• 3 months ago
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電報を送ってください。見たいアニメやビデオがあれば、@RN241517 経由で連絡できます。
Denpō o okutte kudasai. Mitai anime ya bideo ga areba,@ RN 241517 keiyu de renraku dekimasu.


Anime Fan
00:00to the person sitting beside you, you have been warned.
00:03God instructed you to abort sailing and you still proceed?
00:08Hasta la vista, baby.
00:11It's up to you.
00:13It's your choice.
00:15Now, let me clarify some things here.
00:17Not all the storms and shipwrecks occur because
00:22we didn't follow the right instruction.
00:24Because there are really cases that are out of our control.
00:28For example, broken family.
00:31It's not even your fault as sons and daughters that you caught in between these crossfires.
00:37Maybe your company is really not performing well and you're just one of the casualty.
00:41These are the circumstances that are really out of our control.
00:45It's not even our fault and yet they are still happening.
00:48But the very point that I'm going through this message today, brothers and sisters,
00:53is that there are really storms in our life and shipwrecks in our life
00:58because we didn't board the right ship,
01:02we didn't sail in the right season,
01:04and we didn't follow the right instruction.
01:07And look at what happened if we neglect all these things.
01:11Acts chapter 27, verses 13 to 15, it says,
01:14When a gentle south wind began to blow, they saw the opportunity,
01:18so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete.
01:22Look at this, brothers and sisters.
01:24If it's not God's will and you still proceed,
01:27initially, it looks like everything is okay.
01:30As if the stars and the universe are aligning with your decision.
01:34Just like what it says here.
01:36When a gentle south wind began to blow, they saw the opportunity.
01:41It looks like a fine day.
01:43It looks like a very calm weather.
01:46But not for long because verse 14 and 15 is coming.
01:49It says, Before very long, a wind of hurricane force called the northeaster
01:54swept down from the island.
01:56The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind,
01:59so we gave way to it and were driven along.
02:06Out of the sudden, they found themselves caught up in a very strong storm.
02:11And if you continue reading the succeeding verses,
02:14you will find out that the seafarers tried their best to maneuver the ship.
02:19They used their expertise, their maritime knowledges and experiences.
02:22They lowered down their lifeboat.
02:25They deployed their anchor and even they unload their cargo.
02:29But to no avail because it's already too late.
02:33They already caught in the middle of the storm
02:34and they couldn't do anything in their situation
02:37and they just let the ship get driven alone by the storm.
02:44Here's the thing, brothers and sisters, listen up.
02:47If God allows things to happen in our life,
02:51it will definitely going to happen.
02:54Regardless of how much you pray and how much you fast about it,
02:59it will still happen.
03:00It's not that God doesn't care.
03:03It's not that he don't want you to help or he cannot do anything in your situation.
03:07It's not that his mercy and grace is insufficient.
03:09It's not even his power is not enough.
03:13But if these are the consequences of our wrong decision,
03:18of our disobedience and for even not following instruction,
03:24it will definitely going to happen.
03:26And guess what?
03:28No amount of human experiences,
03:31no amount of human skills will be able to save us from it.
03:37But don't lose hope.
03:39Wait, there's more.
03:42Because when everyone is tired,
03:45when everyone was desperate and all hope was gone,
03:48Paul suddenly stood up and said something.
03:51In verse 27, verse 21 to 22, it said,
03:55after they had gone a long time without food,
03:58Paul stood up before them and said,
04:00Man, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete.
04:04Then you would have spent yourselves this damage and this loss.
04:08Look at this, Paul.
04:09Sometimes these are the kind of people you want to give five.
04:14You know what I'm saying?
04:16Yes, you've already made a mistake.
04:18I'm already suffering.
04:19I'm already in trouble.
04:22And then you will still say,
04:23I told you already, you never listen.
04:25Sina, all this one is your fault.
04:29But wait, because Paul did say something more.
04:34In verse 22, it says,
04:35But now I urge you to keep up your courage.
04:41Because not one of you will be lost.
04:44Only the ship will be destroyed.
04:46Listen up, brothers and sisters.
04:48This is very interesting.
04:49Paul is basically saying to all the people on board,
04:53that hey, this ship is going to sink.
04:55This ship is going to falter.
04:57This ship is going to be destroyed.
05:00This ship is going to shatter into pieces.
05:02But take courage, because no one is going to die.
05:07Take courage, because you will go through it.
05:11Because you will go through it.
05:13Take courage, because you will get through it.
05:16I don't know about you, brothers and sisters.
05:18I may not know what you are going through right now.
05:20But you may lose that relationship,
05:22but you will get through it.
05:23You may lose that opportunity,
05:25but you will get through it, says the Lord.
05:27You may lose, that past may get rejected again and again,
05:31but you will get through it.
05:32That career may falter, but you will get through it.
05:35Your leadership may be shaken,
05:37but you will get through it.
05:38And your businesses will set face backs,
05:40but you will get through it.
05:43Hallelujah, praise the Lord.
05:47But the thing is, listen up.