Guest: That Englishman In Texas - Oli Pettigrew

  • 3 months ago
Guest: That Englishman In Texas - Oli Pettigrew
Talked about Texas, England, and more..
North Texas Horse Sales, WCRA news, PBR news, and fashion with Beyonce gone country. Streaming Series trailer Killing Eve, and more Ranch Rodeo & Randomness!


00:30I'm Zeke Thurston, 2016 World Champion Saddlebrock Rider, and you're watching the Pepperidge
00:56Seward Show.
00:58Yep, that's what happened.
01:01You're watching.
01:03That's your fault, not my fault, but here, I am here guys.
01:10You clicked it, you tuned to it, so that is on you.
01:14I do want to tickle your ear for a minute and let you know, if you haven't been on the
01:20PBR website,, go on there to the PBR Podcast Network and look on there because
01:27I'm letting you in on a little secret.
01:30There are some episodes that I've been loading up there on the site that are not on the other
01:40So there's some flashback shows.
01:41We did, we put the Bronc Riding, we had the Bronc Riding Girls on a couple years ago.
01:45We put that on there, and the most controversial episode ever, the Brazilian show that we
01:51did that sparked a lot of discussion back in the day is on there too.
01:57We had Glamour May, Robson, Eric Zhao, Robson Blair, and all those guys on talking about.
02:02That was back in the old days when they had the big bull rope controversy, so that's out
02:07there too.
02:08It's on the PBR Podcast Network.
02:10Go check it out, listen to it, and see what you think.
02:13It's good stuff.
02:15All right, today we've got some good stuff happening.
02:17We're going to talk to the Englishman who is now in Texas.
02:24It is that guy.
02:25It's Ollie.
02:26We're going to talk to Ollie here shortly.
02:29We're going to chat with him and see what he's up to, what he's doing, his thoughts,
02:34theories, and more on the differences of England and Texas because he's been in both, I've
02:41been in both, but I'm from here, he's from there.
02:43I'm curious to see what our thought process is on the two countries.
02:49But other than that, we've got that for you.
02:51We're going to have Ray Nicole, Ray Nicole Music, on the interweb net.
02:56She's got a new video out.
02:57We're going to throw that at you at some point.
03:00Have you got your tickets for the PBR yet?
03:02PBR is coming up, PBR Finals, and I want to tell you that SeatGeek, I don't know where
03:08you buy tickets at, but if you buy tickets on SeatGeek to buy your tickets, if you will
03:13use the discount code Pepper Stewart, you will get a discount when you buy tickets to
03:19So do that.
03:20We've got Horsesale News, we've got some stuff from our friends at Angus TV, the WCRA, we've
03:25got some stuff happening there we're going to tell you about, the PBR is happening, we've
03:31got the What Are You Watching on TV, we're going to dive into that just a little bit,
03:36and then we're going to talk about the western fashion industry and what is happening and
03:43why are people losing their minds over fashion, but the PBR, do you have tickets?
03:49If you don't, get them now.
03:53In this stadium, only one rider will be crowned the 2024 PBR World Champion.
04:00Get ready for two nights of bull riding at AT&T Stadium for all the glory, but the party
04:07starts Friday night with Kid Rock performing live at Kid Rock's Rockin' Rodeo.
04:12Grab life by the bulls all weekend long.
04:15Get your tickets now for the PBR World Finals Championship and Kid Rock's Rockin' Rodeo
04:20at AT&T Stadium.
04:23I see what you did there, did you catch that?
04:26Grab life by the bulls, did you hear that?
04:29I got that.
04:30I see what you did there.
04:32Yeah, so the World Finals is happening, there's going to be some qualifying rounds and stuff
04:37going on at the Stockyards, and they're going to have AT&T Stadium happening, I believe
04:41it's that Friday night, is the Kid Rockin' Rodeo, and what people are confused about
04:47with that, when the Kid Rockin' Rodeo, they're doing teams, so you're going to have teams,
04:52they did a draft, and they drafted all their riders, and then everybody was asking, well
04:59who are the bull riders?
05:02Who are the bull riders in the Kid Rockin' Rodeo?
05:06There are none.
05:08There are no bulls, it's just going to be, but you got the barrel racing, the bronc riding,
05:14the barrel back riding, team roping, cab roping, breakaway roping, but there will be no bulls,
05:19steer racing, you have all that, but you won't have any bull riding.
05:21Your bull riding will be that weekend at the PBR Finals where you get your bull riding.
05:26So the Kid Rockin' Rodeo, he come down, I don't know if you've seen the videos we put
05:30out there of him riding, he rode the horse across AT&T Stadium and got out, and then
05:35he talks to the folks, and we talked to him for a little bit, had pretty good conversations
05:41with Kid Rock, and talked about a lot of stuff, and out of that conversation, the part that
05:48you can see, I'm going to show you now.
05:53Kid Rockin' Rodeo, so you've been at Rodeo for a little bit, so how's that been, being
05:57around PBR and the bull riding?
05:59Great, everybody for that knucklehead Shawn Gleason.
06:02No, it's been great, man, what a group of people, like I was saying earlier, it's a
06:08space I want to be in with just great hard working folks who love America, love Western
06:14culture, and really looking forward to try and move the ball down the field, move the
06:19needle a little bit, just in all things Western sports, and really try to take it to some
06:23people who maybe don't know so much about this, and really turn them on to it.
06:27So how's that working out for the teams, and do you think that's going to kind of catch
06:31on with regular Rodeo?
06:32Well, you know, I would have to think after being around, walking this planet for this
06:37long that what I have noticed is that competition always breeds better, so you know, with having
06:43people going head to head in a lot of these events, hopefully that creates, you know,
06:47this is the first time we've done it, anybody's done it, so you know, I'm looking forward
06:51to some of the stories and drama that that might create, and hopefully it just gives
06:55people just that little extra kick in the ass to try and, you know, try just to push
06:58that right over all, if you're giving 100%, maybe you want to try to give 110 now, because
07:02it's not only just you're being timed, you're also, you know, got a little bit of your,
07:07you know, mojo on the line when you're going against somebody.
07:13So that is the philosophy on that, that's the philosophy on that deal for the Kid Rock
07:18and Rodeo.
07:19You know you're going to have a concert, so it's going to be a good time if you want to
07:23get out there.
07:24I'm sure there's still a few tickets left, and like I said, if you use SeatGeek to get
07:27your tickets, use discount code PepperStewart, that way I can save you some money.
07:32All right, bull riding, we talked about this a while back, it's been discussed around the
07:39globe, everybody's been watching the videos with J.B. Mooney, he's been training old cowboy
07:44Cerrone, he was going to ride Dana White's bull, Twisted Steel, and we had, you know,
07:52they put the challenge out there, and if he rode the bull, if he rode the bull, he was
07:57going to get $50,000 for his kid's camp that he does out there, where he brings the kids
08:01out there every year for a kid's camp, and they do cow stuff and check out stuff in camp
08:06and, you know, kind of a team building deal out there on his ranch.
08:10Well, during his training, this occurred, so now we've got this.
08:20Cowboy Cerrone injured on a practice bull, canceling the showdown with Dana White's Twisted
08:27So this was supposed to happen on May 18th, and it says that he tore the bicep in his
08:35riding arm.
08:36His arm hurt pretty bad, it's a 100% bicep tear off the bone.
08:44So in his own words, he says, you mess with a bull, sometimes you get the horns.
08:53It says it's not the end, he's going to rehab and he still wants a shot at Twisted Steel,
08:57so his plan is to get that healed up and go for it.
09:03Now, Twisted Steel is pretty rank, you know, he's bucked 90% of his riders off, so he's
09:12decided that with that torn bicep, he's not going to ride.
09:17So, some are saying, did he really tear his bicep?
09:24Or did he realize what he was up against and was like, man, better not do that.
09:30So that's kind of, that's where the chatter's been now on the interwebnet, people are kind
09:36of confused, it's like, well, did he really?
09:38Or did he come to the realization of what was in store?
09:44So that is what's happening with that, I'm sure he'll still be down there.
09:48You can always go down there, Cole Hauser will be down there, too, with his PBR party.
09:54So that will be an interesting time, be good times down there.
10:00And what do I see, what is happening over there?
10:04We have a guest, whoa, we got guests, guys, we got guests.
10:10Guests from across the pond, but not anymore, I don't know how that works, we'll find out.
10:15I guess it's Ollie?
10:17That's right, hello, how you doing?
10:18There you are.
10:19So let's talk about this, let's go back and let's figure this out.
10:24So you're in England, and then what happened?
10:28Well, actually, I'm English, but I was born in Hong Kong.
10:33But to make it simpler, my dad was born in India, and my grandfather was born in Persia,
10:37and my great-grandfather was born in Asia.
10:41Before that, not so long ago.
10:43So that's a long trip.
10:44Yeah, but we're all English.
10:47So my whole family, they were part of the British Empire back in the day, a lot of them
10:52were military, which is why so much travel.
10:55I was born in Hong Kong, I did about 10 years in England, but I spent the rest of my time
11:00in Asia, and then I've been here in the U.S. for 10 years, but full-time here in Texas
11:04for just over a year and a half.
11:07Aha, okay, all right, so that explains it.
11:10So what ages, so when you were there, what ages would you have been?
11:16What, in England?
11:18I was in England from about six till 18, then at 18, I took a gap year to Hong Kong.
11:23While I was there, I got into some fun, got into some modeling, got into movies.
11:26And so what I then did was while I was doing college in England for four months of the
11:30year, I spent the rest of my time in Hong Kong.
11:33And then at about the age of 23, I went to Singapore for a two-week vacation to visit
11:39my parents, and I left like 11 years later with a Texan wife and two kids.
11:45All right.
11:46So now that you're here, I know you've got a lot of videos and things where you do the
11:52similarities of things, and you're explaining Texas to those that don't know, so what are
11:57some of the things that you've run across that come to mind with a lot of the big differences
12:01that you see?
12:02Well, sometimes it's actually not about the differences.
12:06Sometimes it really is about finding what we have in common, and honestly, that's why
12:09I started doing That Englishman in Texas.
12:11I feel like, well, one, Texas is a massively misunderstood state, even, to be honest, by
12:17a lot of Texans.
12:18And I also find that so much of stuff that's out there, so much media and news and stuff
12:22like that is really just trying to divide people and put them in separate camps and
12:25fight them against each other, and I like to try and bring up things and stuff that
12:29we can all find in common and agree on.
12:32So to begin with, I just started making sort of commentaries on Texas.
12:35I think the most recent one that I found quite interesting, though, was I did a video a couple
12:39of days ago, which is doing pretty well, actually, about how Texans are like the Spartans, and
12:45it was just a throwaway comment that my wife made, but the more I looked into it, the more
12:50overlaps that I saw, that you've got the Battle of Thermopylae with King Leonidas, and then
12:54you've also got the Alamo, and I'm like, okay, that's one particular thing.
12:58But it went a little bit further, that when it came to King Leonidas and the 300, that
13:02they were told to throw down their weapons, and they replied, molon labe, which is Greek
13:07for come and take it, basically, which is exactly where they got come and take it from.
13:12So the more I looked into it, the more I realized that, you know, there's those interesting
13:16sort of historical partnerships.
13:19Like another one I'm looking into with Brits and Texans is, I often refer to your blue
13:24bonnets as bluebells, and that's got nothing to do with the ice cream that you guys love.
13:28It's because in the UK, we have our own wildflowers, which are bluebells as well, and we go and
13:33sit and take photos with them.
13:34So I'm like, the more time I spent here, the more nuances that I see that there's a lot
13:40that we all have in common.
13:41And it's kind of fun to sort of comment on it, because you'd be surprised how many Texans
13:45I teach about Texas.
13:47They're like, well, I didn't know that, thank you for telling me.
13:52It's interesting, because I've been, I haven't been a lot, but I've probably spent a few
13:57months over in England and seeing the sights and traveling and seeing stuff over there.
14:03And there is some difference, but of course, when we go over there, we go in June, because
14:07it's hot for them over there.
14:09It's perfect for me.
14:10For them?
14:12It's great.
14:13I love it.
14:14Well, I'd say right now, I have my parents, my mom and dad, they just came over from Thailand.
14:18I had them here for about two and a half weeks, they came out for the eclipse.
14:22And the weather here, where I live, I live just outside of Waco, has been perfect.
14:28But it's like a perfect English summer.
14:30So this is sort of like as bad as it gets for an English summer, which honestly, let's
14:35be honest, really only lasts two days, the rest of the time, it's just rain.
14:41I did notice that the times that we were there, it seemed like it rained every day.
14:45And we went to, well, we were there one time, we went to, I guess, Brighton, the Brighton
14:49Beach or Brighton Cove, and so we went out there and we're out there on the pier and
14:54I'm wearing, I think it's 60 degrees out there, something like that.
14:58I've got on a coat.
14:59I'm wearing a coat.
15:01Big brother is swimming in the ocean.
15:04I mean, you take what you can when it comes to the beach in the UK.
15:05I mean, I remember going, it was Celsie Beach, where my dad grew up, he'd take us there.
15:11I say, I use the word beach just because I guess it's next to the water, but it was made
15:14up of rocks.
15:15Yeah, it was all rocks.
15:16We were walking over pebbles.
15:18And then you just go for as long as you can until you get frostbite.
15:21And then it's like, oh, come and have an ice cream and warm up.
15:25Oh man.
15:28When you're traveling around Texas and doing your videos and things, are there certain
15:34things you look for or certain attractions or certain historical places or when you're
15:39looking for different spots to see?
15:42Well, honestly, I like to let the story come to me.
15:47I try not to overthink it.
15:49So I worked for, before I started doing That Englishman in Texas, I worked in TV.
15:53I hosted television shows for 16 years.
15:55I used to host a national show here called Right This Minute, doing viral videos.
15:59And before that, in Asia, I drove the cash cab.
16:02I worked for Discovery Channel, Food Network, HBO, Cinemax.
16:05So I've got a lot of experience telling stories.
16:08And, you know, when it comes to online stories, it's about trying to find a story that you
16:13can tell within 90 seconds to three minutes, because after about 90 seconds, people are
16:19And so every now and again, you get something sort of engaging.
16:21But I honestly walk into a situation with just an open mind.
16:26And I've learned, because I do all of it, I mean, my entire production studio is on
16:29my phone.
16:30So I shoot it.
16:31I edit it.
16:32I use an app on that.
16:33I do the voiceovers, subtitles, upload everything.
16:35And so as I just go out and experience the day, okay, as I'm experiencing it, I just
16:40capture it, capture it on the camera.
16:43But I've had enough experience in TV to know when to make a comment to camera, when to
16:47pick up the cutaways.
16:48And so I often tell people, they go, so what are you going to do?
16:50And I go, I have no idea.
16:51I'll figure it out when I get there.
16:55It's travel.
16:56So where's the places you've been?
16:59What's been a place that you've been when you're just out and about or whatever that
17:03really might have shocked you, that you didn't realize?
17:06Well, I'd say, I wouldn't say so much shock.
17:10I'd say just like one thing that I'm really trying to do now is to sort of expand out.
17:16Texas is quite a big place.
17:18I don't know if you've noticed.
17:19So I've been having cities reaching out to me directly now.
17:23So I'm getting invites all over the state to come out, spend a few days in a city and
17:29kind of experience it.
17:31But at the same time, I think one of my favorite little random things is there is a tiny little
17:36town called Cranfills Gap, which is about an hour away from Waco.
17:41And I had a follower reach out because I'd done a video about burgers and he was like,
17:45if you want a good burger, you've got to go to the Horny Toad Bar and Grill in Cranfills
17:49Gap. And I'm like, OK, well, I happen to be down Highway 6 because I've been doing either
17:54the steak cook off in Hico or rib cook off in Eastland.
17:57And I realized on my way back, if I took like a 60 mile detour on farm to market roads,
18:01I could get to Cranfills Gap.
18:02So I'm like, hey, not doing anything today.
18:05So I took that, you know, random back road drive as you do.
18:09And I turn up in Cranfills Gap, which I describe as a seven iron town.
18:12I could hit a seven iron across it.
18:15It's just there's nothing to it really.
18:17And there's just one place, which is like the Horny Toad Bar and Grill.
18:20That place was one of my favorite videos because I walked in and it was just pure Texas.
18:25And you'd be surprised, well not, you probably won't be surprised, but having a British
18:28accent and turning up into a place like that generates a lot of conversation very quickly.
18:33And it was just pure Texas.
18:36It was so funny.
18:38I was in absolute stitches.
18:39But my follower was correct that that's the best burger I have found in Texas so far.
18:45It's the jalapeno cheddar sourdough bun cheeseburger from Cranfills Gap, Horny Toad Bar and Grill.
18:51There's my recommendation.
18:52That sounds good. That sounds good.
18:54So what about, I guess you said you wanted some cook off.
18:57So I guess you're a big fan of barbecue.
19:00Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
19:02Who's not? I mean, how can you not be a big fan of barbecue?
19:04But yeah, that's been kind of like a fun little thing that has happened as that Englishman
19:07in Texas has grown that I've done a fair few now.
19:11So I did the Eastland rib cook off, which I just did for the second year.
19:15I got to do the high coast steak cook off, which was like, Ollie, do you want to taste 40 ribeyes?
19:20Yeah. Yes, I do.
19:22Cranfills Gap, they did the bacon bash and stuff like that.
19:25So it's kind of fun to get out there.
19:26And, you know, Texans, they're not in any rush about anything,
19:31you know, because it takes all day.
19:33The sun is rising. The sun is set.
19:34And I'm not out of Texas yet.
19:35You know, when it comes to cooking a brisket, it's like, sure, I could chuck it in the oven and leave it alone.
19:40Or, or we could smoke it for 15 hours and do it the hard way.
19:45And that's what I kind of like about Texans.
19:47It's like, you know, you can do it the easy way or the hard way.
19:49Most of the time, we'll do it the hard way.
19:51Yeah. Yeah. That's that's how I do them.
19:53I'll get out there on like a early Saturday morning or something and fire up the smoker.
19:59Throw one on and sometime Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening we eat.
20:04Yeah, at some point, at some point, by the time you get hungry, you definitely be hungry by that point.
20:07I did have a fun one the other day.
20:10This video did really well. It was over a million views, I think.
20:12But it was some family friends of my wife and they were doing, they were prepping a pig,
20:17but it was 590 pound pig and they were doing it the traditional way.
20:22So I turn up, they just hand me a knife and I'm helping scrape these hairs off and things like that.
20:27Then I had to go up to Dallas because my daughter had a dance show.
20:29Come back to Dallas. By the time I get back, there's enough food for the 150 people that turned up for this particular cook-off.
20:36It was awesome.
20:38Yeah, that's the trick that I do on those when I'm smoking the brisket like that is I snack, snacking while I'm cooking.
20:45And what I like to do is I'll get a full pan and I'll take a bag of frozen shrimp, wash them off, dump them in there,
20:55put a big scoop of butter on top, a little bit of seasoning, throw them in the smoker and just snack while you're cooking.
21:02Yeah, you're making me hungry.
21:06Yeah, that's my trick to it. I'll do that and I'll sit there and I'll snack on shrimp all day.
21:12That's not a bad idea. I'll put that one in my little, I'll write that in the name. Eat shrimp with pepper.
21:17Yeah. So you were just at the, I seen one of your videos, you went to San Antonio to the rodeo?
21:25I was at the Austin rodeo. I was down there, I was invited by a friend of mine, Jimmy Pierce,
21:30who is the guy that gave me, he created my custom made cowboy hat that I have.
21:36But then I said, like I said, my mom and dad were in town, so I took them down to San Antonio, took them to the Alamo,
21:41took them to Metiera, the River Walk, and then through Fredericksburg so they could see wine country, the hill country.
21:46And of course, with all the wildflowers out now, that's why I told them to come.
21:50I said, look, you know, if you come three weeks earlier, there'd be no leaves on the trees.
21:54You know, if you come later, it's going to be hot as hell. And that's already how hot it is in Phuket, where they're from.
21:59So I was like, come here. It's going to be great. It's going to look great. It's going to smell great.
22:04Unfortunately, my allergies went just nuclear while they were here.
22:09So it was just, it was, I sounded like I had emphysema for most of the time they were here, but fortunately I survived.
22:15So it's OK. But that's the only, that's the only downside.
22:18I live, I live just outside Waco. I've got three and a half acres.
22:21And it turns out I'm allergic to sort of cedar, which is what, yeah, every single tree that I can see out of my window.
22:28So at certain times of the year, it does get kind of tricky.
22:31So let me ask you this, when you were in San Antonio, down the river walk, it's been probably 10 years or so since I've been down there.
22:37But did y'all happen to go to the, is it the Buckhorn Saloon with the Buckhorn Museum where you walk through and see all the taxidermy?
22:49And I haven't been to that.
22:52Yeah, I didn't hear about that. I will tell you that the Alamo, they've got a new museum there where they have the Phil Collins collection.
22:59A lot of people didn't know that, but that was Phil Collins' like favorite hobby.
23:03He had this huge thing. Absolutely awesome.
23:05Like if you haven't been to San Antonio for a while, take a trip, go to the Alamo, but check out their new museum because that was awesome.
23:11My dad loved it. Huh. I have to do that.
23:13Yes, it's been a long time since I've been down there.
23:16What's keeping you from going to San Antonio? It's Fiesta, right? You've got to go to Fiesta.
23:20I know. I ended up randomly in Coyote Ugly on a random Saturday night and it got messy.
23:25I'll tell you that much. Entertaining and messy.
23:28Oh man. So you're in Waco. So I guess you've hit the Magnolia shops over there.
23:34You know, funny enough.
23:35No, you haven't been there.
23:38I've been coming to Waco for 20 years, you know, since I met my wife.
23:43And Waco in the last three years has changed. It's unrecognizable, to be honest.
23:48It's incredible how much it's grown, how much is going on.
23:52I used to say the only thing you'd find downtown in Waco was parking because there was nothing to do.
23:56Whereas now it's quite the opposite, especially at certain times of day and certain weekends around that Magnolia area.
24:03It's absolutely heaving with tourists and it depends on which Waco you're talking to about how they really feel about that.
24:09It's like, oh, property prices have gone up. Great. So have land taxes.
24:13So we're not exactly thrilled about that. Yeah.
24:15But yeah, no, I've actually I've never, never, never stopped in.
24:18I guess it's just that whole tourist thing.
24:20Whereas I kind of like exploring and finding these sort of these sort of individual businesses and restaurants.
24:26It's like Segovia Wine Bar, I'm a big fan of.
24:28They're just down the road from there. And they're right across from the Dr. Pepper Museum.
24:32There's these new rooftops that have been opening around town as well, things like that.
24:37And that's what I think is sets Waco apart from Dallas and Fort Worth, from Austin, San Antonio, Houston, is we don't have ring roads.
24:44We don't have traffic. We don't have rush hour.
24:48But I can drive 20 minutes from here, six minutes from here is an HEB.
24:51So I'm already 20 minutes from here is downtown and I can go downtown and I can get a cocktail or tapas or sushi or gelato or something like that.
25:00And then 20 minutes back the other way, I'm in the country.
25:04I've got, you know, coyotes howling and all kinds of stuff.
25:08So I think for me, it's like I've got the the best of both worlds when it comes to Texas, minus the Mad Max level of driving that you need to be on the highway in a major city.
25:17Oh, yeah. Because y'all are crazy.
25:20Yeah. Yeah. If you if you ain't going 20, 30 or speed limit, you're getting you're going to run over.
25:26See, I agree. And it's like, well, I'm on I-35, I'm definitely one of those people that believes the left hand lane is the unofficial Texas Autobahn.
25:33Right. You should be able to go. If you're going slow in that lane, just get the heck out of the way.
25:38But when I get up into down to Houston or up into Dallas, Fort Worth, around the airport, around rush hour, I mean, like, you know, I'm not a religious guy,
25:47but I certainly started speaking to some higher power in hopes that I would make it through this drive.
25:51Yeah, you're going to have to do that. Oh, have you been since you're you're awake?
25:57Have you been to we did do Doc Pepper Museum? I did do that. And I did the the Texas Ranger Museum.
26:02Have you been there? That was one of the very first things I did 20 years ago.
26:06I think my wife took me to that, which is another thing, actually, that from going back to when I was talking about Texans and Spartans,
26:14that very famously that if anybody asked Sparta for aid, they would historically send one warrior.
26:21But then when you get to the Texas Ranger Museum, you've got that other thing of one riot, one ranger.
26:26So yet another Spartan sort of overlap there. But yeah, the Texas Ranger Museum is very cool.
26:31It's right across from McLean Stadium, which is like that whole big new stadium that when you come into Waco, you can't miss it.
26:37But I I've been coming here. I said I used to watch Baylor lose at their old stadium because back in the day, Baylor was terrible.
26:44I mean, they would give tickets away at 7-11. Hey, do you want to go watch football game?
26:47Sure. Who's going to win? Not Baylor. But I was also there when they won the Alamo Bowl.
26:53I was down in San Antonio when RG3 as a quarterback running it in.
26:57So once Baylor had that moment happen, suddenly Baylor, you know, a bunch of money's coming in.
27:03Now you've got the new stadium. Now you've got the downtown redeveloping.
27:07Now you've got Magnolia come in. So that's what I mean.
27:10Like I said, in the last three, four years, I was driving my mom and dad around going, that used to be a field.
27:16Now it's 2,000 houses. That used to be a field. Now it's 10,000 houses. That used to be a field.
27:21So so Waco's growing, but some of us are still trying to hold on to that kind of country feel.
27:26Yeah. Yeah, I think I passed through Waco a few months ago and I stopped in at Dave's Hot Chicken.
27:36I've heard of Dave's Hot Chicken.
27:38Oh, it's so good. Man, it's hot. It's hot, but it's good.
27:43I haven't like so people often ask me, like, so what's the best sort of barbecue?
27:46And I'm like, honestly, I'm kind of out of practice because I know Jasper's is the oldest and things like that.
27:51But I tell you, it was terrible. This is going back 10 years there when I first moved here.
27:55My wife and I, so my wife, she's from here, but we both worked in television in Asia.
28:00And so for the nine months after I moved, because it took so long for my green card to come in, it was a bloody nightmare.
28:06So I was living in Texas, working in Singapore, so flying 33 hours each way every 10 days or so.
28:13But there was one period of time when my wife was out of town, a good friend of ours that had sort of like surgery.
28:18And so we kind of I was spending time with her every day.
28:21And I said, I tell you what, one every day we'll get different barbecue from all around Waco.
28:25All the classics, the old ones, the new ones, things like that.
28:29Even Rudy's. And at the end, we're like, we'll decide which one had the best brisket.
28:35Rudy's had the best brisket. We felt terrible, but it wasn't even close.
28:39So, you know, I love that. I know that Rudy's like, hey, we're the worst barbecue in Texas.
28:43But I'll say right then, back then, they had pretty good brisket.
28:47You're going to have to hit a, I don't know if they got them down there.
28:49There's more more up here in East, East Texas, but Soulman's Barbeque.
28:54Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
28:55I've been meaning to come up to Dallas because I hear about Zavala's.
28:57Oh, yeah. Well, I'm interested in Zavala's. Barbeque has good and Black's Barbeque is coming to Waco soon.
29:03They're advertising it. So there's a, you know, there's some options right there, though.
29:08I have to be honest. Some of my neighbors just make great, great brisket themselves.
29:11They're pros. Right.
29:13And I guess I guess you figured the difference in the do they still I guess you were in Hong Kong and over that way.
29:18But do they still do like when we were over in England and Ireland and stuff and they'd say, hey, we're going to have a we're having a barbecue.
29:25And then we'd go out there and they're hot dogs.
29:28Yeah. Yeah. It's so funny.
29:30You should bring that up. My wife was just talking about that.
29:32We were telling the story about when we first met and I invited her over.
29:36This is in Singapore, 20 something years ago.
29:39And I said, oh, come over. We're having a barbecue.
29:42But barbecue to Brits means we're grilling, you know, chicken and sausages and things like that.
29:48She turns up, oh, barbecue, barbecue.
29:50And then she's like, I could tell she was confused when she first turned up.
29:53But she's like, oh, wait, this isn't this isn't barbecue.
29:56This is grilling. Yeah. On a barbecue.
29:58What are you talking about?
29:59If you think those cultural things still happen 20 years later.
30:03Yes. Yeah, absolutely. Still do.
30:06Yeah. You'd be surprised.
30:08So let's let's talk about this website.
30:10You got a website here.
30:11Let's pop that up. or you can find me as ThatEnglishmanInTexas on Instagram and TikTok.
30:19Or you find me on Facebook as Oli Pettigrew.
30:23Yeah, that's me.
30:24There you are. And you even got some merch out there.
30:27I do. Yeah. Yeah.
30:29I'm actually like this guy, this shirt that I'm wearing right now is from a small Texas brand,
30:34Texas owned and operated called BTB & Co.
30:38And so I've sort of partnered up with them.
30:39So they supply me with all kinds of like great stuff that people can buy if you want to.
30:43But they also help me out doing my merchandise as well.
30:46So you can get sort of for the sort of like new Texans like me.
30:49You can get adopted Texan T-shirts and hoodies and things like that.
30:54Get some really good coffee or tea mugs, putting the tea in Texas.
30:59But you've also got some other stuff that you can enjoy as well.
31:02But also you can find some great stuff on BTB & Co. as well, where if you've got anything sort of like Texan or they've got this great sort of armadillo logo that they use as well.
31:12I would recommend it if you're looking to show your Texas pride.
31:15OK, that's all right.
31:17Well, got people checking out. One more thing I want to get to before you get out of here.
31:22Before they crossed over, I hadn't had him back on the show since.
31:28I need to, but I haven't reached back out to him yet to get him back on.
31:32But when Josh and Jace came, I had Josh on before he came.
31:36So I know you guys met up at some point.
31:39So what was that like?
31:41It was really fun. Yeah, it was one of those things because they were coming and they were doing their big old road trip.
31:46I had so many people tagging me in their videos that I was like, OK, OK, OK.
31:52So I reached out to them. I was like, look, guys, if you're going to be in Dallas, you've got to have someone who's going to teach you how to survive Texas.
31:57So we met up at a there's a like a pub called the Londoner.
32:01Yeah, right near the airport. Bumped into them.
32:04It's funny, actually, because especially like, you know, when it comes to Josh and Jace, they're very like exuberant.
32:08Yeah, they're very, you know, loud and always doing their accents.
32:12But when you actually meet them, they're quite subdued.
32:15Whereas they were just normal. Oh, hey, how are you doing?
32:17Oh, that's interesting. Oh, cool. Yeah.
32:19Whereas, you know, when I did television, it was the same way that people would meet me.
32:24They're like, wow, you're just like you are on TV.
32:26I'm like, yeah, that's just me. That's just who it's just who I am.
32:29Yeah. But yet they were lovely fellas.
32:31If they ever came back through Texas, I'd absolutely try and try and meet up with them again.
32:35I know they are in and out of America quite a lot.
32:39I have noticed that I think they are trying to move here.
32:41But it's not an easy thing to do. You've got to be like me.
32:43You've got to marry a Texan. Yeah.
32:46And then spend a lot of money and then wait 18 months and then you'll get a green card.
32:50But but still. So we are.
32:52Unless I don't know if there is a lonely Texas lady that is watching this right now.
32:56Maybe reach out to Josh and you can have your very own Englishman.
33:00Yeah, he's got his he's got his dating app out there.
33:02I seen the other day somewhere he's he's posing now.
33:04They're trying to find their one.
33:06They want to come back. They like it.
33:08But it's like you say, it's different.
33:10You know what you what people think over there.
33:12It is like here and what people here think it's like over there.
33:15Once you get over there or something, it's totally different.
33:18Very though. I will say I did a video about this one as well,
33:21because a lot of people like on the British accent, like the English accent works.
33:24I go, oh, it does work. But so does the Texas accent.
33:28I mean, you've been in the UK, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
33:30As soon as people find out you're from Texas, they're like, oh, wow.
33:32Yeah, right. Oh, yeah. Pissed off.
33:34Yeah. Yep. Oh, they oh, they did.
33:38Well, the first OK, the first time we went, I was like, I was like,
33:42I'm not going to wear a hat.
33:43I'll just throw on a cap or whatever.
33:44Just go and just kind of, you know, not really try to blend in,
33:48but not stick out, you know, so much.
33:51And it didn't matter if you start talking like you're from Texas, huh?
33:56Do you know Dallas? Yeah.
33:58And then when I the second time went back, I was like, the heck with it.
34:02I still on a hat and went and it was everybody was just going nuts on that.
34:08Texas was, you know, you have horses.
34:09Do you have cars?
34:10And I mean, just like crazy questions they would ask.
34:13And I guess the same thing.
34:14People like to find out you're from England.
34:16Oh, you live in London.
34:17Oh, do you meet the queen?
34:17And I'm like, all right.
34:18Well, no, my sister did used to live in Windsor Castle there.
34:22So I'd have to go visit her inside Windsor Castle.
34:25So that's true.
34:25I used to play rugby against Prince William.
34:28So, you know, certain overlaps.
34:30There you go. All right.
34:33Well, I'll tell you what, we've had you for a while.
34:34We appreciate you visiting with us.
34:36Maybe I hit you up next time I travel to Waco
34:38and check out that barbecue stand and you bet.
34:42Well, thanks for the invite as well.
34:44It was a real pleasure talking to you guys.
34:46All right. We'll see you down the road.
34:49All right. Good stuff right there.
34:51Good stuff.
34:52And it's always interesting to see the other side.
34:58The other perspectives of things, so that was that's good stuff.
35:02You learn anything?
35:04You know, I've been to London once and I know exactly what you're
35:08talking about as far as like them asking if we all wear a 10 gallon hats
35:13and if we ride horses.
35:15But I did not know that in order for you to be a successful Texan,
35:20you had to have parents that came from every region of the world.
35:24That is good stuff, though.
35:27He said, what did he say?
35:30Oh, my God.
35:31They're well-traveled. I didn't realize he was.
35:33And he sounds like a successful Texan.
35:36I mean, heck, he knows the good places.
35:38He's got it.
35:40He has got it figured out.
35:41He has got that.
35:42I tell you one thing, though.
35:44I did not hear him say once over yonder.
35:47And I need to hear him say over yonder to be a good Texan.
35:49I should ask him.
35:51Come back.
35:54Oh, man, what time is it, man?
35:55We are getting up on this.
35:58All right. We got time.
35:59What are we going to do?
36:00Let's do a I guess we need to do some.
36:05Let me do this horse sales right quick and let you guys know about some horse sales.
36:10Everybody wants to know about the horse sale.
36:11Horse market's blowing up.
36:12You got Yellowstone really blew up the horse market.
36:15Beyonce's doing that, too.
36:17She's helping blow up the Western market as well.
36:20So if you are looking for a horse, there are some spots
36:24you can watch on the internet, on the YouTubes, as they say.
36:29Red River Horse Sale in Savoy, Texas.
36:32If you head towards Bonham and then hang a left, go north this northish, I guess.
36:38I don't always get it wrong.
36:38But anyway, Google at Red River Horse Sale.
36:41You can buy horses online.
36:43You can watch on YouTube by horses there.
36:45Or you can go a little further south to Elkhart, Texas.
36:49The Elkhart Horse Auction in Elkhart, you can watch and buy online as well.
36:55And then the Paris Horse Sale in Paris, Texas.
36:59They are not online.
37:01You can't buy online.
37:02You got to buy there.
37:04But they're in Paris, Texas.
37:05But all of those, you can peruse their Facebook page
37:11to see what horses are going to be available at those particular sales
37:15so you can make your plans to attend whichever you'd like.
37:21And while I'm discussing that.
37:26This is what we're talking about.
37:28We're talking about the Western images, Western images.
37:33We're going to dive into Western images and what is happening because
37:39Beyonce has put out a country album.
37:44And so everybody went nuts about that.
37:46I don't know why, because
37:50the country music that you hear today is not
37:54the country of old, like the legitimate old school country,
37:59like the 70s, 80s.
38:00It's all different and kind of poppy.
38:02So to me, it all sounds the same.
38:05Maybe you guys will probably tell me different anyway.
38:08So what's happening is Beyonce busted out with a Western album.
38:12She did an AI cover
38:14for her album, and she's riding a horse sideways
38:18with no blanket on the horse, and everybody threw a fit about that.
38:23And then she did some photo shoots where she had hats on backwards.
38:27She had spurs on upside down.
38:29She's trying to sling a rope and had that wrong.
38:32And it's got the Western fashionistas in a tizzy.
38:38Their their pantries are in a bunch, so to say.
38:42But let me break this down for you guys.
38:45They're all upset at Beyonce.
38:52Here's what's happening.
38:54Yes, it looks funny to the trained eye, but to the untrained eye,
38:59which is probably 95 percent of our fan base,
39:02they have no idea what they're looking at anyway.
39:05It's just the 5 percent from the Western industry
39:07that pick these things out, which is just like anything else.
39:10Whatever industry you're in, if you're watching it on TV
39:13or you're watching a movie, you're seeing whatever.
39:15You're going to pick out the things that don't go.
39:18And that's what's happening.
39:20So let me break this down for you.
39:23Urban cowboy in the 80s.
39:24Everybody got set when the urban cowboy came out back in the 80s.
39:28But what happened?
39:29Everybody wanted to be a cowboy then.
39:31Western wear, Western industry, all that stuff
39:35went up with everybody wanted to be a cowboy.
39:37It's cool to be cowboy again.
39:39Then there's some other shows, other things happen.
39:43You had Lonesome Dove come out and people want to be cowboy again.
39:45You know, Lonesome Dove kind of did some stuff.
39:48And now in the social media age, they were in now Yellowstone.
39:52Yellowstone blew up, had the same thing.
39:54You had people complaining about the show that that's not realistic.
39:58That's not this. That's not that.
39:59Everybody's in a tizzy. But what did it do?
40:02Once again, everybody wanted to be a cowboy.
40:04Everybody wanted to buy a horse. Everybody want to ride horses.
40:07So what happened? The horse market boom, horse market went up.
40:10That's good for the Western industry.
40:12Now, Beyonce, she's doing her thing.
40:14Now what's happening with Beyonce after her album release?
40:17What happened? Boot sales went up.
40:20Everybody wants boots now. The boot sales, boom, they jacked up.
40:24The last report, I think it was like 20 percent after the album release
40:27and it's still going up.
40:28Then you have Levi's, Levi jeans.
40:31Bam. Everybody wants to wear Levi's now.
40:32They want jeans.
40:34Wrangler. Wrangler has
40:36has bounced up, too, because Wrangler has kind of
40:41they've got more of a wide range of clothing
40:45that fits. And everybody that's about that.
40:47And then they're all mad. You can't wear.
40:49You can't wear that. You don't have a horse.
40:51You can't wear boots. You can't wear a hat.
40:53OK, here's my thoughts on the what they call the gatekeepers
40:59of the Western industry fashion East us.
41:04This is my thoughts.
41:06You're wearing basketball shoes.
41:08People go around wearing basketball shoes.
41:10Do they all play basketball or are they always wearing basketball shoes?
41:13Do they all play basketball or are they all NBA basketball players?
41:15They all play in basketball, basketball shoes.
41:17No, you're wearing tennis shoes.
41:19Everybody wearing tennis shoes.
41:21You playing tennis?
41:22No, no, probably not.
41:24You're wearing running shoes.
41:25Are you running? No, you're not running.
41:27You're wearing. Hey, dude, what are the vans?
41:30Those are skate shoes.
41:31Are you skateboarding?
41:32Probably not.
41:34It's the same thing with you guys that wear football jerseys
41:37or basketball jerseys to go watch a game.
41:40You're dressing up to go to the game. Same thing.
41:42People want to dress up and go to the rodeo.
41:44Dress up and go to the rodeo if you want to go.
41:46All that does is help out the Western industry, the Western lifestyle.
41:50It's just helping.
41:52And too many people are complaining and turning it upside down.
41:55You can't wear this.
41:56I'm going to there's a Facebook group.
41:58I don't want to name the group because I don't call them out on this.
42:00But there's a group out there.
42:01There's a Western fashionista type group or whatever with all these people
42:06that post daily.
42:07They're wearing their hats, you know, they're wearing hats
42:09or they're showing off their boots or their shirts or whatever.
42:11And they all live in town.
42:1390% of the people in this group, they live in town, they live in the city,
42:16but they enjoy wearing boots, wearing hats, wearing shirts, dressing up.
42:21So let it let them.
42:22They want to wear it. Let them wear it.
42:24Quit trying to rock these people's world for no reason.
42:28I don't I don't get it.
42:30It doesn't make sense to me.
42:31But, you know, a lot of things don't.
42:34I mean, just like with whatever it is, you don't listen to the music.
42:37Don't listen to it.
42:38You know, just do what you want to do.
42:41Quit complaining so much.
42:42There's a lot of that going on everywhere.
42:44You complainers.
42:45What else we want to talk about?
42:47Because everybody else is mad at me already.
42:50Oh, we got a movie trailer.
42:52We got a movie trailer
42:55that is going to hit streaming in theaters in June.
42:58And it's called Ride.
43:01And if you remember back when we talked to Tommy Howe.
43:06Tommy Howe is in this movie along with 4AJ Smith.
43:10So check it out.
43:15When that shoot opens.
43:18All my pain.
43:21All that emptiness.
43:24Just goes away.
43:28For eight seconds.
43:31It's like all I got to do is hold on.
43:36Well, look here, old John Hawkins boy.
43:39He's fresh out the joint, you know.
43:41He don't ride like daddy did.
43:47Hey, Doc.
43:48My sweet baby girl.
43:51Virginia's cancer is back.
43:53That's $160,000, Yolo.
43:55What the hell am I supposed to do now?
43:59I think we should start a conversation with Peter.
44:03We turned our back on him.
44:05Yeah, my day, the goal was to stay on.
44:07Trying to go pro or win that cash?
44:10I'm going to win that money.
44:15I think dad is freaking out about money.
44:19Champs ain't made riding.
44:22They're made in a few seconds right after they fall.
44:26My dad, I don't want to know what he'd give up for Virginia.
44:35I know you'd do anything for your sister.
44:39But everything is pointing to you.
44:41Am I talking to my wife right now or to the sheriff?
44:45You stand for everything.
44:49Family, faith, and strong American values.
44:57We're not perfect.
44:59But we're trying to do what's right no matter what it takes.
45:04No matter how hard you fight.
45:07I don't need help raising my daughter.
45:10Whether you make it or not.
45:13The bull always chucks you.
45:21I am a bull.
45:30Rodeo time.
45:31Rodeo time, guys.
45:32Rodeo time in Texas.
45:33This is what's happening.
45:35Corpus Crispi.
45:36Down the Corpus Crispi.
45:39Stephanie Fryer is about to, maybe, maybe not.
45:46She's shooting her shot at becoming the first female overnight millionaire in Western sports.
45:56And you're like, what does that mean?
45:59So the World Champion Rodeo Alliance has what is called the Triple Crown.
46:03Where if you win, I think it's three events in a row.
46:06I think that's what it was last time.
46:07I'd have to look.
46:08But anyway.
46:10Stephanie Fryer is approaching to be the $1,000,000 Triple Crown of Rodeo bonus.
46:20So she'll get that bonus if she wins at Corpus Crispi.
46:24Down in Corpus Crispi, Texas.
46:26Way down south.
46:27She wins.
46:28She will get it done.
46:30An athlete earning $1,000,000 or more in a single night is a rare occurrence in the sport of Rodeo.
46:35And this is only the second time in the sport a woman has been the sole contender for such a cash bonus.
46:44She's won $750,000 in her professional career.
46:48And that $1,000,000 check she could earn on May 11th will exceed her 18-year career earnings combined.
46:57So if Fryer wins Rodeo Corpus Crispi, she'll be crowned the second and final champion of the coveted WCRA Triple Crown of Rodeo.
47:08Rodeo presented by Lazy E in December.
47:13R.C. Landingham became the first and only to date to be the Triple Crown winner when he won the $1,000,000 check.
47:20So that right there is going to be some good watching.
47:26Large leaps and bounds for Rodeo and women's Rodeo as breakaway roping has even become more dominant.
47:36So those of you that laughed at me back in 2018 or 19 when I wrote the article about the emergence of breakaway roping in performances and people thought that was dumb and would never happen.
47:48Joke's on you guys because breakaway roping is blowing up.
47:52And I know you've seen the news if you follow breakaway roping about the big money roping that is going to be happening.
47:58So women's sports. Thumbs up, right?
48:03Is that what we do? Thumbs up.
48:07What else are we going to do? What else do we have? What else do we have to do?
48:11Let's do this. Let's talk about this show I watched recently. It's called Killing Eve.
48:16We've got the official trailer for that. It's on Netflix I believe right now.
48:20It's a BBC thriller. That means British TV, not BBC or BBW like you're thinking in your brain.
48:32This series, Killing Eve, centers on two women. Eve is a bored, whip-smart, pay-grade MI5 security officer who is desk-bound and would love to be a spy.
48:44She fantasizes about it. She studies spies. She wants to be a spy.
48:48Villanelle is a talented killer or hitman, so to speak, who clings to luxury.
48:57It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
49:04Go head-to-head in an epic game of cat and mouse.
49:27I know you are an extraordinary person. Exceptionally bright. Determined.
49:42I know something happened to you. I know you're a psychopath.
49:57You should never tell a psychopath you're a psychopath. It upsets them.
50:03Are you upset?
50:26It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
50:36Go head-to-head in an epic game of cat and mouse.
50:40I know something happened to you. I know you're a psychopath.
50:45You should never tell a psychopath you're a psychopath.
50:50It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
50:55Go head-to-head in an epic game of cat and mouse.
51:00I know something happened to you. I know something happened to you.
51:05You should never tell a psychopath you're a psychopath.
51:10It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:15It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:20It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:25It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:30It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:35It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:40It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:45It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:50It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
51:55It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:00It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:05It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:10It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:15It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:20It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:25It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:30It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:35It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:40It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:45It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:50It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
52:55It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:00It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:05It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:10It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:15It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:20It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:25It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:30It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
53:35It's based on books. Killing Eve is not your typical spy action thriller as these two women are equally obsessed with each other.
