Ukraine is extremely short of soldiers for the front! Zakharova, Russia

  • 2 months ago
Zelensky is looking for ways to return Ukrainian refugees from the EU to be sent to the front!
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the crisis around Ukraine at a regular briefing.

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00:00And of course,
00:01we paid attention to the revelations of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Budanov.
00:07On July 13,
00:09in an interview,
00:10with the Ukrainian publication NV,
00:12he admitted to futile attempts to assassinate the President of the Russian Federation.
00:18There is no doubt,
00:19that such crimes were planned,
00:22and financed,
00:23with the direct participation of the Anglo-Saxon masters of the Kyiv regime.
00:28Money flows in colossal streams.
00:32And not a single atrocity,
00:35not a single terrorist act against civilians,
00:39against the civilian population,
00:43against representatives of various branches of government,
00:48has ever during this period been condemned by Western countries in their national capacity,
00:58or collectively,
00:59neither in the public sphere,
01:02nor within the framework of any -or active work on international platforms.
01:10Neither the American,
01:12nor the British,
01:14nor the French,
01:16nor the German representatives ever expressed even a word of any criticism.
01:26in combination,
01:27with massive funding of the Kyiv regime,
01:31and endless flows of weapons,
01:34of course,
01:35these crimes are financed and sponsored by the collective West,
01:41which becomes an accomplice in this criminal activity of the Kyiv regime.
01:48despite this,
01:49and despite the fact,
01:50that this terrible bloody rain of money and weapons is pouring on the Ukrainian government,
01:57which does not stop,
01:59all this does not bring the Zelensky junta the desired result.
02:03According to the same Budanov,
02:05this is a direct quote,
02:06the Armed Forces of Ukraine are experiencing problems,
02:09and they tend to worsen.
02:10This will continue to happen.
02:14That is,
02:14if we speak without any symbolism,
02:17if we speak openly,
02:19then Ukraine is suffering failures one after another on the way to inevitable defeat.
02:26of course,
02:27this worries the West,
02:28which is trying,
02:30with all its might to prevent Russia from winning.
02:33When there are no other ways,
02:37terror is used.
02:38We talk about this regularly.
02:42As we understand,
02:43the Kyiv regime is no stranger to terrorist methods.
02:49They already have enormous experience in carrying out terrorist attacks.
02:55Now a few words about mobilization in Ukraine.
02:59On July 16,
03:00as you know,
03:01the deadline for mandatory updating of military data by those liable for military service,
03:07provided for by the scandalous law on tightening mobilization in Ukraine,
03:12According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense,
03:17approximately 4 point 7 million people did this.
03:2375 thousand people did this abroad,
03:28that is,
03:29every tenth Ukrainian of mobilization age.
03:34The leaders are the so-called Ukrainian refugees in Germany,
03:37the Czech Republic,
03:38and Canada.
03:39as of April alone,
03:40more than 800 thousand Ukrainian citizens were registered in the countries of the European Union.
03:47It is planned to put approximately 300 thousand people under arms.
03:52as you understand,
03:53such indicators are far from being met.
03:57Citizens of Ukraine prefer to hide or even go to prison instead of going to the front.
04:07I think this is very revealing.
04:09The number of draft dodgers in Ukraine has increased almost 3 times compared to 2022,
04:16and this figure has reached 417 thousand people.
04:20The largest number of draft dodgers were recorded in Western Ukraine,
04:25where the absolute leader is the Lviv region.
04:28in 2023,
04:30and the first half of 2024,
04:3385 thousand 800 cases of men,
04:37who went on the run or were hiding from Ukrainian military commissars were put on the wanted list.
04:45In Lviv,
04:45there is a whole network of telegram channels,
04:49which has approximately 150 thousand subscribers,
04:54that is,
04:54approximately one fifth of the population of this city,
04:59which notify the population in advance about mobilization raids.
05:04Is this,
05:05what is called Ukrainian democracy?
05:11As the West said,
05:14is this the young Ukrainian state,
05:17that is on the right track,
05:20which is sovereign,
05:22and nationally oriented?
05:25The number of criminal cases initiated in connection,
05:28with desertion,
05:29and unauthorized abandonment of military units is also growing.
05:33In the first half of 2024,
05:36almost 30 thousand such criminal cases were opened in Ukraine.
05:40And in total,
05:42since 2022,
05:45according to law enforcement agencies of Ukraine,
05:5063 thousand such criminal cases have been opened.
05:57According to German media,
05:59in particular Deutsche Welle,
06:02in reality these figures could be three or even four times higher.
06:09Judging by messages on Ukrainian social networks,
06:12in the country they are mobilizing men aged 20-25,
06:17although the law on tightening mobilization adopted in April does not include this provision.
06:24Talk has intensified about lowering the mobilization age in Ukraine to 18 years in 2025.
06:34Every time such plans are discussed,
06:39the Ukrainian authorities deny them.
06:43They always do it,
06:45as it seems to them,
06:47They give their word,
06:50they promise.
06:51Then everything happens the other way around.
06:55There is no doubt,
06:57that it will be the same now,
07:00and the mobilization age in Ukraine will be lowered.
07:05And I think,
07:06that age 18 is not the limit.
07:09Former US permanent representative to NATO Ivo Daalder added fuel to the fire.
07:14On July 14,
07:17in an interview,
07:18with Euronews,
07:19he stated the need for Kiev to use existing human resources,
07:25and recruit citizens aged 18-20 into the troops.
07:31I will repeat who stated this.
07:33This was stated by the representative of the United States to NATO.
07:37That is,
07:37this is the structure that,
07:40strictly speaking,
07:41is engaged in developing aggressive anti-Russian plans,
07:46which uses the Kiev regime for these purposes.
07:51Who else,
07:51but the American permanent representative understands,
07:57and is obvious,
07:58that Washington will demand from the Kyiv regime to implement its criminal plans.
08:05It is also not surprising,
08:06that the plans announced by the Zelensky regime to strengthen control over the location,
08:11and movement around the country of persons aged 16 to 60 years.
08:16In general,
08:16the amount of money,
08:18that fugitives spent to leave Ukraine has long exceeded the 6 million euros provided by Western countries,
08:27which were allocated for an extra-budgetary project called:
08:33and responding to human trafficking amid the humanitarian crisis associated,
08:39with the war in Ukraine;
08:41as it was formulated there.
08:43According to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies,
08:47at least 200 people try to cross the border illegally every day.
08:52As you understand,
08:53it is almost impossible to do this legally.
08:56That is,
08:56this is approximately 6 thousand people per month.
08:59According to various unofficial estimates,
09:03this figure could reach 20 thousand people.
09:08What does this mean?
09:09This speaks of the complete chaos,
09:12that is happening on the territory of Ukraine.
09:15This indicates a lack of law,
09:18legality in the actions of the authorities.
09:21This speaks of the lack of faith of Ukrainian citizens in the bright future promised by Zelensky,
09:30and the West,
09:31which must be ensured at the expense of the lives of Ukrainian citizens.
09:37This is what's going on there.
09:40It seems to me,
09:41that the West should not be shy.
09:43Let them call,
09:44what is now happening in Ukraine liberal democracy,
09:48that everyone to whom this liberal democracy will later be offered,
09:54or imposed,
09:55that they all know what really awaits them.
09:59By the way,
10:02in continuation of the topic of mobilization in Ukraine,
10:05there is a very interesting trend.
10:07I would like to say a few words regarding the recruitment of Ukrainians,
10:13with second citizenship.
10:15As I just emphasized,
10:17there is such a shortage of manpower in Ukraine,
10:20that the Ukrainian authorities are going to recruit even those Ukrainians,
10:26who have a second citizenship or residence permit in other countries.
10:32In general,
10:33now I will not even try to build some kind of logical chain in the actions of the Kyiv authorities,
10:40who refused citizens of their country,
10:43citizens of Ukraine,
10:45to have a Russian passport,
10:47despite the fact,
10:48that they were connected by family ties,
10:51and history.
10:52They had to make a choice:
10:54either a Ukrainian passport or Russian citizenship.
10:59What is happening now defies any logical or legal comprehension at all.
11:06that the citizens of Ukraine have already mixed everything:
11:10they have passports of Ukraine,
11:11and passports of other countries,
11:13including Western ones.
11:14For some reason this does not raise any questions for anyone.
11:18you know,
11:19it's such an absolute legal mess.
11:22let's get back to the Ukrainian mobilization.
11:24Now Kyiv is discussing,
11:25with a number of European countries,
11:28in particular Poland,
11:29the Baltic states,
11:31but so far without success,
11:32the idea of luring out Ukrainian citizens,
11:35who are on the territory of the mentioned countries of the European Union.
11:40EU countries are increasingly talking about their desire to help the Kyiv regime not only,
11:45with weapons,
11:45because someone must hold these weapons in their hands,
11:49but also in terms of recruiting personnel.
11:51Although things have not yet come to the point of mass deportations of Ukrainians from Western Europe,
11:57they persistently offer refugees to join various kinds of volunteer formations to participate in hostilities.
12:05you see,
12:05how in the countries of the European Union it is sometimes announced,
12:10that support,
12:13and other benefits for so-called refugees from the territory of Ukraine are ending.
12:19Why is all this being done?
12:20This is done so,
12:21that they return to Ukraine,
12:23and there they will be met by Ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices.
12:29They will immediately send them in transit across the front line to their graves.
12:33On July 11,
12:35Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder,
12:38in an interview,
12:39with the Munchner Merkur newspaper,
12:42that the regional authorities could send Ukrainian men of military age to their homeland if a corresponding request was received from Ukraine.
12:55in my opinion,
12:56only those,
12:57who do not want to face reality can not understand or hear this.
13:05And this is already reality.
13:06It is no secret,
13:07that the German intelligence services have long been actively pushing refugees to join the German volunteer corps as part of the so-called International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine.
13:21They lure them,
13:22with the possibility of simplified acquisition of German citizenship,
13:27but with only one caveat,
13:29only after the end of hostilities,
13:31if someone holds out.
13:33Whoever survives may receive German citizenship.
13:39I can immediately say,
13:41that the Westerners made millions,
13:45tens of millions of such promises.
13:48If you want to know,
13:51how it ends,
13:52look at Afghanistan.
13:55They didn’t even allow their citizens,
13:59recruited assistants,
14:02who voluntarily trusted the United States,
14:06who worked for Washington on the territory of Afghanistan,
14:12to board the planes.
14:15Those people clung to the landing gear of the planes,
14:19dying on the fly.
14:21This happens all the time.
14:24But on the other hand,
14:27in order not to repeat mistakes,
14:29you need to know history.
14:31When they cancel history,
14:33then they will have to repeat the mistakes.
14:36The security cooperation agreement signed between Zelensky,
14:39and Warsaw on July 8 should be viewed in the same light.
14:43Among other things,
14:44it says,
14:45in a direct quote,
14:46that citizens of Ukraine temporarily residing in Poland,
14:49and other states can take part in the process of training personnel of the security and defense forces of Ukraine on the territory of Poland.
14:57To do this,
14:57they are going to use the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade stationed in Lublin,
15:03which was created in 2014.
15:05On its basis it is planned to form the so-called Ukrainian Legion.
15:09Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski reported on July 11,
15:13that several thousand people had allegedly already submitted applications to join the legion.
15:19Warsaw does not hide the fact,
15:21that they intend to encourage Ukrainian citizens to return home to serve in its Armed Forces.
15:26once again,
15:27this incentive is not for service in Ukraine,
15:29but this is an incentive for voluntarily giving up life.
15:32It is noteworthy,
15:33that at the beginning of July,
15:35the Polish authorities reduced benefits for Ukrainian refugees,
15:38as I already said,
15:39and tightened the procedure for entering this country.
15:43This liberal democracy lies softly,
15:46but it will be hard to sleep.
15:50The Baltic states are similarly inclined.
15:52On July 15,
15:53the Lithuanian authorities announced,
15:55that they intend,
15:56at the request of Ukraine,
15:57to stop free education for Ukrainian students in their universities.
16:00This is fine?
16:03How do you like the vicissitudes of liberalism?
16:09There is every reason to believe,
16:11that soon the West’s desire to fight to the last Ukrainian will take the form of open deportations of Ukrainian refugees to the front.
