Italia Economia n. 29 del 17 luglio 2024

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Mercato nautico globale in crescita dell’11%, lo studio di Deloitte per Confindustria Nautica; Economia del Mare, presentato rapporto; Heineken indaga il “Rapporto tra generazioni nel mondo del lavoro”; L'Università Iuav di Venezia amplia l’offerta didattica. 3 novità di studio: energia, trasporti e pianificazione del mare; Galaxy Unpacked, Samsung presenta i nuovi Galaxy Z Fold6 e Z Flip6: protagonista l’intelligenza artificiale.


00:00The global nautical market is growing by 11% according to the study of Deloitte by Confindustria
00:29Economia del Mare, presented the report 2024.
00:33Heineken investigates the relationship between generations in the world of work.
00:38The University of Venice offers a wide range of teaching, three new studies, energy, transport
00:46and planning of the sea.
00:47Galaxy Unpacked, Samsung presents the new Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6, protagonist
00:55of the artificial intelligence.
00:57The global market of the industry continues to grow nautical, which has reached 33 billion,
01:07of which more than 25 only for the super yachts, in the last year available, a trend in expansion
01:13also for the Italian nautical construction industry, which with a turnover of 4.4 billion
01:18of euros records a plus 20% compared to the previous year.
01:21These and many other data emerged from the study on the global market of the nautical
01:25by Confindustria Nautica and Deloitte, the state of the heart of the global yachting market,
01:31presented at Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan.
01:33It represents a study on the global market, so it completes what is the analysis of the
01:39state of our industry with the publication nautical figures, which will be presented
01:47at the International Nautical Salon of Genoa in September 2024 and offers us a panoramic
01:53of those who are the main drivers of analysis of the sector.
01:58In this study, those emerge that are the potential for further growth on the markets,
02:04also another interesting fact is that of the performance of our nautical industry,
02:10which both in terms of consumption and in terms of future performance,
02:15shows an even greater capacity for progress than the rest of the world.
02:21So an industry that remains strong, which has shown a great capacity for resilience,
02:29a solid industry, which also in perspective offers, despite a phase of consolidation,
02:36a phase of normalization and growth rates, an assessment of an improvement performance
02:42compared to the rest of the world and other international competitors.
02:46From the study emerges a health nautical sector, which represents a reference point
02:50of the global market, both from a production point of view and from a quality point of view
02:54of the product, but not only.
02:56A sector that is characterized, like all the Italian industry, by the presence of small
03:04and medium enterprises, but in this case particularly relevant, because it is seen
03:08that 17% of production is done by the entire sector, when 83% is done only by the first
03:2010 players, which means that it is a widely fragmented sector.
03:24This determines, on the one hand, a strong ability to produce in a qualitative way,
03:32because a small entrepreneur is an artisan who wants maximum quality in his production,
03:39but on the other hand it also determines an inevitable difficulty in being able to make
03:46the sector quickly adapt to all the innovations that are required by the regulations in terms
03:53of sustainability, security and technological innovation, because obviously access to finance
04:00is more complex.
04:01The sea is a key resource for the country's economy and strategic in the European context.
04:11In fact, it is a reality that contributes by more than 10% to the national GDP.
04:17This is the framework that emerged in the course of the Convention for the presentation of the
04:2112th National Relationship on the Sea Economy, held in Rome at the headquarters of Union Camere.
04:27The 12th National Relationship on the Sea Economy is the system that has been committed for years
04:32to provide data, vision to clusters, associations, companies, to all those who, through these
04:39data that we have made available to everyone today, can direct their development strategies
04:45for the sea economy.
04:46A sea economy that in the policies of our nation has finally become central, all in
04:52positive numbers.
04:53This is a moment of great satisfaction for us as a Chamber system and it is, let's say,
04:58a useful tool also to direct government policies.
05:02The report, curated by the National Observatory of the Sea Economy, OSSERMARE, and the Center
05:07for Studies of the Chamber of Commerce Muglielmo Tagliacarne, highlights that the positive trend
05:12of the so-called blue economy also concerns employment, which has grown almost four times
05:17more than the country's average.
05:20According to our report, we are the first.
05:22We have the leadership and continue an important growth trend.
05:26The 178.3 billion are the result of the 64.7 billion of direct added value that the sea economy
05:34and the companies that live off the sea economy produce directly, and the 113.7 billion instead
05:41of added value, having a multiplier of 1.8, that is, every euro produced directly
05:48in the world and in the valley, therefore induces another 1.8.
05:51Railway, construction, recreational activities, sports, tourism, but also extractive industries,
05:57transport of goods and people, environmental protection.
06:00The world of the sea economy is both complex and strategic, also in the future continental
06:06policies, in which Italy, surrounded by the Mediterranean, will be able to play a leading role.
06:12The economy of the sea and the economy of space are the sectors in which new technologies
06:20can also be developed, with results also in other productive sectors.
06:26For this reason, we had already planned in the economic maneuver of last year two links,
06:31two framework laws, to allow our companies, our country, to catalyze attention on the
06:38development of the space economy, and at the same time with a link, a framework law on
06:45the blue economy, to which we are working intensely together with other competent ministries,
06:49under the coordination of the Ministry of the Sea, of the friend Nello Guzmeci, which we will
06:54present in the fall session of the parliamentary work.
07:07The company that the Italians dream of should be able to enhance these three characteristics.
07:12The attention to well-being takes precedence over earnings, free time assumes a fundamental value,
07:18after it, the emphasis goes on the growth of skills and therefore on training.
07:23This is what emerges from the research carried out by Heineken Italy, a relationship between
07:27generations in the world of work, conducted by Astra Research on a sample of over 1,000 workers
07:33to investigate the relationship between different generations that share the same working ecosystem.
07:39This research brings a common trait to these generations, which is that of the need for well-being,
07:46and I must admit that I am very proud of the fact that with Heineken we have begun a very important
07:53work on the development of psychological, physical and mental well-being, where we activate a whole series of initiatives
08:00for people, both at the level of education and awareness with webinars, but also and above all, let's say,
08:07factual. Last year we signed the Smart Working Agreement. We are one of the companies in Italy
08:13that has three days a week for people who can work from home, as well as a whole series of permissions
08:18that also promote well-being. This is within a very concrete program that the company has been carrying out
08:25for a couple of years now, and on which we invest every year with great emphasis both in communication
08:31and in the development of our people. In this sense, we have worked in recent years
08:37to develop the skills of our people, especially the leadership skills, because Heineken focuses
08:44on collective leadership, and this is an investment that, starting last year, we have already formed
08:49about 700 people, so it is also an organizational effort that aims precisely at the well-being of the company.
08:55From the investigation emerges a key aspect, the exchange between generations is essential to generate value.
09:02But also to generate a better climate within the company, and therefore, in fact, a topic of well-being for the individual
09:07and for the corporate community. This is increasingly clear, and this research shows us this topic.
09:13We have to work, because the workers expect that there is a company's attention to these issues.
09:25The only Ateneo in Italy entirely dedicated to teaching and research in the field of design disciplines,
09:32the University of Juve in Venice expands its teaching offer by introducing three new master's degrees,
09:39all two years in English, in the spirit of Ateneo, which intends to offer its students
09:45all the tools needed to open up and face the world, for three thematic areas,
09:51energy, transportation and sea planning. The goal of Ateneo is to train
09:58experts engineers and planners with a view to the future, for the preservation of the environment
10:04and of a universal heritage, the sea. Therefore, for the academic year 2024-2025,
10:12one of the innovative degree courses available to students will be sustainable mobility
10:18and intelligent connections in marine and coastal environments.
10:22This is a master's degree course in civil engineering, which deals with the issues
10:28related to transportation and mobility. So, what we are interested in dealing with
10:33is how transportation and mobility are linked to dimensions that are not strictly technical,
10:40and that concern construction, landscape, large infrastructures,
10:47and how they relate to each other from a social, technical, but also environmental point of view.
10:52Compared to traditional degree courses in the sector, there are a number of elements of innovation.
10:59The first is certainly the one from a thematic point of view.
11:03The degree courses in transportation do not deal specifically with coastal and marine areas.
11:08In this sense, it represents an attempt at innovation that is very interesting
11:14also from a contentual point of view.
11:16Coastal and marine space is a new frontier of planning, and for this reason
11:21the University of Juave has created the innovative course
11:25Science and Design for Planning of Maritime Space,
11:29an English curriculum of the master's degree course in urban planning and planning of the territory.
11:36It is the first master's degree course in planning entirely dedicated to this topic.
11:43The course is innovative because it follows an experimental approach that integrates several skills,
11:48territorial, environmental and coastal planning, ecology, geography, landscape architecture, economy and law.
11:58Engineering for Renewable Energies in Coastal Environments will be the next innovative degree course
12:05available to students, which will offer a number of occupational gaps.
12:10We will focus a lot on a preparation that keeps together both the engineering part,
12:19then the chemical part, after the renewable energies,
12:24then related to the machines that produce and convert energy,
12:29but also the civil part, the infrastructural part,
12:32as regards aqueducts and the treatment of aquifers,
12:37and the fluid dynamics part, as regards the flow of marine currents.
12:43So the students will have a great baggage of information and tools,
12:52ready to guide them in various professional paths.
12:57For example, they will be able to work in municipalities or in large companies in the sector,
13:05and also lead research groups within them.
13:17Samsung presents the lightest, thinnest and most resistant foldable smartphones,
13:21but the products with smaller, more durable and even more performing hinges,
13:25thanks to the new Snapdragon 8 processors of the 3rd generation for Galaxy.
13:29We are talking about Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6,
13:33which are coming to the market with the long-awaited launch event of the South Korean company Galaxy Impact.
13:38To make them even more innovative and iconic, Galaxy AI,
13:42the artificial intelligence signed by Samsung,
13:45which allows greater creativity, ease of use and instantaneous translation of dialogues in 13 languages.
13:51We have first introduced artificial intelligence on smartphones with the S24,
13:58with the launch of Galaxy AI,
14:01and now Galaxy AI also arrives on new improved foldables, with new features,
14:08in particular to best exploit the characteristics of foldables,
14:13i.e. folding screens, for example,
14:16to have the possibility of having both the internal screen and the external screen.
14:21Let's imagine, for example, in the experience of simultaneous translation,
14:25to be able to have on one side the screen with the translation towards the speaker
14:30and on the other towards the interlocutor in both languages,
14:33so this greatly simplifies the use experience of live translation.
14:38Other experiences that we are improving with Galaxy AI, for example,
14:43are the possibility of generating texts in different formats,
14:48which can be emails, post social or whatever,
14:53starting from a few keywords,
14:56this greatly increases the possibilities and productivity,
15:00rather than with Galaxy AI, the artificial and generative intelligence,
15:06generate images from a simple sketch with the pen on the screen of the Fold 6, for example,
15:14so to have a very, very extensive creative possibility.
15:18In the Flip model, the Flex mode, which allows you to take pictures with the main lens,
15:23seeing how much is framed directly in the external screen,
15:26becomes even smarter thanks to the automatic zoom,
15:29which optimizes the framing based on the number of subjects present in the context,
15:33thanks to the artificial intelligence.
15:35Galaxy AI also expands to the ecosystem and is implemented in the Galaxy Buds 3 and 3 Pro,
15:42in the Galaxy Watch 7 and in the first Galaxy Watch Ultra.
15:46With the new watches, for example, through the sensor system,
15:51we are able to design training programs ad hoc for the user,
15:57to improve awareness or sleep quality.
16:01Rather than with the Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro,
16:04artificial intelligence allows you to understand the context in which you are
16:09and regulate the cancellation of noise as a consequence.
16:13For example, imagine if an ambulance passes by,
16:16obviously that is a noise we have to hear and the noise cancelling will be reduced.
16:21Instead, if I pass through a road where there are jobs,
16:26there is a pneumatic hammer, obviously that is a noise that must be canceled
16:31and Buds 3 can do this job very efficiently.
16:43Sustainability and Territory
17:02Sustainability and Territory,
17:04a project to recharge aquifers in Verona.
17:08A2A in Piedmont, over 160 million euros of economic value generated in 2023.
17:16In the headquarters of Confindustria Verona,
17:18Coca-Cola Hbc Italia and the consortium of Bonifica Veronese
17:21have announced a decade-long collaboration aimed at the realization of
17:25an infiltration forest area in the area of ​​Alco, in the province of Verona,
17:29to promote the intake of water into the aquifers.
17:32The project concerns an area of ​​about 15,000 square meters of forested surface.
17:37The infiltration forest area is an area covered by trees,
17:41in which water is put, good water that would be lost going to the sea,
17:46to fill the underground sluices,
17:49then store it for the moment of need,
17:52intercepting it and preventing it from being lost going to the sea.
17:56Certified Gold by Water Alliance,
17:58the Nogara plant in the province of Verona has invested since 2013
18:02more than 150 million euros in sustainability,
18:05with particular attention to the protection of the water resource.
18:09This project does something more than that,
18:12which does not directly impact on the plant,
18:15but on the water basin of the territory.
18:17The Nogara plant is the most important in Italy,
18:20but it is the largest in Europe in terms of production capacity
18:23and basically we have focused on two areas.
18:26On the one hand, the responsible use of water,
18:28on the other, the packaging.
18:30We have worked for 100% recyclable packaging,
18:33produced in Nogara, we have worked to reduce the raw material,
18:37so we have tried to minimize the impact on the environment of our activities.
18:42A concrete and close-to-the-territory project,
18:44which returns to the environment an indispensable resource such as water.
18:48It is a very balanced operation,
18:52precisely at the level of the territory,
18:55very tangible, visible and precisely measurable.
19:00I always say that any improvement is visible when it is measurable,
19:06and this is a concrete case.
19:08In addition to providing the entire load-bearing strip of the falda of these infiltration areas,
19:12the consortium aims to extend the time frame in which it is possible to recharge.
19:16And therefore to be able to make a derivation in the winter period,
19:19which is not allowed today,
19:21and we will ask the possibility to do it in the region,
19:24to load the falda even in all that period in which irrigation is not done,
19:28which still has an effect of load-bearing of the falda,
19:32and therefore to start doing this route also during the winter period.
19:37It exceeds 160 million euros, the value distributed by A2A on the Piedmontese territory.
19:42The group has invested 17 million euros in infrastructure and plants for the ecological transition
19:47and has recovered over 100,000 tons of glass thanks to the Asti plant.
19:5273,500 tons of CO2 avoided and more than 8,500 among students and teachers
19:58involved in the educational path to sustainability landed by Life Company.
20:02These are just some of the data from the sixth territorial assessment of Piedmont,
20:06presented to Chivasso by A2A.
20:08The sixth sustainability assessment confirms the importance of Piedmont in the panorama of our group.
20:16Piedmont is the second Italian region for the presence of the A2A group.
20:22Today we bring very significant data,
20:25more than 160 million euros is the value that the group has generated on the territory.
20:33A large part of these are linked to our supply chain,
20:38therefore to the active orders that we have conferred over the year to the territory,
20:46a number that has increased by more than 58%.
20:49Piedmont is a region on which A2A wants to be present,
20:53it wants to be more and more present,
20:55therefore it will not fail its commitment in concrete terms,
20:59therefore with initiatives and investments.
21:02The sustainability assessment underlines the positive impact of the group on the territory.
21:07The presence of the A2A group in the Piedmontese territory
21:10represents a fundamental asset in a very delicate moment of energy transition.
21:16We must open public administration in the form of partnership with the private sector,
21:22as it happens in the services to the person,
21:25and it should also happen in the services of economic relevance,
21:29important for the community like this.
