• 3 months ago
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Denpō o okutte kudasai. Mitai anime ya bideo ga areba,@ RN 241517 keiyu de renraku dekimasu.


Anime Fan
00:00Sailing have already become dangerous because by now it was after the day of atonement.
00:06Now, there are two phrases that we needed to understand in this verse.
00:09The first one is much time had been lost.
00:12In shipping industry, time has always been very, very critical.
00:17Even a slight delay of the ship to its destination will already cost you a huge amount of financial losses.
00:25So we can say that the ship owner in this story was already in immense pressure and feeling the urgency to expedite their voyage.
00:33Second is after the day of atonement.
00:35This phrase simply means beginning of winter.
00:39Now, we have to understand that as the weather change in the sea, in this case winter is approaching,
00:46the weather becomes very, very harsh and very, very dangerous for sailing.
00:51So basically, this verse is showing us the severity of their situation.
00:55One side is the losses that they are incurring because of the delay and the other side is the harsh weather of the sea.
01:04And they are torn between these two lovers.
01:08They are torn in their situation.
01:10They are torn in their circumstances.
01:12And they think that the longer they stayed from where they are, it will just continue to worsen their situation.
01:22And so, because they are in a hurry and they are in a huge pressure, they proceed on sailing even it's not the right season.
01:32Now, years ago, I used to reach our office very early in the morning, about 7.10 to 7.15 a.m.
01:40And since our work starts at 7.30 a.m., I usually take about 10 to 15 minutes nap before starting work.
01:48So one morning, while I was napping, Sherry called me out of a sudden and makes me worried a lot.
02:05It makes me very worried because she rarely called me that early.
02:10And so, things start to raise in my thoughts like she was rushed to the hospital, she was in severe situation or she was even a kidnap
02:24or she met an accident and all those kind of stuff.
02:28And I'm very worried so I quickly answered the call.
02:31Whether you believe it or not, brothers and sisters, these are the words that I heard when I pick up the call.
02:38OTP, OTP, OTP. Send me the OTP. She's using my card in buying things online.
02:44I was like, what urgent things are you even buying this early morning? Can say good morning first or not?
02:55And then she told me, oh today is the last day of the sale, I need to buy that thing before it goes back to its original price.
03:00Ah, die already.
03:02Can you figure out what I'm trying to say here, brothers and sisters?
03:06Often, time and pressure drives us and push us to do drastic decision in our life.
03:13Brother Jeff, if I don't get into this relationship, I don't get a chance to get married anymore.
03:19Hey bro, if I don't grab this opportunity now, it will be lost forever.
03:23Brother Jeff, if I don't move out now, I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life.
03:27If I don't move out now, I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life.
03:30Brothers and sisters, I hear you.
03:33And I definitely understand your situation.
03:36But I also believe that by faith, if God knows that you really need all these things,
03:41He Himself will going to make a way for you. Amen?
03:44And He will going to turn, make a turning point in your life in any point of time
03:49and no one can stop the hand of God in doing so.
03:53Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
03:59Hallelujah. Praise God.
04:01No one can stop the hands of God in doing so.
04:05But the truth of the matter is that when we face immense pressure,
04:09when we are in a very difficult situation,
04:14it is very easy to forget that God's perfect timing in our lives
04:19turns out to be completely different as what we imagine as perfect as it could be.
04:25Brothers and sisters, we have to remember what it says in Isaiah chapter 55
04:29when God said,
04:30My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not your ways.
04:34And if I can continue to encourage you, brothers and sisters,
04:36if one day you find yourself in a point of immense pressure,
04:41when you find yourself in desperation,
04:43when things are not going according to what you have planned,
04:45it's a good reminder to read Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11
04:50when it says,
04:51He has made everything beautiful in His time.
04:55I know sometimes our situation doesn't make sense,
04:59but God's got purpose, brothers and sisters.
05:01God's got reason.
05:03Our task is to continue to praise Him with all our heart,
05:06with all our mind, and with all our soul,
05:08even though our situation doesn't make sense.
05:10Our job, just like Gideon, King Jehoshaphat,
05:14and Job, is to continue to praise God,
05:16even if our situation doesn't make sense.
05:20We have to trust the process, brothers and sisters.
05:23We have to trust His timings.
05:27Praise God. Hallelujah.
05:31Point number three.
05:33They could have avoided the storms and shipwreck
05:35if they followed the right instructions.
05:41Acts chapter 27 verses 10 to 11.
05:46Paul says,
05:47Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous
05:51and bring great loss to ship and cargo and to our own lives also.
05:55But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said,
05:59followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.
06:03So basically, Paul is giving a warning to the seafarers,
06:07Stop! Stop! Stop!
06:09Do not proceed on sailing!
06:11Otherwise, we will encounter huge losses and casualties.
06:15But since Paul is just a tent maker,
06:20they choose to follow the expertise of the seafarers
06:25instead of listening to the Word of God.
06:29Your leaders have been telling you,
06:30He needs to grow in faith before you go into a date.
06:33But brother Jeff, this one got a potential to be a member.
06:37And it got a potential to hurt you as well.
06:40The Word of God is urging you to settle or resolve
06:43the unsettled business with your partner, with your spouse,
06:46or with the people around you.
06:48But the price of fried chicken nowadays are really high.
06:53The Word of God is telling us
06:55that it's not yet the right time to start a business,
06:58to enter into a new investment,
07:00or even to pursue a new endeavor in life.
07:03But sometimes the truth, brothers and sisters,
07:05is that don't get hurt.
07:07This is not you.
07:08This is from other church.
07:10We don't listen and we don't follow the instructions of God in our life.
07:13Instead, we make our decision based on our own understanding,
07:18on our own expertise.
07:20And then we ask God,
07:21Lord, why do you allow all these storms and shipwrecks to happen in our lives?