Prosesi Ibadah Haji Selesai, Kloter Terakhir Jemaah Haji Tiba di Tanah Air

  • 3 months ago
Sebanyak 316 peserta haji kloter 30 asal embarkasi Kertajati (KJT-30) tiba dari Tanah Suci, pada Senin 22 Juli 2024.
00:00The return of the Indonesian pilgrims from the Holy Land has been completed,
00:04which is marked by the return of 316 participants of the 30th Clotter Flight Group pilgrimage,
00:10originating from the Kertajati Embarkation.
00:13The pilgrims departed from Amor Airport, Muhammad bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia,
00:20and arrived at Kertajati Airport, West Java, on Monday, July 22.
00:25The head of the Madinah Al-Mahzumi Work Area explained that the last clotter
00:30contained pilgrims from various areas in West Java,
00:34such as Majalengka, Kuningan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Subang.
00:39With the return of the last clotter to Indonesia,
00:43it also ended the duty of serving the Saudi Arabian PPIH.
00:48And Alhamdulillah, during this 2024 pilgrimage process,
00:53everything went well.
00:55And God willing, next year, we will improve the things that we need to improve.
01:01And God willing, everything can run smoothly and maximally
01:04to provide the best service for our pilgrimages.
01:08Pilgrims of the Madinah Al-Mahzumi Work Area,
01:14I would like to thank you for the service for us,
01:19whether it is consumption, accommodation, transportation, everything went well.
01:24There is no problem.
01:26After the return of the entire clotter to Indonesia,
01:29the next turn of pilgrimages will be gradually returned,
01:33starting on Tuesday, July 23.
01:36Inter-news agency reported.
