Princess Daisy in "A Sore Bottom for a Sore Loser" (Spanking Story)

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00Princess Daisy in A Sore Bottom for a Sore Loser by Yume
00:00:04Come on, Dad! You're going to let me beat you again!
00:00:08exclaimed Princess Daisy as she mashed the A button on the controller in her hands.
00:00:13Her father, the King of Sarasaland, chuckled
00:00:16I'm trying my best, Daisy, but you're just too good at this game!
00:00:20The two of them were huddled in front of the television, playing Mario Party together.
00:00:25It was a rare moment of downtime for the King, who usually had a full schedule of meetings and responsibilities to attend to.
00:00:32But he had promised his daughter that they would spend the afternoon bonding over their mutual love of gaming as a birthday treat.
00:00:39It wasn't technically Daisy's 19th birthday. That would be tomorrow.
00:00:44But as far as Daisy was concerned, this was the real celebration.
00:00:49Tomorrow there would be an ornate cake, guests from across Sarasaland and the Mushroom Kingdom, flamenco music, salsa dancing.
00:00:57But today, Daisy could just relax in her comfy summer skirt with the best dad in the entire world.
00:01:03Daisy was thrilled to be spending her official, unofficial birthday with her father, and even more thrilled to be beating him at his own game.
00:01:11She had always been fiercely competitive, and she relished the opportunity to show off her skills.
00:01:17You know, Dad, you have to try and anticipate my next move when you choose your path on the game board.
00:01:23I could teach you a thing or two about strategy!
00:01:26She said, grinning as she guided her character across the screen.
00:01:30I think you already have my dear. You're putting me to shame!
00:01:35As they played, the two of them chatted and joked.
00:01:38It was a rare moment of levity in the often stressful life of a royal family.
00:01:42Eventually, the game came to an end, with Daisy emerging as the victor once again.
00:01:47The king groaned, shaking his head in disbelief.
00:01:50I can't believe you beat me, then!
00:01:53Daisy grinned, giving her father a playful nudge.
00:01:56Don't worry, Dad! Maybe you'll get me next time, or not!
00:02:00Hopefully I can win sometime before you turn 20!
00:02:04The king smiled, feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend time with his daughter
00:02:09and grateful for the reminder that sometimes, it's the simple things in life,
00:02:13like playing video games with your child, that can bring the most joy.
00:02:18As soon as the victory music finished playing, Daisy quickly navigated the menu to set up a new game.
00:02:24Come on! Let's have a rematch! I love kicking your ass!
00:02:28The king of Sarasaland fixed his tomboy daughter with a stern look.
00:02:32Daisy, that's not an appropriate expression for a daughter of royalty!
00:02:37You've got to work on learning your language!
00:02:40Ignoring her father's glare, Daisy raised a hand to boop his nose,
00:02:44one of their favorite ways of teasing each other ever since she was little.
00:02:48You've got to work on getting good at Mary Party, Dad!
00:02:51But the king of Sarasaland didn't crack a giggle like he normally would if they were playing.
00:02:56He looked Daisy in the eye to get her attention.
00:02:59Daisy, this is serious! How can you be responsible for an entire kingdom one day
00:03:04if you can't control your timing, you know?
00:03:06I want you to promise to work on your language!
00:03:09If you use another coarse expression, I will take away your mantle again, ribloids!
00:03:14Do you understand?
00:03:16Daisy's hand paused in midair mid-nose boop.
00:03:19She and her dad loved to play silly games with each other,
00:03:22but when he gave her the look she knew it meant that he was being dead serious.
00:03:26Yes, sir! I promise!
00:03:29That's my girl, said her father, beaming.
00:03:32The firmness melted back into his usual jovial self in an instant.
00:03:36Now let's screw up one more game!
00:03:38I'm going to try my best to win at least one today!
00:03:42As the game progressed, Daisy was determined to keep her promise
00:03:46and show her dad her best princess manners.
00:03:48After the first few turns, Daisy bought a star and took the early lead.
00:03:53She was so elated, all thoughts of their serious conversation were driven from her mind.
00:03:58Yes! I'm gonna win every game today!
00:04:01A perfect record! Flawless victory!
00:04:04No one beats me! Not even my dad!
00:04:07Daisy thought. However, things didn't go as planned.
00:04:11As the game progressed, Daisy started to feel frustrated as her father caught up to her score.
00:04:17He made some good item purchases, and purchased a star himself to reach second place,
00:04:22with only a few coins separating them.
00:04:25She tried to keep her cool, but as the tension mounted, she found herself losing control.
00:04:31When a computer player beat Daisy in a duel, Daisy fell into second place behind her dad.
00:04:36In a flash, Daisy stamped her foot and stood up, barely stifling a curse word.
00:04:41Fah! Dang it!
00:04:43As she caught herself, her father flashed her the firm look again.
00:04:47Good catch, but that was a close one, Daisy!
00:04:50Try to have fun! Even if something doesn't go your way, you can't win every game!
00:04:55Look at me! I lose to you all the time and I shall have a blast!
00:05:00Pouting, Daisy sat back down, glad she'd caught herself.
00:05:04At age ten, she'd learned the hard way that deliberately using mature language
00:05:08like the F-word in front of her dad was an offense that merited a spanking.
00:05:12She was way too old for that now, of course, but the lesson was well ingrained.
00:05:17Well, it's not fair that the computer took my coins!
00:05:21I swear they programmed these things to cheat at some of these minigames!
00:05:26Well, sometimes life isn't fair, Daisy.
00:05:29When we choose to play the game, we choose to sometimes have these things happen.
00:05:35The second computer character hired Abu to steal the king's star, returning him to second place.
00:05:41You see, I was in first, so the computer thought I was the primary threat.
00:05:46Primary threat? That couldn't have been you!
00:05:48Daisy saw the logic in her father's words, but she also liked pretending that the game was rigged against her.
00:05:54Humph! I guess!
00:05:56Midway through the game, Daisy and her father each bought a star.
00:06:00Daisy felt as though she had cemented her place in first,
00:06:03and her father was now fighting valiantly for third place behind the thieving computer.
00:06:08They were both crushing the computers at the minigames,
00:06:11and Daisy silently kept score, with a smirk as the only hint of her inward sense of triumph.
00:06:16I've won six minigames! Dad's won five!
00:06:20So I've got the minigame bonus star in the bag as a cushion!
00:06:24But with the help of Daisy's coaching, Dad did better at one of the skill-based minigames, edging her out.
00:06:30Daisy chewed her bottom lip.
00:06:32Okay, we're tied for that bonus star, but that's okay!
00:06:35Dad's only in third, so I'm still comfortably ahead of the computer in second!
00:06:40Daisy's confidence took a hit when she lost a chance-based minigame to her dad.
00:06:45Ow! Why do they even have minigames that are pure luck? It doesn't test any skill at all!
00:06:52The king patted her on the back of the shoulder reassuringly.
00:06:55Well, keep on fighting, Daisy!
00:06:58If you focus on doing your best, you have nothing to be ashamed of if you get unlucky once in a while!
00:07:04Daisy nodded, and focused on her next task, buying a third star.
00:07:09With that, she would have a comfortable lead even without a bonus star.
00:07:13Carefully choosing her items, Daisy calculated her best path.
00:07:17On the very last turn, her strategy paid off.
00:07:21Snatching up a third star, Daisy leapt up into the air pumping her fist in triumph.
00:07:26Looking her dad in the eye, she neared him,
00:07:29smacking herself on the behind with one hand while stretching her lower eyelid with the other,
00:07:34before settling back into her chair.
00:07:36Ow! Damn you!
00:07:38It's over, Dad! I'm the best!
00:07:41Great job, Daisy, but don't hunt your chickens before they're hatched!
00:07:45Following a similar strategy, the king used every coin he had to snatch up his second star on his final turn,
00:07:52putting him behind the star-thieving computer by just a few coins.
00:07:56That same computer landed on a Bowser space, losing all its coins, leaving them tied for second place.
00:08:03Daisy folded her gloved hands behind her head and kicked up her feet on the gaming table with a relaxed sigh.
00:08:09She reflected that there was nothing she loved more than kicking her dad's ass in Mario Party.
00:08:15Oh, Daisy, you might want to watch this.
00:08:18Daisy lazily opened one eye to catch a glimpse of the last computer character landing on a chance time space,
00:08:24triggering a special event in which either coins or stars could be exchanged.
00:08:29With horror, Daisy watched as it randomly jumped to select boxes.
00:08:33Her character's profile picture appeared on the second box, meaning she would either be forced to give or receive something.
00:08:40Daisy started to say a curse word out loud, before the memory of her promise to Dad caused her to censor herself mid-word.
00:08:47Shit! Shoot!
00:08:49The computer jumped into the final box revealing the result.
00:08:52Daisy was forced to give all her coins to the computer in last place.
00:08:56Daisy dug her fingers into her thick, chestnut brown hair.
00:08:59Ack! No fair! No fair! No fair!
00:09:03The king stroked his beard sagely.
00:09:05Well, at least you didn't lose your stars and that's what counts.
00:09:10The screen faded to the results page.
00:09:12In her wild swings between joy and despair, Daisy had lost track of her mental count for the bonus stars.
00:09:19She always dominated in minigames so that was in the bag,
00:09:23and she deliberately landed on green event spaces to pick up a second bonus star.
00:09:28She was pretty sure the disastrous battle minigame and chance time event had taken her out of the running for the coin star,
00:09:35but Daisy knew it was simple math.
00:09:37With two bonus stars, her one star lead was unbreakable.
00:09:41To Daisy's consternation, both her and her dad tied for a landing on green spaces.
00:09:46Bumpkins! When'd you land on a green space?
00:09:49The king's mustache drooped in polite shock.
00:09:52Oh, is that what that's for? I thought it had something to do with going to Farfetch'd.
00:09:58Daisy narrowed her eyes in disbelief.
00:10:00What? It's for triggering green event spaces.
00:10:04Why would you think it had something to do with traveling the most spaces?
00:10:08He shrugged.
00:10:10Because green means gold.
00:10:12Daisy frowned.
00:10:13Come on, Dad, be serious.
00:10:15Dad smiled.
00:10:16Come on, Daisy, don't be so serious.
00:10:19As expected, the second star, for winning the most coins, went to the computer with no stars.
00:10:25It hadn't had an opportunity to spend a single coin on stars nor items,
00:10:30and despite poor performance in minigames, had scored coins from Daisy twice and gotten lucky with coins elsewhere on the board.
00:10:38Since the computer hadn't earned a single star, Daisy had discounted it as a real concern.
00:10:44Finally, the winner of the last star was announced.
00:10:47Daisy prepared to slap her dad on the back and tease him for another embarrassing loss.
00:10:52But with the musical, tinkling sound effect of doom, the last star was awarded to her dad, for winning the most minigames.
00:11:00Daisy's hand froze mid-swing above her dad's back.
00:11:04Wah! No! I'll always win that!
00:11:07That's the part of the game that requires the most skill!
00:11:10But then she remembered that she had forgotten to remember the minigame score count after her dad got lucky in that one game.
00:11:17Daisy threw her head back on the couch and lamented the cruelty of God and an unjust world.
00:11:22Unfair! I had that!
00:11:25So wait, that means we're tied for stars?
00:11:28What happens next? I've never seen this before.
00:11:31Daisy halted feeling sorry for herself to watch the screen.
00:11:35Well, the tiebreaker goes to the person with the most coins, which was me, of course!
00:11:41You lost your coins in that chance time game, remember?
00:11:45But I spent my last coin on my star and landed on a green space with no coins, so...
00:11:51In horror, Daisy saw that they both had a total of four stars and zero coins.
00:11:57Decisively ahead of the computers, but a perfect draw. Daisy's mouth hung open.
00:12:02What? This never happens to me!
00:12:05For the first time in her life, Daisy watched as the game explained the rules of a tiebreaker.
00:12:10Both characters would roll a die to determine the winner.
00:12:13That's it! It all comes down to one die roll!
00:12:17Her dad nodded, equally surprised.
00:12:20Good luck, Daisy!
00:12:21But Daisy furiously mashed the A button to roll her die as quickly as possible.
00:12:26Go, go, go, go, go! Hurry!
00:12:29A9 appeared on the screen above her character's head, a great roll.
00:12:33Oh, let me see here.
00:12:36Dad fumbled to find the A button, and rolled a 10.
00:12:39The game announced him as the winner of the tiebreaker, and as the fanfare played, the king's chosen character, Luigi.
00:12:46A fine young man, and an excellent role model!
00:12:50As Daisy's dad liked to call him, danced triumphantly on the screen.
00:12:54In response, Daisy jumped up and danced in a fit of fury.
00:12:58What the hell? That's a load of bullshit! I hate this game!
00:13:02Pure fucking luck!
00:13:04Fuck! Look!
00:13:06Seething, Daisy threw the controller at the TV screen, which cracked from the force of her 90-mile-per-hour baseball pitch.
00:13:13Daisy was about to send the gaming table into the air with her World Cup-worthy soccer kick,
00:13:19when her father's two strong hands gripped her under the armpits and picked her up as lightly as if she was still a toddler.
00:13:25Daisy, control yourself!
00:13:27But Daisy didn't want to control herself.
00:13:30Mario Party was an unfair, stupid game.
00:13:33The whole world was stupid and unfair.
00:13:36She squirmed, winding up her foot to kick her dad for having the gall to steal her victory.
00:13:41But as Daisy looked into her father's firm eyes, the temptation to throw a proper tantrum died instantly.
00:13:48She suddenly remembered all the times she would wrestle and play act at fighting with her dad and the other kids.
00:13:54Once when she was 12, she'd ignored her dad's warning about playing nice with her little sister Azalea.
00:14:00That day, Daisy had learned a hard lesson about the difference between boisterous roughhousing and bullying,
00:14:06after taking a trip across her father's knee.
00:14:09Gently, but firmly, the king sat the princess down on the couch with a soft bump.
00:14:14You lady, that was completely unacceptable!
00:14:17I can't believe you will do something like that!
00:14:20In her heart, Daisy knew he was right.
00:14:23She just knew that she was about to lose her video game privileges.
00:14:27And when she saw the serious look in her dad's eyes,
00:14:30Daisy remembered all the daddy-daughter chats they'd had over the years.
00:14:34Daisy couldn't help but think of a little cartoon angel standing on her shoulder shouting,
00:14:39Alert! Alert! Warnt this tantrum immediately!
00:14:42But through the cracked TV screen she could still see and hear the terrible reminder of her defeat.
00:14:48The injustice of it all boiled over, drowning out her shoulder angel.
00:14:52Daisy folded her arms in front of her, but looked to the side, unable to look her father in the eye.
00:14:58You cheated!
00:14:59I most certainly did not cheat!
00:15:02Now Daisy, since you've broken the TV, we obviously won't be playing any more video games for a while!
00:15:09Furthermore, you will be doing chores in the castle kitchen to teach you to respect the values properly.
00:15:16If you work diligently, you'll be able to pay for the damage in a few weeks.
00:15:20I also promise you that you will lose your video game privileges if you swore again.
00:15:25After you have done enough chores to pay for the damage you did,
00:15:29you will still have an additional week without video game privileges.
00:15:34And I suggest you shake up your attitude starting right now before you make things worse for yourself!
00:15:41Unfortunately, at that moment, Daisy hated video games,
00:15:45so the threat of losing video games was like a beaverdam in the face of the flood of Noah.
00:15:50She wanted to win. She wanted to beat her dad.
00:15:53So what? I never want to play that stupid game with you ever again!
00:15:58And who cares if I swear a bit? People do it all the time!
00:16:02Daisy went out yelling, but with deadly calm, the king pointed to the door.
00:16:06Daisy, go to your room, now! You all stay there until you're ready to control your temper and be civil!
00:16:12Oh, a time out! I'm 19 years old, dad! I'm too old to be sent to my room!
00:16:18Princess Daisy of Sarasaland, you are not too old to be sent to your room!
00:16:24And you are not too old for a sad king!
00:16:27So what is your decision? You can choose your way and start making this right starting right now!
00:16:33The tidal wave of anger paused.
00:16:35The shoulder angel, soaking wet and coughing up water, scrambled back onto Daisy's shoulder.
00:16:41Don't do it, Daisy! You know he's serious!
00:16:44But in that moment of calm, Daisy made her decision, not out of hot anger, but of a single, cold desire.
00:16:51This contest was a battle of wills, and Daisy was determined to win it, for no other reason than that she hated losing.
00:16:57Go ahead and spank me! I don't care! Do your worst cheater!
00:17:02The king of Sarasaland nodded, taking a moment to struggle against the temptation to lose his temper.
00:17:08He was already regretting the threat to spank his grown-up daughter,
00:17:12but when dealing with a girl with Daisy's willpower, it was essential to never make idle threats.
00:17:18Proper discipline required self-control, clear rules and consequences, and consistent follow-through.
00:17:24He hadn't had to deal with bad behavior like this from Daisy for years, and he was determined to nip this in the bud.
00:17:31Firmly, the king pinched Daisy by the left ear with his right hand, careful not to tug on her ear.
00:17:37Thankfully, it had the desired effect.
00:17:40Daisy stiffened, but all thought of fighting and struggling against her beloved papa vanished in a heartbeat.
00:17:46Her shoulder angel and shoulder devil were now having a professional wrestling match inside her heart.
00:17:51The shoulder angel had elbow-dropped the shoulder devil,
00:17:54and was proceeding to give it a wedgie and spank it in front of a cheering crowd.
00:17:59Daisy saw herself in the crowd but didn't feel like cheering.
00:18:02Well, you just asked for a spanking and now you're gonna get one? boomed the shoulder angel.
00:18:08Congratulations! Hope you're happy!
00:18:12Daisy muttered, plaintively.
00:18:14Still gently grasping her ear, the king guided Daisy up from the couch and towards the door.
00:18:21Daisy's flood of anger had been replaced by a flood of every emotion imaginable.
00:18:26She wanted to obey? She wanted to defy him? She wanted to fight? She wanted to run?
00:18:32Dare him to spank her? Beg him not to spank her and promise to be a good girl?
00:18:37The shoulder devil had squirmed off the shoulder angel's knee, each attempting to pin the other.
00:18:42Daisy knew that fighting her dad was off the table.
00:18:45Mentally, being pinched by the air had brought 19-year-old Daisy straight back to her 9-year-old self
00:18:51when he'd casually marched her to her room for a spanking exactly this way.
00:18:55All the memories of him cheerfully bouncing her on his knee collided with the memories of him sternly bending her across it.
00:19:02Daisy silently fumed.
00:19:04I'm not a little kid! He can't treat me this way!
00:19:08Start obeying your father right now! Don't make this any worse than it has to be!
00:19:13roared the shoulder angel.
00:19:15But then the shoulder devil put it in a chicken hold and ripped its angelic tunic off.
00:19:20I'm too old for a spanking!
00:19:22Daisy finally muttered, out loud.
00:19:24The day you were too old for a spanking's the day you decide to act like this.
00:19:29Believe me, Daisy, I did not expect to have to babble you on your birthday.
00:19:34As the king opened the door, he released Daisy's ear and grasped her left hand in his right.
00:19:39Look at me! If I hold you by your ear, the servants will probably guess what's going on.
00:19:45But Daisy stood firm, refusing to follow him through the door.
00:19:48You think this is phony? Who cares if the whole castle knows?
00:19:52Not me!
00:19:53Maybe you don't want people to know that you still spank your 19-year-old daughter?
00:19:59I'm not ashamed that I spanked you when I have to, Daisy.
00:20:03I am ashamed of how you acted and that I still have to spank you.
00:20:08Daisy's shoulder devil had pinned the angel between its thighs,
00:20:12ripped off the angel's heavenly undergarments and halo,
00:20:15and was using said halo to wallop said angel.
00:20:18Why wait till we're in my room?
00:20:20Go ahead, dad!
00:20:22Stank me right here and now!
00:20:24Bring it on!
00:20:25Oh, you asked for it!
00:20:27Never let it be said that I didn't give my princess anything she asked for on her birthday!
00:20:33With that, the king deftly switched his grip on Daisy's left hand,
00:20:37freeing his huge, mighty right hand and pulling Daisy along and upward slightly by her left arm.
00:20:43As Daisy was forced to make a faltering step forward and catch herself,
00:20:48her father's right hand caught her on the seat of her skirt with an echoing clap.
00:20:53Daisy hopped a little, instinctively moving away from the slap on her rump, exactly like a pony.
00:21:00She whinnied, exactly like a pony.
00:21:02With every few baby steps she made, her father planted another smack on her booty.
00:21:07Daisy prayed silently between swats.
00:21:10Help me, God! How do I get out of this one?
00:21:13But her appeal to heaven couldn't save her ass from the fiery torment.
00:21:17Don't come crying to me!
00:21:19You got yourself into this mess!
00:21:21Great job, smartass!
00:21:23answered the shoulder angel, rubbing her own bottom furiously.
00:21:27Yeah, good one, dumbass!
00:21:29added the shoulder devil, also massaging her red tail with her red tail.
00:21:34thought Daisy.
00:21:35Wasn't this your idea?
00:21:37Hey, don't pin this on me!
00:21:39I wanted you to kill your dad and make a break for it!
00:21:42I'm evil, not an idiot!
00:21:45As Daisy was led to a marble staircase by her dad,
00:21:48he paused spanking her to let her get her bearings and march up the steps safely.
00:21:53It occurred to Daisy that her dad was always so considerate.
00:21:56He doesn't want me to get hurt, even after I push his buttons!
00:22:00she thought.
00:22:02However, he did deliver a quick series of sharp pats to each cheek,
00:22:06just enough to keep her moving briskly up the flight of stairs.
00:22:10As soon as they had safely arrived at the top,
00:22:13Daisy's quick breather was ended with a sharp pop.
00:22:16This time, Daisy made a noise more like a donkey.
00:22:21Daisy heard the tremulous crack of an elderly voice.
00:22:24Oh, looks like Princess Daisy is getting a good, old-fashioned spanking.
00:22:29I haven't seen that for a few years.
00:22:32Completely mortified, Daisy twisted her head
00:22:35to see their elderly toad-washer woman carrying a laundry hamper.
00:22:39It's not funny! I'm not a baby! I'm a big girl now!
00:22:42she roared.
00:22:45But when her father spanked her, the big girl sheer squealed like a baby.
00:22:49If you say so, dearie,
00:22:51said the old toad, with either tender irony or ironic tenderness.
00:22:55Your laundry will be done before supper, Your Highness.
00:22:59Thank you, Madam Toad,
00:23:01answered the king with the jovial politeness he showed all his servants.
00:23:05And with a hearty spank, they said goodbye, and Daisy's ordeal continued.
00:23:09As the king led Daisy around the corner and toward her room,
00:23:13two toad servants popped their heads from around each side of the branching hall,
00:23:17identical to Mushroom Kingdom toads
00:23:19with the exception that they had horizontal stripes
00:23:22in the place of spots decorating their mushroom-like turbans.
00:23:25Not even Daisy's healthy suntan could mask her furious blushing
00:23:29as she recognized her father's counsel,
00:23:32Old Toadswell, and her personal maid Toadelia.
00:23:35Daisy's shoulder angel and shoulder devil paused their wrestling match,
00:23:39shared popcorn, and sat down to watch Daisy's torment.
00:23:43What's going on here?
00:23:44puffed Toadswell, not disapprovingly.
00:23:47The king sighed.
00:23:48Princess Daisy lost her temper,
00:23:50so she's getting a good spanking, and the long torment.
00:23:54Toadelia placed her hands in front of her mouth in horror,
00:23:57her eyes welling up with sympathy behind her thick spectacles.
00:24:01Oh dear, I hope you won't have to spank her too hard, my king.
00:24:04It is her birthday tomorrow, after all.
00:24:06She'll have to sit down in front of all the guests.
00:24:08May I ask what she did, sir?
00:24:10I'm not. I didn't.
00:24:13Daisy tried to stammer out, unable to choose between an apology,
00:24:17a wise crack, or a rationalization.
00:24:20But her father landed a spank that sent Daisy dancing onto her tiptoes
00:24:23to remind her not to interrupt.
00:24:25If you must know, she threw a damn drum
00:24:29threw the controller at the TV
00:24:31and threw around a few choice swear words.
00:24:35explained the king,
00:24:36landing a swat to punctuate each dependent clause of his sentence.
00:24:40Toadelia's sympathy didn't vanish entirely,
00:24:42but she now had a look of understanding as well.
00:24:45Oh dear. Well at least I hope Daisy learns a sound lesson.
00:24:49Daisy could hear the amusement in their voices
00:24:51and see the looks of approval on their faces.
00:24:53It only made her feel more like a little kid.
00:24:56She sulked silently.
00:24:57Why do they have to make fun of me like that?
00:25:00It's not funny. I'm in trouble.
00:25:02It only took another spank to stop Daisy from feeling sorry for herself
00:25:06and her stinging pride.
00:25:08Now she was feeling sorry for herself and her stinging tushy.
00:25:11The conversation continued on, oh so politely.
00:25:14And as Daisy danced in a circle around him,
00:25:17her pops continued to land a barrage of pops to her posterior
00:25:20any time she attempted to protest.
00:25:22Not here! Not in front of...
00:25:25Toadswell chuckled, his mutton chops bouncing.
00:25:28That's the princess for you. She always was a firecracker.
00:25:31No! Don't watch!
00:25:34Toadelia nodded enthusiastically.
00:25:36My dad calls it spunk.
00:25:38He says it's good for me to show a little spunkiness,
00:25:40but when I'm too spunky I get a spanky.
00:25:43Suddenly, Toadelia covered her mouth,
00:25:46realizing what she'd just blurted out loud.
00:25:49I'm not a little...
00:25:50Oh! Not a kid animal rower!
00:25:53After landing one more good spank,
00:25:55the king paused and looked at his war-dancing daughter with appreciation.
00:25:59Daisy's a remarkable strong sheriff.
00:26:02It's one of her many excellent qualities
00:26:05when she's in control of her temper rather than letting it control her.
00:26:09The individual slaps were already starting to have a cumulative effect.
00:26:13Daisy already felt like she was getting roasted over the coals,
00:26:17but the sincerity of her father's words struck her.
00:26:20He really meant it.
00:26:22Daisy felt warmth in the bottom of her heart,
00:26:24and in the heart of her bottom.
00:26:26Uh, no. Is Daisy in trouble?
00:26:29Squeaked a little voice from behind them.
00:26:31With a pang of fresh humiliation,
00:26:33Daisy recognized her kid sister Azalea's voice.
00:26:37With her free hand,
00:26:38Daisy pointlessly tried to hide her bottom as she whimpered.
00:26:41No! Why is Azalea here?
00:26:44With his free hand,
00:26:45the king patted his younger daughter on the head and ruffled her hair.
00:26:49Azalea, you're home from your golf lessons early.
00:26:52I wasn't expecting you back until dinner.
00:26:55I got an eagle in all the holes
00:26:57and coach sees I'm ready for the Mushroom Kingdom tour.
00:27:00Is Daisy getting a spanking?
00:27:02The king sighed.
00:27:03Yes, Azalea, I'm afraid she is getting a spanking today.
00:27:07She lost her temper and used off the words.
00:27:10Azalea's eyes went wide.
00:27:12Oh! Can I watch?
00:27:15Daisy felt her heart jump into her throat.
00:27:18Sure, Daisy and Azalea had had their squabbles over the years,
00:27:22but Daisy had always wanted Azalea to look up to her,
00:27:25to think she was cool.
00:27:27And it was impossible to look cool
00:27:29when you were bent over for a bare-bottomed spanking
00:27:31like a snot-nosed brat.
00:27:34No, please!
00:27:35Don't spank me in front of Azalea!
00:27:38I'd die of shame!
00:27:39Daisy didn't care if she got another spank for interrupting.
00:27:43However, no spank came.
00:27:45Instead, her father gave Daisy a reassuring look.
00:27:49She saw love in his eyes and...
00:27:52No, Azalea, you can't watch!
00:27:54Nevertheless, you want to spoil Daisy!
00:27:56I'm literally a cross-eyedie.
00:27:58How would you feel if I let Daisy watch you get spanked?
00:28:02Azalea thought about this hypothetical scenario.
00:28:05That would be awful.
00:28:07Then she snapped her fingers excitedly.
00:28:09So that's why I always have to go to my room before you spank me?
00:28:12But why are you spanking Daisy now?
00:28:14The king stroked his chin,
00:28:16directing a wry look to his older daughter.
00:28:19Because Daisy asked me to!
00:28:21She didn't want to wait until we got to her room!
00:28:24Azalea snorted.
00:28:26That's silly!
00:28:27Daisy, aren't you sure?
00:28:29Daisy was about to deny the charge of being silly,
00:28:32but when she remembered that she was guilty as charged,
00:28:35she could only clear her throat, awkwardly.
00:28:38She caught her dad's eye
00:28:39with an expression that was a wordless plea for help.
00:28:42The king squeezed her hand.
00:28:44Oh, Daisy, it's time you decided.
00:28:46I believe you said that you didn't care if the entire castle knew you got spanked.
00:28:51Are you ready to obey?
00:28:53If you prefer, we can finish this discussion in your room.
00:28:57Or would you rather take a walk around the castle with me first?
00:29:00I believe Princess Goldstool and your friends Marion, Louis, and Dee
00:29:05are expected to arrive later tonight.
00:29:07Shall we treat them to dinner and a show?
00:29:10That did it.
00:29:12Daisy still remembered the butterflies in her stomach
00:29:14when Mario had rescued her from her kidnapper, Tatanga.
00:29:18Mario was the first man Daisy had ever met who was as tough as her.
00:29:22For a few months, Daisy had actually competed with Princess Peach
00:29:26in a fierce rivalry to win Mario's affections,
00:29:29until her escapades led to Daisy getting to know Luigi better.
00:29:33He wasn't as forceful a personality as Mario,
00:29:36but he had other charms.
00:29:38Daisy had a clear mental image of her getting spanked in front of her first crush,
00:29:43getting spanked in front of her current crush,
00:29:45and getting spanked in front of her friendly rival Princess.
00:29:49The royal family's tradition of corporal punishment
00:29:52was no secret amongst the Sarasaland toads.
00:29:55But what if word spread to the entire Mushroom Kingdom
00:29:58that Princess Daisy, the ferocious competitor and athlete,
00:30:01still got spanked at her age?
00:30:03Bye-bye, reputation!
00:30:06She thought.
00:30:07With a furtive glance at Toadswell and Toadelia,
00:30:10she knew that no help was coming from that direction.
00:30:13Looking around the hallways,
00:30:15Daisy was embarrassed to discover other guards within earshot,
00:30:18heroically standing guard and not making a sound
00:30:21while easily being able to witness the entire affair.
00:30:24Even if Toadswell and Toadelia were discreet,
00:30:27the entire castle would likely know about her spanking by evening.
00:30:31Her many spankings as a young, hell-raising rapscallion
00:30:35had been the stuff of legends.
00:30:37Tales of how Princess Daisy earned a spanking today
00:30:40had long ago become beloved bedtime stories for young toads,
00:30:43with a reputation for high adventure, daring do, and knee-slapping comedy.
00:30:48They were legendary epics sung by poets throughout Sarasaland.
00:30:52And to Daisy's discomfort,
00:30:54an unsettling number of scholars in the Mushroom Kingdom
00:30:57were starting to take an academic interest in these curious folk tales.
00:31:01Daisy suddenly felt like she was three years old standing in front of her father.
00:31:06But a realization hit her like a wave washing against a stone.
00:31:10I shouldn't be ashamed because I'm being treated like a kid.
00:31:14I should be ashamed because I've been acting like a kid.
00:31:18Daisy hung her head, and murmured,
00:31:20Please I'm ready to obey daddy.
00:31:23The king audibly exhaled.
00:31:25Toadswirl and Toadelia were still bemused,
00:31:28but shared their monarch's relief.
00:31:30Daisy wondered if the silent toad sentries
00:31:33had been struggling to restrain laughter and maintain their fixed stances.
00:31:37Sure, everyone loved a good Daisy spanking story,
00:31:40but everyone loved Daisy too.
00:31:42Azalea beamed.
00:31:44That's a relief. What's that? Explain it.
00:31:47I didn't want to watch you get spanked anymore.
00:31:49I'm sorry I tease you, Daisy.
00:31:51Silently, Azalea admired her sister.
00:31:54Daisy is so tough.
00:31:56I'll bet she takes her spanking like a champ.
00:31:59But with a nudge from her shoulder devil, Azalea also thought,
00:32:02Thought it would be fun to watch just once.
00:32:04Then, Daisy's totally going to get spanked on her bare butt.
00:32:08Toadswirl tucked his thumbs along his vest importantly.
00:32:12Good luck, my liege.
00:32:13Toadelia curtsied respectfully.
00:32:15Yes, good luck, my lord.
00:32:18And Daisy, good luck to you as well.
00:32:21Daisy looked up to find the door of her room a whole three steps away.
00:32:25I suppose I could have done that a lot earlier, huh?
00:32:29The king graciously opened the door for his daughter and gestured for her to enter.
00:32:33Yes, dear. But news dwelling on the past. Only learning from it.
00:32:39Good luck, Daisy, and happy birthday.
00:32:42Chimed in Azalea, absentmindedly,
00:32:45still trying to ignore the visions of spankings dancing in her head.
00:32:49Sure, Daisy was the coolest, toughest big sister in the entire history of the world,
00:32:55but that only meant her spankings must be the coolest, toughest spankings in the entire history of the world.
00:33:01Perhaps it was women's intuition, but Daisy had a strong sense that Azalea's mind was elsewhere.
00:33:07Thanks for the vote of confidence, Azalea.
00:33:10As Daisy obediently stepped into her childhood bedroom,
00:33:14she felt like she was crossing a threshold.
00:33:17All the memories of her spankings from mom and dad over the years flooded over her.
00:33:21Daisy suddenly missed her mom more than ever just then,
00:33:24and wondered what it must have been like for her dad to take over all the responsibilities of disciplinarian following the loss of Queen Samantha.
00:33:32Daisy called up the image of the professional wrestling ring in her mind again.
00:33:37The shoulder angel and the shoulder devil were still munching on their popcorn,
00:33:41but Daisy concentrated on the shoulder devil.
00:33:44A kernel of popcorn dangled from the shoulder devil's lip before dropping.
00:33:48Hold on, this wasn't my fault, you know. It was your dad who...
00:33:53All Daisy had to do was imagine the demon floating in midair, and it was so.
00:33:58As if with telekinesis, Daisy delivered a ferocious, imaginary spanking to the imp,
00:34:04before slapping her through the roof of the arena and into the heavens with a mighty spank.
00:34:08The shoulder angel beamed and gave her thumbs up.
00:34:11Good one princess, but you're on your own from this point on.
00:34:15No silly, I'm not alone, thought Princess Daisy,
00:34:19as her father reassuringly placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her in.
00:34:24Daisy was about to face the spanking of her life,
00:34:27and there was no one she'd rather have with her to help her face it than the man who was going to spank her.
00:34:32That's not the end, but it's an okay stopping point for now.
00:34:37To be continued
00:34:38Next time on Daisy Balls Z
00:34:40It's the moment you've all been waiting for.
00:34:42The spanking.
00:34:44This ends part 1.
00:34:45To be continued in part 2.
00:34:47Thank you for reading or listening.
00:34:49If you would like to help me in writing more spanking stories,
00:34:53support You May Spank It Once on Patreon and DeviantArt.
00:34:57Princess Daisy In, A Sore Bottom For A Sore Loser, Episode 2, The Monarchy Spanks Back.
00:35:03By You May.
00:35:05Princess Daisy heard her father close the door of her bedroom behind them.
00:35:09Her room was mostly tidy, but with a lived-in feel just the way Daisy liked it.
00:35:14On the pillow of her bed sat Mr. Bergie, a hamburger with a cute face,
00:35:18who was her favorite childhood stuffed plushie.
00:35:21Potted Super Bowl flowers sat on the windowsill,
00:35:24a bookshelf stuffed full of the Motoyama Kazuki manga Daisy was fan-translating,
00:35:29and trophies and posters from Daisy's career in tennis, soccer, golf,
00:35:34kart racing, and baseball added a personal touch.
00:35:37Daisy may have had many responsibilities as the crown princess,
00:35:41but the king strongly encouraged Daisy's personal pursuits.
00:35:45Alright Daisy, you know the drill.
00:35:47Have a seat on your bed and let's begin our discussion.
00:35:51Daisy swallowed.
00:35:52She most certainly did know the drill.
00:35:54Daisy's father always started with a warm-up spanking.
00:35:58Nothing too hard, but enough to get Daisy's attention and smarten her up.
00:36:02But all of this was a prelude for the grand finale.
00:36:05Silently, Daisy and the king seated themselves on her queen-sized bed.
00:36:10Daisy obediently lay across her dad's lap,
00:36:13getting an up-close look at the subtle floral pattern depicting Daisy stitched into her comforter.
00:36:18Lifting her hip up slightly, Daisy let the king flip up her white and yellow skirt,
00:36:24revealing cotton panties emblazoned with the words,
00:36:27Hi, I'm Daisy!
00:36:28As was traditional, the king patted his spirited, tomboy daughter on her firm, muscular bottom,
00:36:34reminding her of what was about to come.
00:36:37Daisy felt a slight prickle from where his earlier warning slaps had landed.
00:36:41You never knew how much you'd miss being spanked over your skirt
00:36:44until it was hiked up over the small of your back.
00:36:47Since it's your birthday tomorrow, I think an unofficial birthday spanking will do for a warm-up.
00:36:54I will count up nineteen and one to go on. Are you ready?
00:36:58Daisy put on what she hoped was her most adorable, daddy's little girl smile.
00:37:03Why don't you sing me happy birthday first?
00:37:06The king replied by landing a solid whop on her panty-clad behind.
00:37:10Daisy, you can have a birthday spanking for fun tomorrow, if you still want one.
00:37:16But I doubt you all, because you may be remaking sure you've learned a life lesson well done clear.
00:37:22Well, when that's a question, I expect a proper answer from you.
00:37:26Are you ready for your spanking?
00:37:29Yes, sir, answered Daisy, careful to avoid even a hint of sarcasm.
00:37:34She'd spent the past half hour digging herself deeper into this hole,
00:37:38and she had the sense to stop digging.
00:37:40Ordinarily, a birthday spanking was something Daisy found to be a sort of fun,
00:37:45goofy challenge to test her toughness.
00:37:48But the dread of knowing that she would be facing the real deal soon after was starting to sink in.
00:37:53Very well, this time, I will count on for you.
00:37:57The king landed a firm spank, and began the count with
00:38:02With chagrin, Daisy mentally noted her dad hadn't counted the earlier warning spank towards the total.
00:38:08She wasn't going to BS her way out of the hot seat today.
00:38:12The king delivered nineteen brisk strokes, counting each in turn.
00:38:16Daisy felt each resounding slap, and an angry stinging settled deep into her cheeks after only the tenth spank.
00:38:22She let out a few soft ULLS and HUMS,
00:38:25but Daisy accepted her unofficial birthday spanking with the same toughness and grace she showed during an official birthday spanking.
00:38:34Counted the king.
00:38:35Daisy hips twisted reflexively, as though her butt already wished it wasn't attached to such a naughty princess.
00:38:41And one to go on.
00:38:43The twentieth spank caught her on the cheek just as it was starting to ride away.
00:38:48Unfortunately, neither Daisy nor her butt could escape their shared fate.
00:38:52Alright, good job taking the warmup, Daisy.
00:38:55Now have a seat and let's discuss your behavior.
00:38:58Can't we just get my spanking over with?
00:39:01As the words left her mouth, Daisy second-guessed herself.
00:39:04Oh, sorry, Ed. I mean, Lise. I'm not trying to be rude.
00:39:10She held up her hands in a delicate surrender.
00:39:13It's okay. I know you're not trying to be rude, dear.
00:39:17Believe me, when you want to be rude, people know.
00:39:19I want to get this over with, too.
00:39:22But the whole point of a spanking is to make sure you don't earn another spanking anytime soon.
00:39:28Now have a seat.
00:39:29Yes, sir!
00:39:30Daisy felt her father gently moving to stand underneath her, and picked herself up off his lap.
00:39:36As she nestled down and folded her hands on her lap,
00:39:39her father looked like a strong, chiseled statue towering above her.
00:39:43Her bottom wasn't exactly sore,
00:39:45but there was a warm buzz from both cheeks as they pressed against the firm mattress.
00:39:50Standing at his full height, the king turned to face his daughter.
00:39:54Daisy knew he wasn't angry because he never spanked her in anger,
00:39:58but he certainly had the tough dad look down pat.
00:40:01Alright, tell me what you think you did wrong today, you ungrateful.
00:40:05Her hands fidgeted with the lower hem of her yellow and white skirt.
00:40:09Well, I lost my temper and tossed up a storm.
00:40:12That's the main thing, I guess.
00:40:14Good start, but now I want you to be the little dealer.
00:40:18Think of it like you were telling me a story.
00:40:21Start with what happened while you were playing Mario Party.
00:40:24But don't we both know what happened?
00:40:27Trust me, Daisy, I remember.
00:40:29But I want to hear you say what you remember.
00:40:32Okay, well, I lost the dart roll and I totally got screwed out of that last match
00:40:37and then I lost my temper and threw the controller at the TV.
00:40:41Throw the TV?
00:40:42Ashamed to look her father in the eye,
00:40:45Daisy looked down and focused on her fingers as they lightly twisted the fabric awkwardly.
00:40:50What exactly was she supposed to do with her hands in this situation?
00:40:54What she really wanted was to put them on her bottom, but that wouldn't do.
00:40:58I'm sorry, Dad, I know I did wrong.
00:41:01As the king sat down next to her, Daisy felt a thrill wondering if her spanking was about to commence.
00:41:07Instead, he gently held her fidgeting left hand.
00:41:11I'm glad to hear that you're serene now, Daisy.
00:41:14Now here's the first problem.
00:41:16You say you got screwed out of a win.
00:41:19You think that's what happened, but is that really what happened?
00:41:23It's what I remember.
00:41:25Think on it more carefully.
00:41:27You remember you called me a cheater.
00:41:29You really think I cheated?
00:41:31With her dad on eye level, Daisy felt more relaxed.
00:41:34It really was easier to think now.
00:41:37I shouldn't have called you a cheater.
00:41:39That was me running my mouth.
00:41:41I know you didn't cheat.
00:41:43It was the game's fault.
00:41:45It wasn't the game's fault, Daisy.
00:41:47You know that random chance is a part of that game.
00:41:50We've played it plenty of times.
00:41:52How many times have I landed on a bad space?
00:41:56But I don't throw things when I get unlucky.
00:41:59But you lose to me all the time. You're used to it.
00:42:02And I have fun even when I lose.
00:42:04Because before I start to call the game,
00:42:07I decide that even though I want to win,
00:42:09that's not the end of the world if I lose.
00:42:12If I lose, that's not the game's fault.
00:42:15Here, look at this.
00:42:16The king produced a gold coin from his pocket and flipped it into the air,
00:42:20catching it deftly and slapping it against the back of his left hand.
00:42:24It's for tails.
00:42:26Daisy's eyes narrowed.
00:42:27If I lose, do I get spanked?
00:42:30Only if you want to make it interesting.
00:42:33Oh, so if I don't lose, I don't get spanked, right?
00:42:37said Daisy with a wry grin.
00:42:40Yes, right, Daisy.
00:42:42But you're not fast talking your way out of spanking today, you bet.
00:42:46Hey, it was worth a shot. I call heads.
00:42:49The king raised his hand.
00:42:51Tails, see, good thing for your tail we didn't make that bet.
00:42:55Now, notice how you're not mad you lose.
00:42:58Hey, it's just a coin toss.
00:43:01What's the point getting mad over that?
00:43:03Exactly, my point.
00:43:05But Mario Party is different than a coin toss.
00:43:08It's a test of skill, strategy.
00:43:11And look, with you going into the game,
00:43:13but you forgot while playing Mario Party
00:43:16because you got more invested than you did for the coin toss.
00:43:20But the investment is what makes it fun.
00:43:23I'm focused on my goal and I'm going after it.
00:43:26Am I not supposed to want the win?
00:43:29You've accepted on the goal to the point
00:43:31you forgot where you were and what you were doing.
00:43:34Wanting the win is a good thing.
00:43:36You should take pride in winning.
00:43:38Do you take pride in wrecking the TV?
00:43:40Daisy swallowed.
00:43:41The memory of doing that felt like burning coals on her head.
00:43:45Daisy imagined a couple of those hot coals
00:43:47rolling down her back towards her bottom.
00:43:49She adjusted her seat uncomfortably.
00:43:52As she settled her weight back down,
00:43:54she imagined herself sitting on a whole pile of those coals.
00:43:57Even that would have been preferable
00:43:59to the slow roasting her conscience was giving her.
00:44:02No, I'm not proud of that.
00:44:04I never want to do that again.
00:44:06You can achieve that goal, Izzy.
00:44:09You start by fixing your attitude.
00:44:11So that's why you call my spankings attitude adjustments.
00:44:16But how do I fix it myself, you know, without the spanking?
00:44:20Isn't my attitude something I just feel?
00:44:24You can fix your attitude by deciding
00:44:26how you are going to act if something goes wrong.
00:44:29Before something goes wrong,
00:44:31you say to yourself,
00:44:33if I lose, at least I won't be a sore loser.
00:44:37Hold on.
00:44:38It's kind of like when that alien jerk-tittan kidnapped me
00:44:41and tried to force me to marry him.
00:44:43I was in a pretty rough place for a while,
00:44:45but I held out until Mario rescued me.
00:44:48I remember I had to just
00:44:50decide that I wasn't going to let that bully get me down.
00:44:54Precisely, no.
00:44:56Act like that same idea to your video game situation.
00:45:00A lightbulb appeared above Daisy's head.
00:45:03Oh, yeah, I get it, no.
00:45:05Just cause I'm down doesn't mean I have to stay down.
00:45:09Dang, wish I'd thought of that before I...
00:45:12Daisy trailed off,
00:45:14embarrassed at the direction this story was going.
00:45:17Go on, Lizzy. You're doing great.
00:45:19Before I shot my mouth off and threw the controller through the TV,
00:45:23then I was a dick to you.
00:45:25Oops, sorry, I said dick.
00:45:27Her dad shrugged.
00:45:29Honestly, I don't mind if you speak frankly when it's thus humanly.
00:45:33You can use that kind of language while performing your royal duties.
00:45:38But you're not always a princess.
00:45:40You're also my daughter, and I love you.
00:45:43Even when you act like a dick.
00:45:45Daisy snorted with laughter.
00:45:47Her dad patted her on the back.
00:45:49Just try to treat your language like a habit, that's all.
00:45:52Build it into a good habit over time like you do with sports.
00:45:56Well, the next thing you did was ignore my warning shots.
00:46:00You know perfectly well I'm going to stand you while you double down.
00:46:05Daisy squirmed.
00:46:06I guess. It was like I got mixed up.
00:46:09I didn't want spanking, but the idea that I was close to getting a spanking sort of drove me nuts.
00:46:16If I'm gunning for a spanking, might as well go all out, right?
00:46:20You wanted to win.
00:46:22Daisy nodded furiously.
00:46:24Yeah, that's it.
00:46:25And does getting spanked make you feel like a winner?
00:46:29She stifled a laugh, then hung her head.
00:46:32No, it sucks. I feel like such a loser right now.
00:46:37So, what were you trying to prove?
00:46:39What will make you feel like a winner?
00:46:41Well, I wanted to prove that I'm not afraid of a spanking.
00:46:45I don't want you to think I'm a chicken.
00:46:48Daisy, your courage has never been in question.
00:46:51It's your self-control.
00:46:53I already know you're not afraid of a spanking because over the years,
00:46:57I've watched you take quite a few spankings like a champ.
00:47:01Dad held up his trusty right hand to pantomime the act of spanking the champ.
00:47:05First hand experience, and the front row seat if you roll.
00:47:09Daisy blushed at the thought of being called a champ by her dad.
00:47:13It made the idea of being bent over a knee seem more like standing on a pedestal.
00:47:18But if I want to show you that I have self-control, I don't have to double down.
00:47:23Man, I knew it was a bad idea when I did it, but I did it anyway, and no!
00:47:29Daisy halted at saying the dreaded word,
00:47:31wondering if her father was going to finish her sentence for her.
00:47:35This was it. It never seemed like a big deal until the moment finally arrived.
00:47:40Already, it felt like her bottom was throbbing.
00:47:43But the king waited, until Daisy understood that this was his way of letting her face her fate head on.
00:47:49And now it's time for my spanking, isn't it?
00:47:52Yes, Daisy, it's time for your spanking now.
00:47:57The real one. I want you to stand up, remove your dress,
00:48:00and fetch your mother's old wooden hairbrush from your dresser.
00:48:05Daisy hesitated only for a moment before obeying father's instructions.
00:48:10As she slowly undid the decorative clasp of her white belt,
00:48:13Daisy realized that she was wearing her skirt-to-shirt dress,
00:48:17meaning she'd have to remove the whole thing.
00:48:19Why couldn't I have worn shorts or a skirt and blouse today?
00:48:23She wished silently.
00:48:25She also wished, now more than ever, that she'd never lost her temper.
00:48:30Daisy caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror above her dresser.
00:48:34Underneath her cotton panties, she saw her lower cheeks already had a healthy pink color to them.
00:48:40The color brought Princess Peach's perky, pink-clad posterior to mind.
00:48:45Out of respect for Daisy's modesty, dad never made her undress more than was necessary,
00:48:50but when Daisy screwed up as badly as she had today,
00:48:53a bare bottom would definitely be deemed necessary sooner or later.
00:48:57As Daisy reached behind her back to reach the zipper,
00:49:00she blushed at the thought of having to bring her father the hairbrush
00:49:03wearing only her socks, underpants, and sports bra.
00:49:07If she only had a shirt, at least she'd feel a little less exposed.
00:49:12Rationally, she knew it wasn't a big deal.
00:49:16After all, he was about to bare her bottom anyway.
00:49:20Plus, she competed in sporting events wearing form-fitting clothing all the time.
00:49:25The amount of clothing wasn't all that different.
00:49:28But emotionally, it felt completely different.
00:49:31It was just one of those things.
00:49:34It took an effort, Daisy fought down her embarrassment and asked the question.
00:49:38Nothing to lose, right?
00:49:41Oh dad, is it okay if I put on a shirt quick?
00:49:45Of course, ma'am.
00:49:46The king studiously studied the manga and potted Super Bowl flowers,
00:49:50politely ignoring Daisy's state of
00:49:54With a sigh of relief, Daisy threw on a baggy orange Milli Vanilli shirt,
00:49:58then opened the top right drawer of her dresser to reveal the antique hairbrush.
00:50:03Hand-carved from solid hickory, it was stained to a gorgeous cherry wood brown.
00:50:08At times Daisy found the color reminiscent of her and her late mother's hair.
00:50:12But today, the reddish color of the wood reminded her of another part of her anatomy.
00:50:17On the back was an engraving depicting a mother and daughter in embrace,
00:50:21surrounded by daisies.
00:50:22After losing her mother,
00:50:24Daisy had often pulled this hairbrush out and stared at the picture,
00:50:28remembering the days she sat in her mother's lap.
00:50:31Whether the queen used the hairbrush to gently untangle Daisy's messy hair,
00:50:35or used it to not so gently paddle Daisy's behind,
00:50:39the carved illustration could easily have depicted Daisy and her own mother in either scenario.
00:50:46Daisy whispered to the picture of the woman on the back of the hairbrush.
00:50:50Dad had taken on the role of disciplinarian only after they had lost Mom.
00:50:55The queen had been every bit as good a spanker as the king.
00:50:59The brush weighed in her hand, and Daisy shivered with apprehension.
00:51:03Daisy felt her heart racing as she imagined what was to come,
00:51:06dreading the thought of the hairbrush making contact with her already tender skin.
00:51:11She imagined herself bent over her father's knee,
00:51:14her bare bottom exposed and vulnerable to the punishing blows of the brush.
00:51:18She tried to push the image out of her mind,
00:51:21focusing instead on her father's words and the lesson she was about to learn.
00:51:26With a deep breath, Daisy turned and carried the hairbrush slowly back to her father,
00:51:31her steps feeling heavy and unsteady.
00:51:33Her stomach churned with nerves as she approached him.
00:51:36She felt her feet sink into the thick carpet
00:51:39and wished she could just keep sinking into the floor until she was swallowed up.
00:51:43Earlier, Daisy had begged him to get her spanking over with.
00:51:47Now, she only wanted to delay the inevitable.
00:51:51When their eyes met, Daisy blurted out,
00:51:55I'm so sorry, Dad. I know I messed up. I feel terrible about what I did.
00:52:00I love you, Dad.
00:52:02I love you, too, Daisy.
00:52:04Daisy offered her father the hairbrush
00:52:06and was ashamed to see her hand shaking as he took it from her.
00:52:10As he accepted the brush, he held her trembling hand gently
00:52:14and patted his lap with his other hand.
00:52:16You're my brave girl. Come over my lap and we'll get this taken care of.
00:52:21It'll all be over soon.
00:52:23Yes, sir!
00:52:24Daisy felt the thick fabric of her father's woolen pants
00:52:27against the bare skin of her thighs as she lay across his left leg.
00:52:31Daisy knew that, as opposed to laying over his lap for a hand spanking,
00:52:35resting her weight on the bed and dangling her spread legs across his knee
00:52:39would allow him to do a more proper job with the hairbrush.
00:52:42Later, if she started to kick,
00:52:44it would also allow him to quickly pin her left leg in place with his right leg.
00:52:49Daisy hoped she wouldn't start squirming that badly,
00:52:52but it was easier said than done.
00:52:54Hooking his left arm around his daughter's waist,
00:52:57the king skipped the ceremonial love taps
00:53:00and landed the first solid spank with a hairbrush smack across the center of her crack.
00:53:04Daisy could feel its impact reverberating through her body.
00:53:08The sound it made was loud and sharp, like a crack of thunder.
00:53:12She winced and cried out as the pain intensified.
00:53:15Unlike the earlier hand spanking,
00:53:18the wood of the hairbrush sank deep into her glutes.
00:53:21After only four strokes, Daisy's legs started to buck,
00:53:25straightening her legs and failing to lift her hips up and out of the spanking position.
00:53:30Without thinking, she tried to throw her hands behind her to shield her bottom.
00:53:35But with her dad's arm keeping her upper torso tightly in place,
00:53:39Daisy could barely cover the upper portion of her right cheek with her right hand,
00:53:43and her left hand could do nothing for her defenseless left cheek.
00:53:48Papa ordered firmly, securing his grip and planting a quick swat to the left cheek.
00:53:54It was basic psychology.
00:53:57Like a horse, Daisy instinctively moved her body forward, away from the slap,
00:54:02but moving her body forward only put her weight back across her father's knee.
00:54:06She could squirm uselessly, but she wasn't going anywhere.
00:54:10Daisy was forced to relax her legs and settle her lower waist back down,
00:54:15only to lift up both legs and shield her lower cheeks with her feet.
00:54:19One sock was starting to dangle off her right foot.
00:54:23Daisy pursed her lips in a silent whistle,
00:54:25her urgent desire to escape punishment now mixed with embarrassment over caving this quickly.
00:54:31It had been a few years since her last spanking,
00:54:34and no matter how memorable they were, the memories never fully prepared her to accept the reality.
00:54:40I'm sorry daddy I want to obey please I wanna obey.
00:54:44Then I will help hold you in place, put your legs down.
00:54:48Imagining a spank would land the second she stopped shielding her bottom with her legs,
00:54:52Daisy's feet wavered hesitantly, pulling away only to clap back against her quivering butt.
00:54:58Her right sock finally gave up and dropped away,
00:55:01and she felt the hot, tender flesh of her right cheek against the soft, cooling touch of her right foot's lower sole.
00:55:08Daisy knew she was stalling.
00:55:10Just as the king impatiently set down the hairbrush in order to free his hand and move Daisy's legs himself,
00:55:16Daisy was able to concentrate and lower both legs, overriding the instinctual part of her brain that was screaming.
00:55:22Maybe if you put your foot down, your butt will get spanked, what are you doing?
00:55:28That's more like it, sighed the king, hooking his right leg across Daisy's left thigh to pin it in place.
00:55:35This resulted in angling her lower body so that her left foot hung uselessly in the air.
00:55:40Careful not to pull too roughly, the king grasped Daisy's right wrist and guided her arm so that it was tucked securely behind her back.
00:55:48Daisy's right foot had more free range of motion,
00:55:51but she found that whether she tried to rest her weight on the ball of her foot, or tried to lift it up, it made no difference.
00:55:57Now nothing would be able to come to the rescue of her defenseless behind.
00:56:02Daisy had wanted to surrender, and the stupid part of her brain that wanted to run away was now forced into surrender.
00:56:09The long dreaded spank she'd been imagining finally landed on the plump meat of her left cheek.
00:56:14Daisy pursed her lips and a strand of her bangs fell out of place over her eyes.
00:56:20You've taken your spankings better than that in the past. I think you need something to help you concentrate.
00:56:27I want you to count each spank out loud after I land it, and say thank you, sir, after you count a number.
00:56:34As she blinked, she saw her hair was clinging to wet tears.
00:56:38With her free left hand, she brushed the hair away and cleared her vision.
00:56:43At least she had that much she could do.
00:56:46How many do I have to count?
00:56:48As many as I think you need to teach you to settle down.
00:56:52Don't worry about it at all, just think about each number as you count.
00:56:56He patted her over the panties again, the unmistakable signal that they were about to start.
00:57:02Yes, sir!
00:57:03Daisy nodded, her voice shaking.
00:57:06She concentrated on counting the number one, but when the spank landed on her right cheek, she bit her bottom lip.
00:57:13One! Thank you, sir!
00:57:15Luckily, she maintained focus before slipping out an F word.
00:57:20She continued her count, her words punctuated by the sound of the hairbrush striking her bottom.
00:57:26Two! Thank you, sir!
00:57:28Three! Thank you, sir!
00:57:30Four! Thank you, sir!
00:57:32It occurred to Daisy by waiting to land each spank until after she had finished counting,
00:57:37her father was trusting her with some control over the pace of her punishment.
00:57:41It was easy to feel weak and helpless in this situation,
00:57:44but before Daisy had been so afraid of the terrible brush she couldn't control her legs.
00:57:49Now, Daisy was falling into a pattern of mentally accepting each and every spank.
00:57:54Five! Thank you, sir!
00:57:57Daisy exhaled, and thought only of how many more she would have to count.
00:58:01This was a mistake, for when the sixth spank landed, Daisy blurted out.
00:58:06Ew! Seven spankies, sir!
00:58:09Um, thank you, sir!
00:58:11No guessing, you miss, you count!
00:58:14Six! I meant six!
00:58:16Start again at five!
00:58:18Daisy mewed like a sad kitten.
00:58:20Wah! But dad, that's not fair!
00:58:22The king clenched his teeth, reminding himself not to spank out of anger.
00:58:27Daisy, the point of this exercise is to teach you self-control and focus.
00:58:32That what a fair punishment is, rather than arguing with me over the number of spanks.
00:58:38Concentrate on accepting your fate and counting the number of spanks.
00:58:42Do you want to start the count over from the beginning?
00:58:45Daisy turned her head over her right shoulder, then switched to her left awkwardly,
00:58:50trying to look her dad in the eye.
00:58:52Yes, sir! I want to start over from the beginning!
00:58:55That's what I meant when I said it wasn't fair!
00:58:58The king's mustache drooped and his bushy eyebrows rose until they met.
00:59:02You want me to start over?
00:59:04Daisy, please don't ask me to give you any more spanks than I have to!
00:59:09This doesn't have to be a contest of woes!
00:59:12Daisy steeled herself up and spoke with all the conviction she could muster.
00:59:16I'm not trying to defy you this time, dad!
00:59:19You said I had to keep count and I didn't!
00:59:22I failed the challenge, so I think it's only fair to start off from the beginning!
00:59:27I don't think five extra spanks is more than necessary!
00:59:31You said I wasn't taking this spanking well!
00:59:33I want to show you that I can take it like a champ!
00:59:37The words poured out of Daisy's mouth in a rush of sincerity,
00:59:40before she could stop to consider whether she actually wanted those five extra spanks.
00:59:45Her bottom certainly didn't want them.
00:59:48But Daisy's competitive spirit made her fight through the stinging protest from her gluteus maximus.
00:59:53I'll accept whatever punishment you deem necessary!
00:59:57If you want me to start at five, I'll obey!
01:00:00If you decide to start over from the beginning, I'm ready!
01:00:03I'm sorry for backtalking, I just...
01:00:06want to be brave!
01:00:08The king beamed.
01:00:10At that moment, he wanted to drop the brush and pull her into a hug right then and there.
01:00:15But he could tell Daisy was having a breakthrough.
01:00:18You already are a rat, Dizzy!
01:00:20You already are a rat, Dizzy!
01:00:22The king considered his situation.
01:00:25By examining her lower cheeks poking out from under her underwear,
01:00:29he could tell her bottom was quickly turning from pink to red.
01:00:32Where had she gotten those cheeky high?
01:00:35I'm Daisy. Panties, anyway.
01:00:38He was always careful to control his strength to avoid bruising or any potential injury,
01:00:43and checking the color of the caboose was always a good way of gauging how effective the punishment was.
01:00:49On the one hand, Daisy was showing a remarkable change of attitude already.
01:00:54On the other hand, if he let her off easy, he knew she would feel disappointed in herself.
01:01:00Daisy loved a challenge, and he knew she had set her mind on rising to this challenge.
01:01:05Very well, you've convinced me.
01:01:07You will start your count again from the beginning.
01:01:10This time, try to keep your thoughts from wandering.
01:01:13Form a mental picture of each number in your mind and focus on that.
01:01:17As Daisy felt the three telltale love taps of the brush, she knew what was in store for her.
01:01:23Yes, sir!
01:01:24Turning her face forward, she smiled and closed her eyes to concentrate on counting that beautiful, sexy number one.
01:01:31Outside Daisy's bedroom, Princess Azalea delicately put her own hands to her bottom,
01:01:37feeling sympathy pains for Daisy as she saw the hairbrush lift high into the air.
01:01:42Through the keyhole, Azalea could only catch glimpses of one thing at a time.
01:01:47If she angled her body lower or higher, she could catch glimpses of Dad's face,
01:01:52or his hairbrush, or Daisy's face, or her bottom, of course.
01:01:57My sister is so butt-slappin' awesome!
01:02:00thought Azalea.
01:02:02Taking Dad's advice was doing wonders for Daisy.
01:02:05By concentrating on the numbers alone, she was able to count the first five spanks no problem.
01:02:11But just like she hoped, Dad wasn't taking it any easier on her.
01:02:16However, by the sixth spank, Daisy was starting to question whether this had been such a good idea.
01:02:22She hissed and caught her breath before remembering the all-important words.
01:02:29Thank you, sir!
01:02:30Mercifully, the king paused his steady rhythm for half a beat to allow Daisy to catch her breath,
01:02:35but he only paused for half a beat.
01:02:39Thank you, sir!
01:02:40Daisy felt a fresh wave of tears welling up in her eyes, and bit into the comforter,
01:02:45seeding out the count between clenched teeth.
01:02:49Thank you, sir!
01:02:50The pain was intense, but it was nothing compared to the guilt and shame she felt.
01:02:55She knew that she had let her father down, and that the punishment was necessary for her growth as a person.
01:03:03Thank you, sir!
01:03:04Her bottom felt like it was on fire.
01:03:08Thank you, sir!
01:03:10Daisy clenched and unclenched her bottom, waiting to count number eleven.
01:03:15Finally, she turned and looked back.
01:03:18The hairbrush hovered in midair and her father seemed contemplative.
01:03:22Good work, Jessie, you're doing much better.
01:03:25I'm glad you remain so cooperative.
01:03:28The king beamed as he released his grip on Daisy's left leg and right arm, but his face darkened.
01:03:34However, your misbehavior today was serious, and there is a thorough bottom warming.
01:03:39This needs to be a lasting reminder.
01:03:42Let's have these off.
01:03:43A few love taps over Daisy's high.
01:03:46I'm Daisy.
01:03:47Panties made her duty clear.
01:03:50Even those gentle pats were enough to send a jolt through Daisy's throbbing tuchus.
01:03:55She pushed herself up off the bed, supporting herself with her right hand.
01:04:00As she grasped the elastic band of her panties with her left hand, she tugged at them awkwardly and lost her grip on the elastic band.
01:04:08They snapped back into place at an awkward diagonal angle.
01:04:12Just the touch of the cotton fabric and the heat she felt radiating from her butt was enough to speak volumes.
01:04:18Seeing Daisy was struggling, the king moved to help her.
01:04:22Their hands touched as they both grasped the elastic band at the same time, and they gracefully pulled the undergarments down together.
01:04:29Daisy found herself thinking what a great team she and her dad made, when she thought she heard a soft whistling noise.
01:04:36She glanced to the window to see if perhaps a bird was admiring her Super Bowl flowers, but saw nothing there.
01:04:43Finally, she assumed it must have been the rustling of her panties as they glided down her legs.
01:04:49Daisy stepped her left foot out of the panties, knowing she'd need her legs free.
01:04:54Also, she'd hate to ruin one of her favorite pairs of undies by kicking and stretching them.
01:05:00Switching the hairbrush from his right hand to his left, the king adjusted his position on the bed and offered his right leg to Daisy as a cushion.
01:05:08As she crawled across it onto the bed, she felt his leg under her like a pillow, lifting her bottom into position.
01:05:15Bemused, Daisy wondered if his right arm was sore.
01:05:19The king's right leg pinned Daisy's legs in place, framing his target perfectly between her baggy shirt above and his pant leg below.
01:05:27I want off of my hands free, quit the comforter to keep from throwing back their hands.
01:05:32Daisy clenched and unclenched her fists, digging her fingers into the comforter, before she spotted the beloved Mr. Bergie smiling at her from her pillows.
01:05:42May I hold on to Mr. Bergie? I think that would work better.
01:05:46Dad spotted Mr. Bergie, and with a hearty laugh reached to pick the stuffed toy up and hand it to Daisy.
01:05:52Goodbye Dale, you hold on to Mr. Bergie's buns, you won't attempt to hold on to your own buns.
01:05:59Hugging Mr. Bergie to her cheek for support, Daisy shot the king of dad jokes a look over her shoulder.
01:06:06Couldn't resist.
01:06:07With three dreaded love pats from the hairbrush, Dad the Judge announced Daisy the penitent criminal sentence.
01:06:14I'm going to give you twenty strokes with the hairbrush.
01:06:17We started today with a birthday spanking and we'll finish with another one.
01:06:22You need to count, I think we both want this over with.
01:06:25Are you ready?
01:06:26You bet I'm ready.
01:06:28Out of the corner of her eye, Daisy could see her own red bottom poking in the air.
01:06:33She saw her sock cover left leg, and her sockless right leg, with her yellow panties hanging from the back of her knee.
01:06:40She saw the picture on the back of the hickory hairbrush as her father raised it in slow motion.
01:06:45Not wanting to watch it fall, Daisy turned to look back at Mr. Bergie,
01:06:50closing her eyes as she buried her tear-stained face into the soft plush.
01:06:55Dad kept his word.
01:06:57With no further ceremony or lecturing, he landed twenty brisk spanks with the hairbrush over Daisy's bare bottom.
01:07:04Once pale as snow, in contrast to the rest of her tan skin, it was now angrily sunburned.
01:07:10The king carefully placed six spanks to paint Daisy's bottom a consistent, even shade of red.
01:07:17Daisy obeyed heroically, but was already bawling her eyes out into Mr. Bergie.
01:07:22The tears dripped down onto the plushie's face, creating the illusion her childhood toy was also crying for her.
01:07:30The king changed up the pattern by landing four strokes to Daisy's muscular thighs.
01:07:35Daisy's feet twisted and she clenched her toes.
01:07:38If her father hadn't been holding her tightly in place, she might not have resisted the temptation to shield her bottom with her feet again,
01:07:46but she was determined not to buck and squirm too much.
01:07:49The king inspected his work and determined that there were two spots he had missed in his paint job.
01:07:55With his right hand, he lifted Daisy's right cheek to slightly expose the hidden sit spot below her crack,
01:08:01landed four spanks there, and repeated the process for the spot below her left cheek.
01:08:06As the spanks landed on her tautly stretched sit spots, Daisy dug her fingers into Mr. Bergie so tightly,
01:08:13his wanly smiling head was starting to look like a balloon.
01:08:16Her hair flying wildly over her face, Daisy's voice broke in a shuddering wail.
01:08:23As a tear streamed down his cheek, the king's voice cracked.
01:08:30He planted the final two blows of the hairbrush to the center of each cheek.
01:08:40He placed a comforting hand on the small of her back as she freely cried into her stuffed toy.
01:08:45Suddenly sitting up, she surprised the king by pulling him into a hug by hooking him with her right arm.
01:08:52That's my little Spitfire, you're not trying to kill me, are you?
01:08:57Daisy hiccuped.
01:08:58Hit me never joke like that!
01:09:00Then she buried her face in her dad's shoulder and cried her eyes out.
01:09:04The king held her weight in his lap, careful to keep her shining,
01:09:08Mario hat red colored globes from touching anything.
01:09:12Not releasing his grip on Daisy, the king reached for the rope of the servant's bell resting beside Daisy's bed and rang it.
01:09:19Daisy might want to get dressed.
01:09:22Daisy shook her head and hugged her father so tightly he couldn't escape.
01:09:26The king shrugged and decided it was better to try and console his inconsolable daughter.
01:09:31Do dad remember when I was 16 and you caught me playing hokey?
01:09:36Didn't I give you a bad time spanking every night for a week?
01:09:40Yeah, it was my last spanking before today.
01:09:44Are you going to do that again this time?
01:09:47I wasn't planning to. I think that you're well and thoroughly chastened.
01:09:52I don't annoy send you, Daisy. The point is to teach you not to remind you.
01:09:57Well, that's just it. Remember what you said about me needing to learn a lesson I'd never forget?
01:10:04Back then the bedtime spankings really made me want to straighten up.
01:10:08Maybe it was something about having to look forward to a spanking every night.
01:10:13But you remember I never played hokey again.
01:10:16Tied with teeth for top of your case at Princess Academy, I recall.
01:10:21Exactly! Maybe this is weird, but I still feel kinda guilty.
01:10:26I totally screwed up our day off together.
01:10:29You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Daisy. You've forgiven.
01:10:33In fact, I already forgave you before we started.
01:10:37Surely you don't want to spank you again after that rum roasting.
01:10:40I sure don't, but that's my point.
01:10:43When you gave me the reminder spankings they reminded me to shape up so I wouldn't get another spanking any time soon.
01:10:50Plus, I'd get to see you every night.
01:10:53So that's what this is about.
01:10:55Daisy, I don't need to see you take a trip across my egos to see you.
01:10:59If all you want is to spend more time with me, let's do it.
01:11:04Daisy was taken aback. For the first time since she lost at Mario Party,
01:11:09her unofficial birthday was starting to feel like a happy birthday again.
01:11:13Yeah, that'd be amazing, but like that's not what I was getting at with the bedtime spanking thing.
01:11:19Look, maybe if you spank me a few times now, you won't have to spank me a lot more later.
01:11:25Sort of like an investment in my future.
01:11:28The King chuckled.
01:11:29Every time I spank you, I hope it's the last time I ever have to spank you.
01:11:34If I spank you, you think a bedtime spanking won't really make all the difference.
01:11:39Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous.
01:11:42But maybe it'll buy you a few years at least.
01:11:45It couldn't hurt to try.
01:11:47Or rather, apart from my butt, wouldn't hurt to try.
01:11:51The King stroked his beard contemplatively.
01:11:53Well, you have a point.
01:11:55If you're sure I can give you bedtime spanking every night until you gain off the costs of the television,
01:12:01if I hear a good report from Toadition to the kitchen staff, I'll go easy on you.
01:12:06If I hear you're scything or forgetting in trouble, you can respect me to damn your heart.
01:12:11Does that sound fair?
01:12:13Yeah, plenty fair. I won't let you down.
01:12:17Then we'll start tonight. I'll be up to tuck you in.
01:12:23Daisy shot a nervous glance at her buttocks.
01:12:25Don't tell me you're having second thoughts already.
01:12:28Buddy, this is your secession.
01:12:30I won't make you go through with it.
01:12:32But if you're convinced this is a good idea, I see you've honed in the way.
01:12:36Hey, I'm not afraid.
01:12:38I was just thinking what start after my birthday, that's all.
01:12:42Let's start my bedtime spankings tonight.
01:12:45Very well. I'm proud of you for having the maturity to ask for this.
01:12:50A princess must learn to have a disciplined mind and body.
01:12:53Also, do you think the lesson has properly sunk in?
01:12:56Let me know and we'll on to bedtime's handshakes.
01:12:59Maybe you can learn to lick your habit of early puddlicking.
01:13:03They heard a rap at the door.
01:13:05Nothing had taken Daisy's attention away from hugging her dad until she caught the sound of the knock.
01:13:11Oh, who's there?
01:13:13Who's there? Was a very good question indeed.
01:13:17If only Daisy had thought to ask it earlier, the answer might have been very different.
01:13:22In fact, there might have been two spanked princess bottoms on display in Daisy's room at the same time.
01:13:28But alas, Daisy didn't think to ask the question sooner.
01:13:32At the precise moment when Daisy and her father were gracefully pulling down her panties in preparation for the second date with a hairbrush,
01:13:40Daisy thought she heard a sound, but dismissed it.
01:13:43Outside the door, peeping through the keyhole,
01:13:46Princess Azalea barely contained a low whistle as she witnessed the removal of the Daisy Dukes and got an eyeful of Daisy's tinder behind.
01:13:54It was like an endless field of pink flowers, interrupted by red patches of strawberries.
01:13:59Princess Azalea, what are you doing here?
01:14:02Squeaked a prim little voice.
01:14:04Azalea hopped into the air and threw her hands to protect her bottom.
01:14:08Behind her stood Todelia, adjusting her glasses.
01:14:12Todelia, I was, uh, examining our castle's security system.
01:14:18You know, skeleton key locks are rather closely easy to pick.
01:14:22I think we could benefit from an electronic alarm system.
01:14:25So that we could, for example, catch you eavesdropping on your sister spanking,
01:14:30after the king specifically told you not to, for shame, Azalea.
01:14:34Please don't tell on me.
01:14:36Your father ought to know.
01:14:37If you enjoy watching Daisy spanking so much, perhaps she deserves the opportunity to witness yours.
01:14:42I know I deserve a spanking, but hear me out.
01:14:45If Daisy finds out I watch, she'll be mortified.
01:14:48I didn't watch to be mean. I only thought it'd be cool to see.
01:14:52How cool she is.
01:14:54And I figured if she didn't know I peeped, it wouldn't count as being mean since she wouldn't know.
01:14:59And if she didn't know, that means she won't know to be more embarrassed.
01:15:02If that makes sense.
01:15:04If you tattle on me, it'd be like you're adding to her punishment.
01:15:08Well, you're right about one thing.
01:15:11You most certainly deserve a spanking for this.
01:15:13At the very least, I will have to tell your father.
01:15:16But he'll be so disappointed in me.
01:15:18Wait, can you spank me instead?
01:15:21You have Ed's permission to do it if you catch me being naughty and he can't be interrupted.
01:15:26Well, it would be awful for the king to have to spank both his daughters in one day.
01:15:30And this business with Daisy is already putting him behind schedule.
01:15:33Very well, I suppose I do have your father's permission to spank you for minor behavioral issues.
01:15:38Go to your room, and I'll be along shortly to deal with you personally.
01:15:42Azalea removed her golf cap to wipe the sweat dripping from her brow.
01:15:46Oh, thank goodness. The whole time I was watching Daisy.
01:15:50I could only think about how badly I was going to get spanked if I was caught.
01:15:54Now that I am caught, it's a relief.
01:15:57You're not going to tattle on me?
01:15:59I don't like to tell tales.
01:16:01I'm a maid, not a spy.
01:16:03Oh, if you want my advice, princess, you should confess the whole affair to your father as soon as possible.
01:16:08I'd suggest you do it later today, perhaps when he comes to kiss you goodnight.
01:16:12Facing the truth is always better than living a lie, Azalea.
01:16:16Azalea's lip trembled.
01:16:18But what if he spanks me again?
01:16:20He might, or he might not.
01:16:22It depends on whether you trust him to be fair.
01:16:24At this point, Azalea could not help overhearing the telltale smacks of a sturdy hairbrush against bare flesh,
01:16:30a testament to how thoroughly fair her father could be.
01:16:33Thank you, Pippily.
01:16:35I'll think about what you said while I'm in timeout.
01:16:38Good girl, Azalea. Now march along to your room.
01:16:41Azalea nodded, dashing off triumphantly, as though she was being offered a golf trophy, not a spanking.
01:16:49Todelia spotted Azalea's forgotten golf club resting against the wall by her sister's bedroom door.
01:16:55Todelia shook her head.
01:16:57If Daisy earned most of her spankings because of her temper,
01:17:00Azalea earned most of hers through sheer forgetfulness.
01:17:03Oh, Azalea, you forgot something.
01:17:06Azalea popped her head around the corner of the spacious halls,
01:17:10then sheepishly retrieved the damning evidence of her disobedience.
01:17:14You know, I think I will tell Dad.
01:17:17I'm not so good at keeping secrets.
01:17:20Todelia nodded sagely.
01:17:22A wise decision, my laddie,
01:17:24but I'm still taking the first track at making sure you've learned your lesson.
01:17:28Clutching the golf club like a mighty sword,
01:17:30Azalea placed a hand on the toned muscles on her arm.
01:17:34Don't worry, I can take it, thanks to all this conditioning.
01:17:37I've got buns of steel.
01:17:39Oh, did that sound vulgar?
01:17:42We'll discuss it when I join you in your room.
01:17:44Be a dear and have a leather slipper ready for me.
01:17:46You'll find a sturdy pair of them in your closet.
01:17:49At this news, Azalea's confident smile didn't fade,
01:17:52but it became a slightly scrunched smile.
01:17:55Yeah? Then don't go easy on me.
01:17:57I want to prove I can take a spanking just as good as Daisy.
01:18:01As Azalea dashed around the corner towards her room,
01:18:04Todelia sighed with a mix of admiration and condescension.
01:18:08Azalea had a delightful, strong mind when she applied herself,
01:18:12but Azalea lacked subtlety.
01:18:14Todelia most certainly did not peep through the keyhole,
01:18:18but she settled herself by the door,
01:18:20ready to answer the king's call at a moment's notice.
01:18:23She was Daisy's personal maid, after all,
01:18:26and this was her place.
01:18:28She couldn't help but overhear everything happening within earshot.
01:18:32And if, later, Todelia decided to record these details for posterity,
01:18:37purely out of historical interest, who could blame her?
01:18:41Those Princess Daisy Gets a Spanking Bedtime Stories
01:18:44didn't write themselves, after all.
01:18:47While Daisy certainly didn't miss a single detail
01:18:50of what went on behind the closed door,
01:18:52sadly, for the anthropologists and literary scholars of the Mushroom Kingdom,
01:18:57Todelia's talk with Azalea led her to miss a few details
01:19:00of Daisy's soon-to-be-legendary birthday spanking.
01:19:04Just as she perked up her ears to listen,
01:19:06she caught the king counting out 19,
01:19:08and 20 as one to grow on,
01:19:10an unmistakable birthday spanking.
01:19:13After listening to a bit of heartwarming dialogue
01:19:16between father and daughter,
01:19:17Todelia determined that she had better announce herself.
01:19:21After rapping sharply on the door,
01:19:23she heard Daisy's energetic voice project from behind it.
01:19:27Who's there?
01:19:28Father and daughter heard the gentle maid's voice from outside her room.
01:19:32Todelia, my lady, may I enter?
01:19:35Daisy noticed that she had long ago kicked her yellow panties off her foot.
01:19:39Cripes, where are my bloomin' bloomers?
01:19:42She swiveled her head around to survey the room,
01:19:45found the panties had flown through the air
01:19:47and landed on a Super Bowl flower,
01:19:49and scrambled to retrieve them.
01:19:51Daisy, after you propose, I'll march your Easter over to the corner.
01:19:55I promise you a time-out after you have spanked me.
01:19:58Oh, man! You're gonna let Tud-Tilly see me in time-out!
01:20:02whined Daisy as she gingerly pulled the high.
01:20:05I'm Daisy.
01:20:06Panties into place over her swollen cheeks.
01:20:09Tud-Tilly's to do in time-out to four.
01:20:12You have spanked me, so you'll stay secret.
01:20:15Say, Tud-Tilly, haven't I given you permission to spank Daisy in the past?
01:20:20Todelia's muffled voice rang from behind the closed bedroom door.
01:20:24Yes, my lady. I haven't had to do it too often, though.
01:20:28Princess Daisy is a wonderful boss.
01:20:30Yes, she really is a wonderful princess when she wants to be.
01:20:34Well, Daisy, there you go.
01:20:36You have no reason to be ashamed of being seen in time-out.
01:20:40You can choose to start your time-out now, pressed as you are,
01:20:44or we can give Tud-Tilly a crack at you
01:20:46and put your bare bottom on display in the corner with your shirt pinned up.
01:20:50What will it be?
01:20:51Daisy rushed to the corner with a speed that won her the silver medal
01:20:55in the 100-meter dash against Sonic the Hedgehog in the Olympics.
01:20:58I'll obey. I'm going to time-out.
01:21:01Look at me, Dad. I'm standing in the corner. Boy, I love time-out.
01:21:05The king nodded.
01:21:07Already the spanking was having precisely the desired effect.
01:21:10That's more like it, Daisy.
01:21:13Oh, and remember this coin from earlier.
01:21:15I want you to keep it pressed against the wall with your nose.
01:21:19Daisy groaned, but obeyed,
01:21:21scrunching her button nose against the cool metal coin to keep it in place,
01:21:25her hands behind her head with her fingers interlaced as was customary.
01:21:29The king clapped his hands together twice.
01:21:32Daisy was thankful to hear the sound of her father's hand clapping anything other than her behind.
01:21:37And, uh, you go out.
01:21:39The smartly-dressed toad maid entered, adjusting her glasses.
01:21:43How may I help you, my liege?
01:21:45Well, I'm going to prepare to meet Princess Voslo and the famous Fairy Brothers.
01:21:50After Daisy has served twenty minutes of corner time,
01:21:53help her get dressed properly and meet me in the banquet hall.
01:21:57Oh, and the handouts.
01:21:58Tell Toadswell that, starting tonight,
01:22:00I want to clear my schedule of any extraneous tasks in the evenings.
01:22:04Tell him to front-load my mornings if he has to.
01:22:07I need to make having more than one job with Daisy and Azalea a priority.
01:22:13Oh, that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you and Daisy.
01:22:16I'll make a note of it for Toadswell.
01:22:18I was just speaking with Azalea,
01:22:20and she was hoping to have a one-on-one chat with you as well tonight.
01:22:23Perfect. Of course, I'll make time for both my princesses.
01:22:27Also, Daisy will be working in the kitchen starting the day after tomorrow.
01:22:32She can start by cleaning the dishes from her birthday celebration,
01:22:36then the new work that Toadush can find for her.
01:22:39Tell him that I want to hear if she makes any trouble for him or is waving her hand.
01:22:44Toadelia glanced at Daisy in the corner and the hairbrush on the dresser.
01:22:48Oh, of course, I see. And will you require any additional arrangements for your evenings with Daisy?
01:22:55Toadush has a lovely collection of wooden spoons and several bread paddles.
01:22:59No additional arrangements would know, though that might change if I get any bad reports.
01:23:04Which reminds me, do let me know if Daisy doesn't take that coin for my president race during her time out.
01:23:12Toadelia curtsied as she promised to fulfill all the king's requests.
01:23:16He wished Daisy luck and gave her a little kiss on the cheek.
01:23:20Daisy thanked him, and wished she could return the kiss as she concentrated on keeping the coin firmly pinned in place.
01:23:27She knew she was in for a long week, but she was up for it.
01:23:31There was nothing Princess Daisy loved more than a good challenge.
01:23:35Then her nose started to tickle.
01:23:38The king turned just as he was stepping out of the door in time to see the coin rolling towards him.
01:23:44Toadelia covered her mouth.
01:23:54Daisy looked at the coin with a sense of defeat.
01:23:57Would it be the wooden spoon or the bread paddle tonight?
01:24:03The king picked up the coin and brought it back to Daisy.
01:24:08We'll make mistakes, just do your best and keep making me proud.
01:24:12As Daisy pressed the coin back in place, she vowed to do just that.
01:24:17The End.
01:24:18Spanks for listening.
01:24:20If you enjoy my spanking stories, you can read more free stories on DeviantArt and Patreon.
