रविवार को करनाल पहुंचे सीएम नायब सिंह सैनी मेवात के नूंह में होने वाली ब्रजमंडल यात्रा को लेकर कहा कि हमने अधिकारियों को सचेत किया है और लोगों से भी अपील करूंगा कि ये धार्मिक कार्यक्रम है हम आपस में मिलकर रहते हैं। भगवान श्री कृष्ण को मानने वाले लोग ब्रज मंडल यात्रा से जुड़े हुए लोग हैं, उस यात्रा में वहां के लोगों को सहयोग करना चाहिए। यूपी और उत्तराखंड में दुकानों पर नाम लिखने को लेकर सीएम सैनी ने कहा कि कहां कैसा खाना मिलता है, ये लोगों की भावना होती है।
#brijmandalyatra #cmsaini #cmnayabsinghsaini #nayabsinghsaini #haryanacm #kanwaryatra
#brijmandalyatra #cmsaini #cmnayabsinghsaini #nayabsinghsaini #haryanacm #kanwaryatra
00:00We have also informed the authorities about this and I would like to appeal to all of you that this is a religious activity.
00:12We all live together in the society and brotherhood grows together because this long journey of Braj Mandal
00:22is connected to the faith of Bhagwan Shri Krishna.
00:32I would like to tell all the people of Braj Mandal that they should support this journey
00:44and we should not go towards hatred or any other problem.
00:56See, it is not that the religious people do not know how we get food here.
01:06We should not hide anything.
01:12Why should we hide?
01:14You should also come and see.
01:16No, see, it is not like that. I am saying that we should not hide anything.
01:20Whoever it is, they should write the truth.
01:22This is the feeling of the people.
01:24Because when a religious person has faith in Bhagwan and he stays away from the flesh,
01:34he will not go with his family.