カンブリア宮殿 2024年7月25日

  • 2 months ago
カンブリア宮殿 2024年7月25日
#daylimotion #drama #engsub


00:00Tonight's story is about a simple, delicious, and healthy meal that's good for those who are busy.
00:16This is the family of Koizumi, who has a two-year-old son.
00:21In the freezer, there's a lot of stuff that they're busy with.
00:30It says, green spoon.
00:32It's a frozen meal that they receive on a regular basis.
00:40There's a lot of vegetables in there.
00:46That's true.
00:47The frozen ingredients are coming out.
00:53If you microwave it, it's done.
00:57Let's eat.
01:00It's good.
01:02There's a lot of vegetables in there.
01:06What's the husband, Sho, eating?
01:09Sweet and spicy bulgogi.
01:14It's a popular menu for men with a lot of vegetables and a punch.
01:20What about his wife, Yuki?
01:23There's a lot of vegetables in here, too.
01:26It's a Taiwanese-flavored soup with soy milk and white miso.
01:33The two-year-old, Kiyo, is eating a hamburger.
01:39This is kamizutsumi.
01:42If you microwave it, it swells up.
01:48It's beautiful.
01:52Each family can freely choose what they want to eat.
01:57I'd like to cook when I can.
02:00But when I can't cook,
02:03I feel like it's easier today
02:06because I was able to get a lot of vegetables.
02:10Tonight's theme is this green spoon.
02:14It's a frozen delivery food that you can order online.
02:22The market share of food delivery services
02:25has increased every year, exceeding 2.5 trillion yen.
02:31The most popular type is the type that delivers frozen bento and side dishes.
02:37It extends to the working generation up to the 40s.
02:42The sales of green spoons have tripled in a year,
02:45exceeding 2.1 billion yen.
02:52Writer, RYU MURAKAMI
02:55Actress, EIKO KOIKE
02:58Actress, EIKO KOIKE
03:01The new power of frozen food delivery that grows rapidly with vegetables
03:05has been thoroughly explored.
03:07I was told that the food was cute.
03:09I was told that a lot,
03:11but I didn't know what food was.
03:14I was asked by a farmer in Kamakura.
03:17I was asked to make it.
03:21The 35-year-old president has no experience in the food industry.
03:28He made it because he didn't know.
03:30What is the secret to breaking the common sense of the industry?
03:38This program is brought to you by the following sponsors.
03:48This is a soup cube.
03:53The green spoon lineup includes
04:08and main dishes.
04:12There are a total of 60 types in four categories.
04:21Sub-scoop is a method in which the specified number of dishes is received on a regular basis.
04:26The price changes depending on the number of orders,
04:28but it costs about 800 yen per dish.
04:31It's a little higher than other places.
04:37However, popularity is not limited to ordinary households.
04:42This company, which is involved in game development,
04:46has a lounge space where employees can eat.
04:55What she was handing over was a product of a green spoon.
05:00There were many people who were busy and didn't have time to have lunch.
05:06I introduced it because I thought it would be easy and healthy to eat.
05:14She introduced it because she wanted to improve the eating habits of employees who tend to be irregular.
05:23I'm on a diet of less than 300 kcal for lunch.
05:27The green spoon matches that.
05:30I eat it every time.
05:32It's overwhelmingly delicious.
05:36All the menus are supervised by a nutritionist.
05:41For example, this Japanese-style hamburger is 314 kcal.
05:49You can also get vegetables such as broccoli and pumpkin.
05:55This is Chicken Gapao.
05:58You can get 8 kinds of vegetables and it's 250 kcal.
06:05In addition, even in the hotel industry, where breakfast competition is fierce,
06:11this hotel offers a breakfast set with green spoon soup as the main course.
06:21After checking in, you can choose your favorite soup.
06:26There is a freezer and microwave in all rooms, so you can eat whenever you like.
06:35This is shrimp bisque soup.
06:407 kinds of vegetables, such as eggplants, broccoli, and zucchini, are available.
06:44It's popular among female customers.
06:50First of all, I liked the cuteness of the package.
06:53Also, it matched the volume that I was looking for.
07:00The office of Green Spoon is located in Hiroo, Tokyo.
07:07It has been in operation for just five years.
07:09There are 20 employees.
07:13They are trying something new.
07:18It's delicious.
07:19If you add almond powder, it will taste like potage.
07:22But I don't like almonds.
07:25It's an idea meeting for a new product.
07:30What is this man doing?
07:32I shoot videos to convey the feeling of vegetables in the office.
07:37He is editing a PR video for SNS.
07:44And this man?
07:48This is a smoothie sold at Family Mart in April.
07:53You can get vegetables for a day.
07:59The man who does PR is Tomonori Tanabe, the founder of Green Spoon.
08:06He is 35 years old.
08:11He is a cyber agent.
08:18He was involved in a media business.
08:22When he was 30 years old, he joined a food industry.
08:30He grew rapidly in just five years.
08:33He broke the common sense of the food industry.
08:40Green Spoon's common sense.
08:43He chose vegetables from all over the world.
08:48He has a unique way of choosing vegetables.
08:54On this day, he brought frozen eggplant from various farms and processing companies and compared them.
09:03What is the point of choosing vegetables?
09:06I try to select the ingredients that will be the most delicious after the microwave.
09:16He doesn't just choose delicious food.
09:19He chooses the ingredients that will be the most delicious after the microwave.
09:32The thickness of the skin is different.
09:35The flesh is soft.
09:37I think Vietnamese food is better.
09:40That's right.
09:44The eggplant used in soup curry is from Vietnam, where the skin becomes soft when heated.
09:55On the other hand, the broccoli used in bulgogi is from Ecuador, South America.
10:01Because the broccoli in Ecuador is grown in a highland with a steep slope, the buds are tightly closed and difficult to decay.
10:15Compared to other farmland, the buds are densely packed.
10:21After microwave, the flesh is crispy and the texture is firm.
10:26I think this is a big point.
10:30Green Spoon's common sense.
10:33The strongest freshly cooked texture.
10:40When I asked people who ate for the first time at the tasting event,
10:43It's like freshly cooked. It's delicious because it's rolled up.
10:47It's a taste that you don't think you're making soup after it's frozen.
10:52It's frozen.
10:55The surprising answer is in the way of making it.
11:02We visited a factory that is in charge of manufacturing.
11:04A large number of staff are piling up frozen vegetables.
11:45They are piling up vegetables that have not been cooked.
11:53What did Tanabe show me?
11:57This is a soup cube.
12:00Cube that is the source of the soup.
12:01Actually, the soup is the only thing that is solidified.
12:09The ingredients are not added, but the broth and seasonings are boiled together and frozen in a cube.
12:18If you boil it with the ingredients, the crunchy texture of the vegetables will disappear.
12:26In many frozen foods, the ingredients and seasonings are boiled together at the factory to complete the dish once.
12:36On the other hand, the green spoon is packed in a bag with uncooked ingredients and soup base and delivered.
12:45By putting it in the microwave at home, cooking begins for the first time.
12:51That's why you can taste the freshly made instead of reheating it.
13:01There are still common mistakes.
13:03The third, the menu is also delicious.
13:09This day is a tasting of the new menu.
13:15I thought I could put it in the microwave.
13:18I thought I could put it in the microwave.
13:21I put it in a bag.
13:25This is a sample of today's actual product.
13:28Can I eat it in one bite?
13:31The experience starts when you actually take it out of the bag and put it on a plate.
13:37The moment you take it out of the bag is important.
13:42The president, Tanabe, checks.
13:47Does it smell good?
13:52It's very flaky.
13:54It's good that it's flaky.
13:57Anyway, it's beautiful.
13:58And the color is beautiful.
13:59Carrots and so on.
14:00The size is large enough for vegetables to claim.
14:06He is aiming for a product that can be enjoyed not only in taste but also in appearance.
14:15His thoughts are on the homepage.
14:20Normally, he shows the finished dish to show off the deliciousness.
14:25But the green spoon starts with frozen vegetables.
14:33In addition, he shows this way.
14:36Cup-type products value the excitement and appearance of opening the lid.
14:43He is particular about the order in which vegetables are packed.
14:49I'm not a professional of taste.
14:55I want to be a consumer and not betray expectations such as wanting to eat again.
15:03Tonight, he approaches New Wave, which breaks the common sense of frozen food.
15:13The name is called green spoon.
15:16Yes. Thank you.
15:18Green means health.
15:21Spoon means food service.
15:24So, I named it green spoon because it means healthy food.
15:29I was conscious of the fact that it can be read by anyone.
15:32And the sound is cute.
15:34Green, spoon, and EE overlap with OO.
15:38So, I was conscious of the sound.
15:44You don't put pictures of the finished dish on the package.
15:49You value the excitement of opening the lid.
15:52How did you come up with that?
15:54For example, if there is a hamburger or a soup on the package, I thought it would be similar.
16:00So, I put it in the kitchen.
16:02It's fashionable.
16:04It's fashionable and cute.
16:05Not only the body, but also the health of the mind is important.
16:13Do you get instructions not only from young women?
16:20Now, the majority of customers are women in their 30s and 40s.
16:25So, I think it's not only for young women.
16:28When I think about promotion,
16:30I think it's important for young women to be the first one to be promoted.
16:36In that sense, I made a lot of moments when I wanted to face the camera.
16:41It was my idea to promote young women as the first one to be promoted.
16:47So, I think that's what I couldn't do for other companies.
16:52It's amazing that you started with vegetables.
16:55You started because it was difficult.
16:57Is that so?
16:58That's right.
17:00I think everyone needs vegetables, but they don't buy them.
17:06I think it's because it's not urgent.
17:10I see.
17:12I wonder how I can change the vegetables that I want from the vegetables that I have to take.
17:18That's my question.
17:20If it was a green spoon, I thought it was delicious and ate it.
17:23As a result, I was able to take vegetables.
17:27I think it's a service that I can take vegetables.
17:30I feel that the world is made of what I was aiming for.
17:45On this day, Tanabe went to lunch with his employees.
17:48That's right.
17:52It's a restaurant near Kitasando Station.
17:58It's a place where I used to have an office.
18:01It's a place where I used to come for lunch.
18:04Today, we are the founding members.
18:06The three of us founded the company.
18:09He is Koike, a colleague of Kurosaki, a friend from university, and a cyber agent.
18:15We invited the two of them and the three of them founded the company.
18:21You can choose your deli, right?
18:23That's right.
18:25There are more than 10 kinds of vegetables on the counter.
18:33This restaurant sells a menu full of vegetables.
18:44In fact, the food here became a hint for product development.
18:50I thought it would be great if I could do this in the microwave.
18:54The restaurant I was thinking about was here.
18:57It's really delicious.
19:02After graduating from university, Tanabe became a cyber agent.
19:07He is involved in net TV and advertising.
19:11He is doing a job that is given to him.
19:18I can't say I'm happy.
19:22I can't think of anything I really want to do.
19:27Tanabe felt that way.
19:29He quit his job at the age of 28 because he wanted to do what he really wanted to do.
19:36He founded Greenspoon at the age of 30.
19:41He chose the food industry because he was convinced that he liked to eat.
19:50The first thing he thought of was a delivery service for frozen smoothies.
19:56He came up with a product called Personal Smoothie, which can get the vegetables that people need.
20:02I was determined to make it personal, so I decided to make the best kind.
20:10Let's make 10,000 kinds of smoothies.
20:13The three of us called the food factories all over the country.
20:24Can you make 10,000 kinds of frozen smoothies with a service called Personal Smoothie?
20:3210,000 kinds? Are you kidding me?
20:36No, I'm not kidding.
20:38I refuse such a troublesome order.
20:46The more varieties, the more burden on the factory side.
20:50It was common sense to be able to make several kinds with one company.
20:58When he was refused by nearly 100 companies and gave up.
21:02Really? Thank you very much.
21:07He said he could make at least 25 kinds with one company.
21:16Now that I think about it, I feel that I was able to make 25 kinds well.
21:23In this way, he created a new product that is not trapped in the common sense of the food industry.
21:30The variety of smoothies are a hot topic.
21:37For example, this is a smoothie with pineapple, broccoli and edamame.
21:43It is recommended for people who want to train their bodies.
21:48This is a smoothie for people who are concerned about their skin.
21:53This is a smoothie for people who are concerned about their skin.
21:56It contains mango and grapefruit, which are rich in vitamins.
22:03Next, he released a soup series of vegetables.
22:08The sales increased dramatically.
22:15it didn't last long.
22:18In the third year of operation,
22:23the sales of smoothies plummeted.
22:27In addition, as summer approaches,
22:29orders for warm soups plummeted.
22:33Sales fell by half, and the crisis of bankruptcy was approaching.
22:42I was prepared to close the company in the remaining two months.
22:49The changes in society and new technology are all in the wind.
22:57The people who move from here are strong.
23:00Nikkei electronic board
23:04More than 20 million people suffer from forced labor.
23:08Excessive demand for profits may be the cause of human rights issues.
23:12Nikkei Risk & Compliance
23:14Detecting risks lurking in the supply chain.
23:17Nikkei Risk & Compliance
23:20One day, the demon met his grandmother.
23:24Hey, what are you doing?
23:27This is how the heart appears.
23:31The richness of the heart is important.
23:36What is the richness of the heart?
23:38What is the richness of the heart?
23:40I wonder what it is.
23:41The demon, who wanted to know people's hearts, went on a journey.
23:46He had the richness of the heart.
23:50Next, I'm not sure if I should buy a car or lease it.
23:54Yes, if you want to lease a car,
23:56please leave it to COSMO,
23:58in terms of car insurance, taxes, and maintenance.
24:03Can I lease a used car or an electric car?
24:05Yes, you can choose a car that suits you from domestic manufacturers.
24:09That's great.
24:10COSMO is increasing every time you lease a car.
24:13The heart is full of COSMO oil.
24:19The Kamburia Palace airs on TVer.
24:26Green Spoon, a frozen food delivery company that breaks the norms of the industry.
24:30Green Spoon.
24:32In its third year,
24:34its sales plummeted and it was on the brink of bankruptcy.
24:38At that time,
24:41the president, Tanabe, had an incident.
24:44Didn't you come to the office?
24:46No, I didn't.
24:50When he tried to enter the office,
24:52he sprained his ankle and was pulled back into the house.
24:56I felt sorry for the employees.
25:02Sometimes I doubted this service for a moment.
25:08I wondered if this service could be accepted in the world.
25:13Even at that time,
25:14the three founding members' feelings were not shaken.
25:20The most important thing is that the customers are happy.
25:23That's what I've been saying since the day I started.
25:27I wanted to make a product that my loved ones would like to eat.
25:34That's what I've been saying from the beginning.
25:39If you fail, there's no next time.
25:41The three of them went out to fight.
25:46The main dish was a hint of a restaurant in Kitasando.
25:50It's a series of side dishes that contain plenty of vegetables.
25:55This is what became Kishi Kaisei.
26:00Among them, the hamburger wrapped in paper was the leading role.
26:08When I uploaded a video of opening the wrapper on SNS,
26:12I received a lot of orders.
26:13I was overwhelmed.
26:15It took a lot of effort and cost,
26:17but I succeeded in making a delicious product.
26:26This is the first time I've ever eaten a hamburger like this.
26:29I've never seen anything like this before.
26:32It's like a hamburger anniversary.
26:36The sales have grown steadily since then.
26:39Now that it's been five years, the number of members has exceeded 150,000.
26:48With CyberAgent,
26:50I couldn't handle what I really wanted.
26:53If you have what you need or what you sell to your customers,
27:00you can understand their feelings.
27:03If you don't understand their feelings,
27:05I don't think you can make products or services.
27:09Of course, there are ways to build a business strategy,
27:14but I think the most important thing is to understand customers' feelings.
27:20I've heard a lot from people around me that food is not a good start-up.
27:26How did you get into food?
27:29When I was making a business,
27:31I was going to make a business with a company or a senior company,
27:37and I was going to talk about it.
27:41Most people told me to quit.
27:44Food is high in risk and cost,
27:48and it's hard to make a supply chain,
27:50but in the end, it doesn't make money.
27:53And it takes time.
27:55So it's not a good start-up.
27:57When I was talking about quitting,
27:59about eight people told me.
28:02The ninth person I talked to told me
28:06that I should quit.
28:09He said,
28:13and I said,
28:15and I decided to do it.
28:17I'm still grateful to him.
28:19That's a big word.
28:21Because not everyone does it,
28:23so it's okay.
28:24There are few enemies.
28:26It's cool.
28:28It's cool.
28:30But you had a hard time.
28:32At first, you were asked by a farmer in Kamakura
28:34to collect vegetables,
28:36and he asked you to buy vegetables.
28:38That's how you started.
28:41I've heard that vegetables in Kamakura are delicious.
28:45I went to Kamakura and made an intercom.
28:48I said,
28:49I'm sorry, but I'd like to buy 10 kilos of tomatoes.
28:52He said,
28:53If you do that, go to the supermarket.
28:55He said,
28:56If you do that, go to the supermarket.
28:58It's rare.
28:59I want to grow vegetables,
29:01so I can't find a farmer.
29:05At that time,
29:06I didn't know how to find a factory,
29:08so I searched for a food factory.
29:12I went to the supermarket
29:14and looked at the back of the frozen food sold.
29:17Sometimes the factory was written.
29:19I put a list up there,
29:21and I called all the people from above.
29:23Of course, no one answered.
29:25If there were 25 types,
29:27the company said it was okay.
29:29But if you just launch a website,
29:31no one will know,
29:32so I sent a direct message
29:34to the three founding members
29:36to list up their friends and buy them.
29:38I decided to sell 500,000 yen
29:40in a month after the first release.
29:42If it was a trial set,
29:44it was about 5,000 yen,
29:46so I asked 100 people to buy it.
29:48It's a pretty high hurdle
29:50to sell 500,000 yen in a month.
29:52So I listed up about 500 people
29:54and contacted them individually.
29:56In the end,
29:57I sold about 800,000 yen,
29:59or about 900,000 yen,
30:01and achieved my goal.
30:03That was the story of the first month.
30:08You said you followed the world
30:10for two years
30:12since you quit Green Spoon.
30:14Do you forgive your parents?
30:16I didn't consult my parents
30:18and followed the world for two years.
30:20I see.
30:24Tanabe followed Europe and Asia
30:26mainly in the United States.
30:31After returning to Japan,
30:33he jumped into the food industry
30:35which he had no experience in.
30:37The origin of his challenge
30:39was the bond with his family.
30:45What kind of person are your parents?
30:47My parents are regular family members.
30:50My father is a regular salaryman.
30:53My mother is a housewife.
30:55When I was little, she was a housewife.
30:58I have a younger brother.
31:00We are a family of four.
31:02Did you feel uncomfortable
31:04or not confident?
31:07We never said no
31:09to what we wanted to do.
31:11They trusted us and supported us.
31:14Since you were little?
31:17I was in a similar family.
31:19My parents only said
31:21they trusted us.
31:23They always did.
31:25They always trusted us.
31:30Ryu-san was rebellious.
31:32I wasn't rebellious.
31:34I didn't trust them at all.
31:36That's a good thing.
31:41I wanted to run away.
31:43It was a boring life.
31:45I didn't want to run away.
31:47No, no, no.
31:49I envy you.
31:51You must be happy now.
31:54Every month,
31:55when I come home,
31:57there is a green spoon corner.
31:59There is a green spoon corner at home.
32:02We have a lot of cups,
32:05and pamphlets.
32:07We have a lot of places to display them.
32:10We have a lot of things there.
32:12Every month,
32:13they give us a subscription.
32:15They say,
32:16this was delicious.
32:18This sweet potato was a little hard.
32:21They give us feedback.
32:27Green Spoon has broken the common sense of the industry.
32:31They continue to break the common sense
32:33of their partner companies.
32:37People who are passionate
32:40about their work
32:42are rare.
32:48Let's take a look at the nursing facilities.
32:51The hospital and nursing facilities are running well,
32:54but I don't have a successor.
32:56I'm worried about the repair cost.
32:58I want to keep everyone's health.
33:02a letter for you.
33:03Free admission to Toshio Prime.
33:05Let's do business with M&A.
33:08There is a reason to be chosen.
33:13Capital Partners
33:16There is a reason for strength.
33:31Information system
33:33Strengthens corporate management
33:41The power of integrated software
33:50Carrying is hope.
33:53Carrying is a dream.
33:55It's energy.
33:57It's a story.
33:59It's a possibility.
34:01Carrying is everything in life.
34:05In carrying so far,
34:07Isuzu imagines carrying the earth
34:09in order to reach the unreachable future.
34:21A new movement in frozen food delivery,
34:24Green Spoon.
34:28It's the first tasting event
34:30since its inception.
34:34Green Spoon
34:38Since it's mostly online,
34:40many people don't know the taste,
34:42and it's not well-known yet.
34:45I decided to let them know the taste and name.
34:57When it started,
34:59a lot of people gathered.
35:02This is a rich tomato bisque batter
35:04that can be made in 15 minutes.
35:09It's richer than I expected.
35:12I've been curious about it,
35:14so I heard there was an event.
35:16I want to use it as a reward.
35:20Tanabe is also in the booth.
35:26It's a rare opportunity
35:28to hear the audience's voice.
35:34We're selling vegetables.
35:36Thank you.
35:38Is this a secret event?
35:41I think it's a possibility
35:43to expand the store.
35:45I think it's a meaningful pop-up
35:47in the sense of an experiment.
35:54Green Spoon has been going on
35:56since its inception.
35:59On this day,
36:01we visited a warehouse company
36:03that supplies and delivers products.
36:07They deliver products from here
36:09to all over Japan.
36:20A staff member came in
36:22in charge of sorting.
36:24Here are the vegetables.
36:28A staff member, Koike,
36:30started talking.
36:33Every day,
36:35each box is carefully packaged
36:37and shipped to us.
36:39I'm so grateful
36:41that so many customers
36:43choose our products.
36:46I hope we can deliver products
36:49that are fun, happy, and delicious.
36:54She's grateful for Green Spoon's cooperation.
36:57And she wants to convey her feelings.
37:00She visits all cooperating companies
37:02on a regular basis.
37:04Do you have a lot of partners?
37:07It's my first time.
37:09I'm glad to hear
37:11how passionate they are.
37:13I've been in this industry
37:15for about 20 years.
37:17But I don't think
37:19there are many people
37:21who are so passionate.
37:23I'm not exaggerating.
37:25I'm being honest.
37:27She's deepening her understanding
37:29of the cooperating companies.
37:31Please be careful.
37:33Please take care of your health.
37:35I think more people
37:37will enjoy working with us.
37:39That's what I think.
37:43Green Spoon has a vision.
37:49A life where you can
37:51continue to love yourself.
37:54A life where you can
37:56continue to love yourself.
37:58What does that mean?
38:02A life where you can
38:04continue to love yourself
38:06is Green Spoon's vision.
38:08Isn't that difficult?
38:10To continue to love yourself.
38:12I think it's difficult.
38:14But I think it's difficult
38:16and that's why she wants
38:18to carry it on her shoulders.
38:20She wants to deliver vegetables
38:22but she doesn't want to
38:24make smoothies.
38:26She wants to continue
38:28to love herself.
38:30That's her first vision.
38:32Creating a company
38:34or a business
38:36is to make people happy.
38:40If you can continue
38:42to love yourself,
38:44the world will be a little brighter.
38:46I think that was Green Spoon's
38:48first vision.
38:52Green Spoon's first vision.
38:54That's right.
39:05This program was brought to you
39:07by these sponsors.
39:09We hope that you'll continue
39:11to love yourself.
39:13We hope that you'll continue
39:15to love yourself.
39:19We're going live!
39:39We want friends who can DX the world.
39:44The president is serious.
39:46Connecting strategy and business.
39:51What's with the glasses?
39:52Because it's summer.
39:53That too?
39:54Because it's summer.
39:55Who are you drinking with?
39:56You don't need a reason in the summer?
40:00I just want to drink with you!
40:05Can I take a break?
40:06Do you want to look for a good future?
40:11Is that me?
40:13I'm glad I got a job.
40:14Do you want to look for a different future?
40:16We'll let you look for a good future.
40:20Why are you a U-Pack fan?
40:23Because it's me.
40:25Because it's me.
40:28Because it's me.
40:30If you're a U-Pack, you get a chance every month.
40:32You're right!
40:35Come on, sharefull!
40:36Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:37Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:38If you're a part-time worker,
40:39Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:40You can work whenever you want.
40:41You can earn money right away.
40:42Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:43Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:44If you're a part-time worker,
40:45Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:46Sharefull! Sharefull!
40:47Let's work and laugh!
40:49Hi, Chocolat!
40:51To Daru Daru-san
40:53Hi, Chocolat!
40:55To Hello Hello-san
40:57Hi, Chocolat!
40:58To my tiredness now,
40:59Chocolat BB Royal 2
41:01Hi, Bongo!
41:02A cure for human health care.
41:25After the recording,
41:27Murakami-ryu thought about this.
41:30The story begins from a place where there is nothing.
41:35There is no money.
41:38To gather raw materials,
41:41he asked farmers in Kamakura
41:44to let him buy vegetables.
41:54He needed a factory.
41:58He needed a factory.
42:01He called all the factories in the country.
42:04He wanted to make 10,000 types of personal smoothies.
42:09No one would help him.
42:16At first, the three members of Purcell
42:19listed up their friends on Excel
42:23and asked them to buy smoothies.
42:25They started by sending DMs.
42:29100 people bought them.
42:37If you put cute, new things in
42:40and design an experience,
42:44you can continue to love yourself.
42:48This is Tanabe-san's motto.
42:52His motto is to love yourself.
43:00Next time on the Kamburya Palace
43:02Life is the best supermarket in Japan.
43:05It's a good private brand.
43:07It's not a one-time thing.
43:09The three private brands have different concepts
43:12such as affordable prices and healthy thinking.
43:16Fresh vegetables and fresh ingredients
43:18that can only be bought here attract customers.
43:21Shouji Mitsubishi is the president of Linwan.
43:25Life is very popular.
43:27It's coming to the backstage.
43:30The Paralympics is about to start.
43:36At 8 p.m., the drama will be about people.
43:39There will be a lot of drama about celebrities.
43:43At 9 p.m., Tokoro-san will be a natural food hunter.
43:46Takaki will be his apprentice.
43:49Don't miss it.
43:51At 10 p.m., Gaia will be Awaji Shima.
43:55The gold medal is mine.
43:57Let's cheer together.
44:03An innovative idea that opens up the future of business.
44:08Who will be the one to open the door?
44:11Momoyama Sachiko
44:17I'm Momoyama Sachiko from Open House Development.
44:22The lifestyle of the customers and their particularities are different.
44:28I try to think about the lives of the customers more than the customers.
44:34Open House Development
44:36Open House Development is the No. 1 in three consecutive years in Tokyo.
44:43The secret of its popularity is that it is rich in convenience, such as a station basement.
44:48It's got a lot of extra equipment.
44:50It's got plenty of space to live in.
44:53It's got a lot of space to live in.
44:59This time, the key person is Momoyama Sachiko.
45:04How did you come up with the idea of opening the door?
45:08I thought I could respond to the needs and lifestyle of each and every customer in the apartment.
45:14I thought I could apply the experience and technology of the order housing that the Open House Group has been working on so far.
45:23I want to respond to the feelings of each and every resident while diversifying people's lives.
45:29The door to the idea opened with the passion of the Open House Group.
45:35It's called an order system.
45:37It's a service that allows you to customize the space freely according to your lifestyle.
45:44Order system
45:47For example, you can make a 3LDK room into a spacious 2LDK room.
45:53Like an order housing, flexible changes can be made in the apartment.
46:01You can choose the color style from four styles.
46:05You can also choose the ceiling in the kitchen.
46:09You can choose the height for free.
46:15The color of the interior, finishing, and options.
46:19You can create your own space from scratch with a thorough construction plan.
46:27The Open Residencia, an apartment where 80% of the customers use the order system, has received a lot of support.
46:35I want to provide a better life for the residents.
46:40What is the future of the door to the idea that Momoyama is going to envision?
46:46The Open Residencia is an apartment that can add to the individuality of the customers.
46:51By creating a space that suits each and every person's lifestyle,
46:55I hope to help them live a happy life in the future.
46:59The Open Residencia is an apartment that can add to the individuality of the customers.
47:05Let's fly! To the most fun tomorrow!
47:08A new way to play! Hatsura Hybrid!
47:13TAS Wild also came out!
47:15Hatsura Hybrid!
47:17Hatsura Hybrid!
47:19Hatsura Hybrid!
47:21Hatsura Hybrid!
47:23Hatsura Hybrid!
47:25Hatsura Hybrid!
47:27Hatsura Hybrid!
47:29Hatsura Hybrid!
47:31Hatsura Hybrid!
47:33Hatsura Hybrid!
47:35Hatsura Hybrid!
47:37Hatsura Hybrid!
47:39Hatsura Hybrid!
47:41Hatsura Hybrid!
47:43There is no choice in the front.
47:46But Toribago has it.
47:48Toribago compares hotel charges of more than 70 reservations
47:52and saves your time and money.
47:54Wouldn't you like to save up to 6,000 yen per night with Toribago?
47:57Hotel Toribago
48:03Wind chimes,
48:06and gold leaves.
48:09It's a good summer for me.
48:12It's a good summer for me.
48:16I'll leave that open.
48:18Wind chimes,
48:21and gold leaves.
48:25It's a good summer for me.
48:27It's a good summer for me.
48:31If you want to sell your house,
48:32Pitat House.
48:33Will this house sell soon?
48:35How much will it sell for?
48:37Where should I ask?
48:39There is a buy-home auction at Pitat House.
48:41Your anxiety is solved with Pitat.
48:43Pitat House
48:45Be healthy and heal the other person with all your heart.
48:49That is the power of hand-to-hand combat.
48:51With the power of hand-to-hand combat,
48:53Hisa-Mitsu Pharmaceutical supports Japan's representative team, Team Japan.
48:56Campaign is in progress.
