Newbie's Perspective Reviews Sonic Spring Broken & Issue 70

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Sonic Spring Broken
00:03Sonic, Tails, and Cream's family head for the Spring Festival that apparently exists.
00:09The internet told me it's a reference to a poster in SE2 that implied it was a more interesting festival than we'll see here.
00:16Something you'd expect a bouncy castle in.
00:19But I never memorized all the posters in City Escape.
00:22So this reference means nothing to me.
00:25And all knowing it's a reference does is diminish its quality because it's less original.
00:30It's just original by being the first Sonic story to take place in a Spring Festival.
00:36Sonic smartly decides to wait for Chili Dogs until after the rollercoaster as they see what sort of looks like a red Vector the Crocodile and wonder what animal he's supposed to be.
00:47He shouldn't be a crocodile because the only crocodiles in the Sonic series have always been the normal color.
00:54So this would contradict a rule established in the series.
00:58As if it isn't bad enough that it'd look like a DeviantART OC.
01:02Tails the genius risks choking.
01:06This should have been Sonic because he's the irresponsible one.
01:11The whole time the fact that he's not dark blue enough is bothering me.
01:16It makes him annoying for me to look at because dark blue is a lot cooler.
01:19This is a common problem with IDW but it's especially obvious here when the lack of an actual plot so far makes me bored enough to pay attention to the art.
01:28Amy mentions a flower contest and wishes Silver good luck as I'm glad the writer brought back his interest in plants.
01:36And I wonder why the hell Ruff and Tumble were used in the story.
01:40It seems completely unlike them to enter a flower contest because they're nothing but thugs so you'd expect them to be too embarrassed to associate themselves with flowers.
01:49It'd make more sense if they stole these flowers to get a huge cash prize from winning.
01:55The heroes are just amused at seeing criminals that used to work for Eggman instead of reacting relatively in the slightest.
02:02Sonic being annoyed at them would actually make him look cool compared to being an exaggerated idealist which only Amy is supposed to be.
02:11It's a surprise that Amy's not in the competition.
02:14This story adds depth to Espio and Joule because they're entering the contest too.
02:20It turns out the prize is a giant gemstone which is slightly more interesting than money.
02:26Which we saw perfectly fine in Security Hall.
02:30It's too bad most of the story so far is just characters vomiting out exposition boring me to death along with how slow the pacing is.
02:39Which proves that you need more than just an interesting premise to make a story interesting.
02:43That's only a third of it.
02:46I have to assume the only reason a 13 year old is one of the judges in a flower contest is that she got special privileges for being a celebrity.
02:54An entire page is spent on her introducing every flower one at a time and it turns out one of the flowers is on fire because of Tumble.
03:05Silver uses telekinesis on a fire extinguisher to make it put out the fire.
03:10Which is more boring than I'd expect from the words psychic firefighting.
03:15So what if he uses telekinesis to do it very slightly faster when he didn't have to?
03:21I thought he'd remove the fire from the flower and get rid of it because he can throw energy balls in 06 and catch them in Archie.
03:28So he can control energy too.
03:31Tails says something just doesn't add up here somehow talking as if he hasn't instantly assumed the arsonists were their former enemies.
03:39Because he's got no street smarts at all in this comic.
03:43Vector's character is also Masakawa because he didn't instantly assume it was Ruff and Tumble either.
03:48Instead making the story extraordinarily lame by talking like there's any mystery to this.
03:54When there's only two evil people in the contest.
03:57Hemp chuckling doesn't necessarily prove he did it because of course he'd be glad that a competitor's flower was set on fire.
04:05But this still couldn't be any more obvious.
04:09The only way it could possibly not be Ruff and Tumble is if the arsonist was someone who wasn't in the contest who never even showed up before.
04:17Yeah because we all know that only the best mysteries are the ones where the culprit comes completely out of nowhere.
04:24So that's impossible to figure it out.
04:27Foreshadowing's for suckers.
04:30I wish the padding was removed and just cut to when the plot started progressing.
04:35Right now all I have to say about this is why, why, why is Vector questioning anyone but Ruff and Tumble?
04:42Sure red herrings are a thing in mysteries but he doesn't know he's in a work of fiction.
04:47And he doesn't say that he watches a ton of mysteries on television.
04:52So he shouldn't just assume they're red herrings.
04:55Speaking of out of nowhere writing.
04:58Silver says he sabotaged his own flower even though he said earlier that he wanted to be recognized for his hard work.
05:05Meaning there was no reason whatsoever for him to say that.
05:10He says his flower died right after he came here but that would mean he knew it was dead when he was saying he wanted to be recognized.
05:18One has to think that if he entered a dead flower it'd make the other flowers get hurt.
05:22This is goofy.
05:25Tails wonders why his flower died and Vector wonders if the soil was herbicide.
05:30The culprit's on the run and the silhouette instantly looks like Jewel which would be out of character.
05:36It'd be more in character if it was Charmy who was never foreshadowed to be in the festival anyways.
05:42I really hate that they don't just find the culprit right away after this.
05:47We should have seen this.
05:50Because now I'm even more impatient during blatant padding worthless panels.
05:57Bit gives Vector a billion years of exposition and doesn't seem to amount to anything anyways.
06:03Sonic tells Tails not to worry and call somebody as Tails doesn't like that the festival grounds is in bad shape.
06:11Tails says they should divide and conquer and gets told excellent plan.
06:15Sonic cleans the mess and it's too vague about what Tails is doing and Vector just says his gum's gonna keep the dunk tank sealed but we don't get to see it.
06:25The culprit had better actually be a silhouette person because I'm assuming he's just drawn that way to keep the obvious mystery up.
06:33And that's extraordinarily lame from being immersion ruining.
06:37This isn't just a kid's comic it had a zombie apocalypse in it and kids don't deserve lame insulting material anyways.
06:45Sonic sees someone run away and his selfish kid interrupts him in something clearly important with his own meaningless problem.
06:53So Sonic says he'll get him a new balloon to make himself look good.
06:57He's thanked and Tails finds out it was Charmy.
07:00Vector says this wasn't like him at all.
07:03It's not like him in IDW where it's more of a goody-goody.
07:07But it's like the Sonic X and Sonic Channel Charmy who'd annoy or prank his friends respectively.
07:13He says he was trying to help Silver and didn't know he used Plant Killer.
07:18And he only ran away because everyone chased him.
07:21But why would they intentionally start chasing him unless he started to run away in the first place?
07:26Why would he run away?
07:28That doesn't add up.
07:30He wouldn't blame himself for the flower being set on fire.
07:33And would he stick around to comfort Silver and not know the flower died if he did run away before that?
07:40But it's so good that Charmy didn't do it on purpose because even the worst Charmy would have nothing against Silver
07:47because he has no personal experience with him and it'd be mean for Sonic to tell him his bad experiences with Silver.
07:53Vector thinks someone switched the labels on the bags because he noticed something strange with them
07:59and Sonic finds out the labels are sticky.
08:01So somehow, instead of the two smart people assuming that glue is why it's sticky
08:05because clearly glue is needed to switch labels successfully,
08:10they both assume the culprit has sticky hands.
08:14It turns out Ruff is the culprit.
08:17Why did the writer even bother writing a mystery story then?
08:21There definitely should have been a new villain in the contest.
08:25Sure, in real life, the obvious culprit usually is guilty.
08:29But that doesn't make an engaging story unless you just assume the obvious culprit won't be the obvious one,
08:35which is annoying anyways if there's only one person it looks like it should reasonably be
08:40because then it looks like a bad story the whole time.
08:43They should have said it's probably Ruff, but they'd have to thoroughly investigate just in case.
08:50Somehow, Vector wonders why the paper-thin villain did the deed
08:54when it's instantly obvious why someone would.
08:56He's been a detective for years, hasn't he?
09:00This isn't a complicated situation.
09:03Vector's not an idiot.
09:05But most of the time, he is here.
09:08What was the point of having it be a mystery if Ruff was the culprit?
09:12I was hoping Joule was the culprit
09:14because then I'd see that she is capable of moral failings in some situations,
09:19which would make her relatable and realistic.
09:21I know she's a good person,
09:22but that doesn't mean she's necessarily above being so desperate to win she's sabotaged to someone.
09:29Even good people can make mistakes,
09:31and this would make her a deep character instead of literally just the boring girl who likes paperwork
09:37who is only not a married suit because she hesitated to tell people how to escape a fire one time.
09:42Joule could still be a good person after being the culprit.
09:45She could say sorry and hug Silver and feel like an actual person finally,
09:49instead of her only memorable failing being
09:52she prioritized her own insecurity over getting people away from a fire under time pressure.
09:57So, clearly she wasn't pure good all the time to begin with
10:01because she can still be selfish.
10:03And he wants to force Ruff to make up for what he did,
10:06even though if it's forced, it won't reflect well on him anyways.
10:10So her dialogue is weird.
10:12She should have just said how are we gonna punish him properly.
10:16I assume breaking a rule in this contest isn't punishable by law because it's just a little contest,
10:22so it only makes sense to come up with your own punishment
10:25if the contest doesn't have any special punishment for cheaters beyond disqualification as usual,
10:30which I assume is the case.
10:32Amy gets the idea to put him in a cage so Silver can dunk him,
10:37which is the cliche punishment at carnivals.
10:40Why does he bother saying he'll only let himself get dunked once
10:45when he has a telekinetic in front of him that could do it as much as he wants?
10:49And it's too cynical to think he'd be above doing it all day.
10:53The story insists on padding out the announcement of who won like it's story of seasons.
10:59Espio won,
11:01which is a nice surprise because it would have been stereotypical to have a girl win.
11:05Everyone in the contest besides Silver,
11:07it came out nowhere that they liked growing flowers,
11:11so Espio winning makes as much sense as anyone else.
11:15I've really got to compliment the little things with this one,
11:19because like most of the stories, there's nothing majorly good here,
11:23story-wise of course.
11:25Art's supposed to look good.
11:27Amy says three cheers for Espio and compliments his flower,
11:31and he humbly thanks her and plans to donate his gem to the museum.
11:35I guess he means the one that used to belong to Jewel.
11:39He should have said Jewel's so-called museum,
11:42because I don't understand why a museum would show off jewels.
11:46They're not man-made antiques or dinosaur bones.
11:50They're still very old things.
11:52But by that logic, every rock belongs to the museum.
11:56Jewel used the word museum very loosely with hers,
11:59because Jewel showing off building takes too long to say and sounds silly.
12:05The plot progression ends there with nothing but the predictable carnival stuff happening.
12:10There's nothing really spring about the Spring Festival.
12:14Flowers are grown in seasons aside from spring too,
12:18so a flower contest doesn't make it a spring festival.
12:22It'd be better if they went with a pun and used springs from the classic games.
12:27But what is unique about spring that could be celebrated?
12:31It's when you can plant stuff outside again and the leaves on trees come back.
12:35But of course, greenery is a thing in summer and fall too.
12:39The only way they could do this concept better than a generic carnival
12:43would be to follow to the letter what the Spring Festival was clearly meant to be like in SE2.
12:48And that'd only be impressive if it led to a festival that's not just a typical carnival anyways.
12:54Issue 70
12:56The story wastes my time telling me that the next round of the airboarding tournament is starting
13:01when the main characters aren't involved in it, apparently.
13:05The obvious gets stated, and Knight seems perfectly happy saying that the goal of a public race
13:11is to survive when it's not supposed to be evil,
13:14and this is being done to raise money for a good organization,
13:18so obviously this wouldn't be allowed.
13:21How is the audience of the tournament so sadistic that they're all smiling at this?
13:26The story continues admitting that it doesn't have enough actual plot to last an entire issue
13:32by showing me the race starting for an entire page,
13:36and actually showing me the race at all.
13:39Why would I ever be expected to care about what's happening in it
13:42when none of Team Sonic is in it anymore, apparently?
13:45Definitely not Tails and Amy.
13:47And all that's left are people I don't know and people we're supposed to hate,
13:52so slapstick is the only thing I'm going to want to see.
13:55Not any sort of other pointless details.
13:59At this point in the comic, it's better to point out when the dialogue isn't boring for once.
14:04It turns out that instead of Sonic simply flying to the place he wanted to check out,
14:09you know, to protect his friends,
14:12Sonic is participating in the race for absolutely no reason whatsoever
14:15in a disguise that makes him look evil.
14:19Because apparently it's that important to him to win the race for selfish reasons.
14:26And he has a black text bubble to imply that he's got a disguised voice too.
14:31But he still should know better than to say no one's fast enough to stop him
14:35from turning the whole place upside down.
14:38Again, he's talking like a villain and drawing attention to himself for no reason.
14:43Why is he scaring the audience watching the tournament on camera
14:47when the comic actually expects us to think he's a good person?
14:51And acting evil the second you're in disguise is a
14:55what-you-are-in-the-dark moment that doesn't reflect well on somebody.
14:59Now if this was a good Sonic comic, I would instantly assume that the disguise brainwashed him.
15:05But IDW Eggman's not allowed to be clever enough for that
15:08because the writers think he never had a solid plan or backup plan.
15:12Despite forces in SA1.
15:15So instead it's safer to assume that it's just a character being impossibly stupid again for no reason.
15:21If the writers still want Ed to participate,
15:24what was the point of writing him to be knocked out of the previous round?
15:28He's mostly been talking the same, treating Jet just like he would normally.
15:33Not enough is actually happening which only contributes to the boredom.
15:37Sonic's new airboard gear makes someone fall from the wind it makes,
15:40and Tango catches her with her tail,
15:43finally getting to do something useful for what felt like forever.
15:47She needs to do stuff like this way more often.
15:50Landon tells Mimic to call security to plot against Sonic,
15:54which makes his team look like massive idiots for not telling Landon's team the plans.
15:59For literally no reason.
16:02The only way this could make sense is that Sonic had no faith in their team
16:06in terms of both being likable people and competent people.
16:10We thought it'd just be even more fun for him to easily overcome.
16:14Tails flies up to the airship carrying Amy,
16:17and they have to stay still hiding from the security who look like idiots
16:21because one of them somehow assumes that the sound of Amy and Tails smacking into something
16:26is the same sound they've heard a whole bunch of times that shouldn't sound identical to it.
16:32And the other one somehow doesn't look around just in case.
16:36One of them assumes the place is impossible to get into
16:38because the door can lock,
16:41even though it's right above a tournament full of flying airboards,
16:45and there was just an announcement about a rogue racer.
16:48The heroes wait until the security idiots leave,
16:51but that still doesn't make it make sense for a supposed genius to not whisper what he's saying.
16:57Why didn't they say they should check the machine shop
17:00before they snuck into a place with people in it?
17:03And why was Amy dumb enough to scream when she was hiding from people seconds ago?
17:08This should result in the security running over to her,
17:11especially since this is a world full of anthropomorphic animals
17:15who should have better hearing than humans.
17:18And Rouge even said she had great hearing in one of the games thanks to her big ears,
17:22so the idea is canon.
17:24Instead of following canon, I bet they'll never hear her
17:27because the comics always written like a bad animated movie.
17:31Amy reveals that this was the same airship she was in during the metal fires,
17:35and that's why she knows where the machine shop is.
17:38And I was never told how many airships there were in the general area,
17:42so for all I know, there's barely any of them,
17:45so I'm not going to knock off points for being coincidence,
17:48because if there's barely any of them, then this would be likely.
17:51And the announcer who's supposed to stick to his radio station
17:54keeps boring me like the rest of the padding.
17:57Sonic presses a button to release gas to escape from Jet.
18:01He can ask his friends to have an informal race anytime he wants,
18:06so he doesn't even have to do this.
18:09Again, why would a hero say he's tormented them?
18:13I knew he was an anti-hero right from the first issue,
18:16but the problem is that unlike other continuities,
18:19this comic wants you to think he's the most purest of pure good people
18:23because he won't even get people arrested anymore
18:25because Mr. Tinker made him go crazy.
18:28Then how is the writer oblivious to how confusing the contradictory Sonic is?
18:32Eventually, Lanolin's team distracts Sonic into flying into something which breaks.
18:38He saves someone out of habit who thanks him in confusion,
18:42and as if Surge can recognize Sonic's scent,
18:45she gladly attacks him for no apparent reason
18:47considering that she and Kit have no stated motive to actually want to win the race
18:52and are apparently only still in the race
18:54because dropping out after their first round would be suspicious.
18:57I assume she wants the glory, and he's here to help,
18:59so that's why she's fighting someone who should just remind her of herself.
19:04What was the point of making it look like Sonic's cover was blown from her hitting him
19:08if she didn't see it was Sonic somehow?
19:11Kit warns Surge that if she goes after him,
19:13she'll lose the race when they're hired to stay in the sweepstakes.
19:17Why does he say Mr. Clutch when Clutch is his first name?
19:21He's ripping off Cream, which only reminds me of why he doesn't work as a villain.
19:25He never feels like it,
19:26and the artist keeps forcing it by making him creepy glare for no reason.
19:31I've seen most of the fanart of these characters.
19:34Practically none of it has them fighting Sonic.
19:38It'll have them fighting his friends occasionally,
19:41but I think the fact that they usually don't fight the heroes
19:45is proof that the fans don't need them to.
19:48Predictably, Jet's team wins because they're game characters,
19:54and I don't blame the writer for wanting to avoid the creator's pet comparisons
19:58by having IDWOC's win,
20:01but the audience cheers for Surge and Kit
20:04with the announcer calling them heroes for staring off the Phantom Rider.
20:08Confusingly, Surge appreciates being called that,
20:11and it feels out of character on the surface,
20:14but can make sense if she convinced herself
20:16that she isn't a villain for wanting to kill Sonic
20:18because he's a fraud compared to the hero he should be,
20:21and she could do his job better.
20:23Because she's not opposed to killing Eggman.
20:26I have to assume she just likes glory,
20:30which has precedent because she wanted acknowledgement before,
20:33and even Scourge had a moment like that.
20:36In a well-written comic, this moment would happen because it matters,
20:40because the writers have a long-term plan for it.
20:44People used to professionally written stuff
20:46would assume this is supposed to lead into her trying to be a hero more often,
20:50rather than forgetting this for no reason,
20:53and I can't help that myself,
20:55and there is nothing stopping them from wrecking Eggman's stuff,
20:58since if Surge literally couldn't do anything
21:00that didn't involve going after Sonic or self-preservation,
21:03it'd have been impossible for her to waste all that time in her broken base
21:06instead of fighting Sonic.
21:08What keeps me skeptical is that I read a comment
21:10that Flynn said they'd always be villains anyways,
21:13even though they're innocent people only brainwashed to be jerks,
21:16so he needs to reevaluate his definition of evil people who deserve to suffer.
21:20So I think only a different writer would constantly take advantage of this,
21:24while Flynn's only interested in making them waste time bothering Sonic
21:28with no real stakes,
21:30and then punishing them for it as if they deserve it.
21:33Then the story blatantly wastes my time with Mimic fooling Joule,
21:37why would anybody care about this?
21:39He says nobody has seen Teen Sonic and he can't call Amy,
21:44and after he leaves, out of nowhere Joule looks angry all of a sudden,
21:47when she was a gullible moron before.
21:50This better mean she figured him out from how obvious it is
21:53that it would be easy to contact the heroes,
21:56and he'd only not be able to get them to pick up the phone if they were dead.
22:01Then it'd make more sense for her to worry that they're dead,
22:04if she's been blindly trusting this complete stranger for so long.
22:08Plutch cleverly planned to keep Joule busy
22:10with the missing supply drop just in case.
22:13This would be a waste of a panel
22:14if we were going to see her complaining about the supply drop anyways.
22:18He doesn't believe they disguised Sonic's liability yet.
22:22After all, he was literally nothing but a distraction for the security
22:26so that his friends didn't have to hurt them.
22:28It's like Sadie M where he distracted the robots,
22:31he's just a distraction instead of the main character of the series
22:34getting to do the most important thing.
22:36What's the point of showing them talk to each other, I don't care!
22:40It just makes me not look forward to the next interview.
22:42It just makes me not look forward to the next issue even more
22:45because if he does unmask Sonic,
22:47then people won't be impressed by Surge anymore
22:50and she'll throw a tantrum instead of trying to actually earn their respect.
22:53It's pointlessly sadistic to even have that moment for her
22:57if it's just meant to get her hopes up
22:59and crush them for the crime of being brainwashed.
23:02Tails tells Amy to keep watch while he looks through a dumpster
23:06that at first just looked like a filing cabinet.
23:08How did she know it was a dumpster?
23:09Amy has some relatable dialogue while Tails is sounding smart.
23:12But it should know if someone's just hiding something in their trash,
23:15he's not even trying.
23:17A lot of time for some reason is spent on Amy knowing something's nearby
23:22before a hand jumps in her face.
23:25And Tails takes it off her.
23:27Conveniently, they instantly recognize it as Belle's hand
23:31despite it having no history of being able to move independently.
23:34Even though way too many characters in this series
23:36wear old-fashioned white gloves like this.
23:39That are so out-of-date that Bugs Bunny couldn't get new ones
23:43when he lost his old ones in the Looney Tunes show.
23:46It's a reasonable assumption if they already know
23:49that she can do this with her hand.
23:51But one of them should point out that it isn't guaranteed
23:55because it could just be a robot hand meant for security.
23:58That's what I assumed.
24:00Anyways, it's shocking how dark this is.
24:03It comes out of nowhere,
24:04that the writers would go this far against her.
24:07Robot or not.
24:09I think they resent her popularity.
24:11That Evan didn't intend for her to last this long
24:14and hates having to keep her alive just to appease her fans.
24:17Writers, don't treat her like the chew toy of the comic
24:20to the point where it's on her character trope page
24:23if you don't want people speculating like this.
24:26But yeah, somehow they already know that Belle's hand
24:29can rip off thing from the Addams Family.
24:31So I have to assume she told them she could do that off screen.
24:34It's like she got new powers as the plot demands.
24:37And while that is a bad writing trope,
24:39it's forgivable with a robot
24:41that we never got told every ability of before.
24:44Even though Eggman had no reason to think
24:46making her hand capable of doing this
24:48wouldn't be a waste of time.
24:50Because he lived in a safe village
24:52with no hint of anyone who'd trap her.
24:55We could assume Tails made her able to do this.
24:57Amy somehow thinks a robot could be suffocating in a locker.
25:00First it's just now her.
25:03Also, why does she think people suffocate in lockers
25:06when a kid being shoved in a locker
25:08is a very common cliché?
25:11Tails runs onto the locker with a screwdriver.
25:14And the story conveniently doesn't show us
25:17how in the world he managed to open it.
25:19As if the artist either was too lazy to look up how,
25:22or was too lazy to do it.
25:24The story ends with them seeing Belle
25:26was unnecessarily tied up
25:28considering that she was already trapped in a locker
25:30with no way to get herself out.
25:33So I guess the person who dealt with her
25:35was unnecessarily sadistic.
25:37And assumed she had super strength
25:39because she's a robot.
25:43Why was Belle even here?
25:45She can't fly!
25:47She had no reason to leave Tails' workshop
25:49in the first place.
25:50Why would the airship have landed
25:52next to the workshop
25:54so she could even go there?
25:56This boring, frustrating story
25:58was by Josh Chohio.
26:01However you pronounce it.
26:03And was only tolerable
26:05if you have no respect for the intelligence
26:07of the Sonic characters.
26:09And don't notice slow pacing
26:11or like it because you don't care
26:13if your time is being wasted
26:15from nothing interesting
26:17or plot relevant happening.
26:18And it's all the ingredients
26:20for a boring story.
26:22Not only being slow paced
26:24with barely anything happening in it
26:26and most of the dialogue
26:28is just uninteresting exposition.
26:30But it's not even creative.
26:32Even if you don't know
26:34that it's a nerd level obscure game reference.
26:36It's still not contributing much
26:38because I've already seen Sonic
26:40go to a carnival in the Archie adaptation
26:42of Knuckles Chaotix.
26:44And I already saw the Chaotix
26:46at a carnival in the Knuckles comic.
26:48But this does use the concept a lot more.
26:50Because people go on the rides
26:52in this one.
26:54And there's a contest thrown in.
26:56Boring is bad enough
26:58because that's more subjective.
27:00But it's also annoying
27:02because everyone here
27:04should have blamed Ruff and Tombo
27:06instantly every chance they had.
27:08Instead of being so stupid or naive
27:10they're impossible to relate to.
27:12When I expect characters
27:14that fight robots to be cool.
27:16If it was going to turn out to be rough
27:18it's only a surprise
27:20in how disappointingly lazy it is.
27:22The writing would have looked smart
27:24if it at least lampshaded
27:26that Vector was being silly
27:28by just assuming they were red herrings.
27:31There should have been other people
27:33in the contest that we never saw before
27:35so that a new villain could be the bad guy.
27:37And Ruff and Tombo would be red herrings.
27:39While I want a lot more
27:41Sonic stories that are mysteries
27:43the writer was too lazy
27:45to make a new character
27:46and too afraid to take a risk.
27:48And it's only major redeeming aspect
27:50story wise
27:52was that what happened with Silver's flower
27:54was complicated
27:56because Charmy and Silver were also involved.
27:58Which is more effort.
28:00If only the issue had two stories
28:02this wouldn't have had to be padded out
28:04with boredom.
28:06This issue by Evan Stanley
28:08was mostly very boring.
28:10With the Sonic stuff being blatant padding
28:12with almost nothing interesting going on
28:14because it's just the characters
28:16there's no way to make this
28:18an interesting story.
28:20And then Tails conveniently finds
28:22Belle in the machine shop
28:24for no apparent reason.
28:26Which I assume is only written
28:28to screw over a searching kit
28:30for being brainwashed.
28:32I couldn't take this story seriously
28:34even when it wanted me to.
28:36And it'd be common sense to assume
28:38that a rogue racer that security's after
28:40wouldn't be counted as the winner anyways.
28:42Why did it think I would care
28:44about the race?
