My Lady Jane Episode 6 Romance TV Series 2024

  • 3 months ago
My Lady Jane Episode 6 Romance TV Shows 2024
When Jane's ambitious mother auctions her off to the highest bidder, she finds herself reluctantly betrothed to the enigmatic and frustratingly handsome Guildford Dudley. Despite her initial dismay, Jane soon learns that Guildford harbors a dark secret that could endanger both their lives. As if that weren't enough, a sinister plot to assassinate her cousin, King Edward, threatens to plunge the kingdom into chaos. In "My Lady Jane," a sharp-tongued, warm-hearted tale of romance, adventure, and fantasy, true love proves its existence, people defy expectations, and even heroines seemingly destined for doom can forge their own destinies. Catch the adventure on Trend Hub Channel!
00:05Mary killed Edward and tried to kill me.
00:08We have no proof.
00:09My lords, I am disbanding the Kings and Guards.
00:11They are finished.
00:12I want Jane Grey's head on a pike,
00:14and I need your army.
00:15Saxon, I'll send 5,000 men to fight for you.
00:19Gilford Dudley is a whore.
00:20End this marriage, or I will make you end it.
00:23No, you shall not.
00:24What if I didn't want a divorce?
00:26What if you did?
00:29I don't know what to do.
00:30I can show you.
00:32You invited Aetheans to your coronation banquet.
00:35We must again live side by side.
00:37We must end division laws.
00:40Gilford, you don't need a cure.
00:41Jane, please, shut up.
00:42It is this kingdom that needs to change.
00:43I could heal England.
00:45Fuck England! Heal me!
00:47I trusted you.
00:48Why are you following me?
00:49I just came to tell you there is an Aethean cure,
00:52and I know where to get it.
00:53A witness has come forward to confirm
00:55King Edward's killers, Lord Seymour and Princess Mary.
00:59That's right, my darlings.
01:01Princess Mary is fleeing.
01:05She's gone.
01:11As you're doubtless aware, dopamine is a neurotransmitter
01:14that gives humans the ability to feel joy.
01:17The traitor Mary has fled.
01:19And nothing triggers euphoria as intensely
01:22as having your regicidal nemesis on the run.
01:26God damn, what a rush.
01:28I will not rest until she is captured.
01:32You will all send your armies to search the kingdom.
01:34Not so fast, Your Majesty.
01:37Sadly for Jane, Tudor monarchs don't have armies.
01:42They have to borrow them,
01:43which means she needs these assholes.
01:47Are we correct to assume that you have reneged
01:51on your passionate plea to end division law?
02:01I shall end division law.
02:04Our kingdom needs unity,
02:07and a leader who is willing to fight for it.
02:11Each of you will pledge me 10,000 men.
02:14Whatever Mary does next, we will be ready.
02:18Long live Queen Mary!
02:31Help her!
02:33Mother, come here.
02:37An assassin...
02:38Are you all right?
02:39...sent by the traitor Mary.
02:43Stand up. Keep smiling. You are alive.
02:48Fear not. The villain is dead.
02:52The show is over. Disperse, everyone. Disperse, people.
02:56As Jane looks around, she realises none of these men
02:59care about the attempt just made on her life.
03:02They only care about power.
03:04They're wondering if she's weak,
03:07failing, doomed.
03:12Meanwhile, Granny is trying everything possible
03:16to force Edward's Aethian change.
03:20Even dentistry.
03:22Yet our beleaguered ex-king remains stubbornly sysmorphic.
03:26That went too far.
03:28Not far enough.
03:30This is the worst case of delayed-onset Aethianism
03:33I've seen since your Uncle Arthur.
03:35I actually cut off one of his toes.
03:37Did it work? Did it fail?
03:39I cut off one of his toes.
03:41Did it work? Did it fuck?
03:43Finally changed when he got scared of a bee. Prat.
03:46And then your father stabbed him to death in his bed
03:49and said it was sweating sickness.
03:53Everyone has a trigger.
03:55We just have to find yours.
03:57Look, Granny, enough.
03:59I'm not Aethian.
04:01Not as if there's anything wrong with that.
04:03I am the king, and I command you to let me go.
04:07That's the spirit.
04:09That's just the sort of energy we need when you return
04:13to take your rightful place as England's proud Aethian king.
04:18I have plans for you.
04:21There is a prophecy that began with a series of dark miracles.
04:25A giant squid leapt from the sea onto a Kalmar warboat
04:29and ate everyone alive.
04:31In Mesopotamia, a lamb poured the brown of the discourse
04:35Oh, golly, he's back.
04:38At this moment, Edward is realising two things.
04:42One, no lecture on destiny has ever pierced his soul
04:46the way a single glimpse of that feline fellow just did.
04:51And two...
04:52And then we will exterminate every Verity in the kingdom.
04:58Exterminate Verities?
05:01His grandmother is barking mad.
05:11Is that sulphur?
05:13No, dung of the hippopotami.
05:16Yes, yes, I have a chap.
05:19Funny, the pharaohs used it as a contraceptive.
05:23Preposterous. It is a powerful healing agent.
05:26No, it isn't. Wipe it off.
05:28Doctor Butts, perhaps some vinegar?
05:30Hush, hush, hush, hush.
05:32Do women ever stop?
05:34Good God, the endless chitter-chitter-chitter-chitter.
05:38Now, I prescribe a spoonful of fresh lice in your breakfast ale.
05:42You're fired.
05:43Are you speaking in tongues?
05:45You heard me. You are fired.
05:50That felt good.
05:51Jane, a quick word.
05:53God, what now?
05:54Jane, we have a crisis.
05:56You need to stop blathering about helping those beasts
05:59and come to your senses.
06:00And consolidate your power.
06:02What power?
06:03Half the court has fucked off back to their estates with their retainers.
06:07They left because of your Aethian agenda.
06:09With soldiers you need.
06:11And how many are still with me?
06:12Oh, a handful at best.
06:14And they all take their cue from the Duke of Norfolk.
06:16He could up and leave at a moment's notice.
06:20No nobles, no soldiers.
06:22No soldiers, no crown.
06:24No crown, no bueno.
06:27Can our plucky heroine unite the kingdom without risking her neck?
06:39So tell me, archer, what are you?
06:43A bunny rabbit?
06:49A bear.
06:51Ooh, splendid.
06:57Quite cool, actually.
07:01My lords.
07:12As you can see, I am fully recovered.
07:16And while we wait for your armies to find the traitor, Mary,
07:21I have decided to hold a tournament
07:24in joyous anticipation of my imminent victory.
07:28Jousting, games, and a feast.
07:32Your attendance is required.
07:34I adore a tourney.
07:36If the stars are amiable, of course.
07:38Do you follow the stars, Your Majesty?
07:40Is it a compulsory tourney?
07:43You simply must have an astrologer.
07:45Ottoman, preferably.
07:47Borrow mine?
07:48Thank you, Scrope.
07:50Tragically, I have to return home.
07:54My peasants are starving, and they will not stop bitching about it.
08:00I insist you accept my invitation.
08:03You shall stay the week.
08:04All of you.
08:07With pleasure, Your Majesty.
08:10Perhaps you'll even make new friends.
08:15That is all.
08:17Your Majesty.
08:23Now they're trapped here until their armies arrive.
08:27Mary is coming, and we need to be ready.
08:30They'll never fight for you unless you abandon us.
08:34Then we will change their minds.
08:36Teach them not to be afraid.
08:38Men like that don't change.
08:40Bigotry is in their blood.
08:42Bigotry is in their blood.
08:44Then we will make them think that they have won,
08:47until Mary is gone.
08:49And then we'll do it anyway.
08:51You are a very interesting woman.
08:57It's nearly nightfall, if you'll excuse me.
09:02All Jane wants is to tell Guildford about Mary,
09:05make amends for their bitter fight, and maybe...
09:09Cop a snog.
09:14Your Majesty.
09:16Where's Guildford?
09:17Guildford's gone.
09:21He left to find a cure.
09:26He left?
09:30Did he say anything else?
09:32Only that he's sorry, and...
09:37he didn't think you'd understand.
09:42I see.
10:01Your Majesty.
10:02Big news.
10:04I have found us an elephant for the tournament.
10:07Guildford has left me.
10:09He's gone to look for an Aethian cure.
10:13Did you know he was going?
10:15Do you know where he went?
10:18I did not, and I do not.
10:21Look, it is the boy's only flaw.
10:24It is right he should desire to fix himself.
10:27After all, his brilliant wife did nothing about it.
10:31There is nothing wrong with him.
10:34The kingdom would disagree.
10:37Well, that's why I must change the kingdom.
10:39I was an idealist myself once.
10:41When I was young, the world felt fair.
10:45Simple fact is, humans love to hate.
10:49You're wrong.
10:50Am I?
10:52Guildford lost his place in the world overnight.
10:55Because of you.
10:57You made him feel defective.
11:00You sent him away. What kind of father does that?
11:03Guildford didn't need a father. He needed protection.
11:06And I hid him as best I could.
11:09What would you have me do? Abandon my life at court?
11:14Guildford will return normal, and you will be glad he did it.
11:19You might even see fit to name him king.
11:25And it's like, well, I'm an Aethian polecat, right?
11:29And the missus, she's a juicy little Aethian mouse.
11:33So that's just...
11:34Well, that's just fucking tense to begin with, isn't it?
11:39You know, like polecat and a mouse.
11:43I might gobble her up, but not in a fun way.
11:47That's why I have to go off on my own once in a while, you know?
11:50Just be by myself, my whole self.
11:53I'd never change if I had the choice.
11:57You're a horse.
11:59And that's not too shabby.
12:02Come on.
12:04You're telling me you wouldn't miss that minute right after it happens?
12:07When your heart's beating like gangbusters,
12:11and your skin's all warm and tingly,
12:14and for that second,
12:17just that second, you are totally...
12:27How much further?
12:29Relax, mate, all right?
12:32We'll get your money's worth,
12:33and we'll have you back with Her Majesty in no time, Aethian no more.
12:38I do not wish to discuss my wife.
12:41Whatever you say, my lord.
12:46As king, Edward didn't even wipe his own arse.
12:49Someone else did it for him.
12:51It's called the groom of the stool.
12:53Look it up.
12:54But now, Edward must finally take his fate, and his arse,
12:58into his own hands.
13:01Fuck me, it works.
13:08Come on.
13:27What do you want?
13:28Just to talk.
13:30Is that a butter knife?
13:31Tell me who you are.
13:33I'm an actor.
13:35Also, a thief.
13:41And a rather splendid pickpocket.
13:44On occasion, I'll do dishes in exchange for room and board,
13:47but only if the mark is very interesting.
13:49And I suppose I'm the mark.
13:50Of course, you're the king.
13:52You have twice your weight in gold.
13:55How do you know I was here?
13:56Right place, right time.
13:58I bade you your safe return and nab me a small fortune.
14:01Or a big one.
14:02And here I thought you were saving me out of chivalric tradition.
14:06Sorry, mate. Cold hard cash.
14:10All right.
14:12I'll pay you.
14:14You were right about this place.
14:16My granny's absolutely barmy, alas.
14:21Let's go.
14:23Thank you.
14:31And I thought to myself, Stan, old chap, I thought,
14:33how long can you sit here watching this cock fight
14:36before taking a wazz?
14:38Because you know, the second you leave, you miss the good part.
14:41The death part.
14:43Anyway, long story short, I took that wazz,
14:45and the cock from Lancashire won.
14:53All right.
14:57A love note, really?
15:03In a time before DMs, humans wrote love notes.
15:08Would you rather have no teeth or no fingers?
15:13No fingers.
15:15I really like eating.
15:18Approved. Here you go.
15:21Oh, look, it appears young Stanley's written one too.
15:26Ah, Lord Scrooge.
15:29Lady Frances is talking to me.
15:32I am.
15:35Now, my daughter tells me you have a rather large
15:39and powerful army.
15:41Is that true?
15:47May I regale you with a poem?
15:50I would adore that.
15:53My lute, awake.
15:55Perform the last labour that thou and I
15:58shall waste and end that I have now begun.
16:03My lute, be still, for I have done.
16:07You're terribly clever.
16:09It's Wyatt.
16:11Wyatt's my fave.
16:12You know, I would adore a one-to-one confabulation.
16:18It's in my chambers a little later.
16:26Give this to your mummy.
16:33For you, from Stan Dudley.
17:18He hates you.
17:34So, are you from London, originally?
17:39Or the North?
17:40Look, we get out of here alive,
17:43I'll tell you whatever you want to know.
17:50I'm alive.
17:54The way out's through there, but it's locked tight.
17:57I can get the key.
17:58Stay here.
17:59Don't move.
18:00The way out's through there, but it's locked tight.
18:03I can get the key.
18:04Stay here.
18:05Don't move.
18:42A cat in a sack.
18:44Go back to your room, Edward.
18:46Release him.
18:47Oh, Granny will be terribly vexed.
18:50Or I throw it against the wall so hard,
18:53it will be good for nothing more than a hand, Muff.
18:58I'll go with you.
19:16What the fuck?
19:49I'm using story, actually.
19:51Elders always seek me.
19:55Like all princes, I was trained for war.
20:22Oh, yeah.
20:26You know, Granny was wrong about you, Edward.
20:29You're no Ethiopian saviour.
20:41You saved me.
20:42Well, you saved me first.
20:44No one's ever done that for me before.
20:48Let's get the fuck out of here.
20:54Broken heart syndrome,
20:56also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy,
20:59can strike down even the healthiest of individuals.
21:03But fear not, Jane doesn't have anything of the sort.
21:06She merely feels winded, breathless, sickened, jaundiced,
21:10and rather like someone has just plunged a claw into her chest
21:13and ripped out her soul,
21:15leaving behind only the cold but dependable comfort of her career.
21:20Tell Charles to ask everyone to meet me outside for the tourney.
21:35Rain in England. I don't believe it.
21:37I planned magic.
21:39Magic, jugglers, jousters, real elephant.
21:42Best part, I was going to eat him afterwards as well.
21:44In and around the show. Now it's all bollocks!
21:47Maybe not.
21:48This is an utter failure.
21:50I don't fail.
21:51Bullshit. Jane fails constantly,
21:54but her hierarchy of needs is clear.
21:57Keep the nobility close.
21:59Get their armies.
22:00Fight Mary.
22:02Save the kingdom.
22:10What fresh hell is this?
22:12We're bowling.
22:15I promised you a tourney, or we await your armies.
22:18This rain won't stop us.
22:20Who's with me?
22:24Oh, snaffle!
22:26What's a snaffle, you query?
22:29When it comes to Tudor sports, don't overthink it.
22:33Remember, these people drink wine for breakfast.
22:39Well done, darling.
23:10My go, my go.
23:14Lord Scripps, may I tend to you in my chamber?
23:17Lady Frances, thank you.
23:19You've shagged that tool.
23:21No, darling, it is...
23:22Why are you ignoring me?
23:24Because your family is tainted.
23:26Your lordship, ease yourself up.
23:29Oh, that looks so painful.
23:31Thank you, Lady Frances. Your hands are like butter.
23:34Jane is realising that sometimes diplomacy is merely the art
23:38of cajoling difficult people into speaking to one another.
23:45How chivalrous you both are.
23:47Letting everyone else play first.
23:49It's your turn now. Partner together against me and Dudley.
23:51I'm not partnering with him.
23:53How can we work together if we can't even play a game of bowls?
23:59I'll play against him.
24:01Let's make this interesting.
24:05If I win, division law remains.
24:10I accept the terms.
24:13If I win, division law ends.
24:17The future of our kingdom cannot come down to a silly bet.
24:21I think Norfolk's idea is a capital.
24:24After all, it's how we divide in Brittany with the French.
24:32Trust me.
24:44I'm sorry. That note was so stupid and silly...
24:47It wasn't.
24:48I'm sorry for...
24:50Every heart sings a song incomplete
24:53until another heart whispers back.
24:57Your words are beautiful.
25:00It's Plato.
25:03I knew that.
25:05No, you didn't.
25:08Yes, you're right. I didn't.
25:13If you can't tell, I've never really courted anyone before.
25:16If you can't tell, I've never really courted anyone before.
25:19I've never really been courted.
25:22Weren't you married?
25:24Yes, for about 16 and a half hours.
25:28I must be the only widow in the world who hasn't even been kissed.
25:31We'll have to do something about that.
25:35My apologies. That was awfully forward of me.
25:48What on earth is going on?
25:51Mother, I... I had something in my mouth.
25:53My eye.
25:54Yes, looks like we got it.
25:57Right here.
26:01If you want to indulge in a casual affair, I applaud it.
26:05I've had plenty of my own.
26:07But you cannot carry on like this.
26:10I've had plenty of my own.
26:12But you cannot carry on like this.
26:15You cannot carry on like that with the son of a man who wants to kill us all.
26:19What did you say?
26:20That is William Seymour.
26:23Lord Seymour's son and heir.
26:25But that's impossible. He's Norfolk's aide.
26:27He's Norfolk's ward.
26:29Fostered out as a child, like all noble sons,
26:32which you would know if your father had lived.
26:34Or if you had a brother.
26:36Or if I found myself remotely interested in keeping up with the lives of men.
26:40He never told me.
26:41He's probably a spy for his father.
26:43Using you to get to Jane.
26:45You cannot see him again, do you understand?
26:48I forbid it.
26:50Yes, Mother.
26:52This is it, chaps.
26:54The future of the kingdom comes down to a mano a mano bowling match.
27:04How wise.
27:13Hello, little toys and catty girls.
27:40Well done.
27:42How do you play so well?
27:43I've played since I was a boy.
27:45It's impossible.
27:46King Henry outlawed bowls for commoners.
27:50When my father was Baron Hunsdon.
27:56You're Baz's boy.
27:58He's Baz's son.
28:01You're a nobleman.
28:04I heard that Baz's boy had died.
28:07Cover story.
28:09When I changed, my family sent me to France to live in safety.
28:13I could have stayed there, but I realised my home is here.
28:16In England.
28:20You said you knew one Ethiopian.
28:21I promise, you know hundreds.
28:23We're everywhere.
28:24And all verities need to accept that we're here to stay.
28:29Game over.
28:32Shuffle them.
28:37I call a grouse.
28:39One shot each.
28:40Winner takes all. Can he do that?
28:42Unfortunately, he can.
29:06Eight bollocks.
29:11Good shot.
29:13Difficult to beat.
29:34Oh, yes!
29:38Your Majesty, I demand a do-over.
29:41The beast has been using his animal powers.
29:44No. Norfolk, you've lost.
29:48We shall all assemble this time tomorrow in the Great Hall
29:51to sign into effect the end of division law.
29:58Who am I?
30:03I say, are you quite sure we shouldn't call Dr Butts?
30:06Well, I fired him.
30:07Why? I love that guy.
30:10Dad told me Gylf had left you.
30:14I mean, the palace.
30:17I don't know.
30:18I don't know.
30:20I don't know.
30:22I don't know.
30:24I don't know.
30:25The palace.
30:34Didn't even say goodbye.
30:38The thing about Dudleys is our hearts are in the right place.
30:42We just do really dumb stuff sometimes.
30:51The truth is, Dan, we've gone to a terrible fight.
30:55I pushed him too far.
30:58I don't know. It's like...
31:01Sometimes I don't know how to stop.
31:04I should have been more kind.
31:06That's about you.
31:08It's just on a quest.
31:10I thought quests were meant to be noble and pure.
31:12It is. Gylf's quest is to forgive himself for...
31:16Oh, shipples.
31:17Forgive himself?
31:19For what?
31:20I talk too much.
31:21Dad always says it's because one time when I was six
31:24I ate a very strange but beautiful mushroom.
31:26I ate it.
31:27For weeks afterwards I smelled colours.
31:29I've scoffed inside four bollocks...
31:36When he comes back,
31:38and he will come back,
31:41you can ask him yourself.
31:48Your Majesty.
31:49May I have a word?
31:51Yes, of course.
31:52Your soldiers.
31:54Stan, we'll finish this later.
32:10Oh, fuck me.
32:11Your Majesty.
32:13I had planned to do this ensuingly,
32:15but given your distressing political predicament
32:19and the fact that my astrologer has pointed out
32:21the many favourable aspects of the day
32:23for my own personal amorous ambitions
32:26and the futures of our potential offspring...
32:30Your Majesty.
32:31I feel it is incumbent upon me
32:34to boldly offer to take
32:37your hand
32:39in marriage.
32:42Consider the full force of my army your engagement present.
32:46You can't propose to me, Scrooge.
32:48I'm already married.
32:49Oh, hello.
32:52I have it on good authority that your husband is never coming back.
32:57Whose authority is that?
32:59By your mother, of course.
33:06Let's eat.
33:08Have a bit of a rest.
33:10And we'll pick this journey up tomorrow when you're a horse.
33:17Can I ride you?
33:22You won't even notice I'm there.
33:30I'm going to catch us a squirrel or something to roast.
33:33He's assuming his fence-pants lordship knows how to start a fire.
33:36Yes, I know how to start a fire.
33:40Have at it, then.
33:52Guilford is so close to making his dream come true.
33:56But the problem with pursuing a dream
33:58is, of course, not the dream itself,
34:01but the tunnel vision required for its pursuit,
34:04blinding one to the pleasure of simply being alive.
34:10And being alive is rather wonderful.
34:14While it lasts.
34:18How dare you!
34:20I say, are you drunk?
34:21You told that idiot Scrope that I would marry him.
34:24That Guilford is never coming back.
34:26Yes, I did, and do you want to know why?
34:29Because an alliance with Scrope guarantees our survival.
34:32His father and brothers recently died,
34:35which means they're all going to die.
34:37And I'm not going to let that happen.
34:40His father and brothers recently died,
34:42which means that he's just inherited one of the largest armies in the kingdom.
34:46He is a moron, I know.
34:49But he's loyal and will be easy to control.
34:52You had no right.
34:55So while you're planning your silly tourneys
34:58and flirting with your new pet beast,
35:01Mary is gathering her forces and she will come for you.
35:04You should be focusing on that, but oh, no.
35:07Instead, you'd rather waste your time on some ill-fated save-the-Aethians crusade
35:12and mourn a man who abandoned you for a beast cure.
35:17I never told you that.
35:22No, well, Dudley did.
35:26No, he didn't.
35:28He's too ashamed.
35:37I know you.
35:39What did you do to Guildford?
35:41What did you do?
35:44Please tell me.
35:46You should thank me.
35:47He's gone and we're all safer for it.
36:25Untie me.
36:28Hello, horsey.
36:30You vile fuck.
36:32You think I'm vile, mate?
36:34Just wait till you meet the Beast Trader.
36:37What the fuck is a Beast Trader?
36:42Help me!
36:43Scream all you like.
36:45No one will hear you.
36:48Your Majesty, what are you doing?
36:50Guildford's in danger.
36:52I need to find him.
36:54It's all my fault.
36:55Your Majesty, none of this is your fault.
36:57What do you mean?
36:58Aethians killed his mother right in front of him.
37:02He can't change that, but he can find a cure.
37:07Let me go.
37:08I'll find him.
37:10And I will bring him home.
37:16Please, just let me go.
37:20Why would I do that?
37:21Give me one reason.
37:29Jane is the reason.
37:31Jane, your wife?
37:33True love.
37:38All right.
37:41So let's make a plan.
37:44I'll take you back to the palace to see Her Majesty.
37:48And then I'll crack you over the head with another stick
37:53and drag you all the way back out of here.
37:55Listen to me, listen to me!
37:57I will own you nothing if you don't take this monstrosity off me.
38:04The sun will rise, my neck will break, I will change, and then I will die.
38:09And then you will be cured.
38:12But don't worry.
38:14Beast Trailer will be here soon.
38:17She's never late.
38:23A drink.
38:26Grant me the dignity of one last drink.
38:29A drink.
38:32Fuck it, why not?
39:00Give me the fucking key!
39:16Beast Trailer has the only other key, my lord.
39:21You bastard.
39:27Run! Run!
39:31God is coming!
39:49Help! Help!
39:54Please. Please help.
40:00I'm Aethian.
40:03And if this doesn't come off me before sunrise, I'll die. Please!
40:07Please help.
40:16Get up.
40:17Get up.
40:21Come over here.
40:33Thank you.
40:34Thank you.
40:36For the first time ever, Guilford is desperate for dawn to break.
40:42To change.
40:44And to return to the palace.
40:47To return to Jane.
40:57They've gone. They've gone.
41:01Norfolk and Scrope have absconded.
41:03They have left like thieves in the proverbial night.
41:06You can kiss their armies goodbye.
41:08They've gone?
41:09And Mary has been sighted on the London Road with 10,000 men.
41:14Your Majesty.
41:16We are out of allies.
41:17No, we are not.
41:25Archer, how many people can you rally to fight for me?
41:27What's wrong?
41:28The nobility are gone. Mary is coming with her army. We need to fight.
41:32I will not send Aethians to be slaughtered.
41:36I thought you came back to England because you wanted it to change.
41:39I came back here because my father was dying.
41:41I stayed because I hoped change was possible.
41:44But I'm sick of fighting a losing war.
41:46Yes, but now I am fighting too.
41:48I wish it were enough, but we've made other plans.
41:51Why did you stay when I asked you?
41:54I don't know.
41:56Maybe I should know.
41:59When people find out what I've done, they will support me.
42:02I doubt that.
42:09Where are you going?
42:10Did you not see me, Stanley?
42:14I ignored you.
42:16I am ignoring you.
42:22I know what you did to Guildford.
42:24I heard you.
42:25I know what you did to Guildford.
42:27I heard you speaking with Jane.
42:29You sent my brother to die. You are nothing but a murderess.
42:32If you need someone to blame, blame yourself.
42:36You told me what he was.
42:38You put your cock above your brother.
42:42You know what I mean.
42:44You're leaving.
42:45What have you heard? Stanley, come back here now!
42:49You! Order the royal coach immediately!
42:53Despite everything, Jane still believes goodness will overcome bigotry.
42:58Hope will overcome fear.
43:00And when people are given the chance to do the right thing, they will.
43:07Division laws are abolished.
43:11What do you think?
43:12Jane, we have to run. It's over.
43:15Jane, please.
43:17Listen to me. If you don't escape now, you'll die.
43:20Look! See?
43:22We do have support.
43:24Everything's fine. Norfolk is back.
43:26Ah, Jane.
43:29Norfolk. You've returned. With your army.
43:34You've pushed things too far.
43:41Take her. Take them all.
43:44The coach. Good work. Go. Go now.
43:47The coach. Good work. Go. Go now.
43:56Don't follow. Leave me alone.
44:21Keep us together.
44:27Keep us together.
44:31Jane Grey is thoroughly fired.
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