Shararat episode 96

  • 2 months ago
01:00Shut up
01:07Pranaam Rani Devi
01:09Jiti Raho
01:11Vidya Rani, you are here?
01:13Then who is in school?
01:15Rani Devi, I have come to file a complaint
01:17Vidya Rani, I have heard complaints
01:19from 20 people about Bebo
01:21Now I can't hear complaints from other kids
01:23My head is splitting
01:25Rani Devi, these are not the complaints
01:27of other kids
01:29These are written complaints
01:33Yes, people were afraid to come here
01:35That's why they sent written complaints
01:37But why are people afraid of me?
01:39People are not afraid of you, they are afraid of Bebo
01:43I have to do something about Bebo
01:45Go and call the principal
01:47But he can't come here
01:51Because he has been distributing coconut trees for two days
01:55Yes, that day he was watering the coconut tree
01:57Then he changed the plant into a tree
01:59And since then
02:01the coconut trees are stuck on the tree
02:03I will deal with him later
02:05Let me deal with Bebo first
02:07No, Rani Devi
02:09Let me go first
02:11Then you call Bebo
02:13Ok, you go
02:15I got scared
02:17Take out your mask
02:19You will get scared
02:23You know how to become Rani Devi
02:27You look exactly like Rani Devi
02:31Come on, don't scare me
02:33If I am not afraid of the real Rani Devi
02:35then you are
02:37Who will be afraid of you?
02:39Bebo, I am not a maid
02:41I am Rani Devi
02:43And this is my palace
02:45But I was playing with the maid in the school
02:47Do you go to school to play
02:49or to study?
02:51There have never been so many complaints in the school
02:53Look, how many complaints
02:55Wait, I will call the maid
02:57We both will scold the scoundrel
02:59Maid, maid
03:01Bebo, keep quiet
03:03These are your complaints
03:05Look, you turned a boy into a frog
03:07and threw him in the water
03:09Yes, he liked to play in the water
03:11That's why I turned him into a frog
03:13and threw him in the water
03:15Now he won't get cold and won't stop
03:17Bebo, what should I do with you?
03:19Bebo, don't you feel bad
03:21Do you think I always scold you?
03:23I think so
03:25But what should I do?
03:27If I had an aunt like the other kids
03:29then I would have sent her to scold
03:33That's right
03:35If you had a mother
03:37then you wouldn't have misbehaved
03:39You are a child without a mother
03:41You will get spoiled
03:53Your misbehavior is increasing day by day
03:55All the people in the school are upset with you
03:57From today
03:59you will not study
04:01Sir, are you throwing me out of the school?
04:03Then throw my three friends out of the school
04:05I am going
04:07Bebo, keep quiet
04:09Listen to me carefully
04:11I am throwing you out of the school
04:15Yes, and I am sending you to the earth
04:17If you stay with Jiah
04:19then you might get better
04:23You will send me to the earth?
04:25I have only studied about the earth
04:27Now I will see with my own eyes
04:29Yes, I am sending you to the earth
04:31Go and get ready
04:33We will go together
04:35As you wish
04:43What should I do with you?
04:45She left a laughing face on my feet
04:51Good morning kids
04:53Good morning grandma
04:57Grandma, that is dad's juice
04:59So what?
05:01I drank my juice, so I am going to drink dad's juice
05:03You will not drink my juice
05:05This is my challenge
05:09You keep quiet
05:11I am going to drink your juice
05:13Mom, those days are gone
05:15when you used to win with magic
05:17Now even I have got magic
05:19Look at this
05:31Now you quickly untie my legs
05:33or I will hang you on the fan
05:35for the whole day
05:41Whatever it is, forget it
05:43Don't take revenge from grandma
05:45Daddy, tell me
05:47how did you do this magic
05:49Yes, yes
05:51I will tell you
05:53how did dad do this magic
05:55Like this
05:57See daddy
05:59I told you
06:01we will not be smart
06:03We will get caught
06:05This means that with the elder son
06:07the younger son was also involved
06:09I would have told you
06:13Let me tell you
06:15that only three people can do magic in this world
06:17First is Radha
06:19who doesn't do magic
06:21Second is Jia
06:23who doesn't know magic
06:25So I am the only one
06:27who can do magic
06:29That is fine
06:31But now I will tell you
06:33how to drink juice with magic
06:37How did you finish the juice
06:39without doing magic
06:41I didn't drink the juice
06:43I drank it
06:45with magic
06:51She is calling you
06:53I am not calling her
06:55I am calling you
06:57What if you had left the palace
06:59without telling
07:01and got lost in the clouds
07:03I have the answer
07:07This is Bebo
07:09The naughtiest girl in the palace
07:13This is Jai
07:15This is Jia
07:17And this is Suraj
07:19And this is Nani
07:21The naughtiest girl in the world
07:23Rani Devi will leave soon
07:25Because of Bebo's magic
07:27the whole palace is in trouble
07:29But Rani Devi
07:31She is
07:33less than 18 years old
07:35How did she become a fairy
07:37She was playing hide and seek
07:39And while playing
07:41she went to my room
07:43where I make magic
07:47Magic is the same
07:49that you sprinkle drops
07:51while making a fairy
07:55But she fell in the pan
07:57That's why she knows magic
07:59Keep her with you for a day
08:01No way
08:03I am already troubled by 3 fairies
08:05One more fairy
08:11This is the same moment
08:13That day
08:15The day you became a pumpkin
08:17And then
08:19I cured you with magic
08:23And do you remember
08:25I made you a fairy
08:27And taught you magic
08:35You are safe Rani Devi
08:37I am ready to help you
08:39Bebo can stay here
08:45Rani Devi
08:47Rani Devi
08:51Stand down
08:55Welcome Bebo
08:57Thanks Nana
09:01She is not Nana
09:03She is Nani
09:05Look carefully
09:09Look carefully
09:11She is Nana
09:23This is my room
09:25From today you will stay here
09:29Suraj Uncle
09:31doesn't like me staying here
09:33with you
09:35No Bebo
09:37It's ok
09:45Please don't scold me
09:47I was just checking
09:49Now I am telling the truth
09:51Please Jiji I am sorry
09:53Don't say sorry Bebo
09:55I am happy that now
09:57To check on me
09:59I have a little fairy in my house
10:01For the first time in my life
10:03Someone liked my magic
10:05Otherwise everyone scolds me
10:07Look Bebo
10:09I lied to you so that you don't feel bad
10:11Maybe dad doesn't like all this
10:13But see
10:15He will start loving you
10:19Did you see
10:21Now I am telling the truth
10:23Now stop crying
10:27After my mom
10:29For the first time someone wiped my tears
10:31I love you Jiya
10:33I love you too Bebo
10:37Mita is calling you
10:39Mita is here
10:41Take care of her
10:43She shouldn't feel bad
10:45She is your little sister
10:49I wanted someone younger than me in my house
10:53Everyone is older than me
10:55That's why they order me
10:57Now I will order you
10:59Look Bebo
11:01Don't move anything
11:03And you stand on one corner
11:07Intelligent girl
11:09I am telling you
11:11Don't move
11:15These are the things I like
11:17Out of change
11:23What did you do?
11:25Jiya will scold us
11:27I will handle it
11:29I will convince Jiya
11:33What a beautiful box
11:45This is a magical security system
11:47Day and night
11:49At my service
11:51Never touch the box
11:55I have that much sense
11:59Will you teach me to do magic like you?
12:01My brother can't learn
12:03You have to be a fairy for that
12:05But if you need magic
12:07Tell me
12:09Day and night at your service
12:11Wow my sweet little sister
12:13What was that?
12:15Invisible wall
12:17I don't need little, I need big sister
12:19Me and my dad
12:21This magic will trouble us for life
12:23Big sister
12:27So there is a good chance
12:29Of going to Dhruv's ground
12:37Who is this sweet girl?
12:39She is my cousin
12:45There is a small city in Punjab
12:49I know
12:51There is a small city in Punjab
12:53Your flip is very good
12:55Will you show me?
12:57I was thinking
12:59How should I show you?
13:03Thank you
13:13Why is she doing this?
13:15Why are you doing this?
13:17I am not doing anything
13:19It is happening on its own
13:21Show me
13:25Nothing is happening
13:31You had to go somewhere
13:35I will get ready
13:37You both talk
13:41Nothing is happening
13:43Even I am not doing anything
13:45Show me
13:47Maybe I am doing something
14:11Where did she go?
14:13There was no place here
14:15We are talking about the place
14:17Where did Geeta go?
14:19She ran away
14:21Hi guys
14:25This is my cousin Bebo
14:27This is Dhruv and he is Raja
14:29Hi Bebo
14:31Hurry up
14:33He has a final selection
14:37I have got new sports shoes for you
14:39I don't think so
14:41I can't wear it
14:43Why are you scared?
14:45Put your feet in the shoes
14:47I will tie the lace
14:49I am not scared of shoes
14:51I am scared of selection
14:53I don't think I am prepared
14:55Give me the ball
14:57I will train him
14:59I was thinking
15:01How should I give you the ball?
15:03Basketball is very simple
15:05You don't keep the ball in one place
15:07Like this
15:11Like this
15:15Dhruv, it's not difficult
15:17Okay, let me try
15:23Like this
15:25I am getting it Raja
15:29Let's go, we are getting late
15:31Come on
15:33Let's go
15:35I got it Raja
15:39Come on
15:49Bebo, tell me the truth
15:51Did you cast a spell on Dhruv and Raja?
15:55I didn't cast a spell on them
15:59We should never cast a spell on humans
16:01These humans are poor
16:03They don't understand our magic
16:05Even if they understand
16:07They don't have the power to fight
16:09Our magic
16:11You shouldn't cast a spell
16:13But I read in Times of Pakistan
16:15That you cast a spell on many people
16:21I am smart
16:23I can cast a spell
16:25I am an adult
16:27Why? I am smart too
16:29I will cast a spell
16:31If you don't listen to me
16:33I can make you a doll
16:37I didn't know that
16:49Jiya is not at home
16:51She has gone to college
16:53Who are you?
16:55I am Jiya's cousin
16:59Bebo, tell me
17:01Which dress did Jiya wear to watch the match
17:03And what did she take with her?
17:07Do you want to know all that?
17:09Just like that
17:11Tell me
17:13Jiya and Meeta were planning to
17:15Cheer up Dhruv's team
17:17I want to know what did they do
17:19So that I can do something better than them
17:21And impress Dhruv more
17:23So that's the matter
17:27Cheer up Dhruv more
17:39I did what she wanted
17:49I am going to the temple
17:51To pray
17:53I will never come to your house
17:55I just want some offering
17:57To offer at the temple
18:07No one is at home
18:09No one is at home?
18:11Then who are you?
18:13First tell me, who are you?
18:15I have been coming to this house for days
18:17No one has called me fat
18:19And you are calling me fat
18:21Aren't you ashamed?
18:23I am Fancy's neighbour
18:25My book has a lesson on you
18:27Humans bad habits
18:31I played a role on you in Fancy's competition
18:33With a spatula in my hand
18:35Give me something
18:37My neighbours have come to ask
18:41You are not only short
18:43I will hold your ear
18:45And pull it up so high
18:47That you will grow taller
18:49If I move my fingers like this
18:51You will become thin
18:59Now I will spin it like a fan
19:07Now I will take it down
19:13Oh my god
19:15I have become a magician
19:21You are not naughty
19:23You are naughty
19:25Grandma look
19:31What are you doing?
19:35How did this happen?
19:37When did this happen?
19:39I will have to erase her face
19:53I have to do something important
19:55Please go
19:59When did you come?
20:01Have you come to ask for a marriage proposal?
20:09Get up get up and dance
20:11Get up get up and dance
20:13Get up
20:15Get up
20:17Get up
20:19Hi Bebo
20:21Hi Jai
20:23Invisible ball
20:25Big sister
20:27Now it will not hit
20:31You were amazing
20:33The chewing gum you gave me
20:35Bittu ate it
20:37Who is Bittu?
20:39Bittu is Shanti's son
20:41I threaten him so much
20:43That he stops talking
20:45In his dreams
20:47Yes obviously
20:49The truth is that he stops talking
20:51But you know
20:53His mouth got stuck while eating the chewing gum
20:55Then we all made fun of him
20:57What about the magical cake?
20:59Did you feed it to your friends?
21:01Yes I did
21:03What? You ate it too?
21:07Did you hear the bells?
21:11You were supposed to be at school
21:13Now you will be at home
21:29I told you not to do magic on anyone
21:31No Jai told me
21:33That he wants to have fun with his friends
21:35And he wants to make his entire school proud
21:39That's why he had to turn all his friends into monkeys
21:43That means all Jai's friends
21:45Must have turned into monkeys
21:51Let's go
21:55Big sister
22:01Today in our college
22:03Basketball team's final selection match took place
22:05And the players who performed well
22:07Will play for our college
22:09And our Dhruv got selected
22:13But Jaya was telling me that you were very scared yesterday
22:15Then how did you do this today?
22:17I don't know Nani
22:19When I went from here
22:21I went with so much energy that I kept jumping all night
22:23And then during the selection a player got injured
22:25So he sent me to play the match
22:27So I went there too
22:29But weren't you scared that you might hurt your head?
22:31Nani was fine
22:33At a point of time Dhruv jumped so high
22:35That he had to put the ball in the basket like this
22:39I always say that
22:41Some things can be done with magic
22:49Pam Pam Pam
22:51The selection is over, why are you shouting?
22:53Have you gone mad?
22:55I think Dhruv has really gone mad
22:57You know, forget the match
22:59From tomorrow Dhruv will be shouting on the road
23:01Dhruv played the match for just one minute
23:03But I am not doing this
23:05This is happening on its own
23:09I told you, some things can be done with magic
23:15So all of you are making fun of me
23:17I will also become such a thorn
23:19That all of you will remember Nani
23:33Ok Nani
23:35Now we also have to go
23:37Ok Bye
23:45Now let me take your news
23:51Don't scold Bebo
23:53Today is her first day
23:57Thank you for helping Dhruv
23:59We did our DJ baby. Thanks for the chewing gum
24:05My darling