insta empire episode 151

  • 2 months ago


00:00He says that when God gives, he gives with all his heart, but when he takes, he takes with all his heart.
00:08Something similar was happening with Vipul as well.
00:10If you ask me, what will a monitor do?
00:13It's better to save money than to show off.
00:16Vipul was just thinking about it when Nandini took two steps forward
00:21and said with full attitude,
00:24Let me hear.
00:25Let me call Mr. Kartik.
00:27As soon as this word came out of Nandini's mouth, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
00:32Nandini Ahuja, you must have heard the name.
00:35She belongs to the richest family in Delhi.
00:38For her, taking the biggest room in Hotel Prime Star is not a big deal.
00:42It's a piece of cake.
00:44Ms. Nandini, I'm really very sorry.
00:46I didn't know that this hotel has such rules.
00:49Otherwise, we would have chosen some other place.
00:51I had no intention of troubling you.
00:54With a flattering smile on his face, Vipul said,
00:57Don't even talk about Nandini's beauty, sir.
01:00Wherever she goes, people keep looking at her.
01:04The eyes of the receptionist of Hotel Prime Star were also fixed on Nandini.
01:08And she was not taking the name of moving away from him.
01:11If you know our boss, you can call him.
01:14In a low voice, the receptionist said,
01:17Nandini did not pay any attention to that receptionist.
01:20He immediately took out his phone and dialed Kartik's number.
01:24Since Nandini is from Delhi and she doesn't know much about Surat,
01:29the Ahuja family had provided her the number of the famous people of Surat before coming here.
01:34In a few seconds, Kartik rejected the call.
01:37Everyone was shocked to see this.
01:40Kartik was also one of the top figures of Surat.
01:42But how could he dare to cut the call of the daughter of the Ahuja family?
01:49I'm sorry, miss.
01:50Please understand our problem.
01:52Although you know the boss,
01:54I can't open that room for you without his permission.
01:58The staff member…
04:18What do you want to do?
04:28Stand quietly.
04:30Don't you feel ashamed that people will laugh at you?
04:34Will make fun of you?
04:35Don't you care?
04:37Or have you become used to all this now?
04:40Gaurav also humiliated Naksha.
04:42After seeing and hearing all this, everyone's attention was now on Naksha.
04:46The girls couldn't control themselves and started laughing loudly.
04:50And the rest of the boys were looking at Naksha like some stupid fool.
04:55Most of the people had gone to Surat city and they were not coming here for the first time.
05:00But before this, they had never come here with such a big group.
05:04And they didn't know anything about the room on the first floor.
05:07The hotel staff had made it clear to them how difficult it is to make a VIP membership card.
05:13Forget VIP, an ordinary membership card was worth 2 crores.
05:17So imagine how much a VIP card would have cost.
05:20And here it was not just about money,
05:22it was about status, which Naksha did not have at all.
05:25This is what these people felt.
05:28If this is the case, then what is the use of Naksha's base card?
05:32Now if you are saying that this is a base card, then fine, I will keep it inside.
05:37Saying this, Naksha started keeping that card in her wallet.
05:40Then suddenly Vipul stopped her.
05:42No, wait, now that you have already taken out your card,
05:46then why are you in such a hurry to keep it inside?
05:49Vipul did not want to miss this opportunity.
05:51He wanted to attract everyone's attention towards Naksha,
05:54so that he could humiliate Naksha in front of everyone and make fun of her.
05:59Let the staff see what use your card is to us.
06:04As soon as this word came out of Vipul's mouth,
06:07everyone looked at Naksha with a smile and started enjoying the show.
06:11But as soon as Naksha moved her card forward,
06:14the hotel staff members were shocked.
06:17Their faces turned yellow.
06:19With trembling hands, a female staff member took Naksha's card.
06:24She was sure that the card was the same card about which Kartik had mentioned to her once.
06:30The hotel staff knew all the cards well,
06:34but they did not know much about the supreme cards.
06:37Because Kartik had only issued 5 cards in that category.
06:42And one was with Naksha.
06:44However, when he put the number of that card on his computer,
06:47he would know everything very well.
06:50And then Naksha would be no less than a god for him.
06:54As soon as the staff members checked the number of Naksha's card,
06:57their faces turned yellow.
07:00Suddenly, that female employee said in fear,
07:03Sir, is this card really yours?
07:06Why? What's the matter?
07:08Naksha was shocked and thought,
07:10It should be mine.
07:12Kartik has not given me that card.
07:14What if he gives me another card by mistake?
07:17That staff member did not answer Naksha's question.
07:20Instead, he stepped straight towards Naksha.
07:23He bowed slightly and respectfully said to Naksha,
07:27I am sorry, sir.
07:28I did not know that you are the supreme card owner of our hotel.
07:31Whatever I said before,
07:33please don't take it to your heart.
07:35How could the people present there stay calm after hearing this?
07:39How did Naksha's bus card suddenly become the supreme card of Hotel Prime Star?
07:44The joke is getting too much, isn't it?
07:47On one hand, everyone was watching Naksha in amazement.
07:50On the other hand, there were many possibilities in their minds.
07:54Is it possible that that scoundrel stole that card from the Zaveri family?
07:58Are you a fool?
08:00Didn't you hear what that lady said?
08:02She has the supreme card.
08:04The Zaveri family is a small family.
08:06They are included in the list of rich people of Surat.
08:09But their number will be in the 30s.
08:11Can they afford that card?
08:14Then how did Naksha get this card?
08:17Sumit immediately opened his mouth and said,
08:20Naksha, this card…
08:22But before Sumit could say anything,
08:25Naksha said to the hotel staff member,
08:28Can you open that big private room now?
08:31Of course, please give me a minute.
08:34Saying this, that girl immediately asked her colleague to open that room.
08:38Although she could easily tell by looking at the clothes of Vipul and the rest of the people
08:43that they are from a very rich family.
08:45But looking at Naksha's shabby clothes, she was completely confused.
08:49She did not expect that the person wearing such clothes
08:52would have the supreme card of her hotel.
08:55That female staff member who was attending her from the beginning,
08:59was now afraid to go to Naksha
09:01because she had offended her.
09:04But she can still solve the matter
09:06by giving good hospitality to Naksha.
09:09Soon that room was booked in the name of Naksha
09:12and gradually everyone reached the first floor.
09:15Sir, here is your card.
09:18I hope you will like the food.
09:21Please enjoy your dinner.
09:23That girl said with full respect
09:25and gave the card to Naksha and left that room.
09:28I don't understand since when your luck has become so good?
09:32You got such a card while looking for garbage?
09:35After leaving the staff room,
09:37Vipul started making fun of Naksha again.
09:40Hearing Vipul's words, the rest of the people also started commenting on Naksha.
09:44They all thought that Vipul was right.
09:47How can a useless person like Naksha
09:49get the supreme card of this hotel?
09:51Either she has stolen someone's card
09:53or she has got it from somewhere.
09:56Naksha cannot get this card in a legitimate way.
09:59This was the opinion of these people.
10:02Okay, if this is the case,
10:04then why don't you also pick up such a card from the garbage?
10:07Naksha said in a stern manner.
10:09At the same time, Naksha realized
10:12that these people are not worthy of her friendship.
10:15First of all, she helped these people
10:17and instead of saying thank you,
10:19she was making fun of Naksha.
10:21Leave it, she is not of her level.
10:24There is no use of talking to her
10:26and neither is there any use of doing good to her.
10:28So go to hell, people.
10:30We eat food and leave from here.
10:33Thinking this, Naksha calmed her anger.
10:37After that, Vipul did not pay attention to Naksha.
10:40Instead, while walking towards the door,
10:42he called out to two waiters
10:44and asked them to bring the menu.
10:46Within a minute, they got a lot of menus.
10:49Since Pratibha was also there in this dinner party,
10:52they could not order directly.
10:54Pratibha's permission was necessary.
10:56Madam, you are our teacher.
10:58You order.
11:00Being generous, Vipul said,
11:02This is not a school.
11:04You don't need to be so disciplined.
11:06We have come here to have fun.
11:08Whoever wants to eat, can order.
11:11Pratibha said, while moving the menu towards others.
11:14Two aspects of this dinner were visible
11:16that needed to be considered.
11:19In this party, Nandini Ahuja was present from Delhi
11:21who was very rich
11:23and she had no interest in looking at the menu
11:25or ordering food.
11:27On the other hand, there was a useless son-in-law
11:29of the Zaveri family
11:31whom everyone had thrown in a corner
11:33and the menu was not even reaching him.
11:35I don't know who, but suddenly
11:37someone looked at the menu and said,
11:39Wow, there is Lafite 1962 here.
11:43We can't find such a wine anywhere else.
11:45Lafite 1962.
11:47Did you remember anything?
11:49Didn't you?
11:51If you didn't, you will remember.
11:53We will remind you.
11:55Because now there is going to be
11:57another incident with this wine.
11:59By the way, what will that incident be?
12:01Between whom will it be?
12:03And against whom will it be?
12:05Will Naksh be humiliated and bullied like this?
12:07Will Naksh be able to bear all this?
12:09Or will the hero of tonight
12:11prove to be Naksh?
12:13But if this happens, what will be the
12:15implications for the future?
12:17How will Naksh become a hero?
12:19Will our hero win tomorrow's election?
12:21What are his limits?
12:23To know all this, listen to
12:25Insta Empire.
12:27Only on Pocket FM.