Christina on the Coast S6 Episode 2 - Surf En Suite

  • 2 months ago
Christina on the Coast Season 6 Episode 2


00:00♪ This is just the start, we have just begun. ♪
00:12Today, James and I are headed to meet our new clients,
00:15Sarah and Andreas.
00:16They live in Costa Mesa,
00:18which is super close to the beach.
00:19And I can't wait to see what we're working with.
00:25I love this neighborhood.
00:26I know.
00:26You know why I love it?
00:28Because I love my house.
00:29Feel that beach here.
00:33How are you doing?
00:34Hi, hello.
00:35Got the whole family.
00:37We bought this house about 10 years ago.
00:40We were pretty newly married,
00:42and now we've got one daughter, Isla,
00:45who's five years old,
00:46and then our new little son, Otto.
00:49He is 10 months old.
00:52When we moved in the house, it was just us and a dog.
00:55So all this space,
00:56but when we started thinking about having a family,
00:59we slowly crept in and crept in and lost space.
01:04And now we're at a place
01:05where we have the family of four that we wanted.
01:08We just don't have the space that we want.
01:10Come on in.
01:13This is pretty amazing.
01:16So you guys moved in pre-kids.
01:20And now there's two kids,
01:21and now we're thinking we need more room.
01:22Yeah, we're bursting at the seams, more or less.
01:25Our biggest issue is the bathrooms
01:27are in the hallway back to back,
01:29and we're all-
01:30It's like a shared community bathroom situation.
01:31Shared community bathroom situation.
01:33Oh, so you don't have your own bathroom in your primary?
01:35No, I share with both of the kids,
01:37and he kind of uses the guest bathroom as his bathroom.
01:39Yeah, that's a lot.
01:40It is.
01:41The main areas is really wanting
01:43a more functional kitchen for a family of our size.
01:45It's really crammed in there.
01:47There's no true primary bedroom.
01:49Everything's just kind of these three little bedrooms.
01:51We're all kind of stepping over each other.
01:53Sharing closet space.
01:55You don't have your own closet?
01:57My clothes are scattered everywhere.
01:59They're in the primary, they're in my son's room,
02:01they're under beds.
02:03I'm losing out here.
02:04On the floor.
02:05On the floor.
02:06So we need our own closets and our own bathrooms.
02:07Bathroom, yes, definitely.
02:09Please, yes.
02:10So what are you guys working with as far as budget goes?
02:13Right now we're working around $125,000.
02:16That's where we're hoping to stay around, but-
02:19This is a huge decision that we made to do this,
02:21so even though it's super stressful
02:23and we're sinking energy and money and time
02:25and all of that into the house,
02:28I know it's gonna be worth it,
02:29especially with Christina's help.
02:31We know it's gonna look amazing.
02:33We gotta take these guys over to the babysitter.
02:35Well, if you don't mind, we'll walk it
02:38and then we'll let you guys know some of our thoughts.
02:41All right, great, thank you.
02:42Thank you.
02:42All right, bye guys.
02:43Say bye-bye.
02:45See you later.
02:46Okay, start in the kitchen.
02:49So, I mean, right away in here,
02:50I just love to open this up a bit.
02:52It feels very like we're stuck in here.
02:53That's all we can do.
02:54We need to take this down, we need to take this down.
02:57This could turn into a dining room.
03:00Oh my gosh, yeah, it looks like a waste of space
03:02unless it's playtime.
03:05This does not look like they use it.
03:07It looks unused.
03:08They definitely don't use that.
03:09And this is like valuable square footage
03:11that they need to be using
03:13because they're getting too cramped over there.
03:18Okay, so they don't have a bathroom in their room,
03:19so he's using this bathroom
03:22and Sarah and the kids are using,
03:26my guess is gonna be this bathroom.
03:28Oh, they're back-to-back.
03:30I know they wanted to update these,
03:31but honestly, they're pretty nice as is.
03:33And the real problem is,
03:35these are their only two bathrooms.
03:37They need their own bathroom.
03:39Let's find them one.
03:41This is their bedroom.
03:42So this is just another room.
03:43It's tight.
03:44This is it.
03:45Oh my gosh.
03:46No bathroom, the closet's tiny.
03:50They need an addition, bad.
03:52Well, let's see what's out there.
03:54Oh, well.
03:57Coming out this way
03:59is really the only thing that's gonna work.
04:00We could do a closet on one side
04:02and a bathroom on the other side.
04:04After walking the house,
04:05it's clear that they definitely need to rework
04:08the existing floor plan.
04:10Kids got to where they're going okay?
04:12They did.
04:13Expanding this bedroom,
04:14adding an en suite bathroom,
04:16and giving them a large walk-in closet
04:18is gonna be a game changer.
04:20And hopefully by taking down
04:21some of these walls in the kitchen,
04:23it's gonna feel like a completely different house
04:25for them as well.
04:26So, thank you for letting us tour.
04:28I think our main thing is we have a lot of ideas,
04:31but in order for us to achieve them,
04:33we need to kind of understand
04:35how you guys are using the different spaces, right?
04:38So where do you guys primarily spend
04:40most of your family time?
04:42I would say, yeah,
04:43in the back room, kitchen, more or less.
04:46And are you guys using this room at all?
04:48Hardly ever.
04:49Usually if we're as a family,
04:50we're all back in the bonus room.
04:52Cause it looks perfect.
04:53I mean, it probably looks like this all the time, right?
04:55That's why it looks like that.
04:56It's the one spot we're able to kind of keep clean
04:58that's in the front.
04:58So people peek in like,
04:59oh, the house is clean.
05:00And then you go back there
05:01and it's usually a disaster area.
05:03Oh, I do have a question.
05:06We noticed there's a soffit here.
05:08I'm a little concerned about what that entails
05:11and why it's there.
05:12Is this an addition?
05:13It used to, I think,
05:14just be like a screened in porch or something.
05:16And then the person who flipped the house
05:18before we bought it,
05:20converted it into an actual room.
05:22We want to give you a much bigger kitchen, right?
05:25And we need to get a contractor out,
05:26but ideally we would take down these walls.
05:30And then our plan would be to extend the kitchen
05:33all the way into the dining room where we're sitting.
05:36Oh, wow.
05:37And then we would like to move the dining room
05:38to the front of the house.
05:40Oh, wow.
05:41Because I really think you guys need the storage, right?
05:44We'd be able to give you that
05:45in a huge island in the middle,
05:47facing out that way.
05:48So you can see the kids playing,
05:49you have a sink in there,
05:50you have more storage,
05:51you can put appliances.
05:52I never thought about that.
05:55How does that sound?
05:56I mean, that sounds cool.
05:58Yeah, it's like blowing my mind.
05:59I'm just trying to think about it.
06:00It sounds like it'd be amazing.
06:02And then as far as the area off your bedroom,
06:06is that something we're using?
06:09We're definitely using it.
06:10You saw the surfboards.
06:11What if we found a really great place
06:13for all that stuff?
06:14So we could use that space for something else.
06:16I'm open to ideas.
06:18Our plan would be to push your bedroom out.
06:20We have to find out code,
06:21how far we can go,
06:22but it'd be nice to be able to do
06:24a full bathroom of your own
06:26and a large closet.
06:27The variable here is the zoning rules.
06:29So once we know just how close
06:31to your property line the addition can be,
06:33then we'll have a better idea
06:34of how much space we have to work with,
06:36both inside and outside.
06:38And there might be room
06:41to keep your things where they are.
06:42I like how they're walking on eggshells
06:44about my surfboards.
06:45I know how you are with surfboards.
06:47I have them hanging on the wall.
06:49Okay, think about this.
06:50We push out for the bathroom and closet.
06:53And then on that outside wall,
06:56we hang all your surfboards.
06:58Yeah, so cute.
06:59They're not taken up anywhere.
07:00I mean, as long as it's cute.
07:01Still covered.
07:03As long as it's cute.
07:04It's cute.
07:05Is that for Sarah?
07:06No, I said so cute.
07:08You didn't hear me.
07:09Sorry, forgot who we're dealing with.
07:13It'll be cute.
07:15I think the bathroom and the walk-in closet
07:16is definitely a necessity.
07:17It takes precedence.
07:20As far as bids go, I mean, look,
07:21like obviously $125,000 is a great budget,
07:24but it was a really great budget
07:26like three to five years ago.
07:27And my best guess with everything
07:29that we would want to do here,
07:30take down walls in the kitchen,
07:32push out your bedroom, add a bathroom, closet,
07:34we're looking at closer to upwards of $200,000.
07:38What else, what can we do?
07:40There might be other sacrifices we can make.
07:43So those two hall bathrooms are in pretty good shape.
07:46And if we leave them as is,
07:47then I think we can do everything else on your wishlist
07:50and stay within your budget.
07:52I mean, yeah, we've never thought about that.
07:55I think our own bathroom and more closet space
07:58should take priority.
07:59Sarah and Andreas made the right decision
08:01to leave the hall bathrooms as is,
08:03but their budget is still gonna be tight.
08:06$125,000 is a lot of money.
08:08But when you're talking about a brand new kitchen,
08:10expanding their bedroom, adding an en suite bathroom
08:14and a large walk-in closet,
08:16there really is no wiggle room for unexpected expenses.
08:19Okay, how do you feel about the bulk of the money?
08:21Is it the bathroom in the primary and the closet
08:24or is it the kitchen?
08:26I'd say kitchen, I think,
08:28just because I feel like it's a bigger project.
08:31Yeah, a bathroom needs to be nice where she's happy.
08:34What are some styles you lean towards and colors?
08:37I like the white and black.
08:39It's a clean, crisp look.
08:41I think we both do want something
08:42that's gonna really last us
08:43because we plan to be here for a long time.
08:44You want it like modern coastal.
08:46I do, I do like that, yeah,
08:47but maybe with a twist here or there,
08:50like something, some fun elements that I'm open to.
08:53I love that.
08:54I like a, I would say a beach look.
08:56Yeah, I think he likes nothing
08:58and I kind of like everything,
08:59but I don't know what looks good together.
09:02That's why we really need-
09:03That makes sense.
09:04A big problem that we have is
09:07I'm about a foot taller than Sarah,
09:10so she likes to say,
09:12oh, this mirror's at a perfect height
09:13and when I go stand in the mirror, I can't see my head.
09:16So lighting is the same way.
09:19Everything looks great at Sarah's eye level
09:21and then there's the reality of the situation
09:23of where it's all in my face.
09:25It's the best time to get an outside party
09:27to come in and balance this out.
09:29Yeah, because we have somebody else to blame.
09:32Yeah, exactly.
09:33It makes your life so much easier.
09:33It does.
09:34It does.
09:35So we'll get started.
09:37We'll get everything priced out.
09:38We're ready.
09:39I'm so excited.
09:40I'm more nervous than you.
09:41Don't be nervous.
09:42James has got you.
09:50During the renovation,
09:51we rented a house down the street
09:53and all we can think about is being back in our home.
09:56I know it's going to be worth it,
09:58especially with Christina's help,
10:00that if we're going to sink this much energy
10:02and money and time and all of that into the house,
10:05we know it's going to look amazing.
10:12Demo is underway and I'm headed over
10:14to meet Sarah, Andreas and their contractor, Andy.
10:18I'm looking forward to seeing the space
10:20and I'm curious what Andy has to say
10:22about reworking some of these kitchen walls.
10:24We got a lot of progress.
10:26How are you guys feeling?
10:28I'm excited.
10:29I'm nervous.
10:30I'm happy.
10:31I'm a lot.
10:33All right.
10:34So I know last time we spoke,
10:35our plan was to hopefully get rid of all these walls,
10:38extend the kitchen to this back wall and do a huge island.
10:42Where are we at?
10:43So this wall is an existing rear wall of the house
10:46before the addition was put on.
10:49So if we were to take it out,
10:51how much are we looking at?
10:52You're looking at probably 15 to 18 grand
10:56and about three to six weeks all together.
11:01Wait, wait, okay, wait, hold on.
11:03Oh my gosh.
11:04I was not expecting that.
11:10You're looking at 15 to 18 grand
11:12and about three to six weeks.
11:14I'm gonna jump in this hole right now.
11:17That's a big delay.
11:17I was not expecting that.
11:19Yeah, it's a lot of money
11:21and it's also extra time that you guys would be in rental.
11:25Sarah and Andreas' budget is already at its max.
11:29So they don't have the $15,000 to remove this wall
11:32or the six weeks to spend on a rental.
11:34So I don't think this is gonna happen.
11:36As much as I would like to get rid of this wall,
11:38I feel like there's ways we can make it work.
11:41What about if we were to just extend this window?
11:44How big could we go without affecting permits
11:48and structure and all the things?
11:50So it's about four feet now.
11:52We could make it go to six feet.
11:55I think just by extending it the two feet,
11:58not only are we gonna get a lot more natural light,
12:00but then this being bigger is gonna look intentional
12:02as opposed to this size just looks odd.
12:05So if we had it six feet,
12:06we could use some of this blank space right here
12:09and do an overhang counter height.
12:12And then you could put some bar stools.
12:13This could be an area that the kids sit at.
12:15And I think it would just look like it was meant to be here.
12:18I love that idea.
12:20I like the idea.
12:21It'll be so cute to have the little pass through
12:23for the kids to have their snacks.
12:24And I think it'll make it a lot lighter, more open.
12:28All right, so if we extend this window to six feet
12:31and do the countertop, does that work for you?
12:35And how much would that be?
12:37How about nothing?
12:38How about zero?
12:38I'm into that.
12:39There you go.
12:40Simply expanding the opening
12:42isn't gonna cost anything extra or add to their budget
12:44because there's nothing structural involved.
12:46So that's good news.
12:48When it comes to Sarah and Andreas's priorities,
12:50expanding their bedroom
12:52and adding their en suite bathroom and walk-in closet
12:55ranks higher than taking down the wall in the kitchen,
12:57which I totally understand.
12:59And then these can come down easily?
13:03Yeah, so we can have an island there.
13:06So we can still have a huge island.
13:07We'll have the kitchen go over here.
13:08We can still move the dining room over by the window
13:11and then just have this area back here
13:13be like a super family room.
13:14That's perfect.
13:15I think that's such a good compromise.
13:17Sort of the best of both worlds.
13:19So we have a plan.
13:20It's still gonna look beautiful.
13:22Keep moving forward, right?
13:26With the project in the demo phase and in good hands,
13:29it's always important to spend time with family.
13:31So I'm taking Taylor for one of her favorite treats.
13:35Are you getting the huge one?
13:41All right, they have your flavor, girlfriend?
13:42Oh, pineapple whip.
13:45I'm so excited.
13:46I'm so excited.
13:47I'm so excited.
13:47I'm so excited.
13:48I'm so excited.
13:49I'm so excited.
13:50I'm so excited.
13:51I'm so excited.
13:52I'm so excited.
13:52I'm so excited.
13:53I'm so excited.
13:55It's so crazy.
13:57How much older you look without braces?
13:59I can't believe you're gonna be 13.
14:01How do I have a teenager?
14:04It's freaking me out.
14:05I don't even wanna think about driving.
14:08So excited to drive.
14:12You only turned 13 once.
14:14You wanna do a party?
14:16How many people are we thinking?
14:17Around 20, 25.
14:18Like in between that.
14:19And all girls?
14:21Thank God.
14:22Maybe like a pool party or something.
14:24I feel like that would be fun.
14:25What type of theme are you thinking?
14:26Like tropical, summery, like that type of vibe.
14:29Let's see what I can do.
14:31We got a plan?
14:32We got a plan.
14:33Oh yeah.
14:37What is this?
14:38Is this some weird?
14:39Dab me up.
14:40Dab me up.
14:41Dab you up?
14:45Isn't it like, isn't that a dab?
14:49You're so old.
14:50Have I lost you?
14:51I have no comment.
14:53Don't forget your trash.
15:05Hi, Sarah.
15:06It's Christina.
15:07How are you?
15:08Hi, Christina.
15:09I'm doing great.
15:10How are you?
15:12So I have some good and bad news.
15:15Okay, sure.
15:16So the good news is we're gonna be able to do the audition
15:20and you're gonna have, you know,
15:22your own en suite bathroom as well as walk-in closet.
15:26The bad news is when it comes to the setback
15:30based on the property,
15:32the addition is gonna be pretty narrow.
15:36When it comes to the bathroom,
15:38we are gonna have room for a nice single vanity.
15:42However, we're not gonna have room for a double vanity.
15:46And does that mean that, you know,
15:48it'll just be a little bit more counter space
15:49on either side, just not the double sink?
15:52That's fine with me.
15:54Looking at the renderings,
15:55we will have a really nice oversized single vanity.
15:59I think it'll be about four feet.
16:01And then we will have a really nice walk-in shower
16:05that I will make sure is tall enough
16:07for both you and Andres.
16:10Okay, good.
16:11So when it comes to the walk-in closet,
16:14it's going to be very long,
16:17but it is gonna be a little bit narrow, like I said.
16:19So we're gonna have to get creative
16:21with the way we design this.
16:23Basically all of your clothes and everything
16:26would have to be on one side only.
16:28Oh, okay.
16:30So it's not gonna be like a his and her side,
16:32but still have enough space for both of our stuff.
16:36We can do a really nice built-in dresser,
16:40and then we could do all the hanging racks.
16:41And then on the back portion,
16:43we could do a built-in area
16:45where you can have shoes and bags.
16:47Oh, perfect.
16:49It'll have storage.
16:50It'll have all the things.
16:50I love that.
16:51I think that'll still work.
16:52I feel like you're gonna be so happy with your own space.
16:55Oh, good.
16:55I can't wait.
16:56I'm so excited to see how it turns out.
16:58With the addition,
17:04we were able to add 250 square feet
17:06to Sarah and Andres' bedroom.
17:08Compared to the size it was before, this is huge.
17:11James and I are headed over today,
17:13and we're super excited to see it in person.
17:17All right, let's see what's going on.
17:23Look at this.
17:24The electrical's done.
17:24I know.
17:25That's huge.
17:26Look how much more open it looks in here.
17:27Carrying the kitchen all the way over here
17:29is gonna be just so much better for them
17:32as far as having storage and functionality,
17:34and it's just gonna look better.
17:36And this is now a whole entertainment space.
17:39This window bigger is so much better.
17:42I know we really wanted to take down this wall,
17:44but expanding this opening to six feet
17:47it now feels intentional and like it's part of the space,
17:49and it's gonna be a great breakfast bar for the kids.
17:52This looks good, but now what we really wanna see.
17:54Yeah, this is what I really want to see.
17:58Oh, wow.
18:10This is amazing.
18:11I can't believe what I'm seeing.
18:13I feel like normally we walk into a project
18:16and we're like, oh, okay, no progress.
18:19Look at this.
18:20This construction team is jamming.
18:21The fact that this project is moving so quickly
18:24is great news for Sarah and Andreas' budget.
18:26Since we haven't encountered any unexpected problems,
18:29we're actually a little bit under budget,
18:31and we may be able to go above and beyond
18:34in a few of the spaces.
18:36Oh, it keeps getting better.
18:38James, we have a full bathroom.
18:40We have the shower, toilet, vanity.
18:42It's only a single vanity.
18:43Again, not ideal, but better than nothing.
18:46I love this little space too.
18:47Yeah, so cute.
18:48This could be such a cute little moment.
18:49I'm so glad that we pushed out this wall
18:51and replaced Andreas' surfboard storage area.
18:54Sorry, Andreas.
18:55But for $20,000, this is money well spent.
18:59We'll be able to give them the en suite bathroom
19:01and walk-in closet that they desperately needed.
19:05Gosh, every time I see big closets,
19:08I get closet envy.
19:10Because this closet is so long and skinny,
19:12we're gonna have to be really creative
19:14with the way we lay everything out.
19:16But it's still a huge upgrade from what they had.
19:19Oh my gosh, this is gonna be seriously life-changing
19:21for them to go from that tiny closet over there to this.
19:24And there's a window in here for air and light.
19:28I'm so happy for them.
19:29This is what they needed.
19:30We actually really do need to go pick materials.
19:33I mean, we usually have times where we're like,
19:34okay, another week.
19:36No, we need to start.
19:37Okay, well, it's great to see.
19:39Ooh, love it.
19:45This was a really tight budget,
19:46but I was able to source some materials
19:48that are still gorgeous and match their style.
19:51I know that you guys want a little bit of a beachy vibe.
19:55I know that you like a little bit of color.
19:56And so I chose some materials
19:59that we could accessorize with color
20:01as opposed to doing a bunch of color
20:03that you may get sick of later.
20:04Yes, I think that's a good idea.
20:06Okay, this particular flooring, it's SPC,
20:08which is stone plastic composite.
20:10It's very durable, especially when you have kids or animals.
20:15And it's much more affordable than real wood.
20:18Perfect, that's just what we need.
20:20Let's choose a back splash.
20:23Okay, so the farthest one, that's a porcelain.
20:26You can go with a bronze,
20:27you can go with a light gray or the dark gray,
20:29and it comes in any of those patterns.
20:31I tend to go more so for a little bit more like classic,
20:35a little lighter.
20:36So I'm not the biggest fan of mostly the colors.
20:40Too dark and heavy.
20:40I'm not a fan.
20:41So that's easy.
20:42And then we have the Zalish tile.
20:43I feel like it never goes out of style.
20:45This one is the Spanish clay tile, handmade.
20:49This one is about $20 a square foot.
20:52And then we have this version.
20:54This is actually porcelain.
20:55They look very similar.
20:56And this one is about 13.
20:59So with these, because these are porcelain,
21:01will there be like a little bit of a variation
21:02in the color when they're on?
21:03Because that was my favorite part.
21:04I've had both in different houses and I love both of them.
21:08They pick up light in a really pretty way.
21:10I'm wanting to be very budget conscious
21:12and save where we can.
21:14So I don't need the like authentic tile.
21:16I can totally go for the porcelain tile.
21:19And then cabinets.
21:20So this is a micro shaker and I absolutely love this cabinet.
21:25I think it just looks a little bit elevated.
21:27What are you guys thoughts?
21:28I agree. I love it.
21:28I think it makes it look a little bit more modern
21:30without being too trendy.
21:32I like it.
21:33So we have black and then we have the white oak
21:36and then also we can do white too.
21:40I do like touches of black,
21:42but I would be scared to go all black.
21:44I feel like it would just be a little too dark and heavy.
21:47So I really like mixing colors,
21:49but I also really love doing a tri-color.
21:52You can grab the iPad and click on that
21:55and that's sort of what it would look like.
21:58We're gonna do the SPC flooring throughout.
22:01We're gonna do some tri-color cabinets
22:03and we're gonna have this beautiful porcelain backsplash
22:06and we're gonna do the black bar area slash pantry.
22:10And then we're gonna do the black island
22:12with these quartz marble counters.
22:15It's super eye-catching
22:16and I think it's also gonna make your kitchen feel really big.
22:19Can't wait. Yeah.
22:20Can we move in now?
22:22For me, your bathroom is actually maybe more fun
22:24than the kitchen because you guys didn't have
22:27your own private bathroom before.
22:29So I feel like this is kind of like game changer.
22:31This is gonna be such a luxury.
22:33I have my own bathroom connected to our bedroom.
22:35It's something I've been wanting for a long time.
22:37So this is what I'm thinking for the shower walls.
22:40It's porcelain.
22:41It's so pretty.
22:42It has a lot of texture to it.
22:43Plus the fact that it's porcelain, it's within budget
22:46and I think it looks like classic and classy.
22:49But because it has this texture,
22:50it makes it a little bit more interesting.
22:52So I really, really like it.
22:54And then cabinets, we have the micro shaker again
22:57and we can do the white oak or the black.
22:59If it was me, I think I would do the black
23:02just because it's a little bit more bold.
23:03It's not a huge vanity
23:04and I think it just flows nicely with this whole look.
23:07I'm leaning towards that too.
23:08And I am always, again, trying to be more budget conscious.
23:12And I know that the white oak can be
23:14even a little bit more expensive
23:15than if you did the painted wood.
23:17So, and I actually like the way the black looks.
23:21That work?
23:23I think it looks awesome.
23:24And now we're good.
23:25Then we'll get moving to get you guys back home.
23:27Yeah, super excited.
23:28I like it.
23:28♪ I believe we're gonna make it ♪
23:33This reworked layout is really gonna maximize
23:36the space for Sarah and Andreas.
23:38And the tri-toned kitchen cabinetry
23:41really elevates the design
23:42without adding any additional cost.
23:46Oh, wow.
23:49So big now.
23:51Kitchen looks huge.
23:52It works really well.
23:55I feel like before this was all wasted space
23:57and then they had that formal kind of living room
23:59that we know they had.
24:01The living room that we know they never used.
24:04Now it's just all functional.
24:06Oh, this is really, really cool.
24:08This reworked layout is really gonna maximize
24:11the space for Sarah and Andreas.
24:13And we weren't able to take down this whole wall,
24:15but it totally works.
24:18Looks great.
24:18This is gonna be a game changer for them
24:19as far as storage goes too.
24:21It is.
24:22Oh my God.
24:23Oh, hi.
24:25Hi, guys.
24:25Let's go.
24:26What do you think about this?
24:28It's all right.
24:29It looks amazing.
24:29It's all right.
24:31It looks so good.
24:33How big is your kitchen now?
24:33Oh my gosh.
24:35How do you feel about the tri-color?
24:36It's cool, huh?
24:37This is epic.
24:38This looks even better than I was expecting.
24:40This is amazing.
24:41I love it.
24:42Okay, good.
24:43So, now that you guys are here,
24:45we actually do have a little bit of news.
24:52We actually do have a little bit of news
24:54because of our materials.
24:55We have a little bit of wiggle room
24:56and a little bit more money to spend
24:58and I think there's a place where we should put it.
25:00And this rarely happens.
25:02I was about to say.
25:02So, we're going to take advantage of that.
25:04Walk into your family room.
25:07We're moving along, starting to look really nice.
25:10We have about a month to go.
25:12Looking at the house overall,
25:14I do worry that if we don't do something
25:17in this family room, like a built-in,
25:19that you're not going to have enough storage, right?
25:21I remember the kids had their whole play area over here
25:24and this is going to become like the set family room
25:27since we're going to do the dining room
25:28in the front of the house.
25:30So, we do have a little bit of extra money
25:31and I think it'd be really nice
25:32if we do a nice built-in entertainment center over here.
25:35Yes, that's perfect.
25:36Sounds great.
25:37Good, good, good.
25:39So, as a mom of three, I'm really big on storage
25:41and I think since we have room in the budget,
25:43expanding the built-ins into the family room
25:46and playing off the ones that we have in the kitchen
25:48is not only going to look gorgeous
25:50and tie the spaces together,
25:51but it's going to give them the storage
25:53that they really need with having two kids.
25:55So, if we just continue, I feel like that black
25:58into this room with some lowers, some doors and drawers,
26:01you have the storage,
26:02but I think it'll also just tie the two rooms together.
26:04I agree.
26:05I think that would look super nice,
26:06just kind of, like you said,
26:07bringing in what's in the kitchen to this room too.
26:09And you don't think it's going to look too black
26:12or too heavy?
26:13No, I don't think so, no.
26:15It's very light and bright in here.
26:16That's true, yeah.
26:18And what we could do also is do a wood top
26:20as opposed to carrying in the court
26:21so it doesn't look like kitchen in here.
26:24It's just a continuation.
26:25I like that to kind of break it up.
26:27Yeah, I love that.
26:29Okay, since you guys have us here,
26:30do you have any other questions?
26:34Where are my boards going?
26:35Surfboards? Surfboards.
26:36We have an idea.
26:37We have not forgotten about Andreas and his surfboards.
26:41I know that a few areas in the house that used to be his
26:44have been taken over by the kids.
26:46So, James and I have a plan.
26:47We're going to give him something really special
26:49for the boards that's going to be just his.
26:52We'd like to build a shed for your surfboards.
26:55We'll come up with something wonderful.
26:56Stack it all in there really nice.
26:59I'm into that.
27:00Are you all right with that?
27:00Yeah, I think that'll be great.
27:01Okay, so we will get working on the storage
27:04and then we will get working on
27:05building this entertainment center and keep moving forward.
27:09I like it.
27:10Sounds amazing.
27:11All right, thank you guys.
27:11Thank you.
27:12It's going to look awesome.
27:13Thank you.
27:14Great to see you.
27:15Since James knows a lot more about surfing than I do,
27:24we're headed to a local surf shop
27:26and we're going to get some inspiration
27:27for Andreas' surf shack.
27:30Oh, so colorful.
27:38So, as you know, I've been surfing a minimal amount of time.
27:43So, I don't really fully understand
27:45like, you know, how people want their boards
27:48and what like, you know, is required
27:50when someone has like 12 surfboards.
27:52So, do you want to educate me?
27:53Why does someone need so many boards?
27:55Well, because you never know what you're feeling
27:58when you go out.
27:59You might want to hang 10 off the nose of the longboard.
28:03You might want to do some really quick stuff with the,
28:06this takes skill.
28:08It's like skill level almost.
28:09Yeah, yeah, this is what I was on, like this.
28:11Of course you were.
28:14I feel like when we were there,
28:17he had mostly this size, right?
28:21Yeah, I would think he's a big guy.
28:23I would think he would have at least one longboard.
28:26I feel if we just do this kind of rack,
28:29we can stack them vertically.
28:32Yeah, the shed itself.
28:34I don't want it to have like any of the bicycles,
28:37tricycles, like kids stuff.
28:38Like it just needs to be just for him.
28:40If we do something open air,
28:41you know it'll be much better for ventilation.
28:44So things don't meld in.
28:46And then I also feel like,
28:48as another little nod to Andreas inside the house,
28:52let's find a spot and do some wall art as a surfboard.
28:57Love it.
28:57Meaning like we're not gonna use one of his.
28:58So we're gonna get a cute one.
29:00Can we paint them?
29:01Oh my God.
29:02No, we cannot paint them.
29:03Can you paint surfboards?
29:05Thank you.
29:09I will find out what his favorite surf spots are
29:11and then we can grab a couple of those cute flags.
29:15Those are great.
29:16I mean, I think we're done.
29:18This is a really good surf shed we're gonna do, right?
29:21Are we gonna call it a shed or a shack?
29:23Surf shack.
29:25Surf shack.
29:26That sounds good.
29:27Andreas, surf shack.
29:28Just for him.
29:38It's time for Taylor's birthday party
29:39and I think she's absolutely gonna love it.
29:42I just can't believe that my baby is a teenager.
29:47It's so pretty.
29:50It's gorgeous.
29:51Love you.
29:52Okay, ready?
29:54Oh, your dress looks perfect.
29:57I literally got it yesterday.
29:59So pretty.
30:00I love it.
30:01Your friends will be arriving soon, so.
30:03Literally like 20 minutes.
30:05Oh my gosh.
30:06I can't believe my baby's 13.
30:08Literally time goes by so fast.
30:13Well, I love you.
30:14I hope you have the best time.
30:15I love you.
30:19Dull whip.
30:24I only have one little girl and she only turns 13 once.
30:28So for me to be able to give this to Taylor
30:30is everything to me
30:32and I know it's something she'll always remember.
30:33So it's super special
30:35and I just hope they have the best time.
30:47Big things are happening.
30:48The countertops are going in,
30:50that beautiful Zalish backsplash is going up
30:53and we're wrapping it around the opening.
30:55This is really gonna make the space feel elevated,
30:58bigger and bolder.
31:14What do you think?
31:17Isn't it beautiful?
31:18Oh wow.
31:19Look at that backsplash.
31:20It's gorgeous.
31:20So pretty.
31:21We don't have the luxury of a lot of houses
31:23having natural light hit it.
31:25We have to turn on lights, but look at this.
31:27It'll be like this always.
31:28Good point.
31:29Okay, what do we have here?
31:30I got pendants here.
31:32So I was just taking them out.
31:33When it comes to Andreas,
31:35obviously there's a height issue here.
31:37So I wanna be careful when we do lights
31:39that we're not excluding him.
31:42So he's what, 6'3"?
31:44How tall are you?
31:45I'm 5'11", three corners.
31:47Have you measured yourself recently?
31:50You want to?
31:53Go against the wall.
31:55Okay, you got a knife.
31:56Go back.
31:58All the way back.
32:02Nope, no tippy toes.
32:03Oh my God, you're like braided right now.
32:06You ready?
32:08Okay, move.
32:09No, this is very accurate.
32:10Hold the knife there.
32:11Is that the right type of measuring tape?
32:14No, that is not a person measure.
32:16Oh my God, there's this thing.
32:17That's a construction measuring tape.
32:20Is that what you were before?
32:22In seventh grade.
32:26This is not right.
32:27Josh is tricky too, so.
32:28Well, I don't care if Josh shrinks.
32:31Do you think all men have an issue with height as they age?
32:35Maybe, I don't.
32:38Okay, so you're 5'11", and he's 6'3".
32:41So if we're gonna give him four inches on you,
32:43we need to make sure that, you know,
32:45he's not gonna hit his head and all the things
32:47when it comes to lighting.
32:48Okay, let me see your back.
32:49I mean, we still want it to look nice.
32:51We can't put it too high.
32:52He's not gonna hit his head.
32:53It's over the island.
32:54Remember, there's three of them.
32:55Yeah, I know.
32:56Yeah, I think right about there.
32:57You're like, ugh.
32:58Okay, measure it.
32:59He needs to be looking above it.
33:00Measure from the top to the ceiling.
33:04It's 5'11".
33:05This is 21 inches.
33:07Okay, so we want 21 inches from the ceiling
33:10to the top of this cap.
33:13You wanna go outside and look at this spot for the shed?
33:15Yeah, anything but staying in here.
33:17Grab your sunglasses.
33:18It's sunny.
33:18This is over.
33:20I'm gonna buy you some of those Converse with a lift.
33:23Is it always gonna be like this with us now?
33:25Yeah, this is how it's supposed to be.
33:29Oh, okay.
33:29You want me to re-measure you?
33:31Oh, wow.
33:32Let's talk about the surf shack.
33:35Okay, so I talked to Michael Lang.
33:37He's a fellow surfer.
33:39Say no more.
33:39He knows what he's doing.
33:41We've called in our contractor, Michael,
33:42to build the surf shack.
33:44He's a surfer, so it's only fitting
33:46that he builds this special space.
33:48Plus, he can do it for $3,000,
33:50and this fits perfectly into our budget.
33:53He's gonna build a shack that's seven feet long,
33:56four feet deep.
33:5910 feet high.
34:01Open air.
34:03Stacking surfboards.
34:06He's gonna pour a cement pad.
34:07It's gonna be legit.
34:09I'm excited.
34:25Sarah and Andreas' house is finally complete.
34:28I'm headed over to meet the team
34:29and do the finishing touches.
34:34How strong are you?
34:37Pretty strong.
34:37Brayden's off school today,
34:39and I love that because that means he gets to tag along
34:41and help me get this space decorated.
34:43They're pretty big bags.
34:44Can you take this?
34:47Of course I can.
34:48It's pillows.
34:50You got it?
34:56I'm back here.
34:58I brought a helper.
34:59Oh my gosh.
35:00You brought Brayden.
35:00He wanted to help.
35:02I'm so happy.
35:04Are you gonna pick where they go?
35:07I choose the first one right there.
35:10He learned that from his mother.
35:12All right.
35:13How many times way back when
35:14will you just take the pillows and go boink?
35:18I think it's good.
35:20Oh, whoa.
35:21Is that how you want them?
35:22I don't know what to do.
35:23Brayden, think about where people sit
35:25and then make sure they have a pillow.
35:26These are amazing.
35:27These are Andreas' two favorite beaches.
35:31If there's a TV right here,
35:32they would sit here much more.
35:33Well, that's where the TV is.
35:36Do you think you're playing?
35:39Okay, you got it?
35:41Oh my God.
35:43It's really heavy too.
35:47I'm really weak.
35:50There we go.
35:52Is it straight?
35:53Brayden, what do you think of all our hard work
35:55on a scale of one to 10?
35:58Hey, we'll take it.
36:00I'm gonna give it a 10.
36:06All right.
36:07The big day.
36:08Oh my gosh.
36:09Are you guys excited?
36:11It looks incredible.
36:13It doesn't even feel like the same house.
36:14Are you ready?
36:16We're ready.
36:16All right, after you.
36:22Oh my God.
36:25This is epic.
36:31I feel like I'm gonna faint.
36:34This is epic.
36:35This is epic.
36:36This looks incredible.
36:42Feels like a full different house.
36:43I mean, look, you guys waited a long time
36:45to do this remodel,
36:46and so I want it to be a big transformation.
36:48We used to walk in
36:49and there would just be a wall right there.
36:52And I feel like we'd have to dodge everything
36:53to try and fit into our home.
36:55And now I just feel like it's so open and bright.
37:00I love that you guys went with the three color cabinets.
37:03It looks incredible.
37:05Everything ties in together so nicely.
37:06It definitely does.
37:09Look how nice this is.
37:11It's gorgeous.
37:13So good.
37:18It's just so much more functional.
37:19Like taking out those walls
37:21enabled us to open this up
37:22and carry the kitchen all the way to this side,
37:24which made it feel so much more functional.
37:26And then we opened the kitchen all the way to this side,
37:28which made it feel seriously four times bigger
37:30than it used to feel.
37:31It honestly does.
37:32Yeah, I mean, that was the best idea.
37:34It really was.
37:35I never would have thought
37:35to have the dining room up there.
37:38That never crossed my mind that we could do that.
37:41And there's so much storage.
37:42Like check out your pantry.
37:43This pantry is amazing.
37:46Look at that.
37:47Oh my gosh, an actual pantry.
37:50Yeah, they all pull out.
37:53It's crazy because we didn't even add
37:55any square footage to the kitchen living room area.
37:58But when you walk in there now,
37:59it feels like it's twice the size.
38:06Look how high the lights are.
38:07James and I were trying to figure out
38:08what height to do them for you.
38:10It was a whole thing.
38:11No, that's great.
38:12And I love the detail on this
38:13because I feel like it makes it look even more interesting.
38:18And you know what totally works?
38:19Is the opening there.
38:20Now, the way it's designed,
38:21it looks like it was meant to be.
38:23Like it was actually thought out and part of the project.
38:28Thank you.
38:29There's still more.
38:33Actually, one of my favorite parts is the built-in.
38:35This built-in, I'm obsessed with.
38:37Oh my gosh, it looks incredible.
38:39How gorgeous this is.
38:40And I'm really glad you went with a frame TV.
38:46I cannot believe this.
38:47This looks incredible.
38:49Look, it's like cozy, but spacious.
38:51And the couch looks amazing.
38:53There's so much storage.
38:54Before we had the kids' stuff over there.
38:56And now you're truly able to put everything tucked away.
39:00Okay, I love that.
39:01Games, crafts, whatever you want.
39:02Like there is room for it all.
39:05Everything looks amazing.
39:11I feel like there's a lot more seating now.
39:12We have obviously this really comfy sofa.
39:14We have some bar stools.
39:15The kids can sit up here,
39:17especially when your son gets a little older.
39:21I can't believe this is our house.
39:23No, I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
39:29And if you glance outside, you'll see another surprise.
39:33You can go check it out if you want.
39:39Definitely a surf shack.
39:45That is epic.
39:46That is so cool.
39:47We got some inspiration from a local surf shop.
39:51James and I thought those were amazing.
39:53That is so cool.
39:54It looks so professional.
39:55It almost looks like decoration.
39:58Yep, that was the point.
39:59That is so cool.
40:00Thank you so much.
40:01Yeah, thank you.
40:02That's awesome.
40:02That's the perfect solution.
40:03And we saved the best for last.
40:05Kind of why we started this project.
40:07And that is to give you an en suite bathroom
40:10with a large closet.
40:11I cannot wait to see this.
40:13Oh my gosh.
40:18This looks incredible.
40:26I can't even take all this in.
40:27This looks so good.
40:29And I never would have thought these colors either.
40:31It looks so nice.
40:32If it wouldn't be awkward,
40:33I would probably jump in better.
40:37It was like the style that we want that we never knew.
40:40Like somehow we got it.
40:47I love the lighting, the colors.
40:50Relaxing in here.
40:52And it only gets better.
40:53So now we have finally our very own bathroom
40:57and walk-in closet.
40:58Okay, let me see this.
41:00Oh my gosh, it's beautiful.
41:06It feels like a spa in here.
41:09This is insane.
41:11Go see if you fit in the shower.
41:13Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
41:16Oh, phew.
41:18Room to spare.
41:19Like literally like almost a foot to spare.
41:21Wow, yeah.
41:23We did it.
41:23I like it.
41:24So you can use this bathroom too sometimes.
41:30I love the tile on the shower.
41:33I've never even seen tile like that.
41:34And it's nothing too,
41:35like it feels like it's going to get dirty.
41:37It feels like it's going to get dirty.
41:39And it's nothing too,
41:40like it feels like new.
41:43Yeah, but it's not nothing that's going to like
41:45go out of style tomorrow.
41:46I feel like it's also kind of classic.
41:50I love the floating vanity and the checkerboard.
41:52Absolutely gorgeous.
41:53Arched mirror, so cute.
41:55And it matches the one that's out there.
41:57Yeah, everything kind of flows together.
41:58Like the bed frame matches the bar stools.
42:01Oh my gosh, it's incredible.
42:05And then.
42:06I love this.
42:07Your giant closet.
42:08Oh my gosh.
42:14It looks like a store.
42:17This is so beautiful.
42:19Oh my gosh, all this space.
42:20This house is incredible.
42:22It's got everything we could ever want.
42:24So much space for us.
42:26Now that our family is complete,
42:28I feel like we're never going to want to leave.
42:33I feel like I'm in a dream.
42:35I can't even take everything in.
42:36I feel like it's going to take us a year to like,
42:38Oh, like all the little details.
42:40Everything just looks so nice.
42:41And I really feel like it fits us.
42:43It fits our family.
42:44It's comfortable.
42:45It's cozy.
42:46You guys were a pleasure to work with.
42:48Thank you both so much.
42:49Thank you.
42:50Thank you.
42:51Thank you.
42:51So much fun.
42:52We've got the closet space.
42:53We've got the room for our kids.
42:55We've got storage.
42:56Like it's all we need and it's perfect.
42:59I hope the kids love it.
43:01And you make a million amazing memories here.
43:03Thank you so much.
43:04Thank you very much.
43:08Thank you.
