Vivir de Amor Capítulo 125 Completo en Español

  • 2 months ago
Vivir de Amor Capítulo 125 Completo en Español
02:35¿Y Rebeca está grave?
02:37Sí, los médicos están tratando de salvarle una pierna.
02:41Hijo, ¿estás seguro de que no es otra mentira de esa mujer para evadir la justicia?
02:46Ya tiene que saber que está acusada de haber asesinado a Mónica.
02:50No, papá, la agente Corral ya confirmó la gravedad de Rebeca.
02:55Y bueno, ya me voy.
02:57Mamá, ¿tú te sientes bien?
03:01Porque te ves ojerosa.
03:05Dormí mala noche, pero estoy bien.
03:08Oye, ya vete con Angelita, está esperando.
03:12Cuídala muy bien y cuida a mi nieto mucho, por favor, ¿eh?
03:14Claro que sí.
03:15Tal vez debería verte el médico, mamá,
03:17para que todos estemos más tranquilos, ¿ok?
03:20Sí, te lo prometo.
03:21Mañana voy.
03:24Hijo, cuídate.
03:25Y quiero saber lo que te diga el médico, ¿de acuerdo?
03:28Te la encargo, papá.
03:29Sí, hijo, tranquilo.
03:34Cristina, perdón que insista, pero...
03:38Prometo que mañana, mañana voy a hablar con mis hijos.
03:44Mañana les voy a decir que tengo cáncer.
03:47Será lo mejor, Cristina.
03:49Así no tendrás la zozobra de estar ocultándole algo tan serio.
03:54Y vas a contar con el apoyo de todos.
04:03Papá, ¿qué pasó?
04:06¿Hablaste con Isabel?
04:08Sí, hijita.
04:10Mi nieto está deshecho.
04:13Pero vi el arrepentimiento en sus ojos.
04:16Mi Isabel va a responder bien, estoy seguro.
04:22Por favor, hijita, tenemos que hablar.
04:24Quiero explicarte.
04:26Ay, Dios.
04:28¿Qué sucede, Wanda?
04:30Rebeca le dijo a Pedrito que yo soy su mamá.
04:33Y ahora mi hijo no quiere ni hablarme.
04:36No, hija.
04:42¿Entonces siguen operando a Rebeca?
04:44Sí, hija.
04:45Los médicos no nos han dicho nada.
04:48Ojalá que salga bien librada de esta.
04:51Bueno, pues, si sale, es para irse derechito a la cárcel, ¿eh?
04:55Porque la policía está aquí para arrestar a Rebeca.
04:58Bueno, te llamo cuando haya noticias, Dorisita.
05:01Sí, adiós.
05:05¿Qué te dijeron, mi amor? ¿Qué tienes esa cara?
05:07Ay, Sebas, no se vale que mi amiga la hayan atropellado
05:10y estén a punto de cortarle un pie.
05:12Y la policía bien puesta para arrestarla.
05:15Qué mala su cara.
05:18Y la policía bien puesta para arrestarla.
05:20Qué mala onda.
05:22Mira, mi amor, la policía va a detener a Rebeca
05:26porque ella podría ser la asesina de Mónica.
05:40Pedrito, ¿le quieres contar a tu disco abuelo por qué lloras?
05:45Es cierto que Wanda es mi mamá.
05:50Mira, Wanda ha sufrido mucho buscando a su hijito durante años.
05:57Y ahora que por fin lo encontró,
06:00pues, quiso prepararse para ser la mejor mamá del mundo.
06:06Por eso no te había dicho nada, Pedrito.
06:11Ella tiene mucho miedo de que tú la rechazaras, hijito.
06:18No crees que Wanda se merece una oportunidad de un hijito.
06:24Que eres tú.
06:28Ya no llores, mi hijito. Ya no llores.
06:31Wanda es una buena mamá.
06:34Esa mujer que ha sufrido mucho buscándote, imagínate.
06:41Ella te quiere mucho, hijito. Mucho, mucho.
06:48A ver, los sonjinos, a ver, hable en la boca.
06:53Uy, adentro hay un monstruo. A ver, háblelo.
06:56A ver, agarrale la colita.
07:01Misael, ¿vas a ver a Pedrito?
07:04Sí, tía. Yo le quiero dar las buenas noches a mi hijo.
07:08Yo creo que es mejor que lo veas mañana.
07:11El abuelo está hablando con él porque ya se enteró que Wanda es su mamá y está muy confundido.
07:20Tía, mi abuelo me dijo que me van a apoyar y uno de corazón te quiero agradecer a ti y a José Emilio.
07:26Misael, tu familia siempre te ha querido, siempre te ha apoyado y tú nunca te diste cuenta.
07:33Y otra cosa, mi familia siempre ha confiado en ti. Por favor, ya no nos falles.
07:42Mis primos tuvieron muchísima suerte de tenerte como mamá.
07:46Digo, ahora entiendo por qué Adolfo, bueno, mi papá, sigue enamorado de ti.
07:53Y hasta la fecha sigue siendo la mujer de su vida.
07:57¿José Emilio sigue abajo?
07:58No, ya se fue. Angelí lo llamó.
08:03Te tengo que decir algo, Misael. Atropellaron a Rebeca.
08:17Hoy es que un beso tú y yo es como un poco de libertad.
08:22Y muy pronto vas a salir de aquí, mi amor.
08:24Ya le entregué a la policía una fotografía del anillo que me robaron.
08:27Si el tal Brian trata de venderlo, lo van a atrapar de inmediato.
08:31Pues qué buena noticia, mi amor.
08:33Y también encontramos las garrafas que usaron para vaciar el enlace de los cultivos.
08:37Mi tío Adolfo ya pidió que los peritos revisen y si tienen huellas de los delincuentes,
08:41pues para demostrar que los responsables son otros y que tú eres inocente.
08:47Así vas a quedar libre de toda culpa, mi amor.
08:49Es que jamás, jamás voy a olvidar todo lo que estás haciendo por mi abuelo.
08:52Don Emilio es el menos culpable de todo esto que está pasando.
08:56Yo no iba a dejar que lo encerraran y que tú te sintieras culpable por eso, pero de ninguna manera.
09:04Mi vida, deberías descansar. ¿Por qué mejor no nos vamos de aquí?
09:09Mi amor, es que no estoy aquí por Rebeca, sino por mi madre.
09:13Amor, te juro que no me alegra lo que le está pasando a Rebeca porque yo nunca le desearía nada.
09:17Pero ha hecho tanto daño que yo no puedo sentir pena por ella, aunque sea mi hermana.
09:21Yo lo sé y te entiendo perfecto porque también deseo lo mismo.
09:25Que Rebeca salga del hospital y que la manden directo a la cárcel donde debería pasar el resto de su vida.
09:30Ahí está el doctor, ahí está el doctor.
09:32¿Qué pasó, doctor?
09:34¿Qué noticias tiene mi hija?
09:36La paciente ya está fuera de peligro.
09:38Ay, gracias. ¿Y su pierna?
09:40Dígame que si lograron salvarse, que mi hija se iba a caminar.
09:44Logramos salvarle la pierna, pero...
09:46Pero ¿qué?
09:48Rebeca va a cojear el resto de su vida.
09:51Ay, no. Ay, no.
10:14¿Qué me pasó?
10:16¿Cómo se siente, señorita?
10:18¿Qué le pasó a mi pierna?
10:21En un momento viene el doctor para explicarle todo.
10:25Con permiso.
10:33Mi amor.
10:36¿Qué me pasó?
10:40Quedaste coja de por vida, Rebeca.
10:41No, no puedo quedar viciada.
10:44Algo se debe poder hacer, ¿no, mi amor?
10:46¿Qué ironías tiene la vida, no?
10:49Mientras tú lloras, los demás están celebrando que vas a quedar coja por el resto de tu vida.
10:54¿Qué te pasa?
10:56¿Estás feliz de lo que me pasó?
10:58Claro que me alegro.
11:00A ver, yo no soy un hipócrita como tú.
11:03No sabes el gusto que me da verte así como estás.
11:06Vas a ser una maldita tu vida el resto de tu vida.
11:08¿Por qué me hablas así?
11:10¿Qué te pasa?
11:12Yo ya sé que me engañaste, Rebeca.
11:14Me usaste para evadir la cárcel.
11:18Tú fingiste que tenías amnesia.
11:20Juraste que me amabas y todo era una mentira.
11:23Tú te burlaste de mí, Rebeca.
11:26Del amor que yo sentí por ti.
11:28Claro que lo hiciste.
11:29No, mi amor.
11:30Pero ¿sabes qué?
11:32Eso ya se acabó.
11:34Ya sé la clase de basura que eres.
11:36Eres una manipuladora.
11:41Pero sobre todo eres la peor de las zorras.
11:44¿Qué te pasa?
11:46¿Por qué me estás diciendo todo eso?
11:48Ya para, Rebeca.
11:51No intentes engañarme otra vez.
11:53Tú te vas a poder ir a la cárcel.
11:55Vas a pagar.
11:58Vas a pagar porque tú asesinaste a mi madre.
12:09Te juro que yo solo me defendí.
12:11No fue mi culpa.
12:13Te lo juro.
12:14Tu mamá me quería matar.
12:15Fue en defensa propia.
12:19Perdóname, perdóname.
12:22No lo quería.
12:23Te lo juro, no lo quería hacer.
12:25Pero no sé qué pasó ese día.
12:28Me amenazó.
12:32Isabel, no, por favor, Isabel.
12:36Isabel, no me hagas esto.
12:39Me tienes que creer, mi amor.
12:42Deme a los ojos, Isabel.
12:51No te pierdas la próxima semana el gran final de tu telenovela favorita,
12:56Vivir de Amor.
13:09Por favor, no me vayas a dejar sola.
13:11Lo que importa es que sean ustedes equipo, que se apoyen entre ustedes.
13:18Ella es mi favorita, Daniela Sousa.
13:20Nunca le falló a una piñata.
13:24Nada mal, pero mi favorita es Randa Lulas.
13:28¡Empieza Kevin Berlín!
13:29Kevin Berlín.
13:31Parece un pelvis.
13:33Juegos Olímpicos París 2024 por Televisa para todo México.
13:38Comienza tu día con las estrellas.
13:39A las 9 hoy juegos, entrevistas, ejercicio y mucha diversión.
13:43Que no falte el dinero en casita y un ritual para lograrlo.
13:46Y al terminar, notas, cocina, invitados, famosos y mucho más en Cuéntamelo Ya.
13:51Fíjense que el Sol hizo historia al presentarse dos veces con un lleno total en la casa del Real Madrid.
13:56De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
13:58Esto es tercer grado deportivo.
14:00¿Ocho años tardaste en volver a ese torneo?
14:02¿Como para tirarle a la basura como lo ha hecho México?
14:04Se mejoró. ¿Y qué? ¿De qué te sirve? ¿Contra quién jugaste?
14:07Tú como federación no sabes qué perfil va a encajar en tu jugador.
14:11Quien no compitió en la selección, perdón, no estoy de acuerdo.
14:14Tercer grado deportivo. Todos los lunes al terminar en punto por las estrellas.
14:18N+. La información que te importa desde cualquier lugar.
14:21Acceda al instante a lo que sucede en México y el mundo de manera rápida y fácil.
14:25Con el seguimiento puntual a los acontecimientos de última hora.
14:28Siempre disponibles en la plataforma más cerca de ti.
14:37Con locura y equilibrio, te amaré.
14:43Con la rabia de mis años, como me enseñaste a hacer.
14:50Con un grito en carne viva, te amaré.
14:59En silencio y en secreto, te amaré.
15:04Arriesgando en lo prohibido, te amaré.
15:11En lo falso y en lo cierto, con el corazón abierto.
15:18Por ser algo no perfecto, te amaré.
15:24Te amaré, te amaré, como no está permitido.
15:31Te amaré, te amaré, como nunca nadie ha sabido.
15:44Porque si lo he decidido, te amaré.
16:01In addition to the problem of the leg and due to the severe trauma,
16:05your daughter suffered a pelvic injury and will not be able to have children.
16:10Doctor, how long will my daughter be hospitalized?
16:15It will be several weeks, ma'am.
16:17Then she will need a few months of rehabilitation so that she can walk with the help of a cane.
16:22Now, if you want, you can come and see her.
16:24I don't.
16:26Mom, if you want, you go and then we'll take you home, okay?
16:30I don't want us to stay here any longer.
16:32Yes, honey. Give me your coffee.
16:34This way, please.
16:46Hello, daughter.
16:50Get me out of here.
16:51Get me out of here.
16:54Help me.
16:56They want to take me to jail.
16:59Daughter, I don't know if I can avoid it, but I'm going to do my best for a specialist to help you, my love.
17:08They're going to heal my leg. I'm not going to be lame, right?
17:13I'm not talking about your leg, daughter. I'm talking about your head.
17:19Look, you have to do several studies because you have a problem, my love.
17:24That's why you've done things you shouldn't have.
17:28But I'm going to help you.
17:30I promise you. I'm going to find the best specialist to help you as soon as possible, my love.
17:36You didn't understand me, did you?
17:39What I want is for you to get me out of here.
17:42I can't, my love.
17:44I can't, my love.
17:47Even if I want it with all my heart, I can't, daughter.
17:52Then leave.
17:56If you're not going to do it, get out.
18:00Get out.
18:01My love.
18:02I don't want to see you.
18:04Get out.
18:06Get out!
18:07I don't want to see you again.
18:09Get out of here.
18:11My love.
18:12Leave me alone, please.
18:14Please, I don't want to see you.
18:16Oh no, my God, my God, please.
18:17Please, my God.
18:19I don't want to see you.
18:20I don't want to see you.
18:21Enough, enough, please.
18:22Daughter, let's go.
18:23I told you everything.
18:24I told you everything.
18:25Let's go.
18:26Let's go.
18:28Let's go.
18:30Please, please.
18:31Please, my love.
18:41I have to forget you, Rebeca.
18:45I have to forget you.
18:58I was waiting for you.
19:00I want to spend the night with you.
19:06No, you know what?
19:07We'd better not.
19:08Someone is going to see us.
19:09Enough, enough.
19:10Go away.
19:11I doubt it, Rebeca.
19:13But if that happens, I'm willing to face the scandal.
19:16Let me love you, Rebeca.
19:19Let me show you that you are only mine.
19:29I love you too, Rebeca.
19:32I love you.
19:35And I will always love you.
19:44Do you feel sick?
19:45Do you need anything?
19:46No, Adolfo.
19:47Thank you.
19:49It's just that I don't resign myself to giving up everything.
19:54That's it.
19:55That's the attitude you should show.
19:57You don't have to give up anything, Cristina.
20:00Because everything is going to be fine.
20:02Well, even if you give up everything,
20:04because everything is going to be fine.
20:06Well, I'm even investigating the subject of your actions.
20:10And I already saw how we can recover them.
20:15Yes, yes, yes.
20:18If Rebeca is Frida del Olmo
20:20and the real Rebeca Sánchez died,
20:24there must be a death certificate somewhere.
20:28With that, we can prove
20:30that the person you gave up your actions to does not exist.
20:34We can reverse that transfer.
20:37We will cancel the procedure.
20:40The actions will be yours again.
20:44Of course, it's great news.
20:46Of course.
20:48Well, the procedure will take us a few months,
20:50but we will get it.
21:00Thank you, Adolfo.
21:01Thank you very much.
21:02You take a lot of weight off my shoulders.
21:06How do you feel, my love?
21:08I feel...
21:10calm, my love.
21:12Rebeca will no longer be a threat to me
21:15or to us.
21:17I don't know, for the first time in months,
21:20I feel that everything will be fine.
21:22That we will be fine.
21:24Yes, yes, that's how it will be.
21:27I feel the same, my love.
21:28My love,
21:30together we will overcome everything that has happened
21:34and we will wait in peace for our baby.
21:40I love you.
21:42I love you forever.
21:44I love you more.
22:00you're everything to me
22:02and I'm not going to give up
22:04the dream of having you again,
22:06of being together again
22:09as we should always be.
22:11Cristina, I love you.
22:13I love you too, Adolfo.
22:17But what case would you have...
22:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't say anything.
22:22Let me be the one who worries, okay?
22:25The one who dreams of both.
22:26And if
22:28I have to wait for you,
22:29something that costs me my life,
22:32I will do it.
22:37I don't want you to wait anymore.
22:40Not anymore.
22:42You don't have to wait anymore.
22:44I love you, Cristina.
22:46I love you more than anything.
22:49And I never,
22:51never, never, never stopped loving you.
22:56I love you.
23:23I love you.
23:24I love you, Cristina.
23:26I love you.
23:27I love you.
23:55You're not going to beat me.
23:58No, you're not going to beat me.
23:59I'm going to give you the battle.
24:14Good morning, sleepyhead.
24:18I bring you breakfast,
24:20to the most important woman in my life.
24:24Thank you.
24:26Thank you.
24:29I want to tell you that I have made the most important decision.
24:33I'm going to live
24:35every day
24:36as if it were the last of my life.
24:39I'm going to enjoy every minute I have.
24:42I don't care if it's days, months, weeks, years.
24:46But I'm not going to live with fear anymore.
24:49I'm going to face
24:51my illness
24:52with all the optimism
24:54and with all the love and support that my family gives me.
24:58I have
24:59this hope that it will help me to move forward,
25:02to meet my grandson.
25:04And above all, the love of all of you
25:06that fills me with all the strength I need.
25:11Thank you.
25:13Thank you, Cristina, for letting me fight by your side.
25:16Thank you.
25:18you're decided.
25:20Will it be today?
25:24It's going to be today.
25:27Today I'm going to tell the truth.
25:29And God willing.
25:41You're doing very well, beautiful.
25:42Keep trying so that when your boss leaves, he sees you standing.
25:46Oh, yes.
25:47I hope by then he can stand for a little longer.
25:51How are you, handsome?
25:53Well, nothing.
25:54Brian is still missing.
25:56He's probably hiding because of what my mom did to him.
25:59I want you to stop him.
26:00Seriously, Mati.
26:01When my mom is okay
26:02and we know that Brian is back,
26:04we're going to organize with all the neighbors in the neighborhood to catch him.
26:07The recording ring that was stolen is already for sale on the Internet.
26:10One of our agents has already contacted the seller.
26:13If it's about Brian, we're going to catch him.
26:17Well, that would be very good news, right?
26:19They are also about to give me the results of the drilling of the cans.
26:23Let's hope the fingerprints confirm the guilt of those criminals.
26:27Yes, thank you very much.
26:28Excuse me.
26:29Thank you.
26:32My love, I have so many hopes that Agent Corral's plan will work so that you can get out free.
26:37I also hope so.
26:40You gave me luck, huh?
26:42I already have a very good amount of money.
26:44Well, it's already decided.
26:45After the drill, I'm going to disappear for a while from the neighborhood.
26:48No, man. Why?
26:50What are you hiding?
26:54What am I going to hide?
26:55Yes, man.
26:57Calm down.
26:58What's wrong with you?
27:01Look at what we have here.
27:03No, well, it really looks like it's worth a lot.
27:05Where did you get it?
27:07Answer me.
27:08Where did you get this ring?
27:09From the hacienda where we went to steal.
27:11From the hacienda where we went to steal?
27:14In the robbery that I organized.
27:15So this is mine.
27:16No, no, no, Brian.
27:17This is to pay for Memo's bail.
27:29Axel Gomez, you are under arrest for theft of private property.
27:33Thank you for making a fool of yourself and publishing the ring.
27:35That's why we caught you.
27:36Put it on.
27:41Let's go.
27:49Oh, Christy.
27:50I can't believe it.
27:51Christy Rivero Huéllar.
27:54How are you?
27:55Sit down, my dear.
27:56Thank you very much, dear.
27:57Give me your bag.
27:58I'm going to put it here.
27:59Thank you.
28:00Thank you very much.
28:01I want to show you some things that have just arrived.
28:05In this magazine are all the designs that are fashionable in Paris, in Milan.
28:09Oh, my God.
28:10Take it easy, okay?
28:11Because surely with your port and elegance you will look spectacular, my dear.
28:16Let's see, tell me.
28:17Thank you.
28:18What am I going to do to you?
28:19I come to grab me.
28:26I come to grab me.
28:39I come to grab me.
29:09I come to grab me.
29:28Thank you.
29:29Thank you.
29:47I always told you I was innocent.
29:49Do you remember?
29:50But you never believed me.
29:52I think I'm going to sue you two for abuse of authority.
29:56You had me here arrested without me committing any crime.
29:59This is not going to stay here.
30:01Of course you committed no crime.
30:03You are guilty of rape.
30:07I don't know what you're talking about.
30:09Oh, you don't know?
30:12This man abused me, raped me.
30:14What are you saying?
30:15And he doesn't deserve to be free.
30:25What's up?
30:26My innocence has finally been proven.
30:27Are you going to let me go now?
30:31At this moment you will be transferred to the prison.
30:34But my lawyer told me he was about to prove my innocence.
30:38What moment?
30:39Wait a minute.
30:41I demand that my client be released at this moment.
30:44I am your lawyer.
30:45And here is the document that frees him from all responsibility.
30:51Okay, remember.
30:52As long as you release him,
30:54I will finish signing all the corresponding documentation.
30:57Thank you, uncle.
30:58Thank you.
31:04Thank you.
31:06Thank you for proving my innocence.
31:10While I was locked up,
31:12I realized that I don't want to stay away from you.
31:16Would you accept to be the wife of this crazy engineer
31:18who only likes to be in the field,
31:23planting seeds
31:25under the blue sky of the Rivera Cuellar farm?
31:30I accept.
31:32Now more than ever I know that you are the man
31:34with whom I want to share the rest of my life.
31:49Well, yes, daughter.
31:51Everything is in order.
31:52Ah, very good.
31:53Thank you.
31:54Of course.
31:55Hey, where are you putting your hands, girl?
31:57Mr. Elirio, what do I tell you?
31:58Get better.
31:59Thank you.
32:03They already found one of the thieves who entered the hacienda.
32:06Oh, how good, son.
32:08Yes, yes, grandpa.
32:09But that's not all.
32:10As soon as it is determined
32:11that the fingerprints found in the cans are not Luciano's,
32:15he will be released.
32:19I'm going to organize a feast
32:21like the engineer deserves.
32:24Yes, grandpa.
32:27But first, little boy,
32:31I need us to talk about my Israel.
32:35Sit down, please, sit down.
32:39Oh, grandpa, what happened?
32:43You know,
32:45your cousin needs us more than ever, son.
32:50And I want to know
32:54if I can count on you, son.
33:02just because you ask me and I love you very much,
33:05but I want you to know
33:07that it will be the last opportunity I give to my Israel.
33:12The last.
33:15I can't impose my presence
33:17and much less ask you to love me, Pedrito.
33:24But I need you to know
33:26that I also, since I knew you were going to be born
33:29and when I finally had you in my arms,
33:32so little and fragile,
33:35I thanked the Virgin so much that she had you by my side.
33:40You were the greatest blessing of my life.
33:42So why did you leave?
33:45I didn't leave.
33:47An evil woman snatched you from my arms
33:51and that was the worst day of my life
33:54because I didn't see you again.
33:57That day I felt like I was dying,
34:01that life was ending for me.
34:04There was not a minute that I didn't think of you, Pedrito.
34:08If you cried,
34:09if you were cold,
34:11if you laughed,
34:12if you ate,
34:16if you missed me too.
34:19And why didn't you tell me when you saw me in the neighborhood?
34:23Because I didn't know you were my son.
34:27When I saw you,
34:28I felt something very special for you.
34:32And now I understand
34:33that my heart knew it first than I did.
34:36My heart recognized you.
34:38It knew that you were that little piece of mine
34:40that I was looking for.
34:43Grandma told me that you were good.
34:47And I am.
34:48I've never been a bad woman, Pedrito, I swear.
34:53I dedicated myself to dancing because it's what I knew how to do
34:56and it has nothing to stop me.
35:01I am your mother
35:03and I love you with all my strength.
35:08But I don't want to hurt you.
35:11If you tell me to go,
35:13I'll go.
35:15And my love,
35:17I'll always be waiting for you.
35:23The day you forgive me,
35:26you know where you can find me, son.
35:30And I will welcome you with open arms.
35:39I don't want you to go.
35:42Stay with me, Mom.
35:45I want us to be together.
35:48And you'll never leave again.
36:05Oh, Mom.
36:07I also want to be close to you, Pedrito.
36:10If you listen to me,
36:14I hope one day you can forgive me
36:16and give me a chance,
36:18like your mother.
36:33Well, Diana, please, tell us.
36:36We're in!
36:39Olmo's restaurant will participate in the contest!
36:42We did it!
36:44That's great!
36:47Your brother would be so happy.
36:50Mom, Santi will be with us
36:52when we win that prize in six months.
36:56You'll see.
37:01Thank you.
37:05You know what, Santi?
37:06In the menu that Angeli and Renato wrote for the contest,
37:09they put your recipe.
37:12The one you left for everyone.
37:16Everyone says you're going to bring them a lot of luck.
37:18And I'm sure that's how it's going to be, Santi.
37:21That's why you have to get well
37:24and recover so you can win that prize
37:26that I know you're going to win.
37:31Come on, Santi, I know you can do it.
37:36Rebeca claims innocence.
37:38She says she shot Monica in self-defense.
37:41So, Rebeca is going to get rid of justice again?
37:45No, no, no.
37:46Because the investigation folder is still open
37:48for the kidnapping of Angeli.
37:51That's great.
37:52In addition, the accusation of the death of Alma Trejo was resumed
37:56thanks to the recipe that Romina sent you.
37:59Well, I doubt Rebeca can avoid prison.
38:02Oh, God.
38:04Oh, God.
38:06I congratulate you, Pedrito,
38:08for understanding that your mother's love
38:11must be the most important thing for you.
38:18Come here.
38:19And I thank you, Isabel,
38:21for allowing Wanda to be close to Pedrito.
38:32Hello, hello.
38:36How are you, my loves?
38:38You don't know how much I missed you.
38:41Welcome, Luciano.
38:44I have no words to express how grateful we are
38:49for the enormous sacrifice you made.
38:52Man, there's nothing to be thankful for, Mr. Emilio.
38:57Daddy, I have a surprise for you.
39:05Oh, look at it.
39:09I told you you were going to make it, my love.
39:12How beautiful.
39:17And you, Farina, aren't you going to congratulate me?
39:20Of course I will.
39:23I'm very proud of you, princess.
39:26Well, my love, family,
39:30we also have some news
39:32that we want to share with all of you.
39:34What is it?
39:36Let's just wait for my mom to arrive.
39:44I'm already here, daughter.
39:47I'm here.
39:49I'm here.
39:51I'm here.
39:53I'm here.
39:54I'm here, daughter.
39:59And your mom?
40:08I want to take advantage of the fact that you're all here,
40:17to tell you something very important.
40:19What is it?
40:24Mom, what is all this about?
40:33I have cancer.
40:35I'm sorry.
40:47It's okay.
40:48It's okay.
41:00Thank you for coming to see me.
41:02You're the only one who's come.
41:04You're the only one who cares.
41:06What did you expect, Rebeca?
41:07You shot that woman.
41:09I already told you that it was self-defense.
41:12Monica threatened me.
41:14It was her or it was me.
41:16I hope you never see yourself in a situation like this,
41:18where your life depends on whether you shoot someone else or not.
41:21That's bad, because that's why you lost Isaíl.
41:24He loved you so much and now he can't even see you in paint, Rebeca.
41:26So shut up and don't even remind me.
41:28Calm down.
41:29Is there anything known in the neighborhood about the idiot who ran me over?
41:32To be honest, no one saw anything.
41:33But we're going to keep asking.
41:35I'm going to kill him when I see him.
41:37Rebeca Sánchez Trejo?
41:40This is for you.
41:42Thank you.
41:43Excuse me.
41:44You're welcome.
41:48Can you help me?
41:50Hey, but I open it and you read it.
41:56What's going on? What does it say?
42:00It says that Cristina wants to take the shares of the company she put in my name.
42:06Oh, Rebeca, it's raining on you.
42:08You're going to be left with nothing.
42:09With nothing at all.
42:10It's clear to me.
42:12But it doesn't matter how sick I am.
42:17I'm here to celebrate life.
42:22To enjoy each one of you.
42:25To thank you for all those wonderful blessings that are about to come.
42:32Like my grandson.
42:36I tell you right away.
42:39That when my grandson is born, I'm going to be a very considerate grandmother.
42:46Oh, aunt, really, I don't know what to tell you.
42:49I really admire your strength.
42:55I just want to see smiles.
42:58Okay, dad?
43:03And listen to only good news.
43:05Like the ones you have to give me.
43:07Right, daughter?
43:09Yes, that's right.
43:11Well, then.
43:18Well, then.
43:20Fatima and I are getting married.
43:28Congratulations, daughter.
43:31You make a beautiful family, right?
43:34Thank you.
43:35Well, when is the wedding?
43:38In six months, mom.
43:40Well, in six months.
43:42We will have many things to celebrate.
43:45Right, my life?
43:47In six months he will be our son.
43:54First God, in six months we will be celebrating a wedding?
43:59And the birth of my beloved.
44:04I want to tell you one thing.
44:07I'm not going to miss the celebration of absolutely nothing.
44:13No wedding.
44:16No wedding.
44:22Do you remember?
44:42What God has united that man cannot separate.
44:45I declare you husband and wife.
44:48What a cool thing the imbecile who ran you over, my Rebe.
44:51Do you know who it was?
44:52A rich man with clear eyes.
44:54It had to be Misael.
44:56I have contractions.
44:57My love, help me.
44:58Be careful.
44:59Come, come.
45:01How are you?
45:02How is Jelly?
45:04I was worried about her when her baby was born.
45:07I don't know what to do.
45:10I was worried about her when her baby was born.
45:12She must be in these days, right?
45:14Yes, she was born today.
45:15I'm going to wait for Grandma.
