FBI 41-45

  • 2 months ago
00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 41 English MTL
00:27You can still come to work. Hearing the murmurs of reporters from several small
00:32newspapers sitting in the front row of the meeting room, many reporters from
00:36well-known New York media looked at each other as if they had guessed what
00:41Vernie would do next. Sure enough, as Vernie stopped speaking, the female
00:46detective who had been standing in the corner of the conference room
00:49immediately picked up the remote control and turned on the TV hanging high in the
00:54corner in front of the conference room. The program inside is the New York News
00:59Channel which is continuously replaying the scene where the gangster Fraser
01:03aimed a pistol at Rome but was killed by Rome with a pen. Oh my god! Is this real?
01:10It was the first time for the reporters from several small newspapers to see
01:15this scene and they all gasped in surprise, causing the air temperature in
01:19the meeting room to drop a lot. The well-known media reporters sitting in
01:24the front row were also staring at the TV intently, each with wonderful
01:28expressions. Although these media were well-informed and had seen this scene
01:33before coming here, when this scene was shown in front of them again, their
01:36attention was diverted. Without it, the scene of using a pen to fight back
01:41against a gunman is too much like a movie. Coupled with Rome's stern and
01:46handsome face, if this clip is cut out alone, some people will definitely
01:51believe that it is a new Hollywood movie. My friends from the press, seeing
01:56the wonderful expressions on everyone's faces, the corners of Veronese's mouth
02:01curled up slightly, but she quickly retracted it and said calmly, this is the
02:05live video of our FBI agents killing the serial killer. The biological samples of
02:12the killer are completely consistent with the biological samples extracted
02:17from the two crime scenes. So, now I declare here, the serial murder case
02:22discovered today in Queens, New York. After five hours, our FBI successfully
02:28solved the case and killed the murderer. Xn the room was silent for a few
02:35seconds, and then a loud noise broke out. Reporters crowded in front of Veronese
02:40like crazy, shouting loudly, group supervisor, is the five hours you just
02:45said true or false? Did your FBI search for this suspect before the news broke?
02:51Team supervisor, what do you say is that the detective on TV blatantly raced
02:56while handling the case? Ma'am, what's the name of the agent holding the pen? He
03:02doesn't look old, does he have a girlfriend? Veronese didn't rush to
03:08answer the reporter's questions, but turned her gaze to the live broadcast
03:11camera, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly and silently made a
03:15mouth shape, thank you. No one knows who she is thanking, but Broson felt that
03:22Vernie was thanking him. Because of his help, Veronese managed to gain the
03:27limelight in front of the media, and her career has also improved to a higher
03:31level. In the single-family apartment, Broson's face turned black when he saw
03:36this scene, and he threw the cup in his hand to the ground. The next second, the
03:41phone next to him suddenly rang. Broson saw the contacts pupils constrict, but he
03:47still pressed the answer button. A hoarse voice came from the other end of the
03:52phone, Broson, you have gone too far this time. Sir, aye. Broson looked serious, and
03:59was about to say something to explain when he was interrupted by the voice on
04:03the other end of the phone, tomorrow I will announce the establishment of the
04:0814 investigation team. As the newly promoted team leader, you will be in
04:13charge of the number 14 investigation team. As soon as he finished speaking, the
04:19other end of the phone hung up the phone without waiting for Broson's attitude. A
04:23team leader with only a newly established investigation team under his
04:27command. This is something that has not happened in the FBI's New York branch for
04:33more than 10 years. Looking at the hung up phone, Broson laughed angrily. He could
04:39already guess the way those people looked at him at the meeting tomorrow.
04:42Who, taking a few deep breaths, Broson suppressed his anger, picked up the glass
04:48on the ground expressionlessly, filled it up and drank it down with his head up,
04:52then got up and left the sofa, and walked to the bedroom. The voice of talking to
04:58himself came faintly, Virens, Augustus, Rowan Greenwood, Verinis has a good
05:04subordinate. In the distance, at the FBI Washington headquarters, an elderly white
05:10man in a suit saw the press conference on TV, took a sip of his wine and hummed
05:14twice, then pressed the phone next to him. Tomorrow morning, put all the information
05:20about the agent on TV on my desk and put it on the top floor. Okay, sir. Roan didn't
05:27know what happened last night. After driving Lacey to the Flame Queen bar
05:32within 20 minutes, with Lacey's help, Roan failed to recognize the girls on the
05:37business card because Lacey pried them away. But relying on an ordinary handsome
05:42face, Roan managed to meet the female manager of the bar. It's been a busy day,
05:47can't you enjoy it? With this thought in mind, he slept until 2 o'clock in the
05:53afternoon the next day. The sun was slanting to the west, and Roan slowly
05:58opened his eyes in the manager's lounge above the Flame Queen bar in Manhattan.
06:03For a moment, he felt a little pain in his back. Hiss, removing the arms wrapped
06:09around his neck, and the thighs wrapped around his waist, Roan got out of bed
06:13with his waist leaned on his back, and walked into the bathroom slowly with a
06:17grim face. Miscalculation this time. While opening the gate to release the
06:25water, while looking at himself in the mirror, Roan found that there was a trace
06:28of haggardness on his ordinary face, his eyes widened and he realized, Roan,
06:34Greenwood didn't know much about drinking, I actually forgot this. After
06:39washing, Roan walked out of the bathroom. After getting dressed, he glanced at the
06:44bumpy figure who was still sleeping soundly on the bed in the bedroom, turned
06:48and left the room without hesitation, while shaking his head and sighing, the
06:53mute drinking and made me feel back pain. From today on, I must strengthen my
06:59exercise and stop drinking at the same time. Found the SUV in the parking lot of
07:04the bar, and Roan drove it slowly, preparing to go to the Jacobs Federal
07:09Building. While waiting for the traffic light at an intersection, he opened the
07:13system page that he was busy exercising last night and didn't have time to open.
07:18Yesterday's performance evaluation, excellent number of treasure chests
07:22obtained, for do you want to open the treasure chest? On. Looking at the cut
07:28scene of opening the treasure chest in the rough web game on the system screen,
07:32and then looking at the word, excellent, in the evaluation, Roan's face
07:37showed a daze, 3. Treasure chests are awarded for a good evaluation, and 4
07:43treasure chests are awarded for an excellent evaluation. This thing was
07:47originally increment. The treasure chest has been open physical potion x1, potion
07:54of strength x1, swift potion times 1, sensitive potion times 1. Dot. Touched his
08:03sore lower back, and then looked at the three bottles of stamina medicine in the
08:08system's backpack. Without hesitation, Roan took out one bottle and drank it
08:13with his head up. Smacking his mouth, there was no taste, but a few seconds
08:18later, an indescribable feeling spread from Roan's abdomen to his whole body.
08:23Roan was still a little unhappy when he saw that the hemostatic potion he
08:27wanted the most was not opened in the treasure chest. But after drinking the
08:32stamina potion, he felt that in the blink of an eye, his waist was no longer sore
08:37and his legs were no longer hurting, and his body was not empty after a dozen
08:41shots. Roan's eyes lit up, nice one. It turns out that stamina potions are king.
08:48The SUV soon arrived at the Jacobs Federal Building. When Roan walked out of
08:54the parking lot, he happened to meet Lacey who came out to buy coffee, so he
08:58raised his hand and greeted with a smile, good afternoon, Lacey. Roan. Seeing the
09:05energetic Roan written on his face, Lacey, who knew who he went to exercise
09:10with last night, was shocked, you can still come to work.
09:13Luoan was suddenly upset, who do you look down on? Chapter 42 English, Depressed
09:20Office, Roan, I admire you, really. Handed Roan a cup of coffee, and Lacey walked
09:26towards the Jacobs Federal Building together with him, while looking at him
09:30a strange face, hesitated for a long time before asking in a low voice. Do you know
09:36the details of the woman who played the game with you last night? Of course I
09:41know, Lydia Ruth, 30 years old this year, the manager of the Queen of Fire bar, has
09:46not had a boyfriend or life for two years since her husband died, what's
09:50wrong? Luoan tilted his head in doubt. He stood upright last night and used a
09:56little trick to know about these basic information, and then asked, I remember
10:01you told me last night that she has no special background. Lacey nodded, the
10:06information Roan got was correct, and Lydia really had no background on the
10:10surface, but behind the scenes she was just a local gangster, the kind who
10:14didn't want to provoke the FBI. But what she wanted to talk about was not about
10:20Lydia's background, but about Lydia herself. Lydia this woman. Looking at
10:26Roan, who was cheerfully greeting the other agents, Lacey shook her head inside.
10:31Forget it, let Roan feel it himself in the future, it's not a big deal, I just
10:36hope Roan's kidney can hold on. Good afternoon, Agent Roan. Hello. Good skills.
10:44Agent Luoan. Thanks. Walking on the first floor of the Jacobs
10:50Federal Building, three or four agents greeted Roan in just a dozen steps. With
10:56a puzzled face, he asked, where did these people know my name? There are no
11:01secrets in this building, Roan. Lacey took a sip of her coffee without being
11:06surprised, and explained calmly, the story of you killing gangsters with a pen
11:11last night spread throughout the building in less than an hour. It's
11:16normal for them to know you. Roan, dot. Before he could speak, the elevator
11:23arrived at the floor where the No. 5 investigation team was located. As the
11:28elevator door opened, a deafening applause came into the elevator, which
11:33shocked Roan. Nice job, Roan. Mona and several technical agents cheered and
11:40applauded Roan, and the bear-like rider also applauded and shouted, Roan, you
11:45must teach me the technique of swinging pens later. I will provide you with
11:51breakfast for a year. Looking at this scene, Roan showed a real smile on his
11:56face, not the one with eight teeth exposed. They hugged each other and
12:02thanked, thank you everyone. Last night's action would not have been possible
12:07without your support and help. Thank you very much. Ha, I knew Roan would say
12:12that. Hearing Roan's words, Augustus came out behind the crowd, patted Roan's
12:19shoulder hard, looked up and down a few times and nodded in satisfaction, you did
12:24a great job last night, boy, you're as good as I was when I was young. Everyone,
12:30dot. Looked down at Augustus's big belly, Roan still had a smile on his face and
12:36didn't speak, as long as he was happy. Let's go, let's go, what should we do? With a
12:43big wave of his hand, Augustus drove the agents back to the office area of the
12:49number five investigation team and he led Roan to the other direction of the
12:53corridor. Roan asked doubtfully, where are we going? Go to the office of the team
13:01leader Varians, she has something to ask for you. August patted his big belly as
13:06he walked and while answering Roan's questions, he didn't forget to show a
13:11smiling face to passers-by and patted Roan on the shoulder by the way. There is
13:17a sense of instant vision for parents to show their children in front of
13:20outsiders. By the way, Roan. Halfway through, Augustus suddenly grabbed Roan's
13:28shoulder, motioned him to lower his head and then whispered in Roan's ear, during
13:33the meeting this morning, Bruce was appointed as the head of the special
13:37agent, the team leader of the newly established number 14 investigation team.
13:42You can't guess how ugly Bruce's face was at that time. Roan, dot, tilted his head
13:50and glanced at Augustus who was so happy that his molars were showing. Roan didn't
13:56expect him to have a hobby of gossip. The two walked to the end of the corridor,
14:01Augustus pointed to the door not far away and said, Varinus, we'll be waiting
14:07for you inside, be careful when you speak and hurry back to the office after the
14:11chat, I have something to tell you. Okay, sir. Seeing the back of Augustus turning
14:18away, Roan lowered his head and straightened his suit. Seeing that there
14:24was nothing wrong, he knocked on the door of the office. Enter. Hearing
14:29Varinus's extremely cold voice, Roan raised his eyebrows, opened the door
14:35calmly and walked in. Good afternoon, sir. Sit. Didn't raise her head to pay
14:42attention to Roan, Vernice still lowered her head and wrote some documents on the
14:46desk. Roan didn't care and sat down on the chair in front of Varinus's desk and
14:53began to observe the surroundings silently. The office has a large area but
14:58the decoration is very simple. There is only a large bookshelf full of file bags
15:05a set of desks, a chair and a drinking fountain. Not even a single green plant.
15:10If the office hadn't faced the south and had sunlight streaming in, this office
15:16would definitely represent depression. Frowning, Roan turned his gaze to Vernice
15:22and found that she was still dressed in a white shouldered lady's suit today and
15:26her appearance looked very serious. It's just that the pants don't seem to match.
15:33Pata, hearing the sound of the signature pen being thrown to the desk, Roan
15:39hurriedly looked away from Vernice. Varinus didn't care, she pulled out
15:43another folder on the desktop and began to read without emotion.
15:48Roan Greenwood was born at Boston Children's Hospital on April 1st, 1981.
15:53His father was a professor of accounting at Boston University. He died in a street
16:01shooting when you were four years old. The murderer was unknown. His mother was
16:07a doctor at Children's Hospital. A week after your 18th birthday, you were shot
16:12in the street and the killer is nowhere to be found. After reading this, Vernice
16:18looked up at Roan and asked blankly, am I right? Agent Roan. Luo En's heart
16:25skipped a beat and he frantically flipped through the memories left by his
16:30predecessor in his mind but replied blankly, no. Isn't it just pretending to
16:35be paralyzed? Who wouldn't? Okay. Seeing that Roan had no objection,
16:42Vernice went on to read. After your mother died, you worked odd jobs to earn
16:47money while studying hard. Finally, with your excellent grades and the
16:52recommendation letters from your mother's colleagues, you successfully
16:56entered the University of Massachusetts Boston where you majored in accounting.
17:01After graduating from college, you worked on Wall Street for two years but for
17:06some reason you suddenly quit your job and joined the FBI's social recruitment.
17:12After 20 weeks of training at the FBI Academy in Virginia, you successfully
17:17passed your final exam, became a rookie agent and were assigned to the new York
17:23Bureau. After briefly reading Roan Greenwood's experience from birth to the
17:27present, Vernice threw the folder aside, put her hands together, stared at Roan's
17:32eyes solemnly and asked sharply, in the report of the FBI Training Academy, it
17:38never said that you have superb throwing skills. Tell me, where did you learn this?
17:43Roan... Chapter 43 Columbus Foundation Hearing the Question. From Veronice,
17:52Lou Owen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this was just a routine
17:56questioning, not that the FBI executives really had doubts about his identity.
18:01Simply think about it, Roan. Greenwood's background is innocent, a standard
18:07American middle-class family offspring. The life experience of my parents and
18:12myself is clear and there is no tax that should be paid. There should be no missed
18:19submissions. And Roan Greenwood has never been in contact with suspicious
18:24foreigners since he was a child. No matter how you look at it, he is a
18:28qualified supporter of the American government. So Roan didn't panic at all,
18:34tilted his head and pointed to the business card on her desk and asked, can
18:39I have one? Vernice nodded, Roan got up and took a business card between two
18:45fingers, then slammed it at the calendar in the corner of the office. Snapped, a
18:51vague shadow flashed past, and Vernice's business card was firmly inserted in the
18:56calendar. Just a trick, sir. Seeing Vernice's pupils shrunk slightly, Roan shrugged
19:03and said indifferently, when I first learned this move, it was just for the
19:06convenience of chatting with girls. Yeah. Vernice took a deep look at Roan,
19:13lowered her head and began to write and draw in the folder, and said at the same
19:17time, poke a pen into a human skull, I'm afraid you've practiced behind your back
19:21for a long time. No, sir. Luo and shook his head. What happened in his previous
19:29life cannot be counted in this life. He has never practiced in this life, so he
19:35explained very sincerely, I'm just born stronger than others. Vernice paused her
19:41writing hand, raised her head and gave Roan a look, then threw the written
19:45folder aside, and finally started talking about business. Roan Greenwood. Vernice
19:52leaned back, Erlang raised his legs, looked at Luo and without blinking and
19:58said, at the press conference before, I issued an arrest warrant for this serial
20:02killer, 100,000 US dollars. This money will be released this weekend, that is,
20:09tomorrow, together with your salary for this month. You go back and talk to Algu
20:15speak. Roan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, thank you, sir. Thank you,
20:22sir, for supporting me in solving the case. Vernice ignored Roan's words, but
20:29pulled out a black folder from the bottom of the stack of folders on the
20:32side, opened it and handed it to Roan, and said calmly, this is an internal FBI
20:38foundation called the Columbus Foundation. If you participate, the
20:43management staff of the foundation will deduct one-tenth of your salary every
20:47month for operation. After a few months, you will receive a sum every Christmas,
20:53which is slightly higher than the salary deduction. Hearing what Vernice said, Roan
20:59frowned and asked directly without looking at the information in the black
21:04folder, sir, have you joined the Columbus Foundation? Certainly. Vernice nodded
21:10without any change in expression, she was silent for a second and explained, August
21:16also joined. Roan suddenly realized, licked his lower lip and continued to
21:22ask, then may I know the annual rate of return of this foundation? The rate of
21:27return is not fixed. Roan. Hearing this, Vernice put away her legs, her body
21:34leaned forward with a mature body full of bumps, and fixed her eyes on Roan at
21:38the desk and said, my annual rate of return is higher than. Augustus, an
21:44Augustus annual rate of return is higher than yours, understand? Understood.
21:50Llewellyn nodded, meaning that the higher the position, the more money he can get
21:55at the end of the year. I don't understand this. Taking out a pen from
22:00the desk, Roan took off the cap and turned to the last page of the contract
22:04in the black folder. Instead of signing in a hurry, he stared into Vernice's eyes
22:10and asked with a serious expression, last question, sir, may I know who has not
22:15joined this foundation? The two looked directly at each other and Roan's
22:20handsome face made Vernice's heart skip a beat and her legs moved subconsciously.
22:26She understood Roan's subtext and her face returned to seriousness. After a
22:32moment of hesitation, Vernice said, there are a lot of people who did not join
22:37this foundation, Roan, they are not qualified. But Brosen and several of his
22:43agents joined another foundation. Roan nodded clearly and finally understood
22:48why Brosen had targeted Vernice before. It turned out to be the one who joined.
22:55The foundation is different. Hearing the answer he wanted, Roan flicked the pen,
23:01bowed his head in silence for a moment with a strange light in his eyes and
23:06signed his name on the last page of the folder. Roan never thought of refusing to
23:11join the Columbus Foundation from the very beginning. The reason is very simple.
23:17When you come out to hang out, you must have power and background. In the United
23:23States, personal strength is of no use and keeping warm is the kingly way.
23:29Yesterday's press conference, in the eyes of interested people, is that Roan, as
23:35Vernice's subordinate, has joined the Columbus Foundation's campaign. Whether I
23:40joined the Columbus Foundation or not, I have already been branded by Vernice's
23:46subordinates. Since I still have money to join the foundation, why not do it?
23:52However, joining belongs to joining, money can be taken, and things can be handled
23:57according to mood, but the handle that can be used as key evidence cannot be kept.
24:03So when he signed this time, he used Roan's writing habits in his previous life,
24:08not Roan Greenwood's writing habits in this life. If something happens in the future,
24:14the handwriting must be checked, and the things in it will be interesting.
24:19Those New York lawyers who can turn white into black as long as they get money,
24:23and the opposing lawyer who can absolutely take handwriting identification reports and
24:29spray doubts about life. Of course, this is just a backup preparation. Fortunately,
24:35I have just traveled here for three days. The habits of my previous life have not yet
24:41merged with the habits of this life. Looking at the fluttering English letters in the folder,
24:47Luo An was still so reluctant. From now on, he would no
24:52longer be able to write in Luo An's way of writing. Forget it, if you don't write it,
24:58don't write it. It's not a loss to exchange a handwriting for a sum of dollars that you can
25:03get every year. After signing, Roan returned the black folder to Vernice with a smile,
25:09and asked with a smile, Sir, are there any other foundations?
25:14I think Christmas is happier every year than others.
25:19Vernice put away the black folder, and when she heard what Roan said, she gave him a hard look,
25:25pointed at the calendar beside her and said, $20 was deducted from your salary this month because
25:30you vandalized public property. Is this broken calendar worth $20?
25:39Hearing what Vernice said, Roan blushed, put his hand in his pocket fiercely,
25:44and took out the $20 ticket that was first. Opened in, today's treasure box, from it. Sir,
25:51this is $20. The monthly salary of a full-time agent is just that, so you should not deduct it.
25:59Putting $20 on the desk, Roan smiled. Turned and left the office.
26:05Dot. Looking at the closed door of the office, and at the $20 on the table, Vernice was silent
26:12for a moment, smiled, and threw the $20 directly beside them. Calendar. He lowered his head and
26:19wrote the documents for a while, then put the $20 into his pants pocket. Chapter 44,
26:26There is no benefit to eating alone, come back soon, Roan. In the
26:32office of the leader of the No. 5 investigation team, Augustus sat on a chair, drank coffee with
26:38a big belly, motioned for Roan to sit down, then grinned and said, How about it, are you intimidated?
26:45By the review by Verrines? No. Roan poured himself a cup of coffee, took a sip and replied,
26:53It's just a simple question about my family background. My life experience from childhood
26:58to adulthood is clearly traceable. There is nothing to be afraid of. Um. August was taken
27:07aback, he just asked about his family background, and didn't conduct strict psychological tests and
27:13lie tests. 4A. While, Augustus fell silent, not understanding why Roan was given special treatment
27:21by Verrines. Forget it, it doesn't matter. August threw aside the thoughts in his head,
27:28put down the coffee cup and said to Roan with a smile, Darren and his wife went to the hospital
27:34for a physical examination today. At noon, they sent someone to tell me that they will come here
27:40tomorrow to pay the thank you. Money. I hope you will not be absent by then. No problem.
27:48Luo An's eyes lit up and he agreed resolutely. He will never be late when it comes to money.
27:55Very good. August nodded with a smile, then picked up a blue folder on the desktop,
28:02and handed it to Roan. Why is this scene somewhat familiar? Roan frowned, lowered his head and opened
28:09the folder, and found a written certificate that the bonus was doubled. Sir. It's like this, Roan,
28:18your performance last night made many people's eyes shine, and everyone is very satisfied with you.
28:24Picking up the coffee on the table and taking a sip, Augustus explained with a smile,
28:31I wanted to promote you to a senior agent, but you have just become a full-time agent and it
28:35has been less than three days, and the higher authorities will not agree to submit the materials.
28:43However, the reward will not fall, and your bonus this month will be doubled
28:47times. Thank you, sir. Signed the written certificate with Roan Greenwood's writing.
28:54Habits. Roan bowed his head and thought about it, and asked Augustus with a smile,
29:00By the way, sir, I was able to kill Fraser this time.
29:04Every agent in the number five investigation team contributed a
29:09lot. It is not appropriate for me to take all the rewards of 100,000 US dollars. How about this,
29:17I will take 50,000 US dollars, how about sharing the remaining 50,000 dollars equally?
29:23There is no benefit in eating alone. This is an experience taught to Roan by the old killer in
29:29his previous life. When the old killer was young, he had seen a lot of people in the rivers and
29:35lakes. Wipe off the necks of their teammates after completing tasks, and ran out with all the money
29:41to have a good time. But few of these people can survive to the end, and most of them will be
29:47stabbed in the back at critical moments, leaving no whole body. Llewellyn agrees with the old
29:54killer's point of view. From ancient times to the present, countless people have used their
29:59lives to warn latecomers. You can't go far if you eat alone, and win-win cooperation is the kingly
30:06way. Once you have eaten meat, you must also let your teammates drink soup, otherwise you will end
30:12up with a betrayal. During the arrest of Frazer, the murderer of the serial murder case, every
30:19detective in the No. 5 investigation team provided help to Roan, so he had to offer a reward of
30:25100,000 dollars, otherwise, it would be unpredictable. Investigation team No. 5 is Llewellyn's base,
30:34and he doesn't want to be stabbed in the back because of this little money in the future.
30:39Hearing Roan's words, Augustus narrowed his eyes slightly and asked,
30:44Are you sure, Roan? 100,000 dollars is not a small amount of money, are you sure you want
30:51to give half of it? Certainly. Roan nodded with a smile. The little money now is not important,
31:00not to hold back, but to support his teammates at critical moments.
31:04Only with such teammates can he make more money later.
31:08Well, anyway, it's your money, you have. The final say. August nodded nonchalantly,
31:15picked up the folder and waved it to indicate that the matter was over and Roan could leave.
31:21Oh, right. Just when Roan got up and left the chair and walked to the door of the team leader's
31:28office, Augustus patted his head suddenly, called Roan to stop him and said, You tell
31:33everyone the news yourself. . Turning his head, Roan took a careful
31:40look at Augustus, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth raised,
31:45Okay, sir. After speaking, he opened the office door and strode away.
31:51Papapa, through the gate of the office, I saw the
31:55scene where all the detectives in the office area heard Roan announced that when everyone
31:59got money again this month, they all applauded and cheered for Roan. Augustus's big dark face
32:05was full of smiling, he took out his phone and pressed the dial button. Sir, just like I guessed
32:13before, Roan is as smart as me, and he didn't choose to take the bonus all by himself.
32:19August laughed straight, didn't say much on the other end of the phone, and hung up the phone
32:24with a hum. Hearing the busy signal on the phone, Augustus smiled even more. In the office area,
32:32the sound of cheers and applause gradually subsided. After thanking Luoan, all the agents
32:39followed Luoan's words and returned to their workstations one after another, starting their
32:44daily fishing. Hey, Roan. Backing to. Her seat, Mona gave Roan a big hug, and said with a smile
32:53on her face, thank you so much. Not only do I have enough money to pay off the apartment loan
32:59this month, but the remaining money is enough. For me to take out a loan and buy a better car.
33:06You're welcome. Roan opened his mouth, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.
33:13Americans don't seem to be very used to saving. Money. They spend it when they have money,
33:20and borrow tomorrow's money if they don't have money. This is their normal life. Roan.
33:27Lacey on the side began to sleep on the table again. The smiling. Rider squeezed in from behind
33:34her and slapped Roan on the shoulder, do you have something to do after get off work later?
33:39How about going to my gun shop? By the way, teach me how to swing a pen. Gun store.
33:47Roan pulled an unoccupied chair from the side and signaled Rider to sit down. He was too tall,
33:53and his neck hurt when he raised his head to talk to him, and then asked with some doubts.
33:59Your parents opened it. No, my wife owns it, and it's in Queens. Rider shook his head,
34:06indicating that he had been married for five years. His wife is an ex-NYC cop who got injured
34:12and left the force and married him, and they have a son who goes to preschool every day.
34:19Roan. Considering that Rider was 38 years old, it was normal to have a wife and son.
34:26Look at Riders. Explosive muscles all over his body. He was born in SWAT,
34:33and his wife is also a former policeman. Opening a gun shop is also in line with their
34:39identities as a couple. Looking at the hopeful eyes. Of the other party, Luoan nodded and was
34:46ready to agree. Anyway, he has nothing to do after get off work, and it is also good to shoot guns
34:53in contact with colleagues, and it happens to be able to. Practice his skills. Right at this moment,
35:00Roan's cell phone rang suddenly. Picking up the phone, he found that the number was unknown.
35:07Luoan frowned slightly, pressed the answer button, and a
35:11lazy female voice came from the phone, Roan, can you come to me after get off work later?
35:17I need your help with something. Roan frowned, the female manager of the
35:22Queen of Flame Bar, Lydia. Chapter 45, Black Widow, Sorry, Rider.
35:29Hanging up the phone, Roan tilted his head and gave Rider a sorry look, shaking the phone,
35:35I'm afraid it won't work tonight. I have something to do. How? About next time.
35:42I will definitely go next time. Okay. Rider didn't care too much,
35:48grinned and started dancing with Roan to discuss throwing skills.
35:53Seeing that Roan easily flew business cards, photos, and signature pens, and could easily
36:00poke them into folders, Rider yelled and begged Roan repeatedly to teach him this trick.
36:05Why? Roan agreed, but still didn't understand. Rider is
36:12married, and he hasn't heard from Lacy that Rider likes to go out and play around behind his wife's
36:17back. Why should he learn this thing that seems to be used to pick up girls on the surface?
36:23And if you want to use it in actual combat, it will be impossible for a year or so.
36:30If you have this skill, it is better to shoot more guns and practice marksmanship.
36:35Hearing Roan's question, Rider's face froze. He looked back at Lacy, who was lying on the table,
36:43and Mona, who was competing with the computer again. Said in the ear,
36:48my wife's favorite thing to do every weekend is to play games. With me. I am not my opponent
36:55except fighting. I can't beat her in marksmanship and other things, so I want to practice throwing
37:01skills and beat her again. Um, may I ask, where is your wife from? Texas.
37:08. Tilting his head and glanced at Rider,
37:12whose face was red and his eyes were full of hope, Roan fell silent for a moment.
37:17I thought of the scene where Rider was lying at the back of the
37:21office area doing push-ups since he joined the No. 5 investigation team when he saw that Rider
37:26had no work tasks. I thought that Rider was trying to build muscle mass and keep in shape.
37:33Looking at it now, I am afraid that Rider lost the game, his wife would not let him go to bed,
37:40and his energy could not be released, so he had to do push-ups every day.
37:44The life of a man after marriage. Roan shook his head in his heart,
37:50raised his hand and patted Rider's shoulder heavily, with a solemn face,
37:54don't worry, Rider, I'll teach you a quick way later. It's a little hard to kill the enemy,
38:00but you can't lose if you can throw it farther and deal more damage than whoever throws it.
38:07Rider's excited lips trembled, Roan, from today on, you will be my good brother for the rest of
38:13my life. Roan. What does this make a man into? And Rider continued to chat for a while,
38:22and the time soon reached 5.30 in the afternoon, which is the time for the FBI to get off work.
38:28See you tomorrow. Roan. See you tomorrow.
38:34Greeted several detectives, Roan, Mona, Rider, and Lacey walked to the parking lot with a smile,
38:40and then found that his car was gone. Wait a minute, Roan.
38:45Seen the shocked expression on Roan's face, Lacey was a little speechless, and finally Mona said,
38:52Roan, the car you drove these two days is the bus of our number five investigation team,
38:58not your own car. There is no mission today, so the bus was naturally taken away by Augustus
39:05and cleaned up. I still want to never buy a car in this life, and prostitute an FBI SUV for nothing.
39:15Roan rolled his eyes, scorned the stingy Augustus, rejected Rider's invitation,
39:21turned around and sat in the co-pilot of Lacey's car. Take me to the Flame Queen Bar, thank you.
39:28You sure? Seeing Lacey's frowning
39:32expression, Roan was taken aback, and asked in doubt, What, is there something wrong?
39:38Lydia asked you to go. Exactly.
39:42Hearing what Roan said, Lacey took a deep breath, turned around and said.
39:47To him seriously, Roan, I will give you a suggestion as a friend and teammate.
39:53You'd better not maintain a long-term relationship with Lydia, okay?
39:57Seeing the serious expression on Lacey's face, Roan's heart suddenly sank. He didn't take the
40:05Glock 18 in the armory after get off work today. If Lydia plots against him, why don't she go buy
40:11a gun later? Seeing that Roan was listening to her. Word seriously, Lacey heaved a sigh of relief
40:19and continued to explain, Lydia is 30 years old this year, but she has been married four times.
40:25The times are Lydia's 22, 24, 26, and 28 years old.
40:31After Each marriage, her husband will be married
40:35within a year. Die
40:38After her husband dies, she will not have with anyone until she finds a new husband.
40:45Luo An's body hairs stood on end. And his scalp exploded, you mean,
40:51Lydia used marriage to obtain her husband's property, and then killed her husband after
40:55marriage. A black widow. It's not uncommon for Roan to have heard of this.
41:02Kind of thing in his previous life.
41:05For money, those women are more unscrupulous than men, and marriage is one of the means.
41:11Hearing what Roan said, Lacey was taken aback, but quickly shook her head.
41:16And said, no, Lydia didn't gain property by killing her husband,
41:20on the contrary, after each husband died, Lydia's own property would drop a lot.
41:26At the age of 22, Lydia inherited a series of pub.
41:30Chains from her father, but after several husbands died,
41:34she paid a lot of money to appease their husband's parents.
41:38Now, she only has one, Queen of Flames is gone.
41:43Roan was stunned when he.
41:45Heard Lacey's words.
41:48Could it be that Lydia was the one being targeted?
41:51But it's not right, those husbands are all dead, and they didn't spend the money they got,
41:56so selfless for the sake of the.
42:00It has nothing to do with money, Roan.
42:03Recalling what Roan said just now, seeing the expression on Roan's face,
42:07Lacey guessed his thoughts, so she shook her head and said, it's Lydia's.
42:14Taking a deep breath, Roan became interested in this matter, please elaborate.
42:19After several husbands died, our FBI also suspected that Lydia had poisoned her husband,
42:25so without.
42:26Lydia's knowledge, we signed an agreement with her husband's family in private and
42:30conducted autopsies on her several husbands.
42:33Speaking of this, Lacey's face was a bit unnatural, but she.
42:38Continued after taking a deep breath, after the forensic examination,
42:43the bodies of those husbands showed no toxins and no traces of abuse or beating.
42:48The cause of death was also very simple the.
42:51Was bleeding from the lower body, the kidneys were failing,
42:55and the heart suddenly stopped beating during strenuous exercise.
42:59It was too late to rescue, and died suddenly.
43:05In other.
43:06Words, these husbands were overindulgent and died of exhaustion in bed.
43:11At this time, Roan suddenly remembered his hideous face and sore lower back when he got up this
43:17He was startled.
43:19Yes, he just noticed that Roan Greenwood had played games with women before,
43:23and his body had never hurt like this.
43:26And I don't lack exercise on weekdays, it stands to reason that it is impossible.
43:31To be so empty.
43:33The reason for the soreness in the lower back is obviously not her, but Lydia.
43:38So, Roan, I hope you don't go to Lydia.
43:42Seeing Roan bow his head in front of Lydia,
43:45Seeing Roan bow his head in thought, his face flickering.
43:50Lacey heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile,
43:53Pretty girls are everywhere in New York, at worst I'll give you a few business cards tonight.
43:59No, I'm going to find Lydia.
44:01After pondering.
44:03For a while, Roan looked at the system page and had some thoughts in his heart,
44:08so his eyes flashed, he rejected Lacey's kindness, and said firmly,
44:12I want to find out the truth about this matter.
44:15Obviously, this time Lydia came for herself.
44:19No matter what the opponent's purpose is, fleeing without fighting is not a good strategy.
44:25Now the fun in this clip is over.
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