• 3 months ago
Video CCTV yang telah direkayasa diputar di persidangan dan diberikan kepada sejumla ahli: psikolog Antonia Ratih Anjayani dan Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, kriminolog Ronny Nitibaskara, psikiater Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti, toksikolog Nursamran Subandi dan I Made Agus Gelgel, dan kepada ahli huku pidana Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej.

Keenam jaksa penipu Ardito Muwardi, Shandy Handika, Sugih Carvallo, Hari Wibowo, Wahyu Oktaviandi, dan Maylany Wuwung berkomplot dengan sesama penipu perekayasa video CCTV Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar (Ketua Asosiasi Forensik Digital Indonesia AFDI 2015-2019) dan Christopher Hariman Rianto yang diorkestrasi oleh Krishna Murti dan Tito Karnavian.

Isi flashdisk di tangan jaksa sendiri berubah waktu demi waktu tetapi mereka seolah tidak peduli dengan keutuhan (integritas) data yang ada di dalamnya. Sesi tanya-jawab dengan kedua ahli forensik digital penipu tersebut dirancang agar rekayasa yang mereka rencanakan berhasil menggiring publik dan hakim untuk memutuskan perkara sesuai dengan rekayasa mereka. Dan mereka berhasil.

Ahli IT gadungan Roy Suryo juga dalam beberapa wawancara TV menipu publik bahwa video CCTV yang ditampilkan di persidangan asli dan tidak direkayasa.

Video CCTV rekayasa tersebutpun menjadi pertimbangan hakim Binsar Gultom, Partahi Tulus Hutapea, dan Kisworo dalam memutuskan perkara.

Diharapkan para istri pelaku rekayasa Tri Suswati (istri Tito Karnavian), Nany Ariany Utama (istri Krishna Murti), INGRID CHAIYANLI (istri Christopher Hariman Rianto), Riri Ananingdyah Wibisono (istri Shandy Handika), dan lainnya untuk mendesak para suaminya untuk mengaku salah telah merekayasa video CCTV di kafe Olivier kasus Jessica Wongso. Karena sebagai sesama perempuan, seharusnya mereka memahami perasaan perempuan yang menjadi korban rekayasa para suami mereka.

Begitu juga keluarga Edi Darmawan Salihin: Made Sandy Salihin, Tiara Agnesia, Ni Ketut Sianti,
Arief Soemarko, dan lainnya agar mencari kebenaran kematian Mirna Salihin, berdasarkan bukti
ilmiah bahwa Jessica Kumala Wongso adalah korban rekayasa.

Begitu pula dengan para istri hakim Binsar Gultom, Sri Misgianti, agar menyadarkan suaminya bahwa keputusannya didasarkan video CCTV yang sudah direkayasa Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar dan Christopher Hariman Rianto.



00:00Baliji Akademi is here again.
00:09Ladies and gentlemen, we will talk about
00:12how Krishnamurti, as the brain behind the CCTV video,
00:19under the supervision of
00:24Muhammad Muhammad Al-Azhar and Christopher Harry Marriotto
00:27deliberately manipulated to reduce the resolution.
00:32Even though it is very important,
00:34the resolution means that the information is lost.
00:38If the quality is reduced,
00:41the information will definitely be reduced,
00:43especially with the downscaling of 73%.
00:48The spatial downscaling causes the loss of information of 73%.
00:55Because from 2 million pixels to half a million pixels,
01:00from 1080p, 1920x1080 pixels to 96576 pixels,
01:07or 960h pixels.
01:10So, just imagine,
01:14the spatial downscaling is reduced by 73%,
01:17not to mention the temporal downscaling,
01:21because from 25 to 10, it's only 9-10%.
01:2510% of the remaining data is presented in the trial.
01:30That's the scientific version of Krishnamurti.
01:36Of course, this person,
01:38no one else admits it,
01:41unless we present the scientific evidence later in the trial,
01:45then he will be humiliated by the public.
01:49How come the digital video data that should be sharp,
01:55is even erased, the information is lost,
01:58both spatially and temporarily,
02:01so that only 10% of the data is left in the trial.
02:08But that's it,
02:10this manipulation, this fraud is endless
02:15if it is not caught,
02:17the criminal will be punished, regardless of the public.
02:20Whether you are a 7-star or a 9-star,
02:23as long as you manipulate digital data,
02:26violate the law,
02:28you have to go to jail.
02:30Krishnamurti is not a matter of personal revenge,
02:33but for the sake of the law,
02:35based on the truth that you violated.
02:39This is the direct involvement of Krishnamurti,
02:45Christopher Hariman Rianto and Muhammad Noah Lazar.
02:50They practiced gladiatorialism,
02:53how to manipulate in court,
02:55influence the judge,
02:57by means of manipulation.
02:59Also attended by Sandihan Dika, Hari Bowo and Wahyu Octaviandi.
03:05So he is directly involved in this manipulation.
03:09Their gladiatorialism,
03:11how will they be punished tomorrow?
03:13Because this is said to be H-1,
03:16it means that on August 9, 2016,
03:18and on August 10, they will go forward,
03:21these swindlers.
03:23And also attended by Krishnamurti,
03:26General Munafik,
03:28Ulung swindler,
03:30the most manipulative person.
03:32And he accused Jessica of being the most manipulative.
03:37Later in court,
03:39there was an event where he gave a lecture
03:43in the Supreme Court.
03:45The content is higher.
03:47Imagine, his manipulation continues.
03:49His deception continues.
03:51Not only by deceiving in court,
03:55but also in other events,
03:57he continued that deception.
03:59This is the bobrok of General Bintang 2,
04:02which is now paid by the people,
04:06from the people's pocket,
04:08every rupiah he is paid,
04:11he still continues to deceive and deceive.
04:14Because of that,
04:16we have to catch the deception
04:18with scientific evidence,
04:20based on the documents they provide.
04:22So there is no proof that I made myself.
04:26BAP is what they produce,
04:31from there we catch them.
04:34Because they are quiet,
04:36so they ignore it,
04:38and we catch their wet deception
04:40in the fire.
04:45Here, there was a moment
04:47when he gave a lecture
04:50about his deception again.
04:53Jessica's case is getting higher and higher.
04:56Imagine, this cunning human
04:59is still proud of his cunning and lies.
05:02This person is amazing.
05:04There is no more cunning of this person
05:06as a human,
05:08just like Ardi Tomwardi,
05:10Muhammad Nazim al-Hassan al-Kristopher.
05:13Proud of his deception in front of the public.
05:15As if no one will catch his words,
05:18this person's deception.
05:20Let's try to turn it around.
05:22Krishna will deliver,
05:24at the right time, we are at your service.
05:26This is unclear.
05:28We go to the most interesting case.
05:35Maybe you heard of it.
05:37This is what,
05:39maybe there is a key in this room?
05:43The evidence is from here to here, sir.
05:46He brought it with a trolley, sir.
05:48The evidence.
05:49And this is the case
05:51with forensic experts
05:53that we use the most.
05:55And then,
05:56for hundreds of people I interrogated,
05:59this is the most firm person.
06:02The most manipulative.
06:04Later, I will tell you
06:07how we try
06:09to explain to the judge
06:13outside the court,
06:15because some
06:17authentic evidence that we got,
06:20we can't present it to the court
06:24because it is not pro-justice.
06:26So, it can't be a proof.
06:28It is an intelligence report
06:30that is very strong materially.
06:35we talked about the motive.
06:36We didn't find the motive.
06:38We didn't find the motive.
06:39That's what he said,
06:40that Jessica is the most manipulative person.
06:44In fact, she is the most manipulative.
06:47The evidence is fake.
06:49The video is sharp.
06:51The scientific evidence should be able
06:54to reveal all the real events
06:57especially in the court.
06:59In fact, she ran away with her team.
07:01This is the person.
07:02Accusing people of being manipulative,
07:04even though she herself is the most
07:06fond of lying, deceiving, and manipulating
07:09this person.
07:10Accusing people.
07:12It's amazing, Krishna Murti.
07:15We are caught red-handed now.
07:17You can't do anything.
07:19That's one point.
07:21The second,
07:22that she said she got
07:24intelligence information
07:26that can't be presented in court.
07:29We'll see later.
07:31How did she admit post-truth?
07:33The evidence that she got
07:35intelligence data in Australia,
07:38she admitted it can't be presented in court.
07:41This is another lie.
07:43Every evidence
07:47must be tested in court.
07:49How do we know?
07:50This is related to Jessica
07:52Jessica was accused of
07:56browsing history on her computer
07:58in Australia.
07:59And she accused
08:01of browsing about Syanida.
08:04And she said it can't be presented in court.
08:07This is another lie.
08:09How do you consider that evidence
08:13if it's not tested in court?
08:15We want to see Jessica's browsing history
08:18but it's not presented in court.
08:20Don't do that.
08:22Just Jessica's call log or call history
08:26from the extracted phone
08:28is not in the BAP
08:30Forensic Digital
08:32Franciscus Aritonang SHMH.
08:35Imagine that.
08:37For data about
08:39history or
08:41call history,
08:42it's not there.
08:44Moreover, there's no browsing history at all.
08:47It's just a chat
08:49a chat script
08:51that was exported from
08:55We don't know the integrity of it.
08:57It was cut and added somewhere.
08:59We don't know.
09:00CCTV video can be recreated.
09:02It's just an exported
09:04chat script
09:06in Excel format.
09:08It can be edited.
09:10This is another lie.
09:11Another post-truth.
09:12It was obtained from
09:13Australia Data Intelligence.
09:15We don't dare to present it in court.
09:17It's just a chat like this
09:19in the background.
09:20It has to be clear.
09:22The data you have
09:23has to be tested in court.
09:25Don't go to court from behind
09:27the door.
09:28That's not fair.
09:29That's what it's called.
09:32Because it's not tested
09:34in court.
09:35It has to be tested in court.
09:38The data you said.
09:39This is another lie.
09:42Forensic psychology expert,
09:44forensic scientist,
09:46can explain that he has
09:48two personalities in polar.
09:50In addition, we flew to Australia.
09:52During MLA,
09:53which was launched by Galaxy 10,
09:55in Australia.
09:56We obtained facts
09:58in his office.
10:00In his computer.
10:02That he was browsing cyanide.
10:04He was browsing about poison.
10:07Which we then sucked.
10:10we were not allowed
10:12by the court.
10:14By the court.
10:15Because we are Australian court.
10:17We were not allowed by his office.
10:19We were not allowed to use it in court.
10:21I was dead.
10:23What should I do?
10:25I lobbied him.
10:27It's not pro-justice.
10:29But we obtained facts.
10:31We proved it.
10:32This is the process.
10:34We showed our video.
10:36We came to the judge.
10:38Sir, this is outside the court.
10:40But this is what we have.
10:42We do not arbitrarily place it as a suspect.
10:45And this is
10:47material evidence
10:49which may be
10:51a bit difficult in a formal way.
10:53Here it is.
10:55Here it is.
10:56It is possible
10:58material evidence cannot be obtained
11:00in a formal procedural way.
11:04those facts
11:06cannot be served in a court
11:08because it does not meet the formal conditions.
11:10Such obstacles
11:12should be our concern.
11:16If the investigator is brave.
11:18Even though it's not pro-justice.
11:23it's back to the judge.
11:25Because you do not meet the formal conditions.
11:27Sometimes we have to free people.
11:29Just because it's formal.
11:31Is that right, sir? Madam?
11:33It's back to the judge.
11:34This is what we face on the court.
11:36Many people talk about
11:38anything to the media.
11:40This is the drama.
11:42As if they are innocent.
11:44In the end, the police...
11:46Well, that's it. His accusation.
11:48He's a prostitute.
11:50There is data.
11:52Intelligent data.
11:53Browsing history.
11:54Browsing cyanide.
11:56And it's not tested in court.
11:58How do we know
12:00you're not lying? Why?
12:02CCTV videos that are already clear.
12:04Proof of material.
12:06Scientific evidence.
12:07In fact,
12:08you and your team
12:10usually cover up everything.
12:12Reveal all the objects.
12:14Even though it should be clear.
12:16Your job should be to make
12:18a matter clearer.
12:20Instead, you cover up
12:22important events
12:24on the CCTV.
12:26How can I believe
12:28your statement of deception?
12:30You said
12:32if it's obtained from intelligence,
12:34it can't be used in court.
12:36It can't be used in court
12:38and then you lobby
12:40with data that you use
12:42that is not verified.
12:44Through the back door.
12:46This back door
12:48is not allowed.
12:52With evidence
12:54that we can't verify.
12:56I want to know
12:58the metadata and all that.
13:00That's your data.
13:02We can test it in court.
13:04This is
13:06what he admitted to get from
13:08Australia. Intelligent data
13:10about the historical browsing of Zianida
13:12is not presented in court.
13:14But it's used as unverified evidence
13:16to be tested in court
13:18to lobby
13:20the judge.
13:22This is what's wrong
13:24in this republic.
13:26To be honest,
13:28I can't believe this person.
13:32Data that is
13:34clearly on the CCTV
13:36in Rekayasa,
13:38let alone a claim like this.
13:40It must be
13:42a lie.
13:44Data that is
13:46clearly a lie,
13:50let alone a claim like this.
13:52Who believes you?
13:54Data that should be clear,
13:56digital evidence of CCTV video is clear,
13:58but you're confusing it.
14:00The movement should be confusing.
14:02It should be confusing,
14:04especially CCTV video 3.
14:06At 1 minute,
14:08Mirna Salihin came at 17.18.
14:10That's a direct confusion
14:12so that it can't be detected.
14:14The rest of the coffee
14:16that Mirna Salihin drank and others drank,
14:18Hani Jutabun,
14:20and the color of the coffee can't be detected.
14:22How about the packaging
14:24of digital evidence at the end
14:26of the cocktail bar table?
14:28You're confusing it,
14:30even though it's wrapped by the Department of Health.
14:32You even destroy the information
14:34on how I can believe your statement,
14:38your post-truth statement.
14:40You've been a post-truth for a long time.
14:42You said that cyanide can kill
14:44all creatures on the beach,
14:46kill elephants.
14:48That's your statement on TV.
14:50You're used to lying,
14:54This time, you're caught red-handed.
14:56How can we believe
14:58your intelligent data statement
15:00is forbidden to be presented at the hearing
15:02and you use it to lobby the judge
15:04and the judge
15:08behind the door.
15:10That's not fair.
15:12You influence the judge
15:14and the judge with unverified evidence,
15:16not given,
15:18and the judge doesn't even know.
15:20There's no such thing as a fair trial.
15:22A fair trial
15:24is extraordinary,
15:26just like this.
15:28This one human being.
15:32Whatever the media says,
15:34the drama is that they're
15:38In the end, the police are always in a condition
15:40of being on the wrong side,
15:42according to the investigation.
15:44The police only collect facts,
15:46only the judge
15:48collects the facts
15:50on the trial process.
15:52If the police are on the ground.
15:54Where the facts
15:56are collected
15:58with various efforts.
16:00Please be informed.
16:02The efforts are extraordinary.
16:04Some ways of collecting facts make people uncomfortable.
16:06The problem is,
16:08the police are given a win.
16:10The problem is,
16:12you misuse the win.
16:14Krishnamurti, the collection of facts.
16:16If the facts
16:18are really collected,
16:20the facts must be authentic,
16:22not your imagination.
16:24This liar is extraordinary.
16:28This is what we offer,
16:30the collection of sins of Krishnamurti.
16:32This is in the
16:34decision-making document.
16:36This is in the decision-making document.
16:40The metadata is displayed
16:42by BAP Kristofer Hariman Rianto.
16:46For CH7-1557-1717.
16:48For CH7-1557-1717.
16:50That is channel 3.
16:52That is color.
16:54Frame rate.
16:56Frame per second is 25.
16:5825 frames per second.
17:00Smooth movement.
17:02Width of the video is 1920 pixels.
17:04Width of the video is 1920 pixels.
17:06The height is 1080.
17:08The length of the frame is
17:101920,950 frames.
17:12The length of the frame is 1920,950 frames.
17:14This is
17:16according to CH7-1557-1717.
17:18According to CH7-1557-1717.
17:201920 x 1080 pixels.
17:22But what happened?
17:24They deleted it.
17:26In CH7-1557-1717.
17:28At the time of analyzing the draft,
17:30it was deleted by
17:32Kristofer Hariman Rianto.
17:36The position of the draft that should have been taken
17:38was deleted from the table.
17:40The frame rate was reduced
17:42from 25 to 10.
17:44The movement of Mirna's hand
17:46should have been smooth.
17:48It should have been observed sharply.
17:50Instead, it was destroyed by Krishnamurti
17:54the manipulator.
17:56This is the
17:58deception of Krishnamurti.
18:02This is CH7-1557-1717.
18:04In CH7-1557-1717.
18:06Kristofer Hariman Rianto
18:08who was quoted in the draft
18:10in 1920.
18:12In CH7-1557-1717.
18:14All of Jessica's movements
18:16before Mirna Salim came,
18:18which was analyzed by
18:20Muhammad Noah Lazar in the presidential election,
18:22was a deception.
18:24All of those movements
18:26were definitely not in accordance with reality.
18:28If they were in accordance,
18:30they should not have been erased.
18:32Krishnamurti's explanation
18:34as if he was a good cop.
18:36He was a good cop,
18:38even though he was the worst cop
18:40in this republic.
18:44This is also
18:48deceptive scientific evidence.
18:50Camera 9
18:52was destroyed
18:54when comparing the color of coffee.
18:56When Agustriono
18:58was downscaled to CH9-6576.
19:00It was left as it was
19:02in 1920-1930.
19:04Of course,
19:06there was a difference in color
19:08because it was a fabrication.
19:10One was downscaled
19:12and the other was authentic.
19:14Of course, the change in intensity
19:16represented the color.
19:18It definitely changed
19:20because the integer values
19:22behind each pixel definitely changed.
19:24If the integer values
19:28the color would change
19:30because of the downscaling.
19:32That's Krishnamurti's
19:36Not to mention Camera 2.
19:38This is CH9-6576.
19:40It was supposed to be authentic in 1920-1930.
19:42This is the result of downscaling.
19:44This is the result of fabrication.
19:46Camera 3 was the same.
19:48Even in the visual evidence,
19:50in the trial, it was fabricated in 1718.
19:52The color was supposed to be
19:5438 bits per channel
19:56and the color space
19:58was up to 3 channels.
20:02This is it.
20:04Camera 2 was supposed to be
20:06well observed, but it was fabricated
20:08by Krishnamurti.
20:12they were not satisfied and fabricated.
20:14It was fabricated,
20:16whereas here, the color of the coffee
20:18and the volume of the coffee
20:20after being tasted by everyone
20:22can be analyzed by the edge detection.
20:24It can be easily fabricated
20:26and fabricated.
20:28The wrapping can also be seen.
20:30Whether it's 2 bottles, 1 glass, or 2 bottles,
20:32the resolution can be destroyed.
20:34Camera 2.
20:36Camera 3 also.
20:38The movement of myrna salin when it was brought
20:42Café Olivier
20:44with kursiroda can be observed
20:46by forensic experts.
20:48It was fabricated.
20:50It was fabricated,
20:52but it was also fabricated by Krishnamurti.
20:54This is the style of Krishnamurti and
20:56Tito Karnavian that is very destroyed.
20:58The most stupid mentality
21:00of the general trash of the society.
21:02This is also camera 15.
21:04It was not only fabricated,
21:06but it was fabricated.
21:08Whereas here,
21:10the color of the coffee,
21:12the color of the coffee,
21:14and the volume of the coffee can be detected,
21:16but it was destroyed.
21:18And here, the existence of
21:20a bed or a pool can be tracked,
21:22but it was destroyed by Krishnamurti.
21:24This is an amazing person.
21:26He is manipulative.
21:28He accused Jessica of being manipulative,
21:30even though he himself is the most manipulative.
21:32He is the best at lying.
21:34If your parents found out,
21:36they would be ashamed of you, Krishnamurti.
21:38You can hurt your parents.
21:40Not yet.
21:42This frame is missing.
21:4696,000 frames are missing.
21:48The preparation of the frame
21:50was only 2,707 frames
21:52that were found.
21:56even though the number of frames was 98,754,
21:5896,043 frames were lost
22:00or 64.2 minutes were erased,
22:02thrown away
22:06Not yet in camera 9,
22:08there are 100 frames missing.
22:10In camera 7, there are 50 frames
22:14It was thrown away in various ways.
22:16The downscaling,
22:18the resolution was destroyed,
22:20the frame rate was reduced
22:24from 25 to 10,
22:26and the frame rate was lost.
22:28What kind of scientific is this?
22:30How can we believe
22:32that young people have intelligent data
22:34about browsing history?
22:36This is the only clear evidence
22:38that you destroyed.
22:40The CCTV video.
22:42You are conspiring
22:44with the swindlers.
22:46You are conspiring
22:48with the swindlers.
22:50The contents of the folder changed.
22:52The contents of the CCTV folder changed.
22:54The number of folders changed.
22:56Sometimes 11, sometimes 13.
22:58The contents of the CCTV folder changed.
23:00Sometimes 2, sometimes 3.
23:02Where is the science?
23:04What do you, Krishnamurti, want to deny?
23:06Do you want to demand me
23:08to destroy all of this?
23:10If you can,
23:12demand me.
23:14Just wait later.
23:16I hope this will be viral again
23:18so that you will be imprisoned.
23:20Your fate is the same as Sambu.
23:22The manipulative accomplices.
23:24Killing people is manipulative.
23:26You are the manipulative one.
23:30Not to mention the accusation
23:32about the sudden leak
23:38already in the glass.
23:40It's not there.
23:42It was tracked from the 7th camera
23:44or other cameras.
23:46Suddenly, from
23:52Marron 670,
23:54immediately admitted
23:563 minutes 30 seconds
23:58the difference between 16-24-7-48
24:00is immediately in the glass.
24:02Jessica's hand movement was not tracked.
24:04So, in conclusion,
24:06you are the manipulative one, Krishnamurti.
24:08If there is indeed a sudden movement
24:10from above the table when it was sent
24:12by Agustriono,
24:14then when it was seen by Marron 670,
24:163 minutes 30 seconds
24:18the difference between their arrival,
24:20where is the proof?
24:22Just Marron 670's confession,
24:24you asked him to deceive Marron 670,
24:26you asked him to deceive Marron 670
24:28and Hane as well.
24:30If he doesn't deceive, you track
24:32that hand movement.
24:34Your deception is amazing.
24:40Not yet.
24:42How to count backwards?
24:44Count backwards
24:46from January 10
24:48when the estimation of Rangsubandi's arrival
24:50was destroyed.
24:52January 10, 2016,
24:5410.30 am,
24:56reduced to 90 hours,
24:589 minutes 36 seconds.
25:00Where is that 16.30?
25:0416.39 minutes
25:06and 36 seconds.
25:08Counting backwards
25:10from January 10, 2016,
25:1210.30 am,
25:14reduced to 90 hours,
25:169 minutes 36 seconds.
25:18Where is this from? This is a manual calculation.
25:266 January 2016,
25:28that's the manipulation,
25:30to match with
25:32the official manual
25:34made by Mahmoud Mahmoud Al-Azhar.
25:36What kind of general is that?
25:38A garbage general.
25:40Counting backwards.
25:42You're proud of Rangsubandi's
25:44manual counting backwards.
25:46That's wrong.
25:4816.20, 20.24, Jessica is in Kasir.
25:50It's messed up.
25:54That's it.
25:56They only use Excel.
25:58The toxicology laboratory
26:00uses an office application.
26:02They say,
26:04there must be some problem.
26:06What kind of scientific
26:08office application is this?
26:10It should use software.
26:12Or make it yourself. I can make it myself.
26:16a prediction of the time.
26:206 January,
26:2216.20, 10 am.
26:24The manual calculation is based on
26:26the estimation using Excel.
26:2816.20, 20.24.
26:30That's it.
26:32Quadratic equation is being used.
26:34Oh no.
26:36Grandmothers usually laugh
26:38about that.
26:40Quadratic equation.
26:42The ball is open.
26:44This is an amazing deception.
26:50That's it.
26:52The deception of Krishnamurti.
26:54Garbage general.
26:56His brain was turned upside down.
26:58CCTV footage.
27:00And he's still deceiving.
27:02Not only in the 2016 election,
27:04when he was invited by the Supreme Court
27:06to give material
27:08to high-ranking judges.
27:10He's still deceiving.
27:12The footage.
27:14Post-truth says there's
27:16intelligent data
27:20in the Australian court
27:22to be presented.
27:24What's the reason?
27:26That's material evidence.
27:28Why do you use it
27:30to deceive from behind?
27:32That's not fair.
27:34You approach judges
27:36and judges with evidence
27:38that is not presented in the court.
27:40That's amazing.
27:42Your deception should be supported.
27:44You influence judges
27:46from behind.
27:48You influence
27:50Bin Sargultum, Tulusutapaya party,
27:52and the deceiving judges
27:56unverified evidence
27:58that is not presented in the court.
28:00That's deceiving.
28:02How can we believe
28:04what you say
28:06when the CCTV footage
28:08is clear.
28:12You're garbage.
28:14I hope this case will be viral again.
28:16The netizens will be shocked
28:18if it's published.
28:20So that there will be no more
28:22generals playing with digital evidence.
28:24That's enough for Jessica
28:26to experience
28:28in this republic.
28:30Because our country is a country of law,
28:32not the country of Tito Carnavian
28:34and Krishnamurti.
28:36Who are their ancestors?
28:38We don't know who they are.
28:40Okay viewers,
28:42see you in
28:44our next video.
