Vivir de Amor Capítulo 122 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Vivir de Amor Capítulo 122 Completo HD
00:00♪ Esperando por tu amor ♪
00:30♪ Esperando por tu amor ♪
01:00Ay, Cristina, es que yo ya no sé qué pensar de ella.
01:03Mira, yo quise creer que había cambiado,
01:05pero vuelve a ser cosas que me desconciertan.
01:07Pero es mi hija, yo tengo que ayudarla.
01:09Aunque sea muy difícil, tengo que ayudarla, Cristina.
01:12¿Has pensado en algún momento en la posibilidad
01:16de llevarle a algún especialista?
01:18Es que sí le urge. Sí, sí le urge.
01:25A ver, Santiago, yo entiendo que quieras hacer
01:28el papel del hermano defensor para hablar con la cabeza caliente
01:30que no te conviene. Ya, amor, amor, amor, ya, ya.
01:33¿Qué está pasando? Mejor explícame porque no entiendo.
01:36Estoy tranquilo, mi amor. Sí, ahorita te explico.
01:38No voy a decir nada si tú te vas lejos con tu protegida.
01:42Si no lo haces, tu familia va a saber quién eres realmente.
01:46A ver, Santiago, yo te protegí, te saqué de la cárcel,
01:50pagué tus cuentas y así me pagas.
01:53Eres un maldito malagradecido.
01:55Ya te lo advertí y te hablo en serio.
01:57Es que son malditos.
01:59Vicente, ya, ya, ya.
02:03Es un maldito infeliz.
02:05¿Qué está pasando? ¿Quién es Dulce?
02:09¿De qué robo están hablando? No entiendo.
02:11A ver, mi amor.
02:15Yo sé que no es ni el mejor momento ni el mejor lugar
02:18para hablar de esto, pero quiero saber
02:20cómo va el proceso contra Bruno.
02:22Hablé con Corral y quizás lo liberen.
02:26La policía cree que él no mató a Mónica.
02:28¿Cómo? Pero si sus huellas están en la pistola, papá.
02:32Además, Iker lo escuchó amenazar a mi tía.
02:35¿Cómo puede decir eso?
02:37Las cámaras del edificio grabaron su llegada y por la hora.
02:41Bruno todavía no estaba en su departamento
02:44cuando se recibió la llamada anónima avisando del balazo.
02:48Si la pistola tenía silenciador, suponen que esa llamada
02:52pudo haberle hecho el verdadero asesino.
02:55¿Cómo que asesina? ¿Fue a una mujer?
02:58Entonces, ¿por qué te dijo todo eso Santiago?
03:01Es muy grave de lo que te está acusando.
03:04¿De qué robo hablaban?
03:06Es que no hay mucho que decir.
03:08Santiago entró a robar a Casi y mi abuelo.
03:10Dulce los descubrió.
03:12Se puso nervioso y le disparó.
03:15¿Qué? ¿Y por qué te amenaza a ti?
03:18Porque yo ordené el robo.
03:21Rebeca, yo estaba desesperado.
03:25Necesitaba recuperar un documento que me incriminaba.
03:28Si Santiago abre la boca, yo voy a terminar en la cárcel.
03:32Pero no recuperaste ese documento.
03:35Si tú lo tienes, Santiago no va a poder probar nada.
03:38¿Lo tienes?
03:39Sí. Yo lo tengo y lo tengo muy bien guardado.
03:43Pero lo tengo que destruir.
03:47En cuanto vaya a mi departamento, lo voy a quemar.
03:55José Emilio, ¿a qué viene tanto interés con la situación legal de Bruno?
03:59Porque fui a verlo al reclusorio para preguntarle sobre los pagos retrasados del préstamo.
04:04¿Y sabes lo que me dijo?
04:06Que si lo ayudo a salir de la cárcel, él me entregará al responsable con todo y pruebas.
04:11¿Y te dijo quién es?
04:13Prefiero no dar nombres hasta tener las pruebas en la mano.
04:16¿Entonces aceptaste negociar con Bruno?
04:19Si Bruno va a salir libre,
04:22podríamos hacerle creer que es gracias a nosotros para que nos entregue las pruebas que necesitamos.
04:35Ay, no, es que hoy va a ser nuestro gran día, David.
04:44¿Qué pasó aquí? ¿Qué le hicieron a nuestro local?
04:49Tanto esfuerzo y dinero invertido para que todo saliera bien.
04:52Y mira lo que nos hicieron.
04:54¡Órale, se ve bien chido!
04:56Con los colores que le pusieron.
04:58Además, lo importante es lo que se van a comer, ¿no?
05:02Tienes razón, David.
05:04Juntos vamos a lograr que nuestra pizzería sea un éxito.
05:08Ven, hijo. Vamos a abrir.
05:12Ay, Doris, de verdad que no sé cómo le haces para cada vez verte más bella.
05:16Me encantas.
05:18Hoy en particular te ves muy elegante.
05:21Y a partir de hoy siempre la vas a ver vestida así de refinada.
05:26Por eso le compramos algunas cositas, mi Sebas.
05:29A ver, para en su cara.
05:31No soy su muñequita para que me anden cambiando de vestido a cada rato.
05:34Hoy me vestí así por la boda de Angéli y el Pepe Emilio.
05:37Pero mi puesto yo lo atiendo como yo quiera, ¿cómo ven?
05:39Está bien, está bien.
05:40Tú lo que te pongas te vas a ver hermosa.
05:43Y además, de cualquier manera yo te amo.
05:46Este arroz ya se coció.
05:56Como que ya le surge casarse, ¿verdad, don Emilio?
06:03Ojalá que nuestra Dorisita cache el ramo.
06:06Ámbale, hermanos. Changuitos, changuitos.
06:08Para que nuestra Dorisita se lo lleve.
06:11A las dos.
06:14Ponte búsame para ver si ahora sí te casas.
06:17Porque yo todavía no veo claro.
06:21A las tres.
06:34Vas a tener que comprar el anillo acá, mi hermana.
06:38Ay, te vas a casar.
06:47Sí, claro. A ver.
06:50¿Cómo estás, corazón?
06:52Muy bien.
06:53Oye, ya te vi.
06:55Qué bien acompañado vienes.
06:57Y qué linda está.
06:58Cuéntame, ¿quién es?
06:59Gracias, sí. Es muy linda.
07:02Se llama Doris.
07:04Cristina, quiero hablar contigo acerca de...
07:09Mira, me siento con la obligación morada de decirte lo que siento.
07:14Tú sabes lo importante que eres para mí.
07:17Y tú sabes lo importante que eres para mí también, ¿no?
07:21¿Sabes por qué?
07:23Porque tú respetaste y amaste a mi hija con toda tu alma.
07:27Y ella a ti.
07:29Tu amor llenó su corazón, su vida.
07:32Le hiciste tan feliz, mi amor.
07:35¿Ella te dijo eso?
07:37Muchísimas veces.
07:39No, bueno, hay veces que la verdad entre mamá e hija no necesitamos muchas veces decir palabras.
07:44Nada más con vernos a los ojos sabemos qué está pasando.
07:47Sí, ustedes tenían una conexión y una comunicación muy fuerte.
07:51Ella siempre te admiró mucho.
07:55Sí, Dulce y yo fuimos mucho más que madre e hija.
07:59Ella fue mi cómplice, mi confidente, mi mejor amiga.
08:06¿Y tú?
08:08Tú fuiste el mejor hombre que pudo haber conocido.
08:12Y el esposo con el que cualquier mamá quisiera que terminara su hija.
08:17Uy, no.
08:19Cada vez que te veía se le iluminaban sus ojitos.
08:23Sí, la llenaba de luz.
08:25Tú fuiste su único y verdadero amor.
08:27Yo por eso, mi amor, voy a agradecer todos los días de mi vida.
08:34Ve a mi hija tan feliz a tu lado.
08:37Gracias, Sebastián. Gracias.
08:40Ahora, pues, Diosito quiso que se fuera.
08:45Es una estrellita en el cielo. Es nuestro angelito.
08:50¿Y tú y yo seguimos aquí?
08:52¿Y sabes qué? Tú te mereces encontrar otra vez el amor.
08:55¿Volver a tener esta ilusión?
08:59Con Dulce llegué a la plenitud del amor.
09:03Y sinceramente no pensé que nunca pudiera ser feliz con nadie más.
09:07Cuando ella murió, me hundí en un profundo dolor.
09:11Pero bueno, Dulce siempre va a vivir en mi corazón.
09:15Tú sabes lo importante que ella es para mí.
09:17Y además, fue mi primer amor. Jamás la voy a olvidar.
09:22Lo sé, Sebastián.
09:23Y ella te amaba con toda su alma.
09:27Y yo estoy segura que mi hija no quisiera verte solo.
09:32Y yo tampoco, mi amor.
09:36Cuando tú te casaste con Dulce, yo gané un hijo.
09:43Gracias, Cristina. De verdad, para mí era muy importante
09:46tener esta conversación contigo y de alguna manera
09:49tener tu permiso, tu aprobación, no sé cómo llamarlo.
09:54Yo sí sé cómo llamarlo.
09:57Mi hijo.
09:59Tienes mi bendición.
10:02Por favor, sé muy feliz.
10:07¿Me lo prometes?
10:08Lo prometo.
10:13Necesitamos hablar, Santiago. Y tiene que ser en la casa.
10:17Necesitamos hablar, Santiago. Y tiene que ser cuanto antes.
10:20Olvídalo, Michel.
10:22No voy a salir corriendo de la boda de mi hermana solo para hablar contigo.
10:25A ver, tienes razón.
10:27Nadie te está pidiendo que hagas eso, ¿ok?
10:29Nos podemos ver esta misma noche.
10:31Pero, Santiago, quiero que lleguemos a un acuerdo, ¿ok?
10:35Te veo más tarde.
10:38Si no desaparecen los dos de nuestras vidas,
10:41yo les voy a decir a los Rivero Cuellar quién me pagó para cometer el robo en su casa.
10:44Y, sobre todo, voy a decirles quién le disparó a Dulce.
10:52Dígame quién necesito, patrón.
10:54Llámame lo que sea y lo hago.
10:56Ya sabe que estoy para servirle.
10:58Quiero encargarte un trabajo, Rufino.
11:01Se trata al imbécil de Santiago.
11:04Necesito que lo desaparezcas esta misma noche.
11:07No te pierdas la próxima semana el gran final de tu telenovela.
11:37Te amaré
11:43En silencio y en secreto
11:46Te amaré
11:49Arriesgando en lo prohibido
11:52Te amaré
11:56En lo falso y en lo cierto
11:59Con el corazón abierto
12:02Por ser algo no perfecto
12:05Te amaré
12:08Te amaré, te amaré
12:11Como no está permitido
12:15Te amaré, te amaré
12:18Como nunca nadie ha sabido
12:28Porque así lo he decidido
12:34Te amaré
12:44Todos bailan y se ven súper felices, Lucas.
12:47Yo tengo que seguir atada a esta silla.
12:49Quiero divertirme como antes.
12:52¿Y quién dice que no te vas a divertir hoy?
12:57Señorita, ¿me concede esta pieza?
13:01Ay, ¿estás loco? ¿Cómo voy a bailar si no puedo ni pararme?
13:24Viene de aquí.
13:31Escúchame, Angeli.
13:33No tendrás que volver a preocuparte por Rebecca, ¿ok?
13:36No va a volver a molestarnos.
13:39Ay, quisiera estar segura de eso, Santi, pero yo lo dudo mucho. Eso sería un milagro.
13:45Los milagros existen, hermanita.
13:47Créeme que los milagros sí existen.
13:53Ay, mamá.
13:55Si sabes que estás bailando con el hombre más feliz de todo el universo.
13:59Sí, sí lo sé. Así te sientes, ¿verdad?
14:04Así es. Y todo esto por mi boda con Angeli.
14:09No sabes lo que me alegró por los dos, mi amor.
14:13Que su amor triunfó. Te lo dije siempre y ya están juntos otra vez.
14:19Oye, ¿y cuándo se casan con la iglesia?
14:21Ay, mamá, no lo sé, pero no por ahora. Vamos a respetar el luto de mi tía Mónica.
14:26Pero lo vamos a hacer después de que nazca el bebé.
14:30Bueno, nada más una cosita. No se vayan a tardar mucho, porque nadie tiene la vida comprada.
14:37Ay, mamá, no hables así. Aquí nadie se está muriendo.
14:41Ay, no, claro que no.
14:43Oye, que Dios les dé muchísima vida, mucha salud, para que disfruten muchos años de este amor enorme
14:51y de ese bebito precioso que viene en camino.
14:54Sí, sí. Un bebé que vamos a amar y vamos a disfrutar todos.
15:00Sobre todo tú, mamá. Ya sé que vas a ser una abuela de lo más consentidora.
15:06La más, sí. La más, la más.
15:15¿Quieres un vaso de jugo del valle?
15:18Sí, por favor.
15:20¿Viste cómo grafitearon la fachada? Nos da una imagen horrible, Renato.
15:26Sí, pero ya no te preocupes por eso, Jime.
15:29Mira, David, está feliz. Eso es lo importante.
15:34¡Renato! Me acaban de encargar otra pizza. ¿Le puedo ir preparando?
15:41Me encanta cómo tratas a David. Mi hijo te quiere mucho.
15:45Yo también lo quiero.
15:47Y a ti también te quiero mucho.
16:01Me quéres.
16:03Te quiero, David.
16:05¡Ahora sí!
16:07¡Ahora sí!
16:09Ahora sí.
16:11Well, let me help you, David.
16:25What are you doing here?
16:27My son invited me.
16:28David, I'm here.
16:30I'm here.
16:36Hello, little girl.
16:38I see you're doing very well with your treatment.
16:43And a little birdie told me that you could move your legs.
16:48Yes, here I go.
16:49I mean, I'm very impatient, but I'll try to follow my dad's advice.
16:54Very impatient.
16:57It's the best you can do, little girl.
17:00Remember that I was also in a wheelchair,
17:04but little by little I was able to walk using only my cane.
17:12And if a great man like me could achieve it,
17:16there is no doubt that you will also achieve it, young lady.
17:20Thank you very much, Mr. Emilio.
17:22And yes, I will follow your example and do my best.
17:26That's the way to talk, girl.
17:30I already put the pizzas in the oven.
17:33Hey, I thought this was going to be full, right?
17:36But a lot of empty tables.
17:38Hey, Ximena, by the way, what a bad taste.
17:41The facade, all graffitied, it doesn't give a good impression.
17:44I totally agree with you, Iker.
17:47And you know what?
17:48Now that you mention it, I just came up with a way to solve it.
17:51I'll be right back.
17:53Thank you.
17:59What's going on?
18:02I don't even know how to listen to the music, my love.
18:05How long are you going to take it off?
18:06Look, what a boring party.
18:08Do you know what's missing here?
18:10Real music.
18:11The one they put on looks like elevator music.
18:14Oh, brother.
18:16You have a mouth full of reason, dad.
18:18You know, I have so much music in my cell that we could dance until tomorrow.
18:22And you, don't go away.
18:24Oh, my love, what happened?
18:25I'm going to dance with you until you get tired.
18:27Now fulfill me, Sebastian.
18:29Let's see, wait.
18:30I'm going to connect to the Wi-Fi so that the party enters the atmosphere.
18:33Let's see.
18:34But what are you going to do?
18:35We already set it up.
18:38Pepe Emilio.
18:39I want.
18:40The rule that you like.
18:41Come on.
18:43Come on, come on, come on.
18:44Do you want to dance?
18:46Come on, come on, come on.
18:49That's it.
18:51Come on, my love.
18:52What is that?
18:54Hey, hey, hey.
18:56Oh, yes, like that.
19:01I don't know.
19:04Come on, Julie.
19:05That's it.
19:06Hey, hey, hey.
19:07Come on.
19:08Come on, come on.
19:10Come on, come on.
19:11Come on, come on.
19:12Come on, come on.
19:13Come on, come on.
19:17How are you, friends?
19:26Come on.
19:27Come on, come on.
19:29Come on, come on.
19:31Hey, hey!
19:35Come on, Renato.
19:36That's super cool.
19:37And the fun's just starting, David.
19:39Because we're going to invite all the clients that buy your pizza
19:42Put your signature on the wall.
19:44Yeah, that's great!
19:45Yeah, right?
19:46Yeah, let's do it.
19:50That's it, son.
19:51Let's put it on.
19:53Put yours on, the most important one.
19:55I'm sorry, I can't see it.
20:00Draw your own graffiti when you buy your pizza?
20:04Let's see.
20:05Put a shadow there.
20:07Done. Here are the boxes.
20:10Thanks to your wonderful idea,
20:13the inauguration of my pizzeria is a success, Hernan.
20:31I guess they decided to marry for my nephew, right?
20:34Don't mess with my son, okay?
20:35Don't mess with my son.
20:36Listen to me, you dead bitch.
20:38You're going to hurt my son.
20:42Oh, Virgin.
20:44I don't want to hate my sister,
20:46but I have to protect my son.
20:49You know I'd give my life for him.
21:04What's wrong? Why are you crying?
21:06Because that bastard Bruno is going to be free.
21:09Now they say he didn't kill himself.
21:13Sandra, there's a chance Bruno won't get out.
21:16And only if you don't report him for what he did to you.
21:21If you want, you know you can count on me, okay?
21:24I'll always be here to support you.
21:28It depends on you that there's one less abuser
21:32on the street, Sandra.
21:36I'll always be here for you.
21:39I'll always be with you.
21:47It was a beautiful wedding, son.
21:49Angeli, Jose Emilio looked so in love.
21:52Mom, I want you to know I'll do everything I can
21:55to protect you and Angeli.
21:57I won't let anything happen to them.
22:00I promise.
22:01Oh, my love.
22:02You've matured so much.
22:03I promise.
22:04You've matured so much.
22:07Your dad must be so proud of you, just like I am.
22:11Mom, I'm not the son you deserve.
22:15I don't...
22:15Don't say anything.
22:18We all make mistakes, Santiago.
22:20Especially when we're young.
22:22But your change makes me very happy and calm.
22:26I love you, Santiago.
22:30I love you, Mom.
22:32Well, I'm going to go to bed. I'm exhausted.
22:35Good night, Mom.
22:39Get some rest, sweetie.
22:55Honey, I didn't expect to spend our wedding night
22:58here in our apartment.
23:00I had a surprise for you.
23:03We're finally going to be alone, sweetie.
23:08Alone in our...
23:10Oh, I've waited so long for this moment.
23:17Me too, honey.
23:30Oh, honey, this is wonderful.
23:34It's so much more romantic than I've ever dreamed of.
23:38Thank you, honey.
23:40God bless you, honey.
23:44Oh, it's beautiful.
23:53I love you.
24:06In silence and in secret, I will love you.
24:12Risking what is forbidden, I will love you.
24:18Where's Isabel? Why didn't she come?
24:20My boss will see you somewhere else.
24:22I'm taking you with him.
24:23Tell your boss to talk to me.
24:25Tell him to come next time.
24:27I'm not going anywhere with you, you hear me?
24:29Tell me where Isabel is.
24:36My boss told me to take you with him.
24:40And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
24:44Agent Corral told me they checked the security cameras
24:47in the building and found out that Bruno came to his apartment
24:51after the police received the call warning him of the shootout.
24:56So he couldn't have done it.
24:59No, no, no.
25:00And now the suspicions are that Bruno is the one
25:03who called the police and told them to shoot him.
25:07So he's the one who called the police
25:09and told them to shoot him?
25:12No, no, no.
25:13And now the suspicions are that the woman who called
25:16could be the murderer of Monica.
25:19And who is that woman?
25:21They're looking into it.
25:23Now I'm going to speed up Bruno's release.
25:26In exchange for our support, Bruno offered to hand over
25:29the person responsible for delaying the payment of the loan
25:32with all evidence, and Jose Emilio accepted.
25:36That seems very good to me.
25:38We'll finally know who's harming the company.
25:43That's right.
25:48Don't miss next week's episode.
25:57I don't know what to expect from Bruno.
26:00Iker already proved that Bruno delayed the payment of the loan.
26:03Don't forget that Iker heard him threaten my mother.
26:06He could be behind the woman who called.
26:10For some reason, he hasn't been able to prove his innocence.
26:13Yes, that's true.
26:16Look, I only care about the murderer rotting in jail.
26:21Maybe I don't have the best mother,
26:23but I want justice for her.
26:25Me too.
26:26Monica's death can't go unpunished.
26:30Thank you, Grandpa.
26:31I don't want what happened to Dulce to happen again.
26:36It's time we find that murderer
26:39so we can make him pay for his crime.
26:45I didn't think so many people would come to the inauguration.
26:49The pizzas were delicious.
26:51You chose an excellent place, Jime.
26:54Congratulations. You have many customers.
26:56Thank you very much.
26:58Look, they're talking about our pizzas.
27:00Let's see. What do they say?
27:02I liked the variety. What do they offer?
27:04The pizzas are delicious. Congratulations.
27:06Well done, David. You did a great job.
27:09Your idea of graffiti was great.
27:12What does it say here?
27:14How original that the kids played with paint.
27:16They had a lot of fun.
27:20Thank you.
27:21Thank you.
27:22This is possible thanks to you two.
27:26Well, David, it's time for you to brush your teeth,
27:29put on your pajamas, and go to bed.
27:32Yes, Mom.
27:39Thank you for your support, Renato.
27:41Without you, the inauguration would have been a disaster.
27:45Well, if it's good for you, it's good for me.
27:48And for our relationship.
27:52Relationship? What relationship?
27:56You already divorced Iker.
27:58You're practically a free woman.
28:00I think there may soon be a relationship between us.
28:04Do you really notice me?
28:06It's in the air.
28:08Don't you feel it?
28:30Finally, we're in our home.
28:32We're well married.
28:34Mrs. De Aranda.
28:37I'm so excited to think
28:39that we're going to receive our son here.
28:43You know, when I have him in my arms,
28:45I think I'm going to be so happy.
28:47Me too.
28:49Me too?
28:51To meet him without having seen him.
28:53I still love him so much.
28:56My love, let's forget everything.
29:00And everyone else.
29:02I just want to think of us.
29:05That we're finally going to be together forever.
29:10Kiss you.
29:12Fall in love with you.
29:21You can't let Bruno get away with it, Isabel.
29:24He had to be the one who shot your mom.
29:27He made you all think he was someone else.
29:31But no one else could be.
29:33Or did your mom have more enemies?
29:36Everyone was hallucinating, Rebeca.
29:38She had a great talent to be hated.
29:41But if it was a woman...
29:43It was your aunt Cristina.
29:45I don't think Bruno shot my aunt Monica.
29:48When we were dating, I never saw him use a gun.
29:51In fact, I don't think he even had one.
29:54Could he buy one?
29:57I mean, Bruno might be a thug, but he's not a murderer.
30:01He acts like one, but he's a coward.
30:04I don't think he's capable of killing anyone.
30:07What do you think, Mom?
30:08I totally agree with you, my love.
30:11Besides, we've known each other our whole lives.
30:14Adolfo, that woman who called to report the shooting,
30:18how could she have gone?
30:20Didn't the police say the gun had a silencer?
30:24Well, it's not the only line of investigation.
30:28The building's security guard
30:30remembered a pizza delivery guy who was in the building
30:34at the same time the crime took place.
30:37A pizza delivery guy?
30:39But what's that got to do with anything?
30:42Why would he be important to me?
30:44Well, according to the building's security guard,
30:47the delivery guy walked past when he got there.
30:50And, suspiciously, he never saw him leave.
30:54He was in the building just before the police arrived.
30:58I'm sorry to meddle, but from what you've told me,
31:01your aunt has more reasons to want to get your mom out of the way.
31:05She knows she loves your dad.
31:08Let me explain something.
31:11My aunt Cristina is a saint.
31:13She would never have done anything against her sister,
31:15against anyone.
31:16Even though my mother was like heaven and hell,
31:19totally the opposite, my aunt Cristina is a good person.
31:22She's generous, she's supportive of the family,
31:24she has an indelible integrity.
31:26And my mother was the opposite.
31:28She always envied her brother.
31:30She always wanted everything she had.
31:32You see, she even managed to steal the love
31:34from the man she loved.
31:36They were like the good and the bad faced.
31:41Well, the important thing now is to prevent Bruno
31:43from talking to Jose Emilio.
31:46Bruno is against you, Misael.
31:48In order to get out of jail, he's going to blame you.
31:51He knows that if I go down, he's going to go down with me.
31:54But Bruno knows what happened with Dulce.
31:56Yes, but I assure you he's not going to say anything.
32:00That's Santiago I have to shut up about.
32:08Tomorrow morning, dead.
32:11Let's go.
32:21What are you doing?
32:23Let me go.
32:25Let me go!
32:27I'm not in your business.
32:29I'm in your business.
32:31Let me go!
32:33Let go!
32:35Let me go!
32:37Let me go!
32:40Let me go!
32:42Let me go!
32:44Let me go!
32:46Let me go!
32:48Let me go!
33:09Why do you want to marry?
33:12Me married?
33:15Oh Fatima, when did you find out about the marriage?
33:18Since you fell in love with Luciano, is it because you weren't interested in him before?
33:25Oh no, I'm not me anymore, please. I'm going to sleep.
33:33Now say goodbye. You shouldn't have interrupted our deal with the hacienda.
33:38Are you sure? Are you sure you called the cops, right, traitor boy?
33:42They say that the brave lives until the coward wants.
33:45You're bothering everyone, especially Matilde, who has problems to walk.
33:49In this case it's going to be the other way around, kid.
33:52Coward, that is, if you cry, you are going to stop living.
33:56Because the brave, me, I love him as you see him.
34:01Bringing a gun doesn't make you brave, Brian, it's abusive.
34:06As you wish, tell me as you wish, but in this neighborhood I rule.
34:10And whoever gets in my way doesn't count.
34:19That was a bullet.
34:23Rufe! Rufe! Rufe! Rufe! Rufe!
34:29Are you okay, love? Rufe, breathe, love!
34:35An ambulance, Lucas, a ambulance, now!
34:39No, no, no, no!
34:47Speak! It's an ambulance!
34:50My love, Rufe is gone.
34:59You won't be able to hide the truth for long, Cristina.
35:16Sir, you know why I don't want to tell you that I have cancer.
35:25I don't want to distress my children, sir.
35:31Give me strength to walk this path you have chosen for me.
35:38I promise you that I will fight with all my strength to overcome this test.
35:46But please help me.
35:49I don't want my children to suffer, sir.
35:55Much less my father.
35:59He wouldn't bear it, sir, you know that.
36:05Please, Father.
36:08I beg you, give me strength to face this battle.
36:16I want to live.
36:18By helping a person who suffers from cancer.
36:30Don't be afraid to make plans for the future.
36:35Smile together.
36:38Fulfill your promise.
36:41Don't stop dreaming.
36:44God, give me the wisdom to help Cristina.
36:52Give her the strength to not fall.
36:57Also, allow her to feel my love.
37:02Even if she never belongs to me.
37:08Sir, I beg you.
37:16What happened to the baby?
37:21Brian, what happened to the baby?
37:23What happened? What did you do?
37:39My love, I'm worried that my mom will be a victim of Rebecca again.
37:43My love, no matter how much I want, I can't. I can't trust Rebecca.
37:47We will never trust her.
37:49The same thing happens to me with Isabel.
37:51Because according to Bruno, she is behind some payments that are affecting the company.
37:58By the way, my love, with all these problems we will not be able to make our wedding trip.
38:05Don't worry, my love.
38:06Soon it will be the gastronomic tasting.
38:08I need to be here.
38:10We will travel when we can.
38:13You are unique.
38:15You are unique.
38:17But you say it because you love me and I love you.
38:19And not only because you are handsome, but because you are intelligent, fair, hardworking.
38:27And also your family.
38:32It's okay.
38:34It's okay.
38:36I accept.
39:04They must be together laughing at me.
39:07But the pleasure won't last long.
39:10Don't think you got away with it, Angeli.
39:13You haven't beaten me.
39:16We'll see what I can do if I get the evidence of the fraud.
39:20Where do you have them, Isabel?
39:34Good morning, boss.
39:36The job is done, as you ordered.
39:40Was there a problem?
39:43Santiago del Olmo will no longer be a problem for you.
39:57Thank you, Mario.
39:59Thank you, Mario.
40:01Mari, tell Santiago that breakfast is ready.
40:05Young Santiago left last night and has not returned, Mrs. Ailana.
40:15You have your money.
40:17Not a word of this to anyone, Rufino.
40:20You did a good job.
40:24What happened?
40:25I need to tell you something.
40:28When Mrs. Monica was shot,
40:31I was following Bruno on behalf of his late mother, may she rest in peace.
40:35That guy couldn't have done it.
40:38He was taking care of the house in the neighborhood where his son Pedrito lived.
40:43When he returned to the apartment,
40:45the police arrived later.
40:48At that moment, Mrs. Monica had already been shot.
40:51Are you sure?
40:52Sure, sir.
40:53I was there when the police arrived.
40:55Does anyone else know about this?
40:56No one, just me.
40:59You did the right thing by telling me.
41:02Why did my mother want you to follow Bruno?
41:06I don't know, boss.
41:08I just know that he asked me strictly to follow him, not to lose sight of him.
41:11He wanted to know everything he did,
41:13where he went, what he ate,
41:15that he was his shadow.
41:17Did something important happen to him?
41:19Just what I told you.
41:21That he went to get into the home of that brat,
41:22the meticulous one,
41:24your friend's daughter.
41:36My dear, the insurance companies already have an answer for us.
41:42I need to go to the corporation right away, my dear.
41:45I want everything ready to make decisions
41:48and not stop the production of the extra orders.
41:49Oh, I'm very happy that everything is resolved, my love.
41:51Do you want some juice from the valley?
41:55I'm going to the restaurant.
41:57I want to know if there is any news about the tasting contest.
41:59Well, I'm leaving.
42:01Yes. Go, don't entertain yourself.
42:03I love you.
42:05I love you more.
42:07Have a good day.
42:09You too, my dear.
42:11Hello, mom. Good morning.
42:13Hello, daughter.
42:15I'm sorry to bother you.
42:17I know you must be busy with Jose Emilio
42:19and that they just got married, but ...
42:21Do you know anything about Santiago?
42:23No. No, mom. Why?
42:30To one side. Excuse me.
42:32Excuse me, please.
42:34Excuse me.
42:36Excuse me.
42:38Excuse me.
42:40Excuse me.
42:47Another dead man due to overdose.
42:54No, no, no. It can't be.
42:56He can't be my brother.
42:58What's going on?
43:00Emilio Rivero Cuellar.
43:02You are under arrest for attempted fraud
43:04to the Mexican insurance company and associates.
43:08Rebecca, we have to go on a trip.
43:10It's romantic, but I really can't wait.
43:12Will you marry me?
43:17That's the woman. Can I recognize her?
43:20That woman is Rebecca.
43:22No, we're not going to toast?
43:24I'm going to get some glasses.
43:26I'll hold it for you.
43:33I need you to see this image.
43:40Rebecca killed my mom?
