:34I don't think I've ever felt closer to anyone in my whole life.
17:40In any of my lives.
17:42Now, I know you might be disappointed about the money,
17:46but please know that I have left you the most valuable thing that I own.
17:53That vase from my grandmother and your great-grandmother, Alba,
18:00who was also blessed with the sight, as you know,
18:04and she told me that within that vase are the secrets of the universe.
18:11Now, that is the most precious thing that I own, so it is just right that it goes to you.
18:18A very wise Buddhist monk once told me,
18:22greater than any material treasures that we gather in this lifetime are the treasures of the heart.
18:31And you, my darling girl, are my heart's greatest treasure.
18:37I'll be looking over you, Nicole, always, from the other side.
18:43So I will love you forever.
19:05Nice work on the suturing.
19:07Oh, wow. That's high praise coming from you.
19:10You're all at sea with your TPNs, though, right?
19:13Ah, yep.
19:14Simple maths.
19:15Those lipids are slippery. I tried to ask Nicole, but she couldn't bit my head off.
19:19Her mum just died, right? Leanne?
19:22Yeah, so I totally get it. But she'll just vest up here.
19:26You're coming along, Sage.
19:28This our fisherman?
19:31Three to recess.
19:32Near-drowning patients severe hypothermia. You here for the long haul tonight?
19:37Call Trauma Team, they'll meet us in there.
19:38Copy that.
19:39Hey, I'm cocking off unless you need me?
19:41Nah, I think we'll pull through.
19:43Thanks, Emmett. Great to be working with the of you.
19:50Um, can we go somewhere to talk? I need to tell you something.
19:54Can we talk at home? I have to focus on barely keeping the department afloat here.
19:58What's going on?
19:59We just lost a patient because she had to wait too long for a surgeon.
20:02Nadia Brogan.
20:03What happened?
20:04Got an old surgical mesh. She was septic.
20:0633, two kids.
20:08Oh god, I'm sorry.
20:09Yeah, another one falls through the cracks.
20:11It's not good enough and Esther's dragging the chain.
20:15So if it's more bad news, maybe just save it for tomorrow.
20:21Where have you been?
20:22Trying to do my job.
20:23Your mum, she needs you.
20:25Oh my god, yes, you and everyone else thinks I should have a 24-7 vigil beside her bed,
20:28but I was with her a few hours ago, she's all good.
20:31I think you need to see for yourself.
20:35Get away from me, you bitch.
20:37Ma, do not speak to Madonna like that.
20:39She's trying to kill me. You're all trying to kill me. Stop it.
20:43What the hell is going on?
20:44She's delirious.
20:45Was she going to be okay?
20:46Her infection's developed into severe sepsis. She needs surgery.
21:02Go home.
21:03Can you just give me a minute?
21:04No, I told you. If you tell Drew, then we're done.
21:06I couldn't tell him. I tried to, I really did, I just couldn't.
21:11You said it was something that you had to do.
21:13I know what I said. I don't know, maybe I just can't let this go.
21:20Can't let you go.
21:22Can I come in?
21:36Come in.
21:42Thank you for seeing me.
21:46I know you've been under pressure. I think you could use me.
21:50We've been through this, Chris.
21:52I know, but you're struggling.
21:54I am.
21:55I think I could help.
21:58You know what? I could use you.
22:01Great. I mean, I don't know if I'm ready for H.O.D.
22:06I need a surgical consultant.
22:11So no surgeries, consults only.
22:13What do you say?
22:18That kidney is a dud, right? It is coming out. Good riddance.
22:22Can't you save it? I paid a lot of money.
22:25Where did you get the transplant?
22:26He knows it was dodgy.
22:28There's no point lying.