FBI 61-65

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25After 61 black colleagues Rone tilted his head to look at Dani, only to see that her
00:30delicate little face was full of seriousness. Before Rone could ask questions, Dani continued
00:37to speak crisply, when my mother was at work, there was a black colleague who took a picture
00:42of her. That black man must have taken my mother away. What? Hearing this, Rone raised
00:49his head and looked at Ryder, and then hurriedly asked, when did that happen?
00:54I do not remember. Dani narrowed her mouth, her eyes turned red again, and she explained
01:01in a low voice, I had a stomachache that day. After my mother took me to the doctor, she
01:06took me to the supermarket to play. When I was playing games on the table, that mother's
01:12black colleague hid behind the potato chips and took out a black box to take pictures
01:16of my mother. Dani's words were talking in a nonsensical manner. Rone didn't understand
01:23the specific situation of the day, but he understood the meaning of Dani's words, a
01:28black man once secretly photographed Tamara when she was working at the cashier at the
01:33supermarket front desk. Thank you, Dani, your message has been very helpful to me. Seeing
01:40Dani crying again, Rone hurriedly comforted her. At this moment, a black car slowly pulled
01:46up to the side of the road, and two middle-aged white women in uniform and a middle-aged white
01:51man in police uniform got out of the car. Hello, you should be Agent Llewellyn. One
01:58of the Caucasian women saw the little blonde lowly being hugged by the fully armed Rone,
02:03and there was a stronger armed man standing beside her. The corner of her mouth twitched,
02:08but she still stretched out her hand and said, My name is Anna and I am from the New Jersey
02:13Child Protection Department. Hi, just call me Rone. Stretched out his hand and shook
02:20the other party, Rone took the other party's ID and looked at it carefully, and handed
02:24Dani to the other party after confirming that there was nothing wrong. At the same time,
02:30pointing to the red bungalow next to him, he briefly introduced Sanderson's experience
02:35and current situation. After listening to Rone's narration, Anna nodded and said in
02:40a deep voice, Don't worry, we will take good care of Dani and supervise Sanderson at all
02:45times. Only when Sanderson changes his drinking habits and regains the ability to take care
02:51of Dani, we will return Dani to him. Thanks for your hard work. After shaking hands with
02:58the other party again, Rone briefly chatted with the other party, and just turned around
03:02to leave, Dani suddenly stopped him, and then stuffed her small hairpin into Rone's hand.
03:10Rone, this is a hairpin my mother bought for me. Dani looked at Rone twitching, and held
03:15on to Rone's hand, her delicate face was full of prayers, you gotta catch the bad guy who
03:21hurt my mom, please, that I promise you, Dani. Sighing, Rone stuffed the hairpin into the
03:27breast pocket in front of Dani, then patted her little head, and agreed in a deep voice,
03:33I will definitely catch him. The pitch black SUV was driving forward, and Rone was sitting
03:39in the co-pilot. Through the rearview mirror, he saw Dani who was still staring here reluctantly,
03:45and his face was a little ugly. As the FBI, you will see many such things in the future.
03:51Ryder, who was driving, took out a piece of chewing gum from nowhere, handed it to Rone,
03:57stuffed it into his mouth, and said while chewing, just get used to it. Did not speak,
04:03took the chewing gum and stuffed it into his mouth. Rone looked at the information he had
04:08just received from Sanderson, fell silent for a few seconds, and took out his phone
04:13to call Mona, Mona, checked the wall supermarket in the area to see if there. Are any black
04:19employees in it? The crackling sound of the computer sounded on the other end of the phone,
04:24and after a while, Mona replied, the salary payment records of this supermarket show
04:29that they have two black employees. One of whom is 56 years old this year, a security
04:36guard, and is still working. Another 28-year-old, named Yom, is a worker in charge of moving
04:42goods. He was kicked out of the supermarket three weeks ago for stealing things.
04:48Okay. Rone nodded, motioned Mona to send the second black man's home address and work
04:54location to himself, and then hung up the phone. Read the home address in the phone
05:00to Ryder, and Rone continued to look through the information in his hand, let's check that
05:04Yom first. His current workplace is a car repair shop, just on the way to the supermarket.
05:11Okay. Ryder nodded, stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel, and the pitch
05:17black SUV drove in another direction in an instant. Yom has been here for two weeks,
05:24and he works very hard. I haven't lost anything here. The owner of the car repair shop was
05:30an older black man. After learning about Rone and Ryder's intentions, he didn't refuse.
05:37He took them to find Yom, and kept praising him for being a good guy. Regarding the incident
05:43about Yom being expelled from the supermarket for stealing, the black boss smiled disdainfully
05:48and said directly, in that supermarket, the guys working with Yom are all
05:52white. They don't like Yom, a black man who moves more things than them and gets more
05:59money than them. Rone and Ryder looked at each other without speaking.
06:04Yom. Someone is looking for you. Coming. Hearing the boss calling him, a black man with thick
06:12lips agreed, and slowly crawled out from under the car, appearing in front of Rone
06:17and Ryder. You, before Rone and Ryder could speak, the black yoon raised his hands after
06:23seeing the equipment on them, I don't know why you came to me, but I must first explain
06:28that I don't have a weapon on. Me, so don't let your gun go off.
06:33. Okay. Seeing the other party's movements so skillfully, Luo En's mouth twitched, and
06:39then he asked directly without talking nonsense, Hi Yoon, do you remember Tamara? Yeah, the
06:46cashier at Walmart, I remember her. Yom nodded, slowly got up from the ground, Rone continued,
06:53she disappeared, and some people said that you secretly photographed her before she disappeared.
06:58No. Fu K. Hearing Rone's words, Yoon's expression
07:04changed, he cursed a few times, and then hurriedly explained, bro, the manager of Wall
07:09Supermarket must have said this to you. Let me tell you, this is definitely a false accusation.
07:16A few weeks ago, when I was moving things in the supermarket warehouse, I saw two people
07:21interacting with the ingredients in the corner of the warehouse, so I immediately walked
07:25over and scolded. Them. It turned out that I walked over and saw that the two people
07:32were actually the supermarket manager and his wife. So the next day the supermarket
07:37manager said I was stealing in the supermarket and fired me. Okay. Looking at Yoon calmly,
07:44Rone did not dwell on this issue, but continued to ask, so when you were working in the supermarket,
07:50did you see someone hanging around Tamara, or did anyone harass her? Before she disappeared.
07:56Sorry, I really didn't notice this. Yoon rubbed his oily hands casually on the overalls,
08:03and explained, as you know, my job at the time was to move things in the warehouse of
08:08the supermarket, and I basically didn't go to the front. Desk of the supermarket, so
08:13I just knew that there was Tamara, but I didn't know much about her life and work.
08:18Chapter 62 lies, okay. Ryder nodded his head in agreement with what
08:23Joon said, but Rone frowned, pointing to the scars on Jong's elbow and asked, what's
08:28wrong with your elbow? Jong was taken aback for a moment, then looked down at the scar
08:34on his right elbow that had not fully healed, raised his head and said with a relaxed expression,
08:40it was scratched by nurse Rukias. Cat. Her car broke down a few days ago. When I drove
08:47here to let me fix it, I didn't notice that the co-pilot of that car had a cat, so I accidentally
08:53got scratched by it. Speaking of which, a white car just parked
08:57in front of the car repair shop. The corner of Yoon's mouth trembled, and he cursed something
09:03in a low voice, but he still pointed to the driver of the white car and said, that's her,
09:08she is Rukia, a nurse at the Maria Hospital. Next door. Rone and Ryder looked in the direction
09:16that Yoon pointed, and saw a strong white ant struggling to get out of the driver's
09:20seat of the car, and then yelled into the car repair shop, boss. Fix the car. Dot.
09:28Seeing nurse Rukias burly figure, Ryder didn't react much, but the corner of Rone's mouth
09:33twitched, and a picture appeared in his mind instantly, a Russian ant carrying a log.
09:39Coming soon. Shouted casually, Yoon turned his head to look at Rone and Ryder, and shrugged,
09:46if there is nothing else, I will go to work first. I am afraid that the boss will scold
09:51me after you leave. Ryder was about to nod his head in agreement, but Rone shook his head and
09:57said, no, Yoon, you can't go. You are not telling us the truth. What? Hearing this,
10:05Joon's heart skipped a beat, he froze for a moment, and then his face was full of displeasure.
10:11Facing Ryder's puzzled eyes, Rone directly raised his right hand, put his elbow in front of his
10:17neck, fixed his eyes on Joon, and explained, only when you strangle someone's neck with your elbow
10:23and. The opponent struggles, will the strangler's arm have the scars like yours? So, Yoon, answer
10:30me, what the is wrong with your arm? Are you sure it was a cat? What cat can scratch out six short
10:38transverse wounds? After listening to Rone's explanation, Ryder came to his senses at this
10:44moment, so he hurriedly cast his eyes on Yoon, and subconsciously put his hand on the gun at
10:49his waist. What nonsense are you talking about? Hearing Rone's words, Yoon was shocked in his
10:56heart, and seeing Ryder's actions again, his heart sank, but he shouted angrily,
11:01I already told you that these wounds are cat scratches. Do you think I'm lying because I'm
11:07black? Damn, it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It's just that you are lying.
11:15Rone tilted his head and looked at Nurse Rukia, who didn't know why, but subconsciously leaned
11:19aside, and asked seriously, Nurse Lucia, hello, I'm Agent Rone of the FBI. Yoon said that the wound
11:27on his arm was scratched by your cat. Is this true? Hearing Rone's question, Rukia was taken
11:34aback for a moment, and just about to answer, Yoon's face changed drastically, and he rushed
11:40towards Ryder decisively, with both hands outstretched, the target was the pistol on Ryder's
11:46waist. Boom! Ah dash, a gunshot sounded, and Yoon clutched his right hand and wailed and collapsed
11:54to the ground. Also noticed Yoon's movement, but took a step back before preparing to draw his gun
12:01and shoot. Team Ryder turned to look at Rone with a solemn expression. He didn't expect Rone to be
12:07so fast. Calmly put away the Glock 18, Rone gave Ryder a look, motioning him to handcuff Yoon,
12:15and then said flatly, according to federal law, lying to the FBI is a felony. Trying to an FBI
12:22agent's gun is even more of a felony. Congratulations, Yoon, I would like to propose
12:28a prison package. I hope you will have a good time in it. Shit! Biaozi raised it, Yoon, who was handcuffed
12:37by Ryder, lay on the ground and yelled, showing no signs of regret. Rone kicked him unconscious,
12:44motioned Ryder to put him in the car, and then took out his Nokia to make a phone call.
12:49Half an hour later, Lacey took several SWAT team members to bring Yoon back to the FBI New York
12:55branch headquarters, while Rone and Ryder went to Yoon's home. On the way, I thought that Ryder
13:01had been silent for a long time and said to Rone, thank you, Rone. It doesn't matter. Rone, who was
13:08sitting in the co-pilot, replied casually. At this time, his attention was still on the victim-related
13:15materials in his hand. After hearing what Ryder said, he asked casually, Ryder, do you think Yoon
13:22might be the murderer of this serial murder? Impossible! Hearing Rone's question, Ryder, who was
13:29driving, replied firmly, this Yoon may have killed someone, but he is definitely not the serial
13:35murderer in this case. Oh why? Rone raised his head and looked at Ryder with interest, not understanding
13:42why he was so sure. He remembered that Ryder seemed to have no research on analyzing the case
13:49and would only follow orders. As for the analysis of criminal psychology, Ryder is even more clueless.
13:57It's easy, Rone. Ryder, who was driving, grinned, I heard a violent theory before, that is, 90% of the
14:05serial murderers in the United States are white. I don't believe that we are so lucky to meet a black
14:11serial murderer. Rone.Yoon's home is not far from the car repair shop. It is a brown bungalow that
14:20looks a bit dilapidated. The pitch-black SUV stopped slowly on the opposite side of the street.
14:28Rone and Ryder got out of the car, stepped over the shabby fence gate, and entered the yard
14:33directly. The two held the Glock in their hands, bent over and stood at the door of the house in a
14:38combat-ready posture, left and right. After counting down to three, Ryder kicked open the
14:44door and rushed in. FBI. Rone kept searching the various rooms in the house while shouting slogans.
14:53Safety. Safety. The two of them checked the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, etc.
15:01And after finding no trace of anyone, Rone and Ryder returned to the living room of the room.
15:07Casually found a small bag of white flour under the coffee table in the living room,
15:12Ryder curled his lips and threw it aside, then turned his head and asked,
15:16Do you want to call the trace? Inspection team. Not for now. Rone shook his head,
15:23rejected Ryder's proposal, then frowned and scanned the room left and right,
15:28and even measured the width of the bedroom and living room step by step.
15:32What's wrong? Ryder was a little puzzled. The size of this house is wrong, did you find it?
15:40Rone walked around the kitchen and living room, then pushed open the door and walked
15:44outside the house, touching his chin to observe the size of the whole house.
15:49Ryder understood something after hearing this, but he didn't find anything.
15:54After observing carefully for a while, Rone walked to the kitchen and decisively pulled
15:59the entire refrigerator away from the place. A half-person-high small door appeared behind
16:05the refrigerator. Nice job, Rone. Carefully pushed the small door open, and behind it is
16:12a dark staircase that is as wide as a person and has no bottom. This staircase occupies a small
16:18distance of the house. Maybe it was because Rone's voice was different from that of Leo Ang's in the
16:24past. A weak female voice came from the bottom of the dark stairs. Help, chapter 63 little st.
16:32Phil's church go down the stairs and you will find a small basement.
16:36Under the dim light, a wooden single bed was placed in the corner, with four ropes thicker
16:41than fingers, one end was firmly tied to the four feet of the bed, and the other end was tied to the
16:47white. Woman lying on the bed. In another corner of the basement, there was a dilapidated desk
16:54with a small bag of flour and a few used syringes on it. Hearing that the voice of the visitor was
17:00different this time, the woman barely opened her eyes, and whispered for help with her chapped
17:05lips, help, in the living room of the house, Ryder was. Searching the house carefully.
17:12After Rone called the nearest hospital and asked him to send an ambulance here,
17:16he walked back to the sofa and poured a glass of water for the woman who simply put on a shirt and
17:21pants. Seeing that the other party's sluggish state has improved a bit, Rone asked in a low
17:27voice what happened to the woman. My name is Haley. After drinking the water, the woman grabbed the
17:34half piece of bread that was left on the table in the living room and ate it, and said while eating,
17:39I work in the gym in the Elliott district, and when. I have no money to repay the bank loan at
17:45the end of each month, I will come to this area to work part-time to make money. Elite district
17:51also belongs to New Jersey, in the south of Northville district, about 20 minutes drive
17:56from Northville district. As for the part-time job that Haley was talking about, Rone frowned
18:02slightly when he thought of the coolly dressed women on the side of the road when he came by car.
18:07Instead of speaking, he poured some water into the glass again. After Haley, who was eating bread,
18:14finished speaking, she couldn't see any expression of contempt on Rone's face out of the corner of
18:19her eye, and she was faintly relieved. After asking about today's date, Haley continued,
18:25four nights ago, when I came here to work part-time, I met this named Yoon. Originally,
18:31I didn't want to serve blacks, but this was willing to pay a third of the price,
18:35and it was still daytime, so I agreed. During the service that day, this strangled me with his right
18:42hand behind my neck, knocked me out, and when I woke up, I was locked down, and this was about to
18:47give me an injection flower. Said sell me in a few days. As for some small flaws in Haley's words,
18:55Rone pretended not to hear them. Just as he was about to continue asking some questions,
19:01Ryder suddenly walked out of the bedroom beside him, still holding a white t-shirt in his hand.
19:07Shaking off the t-shirt, Ryder pointed to the signature on the lower right corner of the shirt
19:12and said, Rone, this is Ricardo's shirt from the Hyena, live four times, gang. Hearing this,
19:19Rone was taken aback, what is the Hyena gang? Who is Ricardo? The Hyenas were a white gang in
19:27the Bessac area of New Jersey. Seeing the doubts on Rone's face, Ryder explained, the gang is not
19:34a big one, but they are involved in industries such as flower, guns, and girls. They are one
19:40of the newly emerging forces in New Jersey in recent years. And this Ricardo is also one of
19:46the grooms in the Hyena gang who are in charge of managing girls. Okay. Rone didn't know much
19:53about gangs in America, but the basic rule was clear that blacks mixed with blacks, and whites
19:59mixed with whites, so he asked, Yung is a black man, how could he get involved? With a white gang.
20:07Obviously, Yung is a part-time groom, and Ricardo only cares about Gnu's skin color,
20:13not the grooms. Hearing Rone's question, Ryder glanced at Hailey on the sofa and explained,
20:19especially the Hyena gang has been very undisciplined lately. As a new gang,
20:25the Hyena gang is currently in the expansion period of grabbing territory.
20:30At this time, they urgently need a large number of young women to make money for themselves.
20:36But it doesn't mean that there are women, and grooms can't conjure people out of thin air,
20:40so the grooms of the Hyena gang coax women into the water while buying prostitutes from grooms
20:45in society. Yung didn't know where he heard about this. It happened that he was fired from the
20:52supermarket some time ago, and he was short of money, so he decided to take up a part-time job
20:57temporarily, and set his sights on appearing alone in this area. And he didn't have any problems in
21:03the past. New faces seen. Such women generally do not have a groom behind them, and most of them
21:11work part-time. When they work part-time, they don't tell others what they are doing, they just
21:17sneak to other areas and go out to work. This gave Jung a great opportunity, because he didn't
21:23have to worry that after he kidnapped this kind of woman, someone would call the police immediately,
21:28or another groom would come to beat him up. Immediately. Promising a high price to lure the
21:34woman to his home, Yung locked her up, controlled her day by day with a small amount of flour,
21:40and finally sold her to Ricardo of the Hyena gang. As for the cost of flour to control women,
21:46as a black man, Yung can always get cheap low-quality flour with impurities. As long as
21:52the women are not poisoned to death and addicted to it within a few days, then Yung will not lose
21:57money. Seeing that Hailey, who was sitting on the sofa, started to yawn, her nose was runny,
22:04and her spirits became listless again, Roane sighed. Ricardo turned and continued to rummage
22:10through the house. Called again to urge the hospital's ambulance, Roane took out the folder
22:16of the serial murder case, took out a few photos and handed them to Hailey, asking,
22:21do you know any of these people? Hailey opened her eyes and looked, then shook her head,
22:26I haven't seen them, and I don't know them. Luoan frowned slightly, but he didn't say much.
22:33He just wanted to play a game if he had dates or not. It's best to have information,
22:38and it's fine if he doesn't. Dee Dee, a few minutes later, the ambulance finally arrived.
22:45When Roane saw several nurses getting out of the ambulance, the corners of his mouth twitched.
22:51One of them was the burly nurse Rukia. He seemed to understand why the ambulance came so slowly.
22:59Good afternoon, Agent Roane. Nurse Rukia carried Hailey on the sofa into the cart,
23:05waved her hand to signal her colleagues to push her back into the ambulance,
23:09then turned to Roane with a big smile, and asked, thank you for
23:13protecting me before, can you leave a phone number? I want to treat you to a meal. It is my
23:20duty to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth. Feeling tense, Roane hurriedly changed the
23:25subject, took out the photos of the four victims of the serial murder case and handed them to
23:30Rukia, asking, by the way, do you know or meet these people? When Roane shot at the car repair
23:37shop before, Lucia hid in the lounge of the car repair shop decisively and never came out.
23:43Roane was busy on the phone and didn't bother to ask her. Let me see.
23:49Lucia took the photo, frowned after looking at it for a while, and pointed to the first victim,
23:54Linda Chepo said, I think I saw her in the hospital, but I really can't remember.
24:00Hearing this, Roane raised his brows. Just as he was about to ask, Rukia turned around and strode
24:07towards the ambulance, slapped the driver's window of the ambulance, and shouted, Tom,
24:12do you know this woman? Roane opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Tom, who was in
24:18charge of driving the ambulance, cursed in a low voice, and then took the photo that Rukia
24:23handed him. I know her, it should be Linda. A few seconds later, Tom nodded and explained to
24:31Roane on the side, I forget what her husband's name is, but I happened to be there when she
24:35got married in Little St. Phil's Church a year ago. The wedding lasted for a long time because
24:41of someone's disturbance, and I remember it very deeply. Yes. That's right, it's Little St. Phil's
24:49Church. Not a hospital. Hearing what Tom said, Rukia slapped her hands happily and said,
24:56when the couple gets married in Little St. Phil's Church, there will be dedication activities,
25:03that is, some free food will be provided to passersby. I also went to that wedding and ate
25:09several big cakes. Roane raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and hurriedly handed the
25:14photos of the other three victims to Tom, asking, then do you know these three people?
25:20Tom took the photo, looked at it carefully, and then pointed to the photo of Tamara Terry and said
25:25in a deep voice, and her, eight or nine years ago, I don't remember the exact time. But she was also
25:32married in Little St. Phil's Church. At that time, I had no money, and I often went to Little St.
25:39Phil's Church to participate in dedication activities. Chapter 64 DEA The Office Area of
25:46the No. 5 Investigation Team. The crackling sound of the keyboard sounded, and after a long time,
25:53Mona tilted her head and said to Roane who was beside her, you guessed it right, Roane,
25:58the four victims of the State Lake Corpse. Case, Linda Kipper, Beatrice Leon, Natalie
26:04Carlyle and Tamara Terry, the four of them both were married at Little St. Phil's Church in the
26:10Closter area of New Jersey. Okay. Roane nodded upon hearing the words, and Ryder on the side
26:17leaned over, looked at it for a few seconds and asked, is it connected to this serial murder?
26:23High probability. Roane nodded and explained, the home addresses, living and working conditions,
26:30and social environment of the four victims are all unrelated, and even their appearances do
26:35not have uniform characteristics such as blonde hair or red hair. The only connection is that
26:42they are all married women. So now it is found that the weddings of several victims were all
26:47held in a church. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no connection between them.
26:54Mona continued to retrieve the list of couples who have held weddings in the church in recent years,
26:59and then said, before the wedding, the church management will ask the couple to fill in their
27:05personal information, such as name, home address, work location, etc. According to the church
27:12administrator, unless the newlyweds ask for these materials back, the information will always be
27:18kept in paper materials in the church and processed only once in a few years. The murderer can use that
27:24information to find the victim. It seems that this is where the murderer identified his target.
27:30After listening to Mona's words, Lacey nodded with her arms around her waist.
27:36Roane glanced at Lacey, and asked Mona in a deep voice, do you know who has access to the personal
27:42information of these newlyweds? I'm afraid we will have to go to little st. Phil's church for
27:48on-site investigation. Mona spread her hands, her expression was very speechless, according to common
27:55sense, only church managers can access those materials. But according to the couple who had
28:01their wedding in this church, apart from the clean, spacious, and bright hall in front of this church,
28:07the other areas are actually very simple. Because there is nothing of value, there are
28:12no cameras installed in the corridors, and the small rooms are not very locked. The security
28:19guard is just an old priest. If someone wants to enter the church to steal information,
28:24they can do it without attracting anyone's attention. All right. Seeing in the photo that
28:30when the couple got married, a group of people were eating for free in the small square outside
28:35the church because of the dedication activities. Roane rubbed his temples and said after a long
28:41silence, how about it, Lacey, you and Ryder go to little st. Phil's church together, and bring back
28:49the list of all the couples who have held a wedding here in the past 10 years. I'm afraid
28:54we will have to compare them one by one. What? Hearing Roane's words, Ryder didn't respond.
29:02Lacey, who was stroking Mona's slender waist, jumped up on the spot and asked with a questioning
29:07face, why do we need to take such long-term information? We can directly check that when
29:12the four victims disappeared, the manager in the church didn't have an alibi. This will indeed be
29:18checked, but not now. Seeing the puzzled gazes of Lacey, Ryder, and Mona, Roane twitched the corner
29:25of his mouth, coughed lightly and explained, first, of the four victims, Marla Terry was married
29:31eight years ago and died. Two weeks ago. We have no way of determining whether there is any
29:38connection between this. Second, according to the forensic report, the murderer obviously did not
29:45commit the crime for the first time. So we need to investigate these couples in the church to see if
29:50there are any missing cases before this and then find a way to find the body or find the connection
29:56between the victims. The more times the murderer commits crimes, the more things will be exposed,
30:02especially his previous crimes, which will definitely provide us with a lot of evidence
30:07for the FBI to find out his true identity. Third, the corpses of the four victims did not detect
30:15anything related to the murderer. Even if the administrator in the church didn't have an alibi,
30:20it doesn't help, because without evidence, we have no way to connect it to the victim.
30:26So while we investigate the church administrator, we must also find the murderer's previous case
30:31and then find more evidence to crucify the real murderer. After listening to Roane's methodical
30:37narration, Lacey and Ryder suddenly realized, nodded decisively, turned and left the office area.
30:45Mona looked at the computer and pondered for a moment, then tilted her head and asked,
30:49but when the couple gets married in the church, there are so many passers-by who come to eat and
30:54drink for free. Because of the dedication activities. What about these people? We can't
31:01rule out their suspicion. Dot. Roane glanced at Mona, and was about to answer when August suddenly
31:08brought two white detectives in suits into the office area and shouted, Roane. Come to the meeting
31:15room. Okay, sir. Patting Mona on the shoulder, Roane asked her to log into the FBI database to
31:23check the cases in the little st. filled church area, focusing on murder cases, cases and stalking
31:30cases, and then walked into the conference room. As soon as he entered the meeting room and closed
31:35the door of the meeting room, Augustus pointed to the two white detectives and introduced to Roane,
31:41The one on the left is our special investigations. Agent Norton from the organized crime section of
31:47the FBI. The one on the right is special investigations agent Mullen from the DEA.
31:54FBI's organized crime section, the main direction of work is the gang. DEA, Drug Enforcement
32:01Administration, means the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the main direction of work is to
32:06combat the illegal flower trade and use in the United States. Notice. It's illegal flower.
32:14Legal people don't care. Hello, just call me Roane. Roane frowned, stretched out his hand and shook
32:22hands with the two agents, then tilted his head and asked, I don't know what you two are looking
32:27for me today. Hello, Agent Roane. The special investigation agents of the two departments
32:34glanced at each other, and the FBI explained by Norton of the organized crime section,
32:39it's like this, our two departments have been investigating the hyena gang for a year and want
32:45to send the gang's boss, Lou Lanin, to prison, to put it simply, the black man named Yoon that Roane
32:51arrested today, after a large memory recovery by the FBI and DEA said something that is not
32:58important to Yoon, but to the DEA and FBI important clues. So the two agents came here
33:05today to express their gratitude to Agent Luoan of the No. 5 Investigation Team. Seeing the $1,000
33:13check handed over by the other party, Roane frowned, didn't expect to get money for just
33:19catching a black man. There are so many black people on the street. Glancing at Augustus,
33:25who was beside him with a big belly and a black face, Roane hurriedly threw aside the thoughts
33:30in his mind. Thanks. After receiving the check, Roane politely said thank you. At
33:39this moment, out of the corner of his eye, Agent Mullen from the DEA coughed and was about to
33:44speak. Roane's eyes flickered, and he immediately put the check in his pocket, then grabbed the
33:50hands of the two agents and shook them together. With a warm smile on your face, as an FBI agent,
33:58I have always admired the work of your two departments. As long as you need, I will
34:03definitely help you with other high-risk tasks such as undercover, assassinating gang leaders,
34:10listening to gang information, installing bugs, secretly recording videos, seducing gang boss
34:16wives, etc. Believe me, I'm good. At solving crimes. Mullen. Norton. Chapter 65 Undercover.
34:29Leaving the office area of the No. 5 Investigation Team and walking in the corridor outside,
34:35DEA Special Investigator Mullen. Looked gloomy. Hesitating for a moment, he looked back and saw
34:42Augustus laughing with his arms around Roane's shoulders, and the corner of his mouth immediately
34:47turned down. I said it before. Marin. Seeing the expression on the face of his friend, Agent Norton
34:56from the Organized Crime Section of the FBI patted him on the shoulder and laughed, although it's been
35:01less than a week since. Luo interned from an intern detective to a full-time detective, he has
35:07already solved a serial murder case. He is not one of those idiots who are willing to go undercover
35:13in gangsters after being fooled by you for a few words. Hey, Norton, it's not stupid to go undercover,
35:22okay? Hearing Norton's words, Mullen was immediately unhappy. Just as he was about to explain,
35:29Norton spread his hands and asked, how many of the people you DEA sent to go undercover managed
35:36to come back alive? How long did they stay undercover? After finishing the undercover work,
35:42did they come back and get promoted? Is there any bonus after returning? Your DEA's undercover
35:50methods are too rough. Roane Greenwood is a promising FBI agent. I told you before that he
35:58can't agree to you to do this kind of work. Without waiting for Mullen to answer, Norton chuckled,
36:05patted him on the shoulder, and strode into the elevator. FBI's organized crime department is also
36:11working on gangsters. Although I don't know the full picture of DEA's undercover success rate data,
36:19I can guess it roughly. Anyway, not high. Dot snort. With a cold snort, Mullen stopped talking nonsense,
36:28took a cold look at the area of the No. 5 investigation team, and strode into the elevator.
36:36Nice job, Roane. At the gate of the No. 5 investigation team, seeing Norton and Mullen
36:42enter the elevator, Augustus patted Roane on the shoulder, laughed with satisfaction and
36:48nodded again and again, when you took the check just now, I was planning to remind you, but I
36:53didn't expect you to see through the DEA's idea. Yes. You have brains and are smart enough.
37:01Thank you, sir. Luowen chuckled and didn't say much. As a killer, the most important thing is
37:09to believe in one's instincts. When Roane first met Agent Mullen, Roane felt uncomfortable with him.
37:17At first, I thought that something was wrong with Yoon, the black man, or he said something that
37:22should not be said. Marlon came to find fault, but he didn't expect that the other party came to
37:29deliver a check. However, after receiving the check, Mullen still felt uncomfortable to him.
37:36Reminiscent of the content of DEA's work, Roane easily guessed the purpose of the other party,
37:43there is a high probability that I will pull myself to be an undercover agent.
37:48Of course, considering that I have already been on TV in New York, The Undercover. Location should
37:55not be New York. The scope of work of the DEA covers the entire Federation. It is no problem
38:02to change cities, such as Chicago, or even a little further south. People there don't.
38:09Read the New York Daily, after all. Regarding the job of being an undercover agent,
38:15Roane has only one thought in his mind, he he. Undercover work is one of the most dangerous jobs
38:21in the world. If. You want to survive to the end, you need brains, strength, luck, and a
38:28reliable officer. Without one of them, one wakes up to find oneself sunk to the bottom of the Hudson
38:35River. Luoan looked down. At himself, he was rich, handsome and promising, why did he do such a
38:43thankless job? And it's not the job of the FBI. So just now he decisively blocked the other
38:50party's mouth with words, thank you. For your check. If you need it in the future, I will provide you
38:57with all support except help. The two walked back to the office area of the No. 5 investigation team,
39:04Augustus tilted his head and. Asked, how is it? The Lake Female Corpse Serial Murder Case,
39:11has any clues? A little. Roane nodded, and told Augustus that he had found the connection between
39:18the four victims, that is, the. Marriage experience of the Little St. Phil Church,
39:24and then said, I'm going to check the list of newly married couples in that church to see if
39:29I can find new victims, so as to find out more. Information about the murderer. Okay.
39:37Regarding Roane's thoughts, Augustus didn't say much,
39:40nodded affirmatively, said that if he needed support, he would send a message immediately,
39:45and then turned. His head to Veronese's office. It is said that Veronese is looking for him.
39:52Sit back to her workstation, and Mona, who is sitting next to her, is waving her 10 fingers
39:58on the keyboard. When she. Sees Roane coming back, she immediately stops her movements,
40:05pointing at the computer and tilting her head with displeasure, a good news,
40:09a bad news, Roane, which one do you want to hear? Roane. Paused, speechless, let's start with the
40:17bad news. Mona pouted, pointed at the computer and said, the bad news is that you asked me to
40:23focus on Little St. Phil's Church to investigate murder. Cases, cases, stalking cases, obscenity
40:31cases and other cases, and I can't investigate them at all. The area is too big and there are
40:37countless cases. There are more than a dozen homicides that. The New Jersey police haven't
40:44solved. This was reported, some people died on the street, and after the New Jersey police sent
40:50people to clean up the bodies, there was no conclusion. Hearing what? Mona said, Roane's head
40:57was full of black lines. As expected of the United States, where an average of 120 people
41:04are killed by shootings every day, the death of a person or something is really not a big deal
41:10in two densely populated places like New York and New Jersey. What about the good news? Mona
41:17pursed her lips, and after typing a few times on the keyboard, a circle appeared on the computer
41:24screen, according to your request, when I investigated the case near the center of Little
41:29St. Phil's Church, I drew a circle with a radius of three miles. It turned out that the lake at the
41:36junction of the state border where the bodies of the four victims were checked, and the homes of
41:41the four victims were in this circle. What did you say? Seeing the circles on the computer.
41:48Roane's eyes widened in surprise, but when he saw the list of cases that could not be
41:53retrieved from the computer, the corner of Luo An's mouth twitched, and after a moment of thought,
41:59he said, because the disappearance and death of the first victim, Linda Chepo, was eight months
42:05ago, when you next inquire about the case, set the time within nearly a year. At the same time,
42:12those murderers have been arrested, and there is no need to investigate the cases in prison.
42:19The main investigation is the murderer who was released from prison within a year and is still
42:23living within a three-mile radius centered on Little St. Phil's Church. All right. Hearing
42:31Roane's arrangement, Mona sighed, took a sip of bitter coffee and patted her face, and the
42:36crackling keyboard sounded. Again. After a long time, Ryder, who was holding two large cardboard
42:44boxes, and Lacey, who was holding a large cardboard box, also rushed back. Who, throwing the cardboard
42:52box on the floor of the conference room, Lacey and Ryder let out a long breath. Thanks for your
42:59hard work. Roane poured a cup of coffee for the two, and then began to flip through the paper that
43:05contained information about the newlyweds. Roane, these three boxes contain information records of
43:12newlyweds in Little St. Phil's Church for the past two and a half years. After taking a sip of coffee,
43:19Lacey sat down on the chair, her face tightened. Little St. Phil's Church receives newcomers every
43:26week. If there are many people, it can receive four couples a day, and if there are few people,
43:32there will be two couples. A day. If you really want to check the information of all newcomers in
43:39the past ten years, then don't check it. The ten people in our number five investigation team can't
43:45check it at all. That's right. That's right. Ryder on the side nodded repeatedly, put down his coffee
43:53cup and said, on our way back and forth just now, Little St. Phil's Church received another couple
43:59of newcomers. Lew Owen frowned when he heard the words. After a long silence, he suddenly patted
44:07his head, stood up, shook the paper in his hand and said, no, we still need to check. Seeing that
44:14Lacey and Ryder's faces collapsed after listening to his words, Roane shook his head and said in a
44:21deep voice, but we will focus on checking the records of new couples in the past seven months
44:26and the records of new couples in the past two weeks. Why? Ryder was refreshed when he heard the
44:34words, but Lacey asked suspiciously, but you said before that Marla Terry was married eight years
44:40ago and died two weeks ago, which now the fun in this clip is over, which listeners haven't liked
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44:55clip. May the listeners be happy forever.