insta empire episode 155

  • 2 months ago


00:00Idiot, have you gone mad? When did I ask you about your camping event?
00:09Atul Bansal's anger had reached the seventh heaven. His breathing was getting faster.
00:15If you like the camping event there, then stay. If you don't like it, then come back here. I don't care.
00:22Dad, don't worry. I am perfectly fine. Just transfer some money.
00:28In an awkward manner, Vipul said,
00:30You want money? Fine. I am ready to give you two crores.
00:35But remember, you won't get a single penny for the next one year.
00:39If you can survive, then do it. Otherwise, come back here. I can take good care of you at home.
00:45In anger, Atul said,
00:48Because of a son like you, my chest always hurts. I don't know when I will get an attack because of you.
00:56After venting out his anger, Atul cut the call.
00:59And Vipul pretended to look at his classmates with a smile.
01:03Haha, even my dad worries me a lot. I have to tell him that I am perfectly fine.
01:11As soon as the word came out of Vipul's mouth, Vipul's phone vibrated.
01:16Looks like Atul Bansal had transferred two crores.
01:20Shit man, after getting two crores, now I have only five crores in my account.
01:25The bill here is three crores and forty lakhs.
01:27That means I will have to take out one crore and sixty lakhs for the whole year.
01:32While paying the dinner party bill, Vipul was talking in a low voice.
01:37Because everyone had drunk wine, so they couldn't bribe.
01:41So they were sitting in the hall and waiting for their pick-up to come.
01:45Then suddenly someone said to Pratibha,
01:48Pratibha madam, after taking that heaven pill, are you feeling anything from inside?
01:54No, maybe the medicinal effects of that pill have not yet started working in the body.
02:00Pratibha said in a low voice.
02:03As soon as the word came out of Pratibha's mouth, everyone in the hall were left alone.
02:09Vipul had said that after taking the heaven pill, the body gets five times more strength.
02:15But forget the strength here, the pill had not even started working yet.
02:20Is it possible that Naksh is right?
02:23Isn't that pill a heaven pill?
02:25As soon as some people thought of this, they started looking at Naksh in a serious way.
02:32Sumit, who brought lemon water for Vipul, suddenly said in a loud voice,
02:38I think there is only one Vipul in the whole camping event,
02:41who has the courage to spend 3 crores 40 lakhs in a dinner party.
02:45As soon as the word came out of Sumit's mouth, everyone's attention went to Vipul.
02:51Although everyone knew that Sumit was trying to impress or make Vipul happy,
02:57but what he said was true.
03:00After hearing Sumit's words, Vipul felt very good inside.
03:04The pain of 3 crores that was happening in his heart, gave him a little relief.
03:10Soon the family sent drivers to pick up their children and slowly the hall became empty.
03:17Those who could take a taxi, took a taxi and some Nawabzadeh went drinking and driving.
03:24The children who had come from another city and there was no one to pick them up,
03:28the rest of the children gave them a lift in their luxurious car,
03:31but no one asked Naksh to come with them.
03:34Leave this, no one even said bye to Naksh on the way.
03:39But in total, today's dinner party was very successful
03:43and everyone made light relationships with each other.
03:46Pratibha ma'am, I told you that she is not real,
03:50either it will not affect or it will have a bad effect, but you did not listen to me.
03:56Smiling, Naksh said, now only Naksh and Pratibha were left in the hall,
04:01what do you know about pills?
04:04Making a face, Pratibha said,
04:06I know everything from spirit pill to evil pill and from key pill to double key pill,
04:13I even know about love pill, ma'am.
04:16As soon as Naksh said this word, Pratibha's face was left open.
04:23Let me drop you to the camping event, then I will go to my home from there.
04:27Saying this, Naksh started walking towards the door.
04:30But Pratibha was completely shocked and did not understand how she would react.
04:36From Pratibha's point of view, she had also kept Naksh in the category of useless children.
04:42According to her, Naksh does not know anything and he has come here to learn about pills.
04:48But what will happen by just learning?
04:51To buy those pills, you have to pay a high price.
04:54Now Naksh will not have it, but since he has paid the camping event fee,
04:59so he is also his student for Pratibha.
05:02But more than this, Pratibha had not thought about Naksh or anything about him.
05:07But as soon as Naksh showed Pratibha his real face,
05:11Pratibha was left stunned.
05:14She understood that she should not take Naksh lightly.
05:19Sitting in the car, Pratibha could not be stopped.
05:22And she immediately asked Naksh,
05:24Naksh, tell me the truth, who is your master?
05:29Pratibha wanted to know how Naksh knew about these pills.
05:33Who told her?
05:35If Naksh is interested in pills, then has he taken those pills?
05:39Along with this, Pratibha had another fear in her mind.
05:42Heaven pill! Did Naksh say the right thing about that pill?
05:47Pratibha ma'am, since when did you have so much interest in me?
05:51Naksh smiled and said and focused on his driving.
05:55I just want to know who is your master,
05:58who told you about those pills?
06:01And how much do you know about those pills?
06:04Pratibha was shocked and she did not want to hide anything from Naksh.
06:08Now what does Naksh answer this question?
06:11She herself does not know who is her master, her godfather.
06:15That brother just stayed with Naksh for 15 days
06:18and taught Naksh how to refine some important pills.
06:23He still does not have any address
06:25and neither has he tried to contact Naksh.
06:29Pratibha ma'am, it is not necessary that everyone has a master.
06:32I am my master.
06:34I do not need anyone.
06:36And I have as much knowledge as I need about some pills.
06:40And there is no need to learn.
06:42In a stern manner, Naksh answered Pratibha
06:45and showed her that she should not make the mistake of underestimating her.
06:48After listening to Naksh, Pratibha became completely speechless
06:52and started looking at Naksh with a deep look.
06:55Taking a deep breath, Pratibha said,
06:58I am sorry Naksh, I misunderstood you.
07:02But now that I have come to know that you have a good knowledge of pills,
07:06I want you to attend the lectures even better.
07:10In these 5 years, you will get a chance to understand many more pills.
07:15And with this, you can bring a lot of betterment in your life.
07:18Of course ma'am.
07:20When the time comes, we will talk about this even better.
07:23Saying this, Naksh's style was very casual.
07:26Pratibha wanted to say something
07:28but could not match Naksh's expectations.
07:31However, her facial expressions suddenly changed
07:34and she started sweating.
07:37Pratibha ma'am, what happened to you?
07:40Naksh immediately slowed down the car
07:42and while talking on the side of the road said,
07:45I am absolutely fine.
07:47You keep driving.
07:49Maybe I have been drinking wine after a long time
07:52and that is why I am feeling a little uncomfortable.
07:54Pratibha said while lowering her spit from her throat.
07:59Shocked, Naksh said and started looking at Pratibha.
08:02Seeing her behavior and her appearance,
08:05Naksh understood that all this is not happening because of the wine.
08:08You drive the car.
08:10Anyway, we are late.
08:12You have to leave me and go home.
08:14Pratibha tried to keep herself calm
08:17because Pratibha insisted that she is absolutely fine.
08:20So how could Naksh force her?
08:23About an hour later, Naksh also reached home.
08:26After reaching home, Naksh saw that Anika and Chitra had both gone to sleep.
08:30Naksh immediately went to the study room
08:32and took out the book given by Miss Julie from his luggage
08:36and started trying to find that pill
08:38which Vipul had given to Pratibha today.
08:40With the color of that pill and its blind smell,
08:43Naksh quickly found the record of that pill.
08:45The name of that pill was not heaven pill but hell pill.
08:49Although taking that pill does not cause any fatal damage to your body,
08:54but it reduces the strength of your body
08:57and after that, no pill has any effect.
09:00Do you understand?
09:02That is, Pratibha, whose body is full of strength,
09:06will become an ordinary person in the next 5 days.
09:10And after that, if she tries to increase her strength with a power pill,
09:13ki or double ki,
09:16still those pills will not have any effect on her body.
09:20That is, Pratibha's body will become hollow in a way
09:24Oh God! This hell pill is very powerful!
09:27Naksh thought to herself while being shocked.
09:30At the same time, Naksh heard the ringtone of an unfamiliar phone
09:34which gave Naksh a shock.
09:37A few seconds later, Naksh felt that the voice was coming from his coat pocket.
09:42That's when Naksh came to his senses.
09:45Otherwise, for a pill, Naksh felt as if a thief had entered the house.
09:50Who is video calling Nandini so late at night?
09:53Could it be her boyfriend?
09:55Naksh had many such thoughts in his mind.
09:58But even after that, Naksh picked up the call.
10:01But the next moment, Naksh saw on the mobile screen,
10:04after seeing him, he couldn't even spit from his throat.
10:08On the other side of the phone, a girl was wearing only sexy clothes.
10:13Her attention was not on the mobile screen.
10:16Actually, she was standing right in front of the closet
10:19and choosing clothes for tomorrow.
10:21Oh God! I didn't know I would get to see all this.
10:25On the other side of the phone, seeing that beautiful girl,
10:28Naksh's mind started going crazy.
10:30His heart was beating very fast.
10:33No! Why does this girl seem so familiar to me?
10:37Shocked, Naksh continued to look at that girl.
10:40The more Naksh was looking at that girl,
10:43the more he felt as if he had seen her somewhere before.
10:47After a minute, when that girl realized
10:50that she couldn't hear Nandini's voice,
10:53her eyes fell on the mobile screen.
10:55And one by one, that girl screamed.
10:57And without asking anything, she immediately hung up the call.
11:01And then Naksh suddenly remembered who that girl was.
11:05In the auction of the Modi family,
11:07the old man who had taken that poisonous pill,
11:10this girl was with him.
11:12That girl from the Shekhawat family,
11:14what does she have to do with Nandini?
11:16Such questions started roaming in Naksh's mind.
11:19Naksh was just thinking about all this,
11:21when suddenly a call came.
11:23The caller ID was of the same number
11:25from which the video call had come earlier.
11:28Although this time it was a normal call.
11:30Naksh picked up the call immediately.
11:32Hello! Are you Naksh speaking?
11:35In a straightforward and clear manner,
11:37words came out of that girl's mouth.
11:39That girl's name is Nivedita Shekhawat.
11:42Actually, she is Nandini's best friend.
11:44Two years ago,
11:45the Ahuja family had joined hands with the Shekhawat family.
11:48But this news was kept confidential in front of the public.
11:52Naksh did not know that in the last few years,
11:55the Shekhawat family had joined hands with many other families
11:58and included them in itself.
12:00Nivedita was given the responsibility of making relations with the Ahuja family.
12:04And after making relations,
12:06not only the friendship between the two families,
12:08but also the friendship between Nandini and Nivedita was deepening.
12:12Actually, Nivedita had called Nandini to tell her something.
12:16But how did she know that a man would answer her call?
12:19At the same time, Nivedita also felt that
12:22is that person Nandini's boyfriend?
12:24After all, what is this confusion between Nandini and Nivedita?
12:28What was the use of Naksh's relationship with the Ahuja family and the Shekhawat family?
12:33Now what will Nivedita ask Naksh?
12:36And what will Naksh answer her?
12:38What will happen when Pratibha finds out
12:40that she has taken the hell pill instead of the heaven pill?
12:43Will Pratibha's physical strength end?
12:46If this happens, what will she do to Vipul?
12:50Will Vipul be removed from the class monitor?
12:53And will Naksh get his place?
12:55How did Nandini and Nakshi meet?
12:58To know more, listen to Insta Empire only on Pocket FM.