I Brought Home This Homeless and then Realized She Was My Favorite Retired Idol…

  • 2 months ago
I Brought Home This Homeless and then Realized She Was My Favorite Retired Idol…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name's Riku Okada, just a regular 24-year-old guy working in an office.
00:06I'm stuck doing door-to-door sales for a sales company.
00:10Ah, another tiring day.
00:14But just seeing Mei will make everything better!
00:19Mei Saito is my support system.
00:22She used to be a famous child actress before becoming a super popular idol in Japan.
00:27I used to be obsessed with her until last year.
00:33Mei, where are you now and what are you doing?
00:37I still search desperately for her online and in magazines.
00:41Some fans are still furious about her sudden retirement.
00:45But she must be living a glamorous life.
00:49Wait a sec, is there someone there?
00:52Um, are you okay?
00:54My stomach...
00:57Is it hurting?
00:59I'm hungry...
01:02Oh, um...
01:04She seems younger than me.
01:06But everything's closed now, so I guess I'll just deal with it.
01:10I'm sorry, this is all I have.
01:13It's really delicious, thank you.
01:16She's got more energy than I thought she would.
01:19And even though she's young, she seems pretty mature.
01:23Hey, can I have all of this soup too?
01:26Of course! She's kinda cute!
01:29Oh, isn't that...
01:32Oh, uh, yeah. Actually, I'm a huge fan of her.
01:36Didn't she call it quits as an idol?
01:39Yeah, well, just because she called it quits doesn't mean I stopped liking her.
01:44How do you think she's doing now?
01:50I bet she's getting a ton of haters because she called it quits.
01:55Oh, um, it sucks that she's not an idol anymore, but as long as she's happy, that's all that matters.
02:04Yeah, she was a big deal as an idol, but at the end of the day, she's just a regular girl.
02:12Oops, my bad for going on and on like that.
02:16No, I'm sorry too. I'm grateful for your help.
02:20No worries. Well then.
02:22Um, I know this might sound kind of forward, but...
02:27If you want to hop in the tub, go ahead and use it for as long as you like.
02:32Really? Woohoo!
02:35She's one mysterious girl.
02:38But I'm too busy dealing with my own stuff to worry about others.
02:42Maybe I'll just let her stay over tonight and then ask her to leave in the morning.
02:47Thanks for letting me use your bath.
02:50Oh, uh, feel free to use the towels or...
02:54I already grabbed a towel for myself.
03:00By the way, is there anything I can do to thank you?
03:04Wait a minute, you can't possibly be...
03:08Oh, you finally figured it out?
03:11But there's no freaking way this is real.
03:15Oh, yes, it's real.
03:18That wink and voice, I'm sure it's you. You're May, right?
03:25Although I guess you wouldn't have recognized me if I hadn't taken a bath for a few days.
03:30Wait, hold on. How come you, who was a top idol for so long, ended up in the park?
03:38Maybe because I was a top idol?
03:41You know, I've been in showbiz since as long as I can remember, right?
03:46Of course.
03:48I'm so grateful that I could live without any worries. It's been a real blessing.
03:53Other girls my age were different, and it made me feel insecure and pathetic.
03:59So you quit being an idol at 20 because of that?
04:04Of course my agency and parents opposed it.
04:08She took a break from the public eye and stayed home for a bit, but people kept bugging her to come back.
04:14So she got super annoyed, had a big argument with her folks last week, and just stormed out without grabbing her stuff.
04:21But now I can't do anything alone, and I have nowhere to go.
04:26You could still rely on your parents.
04:29I went against their wishes to come out here. I can't go back now.
04:33Well, I guess so. But it's dangerous being all on your own outside, you know?
04:40Yeah, but you helped me like this, right?
04:44Yeah, but...
04:46So, I'd like to ask you something. Can I crash here for a while?
04:53Say what?
04:56I know it's a hassle, but please? I'll only be crashing here for a bit.
05:01Well, this is seriously a dream come true for me.
05:06Then can I?
05:08But I'm just leading a super boring life, working, drinking beer, and sleeping.
05:13For a top idol like you to crash here is a bit...
05:17But that's exactly what I want!
05:21Leading just a regular life with regular days? I've always admired living a normal life.
05:28So I think you're awesome just being your normal self.
05:31Is that a compliment?
05:34Come on, please? I'll leave as soon as I have a plan.
05:38I can't say no to that face of yours. Fine, but just make sure to contact your parents properly.
05:48The next morning...
05:52Wow, I've been working already. Tough life.
05:57I still can't believe my favorite idol is at my place.
06:01Well, have a good day. Good luck.
06:05Yeah, thanks.
06:07I can't believe she's seeing me off like this.
06:10Oh, you seem unusually fired up today.
06:14Good morning, sir.
06:16Have you finally realized how fun work can be? I'm glad.
06:21When I get back, May will be there. When I get back, May will be there.
06:27I'm home!
06:31Could this all have been a dream?
06:33Wait, that's possible. If I think about it calmly, there's no way something like that could happen.
06:39Oh, sorry, my bad.
06:42I just went to the convenience store.
06:45Hey, you're back! I got us some drinks.
06:49It wasn't a dream at all!
06:52You like these, right? There were a bunch in the trash.
06:56Oh, uh, it's the cheapest one, so...
07:01Mmm, this tastes good.
07:04Really? I'm sure you've had better drinks before, though.
07:08Well, yeah, but this suits my taste buds.
07:12She surprisingly has a down-to-earth side.
07:15Oh, look at this!
07:17I can't stand how these weekly magazines print whatever they please.
07:22I bet they didn't think you'd be crashing at the place of a regular boring guy like me.
07:29You're not boring! To me, this is paradise.
07:34M-me too! This is seriously a paradise!
07:40I'm glad to hear that.
07:43Life was like a dream and just whizzed by.
07:47May patched things up with her folks and kept in touch.
07:50But about a month later, she started feeling bored with normal life.
07:55I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you're going to do this?
07:59Of course! Guide me step by step, Riku.
08:04I can't believe she wants to try my job!
08:08Well, it's a relief that the president is out of the loop with what's popular.
08:13Do you have any customer service experience?
08:16Yes, I've had talks with around 500 people in a single day.
08:21Yeah, at a meet-and-greet.
08:24Um, Riku? Your tie is crooked.
08:30Hey, pull yourself together, alright? Come on, let's go!
08:34I hope this is okay. I guess most of the customers are old folks, so they won't catch on to who she really is.
08:41You're such a bright and nice young lady. I suppose I'll give this a try.
08:47Really? Woohoo!
08:49Of course, the old idol is killing it in sales. She's selling like crazy!
08:55If this keeps up, you might get a big promotion, huh?
09:00But I can't rely on her completely! I need to do my best, too!
09:05This is more fun than I expected! Come on, let's keep going!
09:11That's good to hear, but—wait, I'm supposed to be the one greeting them first!
09:17It's okay, I'm getting used to it.
09:21Um, hello? Excuse me, may I have a moment to talk with you?
09:26Uh-oh! This feel is—
09:29What's the deal with all this sudden racket?
09:35Yep, he's definitely a fiery old man. It's understandable if he gets mad.
09:41I'm sorry for the sudden intrusion! If you're busy, we'll leave right away!
09:46Hold on a second! Who do you think you are? Acting so carelessly! Is this how a responsible adult behaves?
09:58Young women these days don't know how to act politely.
10:03Sir, I'm sorry for the unexpected visit.
10:07But I would appreciate it if you could avoid making rash judgments about her.
10:12She holds an important position as my co-worker.
10:17Well then, please excuse us.
10:20Hold on! I still need to vent my frustration to you both!
10:26C'mon, let's go!
10:31Phew, certain folks can be a bit much. That's why I should go greet them first.
10:38You've got some unexpectedly cool and handsome qualities!
10:45Oh my! What's wrong? Your face is all red, you know.
10:50D-don't tease me like that!
10:53Because of Mei, I was doing better with sales and feeling more motivated. But then one day...
10:59Are you sure it's alright for us to enjoy this tea you made? You really didn't have to do that.
11:05Of course! I really appreciate both of you informing me about the excellent product!
11:12I'll happily receive your kind words.
11:17That room...
11:19Tamotsu, my one and only son, is now a shut-in.
11:24It's been a year since his favorite idol quit out of the blue, and he was very shocked.
11:32I want to do something to help him, but I don't know what.
11:36Um... Could you please let me talk to your son?
11:44I don't mind, but I don't know if he'll respond.
11:48Hey Riku, do you think it's okay? There might be something I can do for him.
11:54Yeah, you're right. If anything happens, I'll protect you, so don't worry about it.
11:59Thank you!
12:02Tamotsu! Sorry for barging in like this.
12:06What the heck? Are you M-Mei?
12:10I'm really sorry for quitting the idol gig out of the blue, but now I'm trying something new and exciting in life!
12:17Life can throw curveballs, but it's also enjoyable and fulfilling.
12:22So why not jump into a new life adventure as well?
12:26Your mom seems worried too.
12:35Mom, I'm really sorry. I'll give life another shot, I promise!
12:42Tamotsu! Just so you know, I'll always be cheering you on as your mom!
12:50I'm cheering too! Oh, but let's just keep this solving a secret, okay?
12:57Of course! But why as a top idol like you here?
13:02Well then, we'll excuse ourselves.
13:06Thank you for having us.
13:09You really worked hard today! I never expected it to turn out like that!
13:14Um, what's wrong?
13:16I can't shake the feeling that my retirement might have caused problems for a bunch of people.
13:24Maybe I should have stuck with being an idol, even if it's tough.
13:29That's not true!
13:31Yeah, I was a little sad when you decided to stop being an idol.
13:36It's your life, and you should do what makes you happy.
13:41Plus, you're totally putting a smile on every customer's face right now.
13:45Forget about the numbers. As long as you're happy with what you're doing, that's what counts.
13:53You're right. Alright, let's drink today!
13:57Hey, that's mine!
14:00Oh, you're right. Here, I'll give you mine.
14:07Hmm? Why can't you just have a sip of my beer?
14:12Or is it because you're worried it'll be like an indirect kiss?
14:17It's not like that!
14:20Quit lying. You're totally excited about it.
14:24Why is she so darn cute?
14:29Oh, by the way, what do you think about hitting up an amusement park on our next day off?
14:35But if people find out about you, it'll be a huge problem.
14:39Oh, don't worry. It'll be fine.
14:42What do you think? This way, no one will suspect a thing.
14:47Y-yeah, you're right. But why are we holding hands?
14:52We're holding hands to stick together.
14:55Whoa, look at that!
14:57Look at that pier! It seems like it has a pretty sweet view, doesn't it?
15:02Wait a second, isn't that...
15:06I knew that would happen.
15:08Hey, look! Isn't that...
15:11Whoa, no way. Seriously?
15:14Oh man, everyone knows who she is already?
15:20Alright, let's just make a run for it.
15:23But where should we run to?
15:26Um, well...
15:29To the ferris wheel!
15:31Whew, that was a close call, right?
15:34I thought I was gonna get caught.
15:36She really is the idol everyone loves.
15:39People are just dying for her to come back as an idol.
15:42Can I really keep her all to myself?
15:45Hey, May, don't you ever want to go back to being an idol?
15:49Back to being an idol?
15:52Well, it's not like I don't think about it at all.
15:56I still get calls from my agency every day.
15:59What? Seriously?
16:02Then why?
16:04Well, you see...
16:07Ah! Oh my gosh, I got so scared!
16:11It seems quite windy, huh?
16:15You're probably okay now, right?
16:18Nope, I'm not okay.
16:22I really like it here.
16:24I don't want to leave by your side.
16:27But even if you say that...
16:30Is everything okay?
16:32Yes, all good here.
16:34The wind spooked my girlfriend as she cried,
16:36and now she's feeling shy because her makeup is all messed up.
16:42Did you just call me as my girlfriend?
16:46She doesn't even try to keep a low profile even though she's the top idol!
16:51We had a fantastic day off, and it made me even more motivated for work.
16:56And I got assigned a major project as well.
17:00That major project was about running a booth at an IT expo for a company.
17:05It was a lot of work planning the layout, finding staff, and giving presentations.
17:10But we had to make it a success no matter what.
17:13Like I said, I'm not considering going back to being an idol.
17:18No, it's not about money.
17:20I need to prove that I can handle things on my own here to give May peace of mind.
17:25Oh wow, you're still putting in work like a charm, just like a leader should.
17:31Yeah, I know. Was that call from your agency again?
17:36Yeah, they're willing to offer any amount of money.
17:40But I turned them down because, you know, you can't work without me, right?
17:47Hey, how about I host this stage?
17:50What are you saying? May, you shouldn't be doing that.
17:54Making sure no one finds out who you really are is the most important thing.
18:00We continued with the preparations.
18:03And the expo day arrived.
18:06Alright, our booth looks okay. Now it's time for our presentation on stage.
18:12Riku, the campaign girl is on the line.
18:15Oh? Hello? Hold up.
18:18What? The train is delayed and you won't make it in time?
18:22Oh no!
18:24Uh, classic me, messing up when it's super important.
18:31I'll go out there.
18:33What are you saying?
18:35If you go out onto the stage, people will find out who you are and it'll be a huge problem.
18:40Please, just give me a chance to be helpful one last time, Riku.
18:45Um, what?
18:47Don't worry. I got this when it comes to the stage.
18:51Oh, wait.
18:53And so, the former big star unexpectedly showed up on stage.
18:58Even though everyone was working, the crowd went wild with the unexpected surprise.
19:03All the reporters there were totally captivated by her, and it was a huge story.
19:08And of course, Mei aced the new product presentation, and the clients were really impressed.
19:14She's really meant for stage, but for now, I need to get her out of the spotlight.
19:20I'm sorry for acting all on my own.
19:23But I felt like this was the only way I could help you, Riku.
19:27That's not true at all!
19:29Riku, thanks for being nice.
19:33But I think I might be slowing you down at work, right?
19:39Where's Mei?!
19:41Please come back!
19:43I didn't realize so many people were waiting for me to come back as an idol.
19:50I'm sorry about everything, Riku.
19:53I won't be a hassle to you anymore.
19:56I just want you to always see me as your idol, okay?
20:03I thought I was the one holding you down, and I always knew you were meant to shine on stage, but...
20:09I love everything about you more than any fan out there!
20:12I'm really confident in that!
20:15My life may be boring and mundane as usual, but I'll step up and be the man who can have you all to myself!
20:23So let's be together from now on.
20:26You finally said it, huh?
20:29Sure, being up on stage is nice.
20:33But nothing compares to kicking back with a beer and hanging out with you after a hectic day.
20:40Just make sure you don't share me with anyone else, okay?
20:44Of course, absolutely!
20:46But what should we do about all this commotion?
20:50Hey, did you hear?
20:53Apparently that Mei performing on stage earlier was just a hologram created using projection mapping.
21:00They say it's the latest technology from another company.
21:04Huh? Who would say things like that?
21:07Hey Riku, could that person possibly be...
21:11Oops, didn't mean to cause a scene.
21:14I'm a huge fan of her as well.
21:16I got carried away and made her too realistic.
21:19He's the guy we saw from that time!
21:22You guys really made a difference in my life.
21:25I trust you to watch out for her.
21:27Yeah, of course!
21:30I'm trusting you to watch out for me as well.
21:35Thanks to Otakura, the ex-hermit, everything turned out to be a huge success!
21:40Mei is still my rock in all parts of life, and she's still keeping her true self under wraps.
21:46Even after a few years, she still waves me goodbye every day.
21:50Well then, I'm off!
21:52Wait! Aren't you forgetting something?
21:56What do you mean? I already packed my lunch, so...
21:59Pucker up!
22:02Oh, I see!
22:05You're so slow, jeez.
22:09Well, have a great day, honey!
22:13Even now, my cherished wife continues to be the ultimate idol in my heart.
