• 2 months ago
Pemerintah telah mengumumkan mulai 2026 penyelenggaraan ibadah haji tidak lagi berada di bawah Kementerian Agama. Namun akan dikelola oleh Badan Penyelenggara Haji (BPH). Pengalihan penyelenggaraan haji mulai 2026 ini dinilai bisa jadi reformasi paling progresif dalam tata kelola ibadah haji di Indonesia. Meski langkah ini diharapkan dapat membawa peningkatan kualitas layanan, proses transisi tersebut dinilai harus diawasi secara ketat agar tidak menimbulkan tantangan baru.

BPH yang telah dibentuk ini harus segera menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam memenuhi amanah yang besar. dengan melibatkan para profesional termasuk eks penyidik kpk, diharapkan bph dapat menjaga tata kelola yang bersih dan transparan dalam setiap aspek penyelenggaraan haji. BPH diharapkan menjadi pelaku perubahan nyata, mengubah paradigma lama dalam pengelolaan haji dan menjadikan haji sebagai bagian dari pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi umat.


00:00Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of oil, gas, and natural gas.
00:05Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of oil, gas, and natural gas.
00:13Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:15Live from my IEDX channel studio in Jakarta, I'm Prasetyo Wibowo.
00:18Welcome back to Market Review,
00:20a program that deals with issues that are the driving force of the economy in Indonesia.
00:24You can watch our live streaming at iedxchannel.com
00:27and let's start the Market Review.
00:29Stay tuned.
00:39Yes, the government has announced that starting in 2026,
00:42pilgrimage to Hajj will no longer be under the Ministry of Religious Affairs,
00:47but will be managed by the Pilgrimage Agency.
00:50Pilgrimage to Hajj, starting in 2026,
00:53is considered to be the most progressive reformation in pilgrimage to Hajj in Indonesia.
01:01Yes, the Pilgrimage Agency, which has been formed,
01:04must immediately show its ability to fulfill a great trust
01:08by involving professionals, including ex-KPK investigators.
01:12It is hoped that the Agency can maintain a clean and transparent management
01:16in every aspect of pilgrimage to Hajj.
01:19The Agency is expected to be a real change maker,
01:22changing old paradigms in pilgrimage to Hajj
01:25and making Hajj a part of the social and economic development of the people.
01:42Yes, ladies and gentlemen, to discuss our interesting topic this time,
01:44the transition of pilgrimage to Hajj,
01:46the body of pilgrims to Hajj or BPH,
01:48we have been connected via Zoom with Mr. Zaki Zakarian Sari,
01:52Secretary General of the Muslim Association for Pilgrimages to Hajj and BPH.
01:58Hello, Mr. Zaki, assalamualaikum.
02:00Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:03How are you, Mr. Pras?
02:04I'm fine, thank you for your time, Mr. Zaki,
02:06and I'm joined by Mr. Mohammad Irfan Yusuf,
02:09Head of Pilgrimages to Hajj BPH.
02:12Assalamualaikum, Mr. Irfan.
02:14Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. How are you, Mr. Pras?
02:17I'm fine, thank you for your time.
02:20Mr. Irfan, the government has announced that starting in 2020,
02:24pilgrims to Hajj will no longer be under the Ministry of Religious Affairs,
02:28but will be managed by BPH.
02:30How is BPH's own preparedness?
02:35Thank you, Mr. Pras.
02:38Mr. Pras, the government has stated that
02:45starting in 2024,
02:48the Pilgrimages to Hajj body was formed.
02:51As I have said several times to my media friends,
02:56the intention of BPH, as I have said to the public,
03:02is to provide the best service to our pilgrims.
03:07Therefore, whether we want it or not, we have to work hard
03:11so that our service to Hajj
03:15will be more satisfying for our pilgrims.
03:20This year, we haven't stopped yet,
03:23we are still supporting the Pilgrimages to Hajj in 2025.
03:30Support for the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
03:32Even so, we have been proactive in this matter,
03:40including the organization of BPH,
03:44then the verification of various vendors in Saudi,
03:49then we also ensure that
03:54the process of performing the selection of pilgrims to Hajj
03:58is really transparent and good.
04:01I have just finished my trip from Banten
04:05to verify the implementation of the CAT test
04:09for pilgrims to Hajj in Banten.
04:13That's it, Sir.
04:14Okay, so the verification of vendors is ensured again,
04:18what will the cooperation system be like,
04:20then maybe there will also be a review,
04:23Mr. Irfan, and also the selection process of pilgrims to Hajj.
04:26If we review the journey of pilgrims to Hajj from BPH,
04:30what can be the basis to start this transition period,
04:35what do you think, Mr. Irfan?
04:38Of course, it's long,
04:40starting from a long queue,
04:45then the decision on which one to go this year,
04:49then starting again with registration in the areas of health management,
04:56it's a very long process.
04:58Then, as has been said,
05:01then we talk about abroad,
05:04we verify which vendors were good yesterday,
05:08which vendors had problems yesterday,
05:10which vendors should be replaced,
05:12the process must be quite long,
05:14and involving many parties.
05:18Okay, that's the effort to be made by BPH in this transition period.
05:23Okay, Mr. Zaki,
05:26what is your view on the pilgrimage to Hajj in 2026,
05:31which is no longer under the Ministry of Religion,
05:33but is managed by the Pilgrimage Agency?
05:36Please, Mr. Zaki.
05:39Yes, Mr. Pras, we from Ampuri are honest,
05:42very optimistic,
05:44and confident that the pilgrimage to Hajj will be better next year,
05:49especially the pilgrimage to Hajj in 2026 will be held by BPH.
05:55Of course, for several reasons,
05:57we are optimistic that the pilgrimage to Hajj will be better.
06:01First, BPH will be more focused throughout the year,
06:07making preparations, both in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia,
06:11and also making the pilgrimage,
06:13both in Indonesia, starting with embarkation to Saudi Arabia,
06:16will be more focused,
06:18and spending all of its energy and focus on the success of the pilgrimage.
06:23This is an important point.
06:25If there is one institution, one body,
06:28that focuses on the pilgrimage,
06:31frankly, BPH has been doing well so far,
06:34but the burden of BPH is already so great.
06:37Under BPH, there are 10 institutions,
06:39there are 7 directorates,
06:42there is a lead bank and also a body.
06:44So the burden is quite heavy.
06:47With the pilgrimage held by BPH,
06:50of course, it will be more strategic and also focused.
06:54The second reason why we are optimistic,
06:57confident that the pilgrimage will be better,
06:59is also that we see figures from the BPH head,
07:03the representative of the BPH head,
07:05a charismatic and also a politician figure,
07:09his representative, Mr. Daniel,
07:11also a young, energetic activist,
07:13and I am sure that with his leadership,
07:16BPH will be able to facilitate a better pilgrimage in the future.
07:21Mr. Zaki, if we talk about the management of the pilgrimage,
07:24it has been facing a number of challenges.
07:27If we look at transparency in the management of funds,
07:29allocation of capital,
07:30up to facilities in the holy land,
07:32then evaluation,
07:33then what innovation must be done by BPH?
07:36You said earlier that you are optimistic with the presence of BPH itself.
07:43Regarding the evaluation of the transparency of the pilgrimage funds,
07:46it should be noted that since 2017,
07:49according to Law 34-2014,
07:52that the management of the pilgrimage funds
07:54has not been held by Kemenang or the government,
07:58but through BPH.
08:00Therefore, we can no longer
08:03put the transparency of the management of the pilgrimage funds
08:07to Kemenang or in the future to BPH.
08:10Because the management of the pilgrimage funds is held by BPH.
08:14Maybe later it can be discussed with BPH.
08:20Regarding the allocation of capital,
08:22this is very sensitive.
08:24Regarding the allocation of capital,
08:26it is already clear in the law,
08:28Law 8-2019,
08:32it is explained that the allocation of capital
08:35is 92% for regular
08:37and also 8% for special pilgrimages.
08:42But in these points,
08:44there is also a determination in the law,
08:48the Minister of Religious Affairs also has the right
08:50to determine the allocation of capital.
08:54Well, if we evaluate last year,
08:57why did it happen to Pansus?
08:59Of course, in our opinion,
09:01this cannot be said to be wrong either.
09:04This can be said to be the political will
09:07of the Ministry of Religious Affairs last year.
09:10Why is that?
09:12the government is certainly looking for a solution
09:15on how to shorten the queue in Indonesia.
09:18The queue in Indonesia for regular pilgrimages
09:21has been up to 30 years.
09:23Even this Bantayan regency has a queue of 47 years.
09:28As a solution to shorten this quota,
09:32to shorten this queue,
09:34like the political will of last year,
09:38is by accepting the addition of capital.
09:41However, the addition of capital
09:44must be managed well according to the law
09:47and must be discussed well with the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
09:51Okay, Mr. Zaki.
09:53Mr. Irfan,
09:54if we talk about the momentum of the transition period,
09:58with a one-year preparation period,
10:01how about the challenges that have been met,
10:05the mitigation, and the solution?
10:08What is it like, Mr. Irfan?
10:10Actually, it's not one year,
10:12because the pilgrimage season starts in May
10:16and ends around July.
10:18That means by the time of the pilgrimage season 2025,
10:23the Ministry of Religious Affairs will have to
10:26carry out the pilgrimage process in 2026.
10:34Then, in addition,
10:38we also focus on the revision of the pilgrimage law
10:44as has been prepared by friends in the DPR.
10:50They have included the revision of the pilgrimage law
10:53in the National Program,
10:54which means it will soon be discussed by friends in the DPR.
10:57Why is it so urgent?
10:59Because in the 8th pilgrimage law in 2019,
11:03it was stated that the person in charge of performing the pilgrimage
11:07is the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
11:10So for that, changes are needed,
11:12as well as to anticipate
11:16some policy changes in Saudi Arabia,
11:20the Saudi government,
11:22which used to be more focused on Muasasa,
11:27now it's more focused on Syarika.
11:30It means more business institutions
11:33will be pushed forward,
11:37so we also anticipate various changes.
11:40In general, we,
11:42I personally have been twice,
11:45almost three times,
11:46met with the Minister of Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
11:50And they were very welcome with our concerns,
11:52and they were very open,
11:54and very,
11:55if I may say,
11:56they spread the red carpet for our pilgrimage,
12:00just with various regulations that we have to comply with.
12:05I think that's it.
12:06Okay, that's it.
12:07It means we will see what it will be like,
12:09maybe the road map that has been prepared,
12:11in order to improve the quality of service,
12:14and make it more comfortable for the pilgrims.
12:16We will discuss it in the next segment.
12:18Mr. Arifan and Mr. Zaki,
12:19we will take a short break.
12:20Viewers, make sure you are still with us.
12:40Thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
12:42In the next segment,
12:43we will provide you with data related to the Hajj fee in 2025.
12:47Yes, as you can see on your TV screen.
12:51For Hajj participants,
12:53it is recorded at around IDR 89,410,258.79.
12:59And this Hajj fee is divided into two,
13:02which is paid by Hajj participants,
13:04as much as IDR 55,431,750.78.
13:10Then there is the value of the Hajj fee itself,
13:13which is IDR 33,978,508.01.
13:20And what about the Hajj fee in Indonesia?
13:23Here it is.
13:24The Hajj fee in Indonesia,
13:25if we compare it to 2024,
13:28there are 241,000 congregations,
13:30consisting of regular congregations,
13:32which is around IDR 213,000.
13:34Then there are special congregations,
13:35which is around IDR 27,000.
13:38Meanwhile, in 2025,
13:40the Hajj fee will be reduced to IDR 221,000.
13:44Regular congregations will be IDR 203,000,
13:46and special congregations will be IDR 17,000.
13:48Okay, we will continue our discussion
13:50with Mr. Mohamad Irfan Yusuf,
13:52Head of Hajj Organization,
13:54and Mr. Zakir Zakaria Ansari,
13:56from Sekja Nampuri.
13:57Okay, Mr. Irfan,
13:58based on the data that has been provided,
14:00the Hajj fee,
14:01and the Hajj fee,
14:03what can we expect from BPH?
14:05If not, we can make it into a discussion,
14:10or a preparation,
14:12to see how Hajj preparation will be in 2020,
14:15when BPH will be at full power,
14:17as a Hajj organizer.
14:20So, the number of IDR 221,000 is not a decrease.
14:25It is a definite number that we get.
14:29Meanwhile, last year,
14:31there was IDR 241,000,
14:32because of the additional quota.
14:35Additional quota.
14:36IDR 241,000.
14:37IDR 221,000 is obtained per mile
14:41from the number of Muslims in a country.
14:45That's the first thing.
14:47The second thing is,
14:50the budget is like that,
14:52because we have been trying to
14:56reduce the number of IDR.
15:01Hopefully, in 2026,
15:04we can increase the number of IDR
15:09to get a better number.
15:11The President also said that
15:14he is not satisfied with this number.
15:16Maybe we can reduce it again.
15:18Be careful to reduce it again.
15:21So, there is still a dynamic
15:23related to this budget?
15:25Hopefully, there are still some measures
15:28that we can use
15:30to reduce the number of IDR.
15:32Including the stay duration
15:36of our mosque in Tanah Suci.
15:41So far, it's between 40 and 41 days.
15:45Meanwhile, if we can make it more efficient,
15:50it won't be like that,
15:52it will save more.
15:54We know that one day,
15:56if we eat three times,
15:58multiply it by 221,000 people,
16:01multiply it by IDR 15,
16:04we can get IDR 80 billion.
16:08One day.
16:09If we can make it more efficient,
16:12let's say five days,
16:13it means that we can make it more efficient
16:15by IDR 400 billion.
16:16That's an amazing reduction.
16:18But indeed,
16:19the reduction of the stay duration
16:23depends on the flight slot.
16:26That's why we need to talk to many parties.
16:31Ampuri, what do you think
16:34if we talk about 2025
16:36from the city's perspective?
16:40In 2025, we know that
16:43from the city's perspective,
16:45Indonesia, until now,
16:47still takes Indonesia's original quota,
16:51which has been happening for several years.
16:55In total,
16:56from the number of Muslim population in Indonesia,
17:00221,000 is the original quota.
17:03As what Kiai Irfan explained,
17:06if last year there was an increase of IDR 20,000,
17:10that's an additional quota.
17:12We see that this year,
17:14we need to anticipate a few things
17:18about this quota.
17:19Because as we know,
17:21until now,
17:22there is a decrease in the employee quota.
17:25Hopefully, the government lobby
17:29can return the employee quota
17:32like last year,
17:34which was IDR 4,400.
17:36This year, the employee quota is only IDR 2,200.
17:41But I'm optimistic.
17:43Hopefully, the government can return the employee quota.
17:47And hopefully,
17:48if we need to increase the additional quota
17:51for the Indonesian people,
17:53to shorten the queue for regular Hajj
17:56and also for special Hajj,
17:58according to the law,
18:0092% and 8%.
18:04What about the Hajj fee?
18:07Regarding the Hajj fee...
18:11Mr. Zaki, what do you think about the Hajj fee?
18:15Regarding the Hajj fee,
18:17for this year,
18:19we really appreciate it.
18:20There is a significant decrease.
18:23But I'm sure,
18:24in the future,
18:25as the head of the BPH said,
18:27in the future,
18:28the president is still not satisfied.
18:30Hopefully, in the future,
18:32in 2026,
18:33when the BPH holds the control of Hajj,
18:35the fee paid by the people can decrease.
18:39But before determining the price for next year,
18:43we need to pay attention to several factors.
18:47Internal factors and also external factors.
18:50The internal factors are
18:52how the government can make the budget more efficient.
18:59There are several budgets that can be made more efficient.
19:04the optimization of the BPH.
19:06For this year,
19:08the BPH manages the fund of Rp160 trillion.
19:11And the need for Hajj every year is Rp20 trillion.
19:15For this year,
19:17the BPH subsidizes the fund for Hajj
19:22which is only 38%.
19:25It decreased from 40% last year.
19:28Although the Hajj fee this year has decreased,
19:32the value of the BPH also decreased.
19:37We hope that next year,
19:40we can optimize the BPH.
19:43The BPH can provide more value
19:46to subsidize the fund for Hajj.
19:54This is the first factor.
19:56The second factor is the external factor.
19:58We need to pay attention to this.
20:00To determine the Hajj fee,
20:02we need to pay attention to the dollar.
20:05Be careful.
20:06The US dollar's information will increase.
20:09Hopefully, it will decrease next year.
20:12The second factor is the BPH,
20:14the hotel fee, and so on.
20:16We need to anticipate this.
20:18This is an external factor.
20:20As an external factor,
20:21because in 2022,
20:23the BPH suddenly increased.
20:25Three times.
20:27This cannot be determined now.
20:30The third factor is the oil price.
20:33We need to pay attention to this.
20:35Don't let the oil price suddenly increase in 2026.
20:38It will affect the ticket price.
20:41The Hajj fee cannot be determined now in 2026.
20:46But we need to look at the internal factors
20:48and also the external factors.
20:50Yes. Mr. Zaki.
20:51Let's go to Mr. Irfan.
20:52Mr. Irfan, what do you think about the challenges
20:54that have been mentioned?
20:56Such as the fluctuation of the price of crude oil,
21:00the US dollar movement,
21:03and so on.
21:04Is this also a concern for the BPH?
21:19We will try to communicate again with Mr. Irfan.
21:24Mr. Zaki.
21:25If we talk about comfort,
21:27how are the services provided to the pilgrims?
21:32To be clear,
21:34Mr. Pras,
21:36in Badan Hajj,
21:39there are three successes that we want to achieve.
21:43The first is the success of the worship.
21:46The success of the ritual.
21:49We hope that the pilgrims can perform the ritual
21:52as well as possible.
21:54From the beginning to the end,
21:55as well as possible.
21:57And become a mature pilgrim.
22:00The second is the economic success.
22:03What does it mean?
22:05We hope that the economic ecosystem
22:08that is revolving in the pilgrimage process
22:12can also be beneficial to the Indonesian people.
22:16As an example,
22:17I roughly calculate that
22:19the turnover of money in the pilgrimage process
22:22is around 20 trillion.
22:25It's a huge amount.
22:27We hope that it can have an impact
22:29on the economic impact on our community.
22:32For example,
22:33if we can take some food
22:37from Indonesia,
22:39it will be more beneficial to the Indonesian people.
22:42Whatever the food is.
22:46we are also trying to do other things
22:49that can be beneficial to the Indonesian people.
22:54The third is the success of civilization.
22:58We go back to the history of the old pilgrims.
23:04Where in the Dutch era,
23:06as soon as they returned from the pilgrimage,
23:09they became people who had high values of nationality and nationalism.
23:15Haji Masarit returned from the pilgrimage.
23:19Haji Ahmad Dallan returned from the pilgrimage.
23:22They became people who loved nationalism
23:27and loved their nation.
23:29They became figures of movement,
23:31including the movement for the independence of the Indonesian people.
23:34This is what we will take
23:36and plant in our future generations.
23:38Returning from the pilgrimage
23:40will not only make us more prosperous,
23:42but also make us love our nation even more.
23:46Mr. Irfan,
23:47are you optimistic about the JPPH?
23:49In the transition period,
23:51when we can provide the optimal service
23:54to the Indonesian pilgrims?
23:58Mr. Irfan.
24:00Yes, I am optimistic
24:02because we communicate with the government very well.
24:06The government also said
24:08that this is the last pilgrimage of the JPPH.
24:14Therefore, the JPPH members
24:19want to make the last pilgrimage
24:22the best pilgrimage for them.
24:25We also hope that
24:29the legacy of the JPPH
24:31will be for us
24:34to continue the good pilgrimage
24:39from the JPPH members.
24:41I think that's all.
24:44Mr. Irfan, thank you very much for the information and the update.
24:47Good luck for the JPPH in carrying out the pilgrimage to Indonesia in the future.
24:52See you again.
24:53Mr. Zaki, thank you.
24:54Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
24:56Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
24:58Okay, Mr. Mirza.
24:59I have been with you for an hour in Market Review
25:01and keep sharing your information only on IDX channel,
25:03your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
25:06Because the future must move forward.
25:08I am an stock investor.
25:10Yes, I am Prasetyo Wibowo
25:11along with all the staff
25:13on duty.
25:14I take my leave.
25:16See you again.
