Shortland Street 7963 15th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02This is Mum's final farewell
00:04How much did she say she put aside again?
00:06Enough. We go over budget a bit
00:08We can just put it on the credit card
00:10Nick, we've barely been making ends meet since we've been off work
00:12It's gonna be okay, right? We'll be fine
00:14It's just a little bit of money
00:16If we go over budget with the funeral then
00:18Will will take care of it
00:20London. You want to run away to the UK?
00:22I'm not going without you, Phil
00:24I'm in love with someone else. It's Harper
00:30I'm sorry things didn't work out with you and Ehia
00:34I mean, how could they with Natalie
00:36Watching us meds like that
00:38It wasn't just that, Harper
00:40We were bad for each other
00:42So there's no chance of another reconciliation then
00:44Not for me and Ehia
00:48I told him about us
00:52I felt I owed him that much
00:54Oh my god, what did you say?
00:56That we'd a fling with Ehia
00:58That we'd a fling affair
01:00Or whatever you want to call it
01:02Phil! It's okay
01:04He hasn't told anyone. Drew doesn't know
01:06And Ehia's probably on a plane to London by now
01:08He could still say something
01:10He won't
01:12You don't know that he could have another bipolar episode
01:14Well if you don't like that
01:16You're not gonna like the rest
01:18There's more
01:20I told him I love you
01:22No, don't say that
01:24It's true
01:26Whatever we had is over
01:28Okay, that's why I came to find you tonight
01:30To make it really clear
01:32From now on we're just colleagues
01:34Nothing more
01:48So, I stayed in the mountains
01:50In a bougie little resort
01:52With an infinity pool, overlooking rice paddies
01:54And a coconut scrum
01:56Monique, how was Bali?
02:00She's telling me all about it
02:02So was there a hot pool boy?
02:06Oh, there was
02:08Was it like a little snog or was it like a fully fledged holiday romance?
02:10Your words, not mine
02:12Well, you know what they say about holiday romances
02:14There's nothing hotter
02:16They never last
02:18Good, because I am unbelievably busy being CEO
02:20That's right, go you
02:22Busy, busy
02:24Hey, can I come in?
02:26Yes, hi, I didn't expect to see you
02:28Change of plans, grabbing a coffee and heading back into the office
02:30But aren't you on leave?
02:32Yeah, well I've lost a surgeon so I need to find a replacement for the hire
02:34Well, I can do that
02:36Oh, it's quicker if I do
02:38And then I will go and see Marnie and the kids
02:40Do we still have that orthopedic sales rep this morning?
02:42Yes, and I am all over it
02:44So you don't need to be here
02:46I can handle it, I got a report going last time
02:48And I need to go over the surgical budget
02:50I'll call Drew when you get him, please
02:54Don't worry, you're still queen in our hearts
02:58You did so well
03:00We did so well
03:02No, you did well
03:04You had to deal with the people
03:06I know you told the psychics so quickly
03:08It was just going to be a family thing
03:10And by rights, they should have known that already
03:14Look at that Fruit Loop Lillian channeling mum's spirit
03:16Yeah, I half expected her to start speaking and dancing
03:18I know
03:20I don't know how you remembered all their names
03:22It was like mum was whispering into my ear
03:24That is jerky
03:26She's the one who ran off with the one-legged locksmith
03:28So you were the one channeling her
03:30Yeah, that's a nice thought
03:32It was a perfect send-off
03:34Now it's over
03:38You can breathe out now
03:42It was a perfect send-off
03:44Now it's over
03:46You can breathe out now
03:50It's just been non-stop
03:52Sign this, decide that, deal with these people
03:56Now it's just us
03:58I know
04:00No mum
04:14I wish we could have breakfast here
04:16Every morning
04:18Well, it's just a special treat for today
04:20Because you're getting your cars changed
04:22When can I go skateboarding again?
04:24Oh, I think that's a discussion for another time
04:26Mum is still
04:28Knackered from her trip
04:30Sure you slept okay?
04:32Yeah, I'm fine
04:34You tossed and turned an awful lot
04:36Must be
04:38It sounds like he's going to be fine
04:40Yeah, yeah, he will
04:42Well, hey, it's a real shame that you just missed Leanne's send-off
04:46I'll visit them later
04:50Can me and Billy get a banana smoothie?
04:52How are you going to fit that in?
04:56Alright, off you go
04:58Just get them to put it on my bill, will you?
05:00Come with me
05:02It's okay, you can go first
05:04Thank you
05:06Um, could we have two banana smoothies?
05:08Thank you
05:10I just learned Ihaia's instrument layout
05:12And now he's gone
05:14This is the way of the world
05:16Late than ever I hope
05:18About time
05:20Sorry, sorry
05:22Yeah, what's the hold-up?
05:24Guilt, coupled with a need for atonement and a little bit of anal retention
05:26Excuse me?
05:28It was on my watch that Ihaia received incorrect medication
05:30Yeah, that's because you handed it over to that ratbag Nat
05:32Yeah, it's not your fault, mate
05:34As a result, I've been doubly cautious
05:36Checking everything twice, hence the regrettable time delay
05:38Well, you got my patient's grips down nice and quick, though
05:40Thank you
05:42It's been rather painstaking, but
05:44Yeah, my patients have been waiting a while
05:46Some of them are very ill
05:48Like I said, regrettable, but I thought that due diligence would
05:50Give me those
05:52They're all there, all accounted for
05:54As I'd expect
05:58Where did that come from?
06:00I thought you were compensating for his mistake
06:02No, I mean you, coming in harsh
06:04I've been waiting a while
06:06And Selina, of course, gets hers in a flash
06:08What do you mean, of course?
06:10Well, it's all unprofessional hormones with those two
06:14They've been circling each other for weeks
06:16Have you not noticed?
06:20You know, sometimes they're like their private little club
06:22It's annoying
06:24Jealous, much?
06:28What's wrong with that?
06:30Nothing, she just
06:32Look how conscientious he is, going the extra mile, triple-checking every single one of his prescriptions
06:34Whoa, okay
06:36That was a 180
06:38Say no more
06:42I need to talk to you
06:44Not now
06:46Then when, Harper? You can't just write me off
06:48Okay, you're being unprofessional
06:50I've told you where I stand
06:52It got too intense for you, so you're running away
06:54Okay, maybe I did run
06:56I was trying to get away from you and clear my head
06:58But it's staying that way
07:00You can't just treat me like this and expect me not to react
07:02Hi, mate
07:06Um, sorry, excuse me
07:08No, we need to finish this
07:10No, we're finished
07:12I don't agree with you
07:14I'm late
07:16Wow, not even morning tea and you've got those butting heads
07:18Just a glitch with a patient
07:20We'll get over it
07:22Of course you will
07:24No, it's fine
07:26Great, see you in there
07:30Yes, I know
07:32I know I'm on holiday
07:34But unless I find staff or ED, this whole place falls apart
07:36You do get that right
07:38Yes, as soon as I can
07:40So, I'll face for the kids and give my adult heart out
07:42And go in the bunner
07:46Hey mum
07:48Hey, um, you know your big patient, Danny McArthur
07:50Yes, he has developed
07:52Is that how I say it?
07:54Yeah, it's an infection in the pleural cavity
07:56It's between the lung and the...
07:58Okay, pass. Drew just wants to know if he's going to be put on his theatre last night
08:00No, no, I can do it
08:04Oh, well, my patient, my follow-up
08:06Yes, no, you told money you'd be out of here
08:08I'm here, it's perfect timing
08:14So, who called it all off?
08:16You or him?
08:18Uh, I did
08:20I'm just trying to concentrate here, if that's okay
08:22Yeah, yeah, sure
08:26You just seem tense, and I'm a very good listener
08:28Is that what I'm trying to say?
08:30I'm fine, thanks
08:32How's that right wing of yours coming along?
08:34Yeah, all good
08:36The physiotherapist worked her magic
08:38I'm good as new
08:40Told you Emerald was a genius
08:42Yeah, thank you for that
08:44For a massage though, you cannot go past Harper
08:46I'm a very lucky man
08:48I will be taking over Danny McHale's surgery
08:50No need, we're prepped and good to go
08:52My patient, my responsibility, so you can go back to the regular list
08:54Team ready?
08:56Uh, yeah, they're all in there, Danny's just had his pre-med
08:58Who's my scrub?
09:02Great, wish me luck
09:06Now I'm the one getting dumped
09:08Where were we?
09:10Uh, moving on to our next patient
09:12You okay?
09:14Just disappointed
09:16You okay?
09:22Thank you
09:24Stand by for that
09:26That part of me sponge
09:30Word is you came back from holiday to do this
09:34I make a left
09:36What, Marty's gone on his own?
09:38Oh, he is having a ball with the kids
09:42So you cancelled your leave just for this?
09:44Sorry, yes
09:46Not my business
09:48No, it's not
09:50And Danny here is a very special patient
09:52Oh, for sure
09:54Now Eddie is in crisis mode
09:56Not to mention surgical
09:58It's hard to let go, eh?
10:00Are you calling me a control freak?
10:06I think there's enough space in here
10:08We don't need to cut the rib
10:10Okay, set up for drainage, please
10:14Is there something else?
10:18You okay?
10:20Actually, I'm not
10:22Okay, what is it?
10:24A chest pain
10:28Do we need to stop?
10:30Because we can call for back up
10:32Someone else can finish up here
10:44Okay, that's it
10:46Can you call Drew, please, and get him in here?
10:48Let's get you to ED
10:50I'm not letting my patient until another surgeon takes over
10:52He's stable, right?
10:56And you have a history of cardiac issues, yeah?
10:58So don't try and be a control freak
11:02I'll wait here until Drew gets here, okay?
11:08I am sorry I couldn't be there
11:10You guys, for the freezer
11:12Thank you
11:14I'm sure you're well and truly over flowers
11:16Well, you thought correctly
11:18I just wanted to get you guys something a bit more practical
11:20Frozen meals
11:22Don't have to stress about cooking
11:24Thank you, really useful
11:26Of course
11:28So, after I've checked in on you, post-production
11:30That's exactly what I called it
11:34There is another reason for my visit
11:36So I got an email from Leanne's lawyer
11:40She has left us a very generous donation for the hospital
11:46You guys didn't know?
11:50The dark horse strikes again
11:52Well, we are very, very grateful
11:54She didn't put conditions on it, did she?
11:56Like a memorial operating room or something?
11:58Well, like a crystal gift shop
12:00She would, she would do that
12:02No, no conditions
12:04But she did want some of it to go to paediatrics
12:06She absolutely will
12:08She did love children
12:10An amazing way for her kindness to live on
12:14See, she's looking down on us
12:16Saying you can't forget me, I'm paying for half of this
12:26Any dizziness at all?
12:32Just tired, normal stuff
12:34Any changes to your medications or supplements?
12:38I can't believe you just soldiered on
12:40Yeah, I probably should have called it once I felt something
12:42And why didn't you?
12:44Well, I thought it was a one-off and it would pass
12:46And there was Marty telling you to rest up
12:48Yes, an excellent idea
12:50Anywhere but here
12:52Yeah, well I am feeling great now and the chest pain has settled
12:54Let's keep it that way
12:56No more operating
12:58And no more swivelly chairs, I'm all over that
13:00Rest, okay, and that is an order
13:02And if you have any more chest pain, call me
13:06I will get you home
13:08Then we can go over all the do's and don'ts
13:10Hmm, yeah
13:12How's Esther?
13:14The pain's subsided for now, but surgery's a no-go
13:16So I've sent her home
13:18Drew took over, he didn't need me to assist
13:20So maybe if you've got a break we could talk some more
13:22Look, I think everything that needs to be said has been said
13:24I don't agree
13:26Phil, I really don't like it when you stir in front of Drew
13:28I didn't mean
13:30Then please don't watch me when I'm with my family
13:32It's just in the cat
13:34Yeah, I don't care, don't do it
13:40Seriously, what if they do name a wing
13:42Or a ward
13:44In her honour
13:46It's quite possible, I guess
13:48Imagine having a sign over my head all day
13:50The Leanne Black Nurses' Station
13:52What's better than a Leanne Black
13:54Dereatric ward
13:56She would hate that
13:58What is it?
14:00The funeral director
14:02A copy of the Livestream?
14:04Yep, that and
14:06The bill
14:10How do people afford these things?
14:12Do I want to know how much?
14:14I'll just see when they need it paid by
14:16Hang on
14:18Hopefully we are next on the lawyers'
14:20Golden goose list
14:22Golden goose?
14:24Yeah, I just mean, thank God we've got some money coming in
14:26If it weren't for the inheritance
14:28Whenever it gets released, we'd be screwed
14:30Well, I'd rather have my mother back
14:32Than the inheritance
14:34No, I know, Nick
14:36Of course I know that
14:38I'm just saying that
14:40We knew the funeral was over budget
14:42And we need the money to pay for it
14:44She's barely out of the crematorium
14:46We don't have to sound like vultures
14:48Nick, I'm so sorry
14:50Yeah, I'm going to have a bath
15:12I have got three words for you
15:14Oh my cutlass
15:16Where are you up to?
15:18Flores has been kidnapped
15:20And from the long description about Captain Serrano's abs
15:22I'm getting the vibes that she's not mad about it
15:24Just you wait
15:26Is your twist coming?
15:28More twists than a reef knot
15:30Around delicate wrists
15:32Now, did they crank up the Stanley rating
15:34On this or something?
15:36Because sheesh, your girl's getting hot
15:38Who's hot?
15:40Just me
15:42As usual
15:44What were you talking about?
15:48Thaddeus offered to
15:50Cook tonight instead of me
15:54Yeah, so
15:56That's great
15:58And call me when it's ready
16:02Are you really making dinner?
16:06Yes, I can
16:08Because you know she doesn't get to boss you around
16:10Just so she can read
16:12No, it's fine, really
16:14Unless you want her to
16:16I don't, Father
16:18Unless you want her to boss you around
16:20I don't know, because
16:22It's better than my company
16:24You obviously prefer her to me, as a flatmate
16:26What? No
16:28Well, it feels that way
16:30It's not a preference thing, not at all
16:32I respect both of my flatmates equally
16:34Except I get left out a lot
16:36Like your exclusive little book club
16:38For example
16:40Ah, that, well
16:42You wouldn't like it
16:46Tell you what, why don't I find us a novel
16:48You know, contemporary fiction
16:50Cutting edge, intellectual
16:52That can work
16:54Great, I will find one and get back to you
16:58And in the meantime, the series you guys are reading
17:00Maybe I could start that and see if I want to catch up
17:04No, no, no
17:06It's too trashy for your refined tastes
17:08I'm really not that refined
17:10It's sort of more of a running joke
17:12Between me and Selina
17:14You know, it's so bad, it's almost good
17:16It's, yeah, I wouldn't want you wasting your precious time
17:18No, it's okay, you don't have to explain
17:20Got you loud and clear
17:22And don't worry about making dinner for me
17:28I feel bad eating out when we've got meals in the freezer
17:32Which the kids are loving
17:34Did you get Cassie's message?
17:36Nick, we can afford this
17:40Okay, money will be tight for a while
17:44Something like a vulture
17:46It'll all even out in the end
17:48I know
17:50Sorry for being so touchy
17:52No, I get it
17:54Guys, I need to thank you for Leanne's amazing generosity
17:56Oh, yeah, the donation
17:58Monique told us about it
18:00Yes, there is that, and we are grateful
18:02But also the trust funds, it's incredible
18:04Trust funds?
18:06I hope I haven't jumped the gun, the lawyer just gave me a call
18:08Leanne put some money into a trust for Kiwa and Becky
18:12Curtis, she loved you all
18:14That's why
18:16Well, I will make sure that I always remember that, Leanne
18:18Hey, are you feeling better?
18:20Yeah, better, thank you
18:22What happened?
18:24Just palpitations
18:26I was serious about your resting
18:28I'm only here for the soup
18:30Okay then
18:32You are mislead, Jude
18:34I know
18:36I'm so sorry I didn't make it back in time
18:38It's okay
18:40I just can't believe that she's gone
18:44Join us for dinner
18:46No, no, thank you, I need to get back, I just wanted to come and see you
18:48And look, I know you're
18:50kind of stretched financially, so I want to help
18:52Just let me know
18:54how much would help
18:56Did Maeve put you up to this?
18:58I called Harper, but I don't...
19:00Maeve did not put me up to anything, I can rank between the lines
19:02I'm just really sorry that I upset you before
19:04Let's just move on, okay
19:06I don't need your help
19:08But it's a bit thank you
19:10We'll be fine when the will comes through
19:12Probate can take ages sometimes
19:14I'm sure, I'm tired of talking about it
19:16Okay, well please
19:18let me know if there's anything I can do, okay
19:22And how are you and Drew?
19:24I feel like I've been in a mum loop for so long
19:26I haven't touched base with any of them
19:28Yeah, no, no, we're really good
19:32Something wrong?
19:36No, nothing, we're good
19:38Sure? Yeah
19:42Didn't expect to see you here
19:44Just had to get out of the flat for a while
19:46May I?
19:48Of course
19:50It's been a while
19:52since we hung out like this anyway
19:56So, hey, what's up at the flat?
19:58It's stupid, like I told you
20:00Oh, Thaddeus and Selena
20:02still getting on your nerves?
20:04They're little pin jokes
20:06Giggle, giggle, flirt, flirt
20:08I can see how that would annoy you
20:10Yeah, and she keeps making him cook dinner when it's her turn
20:12And he's like, yes mistress, how high should I jump?
20:16I told him I wasn't hungry when I was actually starving
20:18So I should have gone somewhere and got a proper meal
20:20But instead I ended up here
20:22Where I can only get toasties
20:24It's good toastie though
20:26You were right, by the way
20:30When you said I was jealous
20:32Don't judge
20:34No judgment?
20:36He's just lovely
20:38He's a beautiful man inside and out
20:40And anytime I try to connect with him in that way
20:44It's not a two-way street
20:46It's a no-exit
20:48I'm sorry
20:50Hmm, Selena wins
20:52Still can't get my head around that
20:54Yeah, shame
20:58You need to remember that you're a catch
21:00You don't have to say that
21:02I mean it
21:08Why did you do that?
21:10You noticed
21:12What, you didn't think I'd notice you blocking me on all your social?
21:14It's done, can you just not make a big deal of it?
21:16It is a big deal
21:18No one's ever blocked me before
21:20I just don't want you liking my posts or even seeing them right now
21:22So you're just going to ghost me?
21:24Pretend I don't even exist?
21:26I want to pretend this whole thing never happened
21:28I can't say what a mistake I made
21:30What we have is real, Harper
21:32Whatever you're telling yourself
21:34You're not happy with Drew
21:36Otherwise you never would have chased me
21:38I never chased you?
21:42Don't lie to yourself, Harper
21:48Night, guys
21:50Night, honey
21:52Is Bailey all good?
21:54Still reading it
22:02Have you checked your emails?
22:04The lawyer's talking trust funds
22:06There's bound to be something there
22:08And if not, if you like, we could give them a call in the morning
22:10No, no, no, no
22:12Here it is
22:16Releasing the details of the estate
22:20Donations for charity
22:22Shortland Street Hospital
22:24Trust funds
22:26For the kids
22:28And Peggy Teo
22:30So kind
22:32Money for Eric and Eddie
22:36And you?
22:38To my daughter, Nicole
22:40I leave
22:42The remainder of my personal belongings
22:48That's it
22:50That's it
22:52Her stuff
22:54Old clothes and knickknacks
22:58Everyone else is provided for
23:00They get thousands
23:02And she's left me
23:10My mum has cut me off with nothing
23:12Her final act
23:14I can't get my head around it
23:16This just feels like a punch in the face
23:18Was it a mistake?
23:20Maybe they have the wrong will