N.J. Sen. Menendez convicted on all counts at sweeping corruption trial

  • 2 months ago
N.J. Sen. Menendez convicted on all counts at sweeping corruption trial
00:00New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was lucky enough to 2017 to have escaped conviction on an influence peddling and bribery charge when New Jersey prosecutors decided to drop charges after a deadlock jury failed to convict him, not this time.
00:16The evidence and testimonies against him on charges of extortion, fraud, obstruction of justice and bribery on which he took gold bars and a substantial amount of cash.
00:26And being a foreign agent, in this case Egypt, was so overwhelming the jury easily decided against him.
00:33The disgraced senator is now being called upon by his colleagues in the Democratic to immediately step down and resign even as he faces an impending probe by the Senate Ethics Committee which will surely issue a host of disciplinary charges at the very least.
00:48Menendez 70 faces the likelihood of spending the rest of his life behind bars once he is sentenced on October 29.
00:56For more information visit www.FEMA.gov
