Newbie's Perspective Fang the Hunter Issue 3 Review

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Fang the Hunter, Issue 3.
00:03Why did Eggman go through all the trouble of bringing Fang and his allies here?
00:08He could have had this talk with him where he was before.
00:12Fang's made to look stupid by saying it isn't Eggman's territory for no good reason.
00:18Just to give Eggman a good moment.
00:21Maybe I'd be more satisfied with good moments if they weren't forced at someone else's expense.
00:26Eggman says he saved them because he wanted to know why they were here.
00:30Which makes sense.
00:32Bean tells Fang to just tell him already.
00:35He shouldn't need to tell him then.
00:37What's to consider?
00:39He tells him or dies.
00:41Considering how long it took for Fang to lampshade Bean being the voice of reason,
00:47I think he only said this because it took that long for Flynn to hear so much criticism for it
00:52that he felt like he had to address it to pander to them.
00:54Pointing out your problems doesn't make them go away.
00:57Especially not when you introduce a continuity error with it.
01:01He didn't act like it felt unnatural all the other times.
01:05He's not as annoying when reasonable.
01:08So it's like he was fixing his character.
01:10But it's too late to make Bean the voice of reason when the change to IDW is his opportunity to do so.
01:16And at this point, most of his fans want the Archie portrayal.
01:20I say this because there's a lot more Archie stories than games,
01:24so the people who bought all those stories gave more money to Sega than the people who only bought the games,
01:30so they're more profitable.
01:32So this is bad marketing by disappointing most of the most profitable Sonic fans.
01:37And it only wouldn't be that way if most Bean fans never bought the comics.
01:43Eggman acts like he never knew about the 8th Emerald.
01:47Well, that's lame.
01:49When he said he just happened to be in the area while refusing to tell him why,
01:54I assumed he was here looking for it.
01:57This isn't even the main Eggman.
01:59Why is he still writing him as ridiculously out-of-character parody of himself long after the Metal Virus is over?
02:05I thought issue 50 was trying to indicate that he learned not to do that because he made him cool again.
02:11Because he knew he had to do that to appease Eggman fans.
02:15Some people like me hated Pontac and Graff making Eggman a parody of himself,
02:20so anyone who felt that way has no excuse for liking when Flynn does it.
02:25At least Pontac and Graff didn't have him be apocalyptically stupid through laziness.
02:31He just said the wrong things.
02:33This miniseries doesn't know what tone to go for with Eggman
02:37because they had him capture them in his first appearance,
02:40so expect him to be taken more seriously.
02:42And while even serious villains cannot know things,
02:46that doesn't excuse it when there's no reason for him not to know about it and even accuse Fang of lying.
02:52I think Fang didn't tell him who his contact was in case Eggman went after him for more info
02:57and he risked never getting another contact to help him because news spread.
03:01Too bad there's no room in the panel for a Thought Bubble explaining that.
03:05Because it was wasted by the pictures of stuff that aren't there in-universe.
03:09Like it's John Grey with his anime backgrounds.
03:13Just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean this is okay.
03:16Sonic never showed things that aren't there in most of his shows.
03:21This is why I stopped watching the Pokemon anime as a kid.
03:25Eggman decides to tell them to do him a favor just in case Fang's right,
03:30so that's smart at least.
03:32Fang tells him to hire him or else,
03:35even though he's obviously at his mercy right now,
03:37so the Idiot Bowl gives Eggman an excuse to threaten him.
03:41That looked cool, but like with Mimic,
03:44I'm too distracted by being pissed off that the villain only succeeded at the expense of another character,
03:49being exaggeratedly stupid, to be happy about it.
03:53Eggman takes his time before releasing them
03:56and says he put the hard-boiled heavies in charge of a test flight.
04:00Why did he trust them a third time?
04:03See what I mean about parroting him?
04:05This is flat-out disrespectful!
04:08And not disrespecting him for what he deserves,
04:11the fact that he's evil.
04:13Instead he's just flanderizing him because he used Metal Sonic again,
04:17despite the fact that he reprogrammed him to be loyal in IDW,
04:21making the argument against trusting him again irrelevant.
04:25But apparently Flynn has so little respect for him
04:28that he assumes he didn't reprogram him in the games and is basing this off that.
04:32Never mind that Eggman told this guy he was going to reprogram him
04:37and showed no indication he wouldn't.
04:40Him forgetting or changing his mind would be laughably out of character.
04:45The entire reason he put animals in robots is because he hates free will.
04:50So again, he would never just keep it around for fun.
04:54He already gets his fun from fighting Sonic and putting animals in robots.
04:59I've always understood not respecting Eggman in theory
05:04because he lost to Sonic a million times.
05:07But it's ignoring the fact that he has to lose to Sonic, meta-wise.
05:11It's not his fault that he's the main villain,
05:14so he's forced to fight him over and over again.
05:17At least Pontac and Graff stuck to making fun of him
05:21for the flaw that he actually had.
05:24You know you screwed up when you had me defending them.
05:26Classic Sonic comics are meant to be aimed at classic fans,
05:30but any classic fan worth their salt would at least notice
05:33all the ways this is completely disrespectful
05:36or accidentally inaccurate to the games.
05:39People defend Sonic being too trusting because he's a hero.
05:43What's Eggman's excuse?
05:45They've got things in common in the games.
05:48They're not supposed to be too similar.
05:50This is supposed to be a joke.
05:52That's what's really off-putting about this.
05:54Massacring a character's credibility is a joke.
05:59Everyone who insulted Sonic boomed Knuckles,
06:02and any time Knuckles was flanderized.
06:05I better hate this just as much on the same merits.
06:09I don't even like Eggman,
06:11but IDW would have you believe he's never been smart at all.
06:14This is the main villain of the series, remember?
06:17And Fangy's being made a joke out of, too.
06:19Isn't it a problem to have no credible serious villain for an action series?
06:25All the serious IDW villains are trapped in the modern era of the comic.
06:30This isn't even original.
06:32Crocbot did this.
06:34Eggman can't even track his own warship because it keeps disappearing.
06:38Fang tells him the obvious and is hired.
06:41Sonic does a lot of pacing behind Tails because he's impatient.
06:45Where is that impatience in the modern era?
06:48It's sad that it forgot one of the things that made Sonic popular.
06:52I'd take this character flaw instead any day.
06:56Even if game purists might think this is flanderization, too,
06:59just because we never saw Sonic be impatient in the stories of the games.
07:03But his idle animation from waiting is what it's based on.
07:07The only reason I could imagine it being complained about
07:10is that it's weird for him to be angry at Tails because of it.
07:14Better to exaggerate a flaw that was already there
07:17than make one up whole cloth, though.
07:20Still, Sonic's only being rude by not keeping his pacing to a room he isn't in.
07:25It makes him look pathetic that he's so devoid of intelligence that he has nothing to do.
07:30Even Sonic Boom is written better in that he plays video games no problem.
07:35And writing Sonic as if he'd hate literally any activity that doesn't involve speed?
07:40That would really be flanderizing him
07:43by refusing to even make him feel human.
07:45It's not like joggers and marathon runners have no hobbies outside of running.
07:51No one would be defending that for Tails, and he's not human.
07:56Tails even suggests taking a nap because he did that earlier,
08:00but God forbid he listens to his advice in IDW.
08:03Though it's realistic that he doesn't feel like it here.
08:06Game focus fans think of Sonic as running to explore the world in his free time
08:11to see more of the world firsthand,
08:13which has merit in that no other Sonic character would have that hobby.
08:18I think the reason I don't think of him as doing that all the time
08:21is because you're thinking all the time he's been alive,
08:23and considering how fast he is,
08:25he would have already explored every inch of the world by now.
08:28If Sonic had a cell phone or something,
08:31then he could simply go on a run for fun with barely any consequences
08:34and could call him the second he's done.
08:37And the Sonic I know would return to his side so fast
08:40that it wouldn't matter how far away he is from him.
08:43He's run faster than a black hole for at least a little bit before.
08:47If he loves going on a run so much,
08:49he'd see it as worth it that he delay the adventure.
08:52And who said he had to run a straight line?
08:55He could keep turning around to explore a smaller area.
08:58Also, if a place is pretty enough,
09:01why wouldn't he go visit it multiple times?
09:04I would have had a reason to complain
09:06if his impatience was capped to one panel.
09:09Then I'd just be like, yep, it's Sonic, alright.
09:12Instead, it drew so much attention to it
09:14that it actually confirmed he's been literally doing nothing
09:17but pacing the entire time like a weirdo
09:20when it was ambiguous before.
09:22It could have cut straight to him showing Sonic the ship seeker.
09:25Sonic asks how it works
09:27and gets told an explanation that anybody would understand.
09:31Once again, this pathetically unfunny cliché joke
09:34is used when it was already used in the Tails Anniversary comic.
09:38Most people know what a logarithm means by this point.
09:41At least in this kind of content.
09:44So only the word locust is an issue.
09:47And why doesn't he just ask what locust means then?
09:50I don't even know why he used it
09:52because he's never around anyone who says it.
09:55He only has an excuse for using big words
09:58that there are no alternatives to.
10:00Locust means place.
10:03If Sonic was this stupid, which he's not,
10:06then he wouldn't have asked how it worked.
10:08It's not even a character for Sonic to ask how an invention works
10:12but it does have potential to be good
10:14by showing he's smarter than you'd think
10:16which is at least supported by him engineering things in AOSDH.
10:20And again, the fact that he's clever in the games.
10:24This squanders the chance to improve the character
10:26giving him hidden depths
10:28by even making a complete joke out of the series' mascot.
10:31He says he needs to take some more time
10:34to install the thing in the plane
10:36even though he's holding it
10:38and the lightning drawn around his dish meant nothing
10:41because it really isn't working yet.
10:43So it comes off like another forced joke.
10:46You know, like we hated Pontac and Graff for.
10:49At least when they made the characters and generations
10:52make fun of themselves
10:54it was because of canon traits they had before.
10:56And also, it's better that they say stupid things
10:59than do stupid things.
11:01This entire scene was pointless
11:03because it could have been cut
11:05without the story making no sense.
11:06So the joke annoys me because the scene ends there.
11:09It only existed for comedy relief.
11:14What about this comic is so dark that it needs it
11:17when Eggman's a bumbling idiot?
11:19And his only threatening moments
11:21are behavior I take for granted
11:23because it's average quality.
11:25I saw it a million times.
11:27It's brightly colored.
11:29Even Fang can be a bumbling idiot.
11:32What's serious about it that it needs this?
11:34We didn't have tons of comedy in the classic era
11:37so again, it doesn't really fit.
11:40Fang says that because the further the warship goes
11:43the longer it takes to vanish
11:45that tells him that the vanishing thing
11:47needs to recharge
11:49and that lets him calculate
11:51based on its past locations and times
11:53between when and where he needs to wait at.
11:56I love how smart he is.
11:58See, that's what I'm talking about.
12:00That's what I want more from the characters
12:02that are supposed to be cool.
12:04Idiots aren't cool
12:06and fighting robots doesn't make an idiot cool
12:09when Tails can fight and be smart.
12:11If he knows he's supposed to make Fang smart
12:14why does it keep making a complete mockery of him?
12:17It's not a good joke.
12:19Fang was supposed to be the comedy relief
12:21and he's even got a convenience shield
12:23for criticism because he's crazy
12:25so why not give all those stupid moments to him?
12:28Is there any point to having it be Fang?
12:31It makes me wonder if he only gave him smart moments
12:34because Sega told him he's supposed to have those
12:37so he wrote the plot around them.
12:40So why won't he write the plot
12:42around smart observations and planning
12:44from characters all the time?
12:46Tails is one of the most main characters
12:48but the plot's not usually written
12:50around him being smart.
12:52Sonic's not an engineer
12:54but that doesn't mean he's supposed to be
12:56an idiot hero because of it.
12:58And now Tails is more out of focus than ever
13:00in favor of the diamond cutters
13:02whose smart people are ineffectual.
13:04Fang might appreciate if his teammates left
13:06because being's annoying
13:08but somehow not smart enough
13:10to keep this to himself.
13:12I also don't remember being being the type
13:14to tease his teammates intentionally
13:16implying that they're never right.
13:18Considering how constantly right Fang is
13:20in the miniseries
13:22he's either being crazy again
13:24or gaslighting them for a joke.
13:26What a jerk.
13:28Now I don't blame Fang
13:30for thinking them as flunkies instead of friends
13:32because that would be awful
13:34for being.
13:36It's no better than Sonic taunting Knuckles.
13:38Fang has his vehicle take it's time
13:40to eventually get him and being
13:42onto the airship.
13:44Oh yeah, someone might think it's weird
13:46that they weren't shot down
13:48when they were noticed by the bad guys.
13:50It's a panel that really shouldn't have been there
13:52because we wouldn't have assumed
13:54it was like that.
13:56But curiosity is a believable motive
13:58for a character.
14:00It's the same reason Eggman rescued them
14:02and curiosity kills the cat
14:04realistic mistake or not
14:06it still makes him look like an idiot.
14:08Bean thinks they could just ask
14:10the robots what's going on
14:12because they're working for Eggman
14:14even though he wasn't told Eggman sent out
14:16an order to the robots to like them
14:18before or after he got hired again by him.
14:20And yeah, it was obvious
14:22the hard-boiled heavies went rogue.
14:24Why else would Eggman have been unable
14:26to track and contact the ship?
14:28So Bean's forced to be stupid
14:30to make Fang look smart.
14:32It's entertaining
14:34that Bean likes that this won't be easy
14:36but it makes me all the more confused
14:38then that he was considering ditching Fang
14:40because his adventures weren't easy.
14:42I guess just because some of them fail.
14:45Why was an entire page
14:47wasted on boredom?
14:49Of course I like that they aren't talking
14:51because it makes it faster to read
14:53but if you didn't have this page
14:55the plot would have made
14:57just as much sense.
14:59At least Bean was riding a robot
15:01and Bark was holding the bottom of a crate.
15:02Instead of nothing new happening at all.
15:04And Fang got to suffer again
15:06by being scared.
15:08But seriously,
15:10he's not riding for a game,
15:12he's riding for a comic.
15:14Fang says he can feel the power
15:16coming from something.
15:18Good thing he's Mobian
15:20or this would make no sense.
15:22Now I can assume the special power
15:24he has is a very faint
15:26Chaos Emerald sense.
15:28He's just unlucky that it's so faint.
15:30A robot threatens Bean
15:32when he tries to save them.
15:34I don't think it has a personality
15:36so I don't care enough about him
15:38to call him or his siblings by name.
15:40They're just killer robots.
15:42If I thought I'm using a meme
15:44and dialogue was lame before
15:46it got a thousand times worse
15:48when he said touchy instead of pass.
15:50This isn't supposed to be
15:52for kindergartners.
15:54And who else would not think
15:56this word was lame?
15:58It's way too contrasting
16:00with the severe menace
16:02from the darkness around his eyes.
16:04And the way the eyes of the motorbug
16:06are trying to be menacing too.
16:08There is no place for a joke here.
16:10Why try to diminish the seriousness?
16:12Did you really think people would find
16:14it too scary to handle
16:16when there's a bunch of villains in danger?
16:18If anything, people might be
16:20rooting for Fang to get hurt.
16:22Anybody who complained about Chip
16:24ruining the drama with comedy,
16:26myself included,
16:28should hate it when Flynn does it too.
16:30And what are three panels
16:32happening before he says another meme?
16:34At least the memes make sense in context,
16:36but still,
16:38it's not a good reference
16:40if getting that it's a reference
16:42ruins the appeal for some.
16:44He's attacked,
16:46and I don't know why that's censored
16:48by a sound effect word
16:50when he's a robot.
16:52Sega shouldn't have thought
16:54only kids that can't handle
16:56exploding robots would read this comic
16:58when most Sonic fans are adults.
17:00And even then,
17:02all I knew about this
17:04is that Fang is doing it.
17:06He has a novel idea
17:08to threaten to destroy an ally
17:10of one of the robots
17:12to make him stay put,
17:14and it works.
17:16And there's more ill-placed comedy
17:18because the motobug has a human name
17:20given to him by a robot.
17:22I immediately recognize this
17:24as a reference to Polygon Jim.
17:26A motobug got named after him
17:28as a tribute to him after he died,
17:30so it makes me feel a little
17:32bad for him.
17:34Bark flips the switch,
17:36giving Fang access to something
17:38that looks just like the Warp Topaz
17:40and is confusingly called that
17:42when everyone assumed the Classic Sonic comics
17:44were in a separate continuity entirely
17:46because of Sega,
17:48or at least Tails saying Classic Sonic
17:50is from another dimension and forces,
17:52which could have been mistranslation
17:54or Pontac and Graff's fault,
17:56which would explain this even happening.
17:58It's too bad it had its presence
18:00spoiled on me
18:02so why don't Clutch and Mimic show up in these?
18:04Now I'm too focused on wondering about that
18:06to want to pay attention
18:08to what Heavy King's saying.
18:10I would have said he's the serious villain
18:12in the Classic Sonic comics,
18:14but he looks too goofy for me
18:16to think of him that way,
18:18and he's too boring to instantly come to mind
18:20when I'm thinking of villains.
18:22The guy's not explaining that it came
18:24from another universe,
18:26which it must have because it doing time travel
18:28would come out of nowhere,
18:30even if time and space are linked.
18:32If you want to use Chaos Control
18:34to time travel,
18:36there's a reason you needed two emeralds
18:38to do it.
18:40So it traveling to the past
18:42would be as arbitrary as a phantom ruby
18:44giving Eggman amnesia,
18:46as if that's how it was in the games.
18:48I know magic things have some leeway
18:50in logic,
18:52but imagine if the Chaos Emeralds
18:54made an elephant show up,
18:56and the writer said it makes total sense
18:58because it's magic.
19:00You don't have to explain it.
19:02It's just a bad writing trope.
19:04Sadly, this robot doesn't tell me
19:06why the thing arbitrarily showed up for him,
19:08despite its last issue pretending
19:10that putting it back in its place
19:12would calm it down.
19:14At least this proves to me right
19:16that it didn't.
19:18It feels a bit contrived that the gem
19:20happened to warp to a world
19:22that it never got taken to before,
19:24when it never sent Sonic to another dimension
19:26in the 900th Adventure issue,
19:28despite the excuse for it warping him all the time
19:30being that it was still overcharged
19:32and he didn't like that,
19:34since he says his own power is meager.
19:36It just coincidentally ran out
19:38of overcharged energy
19:40right after it warped here.
19:42I assume the reason it warped
19:44to this dimension specifically,
19:46and sent Sonic to the soul dimension,
19:48is that at least somebody has used it
19:50in the past to go to these places
19:52for a visit before.
19:54Because otherwise,
19:56it'd be a little too plot convenient
19:58that it's this place,
20:00and not one of the infinite other dimensions.
20:02And it'd be equally plot convenient
20:04if only two dimensions
20:06were the most easy to warp to
20:08from the original dimension,
20:10out of all of the other dimensions.
20:12And if it was just back in time,
20:14what incentive did that person
20:16who time traveled have
20:18to travel to that time in particular?
20:23The fact that Heavy King knows his name
20:25is proof that it's had a long history
20:27of coming here,
20:29since if it was from another dimension,
20:30it should have its own name for it.
20:32So it has to be that the name
20:34came from here,
20:36or was agreed upon by someone
20:38from Tangled's dimension.
20:40But it's such a lazy name,
20:42it'd make sense if it was
20:44coincidentally given the same name twice.
20:46At least if it's possible to recognize
20:48that as a towpath on sight.
20:50A warped gem would make
20:52just as much sense.
20:54The story just has to rub it in
20:56that Fang was technically misinformed,
20:58and it gets a panel telling him no,
21:00he's just a kid.
21:02And we see his teammates glare at him.
21:04Come to think of it,
21:06this is like explaining the joke,
21:08which Pontac and Graff were also
21:10complained at for.
21:12Him being wrong would only matter
21:14if Eggman didn't reward him
21:16for getting it for him,
21:18specifically because it wasn't
21:20the Chaos Emerald,
21:22and this would normally be in character.
21:24But this is the same guy
21:26who paid him in advance.
21:28So apparently,
21:30the Havis were tasked
21:32with mining new powerful gems.
21:35He should have said Chaos Emeralds,
21:37because those are the only
21:39powerful gems in the world.
21:41I'm supposed to believe the Warped Towpath
21:43has no power of its own,
21:45when it clearly does if it lets you
21:47warp in the first place.
21:49Eggman's order would have been
21:51exceedingly clear that powerful
21:53meant magical, and this is still magical.
21:55I like that Fang says he appreciates
21:57the craftiness of using someone's exact words.
21:58That makes the fact that they're able to talk
22:00worth it.
22:02He says that the robots technically
22:04never heard the orders to return to port,
22:06and he likes their style.
22:08He asks if he could just leave
22:10and say he never found them,
22:12but he should know they never let him
22:14leave with something useful to them.
22:16Why did he turn into IDW Sonic?
22:18He's not a pacifist who thinks
22:20he can talk his way out of a fight.
22:22He wouldn't want to.
22:24He tried to kill Sonic eight times
22:26for money when he could have
22:28and he has beans to throw bombs
22:30at him right there.
22:32An entire page is wasted
22:34as the story ends.
22:36If Comic Space was used more wisely before,
22:38maybe the story could have ended
22:40just as well with a previous panel.
22:42We could have saved Comic Space
22:44by not having this guy
22:46give him exposition
22:48for no reason
22:50that we could have assumed.
22:52Like exposition about the Warped Towpaths.
22:54Instead, Fang gets made a fool of
22:56once again and downright
22:58downplays the drama.
23:00If he knew he'd do the same
23:02if he was them,
23:04he really did have no reason
23:06to think they'd let him leave
23:08when they're killer robots.
23:10Why would he have thought of them as idiots?
23:12This is the most pointless attempt
23:14at a cliffhanger ever
23:16because we all know they're gonna survive.
23:18They're game characters
23:20and you could end the fight
23:22at any moment
23:24and still have an effective cliffhanger.
23:26So it's not like it had to have padding
23:28just as tense
23:30if it ended during the fight.
23:32Just have it end after Fang got hit.
23:34It's cool that the Warped Towpaths
23:36went to the classic comics,
23:38but it's also confusing
23:40and hypocritically arbitrary at Sega
23:42if they only let this thing
23:44from the main issues crossover to here
23:46and probably not people like Clutch
23:48or concepts from the modern games
23:50despite the fact that it's from
23:52modern Sonic 2.
23:54And it would have been interesting.
23:56But for all I know,
23:58it misses the point of classic Sonic comics.
24:00I get it,
24:02but it misses the point of a new story
24:04if you refuse to do anything new.
24:06And IDW would finally be unique
24:08if it was the first ever time
24:10classic Sonic had a bunch of
24:12modern elements in it.
24:14Some modern elements would be cool
24:16to see here for the first time.
24:18It could be an excuse to bring back
24:20old modern concepts that were put to rest
24:22since the games already happened
24:24because it's another dimension
24:26and you can warp them to them
24:28and finally confirm that in IDW
24:30because it shouldn't be able
24:32to time travel as well
24:34or that really opens up a can of worms
24:36with it being OP.
24:38Why didn't the villains find out
24:40it could do that while studying it
24:42and take advantage?
24:44That should mean it'll be used
24:46to go back in time to undo something
24:48after warping back to Sonic's dimension
24:52Surge should be pissed that she didn't
24:54get to kill her creator
24:56and the same logic behind
24:58especially since she loves to use her powers
25:00so using her powers would mean
25:02running around to explore the world
25:04so she thinks she would find the thing.
25:06It could've just had them use
25:08Chaos Control to warp the ship
25:10making the Emerald amplified
25:12and power with technology to do so
25:14and it makes sense
25:16and would make the plot lucky
25:18that it even happened.
25:20This Is You by Ian Flynn
25:22has Eggman on creatively higher fang again
25:24this time to head for the warship
25:26of the hard-boiled heavies
25:28programmed to be fully loyal to Eggman
25:30which is a pathetically
25:32unfunny attempt at a joke
25:34and that massive contrivance
25:36shouldn't be the whole reason
25:38the miniseries happened.
25:40Of course it was too good to be true
25:42that it didn't seem contrived
25:44so instead it only happened
25:46because of this
25:48and because the Warped OPAS
25:50conveniently chose this place
25:52or time period to warp to
25:54despite us being told it would be
25:56neutralized by getting put back
25:58into Eggman.
26:00It doesn't even try to justify
26:02why it came here out of
26:04every other universe.
26:06Having Eggman be the one
26:08who hires Fang again is uncreative
26:10so it's really lame.
26:12When expected the miniseries to be new
26:14or what was the point of it?
26:16The only way it was new
26:18was how it used old ideas
26:20particularly the Warped OPAS
26:22coming here.
26:24Couldn't they have had a government
26:26reprogram the hard-boiled heavies
26:28of his warship
26:30and need to hire Fang
26:32without making him look like
26:34a complete idiot?
