Cuan Ala Startup Brand Handuk Rambut

  • 2 months ago
Saat basah, rambut menjadi rentan terhadap kerusakan, dan membutuhkan perhatian ekstra. Menggunakan handuk badan berisiko dapat membuka tepi kutikula, yang menyebabkan rambut kusut dan rusak. Itulah sebabnya menepuk atau meremas rambut dengan lembut dapat meminimalkan risiko tersebut.

Saat ini terdaapat produk handuk rambut yang dirancang khusus lebih lembut pada rambut dan juga mengurangi waktu pengeringan.

Salah satu brand handuk rambut lokal adalah Handduk by Today.

Bagaimana perusahaan rintisan ini dapat memanfaatkan market yang mempedulikan rambut mereka dengan menggunakan handuk khusus?


00:00Thank you for joining us.
00:03And now we're in the CreateUp segment.
00:05We're going to talk about a start-up called Handuk Rambut.
00:08It's been connected since the video conference.
00:10We have Ms. Greslin, co-founder of Handuk By Today.
00:13How are you, Ms. Greslin?
00:15I'm good.
00:18Thank you for joining us at CreateUp Handuk By Today.
00:23This is a special handuk for hair.
00:26Why did you think of making a special handuk for hair?
00:31Can't you just use a regular handuk?
00:35Before, this handuk business
00:38was originally a business project
00:42for my graduation.
00:44Why did we end up making a handuk for hair?
00:50Because at the time,
00:53when we were doing a market research,
00:55we were trying to find problems in society.
00:59At that time, we were focused on solving problems faced by women,
01:04especially in their routines.
01:06It turns out that when we find out
01:09what problems women face every day,
01:12it's related to their routines,
01:14especially when they're getting ready.
01:17And what often becomes a hurdle for them
01:20is when they prepare themselves.
01:23Because they need a long time
01:25to dry their hair.
01:27From there, we find out what we can do
01:31to help them be more effective and efficient
01:34in their routines,
01:35especially in drying their hair.
01:37It turns out that one of the problems is
01:40it's not effective
01:42because the process of drying hair takes a long time.
01:45So we look for ways to help them
01:48dry their hair faster
01:51and give them a negative impact.
01:53After we did a research,
01:58we also interviewed hairdressers
02:01and people who work in the field of beauty,
02:04we found out that directly drying hair
02:07is actually not good for hair.
02:09Even though the temperature is cold?
02:13Because usually when we dry our hair,
02:16our hair gets damaged.
02:18When we dry our hair,
02:20wet hair is a time when the hair is fragile.
02:23When it's fragile,
02:25it tends to make the hair sag or break.
02:29What we are looking for is how to
02:31make this hair more effective.
02:34We also find out that the problem
02:37that they face when drying their hair
02:39is lack of education in society.
02:43They also wrap their hair with a towel
02:45made of cotton.
02:46It turns out that it's rough for the hair
02:48because it can damage the hair.
02:50Because of that,
02:51we look for what materials
02:53are not suitable for hair.
02:55And what we found at that time
02:57was a microfiber material.
02:58With its absorption power,
02:59which is able to absorb 6 times more
03:01than cotton towels in general,
03:03it helps make the hair process faster
03:06without damaging the hair.
03:09It dries faster than regular towels
03:12and other methods.
03:13How long does it take to dry faster?
03:16For how long it takes,
03:20everyone has their own difference.
03:23But for self-drying power,
03:25it's 6 times.
03:26If we suggest it,
03:28this is also one of the things
03:30that is wrong in society.
03:33They think by using this hair towel,
03:35it can help them dry their hair 100%.
03:38Actually, no.
03:39This hair towel is actually more
03:41aimed at helping them
03:42dry their hair up to 80%.
03:45When the hair is 80% dry,
03:47it's not as fragile as when it's wet.
03:50So, when 80% of them want to use a hair dryer,
03:53or air-dry,
03:54without using a hair dryer,
03:56it's okay.
03:58So, this means that
03:59it can dry the hair faster
04:02so that at that condition,
04:05even though 80% dry,
04:07the condition of the hair is not too fragile
04:09so that it can be treated
04:11for other dryness,
04:12such as using a hair dryer,
04:14but not a hot one, right?
04:16Because if it's hot, it will be damaged.
04:20Still use a cold hair dryer.
04:23What do you see the market like so far?
04:25Why is it only women who are targeted?
04:28Not only women who bathe, right?
04:32Actually, this is related to
04:33diversification and innovation
04:35of the products we do.
04:36At first, we were focused
04:38on hair towels,
04:40microfiber hair towels.
04:42Because the target market
04:44is more towards women.
04:45Because in general,
04:47women have longer hair.
04:49But as time goes by,
04:52we also realized that
04:53the benefits of microfiber
04:55are not just to straighten your hair, right?
04:57Because the high absorption power
04:58is 6 times more.
04:59So after that,
05:00we started to diversify the products.
05:03We also launched body towels,
05:06exercise towels,
05:08we even have hand towels now,
05:11but the function is more general.
05:12It can be for men and women.
05:13Because the benefits of microfiber
05:14that absorbs water 6 times faster,
05:16and the soft material,
05:18it's suitable for everyone.
05:20Even babies and small children.
05:22So it doesn't irritate their skin.
05:25But the absorption can still be maximum.
05:28Men with curly hair
05:30also need a hair towel
05:32from Handuk Buy Today too.
05:34Because it can dry your hair quickly.
05:37Okay. What is the market acceptance like so far?
05:39Is it positive or not?
05:42Actually, at first,
05:44this is a new thing
05:46when we first started this business.
05:49At that point,
05:51after doing the research,
05:54when we launched the product,
05:56it turned out that the response from the community was positive.
05:59So we realized that
06:00there was a market fit product.
06:02So whatever we offer,
06:03the solution can solve the problems
06:05in the community at that time.
06:07Well, the response from the community
06:10was positive.
06:11They realized that this product
06:14is a product that they need too.
06:17However, the obstacle that we still face until now
06:22is the need for education to the community.
06:25Because many people haven't figured out
06:28what the purpose of this need is.
06:31Because maybe in general,
06:33people know that handuk is handuk for the body.
06:35They don't know what handuk is for the hair.
06:37So what we need to do is
06:39to educate them deeply about this product
06:42and avoid the wrong perspective
06:46the wrong view that
06:48this handuk hair can dry the hair 100%.
06:51Which makes them respond like,
06:53why is it not like the advertisement?
06:55Why is my hair still not 100% dry?
06:57That's what we still educate to the market and the audience.
07:01So that they can understand
07:03the function of this handuk by today.
07:06What is it like for the handuk hair itself.
07:10If there is a difference between
07:12the special handuk hair from handuk by today
07:15and other handuk,
07:17which is other handuk in general,
07:19maybe for the body handuk,
07:22it's not an apple to apple.
07:24But maybe, I saw it yesterday,
07:26there is a cosmetic brand
07:30that also has a special handuk product for hair.
07:34Have you ever compared
07:36your handuk hair product with theirs?
07:40And what's the difference?
07:41What is the value line
07:43that your handuk has for the special handuk?
07:49So to talk about handuk hair,
07:52maybe right now,
07:53there are a lot of brands
07:55that offer,
07:57there are hair products.
07:59And maybe in terms of price point,
08:01the price is also cheaper than handuk by today.
08:04So what is the difference between us
08:06and the competitors' products?
08:08We realize,
08:09in terms of the product itself,
08:11we have also done a research
08:13and made comparisons.
08:15So in terms of the product itself,
08:17in terms of quality,
08:18we are better.
08:20But that causes,
08:21in society,
08:24the justification is not okay
08:27with the value of money that I produce,
08:29with the price,
08:30with the quality that we offer.
08:32In terms of quality,
08:34we are actually better.
08:36In terms of the product itself,
08:37we also have two types of handuk hair,
08:40which is different from the competitors out there.
08:42There is a special one for long hair,
08:44and there is a special one for all types of hair.
08:46The one for medium and short hair.
08:50Which solves the problem in society too.
08:52Because often,
08:53their feedback is,
08:54the hair is too long and thick.
08:56It doesn't fit in the handuk hair.
08:58So we answer with,
09:00the two types of handuk hair that we provide.
09:03apart from the quality product,
09:05what we offer is actually from the customer's journey,
09:09where it's not just the product,
09:12but the service that we provide to them.
09:15Which is,
09:17we dare to offer a guarantee.
09:20For three months,
09:21if they find a problem with their handuk,
09:23either the button is off,
09:25or the knot is broken,
09:26it can be brought back to us,
09:28for us to provide a service like that.
09:31There is a service,
09:33what is it called?
09:34The full sale,
09:36which then makes it its own value,
09:38for Handuk by Today.
09:41We will continue in the next episode,
09:42Mr. Greslin and our co-host,
09:44we will be right back.
09:45I'm still talking with Mr. Greslin,
09:47co-founder of Handuk by Today,
09:49talking about a startup,
09:51a brand of handuk,
09:53specifically for hair.
09:55The team from IDX Channel,
09:57is checking the price of handuk,
09:59on the e-commerce platform.
10:01And I think they will check out,
10:04maybe they are also interested in the product.
10:06Because the price,
10:07is quite reasonable,
10:10in your opinion.
10:11The price formulation,
10:13for around 100 thousand,
10:15if I'm not mistaken,
10:16is it reasonable enough,
10:18for the market in Indonesia,
10:20or in big cities?
10:23Actually, for the price,
10:25before determining the price,
10:27we already did a market research.
10:29Before determining this,
10:30we also compared it,
10:33actually at the beginning,
10:35we were pioneering,
10:37so at the beginning,
10:38we didn't have a lot of handuk,
10:41even we were the first mover,
10:42so we compared it more,
10:43to body handuk.
10:45Is there a reasonable price,
10:47if someone offers,
10:49money around 100 thousand,
10:50but for hair handuk,
10:52which maybe people assume,
10:53the function is for hair,
10:54and smaller than body handuk.
10:56Is it worth,
10:58for them?
11:00But we dare to put the price,
11:02at 100 thousand rupiah,
11:04because we also realize,
11:06like I said before,
11:09the value that we offer,
11:11in terms of product quality,
11:13customer service,
11:15in the future,
11:16and we also have,
11:17loyalty programs,
11:19where they can also benefit,
11:21if they already buy our product,
11:23for example,
11:24get a gift when they turn one year old,
11:28voucher promo,
11:29and so on,
11:30which makes them,
11:31to come back to us,
11:33to locally purchase,
11:34there is additional value,
11:35for themselves,
11:36like that.
11:38The distribution,
11:39so far,
11:40to where?
11:42So far,
11:43for hair handuk by today,
11:44it's already spread,
11:45to 15 cities in Indonesia,
11:46right now.
11:47The distribution itself,
11:48we have online and offline,
11:50for offline,
11:51to 15 cities in Indonesia,
11:53in terms of majority,
11:55we still cooperate,
11:56in the form of consignment,
11:58so we cooperate,
11:59with retail,
12:01in several cities,
12:03and for online,
12:04in several e-commerce.
12:08so far,
12:09there is a target,
12:10about profitability,
12:11in the long run,
12:12what is it?
12:14about profitability,
12:15for the beginning,
12:16we are,
12:18in the first three months,
12:19we have achieved that,
12:22for the future,
12:23what is our goal?
12:26for handuk by today,
12:28we have an objective,
12:29to make a business,
12:31which is indeed,
12:33and can make an impact,
12:35for people around us,
12:36so it's not limited,
12:37about numbers or profit,
12:39but how this business,
12:40can also give a positive impact,
12:42for people around us.
12:46the discussion,
12:48handuk by today,
12:49with hair products,
12:50or products,
12:52especially hair,
12:53this is getting wider,
12:55the scope of the market,
12:56and also,
12:57the profitability,
12:58continue to grow.
12:59Thank you,
13:00Ms. Grace,
13:01for joining,
13:02success for you,
13:03I always see you.
13:06we will see,
13:07the most updated movement,
13:08or the latest,
13:09we will see,
13:11the latest development,
13:13for ISG,
13:14is at level 7268.708,
13:18strengthening 0.59%.
13:22so far,
13:23there are 222 strong stocks,
13:24181 weak stocks,
13:27and we see,
13:28the stocks that are on the list,
13:30among them,
13:33Bang Mandiri,
13:36Kepik Bul,
13:38and also,
13:48and also,
13:50and also,
14:01Mr. 90 Minutes,
14:02we accompany you,
14:03in Power Breakfast,
14:04and hopefully,
14:05today's discussion,
14:06can be a reference,
14:07stay updated with your information,
14:08only on IDX Channel,
14:09Your Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
14:11Don't forget to watch,
14:12Market Review,
14:13which will air at 10 o'clock,
14:15in Indonesia,
14:18the matter of the future,
14:19must be ahead.
14:20I'm Investor Saham,
14:21I'm Wiki Adrian,
14:22see you later.
14:37Thank you for watching.
15:07I'm Investor Saham,
15:08I'm Wiki Adrian,
15:09see you later.
15:10Thank you for watching.
15:11I'm Investor Saham,
15:12I'm Wiki Adrian,
15:13see you later.
15:14Thank you for watching.
