FTS 12:30 17-07: China suspends talks with the U.S. on arms control

  • 3 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Pres. Maduro meets with leaders of the independent opposition
*3 people killed in latest anti-govt. protests in Kenya


00:00In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro met with independent opposition leaders at the
00:14Miraflores Palace.
00:19In China, authorities suspended consultations with the United States on arms control and
00:24And in Kenya, at least three people were killed during a new wave of protests demanding the
00:32resignation of President William Puto.
00:41Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesotho studios in
00:45Havana, Cuba.
00:46We begin with the news.
00:47The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting with leaders of the independent
01:02opposition seeking to ratify a consensual path for the preservation of peace in view
01:07of the upcoming presidential elections.
01:09During the reception at the Miraflores Palace, the head of state highlighted the approach
01:13with this opposition sector, which ratified its willingness to preserve peace, to work
01:17for the development of the country despite its adverse stances.
01:20In the meeting, Nicolás Maduro highlighted his pronouncements in favor of peace, coexistence
01:25and the search for a consensual path.
01:27The President of Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, underlined the hope that these types of meetings
01:32will be repeated and sent the message that beyond the differences they can converge in
01:37common proposals for the defense of peace.
01:45Let's continue with other news.
01:46The Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, assured
01:51that the electoral victory will be achieved with work and mobilization.
01:55The statement was made by Cabello on Tuesday during a massive rally held in Lada state
02:01within the framework of the electoral campaign.
02:04There, the revolution's followers gathered in support of the presidential candidate of
02:08the Great Patriotic Pole, Nicolás Maduro.
02:10Likewise, leaders of different social movements joined the demonstrations and ratified their
02:14joint work towards achieving the electoral triumph on July 28.
02:24The whole international community puts the spotlight on our country.
02:28Brothers and sisters, let's prepare for victory, let's defend our victory, let's get ready
02:32to take care of our nation's peace, let's not fall for their provocations, let's not
02:37fall, let's not give them any reasons so when they make mistakes we will act.
02:41And we know how to act because we have learned it.
02:43We cannot allow them, we cannot allow our children to be manipulated, we cannot allow
02:47them to generate violence at the expense of the people's blood, as the opposition doesn't
02:52deserve a single drop of blood of the people, not a single one anymore.
02:56July 28, it's an appointment with history, an appointment that will mark the before and
03:00after of what is to come, because after July 28th I am sure that the irreversibility of
03:05the revolutionary people and this Chavista revolution begins.
03:12Venezuelan presidential candidate José Brito highlighted the country's potential and called
03:15for a lasting change.
03:17The opposition candidate affirmed that if elected, he will advance in the construction
03:20of a positive change for the country.
03:22During the course of his electoral campaign, Brito has stressed his intention to give the
03:27country's depolarization an opportunity.
03:29Among his government proposals, he also highlighted the enactment of a law for universal non-contributory
03:41And presidential candidate for the Center Party Enrique Marquez stated that to the National
03:46Electoral Council, his support for the presence of at least 749 international observers that
03:51will accompany the electoral process guaranteeing greater transparency and security.
03:55The candidate acknowledged the electoral schedule announced by the electoral authorities
03:59and expressed his support.
04:06On Tuesday, 261 Venezuelan citizens arrived from Mexico to Venezuela as part of the great
04:12mission Return to the Homeland.
04:15They were received by Foreign Minister Iván Gil at the airport.
04:18Our correspondent Juno Soner has the details.
04:22The plane of Conviasa, Venezuela's flag carrier, landed at 10.30 a.m. at Simón Bolívar International
04:29Its passengers, 261 Venezuelan citizens.
04:33Michelle Martínez returned after eight years abroad, where her son was born.
04:41I made the decision to return to Venezuela mainly for personal reasons.
04:47I wanted to see my father.
04:50For eight years, I haven't seen him, my grandmother, my family.
04:55I wanted them to meet my son, so I decided that there is nothing that money can buy as
04:59nice as family happiness.
05:03So much excitement, because I'm coming back after six years.
05:07Many of them had left to find a better economic future, they faced a different reality.
05:14I left because, really, not because of the bad situation, because I had a job here, I
05:19had a house.
05:21Not because I was starving, not because of anything, I can't lie.
05:25I went believing what other people said.
05:27When you arrive, you see that it is not like that, whatever they told you, you know.
05:32They are the same people who treat you badly, they even throw you out on the street.
05:36The citizens were received at the airport by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Iván Gil,
05:41who gave a short speech of welcome.
05:47Truly, this is a moment of deep joy.
05:49I repeat, I am sure there are many more compatriots outside that we are going to seek to bring
05:53back, that we are going to take care of them wherever they are.
05:57The flight from Mexico was organized by the Bolivarian government within the Gran Misión
06:01Vuelta a la Patria.
06:03Gil declared that 500,000 citizens had returned since its beginning and added.
06:09Venezuela opens again its arms to its sons and daughters.
06:19This is not only a matter of social attention, but we, Venezuela as a whole, we need each
06:24other, we all need each other.
06:27Here we need intellect, we need love, we are building a new country, after having suffered
06:32so much in these last years.
06:35We are building a new country, we are being reborn, we are recovering economically.
06:43The Gran Misión not only means the transfer of citizens to Venezuela, but also their reintegration
06:48into the legal system, society and the economy.
06:52But first, the government offered them public transportation to reach their homes and see
06:56their families and loved ones.
06:59Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English,
07:08where you will find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
07:12We'll be right back, stay with us.
07:29Welcome back.
07:36In Argentina, the government of President Javier Mele has officially created the May
07:40Council to implement the guidelines set out in the May Pact.
07:43The initiative is part of an agreement signed by 17 governors on July 9th during the Independence
07:48Day celebrations in the province of Tucumán.
07:51In this sense, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni was in charge of confirming the formation
07:55of the Council within the next 30 days, detailing that the instance will be integrated by a
08:00president, a councilor proposed by the executive, an order proposed by the provinces, secretaries
08:04of the pact and the city of Buenos Aires, an order proposed by the chambers of parliament,
08:09trade union organizations and entrepreneurs.
08:20The May Council will be responsible for drafting laws to implement the proposals promised by
08:24Mele in the May Pact, which includes principles to seek a new economic order, such as the
08:29inviolability of private property, the reduction of public spending to around 25% of GDP, a
08:35modern labor reform that promotes formal work, the opening up to international trade so that
08:39Argentina can become a protagonist in the global market, and a useful and modern basic
08:43primary and secondary education with full literacy and no school dropouts.
08:54In this context, the International Monetary Fund forecasts for Argentina have worsened.
08:59It now expects economic activity to fall by 3.5% in 2024.
09:03The figure is much more pessimistic than the 2.8% drop initially forecast.
09:08Among the causes of this new debacle are the fall in consumption both by the state and
09:13by private consumers and a decrease in the purchasing power of salaried workers.
09:18The lack of demand causes private investment to also suffer a sharp drop.
09:22Argentina is currently the only country that will have a fall in its activity in 2024,
09:27while countries such as Brazil and Mexico will increase between 2.1% and 2.2%.
09:36The social crisis that Argentina is experiencing during the Government of Higher Mele is worsening
09:41due to the increase in poverty and homelessness.
09:44Telesur's correspondent in Argentina, Juan Carlos Bartolotta, pointed out that the increase
09:49in poverty, which reached more than 50% of the population in May, and the lack of assistance
09:53policies on the part of the national government and the city of Buenos Aires, worsened the
09:59In December 2023, NGOs and other charity associations reported around 10,000 homeless people, with
10:0485% of them living in Buenos Aires.
10:14The president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, declared on Tuesday that she will support
10:18with economic funds women who have been domestic workers and are in charge of caregiving tasks.
10:24During a meeting with women between 16 and 64 years old, many of them indigenous Mazahua
10:29and Mixtec, Sheinbaum assured them that her government will recognize the housework they
10:34do by giving them an economic support, a law initiative that is expected to be approved
10:39next September.
10:40In this sense, the elected president assured that the measure will bring more autonomy
10:44to women by allowing them to have their own resources.
10:47The action follows in the purposes of Sheinbaum's campaign, which promised the implementation
10:51of reforms and programs to promote substantive equality and eradicate violence against women.
11:02The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet on Wednesday with the ministers
11:07of foreign affairs of 11 countries of the African continent.
11:11This is the Foreign Affairs Ministerial Meeting of the Alliance for Economic Prosperity in
11:15the Americas, in which, in addition to the United States, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Costa
11:20Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay will participate,
11:26according to the State Department, in a press release.
11:28They will discuss ongoing collaboration to realize the hemisphere's potential to foster
11:33inclusive, sustainable and shared prosperity, for all, the text reads.
11:38According to the State Department, the overall goal of the Partnership of the Americas is
11:41to make the Americas the most economically competitive region in the world.
11:51The Chinese government suspended consultations with the United States on arms control and
11:57Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian said the decision comes as Washington continues
12:01to supply arms to Taiwan, ignoring Beijing's firm objection to this.
12:06The official further accused the U.S. of taking a series of actions that seriously
12:09damaged China's core interests and undermined the political trust between the two nations.
12:14China expressed its willingness to maintain communication with the United States on international
12:19arms control issues, as long as it is based on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and
12:24mutually beneficial cooperation.
12:54On Wednesday, at least three people were killed in Kenya following a new wave of protests
13:13demanding the resignation of President William Ruto.
13:16In this way, the local media reported that, as part of the repression of the mobilizations
13:20against Ruto's economic reform, one man was killed in the city of Kitengela in the
13:25south of the country, another lost his life in the business district of Nairobi, and the
13:29third was also killed in the center of the Kenyan capital.
13:33In the meantime, the National Human Rights Commission denounces the death of at least
13:3753 people in addition to 575 injured and more than 2,000 arrested since the beginning of
14:03Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel that their resistance will destroy
14:07all the occupation troops, tanks that try to enter Lebanon.
14:11The Secretary-General of the Islamic Resistance Movement of Lebanon reiterated that Israel
14:14is committing war crimes against civilians in revenge for the victories that the Palestinian
14:18resistance has achieved.
14:20Nasrallah assured that the Israeli government is living its worst moment, with crises at
14:24all levels and a situation that is worsening with each passing day.
14:29The Hezbollah leader also promised that they will continue their support to Gaza and ratify
14:34that the United States supports war crimes.
14:41The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, said in a statement that it accepted China's
14:45invitation to meet with other Palestinian factions to discuss the post-war future of
14:49the Gaza Strip.
14:50A member of Hamas' political bureau and head of the National Relations Office, Husam Batran,
14:56stated in a press release to the Anadolu Agency that Hamas and the Palestinian factions have
15:01received a kind of invitation from the People's Republic of China to hold an expanded meeting.
15:06On Tuesday, China's foreign ministry expressed its readiness to provide a platform and create
15:12opportunities for Palestinian factions to reconcile and dialogue, but did not confirm
15:17the meeting.
15:18However, Hamas and the Fatah party already met in the Chinese capital last April.
15:27At least 10 Palestinian civilians were killed on Wednesday amid Israeli shelling and artillery
15:30attacks on several towns in the Gaza Strip.
15:33The attack occurred in the vicinity of the Sunna Mosque, south of the New Zerat Palestinian
15:38Refugee Camp.
15:39At least two civilians were killed and others were injured in an Israeli airstrike on a
15:43residential building which houses displaced persons in the New Zerat area.
15:48In Gaza City, Israel artillery targeted homes in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood southwest
15:52of the city, while warplanes targeted the Abu Iskandar area in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood
15:57north of Gaza.
16:04In a new devastating wave of Israeli terrorist violence, the Zionist army carried out several
16:08airstrikes that wreaked havoc in the Gaza Strip, killing dozens of civilians and injuring
16:13many more.
16:14One of the most affected areas was the city of Hanjounis, where 13 civilians were killed
16:19and many wounded after an airstrike targeted the Al-Attar area in the west of the city.
16:25Meanwhile, in Beit Lahya, northern Gaza, four civilians were killed and five others
16:29were wounded during Israeli shelling of a gathering of civilians at the Sheikh Zayed
16:34traffic circle.
16:35Local health authorities confirmed that the death toll from the Israeli attacks exceeds
16:3938,700 and the number of wounded exceeds 89,100.
16:55And in the United States, the Major League Baseball All-Star break activities came to
17:06an end on Tuesday with the usual matchup between the players most voted by fans.
17:15Wednesday night saw the American League All-Star team beat the National League by a score of
17:21The 2024 game is the 94th edition of the Midsummit Classic, which the American League now leads
17:31with 48 wins and 44 losses in the all-time series, including wins in all 10 of the past
17:3811 games.
17:45The presence of Latin players at the 2024 All-Star game was notable, with a total of
17:5223 players, including 11 players from the Dominican Republic, 6 players from Venezuela,
17:58Puerto Rico with 3 representatives, 2 Mexicans and 1 Cuban.
18:07In this end, the Mexican player Jordan Duran in the first All-Star game was named the 2024
18:13All-Star Game MVP after he tied breaking to Ron Homer to secure the win for the American
18:31On Monday, another Latin player made history in the home run derby when Dominican player
18:36Teoscar Hernandez won the battle for the most home runs in a competition between the best
18:40sluggers in Major League Baseball.
