• 3 weeks ago
Pemerintah menargetkan realisasi investasi secara kumulatif sebesar Rp13.032 triliun pada periode 2025-2029. Proyeksi tersebut merupakan bagian dari upaya mendukung pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 8% pada 2029.

Menteri Investasi dan Hilirisasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani mengatakan, untuk 2025 ini, investasi di Indonesia ditargetkan mencapai Rp1.905 triliun, atau meningkat 11,14% dari realisasi investasi di 2024 yang sebesar Rp1.714 triliun.

Rosan mengatakan, kenaikan target investasi tersebut juga diharapkan mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja berkualitas. Selain itu, investasi tersebut juga diharapkan mampu menjadi motor penggerak pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

Rosan juga menekankan bahwa hilirisasi industri akan memainkan peran signifikan dalam menarik investasi ke Indonesia. Ia berharap kontribusi investasi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), yang saat ini berada di kisaran 24%-25%, dapat meningkat lebih tinggi.


00:00Yes, Mr. Mirza, the government targets the realization of investment throughout 2025 to reach
00:18Rp 1,905 trillion or an increase of about 11% from the realization throughout 2024.
00:27The Minister of Investment and Hilarization of the Head of the Coordination Body for Capital Planting,
00:31Roshan Ruslani, said in the long term or in the period 2025 to 2029, the government targets the realization of investment
00:40up to Rp 13 trillion in cumulative.
00:44The target is part of the effort to support the achievement of 8% economic growth in the coming 2029.
00:53Roshan said the investment is expected to be able to create quality jobs.
00:59In addition, the investment is also expected to be able to be a driving force for national economic growth,
01:05especially in achieving the target of 8% economic growth.
01:08Roshan also explained that the industrial hilarization will play a significant role in attracting investment to Indonesia.
01:17In 2025 to 2029, the investment is expected to reach Rp 1,905 trillion.
01:30With a total investment of Rp 13,032 trillion from 2025 to 2029.
01:45That's what I told the President, and of course the hope is that the investment that enters Indonesia
01:56can also create quality jobs.
02:01Meanwhile, the Minister of Energy, the investment sector, has been positive throughout 2024,
02:07where the Ministry of Investment and Hilarization of the BKPM noted that Indonesia has succeeded in bringing
02:12investment of Rp 1,714 trillion or up by about 20.8% annually.
02:23Minister of Investment and Hilarization or Head of Coordination of Capital Planting or BKPM,
02:30Roshan Ruslani announced the realization of investment throughout 2024.
02:35Indonesia has succeeded in bringing investment of Rp 1,714 trillion or up by about 20.8% annually.
02:45That's about 103.9% of the target of 2024, which is Rp 1,650 trillion.
02:54The investment is divided in Java Island as much as Rp 818.8 trillion or 47.8%.
03:03And the investment outside Java Island is recorded as much as Rp 895.4 trillion or 52.2%.
03:13Meanwhile, for foreign capital planting or PMA, it is recorded as much as Rp 900.2 trillion or 52.5%.
03:21Meanwhile, the investment of domestic capital planting or PMDM is recorded as much as Rp 814 trillion or 47.5%.
03:32Minister of Investment, Roshan Ruslani affirmed that the achievement of investment that exceeds the target in APBN
03:38is proven to be able to absorb labor throughout 2024 to reach Rp 2,456,130.
03:46Or the absorption of labor increased by 34.7% annually.
03:52So, the total realization of investment for the whole year 2024 is Rp 1,714.2 trillion or up by about 20.8%.
04:04This is a significant increase because usually the increase is Rp 13 trillion or Rp 12 trillion.
04:12This is an increase of Rp 20.8% and if we look at it, it is Rp 0.7%.
04:19The achievement of investment of Rp 103.9% is recorded to exceed the target in 2024.
04:25Of course, the government is very optimistic with the achievement of domestic capital investment in 2025
04:31by maximizing the potential of hillarization in relation to future investment.
04:37From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
05:08Hello, Mr. Hendra, how are you?
05:10Thank God, I'm fine. Thank you, Mr. Pras.
05:12Thank you for your time.
05:14Mr. Hendra, then Mr. Yusuf, and before discussing further, Mr. Yusuf,
05:18what is your review of the consistency of the growth of the realization of investment in the last five years?
05:24Where last year, what Mr. Roshan Ruslani said earlier has even exceeded this target.
05:33Yes, so if we look at the realization of investment, there are interesting things that we can conclude.
05:39It means that we know that in the last five years, the economy in general is faced with some challenges,
05:47especially when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in the last two and three years.
05:53But if we look at the trend, the realization of investment can relatively reach the target.
06:00So actually, if we look at the realization of investment,
06:04especially what happened in the last four to five years,
06:06this is a trend of long-term investment realization.
06:12It means that the investor does not see specific issues related to certain issues,
06:18but rather sees how the prospects of the Indonesian economy in the medium to long term.
06:24Moreover, this is reinforced by the realization of investment last year,
06:28when we sometimes get stuck in the realization of investment because there is a political year.
06:34However, if we look at what has been said by the Ministry of Investment,
06:39it turns out that the growth of the realization of investment is still relatively positive.
06:43Even if we look at the achievement of the realization of investment towards the target that is to be targeted, it even exceeds.
06:51So if we look at the trend, this is indeed a realization of investment that is in the medium to long term.
06:57And of course, this is still in line with several programs carried out by the government,
07:03including in the policy for the realization of mining products.
07:08Okay, that's it. The positive performance seems to be related to the growth of investment in Indonesia.
07:13Mr. Hendrek, if we review from your side, related to investment in the mining sector, how is it?
07:20Yes, in line with what Mr. Yusuf said earlier from KOR,
07:25if we look at the investment data in the mining sector in the last three years,
07:30from 2022 to 2024,
07:33it is on average targeted by the government, the Ministry of Primary Industries, between US$6 billion and US$8 billion.
07:41If we look at the breakdown in 2022, it exceeds the realization.
07:46Then in 2023, the fatigue is slightly below the target.
07:52And then in 2024, it feels like it will exceed the target.
07:56So overall, it can be said that the achievement, energy, and realization of investment in the mining sector is quite good.
08:04But if we talk about the mining and coal sector, there are quite a variety of minerals and coal.
08:11It is divided into two, and the minerals also have several commodities.
08:14So if we review in general, based on the data, overall, yes, the realization is positive.
08:23But if we break down again per commodity, of course it will be different from each other.
08:30In this case, for example, for nickel, the realization is very progressive.
08:36Also in copper last year, and then for other commodities, bauxite, the realization is still not too fast.
08:45Then in cobalt, it is still quite positive.
08:48So overall, it can be said that it is relatively positive.
08:52Okay, now on the investment side in the mining sector, it can be said that it is already appropriate.
08:57So it is hoped that the realization of investment will also grow positively, Mr. Hendra.
09:03Well, this is what we need to see in more detail.
09:08In general, the policy does support, if we look at the realization of investment achievement in the last three years.
09:17However, is it an indicator for the future target?
09:22Of course, we have to see the dynamic development that is happening.
09:25Especially when it comes to investment, it is very influenced by regulation and policy.
09:31This is what we hope in the last few times, there are changes that may have an impact on the investment plan.
09:40This is what we will review again.
09:43But based on the previous policy in 2024, which is likely to be continued in 2025 by the government of President Prabowo,
09:53it can be said that we are still optimistic.
09:56However, of course, we have to look at the direction of policy in the future.
10:00Especially in the middle of a global economic challenge, then also the financial situation of the government may be in poor condition.
10:10This is what we are worried about in the mining sector.
10:14There is a high possibility that there will be pressure from the government to maximize the country's revenue from the mining sector.
10:21Mr. Hendra, we also know that the global condition in 2024 is still uncertain.
10:27Even the geopolitical escalation continues to heat up throughout 2024.
10:31But on the one hand, the realization of Indonesia's investment has grown positively.
10:36Is it really one of the places for global investment?
10:40We will discuss in the next segment.
10:41Mr. Hendra and Mr. Yusuf, we will take a short break.
10:44We will be right back after the break.
10:47Thank you for staying with us in Market Review.
11:06In the next segment, we will provide you with data related to the realization of investment in Indonesia.
11:11We will look at the time from 2018 to 2024 as you can see on your television screen.
11:18The trend continues to show significant growth.
11:21We see that it was recorded at the end of 2024, it has reached Rp 1,714.2 trillion.
11:28Then how about the composition of the type of investor?
11:32Here it is, we see how with PMA, foreign capital investment and also domestic capital investment or PMDN.
11:40PMDN has reached Rp 804 trillion and PMA has reached Rp 902 trillion.
11:46It has started to dominate for PMA.
11:49And the next is the realization of investment for mining itself throughout 2024.
11:56What are those?
11:57We see that there is a sub-community, there is Timah, Bokusit, Tembaga, Nickel, which is the largest, Rp 153.2 trillion.
12:05Meanwhile, for the value of smelter investment, it has reached Rp 245.2 trillion.
12:13Then how about the target of investment?
12:15If we look at this year until 2029, we see that the trend has reached Rp 3,414 trillion until 2029.
12:27The trend continues to rise for the target of investment in Indonesia.
12:32We will continue the discussion with Mr. Yusof Rendy Manilet, Community Corp Indonesia.
12:37Then there is Mr. Hendra Sinadia, Director Executive Indonesia Mining Association.
12:43If we look at the data that Mr. Hendra mentioned, how about the investment?
12:49As you said, it's okay, so-so.
12:52It means that it is in line with the expectations of the players in the mining industry and also coal.
12:58But let's see how this can be a game changer for Indonesia throughout 2025 until 2029.
13:07This is interesting.
13:09The development with TRUMP 2.0, there are many executive orders that can affect global trade,
13:18including those that affect investment in the mineral and coal sectors.
13:22For coal, of course, there are two sides.
13:26With the withdrawal of the Green New Deal yesterday, it brought a positive sentiment for the coal community.
13:33Then for minerals, with the interest of the United States to be more aggressive to gain access to minerals,
13:40this can also have two sides.
13:43It can be a positive side in the sense that we have a fairly good offer position with a variety of minerals
13:48that are very much needed in the energy transition era.
13:51However, on the other hand, polarization in geopolitics for the competition for critical minerals can also affect us.
14:00So this is what the government needs to discuss at this time, the pluses and minuses.
14:07But in general, if we look at 2025, the demand for our strategic mineral community,
14:14especially coal, is still at a positive level.
14:18Therefore, we also hope that investment in coal minerals can also be positive in 2025.
14:24However, we will see how the regulation and policies,
14:28because as Mr. Yusuf said earlier, our investment is more in the medium term,
14:34and investment in mining is very determined by how the regulation,
14:40and the business is also very influential for investors.
14:48Mr. Yusuf, then how do you see the efforts of the government to increase investment in 2025
14:54with some other challenges that have been mentioned earlier?
14:57The global conditions still seem to hinder the world of investment in Indonesia.
15:01Then there is also a large-scale multinational company that is still waiting or stuck a little last year
15:08related to Apple's investment plan, one of them.
15:10What do you think, Mr. Yusuf?
15:12Yes, I think the government is still improving the investment budget this year.
15:19Improvements related to how to provide incentives,
15:23especially incentives that are not only limited to tax incentives,
15:27but also incentives in the form of, for example, permits.
15:31So if we look at it, the government wants to give acceleration,
15:37based on the criteria of the type of investment.
15:40So I think this is one of the next steps in providing or implementing investment incentives
15:49that have been done by the previous government.
15:51Because we know that the previous government already had the OSS.
15:54Now, more specifically, there is a system that will give permission,
15:59especially to the specific type of investment.
16:02And it should be, if that thing can be carried out by the government,
16:07it will shorten the time to wait for permission.
16:14Especially maybe permission related to investment in this matter,
16:17for example, in the context of minerals and coal.
16:20And it should be, if we talk about the limitation of time to give permission,
16:26it can also be a form of other incentives.
16:30Because there is a certainty that is offered, especially for new investors.
16:35In addition, if we also look at the government's commitment
16:39to continue to make mining healing products as one of the supporters
16:46of the implementation of investment,
16:49I think it is also a kind of good news,
16:52especially if we talk about the continuity factor.
16:56Because so far, the mining sectors have supported the implementation of investment.
17:01Now it remains to be seen how to continue from what has been done in the past 5 years.
17:07Yes, Mas Yusuf, if you look at other sectors, what is it like?
17:09Technology, then how, there used to be a lot of Starlink,
17:13then Apple, then there are several other companies.
17:16As it turns out, they are still quite wet-end, or just look at it first.
17:21If, for example, Mr. Hendrik said,
17:23on the one hand, entrepreneurs or investors need certainty.
17:28From business, investment, and maybe for their income.
17:32What is it like in Indonesia right now?
17:34Yes, so if we talk about the context of other sectors, there are adjustments.
17:40If we talk about, for example, investment for Apple,
17:44it then becomes controversial, why the process is long,
17:49because there is a negotiation on how to meet the needs of the TKDN, for example.
17:55Which eventually made the negotiation process take a long time.
17:59But what is not a problem in general,
18:05Indonesia is still seen as a big potential.
18:10So if we talk about the context of Apple,
18:13they have a big market potential.
18:16But there are regulations that need to be fulfilled.
18:19In that context, the negotiations take a long time.
18:22And in our opinion, Indonesia definitely needs a kind of national interest,
18:30which also needs to be advanced.
18:32In this case, for example, the fulfillment of the TKDN.
18:35Now it remains for the government to adjust,
18:40for example, to the conditions or negotiations offered by Apple investors in this context.
18:47In addition, if we talk about other sectors,
18:50there is still housework for other subsectors of the manufacturing industry.
18:55In addition to the basic metal industry,
18:58for example, the textile sector and its derivatives,
19:02then also the food and beverage industry.
19:07These two sectors are still supporters for the manufacturing industry in general.
19:12So if we talk about how to push for a more inclusive implementation of investment,
19:18in the context of, for example, creating a larger workforce,
19:22then in addition to pushing for the implementation of investment in the basic metal sector,
19:28other subsectors of the manufacturing industry should not be forgotten.
19:34This is also interesting, Mr. Hendra.
19:36When mentioning this year's investment target of Rp 1,500 trillion,
19:40as Mr. Ossan also mentioned,
19:42the investment in mineral hydration will be one of the supporters.
19:46What are your thoughts?
19:49Yes, if we look at the investment data in the Ministry of Investment
19:53in the last two or three years,
19:56the investment dominance for the hydration sector
20:01is still dominated by hydration in the mineral and coal sectors.
20:07Approximately 60-62% if you look at the figure in 2023.
20:12And the trend is almost the same in 2024.
20:15Well, in 2025, this is what we need to highlight again,
20:19especially in nickel projects, smelter nickel.
20:24Because on the one hand, we also see that there is a promise for a moratorium
20:30on new permits for nickel smelters with RKF technology
20:36to limit, because there is a concern about the limitation of nickel reserves
20:41for our higher rates, which are getting smaller.
20:45I don't know how this promise will be realized on the ground
20:49because there are several investments in the pipeline for RKF smelters
20:53that are pushed by the government is the H-PAL smelter,
20:56which is also more expensive and also the investment interest has started to rise.
21:01The possibility of bauxite will increase in 2025 and also other sectors.
21:08So we see, maybe the dominance of the mining sector
21:14is still large in the realization of investment in 2025.
21:20However, if we look at it in general, maybe other sectors are a bit stagnant.
21:25This is Mr. Yusuf who will see later, because if we look at the trend, it is still in domination.
21:30And the possibility of investment in mining will of course peak later.
21:36If we look at nickel, there was a moratorium,
21:40then the pipeline has finished two smelters.
21:43What we are actually hoping for is in Hulu.
21:46Because if we talk about hillarization,
21:49we also have to discuss and pay attention to the availability of teams from Hulu.
21:56This is a challenge, of course, especially since our exploration is still very low.
22:01Whereas the interest to invest in finding strategic mineral reserves
22:06is very tight in the world and we have profits.
22:10And that's what should be pushed so that investment for exploration,
22:14which we have a large reserve, this is what should be included.
22:18Yes, that's it, the condition of investment in the mining sector,
22:21coal or mineral, which is still an Indonesian asset.
22:25Mr. Yusuf, briefly, how optimistic are you
22:28to see how the consistency of investment growth is still maintained this year?
22:34Of course, the momentum of investment growth needs to be maintained.
22:39I think some domestic jobs still have to be faced by the government,
22:44including in maintaining the investment ecosystem,
22:47then also the efficiency of investment.
22:50Some technical issues, such as the efficiency of investment,
22:55which so far has been a hindrance to the realisation of investment,
23:00need to be eliminated so that the target of investment,
23:04not only this year, but in the next five years, can be achieved.
23:08So the key word is structural change, structural economic reformation
23:14will still be a domestic job to achieve the target of investment
23:18in the short term to the medium term.
23:20That's it, some recommendations given to maintain the momentum of investment,
23:26the momentum of investment growth in Indonesia.
23:28Mr. Hendra, thank you very much for the time sharing and updates
23:31that have been delivered to the audience.
23:33Mas Yusuf Randy, thank you for the analysis
23:35that has also been delivered to the audience today.
23:37Congratulations on continuing your activities.
23:39Stay healthy. Thank you.
23:42Thank you, Mr. Mirsa.
23:43I have been with you for an hour in Market Review.
23:46And keep sharing your information only on IDX channel,
23:49Your Transporty and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
23:52Because the business of the future must move forward.
23:54I am Investor Saham.
23:56Yes, I am Prasetyo Wibowo,
23:58along with all the staff on duty.
24:01Thank you. See you.
