Desafío XX Capítulo 4 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Desafío XX Capítulo 4 Completo HD


00:00:00Day 4
00:00:15Good morning, challengers!
00:00:16Good morning!
00:00:17Good morning!
00:00:18The end of the cycle is approaching,
00:00:20and with the end of the cycle, we will also meet the best team of the cycle.
00:00:24How are things?
00:00:26Beta is leading.
00:00:27Only if they win today.
00:00:29Alpha, things change.
00:00:32In that case, they would share the prize between the two teams.
00:00:36Today we will meet for the prize and punishment challenge.
00:00:39We have roulette with prizes and with punishments.
00:00:42The prizes range from 1 million pesos to 6 million pesos.
00:00:48The punishments.
00:00:50A classic of the challenge, extreme haircut.
00:00:54We are going to win this.
00:00:55The other one, live married.
00:00:57And a third punishment, submerged in ice.
00:01:02How do you think you are not going to compete today?
00:01:07What do you mean?
00:01:09What do you mean?
00:01:12If you remember, when we carried out the 20-year challenge, we had two stages.
00:01:17First, the stage in which all of you arrived.
00:01:20Then a stage for the challengers, the fans of the challenge,
00:01:24who do not get lost season after season.
00:01:2713,000 subscribers arrived.
00:01:30Today you will meet the first four.
00:01:33And you will have to choose as a team
00:01:36which of the four will represent you in this prize and punishment challenge.
00:01:44Today we are going to start with Alpha in this selection.
00:01:48Look at the names.
00:01:50Four candidates, Alpha, for one of them to represent you here in the blue box.
00:01:56Tito, dance teacher from Tuluay.
00:01:58There is Chucho, lawyer from Cartagena.
00:02:00There is Oscar, who is a high-performance athlete from Bogotá.
00:02:04And there is Brian, who is a real estate agent.
00:02:08We agree.
00:02:09Seconds to define it.
00:02:10Wait, Oscar.
00:02:11Oscar, you can be the high-performance athlete.
00:02:14Oscar, Oscar.
00:02:19Last word.
00:02:23Tito goes for Beta.
00:02:24There are two options.
00:02:25Gamma, with whom?
00:02:26Chucho, yes.
00:02:27For Chucho.
00:02:28And Omega, of course, you stay with Brian.
00:02:31Our challenger guests will stay with you for the next 24 hours.
00:02:39And I close with…
00:02:41This happened in Gamma.
00:02:48Aww, he reached the water.
00:02:53He touched the pool.
00:02:55Catch it.
00:02:55He can't.
00:02:57Oh, ****.
00:02:58That's why it's not good to play there.
00:03:03Obviously, it wasn't intentional,
00:03:05but first lesson.
00:03:07If the team has not gained that benefit,
00:03:09in this case, the comfort of having the pool open,
00:03:12that space is restricted.
00:03:14But, as it is not intentional,
00:03:16let's say that the consequence and the punishment is benevolent.
00:03:20Gama will spend the rest of the cycle on Playa Baja.
00:03:29I'm waiting for you all!
00:03:31And Gama, bring your bags because you're going to Playa Baja.
00:03:35I can't believe it. What a lack of attention.
00:03:37That can't happen. I mean, really.
00:03:39No, you have to put the whole file in.
00:03:41What are you doing standing there?
00:03:42What are you doing near the pool?
00:03:44Every month we've told them, guys,
00:03:46be careful with the food, don't do that.
00:03:49I mean, going to throw Playa Baja for one.
00:03:51For one.
00:03:52Very frustrating, really.
00:03:53Yes, man, I mean, all a f****** mess.
00:03:56And they start f****** there in the pool.
00:04:00If it were one of us, we would be better off there.
00:04:03Yes, they would be beating us, they would be beating us.
00:04:06Stop it, man, stop it.
00:04:08No, what do you mean, stop it? And don't be a bully.
00:04:10I wouldn't even insult a bully.
00:04:12No, no, you're not insulting us, but you don't need bad words to offend us.
00:04:16And who's saying bad words?
00:04:17You made a mistake, accept it, accept it.
00:04:19That's why I accept it.
00:04:20You haven't said a single word.
00:04:21I'm sorry, it must have been one of the girls.
00:04:23You're complaining, you're the first one.
00:04:25No, who's going to complain?
00:04:26First, I want Playa Baja so they can feel the voltage.
00:04:29But here, the only one who wants Playa Baja is you.
00:04:31She's pulling out her nails.
00:04:33Instead of saying, guys, I'm sorry, we're going to improve.
00:04:36That's it, that's it, it's over.
00:04:37Cheer up.
00:04:38It would have been bad, hey.
00:04:40You clearly didn't do it badly, but we were aware that we could be at risk.
00:04:45What is taught in classes is spoken, Francisco.
00:04:48You didn't even let me give my opinion.
00:04:50We had an advantage that Alpha had to choose first.
00:04:54But we had a few seconds.
00:04:56That's why a few seconds.
00:04:57You said Oscar, he said Oscar, I said Oscar.
00:05:00And I said, and I said, I have something to say.
00:05:02You would have listened to me, you would have waited for me to speak.
00:05:05I would have said Oscar, but let me speak.
00:05:08So, we're going to win.
00:05:10Karen, I don't like your attitude.
00:05:12No, I don't like it either.
00:05:13Let me feel.
00:05:14Because all the time you are repressing everyone's feelings.
00:05:17I'm not repressing anything.
00:05:18Listen to me, listen to me.
00:05:19My concern is my concern.
00:05:22Let me feel and let me sit down.
00:05:25If she is afraid that she will be punished, that she has to cut her hair.
00:05:28Me too.
00:05:29Then don't repress it.
00:05:31Don't repress it.
00:05:33It's not good for the child.
00:05:35With what control?
00:05:36With Danilo.
00:05:37Girls, come on, come on.
00:05:38With what control?
00:05:39Come on, come on.
00:05:40The three of us.
00:05:41No, Karen.
00:05:43You are wanting to control the feelings and emotions.
00:05:45I'm not saying anything.
00:05:46I'm just listening to some things and like what?
00:05:48No, no, no.
00:05:49Oh, Karen.
00:05:50Girls, now let's calm down and send all the energy to that boy so he can win.
00:05:55The truth is, I'm very upset.
00:05:58I'm upset, I'm upset.
00:06:01What do you call that?
00:06:03Attitude, exactly.
00:06:04My family taught me.
00:06:06If you embarrassed her, bow your head and say, boys, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:06:10If it were us.
00:06:11It was intentional.
00:06:12We're going to talk about this because it was intentional.
00:06:14It would be better to be here saying everything and that's not how things are.
00:06:17How do you wash your hands?
00:06:18No, I want to be on the beach, down.
00:06:20I want to enjoy the experience.
00:06:22Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
00:06:26What a mess, really.
00:06:27No, so guache and so patan.
00:06:29That's guachería and that's patanería.
00:06:31Hello, hello.
00:06:36Hello, how are you?
00:06:38How are you?
00:06:39Oh, poor thing, he came to suck down the beach at once.
00:06:42How are you?
00:06:43I see that they are punishing us.
00:06:45Ay, ay, ay.
00:06:46Let's give it hard.
00:06:48Let's go.
00:06:49Let's go.
00:06:50Now it's true that we are going to win.
00:06:52Good sport.
00:06:53Thank you.
00:06:54Nice to meet you.
00:06:55Nice to meet you.
00:06:56I'm here to compete.
00:06:57Ay, ay, ay.
00:06:58That's it.
00:06:59The sun is still shining.
00:07:01That's it.
00:07:03I have faith in Brian because my brother's name was Brian.
00:07:06That's how it's written.
00:07:07That's it, that's it.
00:07:08He's going to reincarnate there.
00:07:09That's it.
00:07:10I have a pressure on my chest that we are going to win.
00:07:14Good morning.
00:07:15How are you?
00:07:16How are you?
00:07:17Good, good, good.
00:07:18Come with gratitude, that's it.
00:07:22Nothing, happy, happier than everyone.
00:07:25The best team.
00:07:26That's it.
00:07:27That's it.
00:07:30Do you know what we should do?
00:07:31I'll wait a little while here so that when I'm there.
00:07:33Tito the baby.
00:07:35We are Beta.
00:07:36You are welcome.
00:07:37We are with you.
00:07:38Tito, Tito, Tito.
00:07:40Again, again.
00:07:41Hey, it's that I came to show that in Tulum there is talent that can fly taking off
00:07:52the wind.
00:07:53I introduce myself, I am Tito Flow and we are going to fight to get to the table.
00:07:54I am the best team and it's called Beta.
00:07:55Come on, come on, come on.
00:07:56How are you, brother?
00:07:57Nice to meet you.
00:07:58My name is Oscar Agres.
00:07:59I didn't think they would call me.
00:08:00I am a high performance athlete in the Paralympic system.
00:08:01I do bullet infusion.
00:08:02The only thing we don't accept here is a I can't.
00:08:03He can't exist.
00:08:04I'm going to invent.
00:08:05That's right.
00:08:06So, for the rest, stop.
00:08:26Oscar, let's do a mini tour of the whole house.
00:08:27Now, the main rule is not to touch anything of the alasena and don't put your hand to
00:08:31test how the water is.
00:08:32No, this is not valid here.
00:08:33We can't go pass from that little square.
00:08:34If we pass.
00:08:35Don't do it again.
00:08:36But why?
00:08:37Because I have to prepare everything.
00:08:38And I'm going to not underestimate anyone.
00:08:39But if you imagine me, I'm going to be in the front, I'm going to be in the front, and
00:08:40they're going to so like me.
00:08:41I'm going to be the only one.
00:08:42I'm going to have to look behind and see how I can get around.
00:08:43I know, but they're making fun of us.
00:08:45I don't know what to do.
00:08:47I'm not going to underestimate anyone.
00:08:49But if I imagine, I imagine something else.
00:08:52I don't want to talk about it because we're going to look for a book on the cover.
00:08:57Yes, totally.
00:08:59I laughed a lot.
00:09:01A high performance athlete is going to come and do a move like that?
00:09:04I laughed a lot.
00:09:07I hope Beba tells me what she's talking about.
00:09:11I'm sure she's saying something about me.
00:09:13She's so lazy.
00:09:15Not the group.
00:09:16Not the group, her.
00:09:18I can't do it now.
00:09:20Let's see who's sick.
00:09:22My daughter is watching me at home.
00:09:25I'm going to give everything for her.
00:09:27That's beautiful.
00:09:29You have our support.
00:09:31I'm a winner.
00:09:33Besides that, I don't like to lose.
00:09:36We have her.
00:09:38Don't let yourself be underestimated.
00:09:41We, the Omegas, are always going to break you on the track.
00:09:45Usually, when I get to a place, they tell me I'm a star.
00:09:49They say I always bring blessings, positive energy.
00:09:55You have a very good vibe.
00:09:58I don't know, I'm just grateful to my dad.
00:10:01The smallest thing is the most surprising.
00:10:04In the world I train, which is a world with people with disabilities,
00:10:08something that represents us is that
00:10:10the only disability a human being has is the mind.
00:10:14I can't climb that mountain.
00:10:16And a person with an amputation,
00:10:18a small person with physical limitations, does it.
00:10:22Fatty, I'm going to tell you something.
00:10:24After I told you, don't do that thing again.
00:10:27I had to do it.
00:10:29Why not?
00:10:30First of all, Karen, please.
00:10:32Did you stop to show the boy the house when he arrived?
00:10:36Let's see, I'm sitting watching them.
00:10:38I don't know how you yell at me, Fatty, because you do it.
00:10:41I didn't yell at you.
00:10:42Karen, calm down, because what I'm going to tell you is,
00:10:44I didn't tell you because I was wrong.
00:10:46I told you because I remembered this man who put his foot in the pool.
00:10:49That doesn't matter.
00:10:50It doesn't matter, but ...
00:10:52Unless you take something.
00:10:54No, I mean, you did it with the intention of bringing them closer.
00:10:57I'll give you 30 seconds to finish there, and then you can tell me.
00:11:01I'm going to tell you, don't take things like that.
00:11:03I mean, lower your attitude a little bit, Karen.
00:11:05I'm here to make sure we're okay.
00:11:07And you react like that.
00:11:08We're fine, we're fine.
00:11:09We're fine, okay?
00:11:10You told me.
00:11:11Okay, that's it.
00:11:14Sentence, award and punishment challenge.
00:11:21We welcome Oscar, challenger of the week, for the Alpha team.
00:11:27We welcome Tito, challenger of the week, for the Beta team.
00:11:32We welcome Chucho, challenger of the week, for the Gamma team.
00:11:38And we welcome Priam, challenger of the week, for the Omega team.
00:11:44Let's go, Oscar!
00:11:50Chucho, Chucho!
00:11:55I hope you have taken advantage of the time you had before the test to give all the advice to those who will represent you today.
00:12:04Challengers, this will be your sentence, award and punishment challenge.
00:12:10The challengers of the week will have to cross the long pool, overcoming a series of metal rings under the water.
00:12:16When they leave, they will ascend and descend the structure.
00:12:20They will cross the deep pool and go up by two tubes to the upper platform, where they will find a chest,
00:12:26from which they must take several objects and take them to the beginning of the track.
00:12:30They can only take one at a time.
00:12:33The first is a ball that they must throw and throw into a basket that is at ground level.
00:12:38The second are two rings that they must insert into the structure.
00:12:42And the third are four bags of sand that they will throw at an unstable tray two meters high,
00:12:48so that the bags are balanced and do not fall to the ground.
00:12:53When they achieve it, they must run to the beginning of the box and cross the finish line.
00:12:57The first to do it will be the winner.
00:13:00Come on, Alfa!
00:13:38Come on, Alfa!
00:13:41Come on, Alfa!
00:13:44Come on, Alfa!
00:13:47Come on, Alfa!
00:13:50Come on, Alfa!
00:13:53Come on, Alfa!
00:13:56Come on, Alfa!
00:13:59Come on, Alfa!
00:14:02Come on, Alfa!
00:14:06Come on, Alfa!
00:14:09Come on, Alfa!
00:14:18Come on, Alfa!
00:14:21Come on, Alfa!
00:14:27That's it!
00:14:30That's it!
00:14:34Yeah, Bri!
00:14:44Good, Bri! Good, good!
00:14:46Good, Alba, good!
00:14:50You're doing great! You're doing great!
00:14:55Come on, Lucho!
00:14:57Upwards, upwards!
00:14:59Come on!
00:15:01Come on!
00:15:03Come on, Chucho!
00:15:05Good, Alba! Good, Alba!
00:15:07Good, good, good!
00:15:09Come on, Mecca!
00:15:11Come on, Mecca!
00:15:15Come on, Chucho!
00:15:17That's it! That's it!
00:15:21That's it, Chucho!
00:15:23Good, good!
00:15:25Come on!
00:15:31That's it, Alba! Come on!
00:15:33That's it, Oscar!
00:15:35Come on!
00:15:39That's it, Alba!
00:15:41That's it, Mecca!
00:15:43Come on, Chucho!
00:15:53That's it, Chucho!
00:15:55That's it, Chucho!
00:15:57Winner! Winner!
00:15:59Winner! Winner!
00:16:11The winner is Antonio!
00:16:13Enjoy the trophies!
00:16:15Enjoy them!
00:16:17Let's go, guys!
00:16:19Come on, Alba!
00:16:21Good, Alba, good, good!
00:16:23That's it, that's it!
00:16:29Look at that!
00:16:32Good, son, good, good!
00:16:42Come on!
00:16:44Come on!
00:16:50Good, friend, good!
00:16:55Come on, Ocar, come on!
00:17:00Come on, come on!
00:17:05That's it, come on!
00:17:06Good, good, good!
00:17:08Come on, son!
00:17:09Come on, son!
00:17:14Come on!
00:17:16That's it, come on!
00:17:17Good, good, good!
00:17:19Come on, son!
00:17:20Come on!
00:17:28Good, good!
00:17:44Good, good!
00:17:58That's it, Alba, that's it!
00:18:02Come on!
00:18:04That's it, Alba!
00:18:05Good, Alba!
00:18:06Come on, Ocar, come on!
00:18:09That's it, that's it!
00:18:11That's it, Ocar!
00:18:12You're doing very well!
00:18:16Come on!
00:18:22Come on!
00:18:24Breathe, breathe, breathe!
00:18:27You can do it!
00:18:28You can do it with this!
00:18:29That's it!
00:18:32Breathe, breathe, breathe!
00:18:35Good, Alba, good!
00:18:36Come on!
00:18:39Breathe, breathe, breathe!
00:18:42That's it, that's it!
00:18:43Breathe, breathe, breathe!
00:18:45Come on, let's go up!
00:18:47Good, good!
00:18:48That's it, that's it!
00:18:50One more effort!
00:18:56It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!
00:18:58It doesn't matter where!
00:18:59One more effort, come on!
00:19:02That's it!
00:19:03Come on, Oscar, that's it!
00:19:04That's it, that's it!
00:19:05That's it, that's it!
00:19:06Come on, coffee.
00:19:07Come on, you two.
00:19:09Come on, come on!
00:19:10Come on, Alba!
00:19:12That's it, Alba!
00:19:22Pony Check!
00:19:24Pony Check!
00:19:25Pony Check!
00:19:26Pony Check!
00:19:27Pony Check!
00:19:28Pony Check!
00:19:29Come on, Alba!
00:19:30You're very good!
00:19:35Chucho! Chucho! Chucho!
00:19:47Let's go!
00:20:02Up! Up!
00:20:04Let's go!
00:20:05That's it! That's it!
00:20:10Let's go! Let's go!
00:20:11Come on! Harder! Harder!
00:20:14That's it!
00:20:17Good! Good!
00:20:20Let's go!
00:20:23One more! One more!
00:20:25Good! Good!
00:20:31That's it!
00:20:34That's it! That's the rhythm!
00:20:43Let's go, Chucho!
00:20:44One more!
00:20:54Let's do it, Chucho!
00:20:55Come on, Chucho! Come on, Chucho!
00:20:58Good! Good!
00:21:02You're doing good!
00:21:11You're going for the rings, Omega! You're going for the rings!
00:21:18Let's go, Chucho!
00:21:22Come on, Chucho! Come on, Chucho!
00:21:28Come on, Chucho! Come on, Chucho!
00:21:31That's it! Good!
00:21:38That's it!
00:21:43That's it!
00:21:45That's it!
00:21:48That's it!
00:21:51Let's go!
00:22:02That's it!
00:22:03That's it, my heart!
00:22:06Let's go!
00:22:07Throw it here. Throw it here and hold it here.
00:22:14Good! Good!
00:22:16That's it!
00:22:19Let's go, Chucho!
00:22:23Come on, Chucho!
00:22:26Let's go!
00:22:31Let's go, Chucho!
00:22:38Good, Tito! Good!
00:22:42Come on, come on!
00:22:51Calm down! Breathe!
00:23:01Chucho, that's your rhythm!
00:23:05Think and go!
00:23:08Come on, Alfa!
00:23:11Calm down, calm down! Very good!
00:23:13That's it, Oscar! This is yours!
00:23:15That's it!
00:23:17That's it!
00:23:18Try with both of them! Try with both of them!
00:23:20Come on, come on!
00:23:22Try with the same one!
00:23:24The same one!
00:23:26Very good!
00:23:27Try with the same one that's close!
00:23:44Come on, Chucho!
00:23:50That's it!
00:23:53Good! You've got it, Oscar!
00:24:06I don't know!
00:24:17Come on!
00:24:25That's yours, Tito! Come on, Tito!
00:24:34Come on, come on!
00:24:39Calm down, Tito!
00:24:41That's it, calm down!
00:24:44We're missing one! Come on, Chucho, Chucho!
00:24:51That's it, come on, come on!
00:24:57Come on, Tito!
00:25:03Come on, Oscar!
00:25:04Come on, Oscar!
00:25:05Hold the left one! You go to the left!
00:25:08Come on, Oscar!
00:25:10You go to the left, Oscar!
00:25:12To the left! To the left tube, Oscar!
00:25:15Come on, come on!
00:25:19¡Son muy cercas!
00:25:22¡Falta, falta!
00:25:25¡Caminen las!
00:25:26¡Ahí, ahí!
00:25:27¡Ahí, ahí!
00:25:28Ahí, ahí!
00:25:30Gelo, ¿eh?
00:25:32Ahí, ahí.
00:25:34¡Ahí, ahí!
00:25:36¡Ahí, ahí!
00:25:39¡Karli, Karli!
00:25:40¡Eh, eh!
00:25:41¡Se fue, se fue!
00:25:43¡Bien, Karli!
00:25:44¡Esa, esa es la primera!
00:25:46¡Esa, esa es la primera!
00:25:47That's it! That's it!
00:25:50Yes! Yes!
00:25:52Calm down! Calm down!
00:25:57That's it!
00:25:58That's it!
00:26:11That's it! Throw it! Throw it!
00:26:14But fast! With energy!
00:26:18Let's go!
00:26:19Very good! What a warrior of life!
00:26:29It's a dream! It's a dream! Come on!
00:26:32He's a warrior! He's a warrior!
00:26:34Let's go!
00:26:48Very good!
00:26:50Very good!
00:26:51Come on! Come on!
00:26:56And let's go!
00:26:58He's good! He's good!
00:27:00As you feel comfortable!
00:27:02As you feel comfortable!
00:27:04That's it! Good!
00:27:05That's it!
00:27:06That's perfect!
00:27:07That's perfect!
00:27:25Chucho, walk!
00:27:26There you will rest! Walk!
00:27:28Walk! Walk! Walk!
00:27:30Excellent! Excellent!
00:27:33Excellent! Excellent, Chucho!
00:27:35Let's go, Oscar!
00:27:38Don't throw!
00:27:39With your hands and walk!
00:27:42Push yourself with your hands!
00:27:44Push yourself with your hands!
00:27:45There it defines itself! Calm down!
00:27:48Super good!
00:27:49Your thing is the aim! Go!
00:27:55Light up there, Oscar! Light up there!
00:27:57That's your thing!
00:27:58There it defines itself! So calm down!
00:28:14Very good!
00:28:16A little more strength!
00:28:17Let's go!
00:28:18Let's go!
00:28:23Come on!
00:28:24Come on!
00:28:28Come on!
00:28:29Come on!
00:28:30Come on!
00:28:31Come on!
00:28:32Come on!
00:28:33Come on!
00:28:34Come on, come on, Tito, come on!
00:28:36A little more strength, come on!
00:28:42Come on, one!
00:28:52Tito, this is three times!
00:28:55Come on, Tito!
00:28:58Come on, Tito!
00:29:00Come on, come on, come on!
00:29:05Come on, Tito!
00:29:17Come on!
00:29:19Look to the center!
00:29:21Come on!
00:29:23That's it!
00:29:27Come on!
00:29:31Come on, Tito!
00:29:34Come on, Tito!
00:29:40Good, like that, Tito, like that!
00:29:42Very good!
00:29:43Don't worry!
00:29:44Aim that shot well!
00:29:57Come on!
00:29:58Come on, Tito!
00:29:59Come on, Tito!
00:30:00To the center, Oscar!
00:30:02Come on, Oscar!
00:30:04Come on, Tito, shoot, shoot, shoot!
00:30:13Come on, come on!
00:30:21Come on, Oscar, you know how to do it!
00:30:25To the center!
00:30:28To the center!
00:30:30That's it!
00:30:36That's it, that's it!
00:30:41Come on, good!
00:30:43To the center, up, to the center, up!
00:30:46Very good, Tito!
00:30:51Aim to the right, aim to the right!
00:30:54That's it, Tito!
00:30:55That's it, Tito!
00:31:00Come on, come on, come on!
00:31:02Come on, come on, come on!
00:31:04Come on, come on, come on!
00:31:06Come on, come on, come on!
00:31:08Come on, come on, come on!
00:31:14Arpa, with the triumph of Oscar, you are the winners of this challenge of sentence, prize and punishment!
00:31:31The challenge is over!
00:31:39Chucho did it, he did it in the end!
00:31:53Thank you, God!
00:31:55Thank you, thank you!
00:31:59Good job!
00:32:09Worth it, boys!
00:32:12One thing is to see in Cartagena, at home, what the challenge is like, but the truth is that this is for superhumans!
00:32:21Alfa, with the victory of Oscar, you become the champions!
00:32:25the winners of this award and punishment challenge.
00:32:31Oscar, we only saw a very short review of you.
00:32:35You said you were a high-performance athlete.
00:32:36What is your sport? Tell me.
00:32:38My sport is currently
00:32:40I'm a field athlete.
00:32:43And for the water, very good.
00:32:45I mean, you nailed it, impeccable.
00:32:47I was a swimmer, Colombian national team, disability.
00:32:49I managed to be in the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games
00:32:52and I was in a world championship.
00:32:54Thank God.
00:32:55Do me a favour.
00:32:59Tito, how did you feel at the Vetas?
00:33:01Encouraging you, doing all that for you.
00:33:04I am very happy to be here
00:33:06because from the first moment I arrived,
00:33:09they welcomed me with a nice bar,
00:33:11a very cool verse.
00:33:12I am an artist and I loved what they wrote.
00:33:16Likewise, in the test, I always had their support,
00:33:20the advice they gave me,
00:33:21they served me in each of the tests.
00:33:23And the truth is, I don't feel sad about losing
00:33:26because I am very proud of having given a fight
00:33:29to a great competitor.
00:33:30And thank you very much for the opportunity.
00:33:32I am living a dream.
00:33:34Thank you.
00:33:37Chucho, forgive my indiscretion.
00:33:40How old are you, Chucho?
00:33:4368, Chucho.
00:33:47When did you send me to the challenge?
00:33:48I sign up.
00:33:50First of all, I decided 20 years ago to be happy.
00:33:53I was one of the first to start weightlifting in Cartagena.
00:33:57There were no gyms.
00:33:58We invented everything with cookies and cement cans.
00:34:02We made the weights.
00:34:03And we never had the opportunity,
00:34:06at that time, when I was 20, 21 years old,
00:34:09to have this kind of contest so pleasant and so demanding.
00:34:13So, when the challenge started 20 years ago,
00:34:16I didn't miss any.
00:34:18I had the desire to participate once.
00:34:21And this year, a friend, whom I appreciate a lot,
00:34:24told me,
00:34:25sign up, fill out the application.
00:34:27Many of my age said,
00:34:29but how?
00:34:30There were going to be only 20-year-old boys.
00:34:32And here I am.
00:34:36Brian, how does the feeling change
00:34:38when you have seen the challenge,
00:34:40you have done your best in the tests,
00:34:41but you are sitting in the comfort of your living room,
00:34:45to experience it here, on a real track,
00:34:48in your own flesh?
00:34:50Well, you see the challenge very easily,
00:34:54from the screen.
00:34:55When we were on the track,
00:34:57I felt that,
00:34:59as we were giving the rhythm of the track,
00:35:02the body was weakening.
00:35:04However, in the background, I heard my daughter's name
00:35:07and I wanted to win.
00:35:09So, well, nothing,
00:35:10I am happy to have had this experience
00:35:13and I feel proud of Oscar.
00:35:15To have competed with a champion.
00:35:17Congratulations to all the teams.
00:35:19I know it is very hard,
00:35:20and you are going to do well.
00:35:22To our four challengers of the week,
00:35:25super special guests,
00:35:27I want to tell you that the challenge
00:35:29always turns out to be a transformative experience
00:35:32for the challengers.
00:35:33We hope that, for 24 hours,
00:35:36it will also be for you.
00:35:37Thank you, Andrea.
00:35:40yours was great, my dear Oscar.
00:35:42I'll tell you why.
00:35:43Today, we are also giving the award
00:35:45to the best team of the cycle.
00:35:47And if it weren't for this victory,
00:35:49everything indicated that Beta
00:35:50was going to stay with the full boot.
00:35:53But no,
00:35:54as Alpha won,
00:35:55then it is distributed.
00:35:56$7,500,000 for each.
00:36:01Two representatives, one per team.
00:36:03Oh, how nice.
00:36:05Give me five, give me five.
00:36:08Thank you very much, Andrea.
00:36:10How nice, Tito.
00:36:11Thank you very much.
00:36:12Very good.
00:36:17This is a punishment-punishment challenge,
00:36:19therefore, the roulette makes its stellar appearance,
00:36:22where we have prizes that range from one million,
00:36:25then it goes to two, three, four, five,
00:36:29six million pesos.
00:36:30But on the other side are the punishments.
00:36:34There are three on this opportunity.
00:36:36The haircut is a tradition already in the challenge.
00:36:40You will either be submerged in ice
00:36:42or you will be handcuffed for 24 hours.
00:36:47I have news.
00:36:49The challenger of the week who won the challenge,
00:36:52that is, Oscar,
00:36:54will take the same amount of money
00:36:57that is left in the team that wins the roulette.
00:37:01You deserve it.
00:37:03We are going to choose a representative from Alpha
00:37:07to approach that roulette.
00:37:10Adam, you.
00:37:29I cut my hair.
00:37:31Six million pesos for the Alpha team.
00:37:35Six million pesos for you, Oscar.
00:37:40On the other hand, we have the punishment.
00:37:43The haircut.
00:37:45As you know, this is an extreme haircut.
00:37:51This time, the punishment includes
00:37:54that the team that receives the punishment
00:37:57chooses a woman and two men for that haircut.
00:38:03The only woman you cut would be Mr. Boa.
00:38:06But he already has a haircut.
00:38:08He would cut it a little more.
00:38:11We're going to say Mr. Boa.
00:38:15Ready, do we have it?
00:38:19Which one do you choose?
00:38:21Mr. Boa.
00:38:22Mr. Boa.
00:38:23Mr. Boa.
00:38:24Mr. Boa.
00:38:25Mr. Boa.
00:38:26Mr. Boa.
00:38:27Mr. Boa.
00:38:28Mr. Boa.
00:38:29Mr. Boa.
00:38:30Mr. Boa.
00:38:31Which is the Alpha team's decision?
00:38:33For whom goes the punishment?
00:38:40For whom, Dixon?
00:38:44For Omega.
00:38:45For Omega.
00:38:51Omega, you will continue to choose a woman
00:38:54and two men from the team
00:38:56to face this great challenge.
00:39:00Extreme haircut.
00:39:07Alpha, the vests.
00:39:09One for a man, one for a woman.
00:39:11Choose an emissary who will go
00:39:13and deliver them to a house, to several houses.
00:39:16Or, if at some point they decide to deliver them
00:39:19in their own house, it is also a valid option.
00:39:22To their houses, Gamma, to Playa Baja.
00:39:26Who said? Who said?
00:39:28You're not going to cut it?
00:39:30But he said...
00:39:34Get out.
00:39:35I've always wanted to see him more alone.
00:39:39And Campanita does his show.
00:39:41Think about it, you have to think about it, girl.
00:39:43When we're at home,
00:39:45you sit down, four of you,
00:39:47and think about it, three of you.
00:39:49I prefer you cut my hair, cut my beard.
00:39:51Don't punish me.
00:39:59THE GAMES
00:40:06Let's go, Oscar!
00:40:09We are the winners!
00:40:11We are the winners!
00:40:13Hurray, Oscar!
00:40:15Thank you, Oscar!
00:40:23Oh, how delicious!
00:40:25Eat, Oscar!
00:40:30Thank you, God, thank you, thank you!
00:40:33Oh, my God!
00:40:35Pizza fillings!
00:40:37This tastes so good!
00:40:39Oh, my God!
00:40:41They're eating!
00:40:43Thank you, Oscar!
00:40:45I've never enjoyed a pizza so much in my life.
00:40:48Me neither.
00:40:49Here in Anacaldia, I'm sure they're good.
00:40:53I don't want to apologize.
00:40:55I didn't want to lose.
00:40:57I think my responsibility
00:40:59will be to cut my hair first.
00:41:01No, no, no, Brian.
00:41:03You came here to share everything.
00:41:05No, don't worry.
00:41:06We know that.
00:41:07Since you left with such an attitude.
00:41:09Yes, I...
00:41:10To enjoy this experience.
00:41:11Nobody goes out to lose.
00:41:12No, nothing.
00:41:13I am happy to accompany you, sad to lose.
00:41:16I know you are very beautiful people
00:41:18and I thank you for supporting me.
00:41:20Well, and...
00:41:21So, in the end, what about the hair?
00:41:24I do want to ask Gamboa,
00:41:25because she doesn't have to feel pressured
00:41:27because she has short hair.
00:41:29No, but I don't feel pressured.
00:41:30I do it for the team,
00:41:31because they're going to cut your hair.
00:41:33I already have it short.
00:41:34Thank you, Gamboa.
00:41:35Thank you, Gamboa.
00:41:36Where I get the cut that Gamboa has,
00:41:38I think I look horrible
00:41:39because I'm super straight.
00:41:41No, my love.
00:41:42You know yourself.
00:41:43You don't look ugly.
00:41:44Gaspar, Gaspar, Gaspar.
00:41:46I'm leaving.
00:41:47He's left without a member
00:41:48because I don't...
00:41:49You're not able to give up your dream for the hair.
00:41:53Yes, because...
00:41:54Fatty, this is my dream now,
00:41:56but I work with my hair,
00:41:57so I leave and I stay without a job.
00:41:59Here, making a hypothetical case,
00:42:01well, we were sent by Gamboa.
00:42:03In case Gamboa wasn't there,
00:42:04or well, Gamboa is there,
00:42:06and they would have sent Beta,
00:42:07what would they have done?
00:42:08Because everyone says they don't cut it.
00:42:10In Gamma, everyone says they don't cut it.
00:42:12They didn't think like that.
00:42:14They should have thought like that.
00:42:15Let's send Gamma.
00:42:16That's how...
00:42:17They should have thought
00:42:18if a woman sends him, he'll go.
00:42:20He's a contestant less,
00:42:21and they didn't think like that.
00:42:22They're thinking there,
00:42:23let's do everyone a favor.
00:42:27The next day
00:42:34Ready for this new adventure?
00:42:36I have to.
00:42:37So I'm not more tired.
00:42:39This climb is more tiring than the tests.
00:42:41Welcome, guys.
00:42:43At least there are stones to put the pillows.
00:42:45Here is the XX of the 20.
00:42:48My left mother is very deserted.
00:42:51I thought there was more vegetation.
00:42:53That from this we also learn
00:42:54that mistakes can't exist here.
00:42:57And Alex, if you see us angry,
00:42:59it would also be nice if you understand us.
00:43:01You know that women have...
00:43:04Let me speak.
00:43:05Women are much more emotional than you
00:43:08and they affect us 100% the situations.
00:43:11Of course.
00:43:12But everyone has the right to be disgusted,
00:43:15but not in such a grotesque way,
00:43:18because it can happen to anyone.
00:43:21There is really empathy.
00:43:23When we realized that we came to Playa Baja
00:43:26because of you,
00:43:27because it was your fault,
00:43:28you saw us angry
00:43:30and you put yourself in a super aggressive tone.
00:43:33You wanted to live the experience
00:43:35of being here in Playa Baja,
00:43:36but it's not...
00:43:37Cleaning your hands of the mistake.
00:43:39No, they're not going to send you alone to Playa Baja.
00:43:41They send us all as a team.
00:43:43So if we want to get to the final...
00:43:45We'll see when it happens again.
00:43:47If we want to get to the final,
00:43:48we have to strengthen ourselves as a team
00:43:50and not criticize ourselves.
00:43:52We'll see when it happens again.
00:43:54So you have to be prepared for everything.
00:43:57So now that we go down to the house,
00:43:59each one puts one foot out
00:44:01and we're ready for an expulsion,
00:44:02because we're ready for everything.
00:44:04Well, I'm going to ask you for an interpellation.
00:44:06I wasn't in that episode,
00:44:07and that's why I don't know what happened.
00:44:09But I'm sure
00:44:10that the man is not a man of evil and hatred.
00:44:13No, we know that.
00:44:14He was wrong.
00:44:15We were all wrong.
00:44:16We are going to close
00:44:17and we are in such an ugly place
00:44:18that we must change the subject
00:44:20and dedicate ourselves to giving us joy
00:44:22and getting to know each other.
00:44:24So today I invite you to that.
00:44:26We're going to love those stones,
00:44:28we're going to admire nature,
00:44:30we're going to know that oxygen is good
00:44:32and we don't feel defeated or sad or anything,
00:44:34that tomorrow we're going to win.
00:44:38A vest goes from the female to the beta.
00:44:41Now, the male,
00:44:42we attack the beta with two
00:44:45or we send the male to the gamma.
00:44:47Look who's stronger.
00:44:49I have an opinion
00:44:50and my opinion is both for beta.
00:44:52I have my opinion,
00:44:53my opinion is one and one.
00:44:54You see what a strong woman.
00:44:56In beta there are strong.
00:44:58You have to soften
00:44:59a little of the heart
00:45:00and the ego of the male
00:45:01and also think intelligently.
00:45:03But how many of us
00:45:05have vulnerability?
00:45:07What does that have to do with it, Francisco?
00:45:09That has a lot to do with it.
00:45:11That has to do with the fact
00:45:12that you have to take advantage
00:45:13of every profit,
00:45:14every competition that is won.
00:45:15A titanic war is going to break out,
00:45:17do you understand?
00:45:18And they're going to come
00:45:19and they're going to send us two vests.
00:45:21Do whatever you want,
00:45:22I'm not going to get in there anymore.
00:45:24Put on any vest,
00:45:25I'm not going to give my opinion anymore.
00:45:26What's going to happen
00:45:27is that a titanic war is going to break out
00:45:29between beta and alpha.
00:45:31The women want to give a vest
00:45:33to a woman from the beta team.
00:45:35But we don't want at the same time
00:45:37to put the two vests
00:45:38on the same team.
00:45:39You just lose.
00:45:40The more teams we have,
00:45:41you don't see us as a competition,
00:45:42that's why they're not going to touch us.
00:45:44You don't get to be part of the group
00:45:45when we're making such an important decision
00:45:46between us.
00:45:47I don't have anything to say.
00:45:48Well, we have to decide.
00:45:50We've already thought about it.
00:45:52One vest for the female beta team
00:45:55and the other one for the male gamma team.
00:45:58Beta doesn't see us as a competition.
00:46:00They didn't send us a vest
00:46:02because they don't see us as a competition.
00:46:04They go through the ***
00:46:06with this type of alpha.
00:46:08You see?
00:46:09We're not strong.
00:46:11Maybe we're agile,
00:46:12but we need strong girls.
00:46:14We don't have a lot of heart,
00:46:15a lot of heart,
00:46:16a lot of heart.
00:46:17We don't have strong girls here.
00:46:19The only one that stands out
00:46:21is Dixon.
00:46:22And that,
00:46:23this Kalin has more potential
00:46:25than Dixon.
00:46:26Since they've made their decision,
00:46:27let them do it.
00:46:28Let them do it, yes.
00:46:30I think it's horrible
00:46:31that you have to make the decision,
00:46:34I was the one who said it.
00:46:35Well, you're the one with the vest.
00:46:37I think it's fair.
00:46:39Look, they haven't decided yet.
00:46:41We're already talking
00:46:42about the men in the gamma team.
00:46:43No, the representative Danilo,
00:46:45look who's here.
00:46:46Because they didn't give
00:46:47what you wanted,
00:46:48so I'm going to a corner
00:46:49and they decide.
00:46:50No, because you are
00:46:51the ones who are giving your opinion.
00:46:53At least my vote is Marlon.
00:46:55You are forgetting
00:46:56that I also have a vest.
00:46:58So it wasn't worth
00:47:00winning today
00:47:01because it doesn't work.
00:47:02So what did you just eat?
00:47:04It wasn't worth it,
00:47:05it wasn't worth it,
00:47:06it wasn't worth it.
00:47:07It wasn't worth it, why?
00:47:08Because it wasn't worth it.
00:47:09We're not making decisions.
00:47:10I mean, let them take it,
00:47:11let them take it by force.
00:47:12Francisco, stop talking.
00:47:14You are bringing
00:47:15a very bad energy
00:47:16because you are saying
00:47:17that we are a weak team
00:47:18and that it was not worth winning today.
00:47:19You are going to tie yourself
00:47:20with your words, did you hear?
00:47:21Yes, I'm going to the end
00:47:22with my words.
00:47:23Look, they already have a bed
00:47:24and they have food.
00:47:25They are 100%.
00:47:27You are starting
00:47:28with the male ego
00:47:29because you don't have any
00:47:30and you are wearing a vest.
00:47:31Bye guys, see you now.
00:47:40You already realized
00:47:41about the three teams, right?
00:47:43They are strong.
00:47:44The three of them are strong.
00:47:46If it's because of the physique,
00:47:47this is the weakest team.
00:47:48In sight.
00:47:49In sight and in reality.
00:47:54Who do we want
00:47:55to kick out of the boys?
00:47:57All three.
00:47:58I always lose in stone.
00:47:59No, but Campanita.
00:48:00So it's a paper.
00:48:01I'm going to take something
00:48:02and you tell them.
00:48:03No, a number,
00:48:04we tell each other in secret.
00:48:05No, I mean,
00:48:06the one who wins one
00:48:07gets a haircut.
00:48:08I mean, the one who wins
00:48:09gets a haircut
00:48:10and now we say another number
00:48:11and that's it.
00:48:12From 1 to 20.
00:48:13Start from 1 to 20.
00:48:14I'll start with 7.
00:48:23I was going to say 15.
00:48:24That's it.
00:48:35A round of applause for Gamboa.
00:48:36Oh yeah.
00:48:42we can make a kambuche with this.
00:48:45We have plastic,
00:48:48We can use that trunk.
00:48:49You must be good at this,
00:48:51Well, who's going to help me?
00:48:53A man to help you, please.
00:48:55Well, it's just my turn to test.
00:48:57No, no, no, come, come, come.
00:48:58It's my turn to go back.
00:48:59Wait, be careful here.
00:49:00Where are the men?
00:49:03Did you see him get up?
00:49:04That's it.
00:49:05Now put it in.
00:49:06Not forward,
00:49:07but I would put it there.
00:49:10There, there, there, there.
00:49:12Bring rocks to lift that trunk.
00:49:15We need help,
00:49:16help us.
00:49:17But why do we clean people
00:49:19from that side?
00:49:22Indomini Patrifilian Spiritisan.
00:49:25Let evil come out,
00:49:26let good come in.
00:49:27Yusca Trascasura
00:49:29Waziru Wandei
00:49:31Amanduka Mandaka
00:49:32Waziru Wandei
00:49:37Look at the egg.
00:49:38It's white.
00:49:39It's much whiter.
00:49:40And what color was it?
00:49:41Normal or a normal color?
00:49:43There's a new egg.
00:49:45Brown, brown.
00:49:46And look, look at the difference.
00:49:48Oh, what an egg this is.
00:49:50I just gave it a clean one, right?
00:49:52The egg concentrated all the energy.
00:49:54If the egg had been blacker,
00:49:57that is to say,
00:49:59it has very heavy energies,
00:50:01very strong, very negative.
00:50:02So now it's totally clean.
00:50:05You eat that egg.
00:50:06No, no, no, no,
00:50:07if it's an egg, you eat it.
00:50:08No, you have to eat it.
00:50:10The white energies go in.
00:50:12You have to go in there.
00:50:14Yes, because white, pure.
00:50:17It cleans the energy, yes, look.
00:50:19If it gets black, you can't eat it.
00:50:21It's left in a glass jar
00:50:23and we light it,
00:50:24we clean it,
00:50:25we clean it,
00:50:26then you read the reading
00:50:28of that cleaning
00:50:29to see how that negativity comes out.
00:50:32And you change the color?
00:50:34You don't want to be charged?
00:50:36To unload the silence
00:50:38is the main burden for me.
00:50:41So you sometimes see me
00:50:43as very quiet,
00:50:44but I'm always there
00:50:45looking out for you.
00:50:46Juan, and where did you learn
00:50:47to do those things?
00:50:49In the indigenous reserve
00:50:50of San Lorenzo.
00:50:51As I am originally
00:50:52from that tribe,
00:50:53at an ancestral level,
00:50:55I learned through
00:50:57those gifts that nature gave us
00:50:59to put them at the service
00:51:01of you, of the others.
00:51:04Mamacita bendita.
00:51:06Look at what's coming up.
00:51:08Hello, family.
00:51:10Hello, Karen.
00:51:11Hello, Karen.
00:51:13This is a decision of the group.
00:51:15This is for a boy.
00:51:21What motivated you
00:51:22to put on that vest?
00:51:23It was the team's decision.
00:51:24Yes, yes, Karen,
00:51:25we don't understand you.
00:51:26But, I mean,
00:51:27like arguments, I don't know.
00:51:29We saw it very high,
00:51:32Well, guys.
00:51:34I hope you're okay.
00:51:35How are you?
00:51:36Three people in vests here.
00:51:38Hey, Victoria,
00:51:39you have to do it all
00:51:40for Campanita.
00:51:42Campanita for me.
00:51:45He feels weak, obviously.
00:51:47I mean, with what he said,
00:51:48we are a weak team.
00:51:50It's because he feels weak
00:51:51compared to the other boys.
00:51:53I feel that they are afraid
00:51:55to face the big ones.
00:51:56Yes, that's it.
00:51:57That's it.
00:51:58They are trying to hit them
00:51:59in the head now
00:52:00that they don't have the vest.
00:52:01They are not being smart
00:52:02with the game.
00:52:04And that's coming from me.
00:52:06And Danilo,
00:52:08I agree with everything
00:52:09the others say.
00:52:14Breaking news.
00:52:15Hi, hi.
00:52:16Beta family.
00:52:20As you noticed,
00:52:21if we choose him
00:52:22and Omega stayed
00:52:23with the punishment,
00:52:24and to be a little more
00:52:26here the girls
00:52:27don't have the vest.
00:52:29a vest goes to the girl.
00:52:31And this is for Valentina.
00:52:32Thank you.
00:52:33We know
00:52:34that all four girls
00:52:35will get it.
00:52:36All of them.
00:52:37All of them.
00:52:38How did you choose him
00:52:39to be a girl?
00:52:40All of them.
00:52:42All the girls
00:52:43and the boys.
00:52:44Thank you.
00:52:45I receive it
00:52:46with a lot of love, girls.
00:52:47Thank you.
00:52:48Bye, Valentina.
00:52:49Thank you.
00:52:50No, Val is strong.
00:52:51Val is strong.
00:52:52Yes, yes, I'm strong.
00:52:53She knows
00:52:54that she is the chosen one
00:52:55of God
00:52:56and she will come back
00:52:57with everything.
00:52:58Amen, amen.
00:52:59I will be here with you.
00:53:00No, Valentina,
00:53:01it's too hard.
00:53:02Everything will be
00:53:03great, okay?
00:53:04Yes, it's like
00:53:05the first vest,
00:53:06but believe me,
00:53:07I receive it
00:53:08with a lot of love
00:53:09and I will prove it
00:53:10because you can't
00:53:11live with fear.
00:53:12To prove
00:53:13why my Valen
00:53:14is here,
00:53:16Yes, yes, yes,
00:53:17I am very strong.
00:53:18Because she is the chosen one.
00:53:19I am very strong.
00:53:20There comes
00:53:21the crazy girl.
00:53:22How did it go?
00:53:23Why Victoria
00:53:24and why Gama?
00:53:25And they asked.
00:53:27And for Beta,
00:53:28I told them
00:53:29that, as they realized,
00:53:30the punishment
00:53:31was for Omega.
00:53:32We have to put
00:53:33a little balance.
00:53:35That was it.
00:53:36Thank God
00:53:37and thank Oscar
00:53:38who won the race.
00:53:40We ate,
00:53:41I feel very grateful,
00:53:43To the good.
00:53:44Hey, do you know
00:53:45how these days went
00:53:46without eating?
00:53:47I imagine it
00:53:48because I have spent
00:53:49days like this.
00:53:51When I stopped being a swimmer,
00:53:52I stopped receiving
00:53:54and there
00:53:55in the place
00:53:56where I am,
00:53:57I had no option
00:53:58and no one was offering me anything.
00:53:59I spoke
00:54:00with the coach
00:54:01of the Valley League
00:54:02and he told me
00:54:03to come here.
00:54:04I did a raffle
00:54:05and I went there.
00:54:06I had no family
00:54:07or friends in Cali.
00:54:08I kept believing
00:54:09in his word
00:54:10that he was going
00:54:11to give me food
00:54:12and a roof,
00:54:13but I don't
00:54:14ask for things
00:54:15and let's say
00:54:16if I had a panela
00:54:17and a piece of cheese
00:54:19until that was over,
00:54:20I didn't ask him
00:54:21and sometimes
00:54:22and a full weekend
00:54:23I forgot to ask him
00:54:24because I had nothing
00:54:27that weekend
00:54:28I didn't eat
00:54:29since Friday
00:54:30until Monday
00:54:31when I came back
00:54:32to train.
00:54:33I looked like a zombie.
00:54:34But it was
00:54:35because of the
00:54:36discompensation you had.
00:54:37Of course,
00:54:38because I was training
00:54:39as if I was eating.
00:54:40That's why
00:54:41I told him
00:54:42that I was already trained
00:54:43and that he had to
00:54:44put up with me.
00:54:46I know that we are
00:54:47the strongest,
00:54:48that we inspire fear,
00:54:49that we are the best,
00:54:50but let us go,
00:54:51let us go.
00:54:52When you came in,
00:54:53they said
00:54:54that you were
00:54:55the most beautiful.
00:54:57I like that.
00:54:58For me,
00:54:59the most handsome guys
00:55:00are in Omega.
00:55:01Thank you,
00:55:02thank you.
00:55:03Thank you,
00:55:04thank you.
00:55:05The cookies.
00:55:06To my models
00:55:07and to my rugby.
00:55:09not to me.
00:55:10To me.
00:55:11I liked the
00:55:12Victoria song better.
00:55:15but why?
00:55:17with what necessity?
00:55:18Good night,
00:55:20I say hello to Victoria.
00:55:21Good night,
00:55:23And he ran away,
00:55:24where did you catch him?
00:55:25I came,
00:55:26I stopped with that lamp.
00:55:29I ran out
00:55:30for my greeting,
00:55:31of course.
00:55:34I ran out
00:55:35and I also answered
00:55:36my greeting.
00:55:37Good night today too.
00:55:39I say good night to him.
00:55:40He is in Playa Baja,
00:55:41how is he going to scream?
00:55:42We don't know
00:55:43where Playa Baja is.
00:55:44And I told him,
00:55:45good luck,
00:55:46and he said,
00:55:47thank you,
00:55:50I have the opportunity
00:55:51to participate again,
00:55:52but since the disaster,
00:55:53I participated.
00:55:54And you are preparing
00:55:55every year.
00:55:56I'm going to write,
00:55:57I'm going to prepare,
00:55:59because obviously
00:56:00there is a lot of difference
00:56:0124 hours,
00:56:02to live it completely,
00:56:04But get ready from now
00:56:05and year by year,
00:56:06learning until it happens.
00:56:07Until it comes out.
00:56:08And would you believe
00:56:09that you would have
00:56:10money to fight here?
00:56:13everyone has something
00:56:14to show,
00:56:15something to say.
00:56:16Don't you think
00:56:17that Andrea Serna
00:56:18looks prettier in person?
00:56:19She is a beautiful woman.
00:56:20In person and ...
00:56:21I mean,
00:56:22on television you always
00:56:25it's like I've seen
00:56:26the most beautiful thing
00:56:27I've ever seen.
00:56:29And I thought it was
00:56:30so perfect what she does.
00:56:31She is very professional
00:56:32and she is very serene,
00:56:36and then I see her
00:56:37and she,
00:56:39how are you?
00:56:40And I wait for her to see Mafe.
00:56:41Mafe is another
00:56:42beautiful woman.
00:56:48the light is going out.
00:56:49Let's do the fire thing.
00:56:50You said you were good,
00:56:52No, no,
00:56:53it's not turning it on.
00:56:54I need you to cover me there.
00:57:01I love it.
00:57:02That's the way.
00:57:05if you'll excuse me,
00:57:06I'm going to eat
00:57:07this delicious delicacy
00:57:08that I bring you
00:57:09in this bag.
00:57:10Go ahead, eat.
00:57:11Yes, of course,
00:57:12it's my turn.
00:57:13No, I don't want to,
00:57:14believe me,
00:57:15I don't want to.
00:57:16That's not rotten anymore.
00:57:18that looks horrible.
00:57:19With this heat,
00:57:20I think that's already
00:57:21better than not eating.
00:57:22But I need
00:57:23something that gives me energy.
00:57:24But check it first.
00:57:25It doesn't smell
00:57:26as normal.
00:57:28Do it here.
00:57:29Some skewers.
00:57:30I really feel
00:57:31like that movie
00:57:32where people ate
00:57:34in person.
00:57:35You have to put it
00:57:36until it gets hot.
00:57:37Come, I'll help you.
00:57:38Like, take a little bit
00:57:39of arm.
00:57:41This is delicious.
00:57:45it tastes smoky.
00:57:48It's like quiche
00:57:49with rice.
00:57:51Do you want to try it?
00:57:52Thank you.
00:57:54I prefer that you stay well.
00:57:55Look at this, man.
00:57:56There's protein.
00:57:58there's a little bit left.
00:58:00Thank God for this food.
00:58:01Give me the energy to win.
00:58:03That test is dead.
00:58:05I have an upset stomach.
00:58:07Take it.
00:58:08I already have the vomit here.
00:58:09No, but we can't.
00:58:10If you feel the need to vomit,
00:58:11it will make you feel better to vomit.
00:58:14That's why I didn't eat.
00:58:16We wanted to give you a detail.
00:58:18It was the name of the team.
00:58:20Team Beta.
00:58:21For you.
00:58:23Take it.
00:58:25Thank you.
00:58:27what a blessing.
00:58:28I bought the protein.
00:58:31what are you going to do
00:58:32with that money?
00:58:35Oh, great.
00:58:38It smells like barbecue.
00:58:40it smells like barbecue.
00:58:41It smells like barbecue.
00:58:42It smells like barbecue.
00:58:43It smells like barbecue.
00:58:44It smells like barbecue.
00:58:45It smells like barbecue.
00:58:46Shut up,
00:58:47I don't want to think about food.
00:58:50the truth is,
00:58:51I'm not going to put my mind down anymore.
00:58:52I'm going to think about my food
00:58:53because I'm hungry.
00:58:55if you can promote hamburgers
00:58:56in here,
00:58:57don't forget
00:58:58that you can do it
00:58:59with the Omega team.
00:59:00Yes, yes.
00:59:01It would be a great publicity
00:59:02and they would also help us
00:59:03with the stomach.
00:59:06but what are we going to cook?
00:59:09and the other one is not going to help.
00:59:10I'm going to take
00:59:11all those meats
00:59:12out of the freezer.
00:59:13That's it.
00:59:14That they defrost.
00:59:15When we're over there
00:59:16riding that platform,
00:59:17you have to say,
00:59:18let's go for that
00:59:19tripasico rice,
00:59:22I'm going to get hungry
00:59:23and break whatever is over there.
00:59:25what a rope,
00:59:27With the teeth.
00:59:30you can't leave
00:59:31because you're the cook.
00:59:34the same.
00:59:36you have to eat.
00:59:37Tripasico rice,
00:59:38they tell me.
00:59:41I'm going to scream,
00:59:43I'm going to bathe
00:59:44at three in the morning
00:59:45after I eat.
00:59:46Me too.
00:59:47And I bathe eating.
00:59:49With any passagioca
00:59:50that goes with the water,
00:59:51I also send it there
00:59:52at once.
00:59:57You can't leave.
00:59:58I have a much bigger
00:59:59purpose in the challenge.
01:00:00How is it going,
01:00:03His head is flying,
01:00:04where are you?
01:00:05Calm down,
01:00:06that I,
01:00:07within my destiny,
01:00:08is to get very far
01:00:09without this.
01:00:10In fact,
01:00:11the tests are one thing,
01:00:12but this too,
01:00:13is how to get to the test,
01:00:14because there comes a point
01:00:17I can't,
01:00:18it hurts,
01:00:19I have tendinitis,
01:00:20I have my wounds,
01:00:21but we are all
01:00:22in the same.
01:00:23It was a very spiritual test,
01:00:24so it didn't
01:00:25cheer you up.
01:00:26Obviously yes,
01:00:27I mean,
01:00:28not so highlander
01:00:29as he said.
01:00:31as soon as I got there,
01:00:32I didn't want
01:00:33to look at her,
01:00:34because I look at her
01:00:35and I'm going to get
01:00:36visual contact,
01:00:37but nothing,
01:00:38assume it and that's it.
01:00:39I don't want
01:00:39to assume it and that's it.
01:00:40And the advantage is
01:00:41that I'm going to use it
01:00:42for a short time.
01:00:44and if it's a challenge,
01:00:45and apart from those
01:00:46of us who are there,
01:00:47we are,
01:00:48as I say,
01:00:50None of those who are there,
01:00:51I would like to get to the test.
01:00:52I told you,
01:00:54you have to go.
01:00:56he's a boy,
01:00:57you can tell he's a boy,
01:00:58and he's tender.
01:00:59All that energy
01:01:00that he has,
01:01:01it's not like
01:01:02to let it fall,
01:01:03you know what I mean?
01:01:04And I,
01:01:05I love this whole team.
01:01:06I don't.
01:01:08I want seven members
01:01:09of this team.
01:01:10Who doesn't,
01:01:11who doesn't?
01:01:14I swear to you
01:01:15that I am very loving
01:01:16to people,
01:01:17but she,
01:01:18sometimes she gets in.
01:01:19I was working
01:01:20with her,
01:01:21with Leonita Duro,
01:01:22and she started to get angry,
01:01:23and she said,
01:01:25don't be like that,
01:01:26don't be like that,
01:01:27get in,
01:01:28get in.
01:01:32My dad told me,
01:01:33is that,
01:01:34because I told him,
01:01:36because I have a red moon
01:01:37on my face,
01:01:38I have an angel.
01:01:39And I,
01:01:40but my angel
01:01:41made me a pacifier.
01:01:43That angel,
01:01:44my love,
01:01:45that angel put it
01:01:47because here
01:01:48the girl
01:01:49is pouring water
01:01:53and if a chicken
01:01:54passes through here,
01:01:55can we eat it?
01:01:57if it passes
01:01:58in the perimeter.
01:02:00if you can,
01:02:01we are in your presence,
01:02:04there is a machete,
01:02:05you can feather it,
01:02:06there is how to roast it.
01:02:07Who can stand us?
01:02:09it's hard to eat a chicken.
01:02:10But if you take off
01:02:11the feathers
01:02:12with boiling water,
01:02:13how are you going to feather it?
01:02:14It's easy to take it off
01:02:15with all the feathers,
01:02:16I know how.
01:02:17With fire?
01:02:19you take the chicken,
01:02:20you take off
01:02:21one side,
01:02:22the feathering,
01:02:23and you make
01:02:24a hole in the leather
01:02:25and you blow it,
01:02:26you blow it,
01:02:27you blow it,
01:02:28and it gets inflated.
01:02:29And you automatically
01:02:30go with everything.
01:02:31They taught me
01:02:32in a camp,
01:02:33it was a group
01:02:35youth civic police,
01:02:36a very nice group,
01:02:37in El Chocó.
01:02:38It warmed my belly,
01:02:39I tell you.
01:02:45What happened?
01:02:46I have a rebound,
01:02:49my tetero.
01:02:50I don't know,
01:02:51it started from one moment
01:02:52to another.
01:02:53I'm a little bad.
01:02:54Maybe it's because
01:02:55I wasn't so used
01:02:56to the subject
01:02:57of not eating
01:02:58and this morning
01:02:59I couldn't eat anything.
01:03:01and also
01:03:02that we finished
01:03:03eating that head,
01:03:04that also
01:03:05was heavy for us.
01:03:06You're going to heal,
01:03:07you'll see,
01:03:08if you think so.
01:03:09From one to ten,
01:03:10how bad do you feel?
01:03:14Everybody here
01:03:15is waiting for something.
01:03:17Yes, yes.
01:03:18Something that will happen.
01:03:19We are ready,
01:03:20we are ready.
01:03:22We're ready.
01:03:24We don't have
01:03:26but we're just half hungry.
01:03:27Yes, yes, yes.
01:03:28We need
01:03:29more meat
01:03:30with rice.
01:03:34Something heavy,
01:03:35something heavy
01:03:36for the stomach.
01:03:43I don't speak English
01:03:45but I do my best.
01:03:46Exactly with me.
01:03:47I don't have
01:03:48the best accent
01:03:49and the best pronunciation
01:03:50and I don't have that,
01:03:52but I know
01:03:53that I understand
01:03:55and I can't
01:03:56explain myself.
01:04:02And where do you learn?
01:04:05I work in a restaurant.
01:04:09So, for example,
01:04:10if I go to your restaurant
01:04:12and I want something
01:04:13for a start,
01:04:16I forget the menu.
01:04:20And listen to it
01:04:22at the doorbell
01:04:23of your world.
01:04:24You can listen to it
01:04:25and it can last
01:04:28It must have
01:04:29some stories.
01:04:30It's like
01:04:31you can't tell stories.
01:04:32No, but look
01:04:33at my eyebrows.
01:04:34I was like that
01:04:35and then Caja Aventurera
01:04:36and all that.
01:04:37I was like that.
01:04:3821 years
01:04:39and you're already in the challenge.
01:04:40What do you mean
01:04:41you're 21, man?
01:04:45I left Colombia
01:04:46when I was 15
01:04:47and every time I left
01:04:48it was for a contract
01:04:49and it was for six months
01:04:50and I came back
01:04:51to Colombia again.
01:04:52Listen, Colombia,
01:04:53what is art?
01:04:54What is art?
01:04:55For the dance.
01:04:56For the dance.
01:04:57Until I left
01:04:58I was lucky
01:04:59and I stayed
01:05:00living in Europe
01:05:01and then I went to Russia
01:05:02to meet Aso
01:05:03and others
01:05:04and in Egypt
01:05:05I only went for contracts.
01:05:06How beautiful, Pablo.
01:05:08A round of applause
01:05:09for Campanita.
01:05:10Thank you.
01:05:17How do you see
01:05:18the warrior?
01:05:19Yes, Hercules,
01:05:20he's like that
01:05:21because he feels bad.
01:05:25He's still vomiting.
01:05:30This man got sick.
01:05:31This man got sick.
01:05:32This man is worth a lot.
01:05:42help us with 25
01:05:43from the chest.
01:05:44There you go,
01:05:45before you go to sleep.
01:05:46Here, every day
01:05:47before you go to sleep.
01:05:48It looks disgusting,
01:05:50Because if you do it
01:05:51like this, because yes.
01:05:52Because yes.
01:05:53Everyone, every day
01:05:54before going to sleep
01:05:55does some push-ups.
01:05:56And the more we see
01:05:57the better.
01:05:58And how are you tonight?
01:05:59It's good for motivation.
01:06:00More or less.
01:06:01Let's go.
01:06:02One, two.
01:06:03Oh, no.
01:06:04What is that?
01:06:05One and a quarter,
01:06:06one and a half,
01:06:07one and seventy...
01:06:10You have to stretch.
01:06:11How much?
01:06:14How many?
01:06:17Count, count.
01:06:20I can't hear you.
01:06:21How many?
01:06:23I can't hear you.
01:06:24How many?
01:06:26That's it.
01:06:27How many?
01:06:30Hey, Reina.
01:06:31Hey, Reina.
01:06:32Hey, Reina.
01:06:34I'm going to sleep.
01:06:49How do I get some sleep, champ?
01:06:51I'm in a mime.
01:06:52I want to sleep.
01:06:53Just the kiss of a beautiful lady
01:06:55would make me sleepy.
01:06:58The Casanova.
01:06:59I'm going to sleep here.
01:07:00If you need anything, let me know, okay?
01:07:02So I can let them know over there.
01:07:04But I'm going to be very attentive to you.
01:07:06I'm getting dizzy.
01:07:07I'm getting dizzy,
01:07:08and I'm losing my light for a while.
01:07:11It's like I want to turn off the...
01:07:13Do you believe in God?
01:07:14The sun.
01:07:16Of course, of course.
01:07:17Lord Jesus Christ,
01:07:18in these moments of difficulty
01:07:20of this great friend Hercules,
01:07:22I ask you to save him.
01:07:24Reward him for the efforts he has made
01:07:26to make us bear this anguish at this time.
01:07:30Restore his strength and his energy, Lord.
01:07:33Amen, amen, amen.
01:07:36Thank you.
