What I Been Through For 3 Years 2 Months

  • 3 months ago
Hello everyone on here, this video well explain what i been going on what i been through behind the scenes for 3 years and 2 months i'm going to go and let this video explain to you so u guys and gals won't be in the dark!

anyway take it away video?

and if u did like this video please give it a like, comment down below what you think and please leave positive comments no negativity and Bye Love ya'll and God Bless You All.

p.s I'm sorry that i have to go through this or anyone have to go through this situation i been through but much worst.


00:00Hi everyone, it's great to be back on Facebook and YouTube.
00:14Sorry that it's been taking me quite a while to upload a video, especially the Spirals
00:22and the Crash Bandicoot of Raptor Cortex.
00:27I've been taking a July break because I needed to have time for myself and I'm going to let
00:37y'all know I will be back on the 26th on Friday to do a gameplay of Spiral.
00:54I know a lot of my subscribers know about this, especially my friend, and I've been
01:10facing this problem, can I say problem twice, and it's getting kind of a little bit annoying
01:24if you wanted to say annoying, I've been having this problem with this number 1 disliker causing
01:38around mischief, pressing dislikes on about 6 of my videos, don't even deserve it, which
01:47that's probably why he probably didn't think of wanting to go press the back button if
01:54he doesn't like it, hint hint hint, but you do realize, even though I hid the likes and
02:03dislikes, I can only see them, and the way that you're pressing the dislikes, it doesn't
02:12even prove a thing, 9 subscriber number 1 disliker that's been harassing me for 3 years
02:22and 2 months, I'm getting kind of tired, feel like I'm in a deja vu all over again
02:31because of your stupid mischief on YouTube and bullying me off of YouTube, it's not going
02:39to work, I already promised myself I am not going to take down my videos, and why do you
02:48hate me so much, I'm getting sick and tired of you, I can't even live in peace, I can't
02:56even upload a piece, upload things on YouTube, what is your problem with me, I apologize
03:06so much to you, and you still have that jealousy in your eye, don't even want to accept it,
03:13and don't even want to move on, what is your problem, quit hiding behind that stupid computer
03:21and learn to type, you number 1 disliker, I don't know if I'm the only one that's having
03:29this problem with the number 1 disliker, and I hope I'm not the only one, but for me, I'm
03:35getting sick of it, I've been sick of this for 3 years and 2 months, and you also got
03:44to think, you're not even following the YouTube guideline, it said about harassment and bullying,
03:54and you're breaking it, whoever you are, non-subscriber, number 1 disliker that's been hitting my
04:03dislikes, you don't read the rules, it seems like you don't even care, you don't even care,
04:16and you definitely don't even care about me, I can see it, I've been seeing that for 3
04:22years and 2 months, I'm just an uploader, I'm just a YouTuber, and I have a good heart,
04:33and I'm just not trying to get people to be my friend, I just want them to enjoy my
04:40videos that they seem might be cozy for them, and I love all the people on this hand that
04:50are good supporters, like everything I do, and are great in their own way, these people
04:59on this hand are good, but these people on this hand that are bullies, trolls, haters,
05:09mean, and cruel, these people right here need to be taught a lesson on respect, need to
05:19be taught a lesson on how to be nice to one another, and quit bullying these people on
05:31this hand, need to quit bullying them, because it's stupid, I see the dislike on my analysis,
05:46and I know it's a non-subscriber, because I've been seeing it every single time I click on that,
05:52it's a non-subscriber, and I remember one of them is a male, I don't know their age, it said
06:0018-35, but I don't know which one you are, non-subscriber, number 1 disliker, and I'm going
06:13to put my foot down, my foot down, I don't want you on my YouTube channel, I want you to take off
06:21your dislikes off of my YouTube channel, and go away, because it's bothering me, it's been
06:29bothering me for since 3 years and 2 months, and I'm getting sick of it, you don't know how much
06:35pain and suffering I have to go through this for 3 years and 2 months, it makes me depressed,
06:43and sometimes I feel like I want to cry, and sometimes I'm trying to ignore it, what people
06:55been telling me that I gave advice from, but it's hard, because I see you, number 1 disliker,
07:05shoving a dislike in front of my face, like doing that to my face on my YouTube channel,
07:15and causing mischief, causing trouble, I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this dislikes from
07:23you, I don't deserve it, and I wish you wouldn't have no problem with me, I wish we can just forgive
07:31and forget, and just learn to accept each other, but is that ever going to happen? No, because you
07:42just got too much jealousy in your eyes, I don't even know if you know that you got so much jealousy
07:48in your eyes, that you cannot even think straight, what you are doing that is wrong, you seem like you
07:56don't even care, and it feels like your heart is full of stone, it's ice cold, I'm worried about you,
08:07and I care about you, but you don't even feel like you don't even care about me at all, and I see it,
08:15every single day, that I always check my YouTube channel, to make sure there ain't no copyright strike,
08:22or nothing, dislikes, and then here comes you, mostly coming along, and pressing dislike, and not even
08:32subscribe to me, I wish you didn't, I wish that you didn't hate me, I wish that me and you wouldn't have to
08:42go through all this, because it's just pointless fighting, it's just dumb, and my heart is, I feel like I'm an
08:51inside out character, fighting inside my head, what is going on, and sometimes I just don't understand, I just
09:00don't understand why you're doing this to me, I just don't understand why, I just don't understand, I just
09:09don't understand why you're doing this to me, number one disliker, I just don't understand, and I needed to get
09:17this off my chest, I need to get this off, into a topic video, because I've been having this problem, for three
09:27years, and two months, and it's still going strongly today, I know, I know people cannot do anything about it, I
09:36understand, that's fine, but I just, but I'm just showing, I'm just telling you what's been going on, so y'all won't
09:46be leave, leave in the dark, what's not going on, you can tell, I'm shaking like a leaf, you can tell, and I'm not
09:55making myself shake, it's actually, I'm shaking like a leaf, on this conversation that I'm having, because I've been,
10:04I just cannot deal with this anymore, over this fighting, this argument, the disliking got no proof for, even though I
10:18hid it, so it doesn't really do anything, only thing I care about is the views and the likes, that's the only two
10:27things I care about, because likes is good, and views are great, but the dislikes, it doesn't matter to me, I know you
10:36don't care, I know you definitely don't care about whatever I have to say, because you stop in the middle of the video, and
10:43press the dislike, and you don't even watch the full thing, and you don't, that's not how you, that's not how you get
10:51views, that's not how you enjoy things, you're supposed to watch the full thing, and then you're supposed to have an
10:59opinion, if you like it or not, you don't stop in the middle of it, like around 7 seconds, before you even got into the
11:07video, that's not how it works, mystery, number one disliker, use your common sense, use your brain, and leave me alone, I've
11:20been saying it so many times, leave me alone, but you won't, you won't leave me alone, for some stupid reason, I'm sorry that
11:30you hate me, I'm sorry that you can't like me, but you need to leave me alone, I'm getting sick and tired of you harassing me,
11:43bullying me, behind the YouTube, even though you're not following the YouTube guidelines, I really wish that me and you could be
11:57friends, I wish that we could put our differences aside, and forgive, and forget, and let's just move on, away from this, I know you
12:16probably don't even believe in God, but I'm going to tell you, he is real, his eyes is everywhere, and by the way, God knows what
12:26you've been doing, he knows how you're treating one of the children of God, and I am one of them, and also, he sees you, what you are
12:41doing to one of his children, cause I am a believer, I am a Christian, and I do believe in God, and Jesus, and I have a heart, a good heart, kinda like
13:00Bridget, when she was younger, on that Descendants of the Rise of Red, that feel like that movie spoke to me, because I feel like I am Bridget, in that movie, and you hating on me, for no reason, at all, and I'm getting tired of your
13:26mischief, I'm getting tired of your cruel ways against me, I am tired of it, I am tired of it, and I know that this video is going to get disliked by that number one disliker, I already sense it, I already know, cause like I've been proving in this video, it's the proof that this person don't even watch the full thing, to know what I'm saying, and I have a feeling that he's going to
13:55press dislike, and probably won't comment, I can prove it, right here, right now, after I get done with this video, here comes this non-subscriber, number one disliker, come in, saw this video, see a little bit about it, and then he's going to press dislike, and then he's just going to go on in magically,
14:23magical ways, and don't even leave no comment, underneath, underneath this video, watch, and if I'm wrong, I will say I'm wrong, because if I see him, if I see him comment underneath this video, then, then I, then I'm wrong, but, if I, if I don't see his comment,
14:52I might be right, and you'll know that I'm right, anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say in this video, I've been, I've been having this arraignment, for three years, and two months, and it's still going strong today, and I just wanted to fill y'all, fill y'all subscribers in, what's been going on, on YouTube, and Facebook, if y'all see this too,
15:21you know what's going on, and I'm just, to be honest, I'm just tired, I'm just tired, tired of this, and I'm just tired, that's all I am, just tired, what this person is doing to me, they think that they're so cool, it's kind of like listening to them over and over,
15:46but all I can say is, they better watch their back, because karma, because karma is a, and, and it will strike you, whatever you are, so I'm gonna say, you better watch out, non-describer, number one disliker, you better watch out, because karma can bite you, really, really hard,
16:13anyway, that's what I've been going through, I've been having this issue for a very long time, and I'm just sick of it, and I just wanted to fill y'all in, what's going on, and I'm sorry that I have to go through all this, deeply in my heart, I'm sorry that I have to go through all this, and that's pretty much it, so, anyway, if y'all enjoyed this video,
16:42please give it a thumbs up, comment down below what y'all think, press the subscribe button, and I'll see you in the next video, on the 26th, when I do the Spyro gameplay, I'm gonna go ahead and finish up the Dreamweaver world, I'm sorry that it took me so long, I've been taking a lot of break, and I've been thinking about what's been going on, for so long, when I was on my break,
17:10and thank y'all, all likers, supporters, that's been supporting my videos, and liking them, for what they are, and I love y'all for that, and I'll see you in the next video, on that day, bye!
