Charlies Angels - The Mexican Connection S1EP2

  • 3 months ago


00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls
00:03who went to the police academy.
00:16And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:21But I took them away from all that,
00:23and now they work for me.
00:25My name is Charlie.
01:26Angels, this Mexican-registered charter plane
01:29went down in United States territory
01:31carrying a fortune in heroin.
01:33The pilot was shot by a hijacker who was after the heroin.
01:36He subdued the hijacker
01:38and was almost able to manage a safe crash landing.
01:41Is the pilot still alive, Charlie?
01:43Broken leg and hip, but he'll be all right.
01:45His name is Dan Mason, Angels, and he's our client.
01:49Dan is the one on the right,
01:51and that is his buddy Jim Taylor.
01:53Remember Jim Taylor's face. You'll be seeing him.
01:56Mmm, I can hardly wait.
01:58Sorry, Jill.
02:00Dan's arranged for Taylor to work with us,
02:02but Sabrina will be Taylor's only contact
02:04as a stewardess on his flights.
02:06Her knowledge of Spanish is a must for the job.
02:08Well, how hard is it to say, si, senor?
02:11What does Dan Mason want us to do, Charlie?
02:14Crack the smuggling ring that stashed the heroin on his flight.
02:18Dan says to Laurie was the stewardess on the plane.
02:21There were 2 kilograms of heroin taped to a body
02:24and 20 kilos stowed in the fuselage.
02:26It was a real shock to Dan to find out that Laurie was a addict.
02:30Any prime suspects, Charlie?
02:32One big one, the owner of the charter airline
02:34Dan and Taylor fly for,
02:36Frank Bartone.
02:38Bartone is a highly respected citizen of Mazatlan,
02:41but Mexican authorities think he could be
02:43one of the heaviest producers of illicit drugs.
02:46Word is that lately Bartone has been pressed by a new rival,
02:49a man known only as Escobar.
02:51So far there is no case against Bartone.
02:54And with his influence and wealth,
02:56it's almost impossible for the Mexican police
02:58to penetrate his organization.
03:00And that's where we come in, Charlie?
03:02Where policemen fear to tread?
03:04I'm afraid so, angels.
03:06This is Bartone's daughter, Maria.
03:09She's into swimming, and Bartone will turn to anybody
03:13who can help her become a champion.
03:15How's your breaststroke, Jill?
03:17Oh, I thought you'd never ask, Charlie.
03:19Just swim in that water, Jill. Don't drink it.
03:22Bosley has your assignment packet,
03:24so bueno viaje, angels.
03:26Any chance we might see you down south, Charlie?
03:29I'm afraid I'm, um, I'm snowed in here at Aspen, angels.
03:33But it's not all bad.
03:35My suite offers a magnificent view
03:37of the local natural formations.
03:40And it's uncanny how they bring to mind
03:43the majestic slopes of Switzerland.
04:04Good morning, Jim.
04:12Brought Dan pretty.
04:14Dan's always had great taste in women,
04:16but female detective, that's a new twist.
04:18I hope you know your business.
04:20Well, thanks very much for the vote of confidence, Jim.
04:23Sorry, but I have been thinking about what happened to Dan
04:26and the question you've been asking me before.
04:30My hunch is that the heroin found on Dan's flight
04:32was not smuggled.
04:34Frank Bartone?
04:36I think Bartone's been shipping it himself.
04:38Wouldn't that be pretty dangerous on his own airline?
04:40Not really. You see, Bartone has each pilot
04:43sign an independent charter agreement before every flight.
04:46So that legally you're renting the plane
04:48every time you fly for it?
04:50That's right. So when Dan went down,
04:52Bartone was clean.
04:54Dan was responsible for the aircraft and everything on board.
04:58Including his sister.
05:02Poor Laurie.
05:04Dan and I got her the stewardess job on the airline
05:06I guess about eight months ago.
05:08It wasn't too long before she was a steady at Bartone's mansion.
05:11And that's where she got hooked on smack.
05:16How do I qualify as a stewardess?
05:18Oh, that's easy.
05:22You've got all the qualifications that Bartone cares about.
05:26But just to avoid questions,
05:28we'll make it like we've got something going together.
05:30It should be easy.
05:32That's Wendy Green.
05:34She'll be your co-stewardess on the flight.
05:38Might as well start playing our parts, huh?
05:52Okay, I think you made your point.
05:54She tracks us like a radar screen.
05:56Good. She'll spread the word faster than Western Union.
05:59Come on, I'll show you around.
06:25Any more from the man you caught last night?
06:29Just what I reported this morning.
06:31He definitely works for Escobar.
06:33The boys are still working on him.
06:37Who's that?
06:48Uh, Nick, don't forget that phone call.
06:51Yeah, let's go, girls.
06:55Welcome to Mazatlan.
06:59Common tourist type.
07:01A schoolteacher on holiday.
07:03Oh, what kind of teacher?
07:05Barclay School for Girls in Los Angeles.
07:07Oh, a school for young ladies.
07:09This is very good.
07:11Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Frank Bartone.
07:13Kelly Garrett.
07:15Nice meeting you.
07:17And I promise to protect you from the evils of Mazatlan
07:20if I can engage you as my own private teacher.
07:23I've read about you, Mr. Bartone,
07:25and I don't think you need a teacher for anything.
07:28Oh, propaganda, Kelly, just propaganda.
07:31Actually, I'm a very gentle man.
07:33But I insist you join me for lunch.
07:37Yes? Come.
07:43Speak of the devil.
07:45Here comes one of your fellow countrymen to vouch for me.
07:48Flight control said you wanted to see me
07:50as soon as we touched down, Mr. Bartone.
07:52Maria, just in time to give me a character retro.
07:55Whatever you've heard, believe it,
07:57Santa Maria, I've been told.
07:59I'm Jim Taylor. This is Sabrina Duncan.
08:01How do you do?
08:03Hello, how are you?
08:05Fine, thank you. Kelly Garrett.
08:07Hi. Hi.
08:09Kelly, would you like to pour Miss Duncan a glass of champagne?
08:12And ladies, please excuse her. We'll be right back.
08:15Of course.
08:17Champagne? Yes.
08:19There you go.
08:21Well, I knew you were fast, kiddo,
08:24but moving in as hostess for the big man on the first day
08:27has got to be a record.
08:29Must be my bikini. This style's called bottoms-up.
08:32More than one Charlie giving you to propose by now.
08:35Every time I wear it, I get proposals, but not a marriage.
08:38What's with Jill?
08:40She made an overnight splash for the local swimming bus.
08:43She should be here.
08:45She's gonna swim a private exhibition race
08:47with a swimmer who's been coaching Bartone's daughter.
08:50How'd you do with your fly boy?
08:52I don't know.
08:55There's something not quite right.
08:58The vibes just aren't right.
09:00I like him.
09:02I really don't know.
09:04We are convinced that this man who calls himself Escobar
09:07is responsible for the crash,
09:09and I promise you he will pay for it.
09:12Fine, but first you've got to find him. Any new leads?
09:15Yeah, we picked up one of his men last night.
09:18Did he talk?
09:20He admitted Escobar planted the hijacker on my plane.
09:23Did he?
09:28I run a very honest airline.
09:30No dope, no smuggling. I want you to know that.
09:33Sure, Mr. Bartone, whatever you say.
09:35That's right, whatever I say.
09:40The new stewardess, where did you find her?
09:43Coast Airlines, San Francisco.
09:46She was fine on the trial trip. I'd like to keep her.
09:49I don't blame you.
10:01Miss Duncan, the captain wishes you to stay on permanently.
10:05Would you like that?
10:07Very much.
10:09In spite of the terrible accident we had recently?
10:11Well, Mr. Bartone, I'm a fatalist.
10:13I've always believed when it's time to go, it's time to go.
10:16Isn't that funny? I feel exactly the same way.
10:20Hello, Maria.
10:22How are you? Join us. Sit down.
10:24This is my daughter Maria, Sabrina, Kelly.
10:29The Red and the Americans are ready for the race, Mr. Bartone.
10:31100 meters.
10:33I told them you put up a $1,000 purse. Winner take all.
10:38Who are they, Mr. Bartone?
10:40One is Maria's coach.
10:42That white cap is an American girl, Jill Monroe.
10:45She was a ranking swimmer in college.
10:49Loretta says she was known for her finishing kick.
10:51That is what you must learn, Maria, to finish off your opponent.
10:55A real champion must have the killer instinct.
10:58I try, Papa.
11:00Try harder, my love.
11:03Ready, girls?
11:05Get set.
11:12Go, go, go!
11:42Go, go, go!
12:06Fantastic time.
12:08I think my Maria just got a new coach.
12:10I want to go to the congratulator. Excuse me a second.
12:17Bad news.
12:19Escobar's man?
12:21The boys tried too hard. He's dead.
12:23Stupid! Just stupid!
12:30Dump the body where it's easy to find.
12:32Whomever Escobar is, I want him to get the message right, loud and clear.
12:37Another thing.
12:39Get on the phone to Los Angeles and San Francisco.
12:41Check out Kelly Garrett at Buckley School
12:44and Sabrina Duncan at Coast Airlines.
12:46Do it right now.
13:03Towns and Investigations. Bosley speaking.
13:05Mr. Bosley, this is Julia Barclay of Barclay School for Girls.
13:10I've received a telephone inquiry from Mexico
13:13in reference to the employment of a Miss Kelly Garrett.
13:16The caller refused to identify himself.
13:19Appalling manners.
13:21But I nonetheless responded to his questions,
13:23precisely as Charlie requested.
13:25Thank you, Miss Barclay.
13:27I want you to know that Charlie's annual donation to the library fund is on its way.
13:31Splendid, Mr. Bosley.
13:33I don't know what we'd do without Charlie's continued generosity.
13:37It's from the heart, Miss Barclay.
13:39Charlie feels that all girls should be well-rounded.
13:47Hello, operator.
13:49I'd like to place a person-to-person call to Mazatlan, Mexico.
13:57Well, goodbye, Mr. Barton. Thanks very much for the job.
14:00Sabrina, if we're going to make that flight, we'd better check into operations.
14:03You've got a very interesting woman here, Jim.
14:06I want to know more about her.
14:08Bring her tomorrow night to the park.
14:10Why, how nice.
14:13Come on.
14:19You've got your invitation to the mansion.
14:21Now, why don't you get a chill and give me a chance?
14:23Because I'm hungry.
14:24Will you get out of here?
14:27Excuse me.
14:28I think I'll go take a hot shower.
14:30You know, my goosebumps are so big, I can't tell which one's the real me.
14:34Ciao, Mr. Barton.
14:35My car will call for you at five, Miss Barclay.
14:37Oh, thank you.
14:41I hope you're not going to desert me, too, Kelly.
14:45Looks like you'll have plenty of company with your new houseguest,
14:49if you ever get a drive.
14:51I was planning to extend the same invitation to you.
14:54Ah, no.
14:55I'm afraid I can't accept.
14:57After all, we've only known each other a few hours.
15:02The eternal cry of the American female.
15:06All right.
15:07If you won't stay at the house,
15:09at least let me have your things moved to my private suite here at the hotel.
15:13Sorry, Mr. Barton.
15:15I've kind of gotten used to my own little room.
15:18I'm sure it's very charming.
15:20I'm sure it's very charming.
15:23Perhaps you'll invite me to visit.
15:29I'm sorry, Kelly, but I have to go.
15:31I want you to promise to come to my party tomorrow night.
15:33Okay, I'll be there.
15:35You and I have some unfinished business.
15:38I hate unfinished business.
15:47I called the airline and the Barclay school.
15:49Both girls are for real.
15:51Kelly Garrett intrigues me.
15:54But still worries me.
15:55There is something too smooth, too sure.
15:58I don't know.
15:59Boy, that new stewardess is sure a knockout, huh?
16:02Boy, it's going to be a pleasure to fly with Taylor now.
16:05Yeah, Laurie was starting to look like a junkie.
16:08It was fortunate she was killed in the plane crash.
16:11She was mainlining it, beginning to talk too much.
16:14Hey, what about the Kuliakhan lab?
16:16You promised Steiner he could close it down for a month after tonight's shipment.
16:20He wants to visit his wife in the States.
16:22No, not until we replace the 22 kilos we lost in the crash.
16:26If we don't supply our distributors, this Escobar will.
16:29Well, can't our other lab help out?
16:31Better be some production schedule.
16:33You lean on Steiner as hard as you have to.
16:36And be extra careful tonight.
16:38Escobar is more dangerous than the police.
16:40Okay, I should be back here between 2 and 3 a.m. with the stuff.
16:43Oh, and tonight is the last time we use my house.
16:46Why, you think the cops are getting close?
16:48Colonel Morales is not a stupid man.
16:50But more important, Maria is growing up and getting very inquisitive.
16:54The new shipment will be much safer.
16:56I just bought a small building in the name of a dead man.
16:59If the police ever knock it over, the trail ends on the spot.
17:05Hey, talking about beauty,
17:06don't forget to pick up Maria's new instructor at the hotel at 5.
17:09Yeah, maybe I'll show up early and teach Miss Monroe a few new strokes.
17:14Who is it?
17:40Just a little old Texas schoolboy.
17:43I think I'm getting to Bartone by playing goody-two-shoes.
17:46He insists I make the scene at his bash tomorrow night.
17:49Oh, good. He's sending a car for me in about an hour.
17:51I hope he likes nosy houseguests.
17:53Don't push your luck, Jill.
17:55Just try and pinpoint places he might possibly hide records of his operation.
17:59Okay. Hey, do you know if Sabrina managed to sign on to move her tail from Bartone's airline?
18:04She did. But the way he looked her over, I think he probably didn't want her to go.
18:10Nick Doyle. Mr. Bartone sent me.
18:12Um... I'm not ready yet.
18:15Yeah, I know. I got a message for you from Mr. Bartone.
18:23Just a minute.
18:27I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet.
18:29I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet.
18:31I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet.
18:34I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
18:36I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
18:38I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
18:40I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
18:42I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
18:51I don't know if you noticed, but I'm in my towel.
18:54I'm not a host discount. What do you want?
18:56Hey, relax.
18:57Listen, we got over an hour. I thought we might get to know each other.
19:01Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but I'm not selling what you're buying.
19:05He's a very Mexican gentleman, and, uh, old-fashioned.
19:08You know, duels and that sort of thing.
19:12Yeah, okay, I'll, uh... I'll catch you later.
19:16Sure you will, Mr. Doyle.
19:22You do lead an exciting life, Jill.
19:25Where would I have been without you?
19:26Up to your peaches, baby.
19:28Oh, I know. He's waiting in the lobby for me now.
19:31I have to go get in the car with him.
19:33I wonder what it's gonna be like getting out of a car going 40 miles an hour.
19:36Count your blessings.
19:37Sabrina's entertaining him tonight at 10,000 feet.
19:40Oh, no. See you later.
20:03Okay, now forget the normal turnaround.
20:22We'll return to Mazatlan as soon as I get back.
20:25And keep your eyes open.
20:27I don't want any of Escobar's boys along as surprise passengers.
20:31Sounds like Escobar's really got Dora worried.
20:34Yeah, and Bartone, too.
20:36Car's in the parking lot.
20:38Let's go. I'm gonna keep going in my back pocket all the way.
21:00I haven't seen my wife in two months, Doyle.
21:25Yeah, well, if you don't hang in here and crank out another 25 kilos,
21:28you won't ever see her.
21:31I don't like to be threatened.
21:33For a guy with a Ph.D., Steiner, you're pretty stupid.
21:36Now get the case packed so I can get out of here.
22:07Come on. We'd better get back to the field.
22:09They'll be waiting for us.
22:10Not until I see what's inside this building.
22:12But we can't pick this lock. It's an inside deadbolt.
22:15Well, here goes nothing.
22:17What are you gonna do?
22:18Like the man said, when in doubt, attack.
22:21Oh, what does he want now?
22:24You can't...
22:25Go over there and get down.
22:27You crazy...
22:28What did you forget?
22:31I don't speak Spanish.
22:33Oh, neither do I. At least not very well.
22:36Listen, I hate to bother you, but my boyfriend and I were on the way to the airport,
22:39and we had a fight, and he dropped me off,
22:41and I wondered if I could use your phone to call a cab, please.
22:44Of course.
22:45I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
23:00Of course, please come in.
23:02The phone is over there.
23:10Where did you say the phone is?
23:13Over here.
23:14Now, what's your name?
23:31Uh, Phibbersmith, Angela Phibbersmith.
23:34And you're a stewardess, huh?
23:36Yeah, that's right.
23:37And you're flying tonight.
23:38Yeah, and I'm gonna be late if I don't get going.
23:41All right, I'll drive you to the airport.
23:44I'm sure Mr. Doyle would like to talk to you.
23:47Oh, that's OK with me, but listen,
23:48if this is your idea of Mexican hospitality,
23:50you're going to lose a lot of tourists.
23:52If you please, my car is outside.
23:55You're making a big mistake.
23:56I just want to get to the airport.
23:58That's exactly where you're going.
24:10This way.
24:13Hold it.
24:24What's going on?
24:25A heroin lab, but I don't think this
24:26is the time to talk about it.
24:28He's going to call Bartone the minute he comes to.
24:30No way.
24:31They'd never give him a telephone contact.
24:32OK, we're late.
24:33What are we going to tell Doyle?
24:34We'll tell him we stopped at a motel.
24:35He'll understand that.
24:39How was I?
24:41Terrific, terrific.
25:12Listen, you have to be careful, or you're going to get
25:13into more trouble.
25:16OK, I'll be careful.
25:19You have to.
25:22Don't you?
25:23Don't touch me.
25:24Don't touch me.
25:26I got it now.
25:27No way, no way.
25:29I don't think you should touch me.
25:30Please, I'm not hurting you.
25:33Come on.
25:34Come on.
25:35Don't touch me!
25:36Don't touch me!
25:37Oh, you're hurting me.
25:38Oh, come on, don't touch me.
25:40But you're hurting me.
25:42That's it, are you all right?
25:43I'm just worried about my father.
25:45People are saying such terrible things about him,
25:47and there are secrets in this house, things I want to know.
26:24He took the key to the wine cellar.
26:26That's what I came here to get.
26:28Jill, I'm afraid there's more down there than wine.
26:31Otherwise, why would he keep the key locked away?
26:34I don't know, but the wine cellar can wait till tomorrow.
26:37Come on, let's call it a night.
26:39Jill, I'm so afraid.
26:41Will you be my friend?
26:42Oh, Marie, I am your friend.
26:44Come on, it's okay.
26:45Watch your step.
26:471957 was a very good year.
26:52Yeah, $1 million a bottle.
26:55Diverting the shipment to Chicago to replace what we've lost
26:58in the crash will take some of the heat off,
27:01but not for long.
27:03The Los Angeles outlets are already pushing
27:06for early delivery of their orders,
27:08and we haven't got it.
27:10Yeah, that could open the door for Escobar in L.A.
27:13We can't produce any faster than we are now.
27:16We've been forced to harvest the poppy as early as it is.
27:20The new fields have just been planted.
27:23We must get Escobar.
27:25He can ruin everything.
27:48Uh, Marie, you want to talk about last night?
27:51I don't know where to start.
27:54I love my father.
27:55He gives me everything.
27:57I know a very hard man.
27:59He divorced my mom when I was about 5.
28:02She gave up her rights to me
28:04just so that I could have the things that he could offer.
28:07I only get to see her maybe 2 or 3 times a year.
28:10You miss her?
28:12Very much.
28:13You know, finding out the truth could hurt you both.
28:16A lot.
28:17I can't help it.
28:18I have to know.
28:20Well, I better get it in gear.
28:22I'll never make the party tonight.
28:24Jill, thanks for everything.
28:26You're an angel.
28:27Yeah, that's what they tell me.
28:44Colonel Morales commands the narcotics division of the state police.
28:48His helicopter teams have already destroyed
28:51hundreds of poppy and marijuana fields.
28:54Unfortunately, it's an endless task
28:56and seemingly hopeless.
28:58Allow me to buy you a drink, ladies, if you will permit me.
29:01As long as you don't disappear forever.
29:04With such beauty awaiting my return, how could I?
29:07Excuse us.
29:08We'll be soon.
29:12We've got to talk.
29:14Bosley Hall.
29:15There's a balcony off the ballroom.
29:17Let's go back there.
29:25We've got to go to work.
29:27Can you cover for me?
29:29Baton serves a lot of San Leoni wine.
29:31Don't forget, you're looking specifically for Burgundy.
29:34Vintage 1957.
29:49Right on schedule, stewardess Duncan.
29:51Only way to fly.
29:52Tacky, Sabrina.
29:53Very tacky.
29:54Thank you.
29:55What did Bosley say?
29:56Charlie's been trying to get a line
29:58on the mysterious Senior Escobar, but so far nothing.
30:00He has a theory, though.
30:01He thinks Escobar is a little operator
30:03trying to crash the big time.
30:05He figures the attempted hijack had a double purpose.
30:07To leave Barton's U.S. connections high and dry
30:10and to move in on them with Barton's own heroin.
30:12So the ultimate bust of Barton
30:14would be across the border in the United States?
30:16With heroin in his possession.
30:18Well, Bosley thinks there's as much a chance
30:20of luring Barton across the border
30:22as there is of Charlie joining the game then.
30:24I don't buy that.
30:26I think Barton can be had if we come up with the right bait.
30:29Well, in the meantime, we have zilch evidence.
30:32Okay, so what we have to come up with
30:34is 12 bottles of wine that Doyle delivered here last night.
30:37Now, they're court-sealed and labeled
30:39San Leoni Vineyards, Burgundy, vintage 1957.
30:42But I don't even like wine.
30:44You'll like these bottles.
30:45They're filled with heroin crystals.
30:47Where do we start looking?
30:49Oh, in the wine cellar.
30:51I mean, isn't that where you keep wine?
30:53It may be locked, but I know where the key is.
30:55You do get around, Jill.
30:57Okay, I'll go with Jill. I know what we're looking for.
30:59Now, you, uh, keep Barton off our backs, okay?
31:02It's not your backs he's after.
31:50Well, now we know where to come in case of an air raid.
31:53I'll drink to that.
31:55Kelly's right. You are tacky tonight.
32:27Excuse me, please.
32:32Sorry, but I have to go to the wine cellar.
32:34I was hoping you'd consider attending to something more pressing,
32:37like you and I on the dance floor.
32:39It is very difficult to refuse an invitation like that,
32:41but I must for the moment.
32:43However, I shall be back in a minute.
32:45Colonel Morales,
32:47would you be so kind to dance with this lovely lady?
32:49Delight. Shall we?
33:10All right.
33:12Good. Jackpot.
33:14Right. Let's see if all 12 are here.
33:16Hang on to that.
33:20Oh, I'm sorry. The key.
33:22What are we gonna do?
33:24Well, we're gonna clean it up.
33:32Find Doyle. Send him to the wine cellar.
33:34Ahora. Enseguida.
33:36Si, senor.
33:41Oh, boy.
33:43I'll try to find something to put it in.
33:45Let's go.
34:11Looking for the swimming pool, Miss Monroe?
34:15Only one minute before Mr. Doyle
34:17puts a bullet into that pretty head of yours.
34:19She must be a cop.
34:25I work for Escobar.
34:27Oh, you almost ran into him yesterday
34:29when you forced yourself into my hotel room.
34:31How interesting.
34:37And where would I find your employer, Miss Monroe?
34:41You see, it's a matter of, uh,
34:43life or death.
34:49He'll be in Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon
34:51for a meeting with your heaviest connections.
34:53That's a lie.
34:55Only an idiot would cross the border.
34:57Did he tell you their names?
34:59No. Just that he was meeting them
35:01because they said you couldn't supply them anymore.
35:03And they'll believe him.
35:05Since the crash, everyone believes.
35:07Where's the meeting?
35:09I told you. Los Angeles.
35:11Where in Los Angeles?
35:13Oh, gee, isn't that funny?
35:15I just plumb forgot.
35:17Don't get cute.
35:19I'm not playing games, Miss Monroe.
35:21Neither am I, Mr. Bartone.
35:23All I want is a little running money,
35:25like 50,000.
35:27Let's waste her.
35:29Send her back to Escobar like we did the last one.
35:31And lose your chance to find Escobar?
35:33Oh, I think Mr. Bartone
35:35is much too smart for that.
35:37All right.
35:39I'll give you the 50,000.
35:41Now, where's the rendezvous?
35:43In the L.A. marina, on a boat.
35:45I take you there.
35:47You pay me off. I split.
35:49I'll tell you where the boat is
35:51after I get my money.
35:53How do we know her whole story isn't a fairy tale?
35:55I can prove it.
35:57You can keep me covered the whole way,
35:59but you have to let me turn some heroin over
36:01to my partner at 6 in the morning
36:03at the hotel swimming pool.
36:05I mean, that was the plan.
36:07And if it isn't delivered?
36:09Well, then Escobar will know something went wrong.
36:11He'll cancel the whole show.
36:13I don't like it.
36:15No, no, no, no, no.
36:17It's a good test.
36:19We either find out her story's true
36:21or we kill her.
36:23Right, Miss Monroe?
36:25Right, Mr. Bartone.
36:27If it is true,
36:29we'll fly to Los Angeles.
36:31We'll take two bottles with us.
36:33It's proof that we can't supply.
36:35Why don't you let me handle it?
36:37It's too dangerous for you to cross the border.
36:39No, I want them all to know that I'm still the man,
36:41and I want to see Escobar's face
36:43for the first and last time.
36:45Your friend doesn't show at 6 on the button,
36:47and I use your head for target practice.
36:49I said 6 sharp.
36:51I'm going back to the party.
36:53Get some heroin
36:55and put it in a bottle for her.
36:57And stay with her
36:59until you take her back to the hotel.
37:03Better settle down.
37:05We got a nice, long wait.
37:07Oh, that depends on how we spend it.
37:09I mean, it's not the plaza,
37:11but I hear they have
37:13a terrific wine list.
37:29Now that's more like it.
37:51We found the heroin, but Jill got caught.
37:53Doyle's got her downstairs in the wine cellar.
37:57She did some fast-talking, but if we don't move fast, she's dead.
37:59Excuse me, Colonel. Señorita.
38:01Oh, yes.
38:03Tell her.
38:05I think you better call it a night.
38:07I beg your pardon?
38:09I want you to handle a very special flight tomorrow early.
38:11Sure. Where to?
38:13Los Angeles.
38:15A normal passenger flight with one exception, me.
38:19What did you do in the wine cellar?
38:21Crush the grapes?
38:23Kelly, where's Sabrina? We have to cut.
38:25Colonel Morales has her in custody on the dance floor.
38:27Now, keep smiling, Colonel, all right?
38:29I'm a private investigator from Los Angeles,
38:31and I'd like to make you a proposition.
38:33Oh? Yes.
38:35Agui, pass that right for you, señor.
38:37A gift for me? Bring it in.
38:45Oh, beautiful box.
38:47A big one, huh? Yeah.
38:51Open it. Open it.
38:57Colonel Morales.
39:05An eye for an eye.
39:07Call the local police.
39:09Touch nothing.
39:11I will have to ask you many questions, señor.
39:13Delighted, Colonel, as soon as my guests have gone.
39:15Damas y caballeros, amigos,
39:17I suggest we call it a night. Muy buenas noches.
39:27That's our friend from the heroin lab.
39:29All the way from Culiacan.
39:31We don't have to worry about finding Escobar.
39:33He's finding us.
39:57¶¶ ¶¶
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40:33Miss Monroe? Yes.
40:35You have something for me?
40:37Oh, you bet your burrito.
40:39Uh, Escobar.
40:41I am to tell you...
40:45Uh, I am to say...
40:47Oh, shoot, I forgot.
40:49Oh, no. Shh.
40:53A boat!
40:55She on boat...
40:59Oh, I love you.
41:01Thank you very much.
41:03Thank you.
41:07¶¶ ¶¶
41:19Ah, thank you.
41:21You were great.
41:23I don't understand.
41:25I say Suizo. I get wine.
41:27You pay me for wine?
41:29That's how Henry Kissinger does it.
41:31¶¶ ¶¶
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42:15This is it, Jim.
42:17It's a one-way trip for Bartell.
42:19Come on, I don't want to miss the finale.
42:50Well, where's the boat?
42:52Well, before we go any further, I want my money.
42:55Where is the boat, Miss Monroe?
42:58Unless you want to die right here.
43:01Well, it's Sweet Sue, Slip 22.
43:04It's kind of catchy, huh?
43:06I don't know.
43:08I don't know.
43:10I don't know.
43:12I don't know.
43:14I don't know.
43:16I don't know.
43:18It's kind of catchy, huh?
43:20Let's go.
43:48I don't know.
44:08I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long, Señor Escobar.
44:12The name is Bosley, Mr. Bartone,
44:15and I suggest that you put your weapons down.
44:17This entire area is surrounded by drug enforcement agents
44:19that have waited years for this moment.
44:21So put them down, right now.
44:29Right, hold it.
44:32Hold it!
44:51Come on, let's get him.
44:56Come on, let's get him.
44:57Come on!
45:07Hold it right there.
45:18Well, at least it was a beautiful boat.
45:21Yeah, it's great.
45:22But next time you borrow it, boss,
45:24why don't you make it a cocktail cruise?
45:26What I want to know is, where's Sabrina?
45:48Everybody all right?
45:50Everything is under control, Sabrina.
45:52A piece of executive organization
45:54that Charlie would be proud of.
45:56Which reminds me, I've got a call.
45:58You mean you three are a team?
46:00Just like the Supremes.
46:02You really fooled me.
46:04Me too.
46:08Well, I guess everybody got fooled on this one, didn't they?
46:13Including Escobar.
46:15Where does he come into this?
46:17Right here, I think.
46:18Doesn't he, Jim?
46:20What are you talking about?
46:22Come on, Jim, it's over.
46:24You are Escobar, aren't you?
46:26Oh, come on, you don't mean that.
46:28Oh, yes, I do.
46:30I wish I didn't.
46:33You nearly had me fooled.
46:35And then it hit me this morning,
46:37the night of the party, when I was looking for the wine.
46:40You reminded me to look for bottles marked vintage 1957.
46:44But you couldn't have known that.
46:47You didn't go in the lab that night.
46:48You never saw the bottles.
46:50And then, when the lab operator's body
46:52was delivered to Bartone,
46:54then I understood.
46:56You'd flown back the next morning and killed him,
46:58and that's when you read the wine labels.
47:05I'm really sorry you found out.
47:07So am I.
47:09And I'm sorry for Dan and for his sister, Lori.
47:13I'm sure they trusted you, too.
47:17No, no, don't.
47:19Okay, don't get nervous.
47:21Dump it into the water.
47:25You give her the bag.
47:27Give it to her!
47:31Now, I don't want to hurt you,
47:33so don't make any strange moves.
47:39Yeah, just a minute.
47:41Hey, Sabrina!
47:49Kelly, come here!
47:51Come on!
48:03Now that's a surprise catch!
48:17Charlie, how did you manage
48:19to ski into a tree?
48:21It was a matter of chivalry, Angel.
48:23Any woman who expends the effort
48:25to wriggle into a pair of pants that tight
48:27deserves the full attention
48:29of every red-blooded male on the slopes.
48:31Oh, let us know if anybody writes
48:33anything juicy on your cast, Charlie.
48:35Charlie, what's the prognosis
48:37for Dan Mason's recovery?
48:41If he wants it bad enough,
48:43he may even fly.
48:46Have formal charges been filed
48:48against Frank Bartone?
48:50In spades, Bosley.
48:52The word is Bartone couldn't even win
48:54a leniency appeal from a lady judge
48:56in an all-woman jury.
48:58Don't count on it.
49:00Oh, is there any news on Maria, Charlie?
49:02I spoke with Colonel Morales yesterday, Jill.
49:04He's personally arranged for Maria
49:06to be reunited with her mother.
49:08She's very happy.
49:10Oh, that's terrific.
49:12How much longer will you be in traction?
49:15I don't know what it is
49:17at the outside, Angel,
49:19but I have a private room
49:21boasting the most exotic equipment
49:23in physical therapy techniques.
49:25And I make it a point to tackle it
49:27whenever I can rise to the occasion.
49:29As a matter of fact,
49:31I'm getting the urge right now.
49:33Oh, Charlie.