Desafío XX Capítulo 81 Completo HD

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Desafío XX Capítulo 81 Completo HD
00:00:00¡ESO ES EL MUNDO!
00:00:06Día 81.
00:00:08¿Cómo te fue?
00:00:09¿Cómo están?
00:00:10Excelente, y tú.
00:00:11¿Y tú?
00:00:12¿Y tú?
00:00:13¡El Santi!
00:00:14Excelente, gracias a Dios.
00:00:15Cuente, cuente.
00:00:16Tuve que esperar millón y medio, ¿cierto?
00:00:17Sí, sí.
00:00:18Y logré hacer como millón cien más.
00:00:20Me llevó en un trato de un viaje con mi mamá.
00:00:22¡Ay, qué rico!
00:00:24Muy bien.
00:00:26El valor de cuatro millones.
00:00:27Usted lo merece.
00:00:28Usted lo merece.
00:00:28And I said yes.
00:00:30Oh, my God.
00:00:31He says you didn't have to come back.
00:00:33I said yes, of course.
00:00:35That's great.
00:00:37Anywhere in the country.
00:00:38I'm so happy.
00:00:39Thank you.
00:00:40My mom doesn't know the sea either,
00:00:42so she can take me to the sea.
00:00:44What do you recommend?
00:00:45Have you ever been on a plane?
00:00:47To San Andres?
00:00:48San Andres.
00:00:49I'm going to San Andres too.
00:00:50See you there.
00:00:51San Andres.
00:00:52Get off.
00:00:53It's beautiful.
00:00:54I brought you a million and a half.
00:00:55A tearful photo.
00:00:57It's a happy day.
00:00:58Of course.
00:00:59When I got here,
00:01:00I arrived with the mentality,
00:01:01as you know,
00:01:02that I didn't want anything to happen.
00:01:03I didn't want to look the other way.
00:01:04I wasn't interested.
00:01:05Until a certain moment,
00:01:06there was no room
00:01:07for another person to appear.
00:01:08Why not?
00:01:09I had the person outside.
00:01:11And it turned out that,
00:01:12I don't know why,
00:01:13at what moment,
00:01:14what happened,
00:01:15I didn't know.
00:01:16I didn't know.
00:01:17I didn't know.
00:01:18I didn't know.
00:01:19I didn't know.
00:01:20I didn't know.
00:01:21I didn't know.
00:01:22I didn't know.
00:01:23I didn't know.
00:01:24I didn't know.
00:01:25I didn't know.
00:01:26I didn't know.
00:01:27I didn't know.
00:01:30I didn't know.
00:01:31At what moment,
00:01:32what happened,
00:01:33but I spoke with Ati.
00:01:37And obviously I thought…
00:01:39something can happen.
00:01:40And I tried to stay away from it.
00:01:41But we kept talking
00:01:42and she began to feel other things
00:01:45that I didn't even want.
00:01:46I would not like to hurt her.
00:01:51with these events that happened,
00:01:52I know that she would feel very bad.
00:01:54But that's why I want to go out and explain certain things to her.
00:02:01And I don't want to tell her to let go of one person and grab another one,
00:02:05because at the end of the day it's not you, it's the moment.
00:02:07Obviously things have happened, but...
00:02:10They're different.
00:02:11They're very different things.
00:02:13And yes, what I think is that she will think about her family.
00:02:17Hey, if I've been with her, I think I've been good.
00:02:21So let her see that I made fun of her and it wasn't like that.
00:02:25That's what she makes me think.
00:02:26I didn't come to look for her, I'm not like that.
00:02:28I just don't know why, when, when, where...
00:02:33...that happened.
00:02:35At first it's going to be very difficult, her reaction,
00:02:38because you're only counting on your words, not the ones she's going to say.
00:02:44Santi, who do you think you are when we talk about vests?
00:02:46No, man, no.
00:02:49I think of, I think of, I think of Hércules.
00:02:52I consider that...
00:02:54I shared him with Alfa.
00:02:56He seems like a good kid, he seems like an excellent competitor.
00:03:00He was never go-centric until I met him.
00:03:02With him and Alfa, he was a good duo.
00:03:04You saw the Earthboks.
00:03:06We're a team of men, and almost every time we're with the Earthboks, we win.
00:03:10And he already won his position.
00:03:11He already won his position.
00:03:13We know what happened to Darlene.
00:03:14She already won her position.
00:03:16And he already took out Arandu.
00:03:19I would like to debate his last game with Hércules.
00:03:22Let him do what he wants.
00:03:32The challenger has given up his last vest of judgment, and Glock has it.
00:03:36Which means that, Darlene, Caroline and Karen,
00:03:41you are the first ones to qualify to the semifinal of this 20-year challenge.
00:03:46Congratulations, girls.
00:03:50Now, Natalia, I have a question.
00:03:52You said that because of the vest, you would go for Darlene.
00:03:56When did you change your mind and choose Glock?
00:04:00Well, you asked me, and I gave an answer that wasn't politically correct,
00:04:04because it's really an honor to be able to share a box with Darlene.
00:04:08But then we talked about it as a team, and several things were put on the table.
00:04:13And what I told Darlene was that she's an excellent competitor,
00:04:19but it's not yet the time to face each other in a box.
00:04:24She deserves to be among the semifinalists.
00:04:26So that's why, let's say, she changed her mind about the vest.
00:04:32I told her how much I admire her, but it wasn't the time.
00:04:35We have a prize to define, and it's the prize to the best team of the cycle.
00:04:39How are the scores going today?
00:04:41Two for Beta, one for Omega.
00:04:44Which means that if Omega wins, they go to the meet-and-meet, 50-50 in that prize.
00:04:48And if Beta wins, she gets the whole prize.
00:04:51Also, today, the winner not only has total access to the free market roulette,
00:04:57because the free market rewards us and you punish us.
00:05:00But you're going to have a huge responsibility,
00:05:04and that is to give away that last vest of judgment.
00:05:08You have to think about it very well.
00:05:11That said, I remind you that you have a judgment, prize, and punishment challenge today.
00:05:16And you are not the ones who jump into the water, in this case, in the blue box.
00:05:20You will be the challengers of the week.
00:05:22So let's start with this selection and the candidates themselves.
00:05:27The Beta team starts today.
00:05:30The women are Alejandra, who is a student from Neiva.
00:05:33There is Karina, who is a nurse.
00:05:35She comes from Sardinata, north of Santander.
00:05:38There is Andres, who is a fast-food entrepreneur.
00:05:41He comes from Giron, Santander.
00:05:43And there is Frédéric, who is from Melcochita.
00:05:46He is a clown and comes from Zipaquira.
00:05:48So, one woman for Beta.
00:05:50There are the two candidates, Alejandra or Karina.
00:05:54Let's go with Alejandra.
00:05:57Alejandra for Beta, so Karina.
00:05:59Today she will be representing the Omega.
00:06:02Let's go, Karina!
00:06:05There are two male candidates, Andres or Frédéric.
00:06:10Andrea, we are going with Frédéric.
00:06:14Beta, then, if you choose Frédéric, who will wear the pink shirt will be Andres for Omega.
00:06:19Ready, Andres!
00:06:21I'll be waiting for you all here in the blue box.
00:06:23See you soon.
00:06:25Thank you!
00:06:27Come here.
00:06:30We are going to be the three of us.
00:06:32Or me.
00:06:33Or me.
00:06:34Quiet, man!
00:06:40Do you want us in this house or what?
00:06:44Hello, hello!
00:06:45Identify yourself!
00:06:47Nice to meet you, Andres Villescaz.
00:06:49Santanderian from Pura Zepa.
00:06:51Karina Escanio.
00:06:52Sardinata, north of Santander.
00:06:54Bienvenidos a la cuarta brigada de Omega!
00:06:57Omega fuerte y resistente!
00:07:08How are you?
00:07:11How are you?
00:07:13Welcome to Casa Beta!
00:07:20She almost hit the ceiling!
00:07:22With energy!
00:07:27Thank you.
00:07:28Thank you.
00:07:29Welcome, guys.
00:07:30We are also very happy with you.
00:07:35Nice to meet you.
00:07:36Nice to meet you.
00:07:38Representing the Santanderians.
00:07:40Well, I wanted to be in Omega.
00:07:42Oh, I see!
00:07:43That's it!
00:07:44You got him, you got him.
00:07:46The truth is, I'm super grateful.
00:07:48At least being here for 24 hours,
00:07:50living the experience, competing,
00:07:52knowing how this story is.
00:07:54How delicious!
00:07:56We promise you that it will be the best 24 hours of your life.
00:07:59Thank you.
00:08:00What is this over here that Karina brings us?
00:08:02That's it!
00:08:05How delicious!
00:08:06How delicious!
00:08:07Excuse me.
00:08:08Excuse me.
00:08:09Let's see how this tour is over here.
00:08:11How blessed!
00:08:13And well, I come from Zipaquirá,
00:08:15the municipality of La Sal, the cathedral,
00:08:17one of the wonders of Colombia.
00:08:19And well, I bring you a little detail.
00:08:21Each one of you is a candy called Caramelito Rojo.
00:08:25And I think the candy is going to fit well.
00:08:27Yes, yes, yes.
00:08:28Right? It's going to fit well.
00:08:29So, look.
00:08:30The candy is coming, and I brought you another gift.
00:08:32But I'll repeat it.
00:08:33What is the hug?
00:08:34Oh, thank you!
00:08:36The hug, Enrico.
00:08:37We need it a lot.
00:08:38Of course, let's go this way.
00:08:39Hugs are needed a lot here.
00:08:40Yes, really.
00:08:42I am a professional nurse.
00:08:44I love football.
00:08:45I play football.
00:08:47Here we have two football players.
00:08:48I have a son.
00:08:50My partner.
00:08:51And well, I've always wanted to be here in the challenge.
00:08:53The truth is, it's an experience.
00:08:55I didn't think it would be really so real.
00:08:58Yes, yes.
00:08:59What you see is really very real,
00:09:01what one as an expert sees from the outside.
00:09:03Since you're from Neiva too.
00:09:05What do you think is the most?
00:09:06Achira, my love.
00:09:09Achira, my love.
00:09:11Hey, you screamed.
00:09:14Machi, that's how it was.
00:09:16That's how it was.
00:09:17This is going to turn on.
00:09:19This is going to turn on.
00:09:21This is going to turn on.
00:09:22This is going to turn on.
00:09:26In Colombian gastronomy,
00:09:27do you know what this means?
00:09:30We heard you were a clown.
00:09:33You're going to make us laugh a lot.
00:09:34Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:09:35Look, I'm the most entertaining clown type.
00:09:37I'm not so funny.
00:09:38I'm that entertaining.
00:09:39Yes, well.
00:09:40But come on, you guys are very packed.
00:09:42Yes, come on.
00:09:44Yes, relax.
00:09:45Let's eat the camera.
00:09:47On the sofa, please.
00:09:49I'm from a beautiful town called Jirón Santander.
00:09:52Colombian National Monument.
00:09:54Land of the ant colony.
00:09:56Who hasn't eaten ant colony?
00:09:57Yes, I've eaten ant colony.
00:09:58Have you eaten ant colony?
00:10:00I haven't.
00:10:01I have.
00:10:02I brought you ant colonies for you to try.
00:10:06It's a very rich source of protein.
00:10:10Since we're in Playa Baja.
00:10:13Everything is worth it.
00:10:14We're going to try this house.
00:10:16Oh, my mother.
00:10:17Oh, thank you very much.
00:10:18Thank you.
00:10:19And with cut.
00:10:20Very rich.
00:10:24They're good.
00:10:25Let me try.
00:10:26They're very colorful.
00:10:27They're delicious, Nati.
00:10:28Put three in your mouth.
00:10:29It gives more flavor.
00:10:30Three like this.
00:10:33I'm combining it with cut.
00:10:35It's good.
00:10:36Yes, it's good with cut.
00:10:37Me too.
00:10:38I feel like I'm going to eat it.
00:10:39No, pretty.
00:10:40Try them.
00:10:41They're delicious.
00:10:42Extremely delicious.
00:10:43That's a combination of chicken, meat and fish.
00:10:45How do you prepare that?
00:10:47Those come from the earth.
00:10:48Fried in oil and salt.
00:10:49It's combined with salt.
00:10:51They're delicious.
00:10:52It tastes like meat.
00:10:53Oh, they're good.
00:10:54Oh, drink.
00:10:55I miss it.
00:10:56And how do you see us?
00:10:57You're the first.
00:10:58I see you with a lot of energy.
00:10:59I see you with a lot of energy.
00:11:00Tell me, how are you doing with the water?
00:11:01Half, half.
00:11:02And we defend ourselves.
00:11:03We defend ourselves.
00:11:04Today you're going to Pista de Agua.
00:11:06So see.
00:11:07Like a flying saucer.
00:11:08What voice do you think you're going to compete?
00:11:16In general, I feel stronger on land and in the air than in water.
00:11:23My companion is strong in water.
00:11:25Strong in water.
00:11:26I love water.
00:11:27Well, let's tell you.
00:11:28The test is water.
00:11:30Today is a very good opportunity for you to work on your fears.
00:11:32Well, when I was little I almost drowned, but I think God's things are perfect,
00:11:38and I'm ready to do anything.
00:11:41Well, it's tough, because even though we're doing well here,
00:11:48they're still here, and what we do today,
00:11:51whether we win or lose, will it affect them or not?
00:11:54They received well and everything, but I do feel that they're putting pressure on us.
00:11:58Yes, I feel it, I feel that pressure,
00:12:00because we're going to put them, if we win, in a cool position,
00:12:05and if not, another vest, and I want to win.
00:12:09So that they're also excited to win.
00:12:12If you come here, it's your first time,
00:12:14and we don't know if there's going to be another one, etc.
00:12:17Today we have to go all out, so the pressure is high.
00:12:22Stay focused, don't hold anything back,
00:12:24this is a very brief moment, regardless of the result.
00:12:29The most important thing is that you give it your all.
00:12:32Father Amado, from the heavens, we entrust these seven people to you,
00:12:35in the representation of the Beta team, this wonderful team,
00:12:38two of the 9% that represent this house with a huge responsibility,
00:12:43worthy of competitors like them.
00:12:45Today they will shine, and in your name, Father Amado,
00:12:48if that is your will, they will win. Amen, amen, amen.
00:12:52And in every drop of sweat,
00:12:56is the sample of our passion.
00:13:00Omega! Omega! Omega!
00:13:05Sentence challenge, reward and punishment.
00:13:09Wearing the Omega shirt,
00:13:11let's welcome Karina and Andrés.
00:13:18Alejandra and Frédéric compete for the Beta team.
00:13:21Go Beta!
00:13:25This will be your reward and punishment challenge.
00:13:28In this pair challenge,
00:13:30each challenger of the week will pass under a series of marbles
00:13:34before jumping into the long pool
00:13:36and crossing it passing over the metal tubes.
00:13:40In the middle of the pool,
00:13:41they will find a cage suspended on the water with basketball balls.
00:13:45Each challenger must take out a ball and finish crossing the pool.
00:13:49Upon leaving, they will overcome two wooden logs and climb a platform
00:13:53from which they will throw the ball into a basket
00:13:55located on the other side of the deep pool.
00:13:58Once they manage to basket,
00:14:00they will return to the long pool overcoming all obstacles
00:14:04to take out a second ball that they must take to the end of the box
00:14:07and also throw it into the basket.
00:14:10Upon doing so, they will return to the beginning of the track
00:14:12overcoming all obstacles to give the relay to their partner.
00:14:16The first couple to finish the route will be the winner.
00:14:23Let's go Omega!
00:14:25Go Beta!
00:14:44Very good Andre!
00:14:46Let's go Andre!
00:15:00Let's go!
00:15:02To the cage!
00:15:12The ball, Freddy! The ball!
00:15:14The ball!
00:15:16Come on!
00:15:18Go up!
00:15:20Go up!
00:15:28Go up more!
00:15:30Freddy! Swim!
00:15:34He left!
00:15:48Swim Freddy! Don't walk!
00:15:52Good Andre! That's it!
00:15:58After the first one,
00:16:00the one in the middle,
00:16:02you place it.
00:16:04With your hand, grab it.
00:16:36Take a second.
00:16:38Take a shot.
00:16:40Breathe and visualize.
00:16:50Let's go!
00:16:58For Santi!
00:17:04Let's go!
00:17:08Find the rope Freddy!
00:17:16Let's go Andre!
00:17:26Throw the ball with confidence!
00:17:34Let's go!
00:17:48You can teleport to the left too!
00:17:50Let's go!
00:18:00The ball first!
00:18:02That's it!
00:18:04With strength!
00:18:06Regulate! Aim well!
00:18:20You got it!
00:18:22Don't rest!
00:18:24Let's go Andre!
00:18:26Let's go!
00:18:36Outside Freddy! Outside!
00:18:46Let's go!
00:18:52Visualize the throw!
00:18:56You can do it!
00:19:00Regulate your breathing Freddy!
00:19:02Let's go Andre!
00:19:04Go up!
00:19:06The idea is to throw it more globally!
00:19:08Concentrate well!
00:19:10Don't be on the wall!
00:19:20Let's go!
00:19:40For Santi! Let's go!
00:19:44You can do it Freddy!
00:19:46Let's go!
00:19:48Calm down Freddy!
00:19:50That throw will count!
00:20:16Let's go!
00:20:34Good Andre! That's it!
00:20:42Freddy let go of the rope!
00:20:46Let's go!
00:20:56That's it! Let's go!
00:20:58Let's go!
00:21:16Let's go!
00:21:32You got it!
00:21:40Freddy look at me!
00:21:42Look at me!
00:21:44Look at me!
00:21:58That's it!
00:22:00That throw was divine!
00:22:02You can do it!
00:22:04Outside! Outside!
00:22:10Let's go Freddy!
00:22:12You can do it!
00:22:18Calculate well with love!
00:22:20Let's go!
00:22:42Very good Freddy!
00:22:44Walk in the pool!
00:22:54Let's go!
00:22:56Let's go!
00:22:58Andre that was the last throw!
00:23:00It was good!
00:23:02Let's try to repeat it!
00:23:04Let's go Andre!
00:23:06You can do it!
00:23:08For your son Santi!
00:23:12Let's go!
00:23:18You can walk in the pool!
00:23:24Let's go Andre! You can do it!
00:23:26For your son Santi!
00:23:38Let's go Freddy!
00:23:42Let's go!
00:23:50Visualize the throw you don't have anymore Freddy!
00:23:52Visualize that you already have the shot!
00:24:06Let's go Andre!
00:24:08Concentrate Freddy!
00:24:10You can do it!
00:24:18Let's go!
00:24:28Hurry up!
00:24:32Throw yourself!
00:24:34Let's go!
00:24:36Walk in the pool!
00:24:44Go down to the pool!
00:24:46Don't throw yourself!
00:24:48Go down!
00:24:52You know that if you throw yourself hard
00:24:54it doesn't work!
00:25:04Let's go!
00:25:18Let's go!
00:25:20Let's go!
00:25:22Let's go!
00:25:34Let's go!
00:25:36Let's go!
00:25:38Hurry up!
00:25:40Hurry up!
00:25:44Go down!
00:25:46Go down!
00:25:48Hurry up!
00:25:50Hurry up!
00:25:52Let's go Freddy!
00:25:54Swim! Swim!
00:25:56You can do it!
00:26:04Let's go!
00:26:06Let's go Freddy!
00:26:08You can do it!
00:26:12Here is the house!
00:26:20Freddy we need you!
00:26:22You can do it!
00:26:24You can do it!
00:26:26Let's go!
00:26:28They are chasing you!
00:26:30They are chasing you Freddy!
00:26:34Let's go!
00:26:38Let's go!
00:26:40Let's go!
00:26:42Let's go!
00:26:48Let's go!
00:26:56Hurry up!
00:26:58Hurry up!
00:27:04Let's go!
00:27:06Karina is waiting for you!
00:27:08You can do it!
00:27:10You can do it!
00:27:12You can do it!
00:27:24Let's go!
00:27:34Let's go!
00:27:40Let's go!
00:27:42Hurry up!
00:27:44Hurry up!
00:27:46Let's go!
00:27:48Let's go Karina!
00:27:50Let's go Karina!
00:27:52Very good Karina!
00:27:54Let's go Karina!
00:28:26You can do it!
00:28:28You can do it Alejandra!
00:28:34You can do it!
00:28:36You can do it!
00:28:38You can do it!
00:29:00Let's go!
00:29:02You can do it!
00:29:04You can do it!
00:29:06Let's go, Karina! Up!
00:29:30You, the ball and the precision. Ready?
00:29:36Go, go, go!
00:29:49Very good! You got it, you got it!
00:30:37Good, good, good!
00:30:39You did it, my girl! You did it!
00:30:41Come on! It's yours!
00:30:45Alejandra, very good!
00:30:48Karina, nothing, nothing, nothing! Come on!
00:30:58You got it!
00:30:59You got it!
00:31:03Very good!
00:31:04Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:31:05Let's go with Azul!
00:31:06For Thiago, Karina! For Thiago!
00:31:08For Thiago! Come on! Come on!
00:31:10On your way to the mountain, you hear the song of a winner
00:31:15There he comes, he's coming down, always with the strength of a winner
00:31:20Azul! Azul! Azul!
00:31:23Azul! Azul! Azul!
00:31:26Azul! Azul! Azul!
00:31:56Azul! Azul! Azul!
00:32:13Run, Karina, run!
00:32:15On your way, on your way!
00:32:17Very good!
00:32:18Let's go!
00:32:39Come on, come on! Don't look anywhere, Karina!
00:32:42Trotting, Karina! Trotting!
00:32:44Trotting, come on!
00:32:45Faster, faster, Karina, come on!
00:32:49Come on, come on!
00:32:57That's it! Very good!
00:32:58Keep going, keep going!
00:32:59Come on, come on!
00:33:14That's it! Come on!
00:33:18Come on, come on!
00:33:25That's it, keep going!
00:33:26You already know how it is, Karina!
00:33:27Don't worry, you already know how it is!
00:33:35Karina, you're a warrior of pride!
00:33:49That's it!
00:34:01Come on, Alea!
00:34:07You got it! Come on, come on, come on!
00:34:09Come on, my girl, come on!
00:34:15Come on, Alea!
00:34:16Faster, faster!
00:34:18Come on, Karina!
00:34:19Rest here, rest here!
00:34:21Rest here, come on!
00:34:22Come on, Karina, almost there!
00:34:24That's it, you're coming!
00:34:26Come on, my girl, yes!
00:34:34Come on, Alea, come on!
00:34:44Come on, Alea, come on!
00:34:49Come on!
00:34:53Karina, you're doing great!
00:34:55I'm so proud of you!
00:35:12You're doing great, Alea!
00:35:13Come on!
00:35:19Come on!
00:35:30That's it, we're leaving!
00:35:31That's it, we're leaving, Karina!
00:35:35Come on, Alea, come on!
00:35:37Come on, Alea, come on!
00:35:47Come on, Alea, we're leaving!
00:35:53Come on, Alea!
00:35:58Come on!
00:36:01Come on, Alea, Neymar is watching you!
00:36:04Visualize him!
00:36:07Visualize him!
00:36:18Get him inside!
00:36:19Get him inside!
00:36:21Come on, Neymar is very proud of you!
00:36:30Come on, Neymar!
00:36:32Come on, Neymar!
00:36:34Come on, Neymar!
00:36:35Come on!
00:36:37Come on, Neymar!
00:36:40Neymar, Neymar, Neymar!
00:36:53No one's finishing!
00:36:59A mal Belowbat!
00:37:00A mal belowbat!
00:37:01No one's finishing!
00:37:02Come on!
00:37:03Come on, everyone!
00:37:04That's it, that's it, that's it!
00:37:11Come on, Dalea, until the end, always!
00:37:15Very good, Karina, you're doing excellent!
00:37:17Very good, what a warrior!
00:37:24Come on, Karina, you're on your own, you here!
00:37:27You're shining, Karina!
00:37:29That's it!
00:37:32Very good, Dalea!
00:37:36Come on, shine until the end, Dalea, come on!
00:37:42One, two, three, that's it!
00:37:45Come on, you can do it, Karina!
00:37:48You're a beast, come on up!
00:37:56Come on, Dalea, come on!
00:38:02Come on, come on!
00:38:05From the side, from the side, so it costs you less!
00:38:08No, down the two, not from the side!
00:38:10From the side it will cost you less, Karina!
00:38:14Until they say it's over, come on!
00:38:21To the first!
00:38:26Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:38:29Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:38:34To the first!
00:38:37Come on, Dalea, until the end!
00:38:40You have to get up here like a winner!
00:38:43Come on, like a winner, come on!
00:38:45Come on, it's not over yet!
00:38:47That's it, that's it, come on, come on!
00:38:54Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:38:57Until the end!
00:38:58Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:39:14That's it, laugh!
00:39:15Laugh and rest!
00:39:16Come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:39:24You're here!
00:39:27Thanks to the persistence of Karina and Andrés, Omega are the winners of the test.
00:39:36The test is over.
00:39:46Karina, you're awesome!
00:39:50Very good!
00:39:52Well, I'll tell you one thing, I didn't notice it, because what a aim, what a misery.
00:39:55You have to go to the stairs, this is Andrés, from Basque.
00:39:59How did you feel?
00:40:00Something sentimental, because I couldn't give you the glory.
00:40:06Well, now you have to wait a lot.
00:40:09We'll take care of that, don't worry.
00:40:12For my part, I'll wait for you and Fakira to remunerate me in some way.
00:40:16I'm waiting for you.
00:40:17Don't worry.
00:40:19How delicious!
00:40:22I wish they were semifinalists.
00:40:28How good, thank God!
00:40:30I feel sincere, sincere, sincere, I ask all of you.
00:40:33I mean, are you sad with us?
00:40:39Oh, thank you.
00:40:41I have a son in a condition of disability.
00:40:44I ate all this track for him.
00:40:46His name is Andrés Santiago and he is a punishment.
00:40:48Here I have a tattoo like on top of him.
00:40:51It is a condition of disability with a cape.
00:40:53He is my super son.
00:40:54I am in challenge.
00:40:55We are going to live that punishment with all the energy and joy possible.
00:40:57There is food, we are going to have energy to survive.
00:41:00Let's not go to sleep normally.
00:41:03To sleep we have eternity.
00:41:06Here there are only two men.
00:41:08And the man, the man is thin.
00:41:10Yes, I don't see him.
00:41:12He is thin.
00:41:13I don't think he has a lot of support.
00:41:15I don't think he has a lot of support.
00:41:17He is beautiful.
00:41:18He is beautiful.
00:41:24Omega are the winners of this punishment and punishment challenge.
00:41:28Thank you!
00:41:30Andrés, what did you feel every time you heard,
00:41:32Go for your son!
00:41:34And they repeated it to you, and they repeated it to you.
00:41:36I am standing here for him.
00:41:38My son has a condition of disability and he is my life.
00:41:42They say that for special children there are extraordinary parents,
00:41:46and surely you are.
00:41:48You can see it from afar, Andrés.
00:41:50Yes, yes, ma'am.
00:41:51And you, Karina, how did you receive the challenge?
00:41:54With a very deep pool.
00:41:562.40 meters.
00:41:57It has the deepest pool in the blue box.
00:42:00How did you feel?
00:42:01The truth is that I felt super nervous because my strength is not water.
00:42:08I have always feared water,
00:42:10since when I was little I suffered several opportunities to drown.
00:42:15So it is a phobia with water, it is not my passion.
00:42:18And it is to face myself and show that I still have my profession,
00:42:23being a nurse, being a mother, a wife, having a beautiful family in Sardinata that supports me.
00:42:30Well, I came here with many expectations,
00:42:34but I wanted to enjoy the experience and enjoy it to the fullest.
00:42:38Look, and you go with an unblocked fear.
00:42:41Over here, Frédéric, how is the clown's job nowadays?
00:42:45That is another character that I have.
00:42:47I am multifaceted, the truth.
00:42:50My childhood dream was to be an actor, to be on television and all this.
00:42:56And at some point the opportunity to participate in a theater group was presented,
00:43:00and it was about clowns.
00:43:02And I said, wow, well, let's see how that is.
00:43:05And it is very beautiful, it is very gratifying,
00:43:07especially because one transmits and has to transmit passion to the children, joy, to entertain them.
00:43:13You, Alejandra, you dealt with something that the challengers are dealing with all the time,
00:43:18which is that frustration of trying to achieve and not achieving it.
00:43:23How is it to live with that in those minutes of the track?
00:43:26No, well, the truth is that I enjoyed the track.
00:43:31I feel that I did it very well, but I lacked some precision.
00:43:35And well, nothing, I lived this experience to the maximum.
00:43:39Well, with today's results, we confirm that the prize to the best team of the cycle is half for Omega, half for Beta.
00:43:47I am going to invite our challengers of the week to come and receive 15 million pesos for each team.
00:43:54Heavy boxes.
00:43:58Thank you.
00:44:01Omega, you, for being the winners, have total access to the roulette of Mercado Libre,
00:44:07because Mercado Libre awards you and you are in charge of punishing.
00:44:15Ah, both, well, a lot more strength to spin it.
00:44:31Good, good.
00:44:33Four million pesos for the Omega team, four million pesos for you, Karina,
00:44:39and four million pesos for you, Andres.
00:44:42That's it.
00:44:43Thank you.
00:44:44Thank you.
00:44:45You can use that immediately.
00:44:47It is to enter the website of Mercado Libre and buy whatever you want.
00:44:51We have here four punishments that have not yet been used.
00:44:55Four punishments that have not yet been used.
00:44:57Cutting hair.
00:44:58Carrying heavy things.
00:45:00The stone bed.
00:45:02And breaking firewood.
00:45:03You have to choose one for Beta.
00:45:05Comment it, but do not announce it yet, but confirm it between you.
00:45:19I'm going to ask Andres to come closer and take the selected punishment.
00:45:33Carrying heavy things.
00:45:39Thank you.
00:45:40Thank you, Andres.
00:45:44Carrying heavy things.
00:45:45Three alarms will sound.
00:45:47Every time one of those alarms sounds,
00:45:49you will have to go to the lower part of this mountain,
00:45:52where the game room is.
00:45:53There you will always find elements.
00:45:55You will go up those elements to the highest part,
00:45:58where we are next to the black box.
00:46:00You will find a marked place to put everything.
00:46:03In the first alarm you will find stones,
00:46:06then tires,
00:46:07and in the third alarm, cement balls.
00:46:10You have to go up everything.
00:46:12Up to the top of the mountain,
00:46:14and the punishment there will be over.
00:46:18How much responsibility does he have?
00:46:21Deliver the last vest of sentence
00:46:26so that you also think about it very well.
00:46:29You go down to Playa Baja and you go home.
00:46:32Thank you.
00:46:33Thank you, Andres.
00:46:38Carrito de Omega, Carrito de Omega, Carrito de Omega.
00:46:46What a joy, what a pride,
00:46:48to have won this track for this Omega team
00:46:50who were here in Playa Baja,
00:46:51very much in need of you.
00:46:54Please take a seat in this wonderful palace.
00:46:57Thank you very much.
00:46:58Good, Andres.
00:46:59Karina, tell us.
00:47:00I have a fast food business.
00:47:01Oh yeah?
00:47:02Yes, ma'am.
00:47:03In Santander.
00:47:04And in the business,
00:47:05we are Team Caracol.
00:47:07Oh, I love it.
00:47:08And we,
00:47:09I am the one with the iron,
00:47:10and the TV is in front of me.
00:47:13I told them last year,
00:47:14next year I'll introduce myself.
00:47:16Let's see what happens.
00:47:17And look, here I am.
00:47:18And you did it,
00:47:19and you won.
00:47:20And I won,
00:47:21which is the most,
00:47:22the most delicious.
00:47:23No, I mean,
00:47:24in your place to throw a party
00:47:25when they see you.
00:47:26Yes, of course.
00:47:27I had already decided,
00:47:28well, not to apply,
00:47:29because I had already done it many times,
00:47:31and well, it had not happened.
00:47:33How many times?
00:47:34Like five.
00:47:35Oh, look.
00:47:36But really,
00:47:38I had always wanted to be part of the challenge,
00:47:41and I was given the opportunity,
00:47:43and well,
00:47:44I wanted to challenge myself.
00:47:46Let's go.
00:47:47How can I not walk?
00:47:49I'm going to walk with my hands.
00:47:52Carrying heavy things.
00:47:54So you are going to climb
00:47:55the stones of the punishment.
00:47:57Well, my dear team.
00:47:59Thank you.
00:48:01And you?
00:48:02Thank you.
00:48:03Of course.
00:48:05we are going to enjoy this punishment to the fullest,
00:48:07we are going to have a lot of fun,
00:48:08we are going to enjoy it,
00:48:11because we need energy for a while.
00:48:13To what we came for.
00:48:14Let's go.
00:48:15And it's free market.
00:48:16You won four million pesos.
00:48:22do you want to start?
00:48:23A Play 5.
00:48:24That was one,
00:48:26And right behind is a discount.
00:48:28Do you like football?
00:48:29Of a Teras,
00:48:30this is very good.
00:48:31I would like a Play.
00:48:32A Televisor.
00:48:36who is going to get the order here?
00:48:38Again to me,
00:48:39so that everyone picks up the order.
00:48:41A Stabilizer.
00:48:42That's the good one, Nati.
00:48:43Yes, that's the one they take.
00:48:44And look at the one below.
00:48:45I want those, but golden.
00:48:47Very good purchase,
00:48:48this is incredible.
00:48:50A pair of shoes.
00:48:51Sports shoes?
00:48:52Yes, sports shoes.
00:48:54that's full of nice sneakers,
00:48:56That goes with everything.
00:48:59I'm going to add to the cart.
00:49:01Why don't we get some running shoes,
00:49:02running specials.
00:49:03Those gray ones.
00:49:04At least they're for dirt boxing, man.
00:49:06They're beautiful.
00:49:07They're super comfortable.
00:49:08At least for your mom, man.
00:49:09That mom is going to be very happy
00:49:10with those sneakers.
00:49:12we're done with the team.
00:49:13Thank you.
00:49:14Now you.
00:49:17the speaker,
00:49:18there's a black one.
00:49:20that's super,
00:49:21and it's very good,
00:49:22I have a friend.
00:49:23It sounds great.
00:49:24With this,
00:49:25I'm going to be a paratrooper
00:49:26in Santa Marta.
00:49:28I'm going to make a bike
00:49:29for my baby.
00:49:32I like that.
00:49:33Oh yes,
00:49:34let's add.
00:49:35I want three.
00:49:36Watches too,
00:49:37for men.
00:49:39Blue or black?
00:49:40No, black.
00:49:43Three of those?
00:49:44But four.
00:49:46That I gave to my dad.
00:49:47Of course.
00:49:48Buy a few things,
00:49:51I gave a gift to all of those
00:49:52up there.
00:49:53Of course.
00:49:55that they supported you
00:49:56and for you to be here,
00:49:57that's cool.
00:50:01Good shopping.
00:50:02You earned that money.
00:50:03You deserve it.
00:50:04Very fast,
00:50:05Super fast.
00:50:06So wait for it very soon
00:50:07with your families,
00:50:09because what you asked
00:50:10is incredible
00:50:11and you too,
00:50:12so I'll be back soon
00:50:13here with Merkabah.
00:50:14Thank you.
00:50:15Thanks to Karina.
00:50:16I love seeing you.
00:50:17Thank you for this the evening
00:50:18down the beach.
00:50:19Thank you.
00:50:20We are going to use
00:50:21this toy
00:50:22because today
00:50:24has to rest.
00:50:25That's right
00:50:27You have to go to the gym.
00:50:28Then you have to rest.
00:50:29I'll even tell you
00:50:30to watch TV
00:50:31so you can rest.
00:50:32You have to rest.
00:50:33I even tell you, take advantage.
00:50:35Because what's coming is...
00:50:37Yes, it's fucked up.
00:50:38The idea is that you are no longer standing
00:50:41so that you deflate well and full.
00:50:44You are ready.
00:50:47Guys, we have something to talk about.
00:50:51The pizza box has arrived.
00:50:52Francisco, how do you feel about the possibility of receiving the vest?
00:50:56I feel active, happy.
00:50:58And if you put it on me, much better.
00:51:01Omega, omega, omega, omega.
00:51:03Alejo, we know that you are like a brother to Santi.
00:51:07What would happen if he put you on the vest?
00:51:11I would be very sad.
00:51:14But with a lot of sadness there is everything, Elinilo.
00:51:17With the pain in the soul.
00:51:18With the pain in the soul there is everything.
00:51:22Well guys, speaking of the serious part,
00:51:25how do you think my decision was?
00:51:28The correct one.
00:51:30No, the final stays here in Omega, dad.
00:51:32Ready, guys.
00:51:33Tomorrow we will be there, gladiators,
00:51:35giving everything for that last cup to the semifinal.
00:51:39I hope you win and that we celebrate together,
00:51:41that we are in the final of the challenge.
00:51:43Well guys, I'm leaving.
00:51:45Do it, brother, have a good time.
00:51:46Come back soon.
00:51:47Thank you.
00:51:50We are not going to give up.
00:51:52We are not going to give up.
00:51:55We will fight until the end.
00:51:58We will fight until the end.
00:52:00Hard work will forge us.
00:52:03Hard work will forge us.
00:52:06Until that cup can rise.
00:52:09Until that cup can rise.
00:52:11Good evening.
00:52:13Oh, damn.
00:52:14How are you?
00:52:15With your permission.
00:52:16Well guys, without much preamble,
00:52:19Kevin, man, you are a fucking monster.
00:52:22Whenever we were in Alpha, I always respected you, I admired you.
00:52:25I always wanted to compete by your side.
00:52:27We did a charming duo when we were in Alpha.
00:52:30This time, bro, I've always liked to compete with the best.
00:52:36I want you to look at me.
00:52:37Do it.
00:52:38I consider you, bro, one of the best,
00:52:40not to say that you are the best competitor here.
00:52:43I respect you, I admire you, I value you.
00:52:45And well, in that black box is for us to shine,
00:52:49as we have been doing from the beginning.
00:52:51That's why I want to tell you congratulations,
00:52:54you are in the semifinal.
00:52:55Hercules, you and I are going to have a show there tomorrow.
00:52:58Let's do it.
00:53:00Whoever it is, may the will of God be done.
00:53:03Yes, no, the same.
00:53:04We are in an instance where we are the best.
00:53:06I don't consider anyone more than anyone.
00:53:08Those of us who have come this far because we have not fought,
00:53:11we have not suffered.
00:53:12We have shared many deaths together.
00:53:15And well, tomorrow is going to be a phenomenal night
00:53:18of two titans who are going to be there competing for a space
00:53:21in a great semifinal.
00:53:23Anyway, what I have to tell you is that
00:53:26I also feel admiration for you.
00:53:28Because I have realized, I mean,
00:53:30how you have advanced in boxing.
00:53:31So, chimba, see you there tomorrow.
00:53:33See you tomorrow.
00:53:34God bless you.
00:53:35God bless you.
00:53:37Guys, a happy night.
00:53:39Bro, congratulations.
00:53:41I know what your dreams are.
00:53:42Thank you.
00:53:43One is one.
00:53:46But you make it effective, but outside.
00:53:50May the best win and well,
00:53:51we came to compete.
00:53:53God bless you.
00:53:55Tomorrow, Hercules and I return to Casa Veta.
00:54:00Tomorrow, Hercules and I return to Casa Veta.
00:54:06How did you like these few hours?
00:54:09How have you felt?
00:54:11I have felt special.
00:54:15Well, it's an experience I wanted to live.
00:54:19And believe me, I did like coming to Playa Baja.
00:54:22Did you like it?
00:54:24Yes, because it's not the same to live here.
00:54:27You are living the experience that you have nothing,
00:54:29that you won this tent,
00:54:31that you wouldn't have to go outside.
00:54:33The real challenge.
00:54:34The real challenge.
00:54:35Because it is to come and, well,
00:54:37obviously it would also be cool,
00:54:39but to come and sleep in a normal,
00:54:42in a very nice house and everything,
00:54:44well, it's not so nice.
00:54:47In addition, in Playa Baja, with Victoria.
00:54:50It feels like...
00:54:53How did it go?
00:54:55Excellent, come on, come on.
00:54:56I have two laps.
00:54:57Well, I arrived, so...
00:54:59A good day without much preamble.
00:55:01Kevin is a very good competitor.
00:55:03He came, he came, I don't know.
00:55:05Come a little bit, yes.
00:55:06He came all the way there.
00:55:08I told him, Hercules, it's for you.
00:55:10When everything is...
00:55:17Let's go, Peppa!
00:55:19Let's train.
00:55:21Let's go, let's go.
00:55:23Let's go, Peppa!
00:55:27We are not going to give up!
00:55:29We will fight until the end!
00:55:31We will fight until the end!
00:55:33Hard work will forge us!
00:55:35Hard work will forge us!
00:55:37Until the end!
00:55:39Until the end!
00:55:41Let's go, Peppa!
00:55:43Let's go, Peppa!
00:55:45Until the cup rises!
00:55:47Until the cup rises!
00:55:50Well, let's get to work.
00:55:53Let's do it.
00:55:54How do you see it?
00:55:55What a manly berrio.
00:55:57Let's see.
00:56:01I guess this goes ahead, right?
00:56:02So it doesn't fall.
00:56:03One thinks that you can go up high.
00:56:05And no?
00:56:06Many stones, and it's better than not.
00:56:08We wear out.
00:56:10How many on average?
00:56:11No, it depends on the stone.
00:56:12How do you feel about those geologists?
00:56:17Ready for this great experience?
00:56:25It's with Superhuman, it's with Superhuman.
00:56:27Watch out for the stones.
00:56:29How do you feel?
00:56:30Good, good, we're fine.
00:56:35Rest if you want a little.
00:56:36No, I'm fine.
00:56:40Go ahead.
00:56:45Let's go.
00:56:50You feel that I'm helping, right?
00:56:54Uh-huh, I don't like it.
00:56:55That way, that way.
00:56:57Let's go to the right, this road is very ugly.
00:57:09Hercules is like when he unloaded mules.
00:57:12Hercules, a stone mule.
00:57:15A stone mule.
00:57:16Put Carola in one, because she's the queen of the ice.
00:57:22Having a child is hard, but having a child with a disability is five times harder.
00:57:28And it was my turn.
00:57:30Santi's disease is called Angelman syndrome, but the doctors say it's the condition of a happy child.
00:57:37Santi laughs a lot.
00:57:40He's 10 years old and he doesn't talk.
00:57:42He expresses everything.
00:57:47For example, when he's hungry, he stops in the kitchen and, oh, he disarms the kitchen by hitting it.
00:57:54And he doesn't eat because what I have is hunger.
00:57:58They communicate differently to us.
00:58:01With actions.
00:58:02With actions, yes.
00:58:04He is 100% dependent on us, 100%.
00:58:07He uses a diaper.
00:58:09He touches food.
00:58:11But does he move?
00:58:12He walks.
00:58:13He walks, moves his arms, moves his head, everything.
00:58:16Yes, but their cognitive level is this, they will always be children.
00:58:23Exactly, he has the behavior of a two-year-old.
00:58:26Okay, okay. And that doesn't have a cure?
00:58:30And who do you live with? Do you live with him?
00:58:34No, I don't live with the child's mother. We've been together for 10 years.
00:58:37It's a very complicated story.
00:58:39I stay with him for 15 days and the mother stays with the child for 15 days.
00:58:45But the child is very attached to me.
00:58:55Oh, what happened?
00:59:04This one is heavier than the previous one.
00:59:05I don't know.
00:59:06Do it, baby.
00:59:10Oh, my God, they got away.
00:59:22Come on, Betta!
00:59:27This is quantity and time.
00:59:30That's right.
00:59:31We go in, I go back.
00:59:34Let's go.
00:59:35This is not over.
00:59:36Come on, Betta is resting.
00:59:39Come on, Betta!
00:59:41Come on!
00:59:46Sign up for the challenge.
00:59:49Sign up.
00:59:50You're going to have a good time there.
00:59:53Come on.
01:00:00It's not work, but it's not.
01:00:03My calves hurt.
01:00:04Give it strength.
01:00:06Come on.
01:00:10It's heavy as hell.
01:00:11I'll help you back.
01:00:13Let's see, let's see.
01:00:15That's it, warrior, let's go.
01:00:17Come on.
01:00:19Look, Ireza, so how do we settle down?
01:00:21That, Nathalie.
01:00:23If you'd like to run a little bit this way so Andres can pop in there
01:00:27And the three of us sleep here on the floor.
01:00:30I haven't slept in eight months without a woman and look.
01:00:33I have to go with three.
01:00:37Well, gentlemen, tomorrow you can get up until late.
01:00:40Don't tell me that because
01:00:42I'm good at sleeping.
01:00:43We're going on a fast tomorrow.
01:00:45There's nothing to do tomorrow.
01:00:47Tomorrow is the day to rest.
01:00:56Oh, God.
01:00:58Lighten our load.
01:01:00My ex didn't make me suffer so much, fatty.
01:01:03What's missing is a little bit.
01:01:06We're not even halfway there.
01:01:09Do you want to switch with me for a minute?
01:01:11You're cutting my back.
01:01:13Why don't you do it on one side?
01:01:15And on one side...
01:01:17I don't know. How do you do it?
01:01:19I'll try it like this.
01:01:21Is it too heavy?
01:01:22Yeah, but do it.
01:01:23If you want, we can lower it.
01:01:25How much do they make me laugh like this?
01:01:32Now look how I'm going down.
01:01:34It's like I'm a zombie.
01:01:37I'm going down a lot.
01:01:39I'm going to have coffee.
01:01:41Please, I need coffee.
01:01:43You son of a bitch.
01:01:50I need a little more coffee.
01:01:56That's why I'm trying to help Hercules back there.
01:01:59His hands.
01:02:00They're going to die tomorrow, fatty.
01:02:05Can't he sleep?
01:02:06I don't know. I was waiting for a way out.
01:02:08He's worried.
01:02:10No, not at all.
01:02:11He's anxious.
01:02:12No, he's like...
01:02:14He wants to compete.
01:02:17I don't know what he's going to do.
01:02:20He's going down.
01:02:21He's going down.
01:02:22Son of a bitch.
01:02:23He's going to die tomorrow, son of a bitch.
01:02:26Don't make it worse for him.
01:02:27Don't make me feel like a semi-finalist.
01:02:30I'm going to bed.
01:02:31Me too, honestly.
01:02:34You're my favorite prince.
01:02:37No, they chose me strategically.
01:02:40They knew they could weaken me like that.
01:02:44That attitude gave me more opportunities.
01:02:46I burned more than 400 stones.
01:02:48We make 39 in each trip.
01:02:51We have 10 trips left.
01:02:53That's a lot.
01:02:55I think it's one of the hardest punishments there is.
01:02:57We'll see, Luis Felti.
01:03:00I assure you.
01:03:10Are you okay, Glock?
01:03:12This is your last effort.
01:03:14Last or not, I don't believe it.
01:03:16Come on, Glock. Up.
01:03:18Are you okay?
01:03:20Are you going to make up for it?
01:03:21Yes, Maria.
01:03:22Yes, sir.
01:03:23Oh, my God.