Neighbours 9080 18th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02This song comes on a playlist that Sonya and I played on the day that she died.
00:06You should still tell Therese.
00:07You okay?
00:09I read online that I should get a flouse.
00:11Maybe you can just tell her you like her.
00:12You mean I might get back in Darrensborough High?
00:14Well, maybe.
00:15It's disloyal to Andrew and Sadie.
00:17You're literally denying that they exist.
00:19Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.
00:21We're in the campsite with those double books.
00:23Mum, what's going on?
00:29Everybody needs good neighbours
00:33With a little understanding
00:38You can find the perfect blend
00:46Should be there for one another
00:51That's when good neighbours become good friends
01:00Get out of here, man.
01:02Take it easy.
01:14I'm really sorry about the whole hating on you thing.
01:18I swear, if I'd have known you were married,
01:20I never would have...
01:22All good.
01:23You know, yeah.
01:24No need to get into all that.
01:26But thank you for helping break up the party.
01:30Of course.
01:31That's what friends do.
01:37See you tomorrow?
01:50You know that guy was like totally hitting on you, right?
01:53Lucky only I saw.
01:54It was kind of brought to my attention.
01:57Jeez, how much have you had to drink?
02:01Well, just a couple, I think.
02:09Well, maybe hit the waters before trying to explain any of this to Dad.
02:21So, while we were pointlessly moving furniture around,
02:24it looks like the Rodwells were having a good old-fashioned barn burner.
02:27Why weren't we invited?
02:29I think we might be a bit over the age limit there, babes.
02:33Hey, can I go to Winnipeg with Dexter tomorrow?
02:36Oh, that's duty-free day.
02:39Yeah, sorry.
02:40Yeah, go for it.
02:41Oh, actually...
02:43You don't even know what I was about to say.
02:45You're going to make us bring Hugo in?
02:47Sadly, but Winnipeg's declared itself as a little brother-free zone.
02:52I don't think it has.
02:54Why are you back from camping?
02:56Oh, it was a bust.
02:59You can come with us to Winnipeg tomorrow.
03:02Oh, nah, I'm sure you guys have already got it all planned out.
03:05Come on, the more the merrier.
03:10Look, your trip's cancelled.
03:11What else have you got planned?
03:14Nah, I've got nothing.
03:17It's going to be awesome.
03:27Hey, did you know Daniel Long ran for Parliament?
03:30I did not.
03:31Yep, I found out all about it during his check-up.
03:34It's fascinating learning about the residents.
03:36It is, I agree.
03:37Yeah, like Penny Craig.
03:39She had an art exhibition.
03:41I've been encouraging her to dig out her brushes.
03:43Yeah, well, you know, it's been a big day.
03:46Maybe we should find a way to switch off.
03:50Good idea.
03:54Or we could go home and improvise.
03:59Melanie and Holly are out for the night.
04:05Thank God you're still here.
04:07What are you doing here?
04:08I thought you were at the movies with Holly and Krista.
04:10Well, Krista didn't even know about it.
04:12It was Holly who forgot to tell her.
04:13And it turns out that Holly's working anyway.
04:15So I'm lumped with two spare tickets.
04:21Oh, count me in.
04:25How could I refuse an offer like that?
04:27I'll get the bill.
04:30Yay, movie night.
04:32Movie night.
04:33I'm not sure I want to know how this got there.
04:37Oh, that must be why Quinn was asking me if we had paper towel.
04:40Here, just leave it because I'm going to do the cleaning up, OK?
04:45Maybe when you're in a bit more of a coordinated state.
04:52Quinn, he's the bloke you were dancing with?
04:57Yeah, just a uni friend and had a bit too much to drink today.
05:03So this Barbie was accidentally a blow-up or was it always meant to be a rager?
05:11The latter.
05:14I just didn't think that you would approve.
05:16Well, since when did you see me as the fun police?
05:21Since when did you start wearing Sadie's clothes?
05:25Oh, you know, I was just trying to fit in.
05:27With a bunch of kids?
05:28No, who assumed that I was younger when we first met.
05:34And how much younger?
05:36How much younger?
05:39In my twenties.
05:41And I just figured, you know, there's no harm in just going with it.
05:46And I was pulling it off.
05:50I'm sure you were.
05:54Maybe loop me in next time you plan on having a party.
05:57And let me know if you want the oldies out of the way.
06:03Thank you for not being mad.
06:06Don't worry, you'll get your punishment tomorrow.
06:09You're going to feel like hell.
06:14So Andrew and Sadie had no idea?
06:18How many people were there?
06:20Oh, I don't know, yeah, there were heaps.
06:22It was pretty awkward so I just bailed.
06:24Huh, didn't know Wendy had a dinner.
06:27Never would have guessed.
06:29I bet Andrew will think twice before he ever goes fishing again.
06:32Yeah, sorry the trip got cancelled.
06:34I know you were looking to get busy tomorrow.
06:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, you know, either way,
06:39I've been sitting around waiting for the verdict to happen.
06:42To school or not to school.
06:46I'll learn a parkour, take your mind off it.
06:48Oh, you going to go with Dex here now?
06:50Um, sure, maybe, yeah, I don't know, maybe if something else comes up.
06:58Is this about the ghost train?
07:00Because no one's going to make you go on it again.
07:02That was five years ago.
07:04It's not funny.
07:07Sorry, mate.
07:10Alright, table is set.
07:11I'll go round up that annoying brother of mine.
07:13Oh, hey, if you change your mind about taking him to learn a park...
07:16Not a chance.
07:18Um, Wendy...
07:19Yeah, I'll take that.
07:22Oh, you still have the letter to D.
07:26Uh, yeah, yeah, you were right.
07:28I should have responded to the last one.
07:30Didn't get very far.
07:31Yeah, not much past Dear D.
07:33I guess there's just so much to catch her up on.
07:35I'll get back to it.
07:39What problem?
07:41Ah, it's the real estate agent that looks after the nursery.
07:44I was meant to call him back earlier.
07:45Well, is there an issue with the tenant?
07:47Um, I'm not sure.
07:49Um, I guess I'll do that before going to help Kara.
07:59Ah, someone's in suck-up mode.
08:04Can't a mum treat her family?
08:08While also sucking up.
08:11So, you know my cropped bomber jacket?
08:13The one I thought I lost?
08:18Yeah, it's in the back of the car.
08:20Mum, you naughty girl.
08:23Ooh, yum.
08:25How's the head doing this morning?
08:27Oh, yeah, it's great.
08:29Where's that family photo that's usually in the shelf?
08:33Matter of fact, where are all the family photos?
08:35You know, maybe one of those idiots took them.
08:38Oh, no, no.
08:39Um, I put them away so they wouldn't get damaged.
08:43Oh, wow.
08:44You really were planning a blowout.
08:48No, I just wanted to protect our things.
08:54Well, you know, actually, I might...
08:56I might just go in outside.
08:58Yeah, good call.
09:26I heard there were over a hundred people.
09:28Oh, no, there was just a few of Mum's uni mates
09:30and it got a bit hectic.
09:31Wait, it was Wendy's party?
09:33Hmm, well, Wendy is having that full university experience.
09:36You know what? Good for her.
09:38I kind of agree.
09:40Although seeing her out there dressed in my clothes was a lot.
09:42Sorry, she was wearing your clothes?
09:45It took her a while to find her crew at uni
09:47and she decided blending in would be better.
09:49Wait, so Wendy's a top-secret party animal?
09:52She is putting us all to shame.
09:55OK, and how is Andrew about it?
09:57Dad just wants her to be happy.
09:59Pretending to be 20-something is a little much,
10:01but she wasn't trying to upset anybody.
10:03Is she relieved now that it's all out in the open?
10:07I hope so.
10:08I mean, she spilled all her secrets and there's nothing more to tell.
10:11So the only thing she has now is a really bad hangover.
10:23Oh, thanks for coming.
10:25Why isn't this place open?
10:28I'm afraid the tenant just handed in their keys.
10:30What? I thought you were going to offer another room reduction.
10:33Well, they passed on their appreciation.
10:35Unfortunately, the business just isn't viable.
10:41I take it you haven't been down here for a while?
10:45Well, I'm glad you're seeing it with your own eyes.
10:47The place is a mess.
10:48They've only been open half days for the last month.
10:51They should have been putting more effort into running this place.
10:54But the issue is the competition.
10:56All the big garden centres that have opened in the area?
10:58Okay, sure. Fine, whatever.
11:00Just get me a new tenant then.
11:02Yeah, I've been anticipating this.
11:05The appetite just isn't there.
11:07What are you talking about?
11:09This is prime real estate.
11:10I agree.
11:12When I say the appetite isn't there,
11:14it's about the business itself.
11:16I could rent the space tomorrow.
11:18I could double the rent.
11:21If I let another business come in.
11:24So if I close Sonia's nursery?
11:37Nothing kills a hangover quite like applying for a Gatsby mentorship.
11:42You really are full of surprises.
11:48Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Andrew and Sadie.
11:52I never planned on manipulating anyone.
11:55It's just you guys assumed and I...
11:59I kind of just ran with it.
12:01Why? I don't get that.
12:08I've just been really alone here.
12:10And then suddenly I've got friends and I panicked.
12:14I mean, who wants to hang out with a middle-aged mum?
12:22This is the real me.
12:28Well, the real you might dress a bit different, but you're still Wendy.
12:33We like you for you, you know that, right?
12:38Oh, as a friend.
12:41Because, you know, like the other stuff that I said at the party.
12:44No, you were just acting based on the information you had.
12:48You mean embarrassing myself?
12:51No, not at all.
12:53And for the record, I'm flattered.
12:56I'm very married.
13:02Hey, given I suggested all those shots, you reckon I owe you a coffee to help you get through the morning?
13:07You definitely do.
13:09I'll have a latte.
13:12Thank you.
13:21I love how graphic Mr Moon is.
13:23You've named him?
13:24Not me.
13:25That's his official name.
13:26How do you not know that?
13:28Anyway, I'm going to go suss out rights.
13:38Any word from your mums?
13:40Uh, no.
13:41No, but not stressing it.
13:43Yeah, sure.
13:45Don't just hover in like a silent weirdo because you're feeling on top of it.
13:49Let's do the laughing clowns.
13:53That purple bunny is mine.
13:59Hey, can I please have a go?
14:05Damn, I thought if we went on the rollercoaster we'd get to sit closer together.
14:12What do I do now?
14:14Are you going to be a clown?
14:17You get it when it's a purple bunny.
14:36Sweet horse.
14:41Come on.
14:42Come on.
14:43Come on.
14:45You're going to need one more shot.
14:47You're going to have to get the tummy right.
14:53I got it.
15:06There used to be a community garden and Sonia volunteered here.
15:09That was before the council decided that they wanted to close it.
15:12She sounds like an amazing person.
15:15Yeah, she was.
15:18She came up with the idea for the nursery.
15:22She was all about nature and the environment.
15:26She was over the moon the day we bought this land.
15:28It's hard, going up against the big chains.
15:31Yeah, Sonia fought those battles too.
15:34I mean, the fact that it's lasted as long as it has is something to be proud of.
15:40If you don't mind my asking, did you not see it coming?
15:46Oh, I guess I did, on some level.
15:49It's probably a big clue having to drop the rent so many times, right?
15:53Well, obviously I'll do whatever you want.
15:55No, no, no. I get it. I need to be realistic.
15:58And I have to have a chat with our daughter.
16:00Of course.
16:02And our son. He lives in the States, so it's going to take me a minute to get back to you.
16:06Take all the time you need.
16:30Our brother's so sweet.
16:32Yeah, isn't he?
16:34Oh, that's Ma. Okay.
16:37Well, answer it.
16:42Okay, put me out of her misery now, please.
16:44Well, Mum's here too. Do you want to tell him?
16:46One of you needs to do it, please.
16:48Lana's approved it. You're going back to Erinsborough. Hi!
16:51Wait, seriously?
16:52Yeah, seriously.
16:54Yes! Yes! I'm going back. I'm going back. I'm going back.
16:57We'll have a special dinner tonight, okay?
16:59We're really proud of you, mate.
17:00Thank you. Thank you so much, Ma. Bye.
17:04They said yes. He's going back to school.
17:06Oh, that's awesome.
17:08Well, I guess we need to celebrate.
17:10And there's only one way we should do that.
17:13Ghost train.
17:16No, you told her, didn't you?
17:18Come on.
17:19What, are you scared?
17:20No, I'm not scared. It's just really lame, that's all.
17:25Don't worry. I'll hold your hand if it gets too much.
17:35Oh, well, when does he start?
17:37Oh, as soon as possible.
17:38I'm just about to meet Curtis to organise all the details.
17:41Oh, it's wonderful news.
17:42Yeah, and Jane will be thrilled too.
17:44But we couldn't have done it without the support of everyone here,
17:46so just thank you so, so much.
17:48Oh, I'd better go.
17:49Thank you.
17:50We'll see you soon.
17:52Ah, brilliant.
17:54Ah, I'd better not be late for Moira's check-up.
17:56Did she have her check-up yesterday?
17:57Yeah, she claims she's got an increased heart rate
18:00after Harold won the election over her.
18:04Isn't that funny?
18:05Because Hillary's complaints have also doubled since then.
18:08I tell you what, how about I refer these to Harold?
18:13You know, I think he's quite enjoying pulling rank with these ladies.
18:20How was it having the house to yourself last night?
18:22Oh, it was a complete flop.
18:25Melanie dragged us off to the movies.
18:29I thought Carl would have jumped at the chance.
18:30So did I.
18:31He didn't pick up on any of my hints.
18:33He was too busy talking about the residence.
18:36You're being work-zoned.
18:37I'm being what?
18:39You're spending way too much time here
18:40that now he's starting to see you as a colleague.
18:42Don't worry, don't worry, it's fine.
18:44Paul and I managed to find a balance somehow,
18:46but it'll be fine.
18:48Oh, I do.
18:51No, and his boyfriend didn't know they were on a break.
18:54Not until he saw them agreeing at the party.
19:04I'll, um, I'll catch you later.
19:06What are you doing here?
19:10Look, I, I know that uni has been an adjustment,
19:13and I'm just in awe of your ability to adapt under pressure.
19:20Even though you don't look a day over 30.
19:22Thank you.
19:25These are gorgeous.
19:27But I hardly deserve them after yesterday.
19:29No, no, you always deserve flowers.
19:33Watch out.
19:34Someone might think I'm being hit on by an older creepy guy.
19:39Well, I think that's just a burden I have to bear.
19:44I really want you to enjoy this place.
19:48Try everything.
19:50I just don't want you to feel like you have to hide it all from me.
19:56Well, in that case, I should let you know that I'm definitely past my house party phase.
20:12And I promise, no more secrets.
20:20So, new vertical garden will go there.
20:23New planter boxes will go there.
20:25What about the barbecue? Are you going to move that?
20:27Nah, I like it against the back wall.
20:35Sorry, my mind is wandering.
20:37That's cool, I get it.
20:39You're worried about the kids at Luna Park, yeah?
20:40Oh, nah, I wasn't thinking about the kids.
20:42I was just saying to Remy the other day I feel like this space is just missing something.
20:47Such as?
20:48I don't know, something with character.
20:50I'm not sure what.
20:52Like an old ladder or some tools.
20:54Something a bit vintage.
20:57Well, if you're into upcycling, I might have something for you.
21:02Yeah, give me an hour. I'll be back.
21:16That prize thing was perfect.
21:19You saw the way she hugged me? That is not how friends hug.
21:23I think she's really into me.
21:25I have to tell her I like her.
21:28Tell her what you want.
21:30What's that supposed to mean?
21:32How would you do it?
21:34It's not about me.
21:36No, but you said you'd help.
21:39No, no, I did not promise anything.
21:42You made me be here to be a stupid wee man.
21:44I thought you were supposed to be happy.
21:46You're back in school, you have everything you want.
21:51Seriously, I need your help. I have no idea what I'm doing.
21:54Well, maybe you should just figure it out for yourself.
21:56I can't. You know I can't.
21:58Yeah, well, that's tough.
22:00Why are you doing this? I really like you.
22:02Then hook up with her.
22:04Do what you want, just do it without me.
22:08Because I like Nell too.
22:16Coming up on Neighbours.
22:18Just all of these reminders about my past.
22:20They just, they keep coming back.
22:22I don't know what to do about that.
22:24Has all this advice you've been giving me been bad on purpose?
22:28If Remy was pretending to be single, I would have lost it.