• last year
During his acceptance speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention, former President Donald Trump bragged about Viktor Orbán's respect for him.

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00:00And you saw this hungry, strong country run by very powerful, tough leaders, tough guy.
00:09Press doesn't like him because he's tough.
00:12And he came out recently.
00:14They were asking him at an interview.
00:16The whole world is exploding.
00:18What's happening?
00:19What's going on?
00:20Victor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, very tough man, he said, I don't want people
00:28coming into my country and blowing up our shopping centers and killing people.
00:33But they said to him, tell us what's going wrong.
00:35What's happening?
00:36What is it?
00:37He said, there's only one way you're going to solve it.
00:40You got to bring President Trump back to the United States because he kept everybody at
00:48He used a word I wouldn't use because I can't use that word because you'd say it was braggadocious.
00:57The press would say he was a braggart.
00:58I'm not a braggart.
01:00But Victor Orban said it.
01:02He said Russia was afraid of him.
01:05China was afraid of him.
01:07Everybody was afraid of him.
01:09Nothing was going to happen.
01:11The whole world was at peace.
01:13And now the world is blowing up around us.
01:17All of these things that you read about were not going to happen.
01:22Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia.
01:27Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea.
01:32Under the current administration, Russia is after all of Ukraine.
01:38Under President Trump, Russia took nothing.
