MNC Land Catatkan Realisasi Investasi KEK Lido Capai Rp4,67 Triliun

  • 3 months ago
PT MNC Land Tbk (KPIG) mencatatkan realisasi investasi untuk proyek Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Lido City mencapai Rp4,67 triliun hingga kuartal II-2024.

Direktur Utama KPIG, Budi Rustanto mengatakan, capaian tersebut mencerminkan lebih dari 40 persen dari target tahunan yang telah ditetapkan oleh perseroan. Selain itu, proyek KEK Lido City hingga periode tersebut telah menyerap sebanyak 4.351 tenaga kerja.


00:00You are still with us on the news screen. PT MNC Lent BK is planning to operate two projects
00:06located in the Lido City special economic zone in the second semester of 2024.
00:11The two projects are Trump International Golf Club and Lido Skyview Resort.
00:21PT MNC Lent BK has made an investment of 4.67 trillion rupiah
00:26to build a special economic zone in Lido, West Java.
00:30The investment value is about 40% of the target set at the beginning of 14 trillion rupiah.
00:36This KPIG emitting code has also absorbed the workforce of 4,351 people.
00:43PT MNC Lent BK's chief director, M. Budi Rustanto, said
00:47several tourist destinations in the special economic zone will be completed in the second semester of 2024.
00:53Starting from an international golf course,
00:56and also Lido Skyview Resort Hotel in Lido Lake Resort.
01:00In addition, in this Lido special economic zone, there will also be a MNC Park,
01:04which is ensured to be able to compete with Disneyland.
01:07It is planned that there will be an MNC World Lido in this area,
01:13where there will be an MNC Park inside.
01:16The MNC Park is similar to Disneyland,
01:19but we believe that with our MNC Park,
01:25it will be a brand that we hope will be able to impress
01:31with regional brands such as Universal or World Disney.
01:39The Lido special economic zone is the first special economic zone in West Java,
01:44with direct access to the Bochimi toll road.
01:46The completion of several tourist destinations in this Lido special economic zone
01:50is expected to contribute to the income of tourists in 2025 as much as 600 billion rupiah.
