Rotocalco n. 30 del 24 luglio 2024

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Adnkronos Q&A, un dibattito attivo sul raggiungimento dell’equilibro vita-lavoro; Aiam: presentato rapporto annuale sulle attività musicali in Italia e all’estero; Patronato Inca: colpo di calore è infortunio su lavoro, con aumento temperature crescono rischi; Omg e Lega Serie A presentano studio su attenzione pubblicità durante eventi calcistici.


00:00ADN Kronos Questions and Answers, an active debate on the achievement of work-life balance.
00:21IAM, presented the annual report on musical activities in Italy and abroad.
00:28Patronato Inca, heat stroke and unemployment, increasing temperature, increasing risks.
00:34OMG and Lega Serie A present the study on attention and advertising during football events.
00:41The attention to people in the world of work must have a broad perspective, not only women and men, but also mothers, fathers, caregivers and diversity to include.
00:56In this sense, institutions and companies can do a lot.
01:00It has been discussed in the course of the new ADN Kronos Questions and Answers appointment, the care of people, on the occasion of the World People's Day.
01:10A working morning, which took place at the Palazzo dell'Informazione in Rome, focused on some main themes.
01:17The work-life balance, the search for a balance, gender equality and parental leave.
01:23Elion is a company that takes care of the well-being of people.
01:27With this policy of fully equal parental leave, we want to promote gender equality.
01:34We want every employee, who is a parent and can live within their family, to be able to experience parenthood.
01:43It is a policy that applies to fathers and mothers, in any type of family, in any type of child, arrives in the family.
01:51Up to 26 weeks, fully reimbursed, which can also be taken by both parents, if both are Elion employees.
01:59To achieve optimal corporate welfare, it is necessary to achieve certain goals.
02:05I would say that we start from the quality of the work environment, to reach training and re-qualification,
02:12to initiatives of integrated health care, complementary prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyles.
02:19Attention, from this point of view, to the most fragile figures, to the disabled, to children, to women,
02:27who tend to have more discontinuous careers, to the elderly, and we talk a lot about silver economy in this sense.
02:33Welfare and work-life balance must be aimed at achieving all these goals.
02:39For Merchitalia, the most important axis is the one made up of people.
02:44For this reason, the company is committed to the search for a work-life balance to measure for its employees.
02:51We at Merchitalia start a program called Merfertility, where 98% of our employees can benefit from help
03:00in the whole process of fertility for themselves and their families.
03:05This is an example of the commitment we make to help our employees in their personal life.
03:13Lundbeck Italia, on the one hand, is committed through culture to make its employees understand
03:19what it means to work in a serene climate, where it is possible to reconcile personal life with working life.
03:27On the other hand, we have projects that support people from a psychological well-being point of view,
03:34by activating a psychological door that takes into account different issues,
03:39including the issue of parental age, the issue of organization of work,
03:43as well as a platform that we have launched this year on self-coaching,
03:48which transforms the skills of people who require an organization in the field of work,
03:57knowing how to transform what can be obstacles or difficulties,
04:02or big changes that are there on a personal level, into opportunities to bring also in the field of work.
04:10Almost 1,900,000 viewers in 2023.
04:14A strong contribution from the private sector against the following resources of the European Union,
04:18despite the musical activities, contribute to increase the GDP.
04:21These are the key points of the annual report on musical activities in Italy and abroad,
04:26curated by the Italian Association of Musical Activities and presented to the Ministry of Culture.
04:30The report highlights significant numbers that are based on the appeal of President IAM Francesco Antonio Pollice
04:37to increase the national show fund from the living up to 1% of GDP.
04:41Culture is an economic propeller.
04:43Every euro invested by the State generates three in return,
04:46then said Pollice highlighting the overall economic impact of musical activities,
04:51which include costs of labor equal to 64 million euros
04:54and transfers to the State of more than 76% of the allocated import.
04:59We have a ministerial contribution of the national show fund from the living of 20 million euros,
05:04our Cuban budget 100 million euros,
05:07we spend for musical work more than three times the contribution that the FUS gives us,
05:12about 65 million euros.
05:14We work in all regions of Italy with almost 11,000 concerts,
05:18with an audience of about 1,900,000 spectators.
05:22We believe that based on the data we have, they are the most representative in Italy.
05:27The event saw the participation of prominent institutional figures,
05:31including Deputy Secretary Gianmarco Mazzi,
05:33who underlined the importance of music as a motor of culture and social cohesion,
05:37but also important economic and occupational reality.
05:40Welcome these numbers.
05:42I am here today to hear how they are commented.
05:45They are an important instrument also for the Ministry,
05:48but above all they are an important instrument for the whole music community,
05:52to try to be heard and respected at the tables that then decide the distribution of resources,
05:58among which we are also evidently, but we know them well.
06:02The sector is in full resumption, with very high percentages of success,
06:06then underlined Federico Mollicone, President of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
06:11It is a very important phase, as you know, we have the approval in a few days
06:16also to the Chamber of the extension of the delegation for the live show,
06:19which we are making fly, because it is a necessary extension,
06:22not from a delay of the government, but precisely from this phase of listening
06:27that had never been done before, including the categories of the live show and music,
06:33just to listen, collect all the indications and write a decree,
06:39a new code of the show that can contemplate them all.
06:43The report also placed the emphasis on private entries, equal to 16.5 million euros,
06:48follow the sponsorships and private contributions,
06:51and the distribution of bank foundations and art bonus.
06:54It requires, instead, the resources from the European Union, with only 217,000 euros.
06:59However, the report highlights significant criticism,
07:02such as the lack of musical structures in many regions,
07:05especially in the south and in the islands,
07:07disparity due to the lack of theaters, orchestras and concert companies.
07:14Working at high temperatures, both outdoors and indoors, can be dangerous,
07:19and when hit by a sudden heat stroke,
07:22this event is considered an accident at work.
07:25It should be remembered that it is the ICA-CGL,
07:28which underlines how during heat waves, accidents at work increase.
07:32We are doing a training in training,
07:35because everything that derives from extreme temperatures,
07:39from the heat stroke to thermal stress,
07:42we must say with force that it is an accident at work.
07:47While too often today we underestimate the risks,
07:51we underestimate the symptoms,
07:53the heat stroke, the extreme temperatures,
07:56can be suffered by both workers who work outdoors,
08:00so dwellers, buildings, drives,
08:02but also those who work indoors,
08:05in the open, extremely exposed to heat.
08:08If we think of foundries,
08:10or if we think of sectors where there are cooks,
08:13or where the temperatures are high,
08:16there workers are strongly exposed to getting sick,
08:20let's say, to have the injury caused by the heat stroke,
08:24by the thermal stress.
08:26There have been deaths due to the heat stroke,
08:29so it is important to prevent,
08:31it is important to tell the workers to stop,
08:34call for emergency assistance,
08:36and then come to the ICA-CGL to put in place the right protection
08:39for the recognition of the heat stroke injury,
08:42or heat stress in general.
08:44And for the employer,
08:45the phenomenon of injuries and professional illnesses
08:48is underestimated compared to the actual size of the country.
08:51The labour market,
08:53represented by a very large share of precarious work,
08:57seasonal work,
08:59involuntary part-time work,
09:02unfortunately often leads workers
09:05to not put in place the path for recognition
09:09of the damage caused by work,
09:11that is, to give up the right to health
09:14for the right to work,
09:16because they are afraid of denouncing an injury
09:19or of starting a path for a professional illness
09:23that perhaps that worker
09:27will not be called back
09:29after the end of the part-time contract.
09:31From our point of view,
09:33in the entire national territory,
09:35with our exporters,
09:37we touch this element with our hands
09:39and we have to say that the right to work
09:42and the right to health
09:44are two elements that must be on the same level.
09:48They cannot be in opposition.
09:51And INCA-CGL reminds that the employer
09:53is ready to support workers
09:55in the prevention of injuries
09:57and in the recognition of their protections.
09:59What we do as the employer of the CGL
10:04is to inform in a continuous and constant way
10:08in the entire national territory,
10:10also through targeted training courses,
10:13talking based on the sector
10:16of what risks the worker is exposed to.
10:20Risks that can lead to injury.
10:22We were talking about the heat stroke.
10:24For example, underestimating the symptoms
10:28can also lead to and even increase injuries,
10:32because less attention is paid
10:35and this can lead to an increase in injuries.
10:42That Italians love football is certainly not a mystery,
10:45but in what way and with how much dedication do they follow it?
10:48What is the level of attention to advertising stimuli?
10:51To reveal this in the study promoted by Omnicom Media Group
10:53and Lega Serie A,
10:55whose results were illustrated in the press conference
10:57when La Comunicazione scored
10:59the attention to advertising messages
11:01in the most beloved sport in Italy,
11:03with the Milanese headquarters of the highest Italian football category.
11:06The study is part of the largest project
11:09of Omnicom Media Group, Beyond Visual Attention,
11:11the first study in Europe
11:13that has integrated machine learning, AI and neurosciences
11:15to measure the attention to advertising stimuli.
11:18We focus on how we can really bring to success
11:22the marketing and communication projects of our customers.
11:27We can only do this if the communication
11:30that we bring to people is really effective.
11:35At the base, one of the fundamental elements
11:37of the effectiveness of communication
11:39is attention.
11:41In 2024, given also the Europeans,
11:43there could not be a better opportunity
11:45to deepen attention
11:48in the context of sport,
11:50and particularly football.
11:52Football is in fact a sport
11:54that represents a universal language,
11:56transversal to generations and the media of fruition.
11:59For these reasons, football is also a very effective ecosystem
12:02to invest in communication.
12:04The research comes from the need to show
12:07to the market, to investors,
12:09how football is in fact a media comparable to television.
12:13And what the research shows perfectly
12:16is how the level of constant attention
12:19over time, during fruition,
12:21is particularly high.
12:23And so, in a way,
12:25a system of tools is being built
12:27that media centers and companies
12:29will be able to use to support
12:31the logic of investment.
12:33To lead the study, which involved
12:35a champion of 4,000 senior Italians,
12:37was Anna Lect,
12:39the Intelligence and Data Analytics division
12:41of Omnicom Media Group.
12:43Here are the main results.
12:44Consider that about 34 million Italians
12:47follow football,
12:49that is, 69% of the senior population.
12:53All generations follow football,
12:55each generation obviously
12:57has peculiar means, elective means,
13:00for which television is the master,
13:03with 82% of the people
13:05who follow football on television.
13:07But we have a large population
13:09that follows football on the radio,
13:11reads the newspapers
13:13and follows it through social media.
13:25Omnicom Media Group
13:26Omnicom Media Group
