Bowery at Midnight (1942)

  • 3 months ago
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00:04:50Take a bowl of that soup if you don't mind.
00:04:55Just be seated.
00:05:11I'll take it off.
00:05:20See, the guy that runs this place sure is one swell guy.
00:05:23Yes, he is.
00:05:24Most places you go to, all they want to do is save your soul.
00:05:28Mr. Wagner realizes a man can get awfully hungry just doing nothing.
00:05:32You bet he can.
00:05:45Have another bowl?
00:05:46No, thanks.
00:05:48Then what about a smoke?
00:05:50A nice cigar.
00:05:53Come on, my friend.
00:05:54Follow me.
00:06:07Help yourself.
00:06:18Real Havana.
00:06:19I hope you enjoy it.
00:06:24I'm sorry, mister.
00:06:25You must think I'm somebody else.
00:06:27Oh, no, I don't.
00:06:28I have known you and your work for a long time.
00:06:32I tell you, you've got me quite wrong.
00:06:34You've got your wires crossed.
00:06:35I don't think so.
00:06:38Don't worry.
00:06:40I'm your friend.
00:06:48Step into my private office.
00:06:58I want to show you something very interesting.
00:07:10What about this?
00:07:11Hey, that's me.
00:07:13What are you doing with this?
00:07:15Never mind.
00:07:16So you are Fingers Dolan.
00:07:18All right, all right.
00:07:19So you know me.
00:07:20What's the gimmick?
00:07:23Must have been very hard on you to be inactive for such a long time.
00:07:33But that is all in the past.
00:07:35I have great plans for you.
00:07:39Yes, Carl.
00:07:41Hello, Doc.
00:07:42Send Mr. Stratton up immediately when he arrives.
00:07:55Sit down.
00:08:15Hi, Doc.
00:08:16The boss is waiting for you, Stratton.
00:08:18Did you bring my package?
00:08:19Where is it?
00:08:20No, I forgot to pick it up.
00:08:21But you promised me.
00:08:22I've got to have it.
00:08:23Oh, lay off, you rumb-dumb.
00:08:26Here it is.
00:08:27I knew you wouldn't let me down.
00:08:29Thanks, Stratton.
00:08:30Thanks for what?
00:08:31That stuff is slow death.
00:08:32No, it isn't.
00:08:33I'm a doctor.
00:08:35Doctor, my eye.
00:08:38I wouldn't let you treat a good case of dandruff.
00:08:41Can you see, Mr. Stratton?
00:08:43I'm sure many things will become clear to you.
00:08:47Fingers doled.
00:08:52I thought you were still doing time.
00:08:54Glad to see you, son.
00:08:55What are you doing here?
00:08:56Mr. Stratton works for me.
00:08:58I'm a doctor.
00:08:59I'm a doctor.
00:09:00I'm a doctor.
00:09:01I'm a doctor.
00:09:02I'm a doctor.
00:09:03I'm a doctor.
00:09:04I'm a doctor.
00:09:05I'm a doctor.
00:09:06I'm a doctor.
00:09:07I'm a doctor.
00:09:08I'm a doctor.
00:09:09I'm a doctor.
00:09:10Mr. Stratton works for me.
00:09:12You see, I like to bring old friends together.
00:09:16Stratton, huh?
00:09:17Got a new moniker.
00:09:19There's more than a new name in it for you if you join our little partnership.
00:09:25Look, you birds.
00:09:26I'm not as quick as I used to be.
00:09:28But these.
00:09:30These are still quick.
00:09:32Aren't they?
00:09:35Are we going to crack a box tonight?
00:09:37Mr. Stratton, don't be so crude.
00:09:40You lay out a job, case the place, and I tune the dial?
00:09:44The language is rather picturesque, but the meaning is perfect.
00:09:48And there's nobody like Tom for his end of the job.
00:09:51How do you like that?
00:09:54A flophouse for a blind.
00:09:56Boy, you guys had me coming and going.
00:09:58I think that's got it.
00:10:28Good work, Phineas.
00:10:30For a minute, I thought I'd lost the magic touch.
00:10:47It's okay.
00:10:51Phineas did his job. Now it's your turn, Stratton.
00:10:57You heard what I said.
00:10:59But he's a valuable man.
00:11:01He was a valuable man.
00:11:03Hey, are you guys kidding me with that talk or what?
00:11:06Do your job, Stratton.
00:11:08But, Carl, I...
00:11:09I've lost your nerve. Go ahead.
00:11:12Please. Please don't kill me. Give me a chance.
00:11:15I only did what you asked me to. I can show you...
00:11:44May I have some coffee, Doctor?
00:11:45I let it go. Did you have any trouble?
00:11:47No trouble at all. Everything was perfect.
00:11:49You act like there's something bothering you.
00:11:51Didn't you get a big haul?
00:11:52I told you everything was perfect.
00:11:54We got a swell haul.
00:11:56I still say there's something bothering you.
00:11:58Is it that new man, Fingers?
00:12:03Fingers won't bother anybody anymore.
00:12:06You mean to say he got rid of him without letting me have the body?
00:12:09He can't do that to me. He promised me.
00:12:12It seems he can do anything he pleases.
00:12:15Didn't you get a big enough cut in this last job?
00:12:18I'm not griping about the cut.
00:12:21You know, Doc, that Fingers was a good man.
00:12:26What's to stop him from getting rid of us in the same way?
00:12:29Carl wouldn't do that. He's our friend.
00:12:32He may be your friend.
00:12:34Me? I'm getting fed up.
00:12:36You know, it ain't healthy to talk like that.
00:12:39I don't scare so easy.
00:12:42Some of these days, I'm going to tail him and see what he does today.
00:12:46A couple of men tried that before you, and now they're buried.
00:12:57Breakfast, little boy. Come on.
00:13:01Now say good morning to Mommy.
00:13:03Good morning.
00:13:05Come on. Say good morning.
00:13:08How about feeding your hungry husband?
00:13:11Certainly, darling. And I have a surprise for you this morning.
00:13:16And I have a surprise for you, too.
00:13:22You finished your book?
00:13:25Oh, another present.
00:13:29To remind you of my love.
00:13:33They are beautiful.
00:13:35Just like you, my dear.
00:13:39But they must have cost an awful lot.
00:13:44Nothing is too good for you, my darling.
00:13:50How can you afford to give me such expensive gifts and so often?
00:13:56To what better use could I put the money for my writing?
00:14:00You should save your money.
00:14:03It's not jewels I want.
00:14:05It's you, your companionship.
00:14:12Freddie, I get so lonesome at times.
00:14:17Why do you have to stay away from me night after night?
00:14:20How much longer are we going on like this?
00:14:23Not long, my dear.
00:14:25Research for my new book will be finished soon.
00:14:28And then we go far away from here.
00:14:44Good morning, Miss Beers. Good morning.
00:14:46Good morning.
00:14:50Ah, there is nothing more invigorating than a nice, cool drink of fresh mountain spring water.
00:14:57Mr. Atwood, every morning for three years you start out with the same stimulating conversation.
00:15:04Sometimes I think I'll scream.
00:15:27This series of robberies is definitely the work of a homicidal maniac.
00:15:33Leaving the body of an accomplice on each job proves that.
00:15:38Some of your uniform men are up for promotion.
00:15:40It's up to you to earn it.
00:15:43As far as the plainclothes men are concerned, they'd better be on their toes.
00:15:48Or they'll find themselves back in uniform.
00:15:51That's all.
00:15:58Well, uh, Mac was sure letting off steam, wasn't he?
00:16:02You ever see an Irishman that isn't?
00:16:04Oh, I'm going to be missing all this soon.
00:16:07Say, you start drawing that pension next month, don't you?
00:16:09Yep. I kind of hate to retire.
00:16:12But of course it would be nice being home without those kids yelling cheese at the cat.
00:16:18How I love them.
00:16:20You know, Mark, someday I'm going to have a dozen.
00:16:24Well, you know you have to get married first, don't you?
00:16:27I am, if I ever get that promotion.
00:16:29You will, son.
00:16:31You'll be a detective before you know it.
00:16:34When that happens, I'm going to buy a little place in the country just like yours.
00:16:38Work in a garden?
00:16:41You know, you've no idea how being a detective will help you catch them going.
00:16:46Be seeing you, Peter.
00:16:48So long, Mark.
00:16:51The study of abnormal psychology
00:16:53recognizes paranoia as one of the most dangerous types of insanity.
00:16:57Perhaps Mr. Denison can inform the class.
00:17:00Why paranoia is so dangerous?
00:17:02Well, the patient suffers from delusions of grandeur.
00:17:05He thinks he's very important, way above those around him.
00:17:09He thinks he's a hero.
00:17:11He thinks he's a hero.
00:17:13He thinks he's a hero.
00:17:15He thinks he's a hero.
00:17:17He thinks he's very important, way above those around him.
00:17:20He has a superiority complex.
00:17:22Is that all?
00:17:24No, it's also coupled with persecution mania,
00:17:27caused by an intense feeling that everyone's against him.
00:17:31So far, you're correct.
00:17:33But you haven't explained why such feasts are dangerous.
00:17:37Well, I guess it's because he acts logically.
00:17:40If you didn't study him, you wouldn't know he was maladjusted.
00:17:43And he doesn't hesitate to use force to assert his personality.
00:17:47This leads to an antisocial conduct.
00:17:50Then, Mr. Denison, I take it you imply
00:17:53they might even enjoy a life of crime?
00:18:01How about a nice corned beef sandwich?
00:18:02Well, that's a deal, but this time the treat's on me.
00:18:05Goldbergs it is.
00:18:14Well, that hood's Frankie Mills.
00:18:22Don't mind me, Pete.
00:18:24Get after him.
00:18:26He's your promotion.
00:18:33I'm sorry.
00:18:34I'm sorry.
00:18:35I'm sorry.
00:18:36I'm sorry.
00:18:37I'm sorry.
00:18:38I'm sorry.
00:18:39I'm sorry.
00:18:40I'm sorry.
00:18:41I'm sorry.
00:18:42I'm sorry.
00:19:12There's it is.
00:19:31Hello, this is Sergeant Crawford.
00:19:33Get me Captain Mitchell right away.
00:19:42I'm sorry, Mr. Wagner.
00:20:08I didn't mean to disturb you.
00:20:09Oh, you never disturb me.
00:20:10What is it, Judy?
00:20:12Well, I thought I'd consult you before getting the supplies.
00:20:15If we need them, get them, regardless of cost.
00:20:20Those unfortunate souls depend upon us.
00:20:23You must not fear them.
00:20:24I thought you'd say it that way.
00:20:26I'll attend to it at once.
00:20:42You'd better let me take care of that for you.
00:21:01I can take care of it.
00:21:02It might become infected.
00:21:03Let me clean and bandage it for you.
00:21:04Don't worry.
00:21:05I won't hurt you.
00:21:07Sit this way.
00:21:12Come on.
00:21:17Now, if you'll just sit down here, I'll fix you up right away.
00:21:30How did this happen?
00:21:31A guy sliced me with a knife.
00:21:34He tried to take my dough.
00:21:35That's too bad.
00:21:42This will sting just a little bit.
00:21:51This will sting just a little bit.
00:21:58There, that didn't hurt much, did it?
00:22:03It don't hurt at all, Lily.
00:22:06Very well.
00:22:08Let me know when he gets here.
00:22:25There's some nice hot soup out there.
00:22:27That is, if you care for any.
00:22:52Bill, you and Joe take a look in the pool hall.
00:23:03What can I do for you?
00:23:05Keep your mouth shut.
00:23:11If it isn't Frankie Mills.
00:23:14It's too bad you recognize me, mister.
00:23:18What's the matter?
00:23:20Had the police after you?
00:23:23You better not do anything to upset this baby.
00:23:27Don't worry.
00:23:29I will not betray you.
00:23:33Who is there?
00:23:35Open up.
00:23:36Just a moment, please.
00:23:40It's safe inside here.
00:23:50Good evening, Sergeant.
00:23:51You make a habit of keeping this door locked?
00:23:53Oh, just a precaution.
00:23:55You see, otherwise my guests would be all over the place.
00:24:00Is there something wrong?
00:24:02Yes, there's a dangerous killer loose somewhere in the neighborhood.
00:24:06We've got orders to search all these borrowed places.
00:24:13I'd be glad to show you around.
00:24:16What's up there?
00:24:17Just a dormitory.
00:24:19Couple of you boys see what you can find upstairs.
00:24:33Is there anything wrong?
00:24:35The police is looking for someone.
00:24:36And thought he might be hiding here.
00:24:38He's a young fellow by the name of Frankie Mills.
00:24:41About 23 years old.
00:24:42Medium height and dark hair.
00:24:43Baby face.
00:24:45Why, a man of that description was here a few minutes ago.
00:24:48Are you sure?
00:24:49I'm positive.
00:24:50I bandaged his injured wrist.
00:24:52Where did he go?
00:24:53He isn't out there.
00:24:54I guess he must have gone.
00:24:55Thank you.
00:24:58No sign of him up there.
00:25:00You folks keep your eyes open.
00:25:01If you see him again, notify police headquarters immediately.
00:25:04I'd be happy to cooperate with the police.
00:25:06All right, boys.
00:25:21Yes, mother.
00:25:25But I can't leave now.
00:25:28Well, all right.
00:25:30I'll be home in about an hour.
00:25:39You can't be like this now.
00:25:41Your friends are gone.
00:25:43Who are you?
00:25:44What are you soft-soaping me for?
00:25:46Because I have a proposition.
00:25:48Is that thing you like?
00:25:50Let's hear it.
00:25:58What are you doing?
00:25:59Make a stir?
00:26:01This represents the difference between my intelligence
00:26:04and the barren minds of my fellow men.
00:26:08What gives you that?
00:26:10Just my household.
00:26:16Tell him to wait.
00:26:17I'll be right down.
00:26:22How would you like to join my organization?
00:26:26Why not?
00:26:27My associate is downstairs.
00:26:30I want you to meet him.
00:26:56I want you to meet Frankie Mills.
00:26:59Frankie Mills, huh?
00:27:01I didn't know.
00:27:02One of the neighborhoods is full of cops.
00:27:04This is my janitor.
00:27:07What's the matter with him?
00:27:09He's afraid of you, naturally.
00:27:12The way I like it.
00:27:15What are you afraid of?
00:27:18Don't get geeked, kid.
00:27:19Just because you're handy with the heater.
00:27:21It seems we all have our little fears.
00:27:25All but you, Frankie.
00:27:28You wouldn't believe it, Stanton.
00:27:30But I am afraid of you.
00:27:34That's a hot one.
00:27:35Don't laugh.
00:27:37I'm afraid of you because you lost your nerve.
00:27:42What'd I do?
00:27:44Frankie, if you want Stanton's job, you can have it now.
00:27:50Don't fall for that line of talk, kid.
00:27:52He'll cross you like he has everybody else.
00:27:55You're not afraid of him now, are you?
00:27:58Good work, Frankie.
00:28:00What are you going to do with the stiff?
00:28:02You shall see.
00:28:08Take care of him, Mr. Stratton.
00:28:14The dormitory of the man in the suit.
00:28:17I'll take care of him.
00:28:20The dormitory of the dead.
00:28:22I never saw a guy with more angles.
00:28:29These meager good skeletons who sleep so quietly now...
00:28:33were once my partners, like Stratton.
00:28:39But how often have I told you to keep that cat from desecrating my graves?
00:28:44Let's go, Frankie.
00:28:46Let's go, Frankie. Our place is not with the dead.
00:28:49Their work is done.
00:28:51Ours is just beginning.
00:28:55Don't take too long, Doc.
00:28:57Is that guy a real doctor?
00:29:01Once he was a grave doctor.
00:29:04Now he's just a human derelict.
00:29:07Just a derelict, eh?
00:29:10But still a great doctor.
00:29:13And I'll prove it.
00:29:30I will save you, Frankie.
00:29:34I will save you, Stratton.
00:29:36Save you from the dead.
00:29:38Then you'll belong to me.
00:29:44Oh, please, Richard. She'll be home any moment now.
00:29:48Always late. Why can't she be on time just once?
00:29:51But you know, Judy, time is not her own these days.
00:29:55Mrs. Malvern, when are you going to put a stop to all this?
00:29:58Why can't you stay away from that place?
00:30:00Well, after all, Richard, you're the one that can make her understand.
00:30:03You think so?
00:30:05I have a doubt with her.
00:30:07I'm certain you can prove to her which is more important,
00:30:09you or that Carl, or whatever his name is,
00:30:12who runs that awful place on the Bowery.
00:30:15I'll try.
00:30:17Oh, Richard, you're a dear boy.
00:30:20Oh, it'll make me the happiest woman in the world.
00:30:24Well, how cozy.
00:30:29How cozy.
00:30:33Maybe I'd better leave.
00:30:35Judy, I want to talk to you.
00:30:37And I suppose Mother will be the interpreter.
00:30:39Judy Malvern, what's come over you?
00:30:41Richard has been waiting patiently for over an hour to see you.
00:30:45Of course, what is it?
00:30:47Night, Mom.
00:30:49Sit down, Ellen.
00:30:51Please, sit down.
00:30:53Oh, this won't take very long.
00:30:54Now what have you to tell me that's so important?
00:30:56Judy, I want you to give up that silly job,
00:30:59saving humanity.
00:31:00It's ridiculous.
00:31:01And I suppose I should spend the rest of my life on your yacht.
00:31:04Oh, I'm not asking so much, considering that...
00:31:07Considering what?
00:31:08Considering that I don't want my future wife wasting her time...
00:31:11Your future what?
00:31:13I practically told your mother already.
00:31:16I suppose you'd be a good little boy and run along.
00:31:19Come back tomorrow and tell my mother I think you're both having hallucinations.
00:31:25See now how you feel about it?
00:31:27Let's forget it.
00:31:29Oh, Richard.
00:31:35I'm sorry.
00:31:37I didn't mean that.
00:31:39I guess it's just because I'm... I'm so tired.
00:31:42That's just it.
00:31:43If you'd stop working down at that mission and take stock of yourself.
00:31:47Judy, do you realize you've given up your friends, your social life, everything.
00:31:52For what?
00:31:54For the opportunity of helping the underprivileged.
00:31:57You should be proud of me for that, Richard.
00:32:00Proud of you?
00:32:01For working in a Bowery?
00:32:03That's no place for a girl like you.
00:32:06And then that Wagner who runs the place.
00:32:09And what about him?
00:32:11I'd like to meet him, that's all.
00:32:13You and Mr. Wagner have nothing in common.
00:32:17Except you.
00:32:19Oh, so that's it.
00:32:22I never thought of that.
00:32:24See, it's true.
00:32:25I knew there was another reason for you and Carl spending half your nights down there.
00:32:30You've no idea what a mysterious fondness I have for that man.
00:32:35It's no mystery to me.
00:32:37You're infatuated with him.
00:32:40So you found out.
00:32:44Do you really believe that?
00:32:46Sure I do.
00:32:48Go ahead and have all the fun you want.
00:32:50You and your social work.
00:33:23Wake up, darling.
00:33:25Yes, what is it?
00:33:27You were having one of those horrible nightmares again.
00:33:33Is there anything I can get you?
00:33:36A glass of water, maybe?
00:33:38Thank you.
00:33:41Go back to bed.
00:33:43You sure?
00:33:45Good night.
00:33:46Good night, darling.
00:33:47Good night.
00:34:00Ladies and gentlemen.
00:34:07I'd like to ask a question, if I may.
00:34:10Well, it's about my term paper.
00:34:12I suddenly realized that I know very little about real people.
00:34:16What gave you that idea?
00:34:18Well, after all, you can't learn about life cruising around on a yacht.
00:34:22You see, I was thinking of writing what a man thinks just before he dies.
00:34:26It's very unscientific.
00:34:28That's what I mean.
00:34:29So with your permission, I'd like to change to a paper on...
00:34:32If you're qualified to handle it.
00:34:34By all means, make that your subject.
00:34:36Thanks a lot, Professor.
00:34:38Sergeant Crawford reporting.
00:34:40You sent for me, sir?
00:34:42I did.
00:34:43Crawford, I want you to turn in your shield.
00:34:49Turn in my shield?
00:34:51Don't hurt me.
00:34:53By the time Johnny Martin's recovered, he'll be on the retired list.
00:34:58He requested his shield be given to you.
00:35:00I trust you know your first assignment.
00:35:02You bet I do.
00:35:04Good luck, boy.
00:35:06Thank you.
00:35:14Yesterday that I'd be working with Frankie Mills on a high-class job.
00:35:17Yes, each day brings its little surprises.
00:35:20I'll meet you later, Frankie, you know where.
00:35:22I'll be all set.
00:35:24You have the idea now, haven't you?
00:35:26Oh, sure. We cover Frankie's getaway from here. It's a natural.
00:35:29That's right.
00:35:30Gee, you're smart to figure all this out.
00:35:35You're not going to take me?
00:35:37I'm not going to take you.
00:35:39I'll take you.
00:35:40You'll take me?
00:35:41I'll take you.
00:35:42You'll take me?
00:35:43I'll take you.
00:35:44You'll take me?
00:35:45I'll take you.
00:35:46You'll take me?
00:35:47I'll take you.
00:35:48I'll take you.
00:35:49You'll take me?
00:35:50I'll take you.
00:35:51I'll take you.
00:36:01Sorry, Misty, you'll have to keep moving.
00:36:21Back up, people! Back up! Quick, back up!
00:36:42Come on, move back! Move back!
00:36:44Keep those people back over there!
00:36:46Is he dead?
00:36:48Police! Police!
00:36:51Help! I've been robbed!
00:36:53You stay here, Jim. George, you come with me.
00:36:57Hurry, boys. I've been robbed.
00:37:01I can feel the hot breath of the outraged public on my neck.
00:37:05These crimes are a disgrace to the city and a menace to our citizens.
00:37:08You'll have to produce results or resign.
00:37:17The chief is on the warpath.
00:37:19We've got to deliver the goods or we'll all be pounding the pavement.
00:37:23I want the Bowery search from one end to the other.
00:37:26Yes, sir.
00:37:41Things are sure tough, aren't they?
00:37:43Things are sure tough, aren't they?
00:37:46How would you know, slumber?
00:37:48You wouldn't think it to look at me, but I'm down on my luck, too.
00:37:52Well, you wouldn't think to look at me that I'm rolling in dough, would you?
00:37:55Say, Bud, got a cigarette?
00:38:01Hey, aren't you forgetting something?
00:38:03Yeah, you got a match?
00:38:05Yeah. Hey, mind answering a few questions?
00:38:09Why don't you run up and down Park Avenue? Go on, beat it.
00:38:27Hello, sonny. Anything I can do for you?
00:38:29Yes, I want to try that suit on in the window.
00:38:32Of course you can try it on, but not in the window. In the back.
00:38:35Oh, that's a nice piece of material.
00:38:37Can you make me look like a tramp?
00:38:39Can you imagine that? He wants you to look like a tramp. He's coming into my place.
00:38:42Listen, sonny, I want you to understand, this is a first-class establishment.
00:38:45How much is that suit?
00:38:47Do you want to rent or buy?
00:38:49I want to buy.
00:38:50A cash customer. Why don't you say so in the first place?
00:39:07Thank you, Mo.
00:39:08You're welcome.
00:39:09Richard, what on earth are you doing here?
00:39:12Judy, you'll give me away.
00:39:14Where did you get that suit?
00:39:16I sold our yacht.
00:39:18Is this your idea of a joke?
00:39:20Look, Judy, I want you to help me.
00:39:23I'm going to write a term paper on the psychology of the underprivileged.
00:39:26Underprivileged? Why don't you try the millionaire club?
00:39:30I'm on the level, Judy. Remember what you said last night?
00:39:33I've been giving a lot of thought. I think...
00:39:35I'm sorry, but you'll have to move on. I'll talk to you later.
00:39:54What kind of people are living here nowadays?
00:40:00Hey, look at this.
00:40:02Not bad.
00:40:04Not bad at all.
00:40:06The Asterfields announced the coming out of their daughter.
00:40:10Coming out?
00:40:12Coming out of what?
00:40:14Well, I guess they keep their kids locked up.
00:40:20What's the matter? Are you illiterate or something?
00:40:23Come on, let's get to a clean table.
00:40:35Professor, what are you doing here?
00:40:38I beg your pardon?
00:40:40I mean to say that you're not Professor Brenner.
00:40:42Brenner? I'm afraid you've mistaken, young man.
00:40:53Look, Professor, I'd know you anyplace.
00:40:56Come in.
00:40:58Come in.
00:41:03I see it is useless to try to deceive you, Mr. Denison.
00:41:06You must be here for the same reason I am, to do some research.
00:41:09You're right, but I intended to keep it a secret...
00:41:12until I am ready to reveal my findings.
00:41:14You don't have to worry about me, Professor. I can keep a secret.
00:41:17I have no doubt about that.
00:41:19What did you bolt the door for?
00:41:21Oh, so you will not be disturbed.
00:41:24You see, Mr. Denison, I'm conducting this rescue mission...
00:41:28for the purpose of studying men.
00:41:31I'll bet you've gathered some wonderful material.
00:41:33Indeed I have.
00:41:35Would you like me to show you around?
00:41:37That would be great, Professor. Come.
00:41:42Step in.
00:41:50This is my private office.
00:41:52Here you will find a world of valuable information.
00:41:55I imagine I could.
00:41:57I shall go into that later.
00:41:59First, I would like you to meet some very interesting characters.
00:42:08Follow me.
00:42:23Mr. Lewis?
00:42:25I want you to know, Mr. Denison...
00:42:27I, uh...
00:42:29This man is an interesting study in psychosis.
00:42:33I suppose you have never met a homicidal maniac before.
00:42:39You mean he's a...
00:42:41What are you talking about?
00:42:43Ask Frankie some questions.
00:42:45Well, I... I don't know where to begin.
00:42:48Ask if it gives him pleasure.
00:42:51Ask if it gives him pleasure to take human life.
00:42:58Do you enjoy killing people?
00:43:04Sure. I get in my way.
00:43:10Over here, you will see a perfect specimen...
00:43:14of schizophrenia.
00:43:17Back. Get up.
00:43:23Would you like to question him?
00:43:26I guess not.
00:43:31I see you're losing your enthusiasm, Mr. Denison.
00:43:35Perhaps I should ask you your own question.
00:43:38What question?
00:43:40The one you brought up this morning in the classroom.
00:43:44You see what fear does to one's memory?
00:43:48This morning you wanted to know...
00:43:50what a man thinks about just before he dies.
00:43:55That's unscientific.
00:43:57You said yourself you can't ask a dead man.
00:43:59But you can ask yourself, Mr. Denison.
00:44:05You must be joking.
00:44:07Frankie Muir's dead.
00:44:10You must be joking.
00:44:12Frankie Muir doesn't joke.
00:44:15Do you, Frankie?
00:44:17You can't be serious.
00:44:19This is like a crazy nightmare.
00:44:24You have 30 seconds to answer that question.
00:44:27I'm getting out of here.
00:44:29I'm afraid not, Mr. Denison.
00:44:34Please, Professor.
00:44:36What are you thinking?
00:44:38You're insane.
00:44:40All right, Frankie.
00:44:48It's all yours, Doc.
00:44:51How are you, my pets?
00:44:53Hungry, eh?
00:44:55Well, you shall have food.
00:44:57And a new companion, too.
00:45:00How are you, my pets?
00:45:02Hungry, eh?
00:45:04Well, you shall have food.
00:45:06And a new companion, too.
00:45:16Oh, what time is it?
00:45:18Well, it's only 9 o'clock.
00:45:20I woke you because Mrs. Denison just phoned.
00:45:22Richard didn't come home last night.
00:45:24And the whole family's gone.
00:45:26Mrs. Denison just phoned.
00:45:27Richard didn't come home last night.
00:45:29And the whole family's gone.
00:45:31They thought perhaps you might have seen him.
00:45:33I did see him last night.
00:45:36Your important Mr. Denison came into the mission last night,
00:45:39dressed like a tramp.
00:45:40Richard did that?
00:45:41Why, I can't believe it.
00:45:42Nevertheless, it's true.
00:45:44Well, I'll call her back, and you talk to her.
00:45:48I don't know why she's in such a dither.
00:45:50I mean, dozens of men every night have been missing for years.
00:45:54Nobody gets excited over them.
00:46:01Hello, Mrs. Denison.
00:46:02This is Judy.
00:46:04I just wanted to tell you not to worry about Richard.
00:46:08Yes, he was doing research in the Bowery last night.
00:46:11Oh, Judy.
00:46:13The Bowery.
00:46:15Oh, how can you say he's all right in a place like that?
00:46:19But nothing could possibly happen to him down there.
00:46:24But I don't think that's necessary.
00:46:27Just a minute.
00:46:29She wants me to go to the police.
00:46:31Well, perhaps you're better to hear her.
00:46:33But it's so ridiculous.
00:46:34We'll do it just to make her feel better.
00:46:38All right, Mrs. Denison.
00:46:40I'll go.
00:46:47Did young Denison explain why he came to the mission?
00:46:50He said he was studying types,
00:46:52doing research work for a college thesis.
00:46:54Tell me, Miss Malvern,
00:46:56how well do you know this fellow that runs the mission, Carl Wagner?
00:46:59Quite well.
00:47:00Why do you ask?
00:47:01Because Denison and Frankie Mills were last seen in Wagner's mission.
00:47:05But surely you don't suspect that Mr. Wagner had anything to do with their disappearance?
00:47:10Well, I don't know.
00:47:11But I intend to find out.
00:47:14You'd better drop around and see Mr. Wagner right away.
00:47:17He's there only at night.
00:47:18Where is he during the day?
00:47:20I really don't know.
00:47:22But Captain Mitchell, couldn't something be done about it right away?
00:47:26We're doing everything as humanly possible, Mrs. Denison.
00:47:29Crawford, you'd better follow through on this case.
00:47:31Yes, sir. And if it's all right, I'd like to take Thompson with me.
00:47:34Good enough.
00:47:35Thank you. Will you pardon me?
00:47:36Of course.
00:47:42Is that him, lady?
00:47:51Is that him?
00:47:55Why, Judy.
00:47:57Did you know him?
00:47:58Yes. Yes, he was staying at the mission.
00:48:01What happened to him?
00:48:02This one fell from a tall building.
00:48:04That's dreadful.
00:48:05Across the street from the jewelry store, just as it was being robbed.
00:48:15Officer, your coffee.
00:48:18Pardon me. Is this Professor Brenner's office?
00:48:20Why, yes, it is.
00:48:21May I see him?
00:48:22Oh, I'm sorry. He isn't in.
00:48:24I believe he just left for home.
00:48:25I wonder if you'd give me his home address.
00:48:27Well, I can't give out that information.
00:48:30I'm Detective Crawford from police headquarters.
00:48:32I wanted to talk to the professor about one of his students, Richard Denison.
00:48:37Oh, I see.
00:48:38Well, just a minute and I'll give it to you.
00:48:45Here you are.
00:48:46Thank you very much.
00:48:47You're very welcome.
00:48:48All right, Thompson.
00:48:59Oh, Professor.
00:49:00I thought you'd gone home.
00:49:02There were two men here to see you.
00:49:05Yes, they just left.
00:49:06I'll try and stop them.
00:49:07Never mind.
00:49:09Did they say what they wanted?
00:49:11They wanted to talk to you about Richard Denison.
00:49:13I gave them your home address.
00:49:15Is that all right?
00:49:18That's why I thought I'd...
00:49:30Mrs. Brenner?
00:49:32We'd like to talk to your husband.
00:49:33He isn't home.
00:49:34But I'm expecting him any moment.
00:49:36Won't you please come in?
00:49:37Why, yes. Thank you.
00:49:41I'm Detective Crawford and this is Detective Thompson.
00:49:45Oh, don't be alarmed.
00:49:46We merely want to question the professor about one of his students.
00:49:49Oh, I see.
00:49:50Won't you please be seated?
00:49:51Thank you.
00:50:02Is this the professor?
00:50:05A lovely picture, don't you think?
00:50:07Yes, it is.
00:50:15Where have you seen him before?
00:50:18Why, that's Carl Wagner.
00:50:20Down in the Bowery.
00:50:22He's double.
00:50:23What are you saying?
00:50:32Mrs. Brenner, have you ever had reason to suspect your husband of leading a double life?
00:50:38That's ridiculous.
00:50:40My husband is a famed psychologist.
00:50:42That's only the half of it.
00:50:44This man is also known as Carl Wagner.
00:50:46And he operates a mission in the Bowery.
00:50:48The one where Richard Dennison was last seen.
00:50:52And we have reason to believe that he's using the place to cover criminal activities.
00:50:56We have reason to believe that he's using the place to cover criminal activities.
00:51:11That explains his nightly absences from home.
00:51:17The expensive jewelry.
00:51:21And those horrible nightmares.
00:51:27I'm sorry, Mrs. Brenner, but we'll have to take you to headquarters for questioning.
00:51:33I understand.
00:51:36I'm quite willing to go.
00:51:41I'll get my hat and coat.
00:51:57Captain Mitchell, this is Pete Crawford. I'm at the Brenner home.
00:52:01You'd better prepare yourself for a thunderbolt.
00:52:03I've just discovered that Professor Brenner is none other than Carl Wagner of the Friendly Mission.
00:52:09That's right. And we're bringing Mrs. Brenner in for questioning.
00:52:13Yes, sir.
00:52:15Oh, Thompson, you'd better run her in. I think I'll stay here and pick up the professor.
00:52:20All right.
00:52:22Mrs. Brenner?
00:52:24Oh, Mrs. Brenner!
00:53:10Jim! There, I flitched you again.
00:53:13For seven times in a row.
00:53:16Afternoon, Miss Judy.
00:53:18Good afternoon, boy.
00:53:19Getting to work kind of early, ain't you?
00:53:21Seems to do. Say, have you seen Mr. Wagner around?
00:53:24No, ma'am, I ain't.
00:54:09Hello, Miss Judy.
00:54:10What is this? Where did you come from?
00:54:12I can't tell you that.
00:54:13Why not?
00:54:14Carl would kill me. You mustn't let him know you've even seen him.
00:54:17Oh, don't be fantastic. But Carl wouldn't hurt anybody.
00:54:21I know that. I mean, he just wouldn't like it.
00:54:24Well, I'm your friend, Doc. You know you can trust me.
00:54:28I know that, Miss Judy. And I want you to do me a favor.
00:54:32I'd be glad to. You show me what's behind that bookcase.
00:54:36No, no, I mustn't. Carl wouldn't like it.
00:54:39What was it you wanted to do?
00:54:41I want you to get a prescription filled for me. Will you? Right away?
00:54:44It comes in small bottles.
00:54:47What do you want this for?
00:54:48It's good for me. I'm a doctor. I know what's good for me.
00:54:52If I get this filled, will you show me what's in there?
00:54:55If you keep it a secret. And get it for me right away.
00:54:59All right. You stay here. I'll be right back.
00:55:03What do you got?
00:55:04Oh, that's another thousand, I owe you.
00:55:07That's six Gs all together, you owe me.
00:55:09What do you mean, six? Five! Six! Five!
00:55:12Trying to make a liar out of me for a crummy thousand. Why, I'll take you and...
00:55:18Will you do me a favor, please?
00:55:19Sure, Miss Judy.
00:55:20Run down to the drugstore and get this prescription filled.
00:55:23Yes, ma'am.
00:55:27Sorry to break up your game, but he'll be back soon.
00:55:30Oh, that's all right. You just saved me five thousand dollars.
00:55:43I sent one of the boys after him. Come on now, open up.
00:55:46Don't you ever tell a soul.
00:56:12See? It's just a cellar. Let's go back now.
00:56:36What's behind that door?
00:56:37It's just a little closet where I keep brooms and things.
00:56:41It's only my cat.
00:56:43But you can't keep her locked up like that.
00:56:45She likes it in there.
00:56:47Don't be silly. She's crying, poor thing. Open the door.
00:56:52I can't. You must go now, Miss Judy.
00:56:54Not until you let the cat out.
00:56:56No, no. You must go back.
00:57:06You want that prescription filled, don't you?
00:57:37This is horrible.
00:57:40Remember, you must never say a word about this.
00:58:11Why did you allow her to come down here?
00:58:13He had nothing to do with it.
00:58:14Keep quiet.
00:58:15The police are right. You're a fiend.
00:58:17Richard Dennison did you no harm and you... you killed him.
00:58:20What do you propose to do about it?
00:58:23Here is a little surprise for you, I think.
00:58:25You didn't tell me the girl was in on this deal.
00:58:27She is not. So you know what to do.
00:58:30Nothing doing.
00:58:31Don't tell me that you are getting sentimental.
00:58:34I'm not.
00:58:35I'm not.
00:58:37Nothing doing.
00:58:38Don't tell me that you are getting sentimental.
00:58:41Killing women ain't a part of my racket.
00:58:43Do what you are told.
00:58:44Why don't you let her alone? She didn't do anything.
00:58:47Oh, shut up, you fool.
00:58:53Detail up the girl, then I get the stuff.
00:58:57All right, you boys, play out here.
00:58:59Now, outside. Outside.
00:59:16Come, let's hide.
00:59:36Come on.
01:00:01I know the very place for you to hide
01:00:03where no one will ever find you.
01:00:05Come with me.
01:00:15I prepared this for just such an occasion.
01:00:22Miss Melvin.
01:00:23Quick, they're down the hall.
01:00:31Oh, dammit!
01:00:46That takes care of the professor.
01:00:53Ann will be married.
01:00:54Yes, Richard.
01:00:56Ann, you can do your social work anywhere but the Bowery.
01:01:00Yes, Richard.
01:01:02We'll have six kids.
01:01:03Three boys and three girls.
01:01:05Yes, Richard.
01:01:09Come here.
01:01:14Can't you do anything besides say,
01:01:17yes, Richard?
01:01:19Yes, Richard.