"We take a day off from our baby every week - it makes us better parents"

  • 3 months ago
A working couple take a day off from their baby every week to get a "guaranteed" good nights sleep and says it makes them "better parents".

Lauren, 31, and Ross Stevens, 34, were looking for childcare solutions for their 14-month-old Sophie so Lauren could return to work.

The parents couldn't afford the £1,700 monthly bill for full-time nursery and don't have family in the same city.

They decided to let Ross' parents pick their granddaughter up from a half day at nursery every Monday and take them back to there home in Ayrshire, Scotland.

Sophie then spends the night, before they take her back to nursery for the afternoon on Tuesday - when Lauren then picks her up.

The day allows the parents to get a guaranteed good nights sleep and get on top of household chores and for Sophie to have quality time with her grandparents.

Lauren, who works in finance, from Edinburgh said: "Nursery is so expensive.

"It's treble our mortgage to have her in for five days a week. Even four days was double.

"I asked Ross' parents if they would be interested in doing the over night.

"They wanted to help.

"I think it has been brilliant.

"I get to do things like shopping, cleaning. Because we get that time off we get it all done.

"I get a guaranteed night of good sleep. She didn't sleep until 11 months old - we're seriously sleep deprived.

"It makes us better parents.

"I can then just focus on being with her."

Lauren and Ross, a building merchant, pay for two half days of nursery a week - costing £79 - and two days with a childminder.

Ross' parents look after Sophie on Monday afternoon through to Tuesday lunch time in their Ayrshire home - an hour and a half away.

Lauren is then with Sophie on Wednesday and she goes to a childminder for the rest of the week.

Lauren was a little worried about the arrangement at first.

She said: "The fact it was formal - it was nerve-wracking.

"It comes with its challenges. There is guilt around it."

Lauren uses the time to get on top of the housework and chores as well as having some down time.

She said: "I don't have to sneak around. I go for a bath.

"I'm not then stressed about cleaning the house.

"It alleviates all that.

"We don't have the dropping her off with family for half an hour."

The couple haven't used the time off yet for a date night but hope to start treating themselves to one once a month.

Lauren says it's also for Sophie's grandparents to get quality time with her.

She said: "It's more valuable for them. They have a cuddle before bed time. They are nicer memories.

"They are absolutely loving it. They wouldn't have it any other way."

Lauren says she has had some backhanded compliments from friends and online strangers.

She said: "They say 'I would have loved to have that but I just can't ever be apart'.

"I'm a person as well - I have to make sure all my cups are full.

"Otherwise you won't be a good parent."


00:00We don't live very close to any of our family and our baby's grandparents live about an
00:11hour and a half away. When we were considering going back to work, part of our childcare
00:16arrangement was possibly for one of those grandparents to do like a half day and they
00:21wanted to do this and in my head I thought well it feels like such a waste, not a waste
00:26but a lot of time driving to not get so much time with Sophie. I floated the idea of a
00:33sleepover with them and what this essentially means is that we get a full night off every
00:39week and a morning off for me because I do all the job offers. I cannot tell you how
00:46much it impacts our week in such a positive way and sometimes I think is that really terrible
00:53that we have a whole night off every single week from our baby and we're not being a parent
00:58for that time. But actually the way it helps my husband and I refill our cup, we get to
01:04go to the gym, we get to give the place a whip round, we get to meal prep, we get to
01:08meal plan. When we pick her up on a Tuesday night we have the best time with her and yes
01:13of course we miss her, we miss her terribly but she has a great time and she's building
01:19her memories with her grandparents and I love that.
01:23Visit www.charlesboyk-law.com to learn more.
