• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il bilancio di sostenibilità 2023 che ha degli indicatori in crescita rispetto all'anno precedente”. Lo ha annunciato Lorenzo Spadoni, direttore generazione & trading di A2A, a margine della presentazione a Brindisi del terzo bilancio di sostenibilità territoriale della Puglia nel corso della quale sono stati forniti i dettagli della crescita.


00:00We present a balance of sustainability that has indicators of growth compared to the previous year.
00:14We are talking in particular about 35 million euros distributed as resources to the territory for the effect of our activities,
00:24for the effect, above all, of the orders that we have made, local suppliers, which are in strong growth, over 50%,
00:32investments in infrastructures for over 9 million euros, also these in growth, especially in the environment and energy sectors.
00:42In the environment sector we are active with several plants in Puglia, in the energy sector the plant that hosts us today,
00:49the Brindisi plant, is a plant that has become important for the management of the energy transition,
00:57above all to ensure the electrical grid of the fundamental services,
01:03in particular the voltage regulation that we do here with synchronous generators.
01:09We have projects on this site to further expand this system's flexibility capacity
01:16with planned investments in the field of BES, then batteries, electrical storage and the enhancement of the photovoltaic system.
