• 2 months ago
FTS 20.30
*In Argentina, the Chamber of Deputies rejects "necessity and urgency" decree.
*President Putin meets with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang.

These and more stories now!
00:00In Venezuela, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, presented before
00:14the Diplomatic Corps of Sacred Heart in Venezuela all the evidence gathered by the public ministry
00:19regarding the attempt recruited to organize by the Venezuelan ultra-right.
00:26The Argentine Chamber of Deputies rejects the decree of necessity and urgency promoted
00:30by the government of Javier Millet, which increased funds and transferred millions of
00:34extra resources to the Secretary of Intelligence.
00:40And Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Jian to boost large-scale
00:45cooperation between the two countries.
00:52Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrera from the TeleSUR headquarters
00:56in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:57We'll be with the news.
00:58Stay with us.
00:59In Venezuela, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, presented before
01:15the Diplomatic Corps of Sacred Heart in Venezuela all the evidence gathered by the public ministry
01:19regarding the attempt recruited to organize by the Venezuelan ultra-right.
01:23During a press conference at the Yellow House in Caracas, the head of the public prosecutor's
01:28office affirmed that the extremist opposition groups introduced in the country all forms
01:32of methods of the Hebrew word to destabilize the country.
01:36In this sense, the prosecutor, Tarek William Saab, indicated that he has in his possession
01:42a group of 180 videos where the action of violent demonstrations led by the ultra-right
01:50wing is evidence.
01:51Likewise, the Attorney General affirmed that the recognized hacker, Astra, worked together
01:57with the Venezuelan extreme right wing to achieve an information blackout in the electronic
02:02data system of the National Electoral Council.
02:11The people of Venezuela are getting ready to go to the polls on Sunday to carry out
02:15the national consultation where they will choose the project that will best benefit
02:20their communities.
02:21The consultation is scheduled for Sunday, August the 25th, and will be attended by 4,505
02:29communal circuits of the national territory in order to elect a project to be developed
02:34in each community.
02:35According to the authorities, on that day, there will be a voting center in each community
02:41and it will be the head of the UBCH who will be in charge of them.
02:52Facebook's hacker specializes in cybersecurity and cybercrime, who calls himself Astra, admitted
02:59on Wednesday to participating in the cyberattack against the Venezuelan National Electoral
03:03Council hours after the American nation held its presidential elections on July the 28th.
03:09The hacker revealed that his team conducted a cybersecurity study on the National Electoral
03:13Council and realized that it is a software that had not been updated since 2022.
03:19Astra revealed he knew the existence of a cyber plan against the National Electoral
03:24Council system and realized the software work from cell phone signals, which they were completely
03:29unaware of.
03:30And in Venezuela, summer means school recess, but schools don't stop completely.
03:42Let's catch up with the details.
03:45This is Coche Parish, one of the 32 that make up the Libertador municipality south of Caracas.
03:53In this populous and popular area is the Teresa Pajes Parra District School.
03:59It is August and classrooms are empty as the vacations pass, and with them the academic
04:06However, this is how the little ones live the August Open Doors Vacation Plan, an initiative
04:19that for a week goes to each educational center and prepares it so that its students and even
04:25the preschoolers have a space to play and meet with their friends.
04:30They have the reasons for being here.
04:33Because here I play, it's fun, play a lot, have fun and jump around.
04:42I like to play in everything, it's great to be here, they play, run, jump and so on.
04:53As of the second week of August, this vacation plan has reached more than 3,700 schools nationwide,
05:00benefiting more than 84,000 children.
05:04They don't just come to play.
05:05On Mondays they learn about the environment, on Tuesdays about the eco-socialism, on Wednesdays
05:12they have cultural activities, Thursdays are for sports, and on Fridays there are talks
05:18for the whole family.
05:20For the school and the teachers, this is a challenge that they take on together with
05:24other institutions.
05:29The school prepares itself by conditioning the spaces, first organizing the social entities
05:34of the community so that they are the ones who are really in charge of the recreational
05:38or sports activities that the children carry out during the vacation plan.
05:44Be it with the preparation of food with the support of the lady from CINI and the community
05:48councils of the commune to carry out all those activities in which the children will
05:53develop during this period which is one week.
06:06They were training me for six months and I started to like it and they put me here and
06:10it caught my attention.
06:11I liked it very much because I recreated the children and the encouragement makes me very
06:16happy in my life.
06:18They make my day when I'm sad, they cheer me up and I like it.
06:24This is a strategy designed for the little ones, the parents who continue to work during
06:29the summer time appreciate it.
06:34I think it is very good and excellent that they have this opportunity to recreate because
06:38as we know we can't have, as they say, we don't have the initiative or the support because
06:45sometimes married couples work.
06:50We don't have this opportunity and now we have to take advantage of it because it is
06:54very important for the children to keep them busy and exploit their mind and energy in
06:59I think it is very good and excellent.
07:03According to Richard Delgado, the Vice Minister of Educational Communities and Union with
07:08the People, this plan is expected to benefit 250,000 children, materializing a strategy
07:16that brings them closer to their community, provides them with care and tries to make
07:21their summer a happier time.
07:24Gladys Quezada, TELUSUR, Caracas, Venezuela.
07:26Let's take a very short break but remember you can now join us on our TIKTOK account
07:30at TELUSUR English where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates
07:33and more.
07:34Stay tuned for more news.
07:38Welcome back to From the South.
07:46The Argentina Chamber of Deputies reject the decree of necessity and urgency promoted by
07:51the government of Javier Millet, which increased funds and transferred millions of extra resources
07:56to the Secretary of Intelligence.
07:58The ruling was approved with 156 votes in favour, 52 against and 6 abstention and is
08:05ready to be dealt with in the Senate.
08:07The Bloc, Union for the Homeland, Encuentro Federal and Civic Coalition were the ones
08:12who had the initiative of the special session, joined by the workers left front.
08:17They reject the measure that gained more than $105 million to $922,000 in reserved expenses
08:27to the Secretary of State Intelligence under the alleged pretext of strengthening the system.
08:36Also in Argentina, more than 60 trade union and social organisations are participating
08:42in an actual data process against the mega-emergency decree of President Javier Millet.
08:47In this context, demonstrators will continue with a date of collecting signatures with
08:52the aim of obtaining the annulment of the mega-emergency decree by the Chamber of Deputies
08:57and the Supreme Court.
08:59In this sense, during the day, different unions and social organisations gathered to denounce
09:05that the measure of Millet's administration modifies or eliminates more than 300 norms,
09:11endangering the workers and the Argentine people in benefit of the private sector.
09:22Bolivian President Luis Arce sent on Wednesday four questions to the nation's Supreme Electoral
09:26Tribunal, TSE, that will be included in the referendum which will define the hydrocarbon
09:33subsidies, presidential re-election year and parliamentary seats.
09:39The President clarifies that the questions did not correspond to electoral considerations
09:44or personal ambitions.
09:47He reiterated that on the contrary, they are in accordance with the needs and wills being
09:53of future generations and Bolivian families.
09:56On August 6th, the Bolivian President proposed the referendum that is expected to take place
10:01next December 1st, together with the elections of the High Judges of the Judiciary and of
10:07the Plurinational Constitutional Court.
10:15Mexican President Andres Manuel LĂłpez Obrador affirmed that he will send an official letter
10:19to the President of the Supreme Court of Justice to address two fiscal issues of value at more
10:25than $1.6 million.
10:26The head of state explained that the document will be sent to the Supreme Court through
10:32the Ministry of the Interior and the legal consul of the federal executive.
10:36LĂłpez Obrador said that the fact that the nation's highest court is not on strike as
10:41workers of the judicial branch are is a good opportunity for that judicial intent to address
10:48the case.
10:49At the same time, the head of state added that the fiscal issues have been on the minister's
10:54desk for several months and that she has not completed a procedure.
11:08If they are going to be on strike there is no problem.
11:15I would just ask her.
11:18And if we are going to do it today in writing.
11:27To the president that she has the package of two fiscal matters.
11:36Of a tax payment for 35 billion pesos.
11:44They have it there.
11:48And if she is not on strike.
11:55Well, she can resolve it.
12:18Moving on.
12:19Israel persists dropping bombs on the Gaza Strip.
12:23The beating has inspired and has allowed the raid of at least 58 Palestinians in the last
12:2824 hours.
12:29The Bwafa news agency revealed that at least one Gazan was killed due to an Israeli strike
12:34on the house of the al-Khavadid family in the Jabalia refugee camp.
12:39On Tuesday evening, the children left several people injured, including children.
12:44The attacks have further killed 12 people in a school in Gaza and nine in a crowded
12:49market area in Deir el-Bala, where about one million people have been displaced and in
12:54the last hours the occupation army issued a new evacuation order.
13:02What did we do to them and what do they want from us and why are we being targeted?
13:08We are children and have nothing to do with it.
13:12We were sleeping and did nothing and I woke up and found myself covered in rubble and
13:16I couldn't breathe.
13:18I want to go to my family.
13:24There is significant destruction as a result of this attack.
13:28The occupation is clearly targeting homes with large missiles.
13:32The area and surroundings that were targeted a short while ago have been heavily damaged.
13:38Thousands of people demonstrated outside the Democratic National Convention headquarters
13:42in the U.S. city of Chicago in favor of the Palestinian cause and to demand the end of
13:46the government's support to the Israeli side on Gaza.
13:49More than 5,000 people gathered before the venue during the first night of the event
13:53following a call by a coalition of more than 250 social organizations.
13:58The demonstrators waved Palestinian flags, wore the kifas and chanted slogans such as
14:05Long Life to the Palestinian Struggle and For Palestine.
14:09The activists, along with Latinos, migrants, Muslims and progressive Jews, demanded and
14:14mediated support in Gaza as well as a change in U.S. policy in the conflict.
14:26Let's take our last break but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel
14:29Atelier Suri English where you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
14:32special broadcasts and more.
14:33Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:37world's most recent events.
14:38One financial break, don't go away.
14:48Welcome back.
14:49On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Jian to
14:53boost large-scale cooperation between the two countries.
14:56In this sense, official media from both governments know that they discussed trade investments
15:01and the joint development of the two countries.
15:03In the meantime, they also signed an investment cooperation agreement to boost diplomatic
15:07and bilateral relations between Beijing and Moscow.
15:10Precisely, the Chinese diplomat also stressed that the ASEAN is willing to move forward
15:15with Russia more firmly for the benefit of both people.
15:32The Russian government announced on Wednesday that it cancelled the possibility of talks
15:35with Ukraine after the latest shelling of the country.
15:39In this way, the spokeswoman for foreign ministry Maria Zakharova said that after the Ukrainian
15:46attack on the Kursk region, the possibility of negotiations with the regime in Kiev had
15:51been reduced to zero.
15:52In this regard, she denounced the statement of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
15:58about his aims to create a buffer zone in the attack region.
16:09China urged the European Union to stop politicizing trade issues after the bloc prevailed a tariff
16:16proposal on Chinese metal-electronics vehicles.
16:19China's foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Yining denounced the bloc's tariff plan and
16:24said it was politically motivated.
16:26According to the official, the new draft introduced modifications to the provisional
16:31tariffs announced in July.
16:33Mao Yining pointed out that cars exported by Y-D, China's largest electric vehicle
16:40manufacturer, will face a 17 percent tax while those from Sainmotor in Shanghai will be hit
16:48by the higher rate to 36.3 percent, affecting the export market for Chinese-made electric
17:05We urge the European Union to immediately correct its wrong practices, to stop politicizing,
17:10manipulating and weaponizing economic and trade issues, and instead to show sincerity
17:15in meeting China halfway, accelerate discussions on appropriate solutions, avoid escalating
17:21trade frictions, and avoid affecting mutual trust and cooperation between China and the
17:26European Union.
17:41And now, changing topics.
17:42On Wednesday, the first delegation to attend the Paris Paralympic Games arrived at the
17:47Village of Athletes.
17:49In Paris, the Village of Athletes officially opened its doors a week earlier at the beginning
17:54of the Paralympic Games.
17:55The Games will kick off on Wednesday, August 28.
17:58At the opening ceremony, 180 delegations will parade from the Champs-Élysées at the Palace
18:04at the Concorde.
18:05A total of 4,400 athletes will be participating in their respective competitions.
18:11After 11 days, Paris Paralympic Games will hold its closing ceremony on Sunday, September
18:18Some participants of the event shared their opinions on the matter.
18:26Just like all the athletes, I'd like to be awarded the gold medal.
18:30We're going to do our best to achieve that.
18:33I think the Paralympics should be even better.
18:37We are people with disabilities and we want to play sport just like everyone else.
18:42We also want to be recognized as athletes, like everyone else.
18:46We are here to make the world know that, yes, we are also part of sports.
18:56And we are here to compete with the world.
19:00We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:04on our website at telestudioenglish.nl.
19:06You can also join us on our socials from Facebook, On X and on Instagram as well.
19:10For Telestudio English and from the South, I'm Ana Marrero.
19:15See you next time.
