Top 20 WORST Anime of All Time

  • 3 months ago
They're the worst the anime scene has to offer! Join Ashley as we look over the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to anime
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're scraping at the bottom of the barrel for what might
00:09just be the most awful anime to ever air.
00:18Number 20, The Island of the Giant Insects.
00:22We love schlocky monster movies.
00:24We love So Bad It's Good anime.
00:27At the very least, this should have been some passable cheesy fun.
00:30But nope, it's just gross.
00:37Ignoring the horrendous 3D animation, there's something fetishistic about how each of the
00:43busty students are killed off by the colossal bugs, making for a really uncomfortable watching
00:50Even if the characters are all asshats practically begging to be taken out, there's no morbid
00:55joy to be found here.
00:57There's a right and a wrong way to do campy horror, and this is not it.
01:11Number 19, Dark Cat.
01:13Yeah, we hadn't heard of this one either.
01:16Then we watched it, and instantly regretted our decision.
01:20The plot is beyond generic, focusing on a pair of brothers who hunt down tentacle monsters
01:26by transforming into house cats?
01:29Not exactly the pinnacle of imagination.
01:42Pair that with the dullest and most uninspired romance among any OVA from the 90s, and it
01:48all becomes too tempting to want to throw this kitty right into the trash.
01:53Though we do have to applaud just how awful the dub is for this one.
01:57It's impressively atrocious.
02:16Number 18, Wonder Momo.
02:18We've seen side-scrolling beat-'em-ups be turned into legitimately great anime over
02:23the years, and this is most certainly not one of them.
02:31They took scantily-clad idols, dressed them like Tekkaman rip-offs, who happened to shoot
02:36lasers from hula hoops, and made it boring as all hell.
02:41Maybe that's due to the five-minute runtime or choppy animation, but it gets to the point
02:46where you're wondering if you'd be more entertained if this was a hentai.
02:59Either that, or next time, pick a better arcade game to adapt.
03:03Number 17, Rusted Armors.
03:06And just when you thought the truly abysmal anime was locked away back in the wilderness
03:11of yesteryears, no chance.
03:18Some of these modern cash-grabs are in a league of their own, following off the back of Ex-Arm
03:22and Berserk 2016.
03:24If anyone even cared to watch this thing, it may have been the next big WTF anime, but
03:29as it stands, it sits in the squalid shadows of those that came before it.
03:34Don't be fooled, though, it's still terrible, with the 3D animation leaps and bounds behind
03:40the times, made all the worse when the fight scenes and background art look like this.
03:53Number 16, Mahou Shoujo Naria Girls.
04:08To say the magical girl genre has become saturated would be a mighty understatement,
04:13let alone that of the idol scene.
04:16So what happens when you smash both together without bothering to do anything interesting
04:20with the result?
04:22An abomination of 3D, so lazily cobbled together, that even at the time, anyone at home could
04:27likely have put together something better.
04:30What's the story?
04:32Does it even matter?
04:33This is just another reason why Precure is high art.
04:45Number 15, Ladies' Poe When the title, which is an abbreviation
04:49of Ladies' Sports, is the cleverest thing about this show, you know you've got quite
04:54the train wreck on your hands.
05:00The idea of an all-female sports team battling it out in a sci-fi setting isn't the worst
05:05idea we've ever heard.
05:07The heights that regular sports shows can reach by themselves are beyond impressive.
05:11As always, it's in the execution, and from the looks of things, we're guessing some
05:16poor intern, who had never animated in his life, was forced to cobble this together.
05:22It's more like a glorified slideshow.
05:28Number 14, Hanukkah No, this isn't a flash animation on Newgrounds.
05:33It's a legitimate anime.
05:36Alas, it fails at the starting line.
05:42Even if your nostalgia for this art style rings true, it buckles under the weight of
05:47its lofty narrative aspirations.
05:50Human-alien hybrid, raised to be a weapon, struggling with her identity, military vs.
05:55extraterrestrial shenanigans, we've seen all these a million times before, and each
06:01one of them hit the mark better.
06:03It's sort of tragic, because deep down, you can tell there was passion for this.
06:08It's just that the budget couldn't match the ambition.
06:17Number 13, Ninja Collection First thing's first, there's no actual
06:22ninjas here, so that's strike one.
06:27But even if there were, nothing could save this series from the sum of its parts.
06:31It's crudely animated, unscary, and obnoxious parts.
06:36Horror and spookiness can take all kinds of forms in anime, even with a minimalist approach
06:42to the visuals.
06:43But, there is a limit, and unfortunately, this anthology is nothing more than a waste
06:48of time that somehow was broadcast for all to see.
06:52There's a reason why Yamashibai Japanese Ghost Stories is still going strong, and this…
06:58well, it isn't.
07:02Number 12, EX-ARM There have been a select few anime whose
07:06overall ineptitude caused them widespread condemnation upon release, and EX-ARM sits
07:12happily among that pantheon.
07:14The combination of average 2D art combined with truly abysmal 3D art cannot be understated.
07:30This thing is ugly to look at when the characters are static, and downright laughable when they
07:35throw themselves into a fight scene.
07:37The sci-fi narrative isn't anything to write home about either, but even if it was penned
07:42by a master wordsmith, we doubt anyone would give it the time of day when it looks like
07:47the 3D models are actively trying to un-alive themselves.
08:04A samurai and a ninja get pulled into a dystopian future plagued with infected humans, and fall
08:11flat on their face every step of the way.
08:14Before release, this was supposed to be the next big thing.
08:17And yet, between penning the idea and releasing it onto the world, everything went wrong.
08:23Characters are flat, the art is ugly to behold, the story has no weight, the fight scenes
08:29are an exercise in frustration, and all you get from binging the whole thing is a profound
08:35sense of wasted time.
08:37It's a landmark in modern anime failures, and hopefully we've seen the last of its
08:43I mean, we probably haven't, but we can still dream.
08:53Given the series' creator had to apologise for just how much of a negative reception
08:57it received, it's fair to say that it's so bad its good status was unintentional.
09:08The story itself is rather uninspired, with a gun-wielding samurai warrior travelling
09:12through feudal Japan, taking out monsters.
09:15Unfortunately, that's only the start of its problems.
09:18The animation is horrendous, the backgrounds look like they're taken out of Google Images,
09:24and the sound quality is constantly dipping.
09:35Unintentional hilarity is the name of the game when it comes to this series, something
09:38you probably don't want when you're trying to create a detective thriller about government
09:45However, due to sub-par animation quality, and a bland lead character who's pretty
09:54much Super James Bond, that's exactly what we get.
09:57The action has no impact, and the character has no likeability, so all we're left with
10:03is a dull set of static scenes, which prevents us from getting invested into the supposedly
10:09engrossing political capers.
10:21Even with low animation quality, many a series has shown that they can overcome their limits,
10:27and still produce amazing work.
10:31Especially when you start your series with your female lead being assaulted by the so-called
10:37As some other plot points about the gold rush in the Amazon rainforest, but it's as drab
10:49as can be.
10:50What's that?
10:51She ends up falling for him right after he attacks her?
10:54Because of course she does.
11:04A series meant to celebrate 25 years of the Gundam franchise?
11:11Well that sounds awesome.
11:12What are you going to give us?
11:14Have a mass crossover with the main pilots?
11:18Instead, what we get is a watered-down 3D version aimed at a very, very young audience.
11:27The mobile suits are sentient, the animation is just ugly to behold, and feels more like
11:32a cash grab than a celebration of such a beloved franchise.
11:38This ain't Gundam Build Fighters.
11:43If the aim of the game was to literally promote a game with this adaptation, this thing is
11:48a spectacular failure.
11:53We get a glimpse at what we can assume will be our main cast, but barely anything happens.
11:59Just a lot of badly animated walking and talking that fails to bring the world these
12:03cardboard cutouts inhabit to life.
12:07You know, for a supposed generation filled with it, we don't see a lot of chaos going
12:11on here.
12:24Because that's what one of fiction's greatest detectives was missing.
12:28He needed more vampires.
12:30So what else could we expect from an anime based on a smartphone app?
12:38What little this series could have offered is quickly flushed away in lieu of terrible
12:43gags, all horribly rendered in 3D CG.
12:46Are there even any actual bloodsuckers in this series, or is just the show itself slowly
12:51killing our brain cells in bite-sized pieces?
13:13Fancy checking out a classic anime movie?
13:16Well, do yourself a favour and avoid this one, because we doubt you are ready to experience
13:22this level of insanity.
13:23After being informed by a cancerous growth that a demonic army is about to invade the
13:28Earth, a lone surgeon is imbued with superhuman strength and sent thousands of years into
13:34the past to defeat it.
13:36That might sound like a hilarious head trip, but trust us, it is not worth it.
13:41Its editing leaps all over the place, its story doesn't go beyond muscular physician
13:45punches demon, and features a slew of unwarranted, raunchy scenes complete with synth music.
13:58You don't have to be a psychic to tell how bad this flick is.
14:05And this is why low-tier video game developers don't always make the best choices for anime
14:20When an alien object appears over Tokyo, it's down to a group of young ladies, all in scantily
14:25clad uniforms, piloting horribly animated mechs to defeat it.
14:30What may work for a JRPG, clearly doesn't translate well to the screen in this instance.
14:36The alien menace, which is frankly an animated sin against the medium, practically takes
14:41a backseat to the would-be harem, who in themselves have no character to speak of.
14:47The fact they essentially try to lore-dump a whole season's worth into a single OVA
14:52is startling.
15:07Prepare yourselves, because this is where things get really ugly.
15:11When a virus is unleashed on the populace, an affected brother and sister find themselves
15:16in something of a perpetual hell, which we are forced to witness.
15:20This includes the older brother getting dissected over and over, since he can regenerate his
15:25flesh, allowing his little sister to eat pieces of him.
15:29We also see every adult act out their sadistic wants.
15:32And finally, the bittersweet conclusion as brother and sister turn into hideous monsters
15:38and devour each other.
15:40Have fun scrubbing that from your brain.
16:05From the same company that gave us Skelter Heaven, comes what can only be considered
16:10a massive failure in anime.
16:13How does it hold up?
16:14Characters that are thinner than paper, below-subpar animation, a narrative so clunky and rushed
16:21that you barely have any time to wrap your head around what's going on before the show
16:25actually has the nerve to try and drop a twist ending.
16:37It's so desperate to ride on the high of other invasion anime, that it's kind of
16:47Long may it live in infamy.
16:52Which anime do you consider to be the worst?
16:54Let us know in those comments below.