Roshni Sab Kay Liye - Topic: ALLAH se Muhabbat - 23 July 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 months ago
Roshni Sab Kay Liye

Topic: ALLAH se Muhabbat || اللہ سے محبت

Host: Shahid Masroor

Guest: Mufti Khurram Iqbal Rehmani, Mufti Zaigham Ali Gardezi

#RoshniSabKayLiye #islamicinformation #ARYQtv

A Live Program Carrying the Tag Line of Ary Qtv as Its Title and Covering a Vast Range of Topics Related to Islam with Support of Quran and Sunnah, The Core Purpose of Program Is to Gather Our Mainstream and Renowned Ulemas, Mufties and Scholars Under One Title, On One Time Slot, Making It Simple and Convenient for Our Viewers to Get Interacted with Ary Qtv Through This Platform.

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00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:11In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:13All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
00:15Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets.
00:17Ladies and Gentlemen,
00:18I am Shahid Masroor with your program Roshni for everyone.
00:23May Allah bless you with all the blessings of life and all the affairs of life.
00:33The most important thing for a human being is love.
00:39A human being dies, everything in the world dies.
00:42If we look at it from the perspective of spirituality, love does not die.
00:46A human being leaves this world.
00:48And when he leaves, he leaves with the love that when he leaves this world,
00:55he will see Allah the Almighty on the Day of Resurrection.
00:59The love of Allah's Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him,
01:02is so intense that he wishes to see the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
01:12This love not only nurtured a human being in this world,
01:20but it is this love that gives birth to a human being in this world.
01:25The relationship between a human being and another human being is also based on this love.
01:30And if we look at it, then in love,
01:33there is such a passion that when Allah the Almighty describes the relationship between a human being and himself,
01:43then it is referred to as love.
01:45Because we recognize worldly love.
01:48We recognize worldly love.
01:50So it has been said that Allah the Almighty loves his servants as much as 70 mothers can love their children.
01:59More than that.
02:01So this number of 70 is not a fixed number.
02:04Allah the Almighty loves his servants.
02:07That is why he commanded his servants and through his Prophets,
02:12he conveyed this message that a human being should love a human being,
02:17should treat them well, should treat them with good morals,
02:21and should remember Allah, should worship Allah,
02:26should treat them as if they are looking at Allah the Almighty or Allah the Almighty is looking at them.
02:31Now here Allah the Almighty's love, which is the basis of all love,
02:37that is, if you love the Prophet, if you believe in the Prophet,
02:40then it means that you love Allah the Almighty.
02:43So what change does Allah the Almighty's love bring in a person's life?
02:49How does Allah the Almighty make a person's life better and better?
02:53What is the real purpose of Allah the Almighty's love?
02:56And how does Allah the Almighty's love become a reason for good deeds in the world?
03:04These are all things.
03:06So what is Allah the Almighty's love?
03:08We understand this in today's program.
03:10And this is today's topic.
03:12The respected personalities who have come with us,
03:15and the Ulema and Muftis who have come with us,
03:20their biggest feature is that they are the followers of the Qur'an.
03:25They have not only gained the knowledge of religion,
03:28but they are also eligible for the position where this knowledge of religion,
03:32not only in the coming generations, in the present generations,
03:35but also in the whole world,
03:37and the people who watch our programs,
03:39who watch and listen to these people,
03:41they also gain the knowledge of religion.
03:43So with me is the first personality,
03:45Respected Allama Khurram Iqbal Rehmani.
03:48Assalamu Alaikum Sir.
03:49Walaikum Assalam.
03:50MashaAllah Sir.
03:51Welcome Sir.
03:52Thank you very much.
03:53And the second personality,
03:54Respected Zia Gham Ali Gardezi.
03:56Assalamu Alaikum Sir.
03:57Walaikum Assalam.
03:58How are you?
03:59I am fine.
04:01Sir, we talk a lot about Allah the Almighty's love.
04:05And if we see,
04:06our life is nothing without the love of Allah the Almighty.
04:10What are we?
04:11We are the progeny of love,
04:13and with the hope of love,
04:15we will depart from this world.
04:17We will depart with the hope of seeing Allah.
04:19This is the desire of a human being,
04:21and especially of a Muslim.
04:23What is the command of Allah the Almighty's love,
04:25in the light of the Qur'an and Hadith?
04:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:31And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah.
04:34This is a very beautiful and a very subtle topic.
04:38And when it comes to the love of Allah,
04:41the reality is that the relationship between the servant and the Lord,
04:44the relationship between the servant and the Lord,
04:47is based on love.
04:49That is, if a person worships his Lord,
04:52then it is love.
04:53If he obeys, then it is love.
04:55If he obeys the command, then it is love.
04:58If he avoids disobedience, then it is love.
05:01If he loves all the manifestations of Allah,
05:04and if he loves the beloved of Allah,
05:06then it is also the love of Allah.
05:08All the manifestations of Allah,
05:10in reality, are manifestations of the love of Allah.
05:13That is, in this universe,
05:15the true love, or the person
05:17with whom there should be true love,
05:19is that of the Lord,
05:21who is our Creator,
05:23who is the Owner,
05:24who is the Provider,
05:25who created,
05:26and then after creation,
05:28gave me all the necessary means to live my life.
05:32That is, it is not just that I needed food,
05:35so I fulfilled my food needs,
05:37but if I needed guidance,
05:39then I sent my Prophet.
05:41If I needed guidance,
05:42then I sent down the books.
05:44So all these necessities that were present in my life,
05:47which I needed,
05:48all of them were given to me by the Lord.
05:51So even if there is no other means,
05:53or even if there is no other reason
05:55to love the Lord,
05:56then I believe that a person,
05:58especially the one who has a sound mind,
06:00or has a sound heart,
06:02he definitely loves the one
06:04who has done him a favor.
06:06If he has done a favor,
06:08his heart automatically turns towards his benefactor,
06:11that he has done me a favor.
06:13And in this universe,
06:14our greatest benefactor is our Lord.
06:16Such a great benefactor,
06:18such a great benefactor,
06:19as I told you,
06:20not only did He create,
06:21but all the means,
06:23and necessities required to live life,
06:25were given to me by the Lord.
06:27And there are so many blessings,
06:29that He Himself said,
06:30wa in ta'uddu ni'matallah la tuhsuha
06:32that if you want to count the blessings of the Lord,
06:35you cannot count them.
06:37Even then,
06:38Allah SWT,
06:39in the Holy Quran,
06:40where He sent down countless commandments
06:42for our guidance and guidance,
06:44He also gave us the desire for His love.
06:47He said,
06:48wal ladheena aamanoo ashaddu hubban lillah
06:51Those who are disbelievers,
06:53they love their Lord,
06:55but those who are believers,
06:57they love Allah.
06:58Ashaddu hubban lillah
06:59More than the limit.
07:00They love Him so much,
07:02they love Him so much,
07:04that they sacrifice all the love of the universe
07:06for the love of the Lord.
07:08Then the Lord also loves us so much.
07:10Such a great love of the Lord is of faith.
07:12And its manifestations can be seen,
07:14that if a person loves his children,
07:17but when the love of the Lord comes forward,
07:19he sacrifices the love of his children.
07:21If a person loves his wealth,
07:23but when the love of the Lord comes forward,
07:25he sacrifices the love of his wealth.
07:27If a person loves himself,
07:29but when the love of the Lord comes forward,
07:31he also sacrifices.
07:32And the sacrifice of all these loves,
07:34which we see as a beautiful scene,
07:37can be seen in the field of Karbala.
07:39wal ladheena aamanoo ashaddu hubban lillah
07:42They love their Lord so much,
07:44that they sacrifice all the love of the Lord.
07:46Then Allah SWT,
07:47is the protector of those loves,
07:49and He also rewards them.
07:50Then in another place,
07:51wa ladheena aamanoo may yartadda minkum aandeeni
07:54Fasufa ya'tillahu biqawmi yuhibbuhum wa yuhibbuna
07:58O believers, if you turn away from religion,
08:00then Allah does not need you.
08:02Allah will bring such a nation,
08:04that Allah will love them,
08:06and they will love Allah.
08:08That is, in every era,
08:09there will be people who love Allah.
08:11And the example of this is in the Holy Quran,
08:13that Allah destroyed the nations.
08:15No doubt.
08:16Those who kept loving,
08:17Allah gave them continuity.
08:19Beloved Haqqa,
08:20peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:22because he is the most beloved of Allah in this universe,
08:24and he is the one who loves Allah the most.
08:28Beloved Haqqa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:30in his Ahadith also,
08:31he has said in such a way,
08:33that how to love Allah.
08:35Beloved Haqqa has said,
08:36the prayer of Hazrat Dawood.
08:38He said, Dawood used to pray in the presence of Allah,
08:41O Allah, give me your love.
08:44And give love to those whom you love.
08:47And give love to those who are close to you.
08:50In fact, make your love so dear to me,
08:53that I like it more than my life,
08:55that I like it more than my wealth.
08:58In fact, a thirsty person,
08:59the way he is loved by cold water,
09:01much more than that,
09:02I will love you,
09:03I will love you.
09:05A person loves the blessings of Allah.
09:08No doubt.
09:09He loves the blessings.
09:10The one who gives blessings,
09:11why will he not love?
09:12With your permission,
09:13we will go to Respected Mufti Sahib.
09:16Respected Mufti Sahib,
09:17I would like to know from you,
09:19that the faith of a person,
09:21on Allah,
09:22on the Prophets of Allah,
09:24on the commandments of Allah,
09:25on the books of Allah,
09:26then after that on the angels,
09:28on the Day of Judgment,
09:29then on Allah,
09:30we have brought faith without seeing.
09:32And the foundation of faith,
09:34and the matters of that faith,
09:36are the same,
09:37which Respected Rehmani Sahib was saying.
09:40You tell me,
09:41that the faith of a person,
09:43and then the love for faith,
09:45what is the connection between them?
09:48In the name of Allah,
09:49the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
09:50Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala alim.
09:51Muhammadin wa ala alim.
09:52Muhammadin wa ala alim.
09:53Thank you, Shahid Bhai.
09:54Faith and love,
09:56these two have a very deep connection.
09:59And if it is said,
10:00then it must be said,
10:01that the fundamental condition for faith,
10:03is love.
10:04That is,
10:05a person's connection with his Lord,
10:07is not like a slave and master,
10:09that he is a ruler on his head.
10:11And whether the heart is inclined or not,
10:13whether there is respect for him in the heart,
10:15faith and love or not,
10:16we have to obey his command.
10:18Until the heart does not connect,
10:21the connection of the heart is not established,
10:23then only verbal,
10:24specific actions can be done,
10:26or claims can be made,
10:27then that faith is not acceptable in the court of Allah,
10:30until the connection of the heart,
10:31is not established with Allah.
10:33And until the connection of the heart,
10:34in the whole universe,
10:35is not established with Allah,
10:37then that claim of a person,
10:39is not acceptable in the court of Allah.
10:41And this is said in the Holy Quran,
10:42that all the material things of love,
10:46whether they are in relationships,
10:48or are related to the physical means of life,
10:51all these things,
10:52Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
10:53has said in the Holy Quran,
10:54that your fathers, your sons,
10:56your brothers, your wives,
10:57your families,
10:58all these relations,
10:59that your father,
11:00your son,
11:01your sister,
11:02your brother,
11:03your family,
11:04all these physical means,
11:05of living life,
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