Never Divorce A Secret Billionaire Heires Full

  • 2 months ago
Never Divorce A Secret Billionaire Heires Full
00:00:07We'll have another baby Celina might need your blood soon, how can you ask me to give her blood right now?
00:00:13Don't take a penny from us
00:00:16Where would you even get the money?
00:00:18Embarrassing yourself. I'd be more embarrassed to be a homewrecker if I leave maybe I treat you dinner
00:00:25Perfect before she came
00:00:30She's my fiance. Remember? She's my wife
00:00:37Tristan, there's something I want to tell you. Celina needs a blood transfusion now, let's go
00:01:00Hurry, take her blood. She's already negative
00:01:05Tristan, we've been married for three years. I left everything for you. How could you do this to me?
00:01:12I'm sorry
00:01:28Can't you see Joyce
00:01:31As long as you're married to Tristan, you'll always be my blood bank. You still don't think he doesn't love me?
00:01:37Stay away from my husband
00:01:48Trust me
00:01:50He'll be my husband very soon
00:01:55Where are you going? I'm not done talking to you. Let go
00:02:29Joyce, what have you done? No, I I didn't I didn't get lost
00:02:37I said get lost
00:03:01We'll have another baby
00:03:04Get some rest
00:03:07Celina might need your blood soon
00:03:15How can you ask me to give her blood right now
00:03:19If I hadn't have given her blood all those years
00:03:23I probably wouldn't have lost our baby
00:03:31And I didn't touch her
00:03:34She pushed. Don't be ridiculous. I saw you push Celina
00:03:39She's still unconscious because of you I can never give her my blood again
00:03:47This is a money thing I can give you more money how much you want? I don't want your money
00:03:54And I will marry you under the condition that you give Celina blood when she needs
00:04:05Let's get a divorce
00:04:08What did you say I
00:04:11Said Tristan Beckett, let's get a divorce. I will never give her another drop of my blood
00:04:20And I don't ever want to see you again
00:04:28You're gonna regret that
00:04:31I'm giving you one last chance
00:04:33Once you sign them, there's no going back
00:04:36There's nothing to go back to you the past three years have been the biggest mistake of my life
00:04:45Mom how dare you you ungrateful brat
00:04:52Lucky to have been married to my son lucky
00:04:57Lucky to have given my blood on a whim for three years
00:05:01Lucky to have lost my baby lucky to have been cheated on I never cheated on you
00:05:06Celina is like a sister. You know her father died saving me
00:05:12Well, I hope you and your sister live happily ever after
00:05:15Well, if you think being married into the Beckett family is so unlucky then don't take a penny from us
00:05:34Joyce wait
00:05:36You left with nothing from the divorce settlement, I don't want you ending up on the streets here take this check
00:05:48You still think I married you for your money
00:05:52Tristan what are you doing? Don't give her a penny
00:05:56Keep your little money Tristan
00:06:00Just don't ever show your face in front of me again
00:06:16Who are these people
00:06:22Joyce let's go
00:06:57Still don't think it's a good idea. I stay here
00:07:00Joyce won't be happy about this Joyce
00:07:04Tristan kicked her out divorced her. She's probably crying her eyes out somewhere. Oh, oh
00:07:12I'm not a little girl anymore. Miss Beckett. I can take care of myself. I I don't want to cause you any more trouble
00:07:18Don't say that Selena
00:07:20Your father was my lifesaver in that fire. No, I have to take care of you like family. That's right. You're always welcome here
00:07:26Thank you, Miss Beckett
00:07:29Should I stay in Joyce's room then? Of course
00:07:47So now you're crying, huh
00:07:50Chose to leave your family three years ago and marry a man. We didn't approve
00:07:54My little cousin here is from crying the whole car ride. I
00:07:58Was wrong
00:08:00I'm sorry, grandpa
00:08:04I'm divorced now
00:08:06Divorce is good. We have more than enough to support you
00:08:11Thank you, grandpa
00:08:14But I don't want to live off of you anymore
00:08:17Oh, so you're ready to take over the family business then? I'm sure I have a lot to learn
00:08:23But yes, I am are you now I'm very impressed
00:08:29Finally the pressure is off my shoulders. I
00:08:32Hear your fiance from three years ago is still available
00:08:37This young William seems to be good husband's material
00:08:41Are you ready to give that engagement another go? I think I need a
00:08:46Little time before I jump into another marriage
00:08:49But I know
00:08:51Marrying into the Pope family would benefit her business
00:08:54Sweetheart, I don't need you to marry for business. I just want you to be happy
00:09:03I'll keep that option in mind
00:09:16Hey grandpa, how's it going?
00:09:24Great news, isn't it? Now? All we need is a yes from his granddaughter
00:09:28How about my yes. Oh, she's a great young lady. I'm sure you'll like her. Okay. Bye wait
00:09:37This woman again
00:09:43I'm not marrying a woman. I've never met
00:09:56Uh-huh, it's me. Can you investigate someone for me? Her name is Joyce Powell
00:10:06That jerk I'm so happy you walked away yeah, just I
00:10:12Never would have imagined that things were gonna work out this way between us
00:10:15It's for the best you deserve better
00:10:18Cheers, cheers
00:10:22Mmm, hey there beautiful mind if I join you ladies here actually, yes. Oh
00:10:30Geez I'm sorry, sir. Sorry. Do you have any idea how much this shirt costs?
00:10:36I don't know. It's not like I'm ever gonna wear something so stupid
00:10:41What did you say? Hey, that's enough
00:10:46Look, here's five grand. I'll cover your shirt. Just leave him alone
00:10:58Cut yourself lucky
00:11:04He's not wrong
00:11:06She's me. He's not wrong
00:11:08It is my lucky day
00:11:10To be rescued by beautiful ladies like you two. I
00:11:14Literally did nothing
00:11:16I'd still like to buy you both a drink if you don't mind
00:11:19Sure, perfect. I'm a Liam by the way Joyce. Nice to meet you. I'm Claire
00:11:26So they're a bartender here just filling in for a friend. Actually, I'm kind of in between jobs
00:11:32Oh, are you looking for an opportunity? Yeah, I've been looking into marketing positions
00:11:37Well, I hear that Powell Enterprise is hiring really
00:11:42Yeah, that place is kind of hard to get into I'm better off trying my luck elsewhere if you're really interested I can refer you
00:11:49you can really I
00:11:53Thought I've had enough luck today that sounds like a yes, it's settled
00:12:06Nice job today. Thank you my friend. So next time anytime
00:12:17Jeremy you should take Joyce to that charity thing. She hasn't been to any events in a while. It'll do her good
00:12:23What charity thing that's a dinner party I have to go to tonight
00:12:27There's gonna be a whole charity auction if you see anything you like let Jeremy know he'll get it for you. That sounds like fun
00:12:34Thank you, Grandpa
00:12:47Isn't that Joyce she seemed Jeremy
00:12:50Jeremy I didn't know he'd be here. He is so hot
00:12:59Did she cheat on you?
00:13:13All right, all right first item up we got some beautiful diamond earrings
00:13:18Beautiful diamond earrings white diamonds princess cut. Let's start the bidding off
00:13:24Six fifty six fifty over there up to seven hundred thousand going once come on, or would you even get the money?
00:13:32Stop embarrassing yourself, I'd be more embarrassed to be a homewrecker if I were you and so things thing with my money Joyce
00:13:39In case you're forgetting mr. Beckett. I didn't take a cent when I left your home very well
00:13:45Clearly you found a new payroll
00:13:47All right, folks this beautiful necklace the mirage. Let's start bidding off
00:13:55850,000 eight eight fifty eight fifty nine hundred thousand right there
00:13:59Nine fifty up to nine fifty. I see you up to 1 million. Mr. Powell 1 million going once going twice
00:14:11To mr. Powell
00:14:21Impressive Joyce
00:14:23Quick to find your new mark, huh? Really? That's impressive to you
00:14:28How about me being Selena's personal blood bank for three years? Don't take it out on Tristan Joyce
00:14:35Blame it on my poor health if you must
00:14:41We don't have to be enemies, right
00:14:45Quick come with me. She needs your blood. Seriously this bullshit again
00:14:51She could die for like here
00:14:54Back off Joyce has nothing to do do now
00:14:58Selena Selena
00:15:06Hey, I'm in the building
00:15:08Grandpa said I should show you for a couple days. Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. All right. I'll see you soon
00:15:23Liam oh, hey, it's so good to see you. I didn't know you were on boarded already. How's everything going?
00:15:32So far so good
00:15:35and now
00:15:37even better I
00:15:38Wanted to thank you for the job. Maybe I'd treat you to dinner. Oh, I barely did anything
00:15:45You earned that for yourself still I would have got the opportunity without your help
00:15:51Come on, I know a great place. I think I love it
00:15:56See you after work
00:16:04Mr. Pope, what can I do for you? I'm taking important guests to our restaurant pretending you'll know me understand
00:16:21Didn't expect you to find such a fancy place. Well, I didn't want to seem lousy
00:16:35Do you mind if we go somewhere else actually what the menu doesn't interest you no, no
00:16:43It's not that
00:16:49Someone, you know, yeah
00:16:52It's my ex-husband actually
00:16:55Ouch and
00:16:57That's his new girlfriend. No. Well, I mean, I don't know it's complicated
00:17:03You don't have to hide from them, you know, no, I'm not hiding. Um, I
00:17:08Just really don't want to deal with them right now
00:17:11Okay, let me take care of it
00:17:25Good evening. I'm sorry. We closed early tonight. What?
00:17:32Why is that woman in there I
00:17:35I thought you only took VIP customers. Yes, that is our policy that lady over there is a platinum VIP customer
00:17:46You're kidding. How could you be platinum VIP? That's enough Selena. Let's go
00:17:56Let's go
00:18:09They're actually leaving what did you do the manager and I are old college buddies
00:18:21He started late
00:18:35Are you still angry with Joyce
00:18:42He recently divorced and we've already seen her with two guys
00:18:52Joyce never loved you
00:18:57She only married you for your money I
00:19:05Have always loved you
00:19:16You were very important to me, but I only see you as a sister
00:19:37Thought you know, okay. I'm sorry. Mr. Beckett. Miss price was diagnosed with acute leukemia
00:19:47She was okay yesterday. She's going to need a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible
00:20:10Selena needs you
00:20:12Are you insane?
00:20:14I'm not your wife anymore find someone else to feed your vampire girl. I don't have time to argue. Please come to the hospital
00:20:20It's urgent. I
00:20:21Don't care
00:20:23It's leukemia
00:20:25She needs your bone marrow
00:20:28This would be the last time I promise
00:20:31I'll give you anything in return. You know what Tristan?
00:20:35I'll come
00:20:37But not because I need anything
00:20:39This time I am going to show you the truth
00:20:51Choice you're here
00:20:54Dr. Young can we do the bone marrow transplant today? Yes. Let's take a sample to make sure she's a match first
00:20:59I'm not giving her my bone marrow
00:21:04If you don't give me your bone marrow, I might die
00:21:10Again that's what you want, isn't it? Are you sure you're gonna die?
00:21:14Selena do you even have leukemia choice? Why you like this? It's just a little bit of bone marrow
00:21:20I won't hurt you you can save Selena first. You wanted my blood now you want my bone marrow
00:21:25When are you gonna realize she's been lying to you, it's okay Tristan
00:21:30Choice hates me. She probably wants me dead
00:21:36Maybe dr. Young can
00:21:38Find another donor
00:21:40choice, please Tristan
00:21:42Shut up
00:21:48Save your crocodile tears
00:21:51Dr. Nelson, will you please come in?
00:22:01Professor Nelson, I
00:22:03Thought that you were out of the country
00:22:06Hello, I'm dr. Nelson chief surgeon at this hospital
00:22:12Miss price, I've looked over your medical records and your blood test results
00:22:19You don't have leukemia
00:22:21Nonsense you like dr. Young diagnosed me with leukemia
00:22:26Didn't I teach you medical ethics in school
00:22:30Jake I am disappointed
00:22:34Joyce, it's so good to see you again. I have to run now for a seminar. Oh
00:22:40Don't worry. Your friend is fine
00:22:43Not only does she not have leukemia
00:22:46She isn't even anemic
00:22:54Dr. Young who is this little quack, please do not call him that miss price
00:23:00Dr. Nelson is well esteemed in our field. He was my professor in medical school. I
00:23:06Should have never lied for you all these years
00:23:11What do you mean all these years
00:23:15Miss price, she's not actually sick. She's been shut up you liar
00:23:19Mr. Beckett, just ask miss price yourself
00:23:32You've been lying to me no
00:23:34No, I was set up. You have to believe me. Okay, you two have fun
00:23:40and please
00:23:42Don't ever call me again
00:23:49I'm sorry, Tristan
00:23:59Joyce wait wait
00:24:02What do you want now
00:24:05I'm sorry. I didn't know I
00:24:09Should have but but you chose to believe Selena over me
00:24:13Just give me a chance
00:24:15Let's make it up to you. How
00:24:18We can get married again
00:24:20And I'll give you as much money as you want
00:24:23You still think marrying you as a friend for me, huh?
00:24:40Hi, good morning. Good morning
00:24:46New little boyfriend, come on, it's not like that
00:24:51He always brings you coffee every morning, too, uh-huh, but where's my complimentary message of the day
00:24:58Okay, next time we can take this off of my cup and put it right on your top. Oh, no
00:25:05Thank you. I'll find my own. Okay
00:25:08So we have lots of stuff coming up today. You need to call
00:25:17What are you doing here are you stalking me?
00:25:23No, I'm here see a client what are you doing here Joyce
00:25:27Are you work for Powell Enterprise
00:25:30Tristan still doesn't know I'm a Powell. I use my mother's maiden name and hid my identity. It's none of your business
00:25:48Do yourself a favor and stay away from Joyce
00:25:50Really? I thought you two were divorced some of your business and Joyce wouldn't be interested in someone like you
00:25:57What I do is none of your business either you were a colleague
00:26:00Sure, if that makes you feel better go work somewhere else. I'll give you money. Oh, dude
00:26:06Think money's your superpower, huh?
00:26:08Too bad. It's also mine
00:26:26How's everything going at work, it's pretty good
00:26:31Claire's helped me a lot ready to take on the real challenge
00:26:36well, I may never be ready, but I
00:26:41Think it's time to move on
00:26:43That's my girl
00:26:46Speaking of moving on have you given the engagement any more thought?
00:26:54Willing to meet him
00:26:58Then let's host a ball
00:27:01That'll provide the perfect setting for you to meet your fiance for the first time
00:27:08Sounds good
00:27:09Don't you worry about a thing?
00:27:12You're going to be a huge success of business
00:27:15And if your fiance turns out to be another dud
00:27:19We'll just cancel the wedding
00:27:46Took outside the power building Justin. I'm so glad you called. I thought you'd never talk to me again
00:27:51What are you doing a power enterprise? Oh, I just happened to pass by
00:27:57Joyce's with Philip Powell now
00:28:02Didn't realize she could be so shameless. That's enough. It has nothing to do with you
00:28:16Boards going to love you
00:28:26Did you see Philip Powell brought
00:28:29Yeah, she looked familiar. I think I saw her with Jeremy Powell at the charity auction a few days ago
00:28:35No way it was her but Jeremy is mr.
00:28:38Powell's grandson, right? Maybe Philip Howard took his grandson's woman. Oh, that's disgusting
00:28:51Tristan what the hell are you doing? Let go?
00:28:54How did you even get in here? Come with me if you need money, I can give it to you
00:28:59You know, you don't have to sell yourself. What are you talking about? I don't need your money. Mr. Beckett
00:29:04I don't remember seeing your name on the guest list. This is between Joyce and I mr. Powell. I'm not going to your ball today
00:29:11Are you insane?
00:29:13We are
00:29:14Divorced you do not have a say in anything that I do
00:29:19So this is your ex-husband?
00:29:22Mr. Beckett, you're welcome to stay provided you don't create a scene. Otherwise, I'll be forced to call the police
00:29:44Have two announcements to make today. I'm glad to have my granddaughter
00:29:58Next I'd like to announce the engagement of Joyce and
00:30:03William William is the grandson of my old friend Andrew Pope
00:30:08William will you join us?
00:30:36Hey, there you are your grandpa's been looking all over for you leave me alone
00:30:45Joyce I can explain Liam William, whatever your name is
00:30:49You've been lying to me this whole time and now you want to pretend like nothing happened
00:31:02See you don't stand a chance you think you do
00:31:09She's my fiancee remember she's my wife was
00:31:15past tense
00:31:16I'm gonna win her back. Oh, what's on?
00:31:51Tough first day
00:31:53Yep, I
00:31:54Don't think the board approves of me
00:31:56Don't have to eventually. Yeah, but still I want to prove my worth, you know
00:32:01Well, I do know there's this bid they've been trying to win. It's quite a big project. Hmm
00:32:07What project? Oh, I believe it's called real short from crazy maple studios. You know that entertainment company
00:32:14So how do you suppose I would get that project if the board couldn't I don't know that's for you to figure out
00:32:21That's how you'll show them right oh
00:32:25Shit I'm gonna go your ex-husband is here
00:32:38You back off. I heard you guys talking
00:32:40Obviously, I can help win the bid if you come back to me. What makes you think I need your help
00:32:46You have a good head, but you lack experience. I can help you on this project
00:32:51No, thank you
00:32:53Just because that guy what the guy you're engaged to is that the reason you won't come back to me
00:32:58I do not want to have this conversation with you Tristan
00:33:11All right, I think we need to go over
00:33:14John last Tuesday
00:33:16Did you take any notes? I know I couldn't be there for that one
00:33:19I want to be on top that I prepared for everything
00:33:23Come in
00:33:28Good morning, this is mr. Jha from crazy maple studio. Oh
00:33:34Whoa, mr. Jha, it's nice to meet you. I'm Joyce Powell nice to meet you miss Powell
00:33:39I'm here today to bring you the contract for project real short
00:33:52Please review the terms of the contract carefully
00:33:55We can schedule another time for you to discuss any questions you might have. Thank you
00:33:59Mr. Jha, my pleasure miss Powell. Our boss trusts that you'll make this project a success
00:34:11Congratulations, miss Powell, I
00:34:14Can't believe that CMS decided to work with us. I
00:34:18Think you'll make a great CEO
00:34:25Can't believe that project just came to me
00:34:28Joyce, of course that project didn't just magically land on your lap. Oh my gosh, you really don't know
00:34:35Crazy maple studios is owned by the Pope family
00:34:38Your fiance is definitely behind this girl
00:34:57Didn't think you'd ever talk to me again. Well, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the plan. Well, I wouldn't blame you. I
00:35:06Do owe you an apology
00:35:10I'm listening. I
00:35:17Wasn't comfortable marrying a woman I've never met
00:35:21So you wanted to spy it I
00:35:24Was trying to get to know you, you know, we could have just gotten to know each other the normal way
00:35:29You have a point there. I
00:35:33Hope you like my apology gift the project
00:35:37You know, I would have really liked to earn that on my own, but you did earn it yourself. I've seen you at work
00:35:43I trust your ability
00:35:46You know, it's actually a relief that my fiance is you
00:35:56Mind if I try
00:36:29It's my birthday today I
00:36:31Was wondering if you would want to come out celebrate with me
00:36:35Happy birthday
00:36:37But I'm sorry something I can't. Oh
00:36:41Okay, are you busy with work maybe we could celebrate another time Selena
00:36:54Already contacted a real estate agent. He'll help you find a new place
00:36:58I'll cover all your expenses, but I no longer want you in my house
00:37:05Is this about Joyce
00:37:07Justin why can't you get over her? She has a fiance
00:37:13Why can't you be with me
00:37:15Selena I'm
00:37:17Forever grateful for your father saving my life
00:37:20And I'll support you financially for as long as you need
00:37:24But there's no future between us
00:37:28And I don't want to have this conversation again
00:37:41Mark yes, it's me. I have something I need you to do for me
00:38:14Spoke did you get my photo?
00:38:16This woman just drug the drink of your guest room last night. What Joyce?
00:38:21Where is she? She's in the bathroom right now at a restaurant. I
00:38:26Don't care what you do. Don't let her drink it
00:38:53I'm so sorry
00:38:56Watch where you're going
00:38:58Do you know how expensive this handbag is? I'm so worth more than your month's rent
00:39:03This is complimentary on the house
00:39:07You ladies enjoy
00:39:16So what's so urgent that you needed to talk to me
00:39:21moving out of Tristan's place I
00:39:24Thought you should know I don't care if you move in or out of his place, right?
00:39:31Look I
00:39:34Just wanted to say sorry for all the things that I've done over the years. I'm moving out of the state
00:39:43To new beginnings
00:40:04I found her. Yeah, this chick's definitely drugged. All right. I got her
00:40:28What the fuck happened last night you wanted to gave drug chicks face fucked up right my guy said they took care of it
00:40:44I'm Selena
00:40:48They saw your girlfriend me post
00:40:52Stage four pancreatic cancer
00:40:58Only three months left to live
00:41:04I want you to do something for me
00:41:08In return
00:41:11I'll give you $50,000 to your wife and kids
00:41:42Need an ambulance, I need an ambulance
00:42:00You did this to my son. Hey, this has nothing to do with Joyce
00:42:11Doctor doctor, how is my son? Is he? Okay. Dr. Nelson is Tristan. Okay
00:42:17This patient is in stable condition
00:42:24I'm afraid I have some bad news
00:42:27What is it
00:42:29It's fine is
00:42:32The damage is extensive
00:42:34He may never walk again. Dr. Nelson. You are the best doctor in the city
00:42:39There has to be something that you can do Joyce
00:42:43You know, you're like a granddaughter to me. I
00:42:45Won't lie to you
00:42:47Right now the best we can hope for is a miracle
00:43:16You're here, how are you better?
00:43:23Why did you save me
00:43:26Finally stopped loving you. I finally moved on
00:43:32You just had to go and do this again you had to go and
00:43:36Save me again
00:43:40Save you again
00:43:47Thank you for saving my fiance
00:43:50I can give you anything you want return. Just name it. I don't want anything. I
00:43:57Didn't save her for you. I
00:44:01Saved her cuz I love her
00:44:10Please don't sue us. We really have no money
00:44:15I'm sure he would come by it because if he wasn't in a coma, mrs. Hart is the wife of that driver. Mr. Beckett
00:44:24I'm so sorry. I
00:44:27Have no idea what Larry would think you could drive away
00:44:31He should have been staying at the hospital
00:44:33Mr. Hart has been staying at our hospital for about a year
00:44:41Larry needs treatment for pancreatic cancer
00:44:44I don't know why he'd come home and try to get the car. He just called me. I'm sorry
00:44:50Maybe we should come back another time
00:44:53The patient needs to rest
00:44:58Wait doctor, will you tell us once mr. Hart wakes up from his coma?
00:45:26Selina what happened to your face? Nothing. It's just a scratch
00:45:38How could this have happened
00:45:40It's Joyce it's her fault. I know you worry about me, but you can't blame Joyce for this
00:45:53But there's
00:45:56Something strange about this
00:45:58strange I
00:46:01Don't know
00:46:03Something feels unnatural
00:46:06I don't worry. We'll talk to the driver when he wakes up
00:46:23Larry Hart is awake. We'll be right over
00:46:38Was I'm sorry I did as you asked but that man
00:46:43He jumped out from the middle of nowhere
00:46:45Do you know what you did?
00:46:47You turn the love of my life into a cripple. I
00:46:53I'm sorry
00:46:55Are you still gonna pay me? I
00:46:58Really need the money. I don't have much longer to live my wife and my kids. They need the money
00:47:05I'll pay you. Yeah, thank you
00:47:10funeral expenses
00:47:15I'm gonna live much longer anyways, and the only man you can keep a secret
00:47:47You've heard
00:47:48We came as soon as we heard he woke up. How could he just die?
00:47:53It can't be a coincidence. Someone wanted him dead. I
00:47:56Saw your girlfriend in the hallway
00:47:59What's her name Selena Selena? She's not my girlfriend. And what are you trying to say?
00:48:04You think she has something to do with this? That's exactly what I'm trying to say. No, I don't think so
00:48:09You know as soon as a lot of things but she's not a murderer
00:48:13Let me pull some strings see if we can get the security footage of the hallways
00:48:26We don't know what she did in there look I I hate to agree
00:48:30But I don't think Selena has it in her to actually kill someone. I might know a different version of her
00:48:36That day she was at the restaurant that my family owns my manager caught her spiking Joyce's drink. What what?
00:48:42Joyce, why didn't you tell me tell you what? I was fine. Nothing happened
00:48:46That's because I the manager make sure you didn't drink it. I tried calling you
00:48:50He didn't pick up remember point is I wouldn't be surprised if this woman is behind everything
00:48:56Let's find out
00:49:13How are you feeling
00:49:17Why were you in Larry hearts hospital room
00:49:23What do you mean I know you were in there
00:49:26Why'd you go see him I just wanted to see the guy who did this to you Selena
00:49:32Have you really got used to lying to me?
00:49:37I'm not like he grew up together. You really think I can't tell when you're lying
00:49:44Just be honest with me just tell me the truth
00:49:49And I'll marry you
00:49:56You'll marry me yes, if you tell me the truth
00:50:01And if you still want to be with me
00:50:04Of course, I want to be with you
00:50:06Why wouldn't I I'm gonna be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life
00:50:12Tristan I would stay with you no matter what. I mean, I'm the one who made you like this
00:50:17So I should be the one who takes care of you
00:50:20What do you mean
00:50:23Tristan please don't be mad
00:50:25I'll tell you everything. Okay. I
00:50:29Asked the driver to hit choice
00:50:33What if I had known that he was gonna hit you I wouldn't have done it
00:50:36So, did you go kill him last night
00:50:40Don't lie to me against Lena
00:50:46Yes, I did
00:50:52Yes, I
00:51:05We've recorded everything you said the police are on their way
00:51:11You set me up
00:51:14And you
00:51:16How could you so what happened to you you're not the girl I used to know anymore
00:51:22What happened to
00:51:26You are what happened to me I
00:51:30Loved you my whole life Tristan
00:51:37You should have married me
00:51:40And my life was perfect before she came
00:51:44Look at her
00:51:47She has a rich family a fiancee
00:51:52And she has
00:51:57What do I have
00:52:00Nothing I
00:52:03Have nothing Selena it doesn't have to be this way
00:52:09I'm the only one
00:52:16And you set me up
00:52:24You say that you love him but he's gonna spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair because of you
00:52:30Is that what you wanted
00:52:52Think I want to be alone
00:52:55If you two don't mind
00:52:58We probably won't see each other again
00:53:01What are you talking about?
00:53:06I know I've been pestering you for a while, but I won't anymore
00:53:10You deserve something better, I'm not walking away you saved my life
00:53:14You lost your legs for me. Just think of it as the price for my redemption for how I treated you during our marriage
00:53:25Joyce is my fiance. I will take care of her
00:53:31We'll get you the best medical experts for your legs and you can always reach out if the Becketts have any trouble in the business
00:54:07I can't marry you. I'm sorry. I still love Tristan. What?
00:54:14You know, I'll do what I promised
00:54:17We can take care of him you don't have to leave me Joyce I
00:54:23Don't want you stuck with me because of guilt
00:54:26You deserve a good man. You are a good man
00:54:31And I'm not doing this out of guilt, but what about me
00:54:36I'm sorry Liam
00:54:38But there's only space in my heart for one
00:54:43Let's see
00:54:49You won
00:55:04You know, I may never walk again
00:55:07Yeah, I know I can't take you bungee jumping or
00:55:12Skiing it's not like you did any of that before
00:55:16You're right
00:55:19I'm sorry
00:55:22I'm sorry for everything. I put you through I
00:55:26Wasn't a good husband before
00:55:34Do you know why I fell in love with you why
00:55:39Do you remember one time you were at the beach and you saved a girl from drowning?
00:55:48Oh wait, that was a decade ago
00:55:54That girl is me no
00:55:59No, wait, that was a decade ago
00:56:04That girl is me
00:56:11I didn't get your name then but I
00:56:15Saw you at a business party and I recognized you I
00:56:20Remember that party. I was wondering why you were staring at me the whole time. Selena was your date. I
00:56:26May have been a little jealous
00:56:33And then that accident happened
00:56:41Got you coffee I
00:56:43Was thinking we could go see a movie
00:56:46Joyce I don't have time for a relationship right now
00:56:59I'll be right there. I have to go
00:57:03I'm Rh negative
00:57:08Will you come to the hospital with me?
00:57:12If you marry me, I'll help you with Selena whenever you want
00:57:24If I had just helped you then maybe you wouldn't have hated me for so long
00:57:29If I had just faced my feelings, you know, none of this would have happened well, it's all in the past
00:57:39Let's face the future together
00:57:44Tristan what are you doing?
00:57:50Don't leave me again, I don't care
00:57:58I love you Joyce. I love you too, Tristan
00:58:27I'll let you in
00:58:29your butler
00:58:31Okay, just because I said that we could give this a try doesn't mean you can come into my house whenever you want
00:58:36Oh, come on. I got you a gift. I want to show you
00:58:41What is it? Come with me and find out it's a surprise
00:58:52Liam why am I staring at a fridge?
00:58:57I got you a new fridge
00:59:00Is this your idea of romantic
00:59:04Open it
00:59:30All my life I've done what my family's wanted
00:59:33I've even sacrificed relationships for business alliances
00:59:37but then I met you and
00:59:40The first time in forever I was happy to do what my family wants
00:59:46You don't mind that I'm divorced
00:59:49Past is the past
00:59:52We'll have skeletons in our closet. I
00:59:55Care about the future
00:59:58our future
01:00:00I promise to take care of you
01:00:02Will you give me the chance?
01:00:12Okay, really really Joyce
01:00:44Thank you
01:00:46And now we need to find you a man
01:00:49How's that going? Well, there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you
01:00:54What is that face? I know that face
01:01:05Dating my best friend
01:01:07Since when I need all of the deeds maybe later, but first there's someone here to see you
01:01:21Here a wedding gift
01:01:23Thanks, I didn't expect you to come wouldn't miss it for the world believe it or not Joyce I'm happy for you
01:01:31How's your leg better?
01:01:34Doctors say it might be able to stand in the future good
01:01:41Hey Liam, I'm not here to steal the bride. I wouldn't let you anyways. I just came to give my blessings
01:01:48Treat her well
01:01:50Don't you the way I did?
01:01:53I won't
