Is Meditation Really as Beneficial as People Claim? || Acharya Prashant, NIT-Trichy (2024)

  • 2 months ago
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Video Information: NIT-Trichy, 06.04.2024, Greater Noida

~ Is meditation really beneficial?
~ Meditation: Fact or Fad? Exploring the Benefits
~ Meditation Unveiled: Separating Truth from Hype
~ The Real Impact of Meditation: What Science Says
~ Meditation: Hype vs. Reality—What You Need to Know
~ Is Meditation Overrated? An Honest Look at Its Benefits

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Acharyaji, I am Meghna, a student here.
00:05My question is, is meditation worth the hype?
00:08So we usually associate meditation with spirituality and I was interested in understanding if it
00:14had any physiological effect, a mind-body connection of sorts.
00:21If you will listen carefully right now, this listening itself is meditation.
00:29You have to draw a distinction between meditation and methods of meditation.
00:38Probably what you are asking about is methods of meditation.
00:43Meditation is one thing, methods of meditation are another thing.
00:49It's a problem, an unfortunate problem that today the methods are being called as meditation.
01:02Meditation is attention itself.
01:07Right now I am meditating, you two are meditating.
01:09This is meditation and meditation is what makes us human.
01:17Meditation is understanding itself and if meditation is so valuable that it is at the
01:27center of our humanness, then meditation has to be continuous, uninterrupted, 24x7 and
01:40no method can be continuous or uninterrupted or 24x7.
01:44Methods by their definition must start and stop and methods by their definition are limited
01:56by conditions.
01:59Some method will require you to not to speak, some method will require you to squat on the
02:07floor, some method will require you to wait for a particular time.
02:13Let's say 4 am in the morning.
02:18But meditation is so fundamentally important that you cannot wait for a particular condition
02:28or bodily pose or time to enter it.
02:34Meditation is like the inner breath itself, just as this body cannot wait to breathe.
02:43Similarly your consciousness cannot wait to meditate.
02:50Consciousness needs meditation all the time just as the body needs the breath all the
02:54time and therefore meditation has to be silent and continuous like breath itself.
03:10You are meditating right now and this is the most beautiful kind of meditation because
03:15it is happening silently in the background without you even knowing it.
03:25If meditation has to be limited to a particular time or a particular condition, then it will
03:31be unfortunately broken all the time.
03:36If you have to close your eyes while meditating, then how will you meditate while driving?
03:45And don't you need to meditate while driving?
03:48What is all the road rage about?
03:52If people were meditative, would they drive the way they do?
03:59But you have been told, your favorite teacher is telling you that you need to meditate by
04:05doing this.
04:06Now if you do this, then there is a problem on the road.
04:11And if you don't meditate at all, then again there is a problem on the road.
04:16Problem both ways, which means there is something wrong in the fundamentals, in the definition.
04:25Meditation is a way of life.
04:28Meditation is the most beautiful love affair you can have.
04:38People talk of romance.
04:41Why not romance the truth?
04:47Romance is your unending date with the truth.
04:52You see when you are on a date, it's not as if you are looking at the other person all
04:57the time, especially if you are meeting that person frequently.
05:04It could be a working date then, fine, let's meet somewhere, let's sit across a table,
05:11you have your own laptop, I have mine and we work and that's a date.
05:18So even as you are doing something on your laptop, a certain nearness is there, a certain
05:26togetherness is there, right?
05:28Now that's meditation.
05:30I might be doing anything, still I am close to you.
05:34Closeness does not mean that continuously we are looking into each other's eyes.
05:38You are doing your own thing, I am doing my own thing, yet we are together.
05:42That's meditation.
05:43Throughout the day I am doing my own thing, yet I am with the truth.
05:47Ma'am, when do you do the truth?
05:50I never do the truth.
05:51I am always with the truth.
05:52I am doing something else.
05:56I am doing something on my laptop, but I am with the truth.
06:00Now that's meditation.
06:01Irrespective of what I am doing throughout the day, I am with the truth.
06:07That's meditation.
06:09And this meditation is not subject to the limits of the various methods.
06:18All methods are limitations.
06:21Some method will say that you must have a rosary, some method will say you must have
06:27something else.
06:28There are like hundreds of methods of meditation.
06:30They are for rank beginners.
06:35They are just to give you some little flavor of inner peace, so that you are encouraged
06:43to plunge neck deep, nose deep, head deep into the real thing.
06:53If the flavor is great, will you not buy into an entire basket of the product?
06:59Please tell me.
07:06You go to some decent shop selling toiletries, body oil, hair oil or perfumes.
07:17The first thing they will take you to is samples.
07:20And what will they do there?
07:22Ma'am, try this one.
07:23And a little bit sprayed on your...
07:27You are not supposed to be satisfied with this much.
07:31If you like this, then you pay the price and get the entire bottle.
07:37That's meditation.
07:40And all that we do in the name of meditation is this.
07:42Okay, I want to try that one now.
07:45And having tried all these, you get some little aroma and you get satisfied with this and
07:50you walk out and say, you know, I have fooled the shopkeeper.
07:54Next day you again walk in and say, you know, I want to try that one.
07:56No, no, don't spray it here.
07:57Spray it here.
08:02Surely you don't have much appetite for love.
08:06You get satisfied with too little.
08:08You must have a giant appetite for love.
08:12I'm not satisfied.
08:13I want more.
08:14Give me more.
08:19Madness of love.
08:20That's meditation.
08:21Not something dry.
08:22Not something ritualistic.
08:24Not something time bound.
08:26If I love you, how can I be away from you even for a split second?
08:31That's meditation.
08:41Seeing those shops in small towns, you go to those places and you say, you know, that
08:47particular mithai, I want to taste it.
08:49That one.
08:53And that way you quench your appetite and walk away without paying anything.
08:58This reluctance to pay up is called methods of meditation.
09:03This stinginess and this dishonesty is methods of meditation.
09:09You're thinking you have cheated the shopkeeper.
09:11No, you have cheated yourself.
09:15If you really loved the burfi, why didn't you pay up?
09:22That little piece was meant to convince you that the entire kg is worth the price, no?
09:37But we meditate for 30 minutes every day and say, this is it.
09:4030 minutes every day.
09:43What kind of loveless person would this be?
09:46If you love those 30 minutes, why did you let the thing stop?
09:53You sat down with your eyes closed and you say you love the peace you got.
09:58Then why did you open your eyes and get up?
10:01If you really love the peace you got while sitting in meditation, why did you then open
10:05your eyes and get up?
10:06No, because I have my worldly responsibilities to take care of.
10:10Then you love your worldly responsibilities more than you love meditation.
10:17Are you even a man then?
10:20You are a social slave.
10:22No, but you cannot meditate all the time.
10:28A fellow has a shop to run.
10:30Then you are not a meditator, you are a shopkeeper.
10:33And your entire meditation is devoted to your shop.
10:37You want to meditate just so that you can run your shop more smoothly.
10:44Meditation is just a servant to your shop.
10:50And your shop is such that running your shop gives you a lot of tension.
10:55So you meditate so that that tension can be somehow cleared away and you can again return
10:59to that shop just to earn more tension.
11:11If someone uses a method of meditation for 10 days, 20 days, 2 months, that's possible.
11:22But if someone says he has been into one particular method of meditation for 20 years, this fellow
11:26is crooked.
11:31Why did your meditation not turn into a subtle and silent love affair?
11:42Why did it not become your breath and your heartbeat?
11:45Why did it remain a mere method?
11:54And such is our crookedness that we call the methods as meditation.
12:00It is not meditation.
12:03It is a trick.
12:06How can we trick with the truth?
12:09In fact, by calling a trick as the truth, you are trying to trick the truth.
12:14That's what a method of meditation is.
12:17You are trying to trick the truth.
12:19You are saying, you know, I can use a particular method and get you.
12:24You are so inflated in your ego that you think that you can even trick the truth.
12:31The truth demands unconditional and continuous surrender, not some trick.
12:3724x7 you have to be devoted to the truth itself.
12:41That's meditation.
12:47Not some exotic trick.
12:49On a full moon night, go get drenched in goat urine and sit under a banyan tree and open
13:03your mouth and gape at the moon.
13:06And that's the greatest meditation you can have.
13:08And obviously, all this while, just keep remembering your great guru.
13:14Remember the great guru, open your mouth and stare at the moon and you will be enlightened.
13:26Such a fool the ego is, it tries to fool the truth.
13:31It thinks by doing these kinds of cheap tactics, it will come to salvation.
13:42We want to preserve our everyday life as it is and relegate meditation to one corner
13:47of our existence.
13:50The everyday life should run as it runs.
13:53And because the everyday life generates a lot of fire and smoke and heat.
13:59So let me meditate to somehow keep things cool and calm.
14:06Meditation I said is crazy love.
14:09When it comes, it possesses you.
14:12It takes over your entire life.
14:16You can no more operate from the same center.
14:21You are somebody else now.
14:23You are no more.
14:25Meditation is.
14:27Meditation is the master.
14:28It commands you.
14:29You are the servant.
14:30And it commands you all the time.
14:33You don't speak.
14:35Meditation speaks through you.
14:36You don't even know what you are saying.
14:38Because you are not doing the talking.
14:39Somebody else is talking through you.
14:43That's meditation.
14:45You are the servant.
14:46But when you apply a method of meditation, then you are the master.
14:51The ego wants to be the master whereas it deserves to be a slave.
14:57Are you getting it?
15:07Unfortunately, commercial spirituality has turned meditation into a little product.
15:19Whereas it is the highest degree of devotion possible.
15:26Meditation is love, Prem, Bhakti, everything.
15:34And meditation is nothing special or unique.
15:41Reading a book, you are meditating.
15:42And if you are not meditating while reading a book, are you even reading?
15:47Speaking, I am meditating.
15:51Listening, you are meditating.
15:52And if either of us is not meditating, are we even speaking or listening?
15:59Playing tennis, I have to be meditative.
16:03Else I will be double faulting all the time.
16:08And if I double fault, I know the problem is not with the serve, but with the server.
16:14The server had something that disrupted his meditation.
16:29Baking bread, you have to be meditative.
16:32Washing clothes.
16:38Not just the great tasks of the day, but even simple things like doing laundry.
16:44Do you want to be with your sweetheart only when you are doing the great things?
16:54Or do you want to be with him or her all the time?
16:58That's meditation.
16:59Even when I am doing the laundry, I want you to be here.
17:09Not somebody next to you.
17:17Great jewels of wisdom appeared from Saint Kabir's meditation when he would be weaving
17:26What is he doing?
17:29Just weaving like an ordinary weaver.
17:33But he was with his beloved.
17:35And from that what we get is the highest pieces of wisdom humanity ever had.
17:44My hands are busy with the waap and the weft and the shuttle.
17:52But my mind is with the beloved.
17:58And from there you get the bhajans, the abhangs, the shlokas.
18:08Most of those pieces were not written in solitude.
18:14They were spontaneous pieces of exuberance while the speaker was actually involved ostensibly
18:27in something else.
18:32Doing something else, he says something and it turns out to be the highest thing you can
18:36ever hear.
18:37That's meditation.
18:38Are you getting it?
18:49Methods of meditation can be taught and sold.
18:54Meditation can neither be taught nor be sold.
18:58And that's the reason why methods are popular and why methods are being sold as meditation.
19:07Because meditation itself is impossible to be sold.
19:13It is something that can be awakened but never taught.
19:17It is love.
19:19How can you teach love?
19:21You can awaken love by pointing at stuff that is not love.
19:24You can say, you know, this that you think of as love is not love at all.
19:28Discard it.
19:29Going through the market, just pulling water from the well, or just cooking some food.
19:54Something reveals itself to you.
19:58That's meditation.
19:59You are here and still not here.
20:19You are looking at something very ordinary and you are seeing something supremely extraordinary.
20:28You are looking at the surface of things and the core is revealing itself to you.
20:38In the shadow, you are seeing the tree.
20:44In the part, you are seeing the whole.
20:53That's meditation.
21:09In death, you are seeing deathlessness.
21:15In words, you are listening to silence.
21:26That's meditation.
21:34I don't want to finish this answer.
21:36That's meditation.
21:38It's a love affair.
21:39Something says, look at the clock.
21:44Something says, take care of your throat.
21:47Something says, measure your temperature.
21:51And something says, just go on and on till you drop dead.
21:57That's meditation.
21:59The madness of stubborn love.
22:07Stubborn love.
22:18Thank you, sir.
22:37Thank you.
