• last year
Ángela Cap 2


00:19Is a complaint in Diaz desde la desaparición de la joven arquitecta
00:22The canelope
00:24¿Y qué es lo que ha pasado con el canelope?
00:26¿Trabajaba con vosotros, no?
00:28¡Mami, mami! ¡Ha picado otro!
00:30¿Todo esto habéis pescado?
00:32¿No había roto esta mierda?
00:34¿Qué te pasa?
00:36Han reventado el coche. Todo el capo ha bollado.
00:38Ángela, que yo no denuncié a Gonzalo. ¿Cómo te lo tengo que decir?
00:40Yo ya no sé cómo decírtelo.
00:42No fui yo, Gonzalo.
00:44¿Esto es para ti? ¿No te acuerdas de mí?
00:46¿Y tú? ¿Eduardo Silva?
00:48Que no voy a follar contigo porque te dé pena.
00:50Gonzalo quiere matarte. Me contrató a mí para que lo hiciera.
00:53Si vuelve a pasar, ¿qué hacemos?
00:55Ángela, ¿todo bien?
01:22¿Estás bien?
01:52¿Estás bien?
02:22¿Estás bien?
02:56Chicas, ¿qué hacéis? ¿Dónde estáis?
03:21Hola, soy Gonzalo.
03:23En este momento no puedo atenderte.
03:25Por favor, deja tu mensaje.
03:29Si hay emergencias, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?
03:31Hola, llamo porque mis hijas no están.
03:33Si me puede decir su nombre, por favor.
03:35Sí, Ángela, a recarte.
03:37De acuerdo, Ángela. A ver, ¿qué sucede?
03:39No lo sé, no lo sé. Es que no están.
03:41Creo que se las han llevado.
03:45Su padre.
03:47¿Que su marido se ha llevado a sus hijos?
03:53¿Dónde estás?
03:54¿Dónde voy a estar, Ángela?
03:55¿Dónde están las niñas?
03:56En el barco, conmigo.
03:58Ay, muy bien, y no me dices nada.
04:00Pero si te lo dije ayer.
04:01No, no me has dicho nada, Gonzalo.
04:03No me has dicho nada.
04:04Ángela, que lo hablamos ayer en la cena.
04:06Que me las iba a llevar a pescar.
04:08Pero si te dije que vinieras.
04:09¿No te acuerdas?
04:10Me dijiste que no, que mejor nos veíamos después en la comida,
04:12en el puerto.
04:16¿No te acuerdas?
04:18¿De verdad me lo dijiste?
05:18¿Qué tal?
05:31Me alegro mucho de que me hayas llamado.
05:32Sabía que lo harías antes o después.
05:34Ah, sí, ¿lo sabías?
05:36Pues yo no, la verdad.
05:38¿Sabes qué me ha pasado, Ed?
05:40Que acabo de llamar a emergencias porque creía que mi marido
05:42había secuestrado a mis hijas y no entiendo por qué me estás
05:44haciendo esto.
05:46¿Has estado con él entonces?
05:47Sí, claro.
05:48Me he levantado y le he dicho buenos días, amor.
05:50¿Es verdad que quieres matarme?
05:53O sea, que sigues sin creerme, ¿no?
05:55¿Quién eres?
05:57¿Pero cómo que quién soy?
06:01Ángela, necesito el dinero.
06:02Mi hermana está enferma, ¿no entiendes?
06:05Por eso acepté el trato.
06:07No soy un hijo de puta, joder.
06:10Créeme, por favor.
06:19Soy de Barrica, en realidad.
06:20Mi familia es de allí, de siempre.
06:22¿De Barrica?
06:25Esa casa es lo único que tenemos.
06:28Y Gonzalo y otros cabrones aparecieron un día de repente
06:30y nos dijeron que de eso nada.
06:33Nos enseñaron un montón de papeles y de mierdas y nos
06:35dijeron que allí necesitaban construir, que eso era suyo.
06:38Que no teníamos ningún derecho a extrair.
06:43¿Tú le destrozaste el coche?
06:46Porque cuando lo vi allí con su traje y su cochazo me dieron
06:48unas ganas de reventarle la cabeza.
06:51¿Tú sabes lo que me dijo?
06:54Que si tantas ganas tenía de matar, que por lo menos lo hiciera
06:56por pasta.
06:57Y entonces me ofreció 200.000 euros por matarte.
07:08Que sigues sin creerme, ¿no?
07:12Cuéntame tu plan, Edu.
07:13¿Cómo ibas a hacerlo?
07:15Pues mira, Gonzalo quería que lo hiciera en vuestra casa.
07:18Pero yo no me fiaba de él un pelo.
07:20Así que cambié de sitio.
07:22Quería un lugar en el que estuviéramos solos.
07:26¿Y me llevaste a casa de tu amigo por eso?
07:37Es raro que tampoco lo hicieras allí porque te lo puse
07:39bastante fácil, ¿no?
07:45Sí, la verdad.
07:48Me lo pusiste muy fácil.
07:51Pero no pude, no fui capaz.
07:57No te creo nada, Edu, nada.
08:00No me sigas.
08:01Ángela, espera.
08:02¿Cómo coño ibas a haber hecho tantas cosas sobre tu vida?
08:04Piénsalo un momento, piénsalo.
08:05Por favor, cualquiera sabe cosas de mi vida.
08:09Estuvimos él y yo horas al teléfono hablando de ti.
08:12Tiene que estar registrado en algún sitio.
08:13Las llamadas, los detalles, algo.
08:15No me vas a convencer de que Gonzalo es un asesino.
08:17Bueno, vale, vale, muy bien.
08:18Pero haz una cosa, mírale el teléfono.
08:21Mírale el móvil.
08:22Confía en mí, joder.
08:24No te quiero ver más.
08:25Mírale el teléfono, Ángela.
08:27El teléfono, míraselo, por favor, hazme caso.
08:57¿Y chí?
09:08Ya, ya, ya lo sé, perdona, perdona.
09:10Es que las peques se pusieron malas.
09:13Te lo prometo, te prometo que la próxima cena de chicas no me la pierdo.
09:19No, te llamaba porque me he acordado de ti.
09:25Por cierto, ¿ha preguntado alguien por mí en el pueblo?
09:31No, cosas de cuando éramos pequeñas, del instituto, no sé, algo así.
09:36No, ¿verdad?
09:38No, no, no, todo bien.
09:41Amor, ¿te importa que te llame luego?
09:43Es que...
09:44Sí, te llamo luego, perdona, ¿eh?
09:46De verdad, da besos a todas, es que tengo...
09:48Sí, ahora te llamo.
10:02¿Arrepentida de las clases de Mela?
10:06Pues sí.
10:08Pero bueno, a mi hijo le gusta este deporte, ¿qué le vamos a hacer?
10:12Son un poquito estiradas, pero bueno, hay algunas buenas gente.
10:17Pues aguántala tú.
10:19A mí solo me interesa una, pero está enfadada conmigo.
10:31¿De verdad no pusiste la denuncia?
10:33Yo no he denunciado a Gonzalo.
10:35Ángela, te lo voy a repetir mil veces, hace falta.
10:40Y me conoces muy bien, yo nunca pondría una denuncia anónima.
10:46Está bien.
10:47No, no está bien.
10:49Era una denuncia por malos tratos.
10:52¿Qué está pasando?
10:53No está pasando nada, es un malentendido.
10:55Venga, Ángela, no me jodas, que nadie pone una denuncia por malos tratos por una equivocación.
10:59Esther, Gonzalo tiene muchos enemigos, hay mucha gente que le tiene envidia, lo sabes de sobra, de verdad.
11:04Es una tontería.
11:06Aquí lo único que importa es que mis hijas no se enteren de nada, por favor.
11:10De verdad.
11:12Lo que sea, cuando sea, me llamas, por favor.
11:15O si quieres te pasas por mi bufete y hablamos tranquilamente, ¿ok?
11:21¡Voy, Vicente!
11:23Te llamo esta semana para un café.
11:25Más te vale.
11:27Hasta luego.
11:30¿Qué tienes ahí?
11:31Mira qué maravilla.
11:33Pero bueno.
11:35Entra para aquí.
11:36Te voy a enseñar cómo se prepara.
11:38Sí, porque yo no sé.
11:43Esto está chupado.
11:45Comandar en dice.
11:46Mira, lo primero.
11:48Sacas todas las tripas.
11:52Cuidado que no se te reviente la tinta que te pones perdida.
11:55Le quitas la espina.
11:57Y ahora, la madre del cordero.
12:00Mira, cojas así.
12:02Cojas así.
12:04Y le das la vuelta.
12:06Como un calcetín.
12:08Lo pasas por agua, metes el relleno y ya está.
12:13Ahí está tu trigo.
12:15Lo contenta es que iban esta mañana las niñas con su padre.
12:29Hola, mi amor.
12:33Hola, mi vida.
12:36¿Qué habéis hecho?
12:37Muchas cosas.
12:40Mira, había otra tras de repuesto.
12:43La he atado yo sola.
12:45¿Tú sola?
12:46Sí, con un nudo aguetinte.
12:48Se dice vallestrinque.
12:50Tú calla, que al menos sé hacerlo.
12:52¿Ya le ves con toda mamá lo que hemos visto?
12:54¿Qué hemos visto?
12:56¿Cómo eran?
12:57Eran enormes.
12:58Estaban por los lados.
12:59Eran muy, muy grandes.
13:01Gonzalo, el arpón y las niñas.
13:03¿El arpón?
13:04¿El arpón, dice?
13:05¿Qué arpón?
13:06Esto es un tridente.
13:07¿Quién es papá?
13:09¡El rey de los mares!
13:11Venga, vamos a comer.
13:13A ver esos pies.
13:15A ver.
13:21El otro.
13:27Ayúdame a vaciar la bodega.
13:38A ver.
13:43Esto ya está.
13:44La siguiente.
14:06¿Qué hace?
14:09¿Qué hablas tanto?
14:10Ay, no te puedo creer.
14:12Desde la regata aquella,
14:13lleva Laura diciéndome que se había dejado el pañuelo aquí.
14:15¿Y yo qué no o qué no?
14:16Y mira.
14:17Pero es de Laura.
14:18He dicho Laura, ¿no?
14:21¿Qué te pasa hoy?
14:23Venga, va.
14:24Vamos a comer.
14:26Te lo juro, ha movido los ojos.
14:28¿Qué pares?
14:29Es verdad, ha movido los ojos.
14:32¿Qué pares?
14:34Mamá ya dice que está vivo.
14:36No te vaciles.
14:44¿Qué pasa?
14:45¿Qué pasa?
14:46¿Qué pasa?
14:47¿Qué pasa?
14:48¿Qué pasa?
14:49¿Qué pasa?
14:50¿Qué pasa?
14:51¿Qué pasa?
14:52¿Qué pasa?
14:53¿Qué pasa?
14:55Ya está bien.
14:56Venga, sentaos.
14:57Dame la mano y yo a ti.
14:58No, la otra.
14:59Que has tocado el pescado.
15:00Ahora te vas a tocar el pelo.
15:02Perdona, cariño.
15:03He ido al coche a dejar las cosas.
15:05Me he encontrado con Fernando y Laura
15:07y me he liado.
15:08¿Con Laura?
15:09Qué pintón, ¿no?
15:11¿Le has dado el pañuelo?
15:12Oye, qué bonito esto.
15:14¿La ves?
15:15¿Hacemos una foto?
15:18¿Qué si le has dado el pañuelo a Laura?
15:22Por nada.
15:23Chicas, esa sonrisa.
15:27¿Qué tal?
15:30Un poquito seco igual, ¿no?
15:37¿Tenéis hambre?
15:54¿Qué haces?
15:57Me los regaló Vicente y me daba pena congelar.
16:02¿Te molesta?
16:04Que no lo estás haciendo bien.
16:06Deja que lo hago yo.
16:08Mejor baja a la bodega y trae vino.
16:10Que le va a sentar bien.
16:18¿Qué haces?
16:50¿Te están llamando, cariño?
16:52¿Para qué tocas?
16:54Te lo iba a llevar.
16:58Mira cómo está.
16:59Perdona. Toma.
17:01La verdad que...
17:06Lo siento.
17:10Corka, dime.
17:21¿De verdad, chicas?
17:22¿Todos los días perdemos la mochila?
17:25¿Están aquí?
17:39¡Id bajando, que no llegamos!
17:41Mañana tenemos la fiesta.
17:42Llévalo al Tinte.
17:43¿Se lo digo a Bego?
17:44No, no, a Bego no.
17:45La última vez se encargó ella y fue un desastre.
17:48Voy a por un café.
17:51Vamos abajo.
17:59Oye, un beso.
18:01¿Dónde vas?
18:06Adiós, mami.
18:09Maya, espera.
18:11La mano.
18:15Una cosita.
18:16Muy importante.
18:17Esta tarde quedamos aquí, ¿de acuerdo?
18:19Y nadie se mueve hasta que yo no llegue.
18:22¿Está claro?
18:24Muy bien.
18:27Adiós, mi amor.
18:28Buen día.
18:37¿Qué haces aquí?
18:39Asegurarme de que estés bien.
18:41Eres mi guardaespaldas ahora.
18:44Gonzalo won't stop until I get him.
18:46If I see you again, I'll call the police.
18:48Do it.
18:49There must be someone else to do it.
18:51I swear I'll call the police, Edu.
18:54Five months earlier
19:12The fascination of humanity for crime,
19:14for finding out who commited it,
19:16and above all, why he did it,
19:18is something that has always been present throughout history.
19:21In this podcast we will analyze the usual reasons that lead a person to commit a murder.
19:27And we will make special emphasis on those known as serial killers.
19:47Yes, who is it?
19:48Who is it?
19:49Okay, perfect.
19:50Well, tell my mother that I'm going to see her, but that I'll be a little later than I told her.
19:55Don't be scared.
19:57Thank you, Maribel.
20:01Thank you, huh?
20:02You're welcome.
20:09And how's your mother? How is she doing?
20:11Well, she started a therapy with dogs, they just assigned one to her.
20:15With dogs?
20:16Yes, I thought that was only done with horses.
20:19And how is it?
20:20Does it work?
20:21Well, let's hope so, as it just started.
20:24Well, that's great, I'm so glad.
20:27Hey, Gonzalo gave you back the handkerchief, right?
20:31Let's see ...
20:32The handkerchief ...
20:36The one you left in our boat.
20:39The handkerchief I left in your boat.
20:41Well, I don't know what handkerchief.
20:43No, no, forgive me.
20:46It's from Rocío.
20:47Forgive me, I have a terrible head.
20:48It's okay.
20:50I'm the same.
20:51Well, now that we're with the reform, I won't even tell you.
20:54The other day, I took Luca to school, I gave him a kiss and I realized that my poor boy was wearing the shoes from walking around the house.
21:01Don't tell me.
21:02I'm telling you.
21:04Oh, wait.
21:05I'm going to get some pastas that you're going to love.
21:07Come here.
21:16How handsome my boy.
21:18Oh yes.
21:22Oh, how nice.
21:25Hello mom.
21:29Hello mom.
21:31Look at those little eyes, look at those little eyes.
21:35Look, I look the same as when you were little.
21:43Would you come on a trip with the girls and me?
21:46And Maribel?
21:47And Maribel too.
21:51We could go south to Malaga or Almería, something like that.
21:54Do you want to?
21:56But why are we going to Almería with that heat?
22:00What you have to do is bring the girls here.
22:02So many boats and so much fog.
22:06Come with me.
22:32Come on.
23:02Come on.
23:21Come on.
23:25There's no one left here.
23:27And my daughters?
23:28I don't know.
23:29Do you want me to help you find them?
23:30Yes, please.
23:32Come on.
23:47Where are they?
23:54Ana, have you seen my daughters?
23:55No, I haven't seen them.
23:56Don't worry, they'll be playing around here.
23:58Where are they?
24:03Where are they?
24:04Where are they?
24:05I can't find my daughters.
24:10Where are they?
24:11Where are they?
24:14Angela, we're looking for them.
24:16Don't worry.
24:17What do you mean I'm not worried?
24:18Jenny, where are they?
24:19Are you sure they're downstairs?
24:20No, I'm not sure.
24:21Jenny, have you lost the girls?
24:22Don't worry.
24:23No, no, no, please.
24:24Have you really lost the girls?
24:30Where were you?
24:33You scared me.
24:39Don't ever leave with anyone.
24:42With anyone.
24:43Just me, okay?
24:44Irati wanted to go to the bathroom.
24:47Okay, it's okay.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry, I scared you.
24:50I'm sorry.
25:13Dad! Dad!
25:18Girls, your bags.
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33:06I'm sorry.
33:07I'm sorry.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:09I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:11I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:13I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
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33:21I'm sorry.
33:22I'm sorry.
33:23I'm sorry.
33:24I'm sorry.
33:25I'm sorry.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:27I'm sorry.
33:28I'm sorry.
33:29I'm sorry.
33:30I'm sorry.
33:31I'm sorry.
33:32I'm sorry.
33:33I'm sorry.
33:34I'm sorry.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:36I'm sorry.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:39I'm sorry.
33:40I'm sorry.
33:41I'm sorry.
33:42I'm sorry.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:44I'm sorry.
33:45I'm sorry.
33:46I'm sorry.
33:47I'm sorry.
33:48I'm sorry.
33:49I'm sorry.
33:50I'm sorry.
33:51I'm sorry.
33:52I'm sorry.
33:53I'm sorry.
33:54I'm sorry.
33:55I'm sorry.
33:56I'm sorry.
33:57I'm sorry.
33:58I'm sorry.
33:59I'm sorry.
34:00I'm sorry.
34:01I'm sorry.
34:02I'm sorry.
34:03I'm sorry.
34:04I'm sorry.
34:08Let's go this way.
34:29What are we doing here?
34:31I'm scared.
34:34I feel really bad.
34:38I swore it wouldn't happen again.
34:49Does it hurt?
34:55It's okay.
34:56Of course it's okay, Ángela.
34:58Of course it's okay.
35:01We can't go on like this.
35:04It's okay.
35:11You're nervous.
35:13It's an important day.
35:17I need you to forgive me.
35:23Please, forgive me.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:23Hello, hello, good evening.
36:24Well, ten years of this architecture studio.
36:27Congratulations to all of you.
36:28And especially for this last year,
36:30which is a great year, isn't it?
36:33A rollercoaster.
36:34I'm going to tell you about it.
36:36The thing is, I play with advantage.
36:39I cheat.
36:41Because I have by my side
36:43the most wonderful woman in the world.
36:46Ángela, my love.
36:47Thank you very much.
36:49I know I'm not always easy,
36:52but you make me a little better every day.
36:55And my success is your success.
36:57Thank you.
37:02Well, well.
37:03Let's see who else we have here.
37:06Jaime, my partner.
37:08I can't think of a better partner than Jaime.
37:11I love you very much, my friend.
37:14Thank you.
37:15And who else do we have?
37:17Javier, the magician of numbers.
37:20Thank you very much.
37:22Well, I could keep saying names,
37:25and it would never end,
37:27but allow me to say
37:29one more.
37:31We miss you very much, partner,
37:34and hopefully we'll hear from you soon.
37:38And well, congratulations to all of you
37:42and for another 10 years.
37:44Thank you very much.
37:59Training hard.
38:00I'm good at swimming and cycling,
38:02but I'm good at running.
38:03We'll see if I can get over the wall.
38:05What wall?
38:06The one they say goes between 30 and 33 km.
38:09It's like your strength fails and you stay there.
38:12Are you telling me that you do all this for pleasure?
38:15Anyway, the one who runs very well and likes it is Ángela.
38:19Right, honey?
38:21It relaxes me a lot, yes.
38:23I'm going to get something to eat.
38:25I'm getting hungry.
38:26Do you have food in Ikei?
38:27I ordered it, I know you like it.
38:34Champagne, please.
38:41Come, the guys want to say hello.
38:43Yes, of course.
38:45The party was great, huh?
38:47Juan, Javier.
38:49Ángela, where are you going?
38:51Congratulations, guys, for everything.
38:53Thank you very much.
38:54Thank you.
38:55I didn't know Necane, but I'm very sorry about what you're going through.
38:59Yes, sometimes it's a little difficult to work
39:02seeing your chair empty.
39:05Have you kept your job?
39:07Yes, the police took his computer, some papers.
39:10We haven't touched anything.
39:12We've left everything the same, in case one day...
39:14He's not coming back, Juan.
39:15Don't say that.
39:17Well, I've left the imitation of my wedding on his table.
39:20She's with the wedding.
39:22Excuse me.
39:23See you later, Ángela.
39:51Come on.
40:52The party was great, huh?
40:56Did you like my speech?
40:59Very much, yes.
41:05No, no, no!
41:06Let's go to the hotel.
41:08The phone.
41:09The phone.
41:10The phone.
41:11The phone.
41:12The phone.
41:13The phone.
41:14The phone.
41:15The phone.
41:16The phone.
41:17The phone.
41:18The phone.
41:19The phone.
41:20Yes, take it.
41:21The phone.
41:22Come on, the phone.
41:23The phone, damn it!
41:24Take the bag off.
41:25The bags!
41:27Enough, enough, please.
41:28It's ok.
41:29It's ok.
41:51I love you.
42:13Are you crazy?
42:15You attacked us yesterday with a real razor.
42:17I wasn't going to use it, Ángela.
42:18No, calm down, calm down. I told you I was going to help you, right?
42:22Yes, help, yes. For this.
42:25A colleague has managed to unlock it. It's not stupid, huh? There's nothing. No messages, no calls, nothing.
42:29I told you.
42:30But there's one thing I haven't taken into account.
42:34Erase the messages from the receiver.
42:35Message received on June 12 at 23.07.
42:41Gonzalo, stop sending me messages, please. It's over. I'm going to leave the studio.
42:45Forget about me, please.
42:48To listen to the message again, press 1. To delete the message, press 2.
42:52Is that my cable?
42:54It disappeared.
43:01I don't know what to do.
43:03You'd better go to the police.
43:05Yes, take it. Take Gonzalo's cell phone and use it as evidence.
43:10Is there anything here that could hurt you? That, I don't know, could relate to you?
43:16Are you worried about me now?
43:18Edu, please.
43:22It's nothing, don't worry.
43:45I don't know what to do.
43:46I don't know what to do.
43:47I don't know what to do.
44:20What are you doing here? I thought you were in the office.
44:22I came for the complaint. And you?
44:25Well, because it's going to be the same thing. How did it go?
44:28Well, imagine, these people are useless.
44:31Well, you don't have much to throw either.
44:33No, my phone has the locator, it's pretty accurate.
44:36What happens is that she doesn't want to do her job, which would be to go door to door.
44:40In the end, I'm going to have to do it.
44:42Come on, I have an appointment with Fernando, who is going to help me.
44:47What a scare yesterday, huh?
44:50But hey, the important thing is that we are fine.
44:53I'll see you at home.
44:55See you.
44:56See you.
46:17We've already seen this three times.
46:19Because it's very cool.
46:22Yes, one that I had seen at Alain's house. It's very cool.
46:25I'm sure you'll love it.
46:26Girls, we have to decide, it's getting late.
46:31How are you?
46:33How are you?
46:34I'm fine.
46:35And you?
46:36I'm fine.
46:37And you?
46:38I'm fine.
46:39And you?
46:40I'm fine.
46:41And you?
46:42I'm fine.
46:43And you?
46:44I'm fine.
46:46Have you found it?
46:48I should have taken a walk, I don't know where to find it.
46:51In the end, I bought this one.
46:52Do you like it?
46:54If you want, tomorrow we go to porn for you.
46:57We were going to see a movie.
46:58Do you want to?
47:00I'm going to make popcorn.
47:15We'll be right back.
47:26Who are you?
47:27Who are you?
47:28Don't scare me, Angel.
47:30Are you crazy?
47:31How did you get here?
47:32I don't know, but it's important.
47:34Gonzalo's at home.
47:35I know.
47:36I've followed you to the police station, you haven't done anything.
47:39Why are you going to tell them?
47:41No, for one thing.
47:43You didn't do anything.
47:44He was in there.
47:46I know. He saw someone.
47:49He was with a friend.
47:50He wasn't a friend. I assure you.
47:53He was trying to calm his pulse. We have to do something.
47:55Do what? What are you planning to do?
48:04No, no, no.
48:05Listen to me. It's important that you listen to me.
48:08You cannot stay alone. Do you hear me?
48:10If you stay alone, you'll be killed.
48:14Yes, go, go, please.
48:16Don't be alone, please.
48:18Okay, go, go, please.
48:43Go, go, go, please.
49:13Shit, I have to go to Madrid tomorrow.
49:17To Madrid?
49:19Yes, but only one day.
49:21At most two, I don't think more.
49:27Did you hear that, Pancho?
49:29You're coming home!
49:33Did you hear that, Pancho? You're coming home!
49:44I never ask you for anything, never, just today.
49:47Do you think I'm going to Madrid because I want to?
49:49Because I'm an idiot and I like to take planes just because.
49:53Mom, are you okay?
49:57Gonzalo is a manipulator and he won't stop until he gets it, and you know it better than anyone.
50:01Edu, please, you're asking me to kill my daughters' father.
50:04So I don't kill you.
50:06Edu, he's going to do it today, he's going to do it today.
50:09As you know, her husband wanted to kill her.
50:11It shouldn't be so easy to kill someone, right?
50:13Edu, don't do it. This is crazy, please, don't do it.
50:16Do you know who Eduardo Silva is?
50:18Eduardo Silva?
50:20I'm going to take the girls, I'm going to go to the police and I'm going to tell them everything.
50:23What are you saying?
50:24I'm his lawyer.
50:26It was Gonzalo, it was a trap.
50:27There was no corpse in the garden.
50:28How can there be no corpse if I saw him there, he was lying on the floor face down.
50:32Please, he killed a man.
50:34He killed his father, he was full of work, I didn't leave my daughters with him.
50:37Ángela, do you realize that right now there is nothing that certifies what you are telling us?
50:42I only know that I'm telling the truth.