One Winter Proposal 2024 - Hallmark Romance

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00You were just imagining well I wasn't okay fine I was I'm thinking about going up to
00:00:13my grandma's house she lives in the lake Oh all my family's gonna be there okay well
00:00:19that will be really nice for you well it'd be a lot nicer if you'd come with me really
00:00:28yeah really I think it's time you meet my family what do you think I would love to awesome yeah
00:00:36cuz I could use your support up there I gotta tell my parents that I plan to stay in LA when
00:00:41I graduate June and it's a bad thing look the plan has always been for me to take over the
00:00:45family sporting goods store and considering how long that plans been in effect it's not gonna go
00:00:51over very well how long has that plan been in effect well I'm 28 years old so 28 years Wow
00:00:59I gotta go oh I should tell you when the Randall's all get together we do this family sports
00:01:09tournament Randall family games Wow really yeah my folks get a little excited about it but it
00:01:16should be fun all right I'll call you later yes please love you love you too
00:01:20are you sure it's 830 it feels like 5 a.m. that's what happens when you stay up all night packing
00:01:32Wow you look really dressed up for an eight-hour car ride I just wanna make a good impression well
00:01:40in my experience Wow it's so beautiful here
00:01:44it's so cute what do you think I love it Wow
00:01:55Alicia hi I'm grandma Dory well didn't do you justice when he said you were pretty
00:02:14you are stunning oh thank you thank you so much for having me Alicia hi hi I'm Will's mom Barb
00:02:22oh so nice to meet you yeah and I'm Doug dad and that's the rest of the gang this is my brother
00:02:26Tim buddy his son Mitch well sister Sam her fiance Jeff and of course there will be a test so study
00:02:33good but I do have brought other shoes because those are not gonna serve you well in the games
00:02:42tomorrow yeah sure I get good so dinner will be ready soon let's get up to the house okay okay you
00:02:51guys want to help out with the luggage so what do you think a little overdress you for the lake
00:02:58Mac be nice it's the lake thank you so much for dinner mrs. Randall it's Barb dear and you're
00:03:10very welcome she didn't eat anything but vegetables I know maybe she's one of those
00:03:15LA girls who doesn't eat carbs one of those vegetarians you liked it it was good so how's
00:03:26the wedding planning coming only two months to go grants got all these plans for the house it's
00:03:31gonna look gorgeous I have a big old house like this if I can't host a fabulous party or two in
00:03:37it I still think we should do this in her bathing suits out on the dock it gives a whole new meaning
00:03:43to walk in the plank Jeff and this is why though I will miss you I'm glad you have to go home and
00:03:47go to work tomorrow I think it's best if you don't help too much with the wedding planning it's too
00:03:51bad we'll miss you buddy yeah well unfortunately my bossy doesn't place much weight in the Randall
00:03:56family games yeah so William dear how is Los Angeles treating you well it's good Graham it's
00:04:06good I still don't know how you deal with that crowded polluted city after growing up here well
00:04:11LA's got a lot of nature to dad great hiking trails for one hiking trails with spectacular
00:04:17city views it's the best of both worlds do you do a lot of hiking oh no not a lot I I'm more of a
00:04:23beach girl oh really do you sir I've always wanted to try it no I've never surfed I just
00:04:28like laying in the sand and watching the ocean we rented bikes that one time remember well yeah
00:04:36of course you got to drive an hour in traffic before you get there yeah I guess that's right
00:04:43yeah there's traffic but that's just because everyone wants to live there is that the party
00:04:48line no really there are so many unique cultures and industries in LA amazing restaurants and
00:04:54good colleges and universities I mean look at well he has this great education and his internship
00:05:01went so well that they offered him a job when he graduates yeah but I haven't accepted it yet
00:05:08well yeah I thought we had this settled I'm gonna come back and take Randall's sporting goods into
00:05:17the next generation well I think I've done a pretty decent job of managing the story the
00:05:21last three years even if I don't have a fancy MBA I'm sorry remember the store originally was
00:05:29grandpa Ed's dream we all have our own dreams yeah the store will be 50 years old this fall
00:05:36want to be great to have a third generation Randall it down so I'll be bunking with Mitch
00:05:42literally bunk beds sounds like fun yeah and you and my sister will be in the room down the hall
00:05:47the luggage is already in there well honey I didn't mean to spoil your job news like that okay
00:05:52I just I don't want us to go to bed mad I'm not mad you know how proud I am of you and it's just
00:06:00really overwhelming to meet your family all at once and I just wanted to help and I didn't know
00:06:05what to say and I got nervous I'm sorry you know it's not your fault I can't tell my family what
00:06:10I want well they seem like a pretty imposing bunch I mean I can see how it would be difficult job
00:06:17asserting yourself all right well hey okay good night
00:06:25oh hey guys hey good night night good night oh hey kids had to have my cup of chamomile tea
00:06:46yeah good night good night okay good night
00:07:06good morning hey good morning babe sorry we got a little plumbing problem had to shut the water
00:07:13off in the bathroom so no showers today no no shower oh it's an old house sometimes things
00:07:19break down we'll have it fixed no later than tonight no other shower I will said it's an old
00:07:24house now there's only the one okay well I mean I don't mean to be a pain but what if someone
00:07:30wanted to shower today yeah do what we always do when this happens and that is take a swim in the
00:07:37lake with a bar of soap see you out there ah ha the lake
00:07:50good morning I hope so Will's waiting for you down by the dock breakfast will be ready as soon
00:07:55as you're finished enjoy your dip good morning hey morning you need some soap oh no thanks I
00:08:04brought my own hey hey just get the water it's really nice how is it oh my gosh that feels so
00:08:15cold just jump right in like pulling off a band-aid the only way to do it can you really
00:08:21get clean if the water is purified I don't think your beauty salon has that many hair
00:08:34products you can take the girl out of the city stop all that stuff doesn't kill a fish
00:08:40all right everybody can I have your attention please yes it's time for the games yeah don't
00:08:51worry I'll be right by your side and this year a new twist the teams will be men versus women
00:09:04you know mr. Randall I just Doug you can call me Doug Doug do you sell uniforms in the store my
00:09:24company designs kids clothing and last year we did this line of baseball tees and mock jerseys
00:09:32oh that's really nice Alicia but we pretty much just sell legit sports gear plus I'm sure your
00:09:40stuff be a little too fancy for us excuse me just a second right hey I think it's bad in
00:09:52like the Olympics all right are we gonna play badminton or what all right good luck let's do
00:10:00it come on Alicia we're in the lead let's try and keep it that way not if I can help it let's go
00:10:05Dougie burn go girls let's go uncle dog ha ha swing and a miss let's go we'll show them how it's
00:10:24done oh there you two are so dad and I were
00:10:53talking and obviously grandma Dory can't play this year yeah she's upstairs resting but she
00:10:59doesn't want a referee well if grandma can't play won't the women be a player short not anymore no
00:11:07way well Randall hey finally three years is too long yeah oh sorry this is Chris Newcastle we
00:11:15dated in high school hi yeah they met up here one summer and they dated for two years yeah
00:11:22yeah and I'm the maid of honor her wedding yeah how nice are you okay with all this oh yeah of
00:11:32course and this is Alicia Crosby my girlfriend nice to meet you yeah you too so Chris is staying
00:11:43at her parents house across the lake I mean how many memories have we had together remember the
00:11:48that you two guys dressed up and you performed a grandma Dory's 70th birthday and Will was wearing
00:11:54the coconut bra yeah so proud I was dead I look good come on you did you did hey look let's get
00:12:02on with this next competition is the obstacle course great I love that event I'll go get mom
00:12:07Wow this just gets better and better
00:12:14you're up all right I love you dad but I'm gonna win oh yeah in your dreams little girl
00:12:37we're gonna see if the city softened you up get ready to lose baby
00:13:07all right rope climb
00:13:38come on you're not having a good time are you you know well all of this is just
00:13:49really foreign to me well it grows on you you gotta keep joining in okay okay Mitch here we go
00:13:58ready steady go
00:14:06all right three and a half seconds okay no you gotta keep trying to have fun yeah because you
00:14:13are up next come on see what you got city girl do it ready steady go okay no I got it
00:14:33okay wait no I got it I got it it's okay it's just kind of just don't hurt yourself
00:14:56that was a good try all right kids watch how it's done okay doggie
00:15:02there you go dad come on come on let it go
00:15:09medic okay well well come on well it's you let's go let's see it buddy ready steady go
00:15:29Alicia on deck all right that looks pretty easy
00:15:34okay just keep your knees up high I'll keep you from tripping okay and don't
00:15:37take your eyes off the tires okay ready steady go
00:15:49no it's okay it's all right I'm all right I know it's not your thing
00:15:54you you took your eyes off the tire it's okay it's just a good thing that Grandin took that hit
00:16:02uh Doug
00:16:06swimming in the lake with the randals hey when you move back here we can do it every weekend
00:16:10instead of once every few years that bikini is very petite oh um thanks make sure you put lots
00:16:19of sunscreen on because everything's out and about hey I like it a lot hey how about we have a
00:16:27friendly little diving competition yeah um uh sure I'm actually more of a waiter than a diver
00:16:35oh well if you're too scared Alicia you can totally wait in you know though if you never
00:16:39try you never fail but you never win either randall family motto so um if I don't try I
00:16:47won't win yeah that's pretty much it all right I'll go first no I will okay
00:17:10so I'm gonna go ahead and give her a negative two come on dad it was at least a one
00:17:22hey honey I think you lost something
00:17:40hey how's the trip going the trip is good did you get a million mosquito bites no mosquito
00:17:52bites would be nothing compared to what I've been through so far I practically crippled Will's
00:17:56grandma and my bikini top came off in front of everyone and oh how can I forget the best part
00:18:03Will's ex-girlfriend is here and I think his parents like her better than me wow okay well
00:18:08um I am not gonna ask about the grandma crippling because I'm sure you're overreacting and as for
00:18:14the ex yeah Will invited you home to meet his family because he loves you not her thanks
00:18:22I needed that well that's what best friends are for okay bye
00:18:31you traitor okay Gran give us the next one all right name the state with the smallest
00:18:37population Wyoming Wyoming you see kids gotta get up pretty early in the morning to beat the
00:18:43Randall brothers Washington D.C. was originally part of what state Maryland Maryland all right
00:18:53all right now let's see what you got Mr. MBA bring it on dad go ahead Gran in music minor
00:19:00scales come in three forms name them I know this one I'm I don't know this one
00:19:10natural melodic and harmonic natural melodic harmonic I am so impressed Mitch
00:19:18all that tinkering with that guitar imagine what he could have done to improve his basketball game
00:19:22yeah isn't music important too well I think what Tim was saying that you know sports teaches you
00:19:33about life competition rules hard work that all comes into play on and off the court yeah I'm
00:19:39just kidding around Alicia Mitch has hobbies I get it he's minoring in music at school and my
00:19:45his mother and I are okay with that hobbies right okay uh Gran you got another one in there
00:19:54I'll find one yeah
00:19:58double dinner thing double dinner morning let's be honest right hey is there coffee oh yeah right
00:20:04there that's the tuxedo what are you guys looking at well we were looking at wedding stuff but then
00:20:13Chris brought over this photo album from high school and it's way funnier oh my gosh we were
00:20:17such dorks let me see yourself yeah nice hair will oh come on I only looked as stupid as everybody
00:20:25else did back then right what is it hey um I'm gonna go take a walk you want to come with me
00:20:33yeah maybe a little while I'm just gonna go kayaking you want to come with me oh well
00:20:37don't do that to her I mean there's not a lot of kayaking in la la land right yeah you know
00:20:43she's right yeah I know water sports isn't your thing why don't you just relax take your walk
00:20:47hang out with the girls no I want to go kayaking I'm sure I'm gonna love it all right just let me
00:20:54go change I'll be right here by the way looking at really handsome pictures of myself I told you
00:21:00not to wear that I told you there you go there it is nice and easy
00:21:13no no don't don't get mad at water okay all right all right okay hold on let me get it for you
00:21:22I'm not a wilderness woman will I don't I don't know what to do
00:21:26what's going on yeah your brother's giving a kayak lesson to his city girl okay all right
00:21:32stop crying baby you could probably use a good cry here's your paddle let's get you back in the
00:21:39dock all right let's get you out of that kayak right remember your yoga be one with the kayak
00:21:45are you making fun of me no no
00:21:51almost there
00:21:55you're doing great look at that it's gonna hit though there it is okay
00:22:04how's some pretty good coaching out there that wasn't a big deal just think about putting a
00:22:09program like that together for the store you know like helping sports newbies make them more
00:22:14confident could bring a whole different clientele I don't know that I don't know it's a good idea I
00:22:18mean look we'll we got to find your stamp you know what I mean how are you going to bring
00:22:22randall's sporting goods into the next generation my stamp dad it's not gonna be kayaking lessons
00:22:28okay no well something we got to think about this
00:22:45hot chocolate oh made it myself real milk cocoa sugar none of that packet stuff oh
00:22:52oh thank you oh my goodness look at this well you're quite the artist oh thank you
00:23:00it's a shame the games don't involve drawing or making clothes I could kick butt at those
00:23:06competitions we were never formally introduced Dora Sutcliffe Randall Alicia Crosby my point is
00:23:18I wasn't born of Randall I married into this family they can be pretty intimidating when we
00:23:25all gather around you in a group this is something that Barbara sometimes doesn't understand yeah
00:23:32and your um other daughter-in-law Kate she didn't even come that doesn't bode well no after 20 years
00:23:40of Randall games she's decided that she's done her time but you know they all come around eventually
00:23:47but you have to show them what you got because these Randalls there's a tough group to break
00:23:52into but once you break in they love you forever I always feel that you know God doesn't give us
00:24:00more than we can handle you wouldn't be here if you weren't up to this challenge so God wants me
00:24:08to play sports no but he probably wants you to know that you know it's okay to try these new
00:24:15things it's okay to risk to fail even well in that case he must be loving the view from up there
00:24:25and tomorrow is another day and another chance for you to how do you say kick butt
00:24:33good night good night thank you for the hot cocoa you're welcome
00:24:44hey Grant have you seen Alicia she's out on the porch honey all right thanks
00:24:54out here alone with all your friends something like that
00:25:00hey do you remember our third date you drew my portrait on a paper napkin yeah I still have it
00:25:07you do that's a good look at drawing I mean I could not be why you're so humble
00:25:15no it reminds me of the moment I started falling for you
00:25:20you were so focused so determined to draw me a portrait even if it was with a ballpoint pen
00:25:27on a paper napkin you knew exactly who you were what you wanted what you were good at where you
00:25:32should be and I knew I wanted to be around that what about you
00:25:42do you know who you are what you're good at
00:25:46what you're good at
00:25:49where you want to be
00:25:52I just want everybody to be happy and that's possible well hey honey can you help me get
00:26:00some extra blankets out of the attic sure sure am I interrupting no no it's okay mom okay well
00:26:08well sorry to steal him away but I asked dad to help and he said he'd get around to it you know
00:26:15what that means yeah no uh not a problem why don't you stay here and talk to Alicia I want you two to
00:26:22get to know each other and she has some amazing drawings mom she's really talented uh you know
00:26:29it's okay um I'm sure Will could use your help it would be faster you know I'd ask Uncle Tim and
00:26:36Mitch to help but I don't know where they are
00:26:41talk later yeah sure
00:27:04Sam yeah Will told me how you've been running the store for the past few years
00:27:10yeah I manage the place sales have been up every quarter since I've been there
00:27:15oh wow that's really impressive so do you want Will to move home and run the store I mean
00:27:23kind of be taking your job he's my brother I love him of course I want him to come home
00:27:27no yeah I know I wasn't implying and Will's wanted to run the place forever
00:27:31since he was like five years old right but if he didn't want to anymore
00:27:36and someone else did that would be okay too right anyways I'm gonna go to bed
00:27:45good night good night
00:27:59good morning good morning
00:28:07you know hon I was talking to Sam I was talking to Sam and I don't think that she wants you to
00:28:12take over the store really she said that well that's not what she said but it's how she said it
00:28:17I mean you're kind of taking her job right well yeah I mean she just started working there after
00:28:25college I never really thought it was her plan or anything yeah well it was your plan
00:28:30plans changed just talk to her for me okay think about it okay
00:28:38all right well I am gonna go get dressed time for a new game feels like a kick butt day
00:28:47hey you know that's not a real kiss
00:28:49uh he can't do it
00:29:07okay come on go get him all right we need two ringers to win
00:29:10I don't want you to feel any pressure of course not
00:29:13come on Alicia come on Alicia you can do it come on
00:29:18come on you could be a delay this isn't football sonny this is horseshoes
00:29:35looks like we're having duck for dinner
00:29:36it's okay come on Chris still on you
00:29:54Chris is really good at sports man is there anything she can't do no hey guys hey she
00:30:00come to gloat oh please Chris pulled the game out all right the women's team won having the
00:30:06right anatomy doesn't mean I had anything to do with it oh come on all right who's up for a swim
00:30:11oh no thanks not me no all right plenty of towels if you change your mind
00:30:16so uh how's that loss feel randall isolated event sure sure all right big shot why don't
00:30:23you race me down to the lake fine you're on all right i'll give you a head start okay go
00:30:30wow everything in this family is a competition pretty much is your uncle doug gonna put lane
00:30:37dividers in the lake so we can swim with purpose don't give him any ideas yeah yeah i'll see you
00:30:43later you don't feel like swimming oh i just needed a break it's good to have some alone
00:30:58time on these randall visits do you mind if i join you oh please do
00:31:08what about your family what are they like no um there's not much to tell um i grew up in beverly
00:31:14hills it was just me my mom and my dad an only child i can imagine how overwhelming it's been
00:31:24then meeting william's family yeah well there's a lot of things to get used to true it's hard
00:31:32but i hope that you continue to make an effort i believe that it'll all work out in the end
00:31:43girls you're not swimming no we thought we got and pull out the wedding dress and try it on
00:31:48sam you have your dress actually it was my mother's dress it's so lovely has a really high
00:31:54neck and long sleeves it's just beautiful i wore it sam's gonna wear it and maybe one day her
00:32:02daughter will wear it too oh how nice you know when my cousin got married um she wore my aunt's
00:32:08dress but we tailored it a bit i mean we ultimately changed the style of the dress maintained its
00:32:13charm and used all the original material that sounds so cool yeah but why would you change
00:32:19the dress when it's so perfect no one's changing the dress mom i'm not gonna maintain the original
00:32:26charm of the dress i'm wearing the actual dress right yeah it was just an idea maybe in la it's
00:32:31customary to chop up the family heirloom but here in this family we believe in carrying traditions
00:32:39right of course
00:32:45i didn't mean to intrude
00:32:51i have a pie in the oven
00:32:59uh just wanted to check in to see how things have been going since we last talked
00:33:03try to have fun say hi to will for me and when you get back we'll do our kind of exercise shopping
00:33:13hey alicia can we talk yeah sure i just wanted to say i'm sorry that i snapped at you earlier
00:33:21no you didn't i felt like i did it's just you never believe it when people tell you
00:33:28how stressful a wedding is until you're planning your own
00:33:33my mom just really really wants me to wear that dress and it just seems easier to
00:33:40toe the line yeah i guess so it's okay i understand
00:33:45well if it isn't my favorite horseshoe chair you're funny thanks
00:33:55hey i know our kind of family bonding is new to you but it's important you get to know my family
00:34:00since one day i hope you'll be more humble my family bonds over rebuns and a bottle of wine
00:34:08come on we gotta get down to the old ball field why last game of the day kickball
00:34:14finally it's the last game of the day
00:34:20all right here's the deal we're only four on four so we're not going to use a pitcher we're
00:34:23just going to kick the ball from the plate all the other rules apply and as always ref dory's
00:34:29word is law we're going to kick the ball from the plate all right here's the deal we're only four on
00:34:34and as always ref dory's word is law let's blast some kickball all right i can totally handle this
00:34:43sport yeah please kicking a giant squishy yellow ball i can do that all right
00:34:53come on alicia bring me home come on this is easy
00:34:57come on baby you can do it
00:35:05oh mom are you all right
00:35:11mom here you go drink this no dear no no well okay well you should probably lie down or sit
00:35:17down or something i am sitting well what if she has a concussion well you can still sleep if you
00:35:23have a concussion yeah you just need to be woken up a lot all right then you get some rest and and
00:35:28we'll take it in shifts and check on you throughout the night no no goodness no i don't
00:35:34need sentries outside my door monitoring my sleep mom we just want to make sure you're okay dougie
00:35:39dougie please i got hit in the head with a piece of rubber filled with air no one fussed as much
00:35:44when william rode his skateboard off the garage you're kidding afraid not it was pretty gross
00:35:52actually yeah mom it's not exactly a fair comparison he was 11. i am fine and i have no
00:35:57idea why you all forfeited the game better safe than sorry in this family since when
00:36:06she makes a good point
00:36:32alicia hi you're really good you're really good what are you doing playing out here all by yourself
00:36:37uh uh well out here it's just me my guitar no commentary oh yeah
00:36:48yeah sometimes i think about what it would be like to play professionally but but what
00:36:53yeah well who cares what others think you should come visit me and will in l.a
00:37:00check out the music scene uh uh no i mean no this is just fun that's how i relax
00:37:11okay well in that case can you play a little more i could definitely use some relaxation
00:37:15after today yeah yeah yeah it must be tiring bludgeoning my grandma hey thank you
00:37:21i'm talking to you i'm kidding seriously though next time just aim for uncle doug
00:37:25all right just right when he's in the middle of one of his speeches
00:37:29deal all right come on okay here we go
00:37:46strike two
00:37:51come on alicia you can do it okay one hit we win the game alicia come on
00:37:55hey will wait one second i got an idea one second
00:38:03oh my gosh
00:38:04oh come on dad that's that's not cool oh no hey i wasn't making fun look look alicia
00:38:13hadn't played that many sports i just figured i'd give her a little advantage it's only fair
00:38:16but that's what we do at randall sporting goods right to help people get into athletics well you
00:38:20know we should all help alicia harness her athletic potential you know help her contribute
00:38:23to the team and be a winner you know what doug i think i'm good it's just a suggestion look
00:38:31sometimes you gotta humble yourself if you want to learn something new wouldn't that be nice if
00:38:35that was one of the randall family games humbling yourself i think i'd be like vip or whatever you
00:38:41call it i don't follow you i think she means mvp dad oh whatever you know what will throw the ball
00:38:52hey i'm sorry i tried okay throw it come on honey you can do it
00:39:03right three
00:39:11hey hi girlfriend oh i know that tone what happened now grandma crippling number two
00:39:18what will said the randall family games are for family bonding well i think they're bonding over
00:39:23making fun of me oh i don't think that's true what about grandma oh it's true and oh gosh i
00:39:30almost tripped over my own feet i'm sure they would love it if i twisted my ankle while walking
00:39:37and couldn't play any other i've never lost a race i gotta go alicia
00:39:46yes i've been practicing oh oh hey alicia what's the matter why are you limping um you know i
00:39:55don't know i uh i think it was from when i was running all those bases and softball you you ran
00:40:00one base the whole game must have been that base i'm gonna go rest it my foot my ankle i'm gonna
00:40:10go rest my ankle hey honey i'll be right down okay no no no no no i'm fine you um
00:40:15enjoy your time with chris you sure i'm sure
00:40:20i'm sorry
00:40:27a twisted ankle can be quite painful hey what happened twisted ankle oh you okay oh yeah good
00:40:34we sell these in the store you ice to take the swelling down and then you can put it in the
00:40:38microwave and you get heat to relax the muscles oh did these sell really well in the store well
00:40:43they do now that i put a display near the athletic equipment wow that's that's a really
00:40:49great idea sam doug isn't that clever sam's in-store marketing yeah sure
00:40:56you must have all kinds of great ideas for the store
00:41:01well i'm gonna take my fancy ice pack and i'm gonna go read upstairs let you two talk business
00:41:07oh oh you know what sam actually that was a pretty good idea
00:41:22i miss this s'mores campfire it's a big no-no in the city no thank you
00:41:29thank you she eats like a bird bird on a no-carb diet
00:41:38i think we could use some music
00:41:42what oh no come on no music goes with the campfire as much as s'mores do
00:41:49i thought we were gonna play sure edge yeah yeah
00:41:52what what did i say i said charades well it looks like her ankle is feeling better
00:41:59all i'm saying will is that was a little rude
00:42:03mom alicia isn't rude all right this just isn't exactly her kind of trip
00:42:09oh look at this
00:42:11oh sweet i didn't know you played guitar i don't think she actually does alicia
00:42:26i know you said you wanted to hear music but i think that's a relative term you know what i
00:42:30think you're right sam i think someone who knows what they're doing should maybe play us a song
00:42:35no that's okay you should that's all right do it come on do you know how to do this
00:42:43you know how to do this
00:43:16it's just beautiful i tried to teach your dad piano he wouldn't have any part of it yeah
00:43:25looks like my love for music has just skipped a generation
00:43:28yeah encore encore hey i'll play again but later i thought we're gonna play charades
00:43:35yes charades you know what you know what um i'm feeling a little tired so grandma dory
00:43:39can take my place okay good night everyone good night good night
00:43:46good night all right charades and the master will go first
00:43:50hey hey are you okay yeah sure come on you can talk to me
00:44:05well if you're fine then why didn't you play charades
00:44:10what's wrong with charades everything you guys do in this family is all about winning
00:44:16i just needed some time to myself okay so we're a competitive group look i know this has been a lot
00:44:22for you trying all these new challenging things but come on you know what life's all about trying
00:44:27new things well i have tried everything i have made a jerk of myself trying and trying and
00:44:34believe me my failures have been pointed out to me all right bye
00:44:45alicia no don't why don't you try something new will tell your family who you are and what you
00:44:51want what's that supposed to mean they're always making jokes about la your dad's constantly
00:44:57talking about how you're the future of randall's sporting goods are you gonna tell them what you
00:45:02want or are you just gonna stay here live the life they've always wanted for you marry chris
00:45:09oh come on they didn't invite her here to try to get us back together come on will you are not that
00:45:36hey mom dad you got a minute yeah sure son
00:45:38i was thinking about staying in la for a while after i graduate oh yeah why for several reasons
00:45:48and there's no real hurry for me to get back right no worry you had a store to run
00:45:55and it's a little bigger than your personal life it's part of this family it's a part of randall
00:46:01history you know i've been running the store for the past three years i mean i could continue to
00:46:05run it until it's about that job your girlfriend mentioned isn't it but dad i really really feel
00:46:10like i just a second sam will we're really worried about you honey
00:46:23yeah you've you've changed since you moved to la what are you talking about well to be honest
00:46:30alicia is not exactly the kind of girl we expected you to bring home
00:46:34all right she's not just like everyone in this family look i i brought her here because i think
00:46:40she's amazing because she makes me happy but you took one look at her and you decided that she
00:46:46doesn't fit in no will we're not saying that no not honestly dad you didn't raise me to be this
00:46:52you didn't raise me to be this narrow-minded
00:46:56i expect better for me and alicia
00:47:05macy here communicate with me hey mace it's me um i'm i'm coming home early it's a really
00:47:12long story but will can't seem to tell his family that he wants to be with me in la so
00:47:16maybe he doesn't anyways um i'm gonna call you in the morning when i know how i'm getting home
00:47:22okay can we talk you have said everything no you know what you haven't said anything
00:47:38that's the problem huh you sat there while your parents told you how much they hated me
00:47:45they want you to be with chris and i'm sure she would want that too
00:47:48baby that's not true don't baby me will i am done i i am done trying to fit in with your family
00:47:55i am done playing sports i am done with this vacation just leave me alone
00:48:32oh hey if i could just get my toothbrush i'll be on my way at least come on you can't leave
00:48:38you know what well if you wanted me around you could have at least told your parents that last
00:48:41night i did look if you're gonna eavesdrop at least stick around for the whole conversation
00:48:47fine but you know what it doesn't even matter this entire trip has been a huge disaster i know
00:48:52i'm sorry okay i know it's been overwhelming for you it's been hard for me too i'm sorry
00:48:59okay i promise i'm gonna make this right i think this is the most alone time we've had all week
00:49:07we've had all week yeah i know it's been crazy come here
00:49:15oh hello
00:49:18alicia you know how to sew right right she more than knows how to sew mom she designs clothes
00:49:25yes of course right well the wedding dress needs a little altering and we were wondering if you
00:49:33might be willing to help us out with that sure thank you is this when i become the randall
00:49:42family personal cinderella you go show them what your best is okay that's a good idea
00:49:51so i think the sleeves just need to be shortened alicia what do you think yeah yeah the sleeves
00:49:59can easily be shortened yeah yeah i think that would look so much better and that's something
00:50:05you could do while you're here yeah absolutely yeah i'm just gonna need some pins so i can oh
00:50:10they're in the basket okay yeah that's my pretty girl okay is that more what you want yes perfect
00:50:27look at my little girl all grown up and wearing my mother's wedding dress i swear
00:50:33last time i looked you were five years old and coloring the bathroom wall with your crayons
00:50:38oh now don't you start talking about feeling old all right i'll be downstairs if you need me okay
00:50:47okay i think i'm gonna run to my parents' house
00:50:56all right i think i need my sketchbook
00:51:06the shorter sleeves look better it helps right oh totally helps
00:51:11it'll be pretty i mean every bride is nervous before a wedding right
00:51:18it'll all come together oh sweetheart you're going to be a beautiful bride
00:51:26can you unzip me grant yeah oh you're going to be so gorgeous
00:51:33so gorgeous
00:51:39mom hey honey come on barb play some cards no i can't i gotta run down the market
00:51:46i'll see you guys later okay see ya
00:51:51so how about you kid i don't know where niche and tim are and the girls are upstairs doing something
00:51:57so it's just you and me how about it come on play some cards with your old man
00:52:06cut you for dealer
00:52:20alicia thank you for helping me with the dress actually sam i want to show you something
00:52:28i know that it's important for you to wear your mother's dress but there is a way for it to remain
00:52:32a family heirloom and to be your special dress on your special day oh samantha wow i know i'm
00:52:43butting my nose in but i just want to help that's beautiful i look beautiful of course you do
00:52:54it's just i've always been a tomboy you know i'm not like you alicia
00:52:58i've never worn anything that beautiful before can you really remake that dress to look like this
00:53:05i've been doing children's clothes for years i would be honored to do something this sophisticated
00:53:11beautiful instead of cute thank you
00:53:15let's do it get in that dress now what can i do to help come here i'll put you to work
00:53:32didn't i tell you i think this is it i just hope that i can do it you can absolutely do it
00:53:41this is your moment to show this family what you're made of to make them know that when god
00:53:47passed out athletic ability to all of them he gave you art and your passion for design
00:53:53this is your home run come on let's go we got work to do okay okay cards take two
00:54:03two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two
00:54:16you just play cards with chris pretty much every saturday night dad don't go there
00:54:25four aces
00:54:25so this is just not my day okay if we're gonna do this i am gonna need a sewing machine
00:54:42oh my gosh oh that is a beautiful machine it's an old friend of mine does it still work dandy
00:54:49is the day i got her she's yours to use let's get you measured thank you grandma
00:55:08it's a polar bear it's a polar bear it's a pole that's an ear and that is of course a bear
00:55:13oh that's brilliant
00:55:18let me show you next here you go all right okay
00:55:30all right uh road trip landscape kind of uh distance
00:55:39it's short tall long distance long distance
00:55:47nice job babe uh yeah dad maybe you should have alicia draw for you next time
00:55:59oh hey guys what's up just going for a walk oh hello see you later
00:56:31okay a nine letter word meaning where pathways or roads meet intersection no it's 12 letters
00:56:40concourse all right that fits that's my girl okay here's one a 14 letter word
00:56:50that means containing too many syllables
00:56:56sesquipedalian okay that's not a real word can you spell it s-e-s-q-u-i-p-e-d-a-l-i-a-n
00:57:07and now okay fits but uh is it a real word sesquipedalian it's in the dictionary and it means
00:57:15too many syllables
00:57:18wow uh okay a six letter word means arrogance
00:57:24hubris tell them you tell them
00:57:27you tell them hubris okay spell it
00:57:36i can't hubris h-u-b-r-i-s arrogance yeah that's it
00:57:44doug this is a really difficult crossword puzzle yeah seemingly not for alicia
00:58:06okay sam you look beautiful
00:58:11oh i think this is what you meant by kicking butt sam you wanted to see me
00:58:23mom i know you didn't want me to change the dress but i just had to have something more me
00:58:31did you do this mom no sam yes barb i remade the dress
00:58:38it's a masterpiece what what
00:58:44it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and you're the most beautiful bride honey
00:58:52i'm so sorry that you felt you couldn't tell me what it was you wanted you look so beautiful
00:58:58thank you you're welcome wow oh sam
00:59:15okay so we just want to make sure that everyone's clear about tomorrow right we've all had a day
00:59:20off of competition and i hope you rested because tomorrow's the final event the 24-hour hike and
00:59:25camp out great so doug and i enlisted the help of our friend james who happens to be a park ranger
00:59:32and he's helped us to set up the trails right neither of us has seen them so there's no
00:59:35advantage here each team has to retrieve five flags right so two sealed envelopes two maps
00:59:43one for each team and two separate routes and the first team to get back here to grandma dory wins
00:59:49i've been a lot of things but never a finish line okay that's it we'll see tomorrow
00:59:57we should get some rest all right good night mom good night darling
01:00:01you up for this yeah how's that twisted ankle it's fine grandma hot chocolate oh you're on all right
01:00:11son you have some extra socks in there i caught it mom i'm gonna go check on doug and barb
01:00:20uncle tim
01:00:24that's like the sixth time you've checked your pack well i'm not a wilderness woman sam
01:00:27i need my supplies can you see me killing an animal and eating it skinning it for fur it's
01:00:34not swiss family robinson out there too bad at least we know it worked out for them in the end
01:00:38and in just two hours gee hope she makes it
01:00:44yeah do i look like a dork actually i was gonna say you look hot but more importantly you look
01:00:53tough and brave thank you promise you when this whole thing's over i'll be brave too
01:00:59i'll tell them what i want for my future actually our future i'm so proud of you
01:01:06even if you're gonna lose oh yeah yeah i like this side of you good luck
01:01:10good morning oh morning morning barb good morning kids
01:01:18hi honey hey honey i love you and you're on your road
01:01:25all right all right girls let's hit the road so bob you sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself
01:01:33i'll find something to do when you kids aren't here i'm alone all the time
01:01:38don't you worry about me all right all right guys let's go bye mom bye
01:01:50have a nice time don't let the snakes bite you
01:01:54you all right boys let's make it happen i don't think we stand a chance this should be a piece of
01:02:14this is it this should be easy
01:02:16what first one's a freebie honey it's kind of like a warm-up of course
01:02:27okay this way
01:02:52check it out number one
01:02:58battle hymn of the republic inspirational mitch hey will yeah do you know anything
01:03:04about the music scene in la yeah i met some people
01:03:07no no no no i'll get it
01:03:32got it oh good job kiddo i'm so glad you're on our team she's like a little spider monkey up there
01:03:40yeah okay well done all right so this way let's go
01:04:08number two all right next one this way boys all right out there to the right
01:04:41this shouldn't be that difficult
01:05:15mitch said this was hard
01:05:29all right there it is but no way to get to it from here so someone's gonna get wet in yoga we
01:05:38learned to let our minds go blank free ourself in the face of obstacles and seek the path of least
01:05:44resistance yeah whatever okay you keep thinking those thoughts hey mom be careful i will honey
01:05:53don't worry i've got her covered
01:06:06my foot is stuck in the mud okay i'll get you don't worry hold on
01:06:23oh hey do you guys need my help flag number three flag number three oh how'd you do that
01:06:32i became one with myself sought the path of least resistance yoga no i looked at the map
01:06:38and saw that a dry trail went around good thinking that's a big 10-4
01:06:46according to the map it should be right here no no flag here
01:06:50i don't see it here either here we go number three yeah all right way to go dad all right onward
01:07:05i'm actually really cold in these wet clothes yeah i didn't want to complain but i am too
01:07:10i'm sorry ladies i think we need to take a break light a fire and dry off
01:07:29all right they're almost dry oh good if only i thought this through like alicia did none of
01:07:34this would have happened well personally i'm really glad that you didn't i'm not used to
01:07:38these 20 mile hikes i could use a break well it can't be that long of a break not if we're
01:07:42gonna win we have to win because that way doug is gonna do the dishes for an entire month
01:07:46um alicia are you okay yeah i just you would think that my sunscreen's made of sugar these
01:07:53bugs they love me well we are outdoors in the wilderness there's gonna be things like
01:07:58bugs and spiders and spider there's a spider spider no no no you're gonna burn you're gonna
01:08:07burn just leave it we run a promotion on baseball equipment in the winter we beat the chains out on
01:08:13the sales or the shoppers go to your competitors in the spring and you have a thousand baseballs
01:08:18you got to take a chance to make a splash tim sales have been up every quarter of the past few
01:08:22years wait will what do you think i don't think we should be talking about the store right now
01:08:28why the heck not this is a perfect time we're all out here together in the fresh air clear-headed
01:08:34that's when the ideas come son come on dad we got a race to win first things first all right
01:08:40that's my boy come on guys let's win this thing yeah
01:08:44i say we've been talking about that store until sunset sunset dad probably talks about this too
01:08:49long asleep ah thank you so much sarah for coming up to the house with the children away i barely
01:08:58know what to do with myself really well maybe i can think of one or two things
01:09:18now that's it ladies we've officially lost no come on we're resourceful can't we fix this we
01:09:25don't have any clothes so what are we gonna do are we gonna huddle in the tent for warmth until
01:09:30morning if you guys are willing to sleep under the stars i can use the material from this tent
01:09:36to make clothes for you well how very sound music what are you gonna sew with like a pine
01:09:43needle and bark for thread i'm not that inventive my everyday la survival supplies with me at all
01:09:52times i have to do chapstick uh mints aspirin and a travel sewing kit oh this army knife this
01:10:00will help polyester isn't my favorite material to work with but it'll do you're serious yeah i'm
01:10:28hey okay they are oh what are they doing they're just sitting there looks like they just stopped
01:10:39can't be no way your mother would just quit she's got me online doing dishes for the next
01:10:44month if she wins now it looks like alicia's dealing with the tent that can't be a good idea
01:10:50no offense looks like they could be hazing her but that'd be a waste of time now will you come
01:10:55on your mother wouldn't haze your girlfriend you sure about that dad i think we're focusing
01:11:00on the wrong thing here guys what do you mean well they've stopped who cares why why are we
01:11:06killing ourselves to win we're way ahead in the overall score as it is that's a good point
01:11:09uncle tim i get them every so often all right but let's do another mile before we make camp okay let's
01:11:15go i always thought fashion design was so silly who knew it could be so practical actually my
01:11:31sewing was originally all about practicality how so well i grew up in beverly hills but my parents
01:11:37couldn't afford the really expensive clothes that my friends had so i learned to make them myself
01:11:42really it didn't take long before i started creating my own look and then amazingly all
01:11:46my friends wanted to buy the clothes i made that's genius i'm impressed you should be you
01:11:52really need to eat alicia we have a lot of ground to cover oh no thanks oh come on is everyone in
01:11:57la on a low-carb diet probably no i'm allergic to gluten so if i eat it i get really sick
01:12:03celiac i brought my own snacks
01:12:07guess i had you all wrong if i've been unwelcoming in any way i'm sorry thanks
01:12:16we should probably get going the guys are probably way ahead of us
01:12:21let's hit the road
01:12:23okay this looks good to me perfect oh i thought we could use a nice cold beer at the end of the
01:12:30day oh yeah you've been lugging that all day it wasn't the only one you gotta be kidding me they
01:12:37had us pack their stuff so they could bring the beers all right well you got to give it to them
01:12:42tim they had a plan here's to winning the randall games speaking of which i wonder how the girls are
01:12:48games speaking of which i wonder how the girls are doing yeah hope alicia didn't slow them down
01:12:53too much dead all right come on will you said yourself she's not that athletic i mean maybe
01:13:00all this was too much for her she's definitely a city girl will okay i get it you guys don't like
01:13:05her great hey no no no man don't say that you know i'd be lying if i said i got you too i mean
01:13:13she's not exactly your type what's my type chris well yeah let's go grab some firewood
01:13:24you know chris chris and i liked all the same things it was easy it's not like that with alicia
01:13:32it's better it's more interesting you know i i get to teach her about the stuff i love
01:13:37and learn about all the stuff she's into it's never boring okay but is not boring enough
01:13:46no of course not she also happens to be one of the most amazing women i've ever met
01:13:52she's so passionate about what she does she's hard working she makes me laugh i love her
01:14:00okay this isn't a passing fancy for you you know what if you love her that's all it's important
01:14:05to me but is alicia going to be willing to move from la up here so you can run the store
01:14:13you know i i don't know i think that's a conversation for another time i just
01:14:19hopefully she's doing okay in the woods let's light us some fire and drink some beer huh
01:14:24it sounds good to me
01:14:42just what the doctor ordered for dinner chocolate and wine
01:14:51you got it flag number four awesome we can win this thing let's go alicia what what's wrong
01:15:00it's dark yeah it's been dark for an hour yeah but we've pushed hard enough we've been jogging
01:15:06with full packs we've been hiking in the dark which isn't exactly advisable and i'm not ashamed
01:15:10to say it i'm exhausted exactly we need to get some sleep so we camp right here
01:15:15i don't know okay see apparently you can take the city out of the girl go figure
01:15:46alicia what are you doing morning i'm packing up ladies morning time to get up
01:15:52we get a move on it we might actually win this thing we've created a monster
01:15:58i think we have come on let's go burn in daylight
01:16:24guys good morning hey dad uncle tim mitch wake up well we overslept
01:16:40why don't we pitch our tents because you wanted to stay up drinking beer talking golden moments
01:16:45of football how many of these did i have rookie hey you guys think we can still win if we just go
01:16:51back to sleep for a couple hours hey that's not what i want to hear come on we're not losing this
01:16:58thing now let's go one more rally that's all i asked whoa head rush you know what
01:17:10why don't we take our time get out of here in about a half hour
01:17:15we're way ahead of the women already and uh alicia probably slowed them down anyways
01:17:20sorry well it's cool oh you're right at least she's not the most athletic
01:17:26we'd be stupid to discount her she never ceases to surprise me
01:17:37any more beer
01:17:41hold on tight so close i've got it i've got her
01:17:44okay don't let her go on alicia come on alicia you're so close
01:17:50come on come on i know yeah got it strike number five
01:17:55i can't believe i drank all those beers my pack's a lot lighter now it's good
01:18:03yeah but i guess not bringing the beer at all might have been the best choice
01:18:06yeah it's definitely not a win to be proud of hey a win's a win amen
01:18:12oh hello mom mom we are back where are you come on the victors have returned
01:18:27you boys been beat ladies
01:18:35okay what are you wearing custom-made hiking gear made by alicia see i told you she'd surprise you
01:19:01we did it
01:19:10do you want to be alone no no
01:19:22it's so beautiful here
01:19:39hey you hey i really like it up here me too maybe i can find some design inspiration
01:19:48up here i mean if you really want to be up here with your family
01:19:54well i just want to be with you i love you i love you too
01:20:01so uh sam rounded everybody up and said he had something to tell us
01:20:09yeah um i'm not coming back to run a store
01:20:17look uh i'm honored to have such an amazing legacy to come home to but it's not my dream
01:20:25my dream's in la besides dad you don't need me you got sam you said yourself sales are up right
01:20:34well obviously she's doing her job yeah you're right i guess your sister does have it covered
01:20:41good good because i like living in la i'm excited about the job that's waiting for me there
01:20:48and i love alicia
01:20:49she's the one for me
01:20:53now if you can accept all that we're good
01:21:00we're good son hey you speak for yourself i'm not sure it's totally acceptable to me
01:21:06unless you promise to come visit both of you yeah i promise mom alicia oh yeah i would love to
01:21:15oh yeah i would love to it took you all long enough to figure this out
01:21:23all right get out of here
01:21:28hey will i'm ready hello
01:21:38hello anyone
01:21:47alicia please take me you should take it you've made better use of it this last week than i have
01:21:53in the last decade i would love to but are you sure oh yes i'm sure and then i can keep it in
01:22:00the family thank you for well just thank you thank you where is everyone surprise
01:22:15oh wow we all thought you deserved this randall games mvp most valuable player
01:22:24oh thank you guys i love it i'm just happy to have made it through the games let alone
01:22:28win something but i'll admit i'm even happier to be going back to the big city and to be taking
01:22:34will with me but only because i know that we'll be back soon and you guys all have to come visit
01:22:38us in la too yeah and me too hopefully there's a great music scene in la don't worry uncle tim
01:22:44they'll take good care of them i know they will i'm not worried and we have to come visit them
01:22:50i mean i want alicia to maybe make my bridesmaid dresses yeah you know i don't know about this
01:22:55wedding thing anymore sam we got a store to run you're gonna make her crazy now that girl is
01:23:01certainly different from the rest of the family well you know what mom it's what makes horse
01:23:07racing it's certainly right gran so you uh sure you want to be a part of this crazy family yeah i
01:23:13think i could sit right in get it okay well then alicia crosby will you marry me yes yes
