We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 6

  • 2 months ago
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Part 6


00:00If you were going to be like this, I would have left you to your own devices.
00:17My oh my, Samson. Did you two spend the night together?
00:22Jake, where are my morning meeting notes?
00:24Got them.
00:30That's right. Take your man back.
00:40I made you coffee.
00:41You know how I prefer tea now, right?
00:44But this is my special coffee.
00:54Yeah, it's pretty good.
00:55You've got foam on your lips.
01:01Well, why don't you...
01:09Why don't you quit all the bells and whistles and go make me a normal tea?
01:16Jake liked my latte art.
01:18Oh, you made Jake latte hearts?
01:21Uh, no. His was a leaf. Only you got the heart.
01:25I made you lunch, too.
01:27You made me lunch?
01:32You need to take a break.
01:34No time to break, Olga.
01:36Patricia Brown says I was divorcing Lisa to take up with a secretary.
01:40I have to stop it at all costs.
01:42Onward, Olga! Onward!
01:46You gave an eyelash, yeah?
01:49Cut it.
01:51But, sir, what if they're in a meeting?
01:53Doesn't matter. Onward, Olga! Onward!
01:59That right there.
02:05Isn't that...
02:07Don't mind me. Come by to visit sometime for dinner.
02:11Okay, Grandpa. Will do.
02:15Come on, Olga.
02:19It seems like Grandpa likes you.
02:21I seem a bit fast, though, sometimes.
02:38You dare steal a kiss from me?
02:49Mr. Bouncy!
02:56Jake, this better be very important or I'm cutting your pay in half.
02:59What is it?
03:00Miss... Miss Brown just called.
03:27She needs you at the police station right now.
03:29The police station?
03:34Sorry you had to come get me like this, sis.
03:36Why would you go stalking Patricia Brown?
03:38You know that is a crime, Brian.
03:41Why am I not surprised?
03:44We're siblings. Trailer trash ass family.
03:47You ruined my life!
03:48Hey, Brian. Stop. Don't.
03:50Blame your own stupidity, not me.
03:53Do you even know who I am?
03:55What do you mean?
03:56Do you know who you stole that necklace from four years ago?
03:59What are you...
04:00I don't know what you're talking about!
04:02I'm sure you do.
04:03Hey! Hey, what is going on?
04:04Aiden! They're harassing me!
04:06She's dating Aiden Valentino now?
04:08You know what? You know what?
04:10Hey! Hey! Stop!
04:13Hey! Hey! Stop!
04:15Don't hurt him.
04:17I apologize on his behalf.
04:19You're apologizing to me for him?
04:22I've never known you to back down on me before.
04:24Why are you apologizing to him?
04:26Do you want to end up back in there?
04:27He's cheating on you.
04:30Let's go.
04:31Come on, Aiden. They're disgusting.
04:33Aiden, I knew you'd save me from those trailer trash siblings.
04:37Wait, what?
04:38They're siblings.
04:41My gosh, Brian is so...
04:43Yeah, they're both losers.
04:50How am I supposed to get around?
04:54Lisa, wait! Wait!
05:06Someone decided to go get into trouble.
05:15No, no.
05:17Leave behind your cheating husband.
05:22Miss Samson, for dishing work without cause,
05:25I require an in-person explanation at my office.
05:29Yeah, he's got issues.
05:30Divorce him already. Why are you still with him?
05:32We're already divorced.
05:35Oh, good.
05:37I mean, if it wasn't for my blunders in the first place,
05:39you wouldn't have had to marry him.
05:40It's not that I like that.
05:42Now you're free, right?
05:44So I can set you up on some blind dates?
05:46Yeah, please don't.
05:47Why not?
05:48Come on, everybody asks me about you.
05:50Oh, I'm sure...
05:51You're bound to meet one good one out of the bunch.
05:56Brian, please?
05:58For me?
05:59For you?
06:00For me?
06:01Coming by later to check out some of the wiring in this room?
06:04Yeah, I think we could widen the room,
06:06make more space, easily for a couple of units a week.
06:08Budget reports from the past month from the finance department.
06:11Thank you. And, um, I was...
06:13Is that a new skirt, Samson?
06:15You going on a date?
06:18Excuse me.
06:28Queen's Ristorante.
06:297 p.m.
06:30Thank you.
06:31Can't wait.
06:36You know, I'm so happy that Samson decided to go on this date.
06:39You know, getting back on the dating scene was kind of exciting.
06:41Gosh, and she had that new skirt.
06:43The way that she was talking with that guy on the phone,
06:45she must have been pretty excited.
06:46She must be successful.
06:48I need a table at Queen's Ristorante.
06:52I need a table at Queen's Ristorante.
06:56Because we are treating some friends to dinner tonight.
07:00What friends?
07:04I have friends.
07:08Yeah, that's me.
07:10Oh, great.
07:11I look better in real life, though, huh?
07:13So, Ms. Samson, I hear you are a divorcee,
07:17which I think is very hot.
07:19And, you know, I'll tell you,
07:21if it wasn't for my aunt's next-door neighbor's brother's cousin,
07:24I would not be doing this blind date crap.
07:27We don't have to do this again.
07:29Ah, no, no, no.
07:30Don't worry about it.
07:31Don't play hard to get already.
07:33Just, you know, relax.
07:34Enjoy your meal.
07:35It's all good.
07:36I will tell you,
07:38I make $3,000 a month.
07:42I can afford to get you a nice meal.
07:44It's all good.
07:45There's really no need.
07:48Forget about it.
07:49Listen, I have a very spacious,
07:52300-square-foot studio apartment
07:55that I lease if you get my drift.
08:02When we's a married,
08:04you don't got to worry about work or nothing.
08:06I can give you an allowance, like, I don't know,
08:08$200 a month, something like that.
08:10What do you think about that?
08:11Yeah, I make six figures.
08:14I'm an engineer.
08:16We could go buy a Tesla when we're done here.
08:20Come on, you're joking with me.
08:22Get out of here.
08:23No, I'm really not.
08:24Yeah, your meal's on me.
08:26Ah, listen, don't mess with me, lady.
08:28Look, I know that you are divorced,
08:31but what do you think you can do better than me?
08:33Get out of here.
08:37What the hell is this?
08:38We didn't order nothing.
08:39What, are you trying to bum a meal off of me?
08:42Mr. Sumtree.
08:43Hello, Lisa.
08:44I own half the restaurants on this side of town.
08:47Mister, the bill for this table
08:49has already been paid for
08:51by Ida and Valentino.
08:54The bill for this table
08:55has already been paid for by Ida and Valentino.
08:58He says Miss Samson deserves only the best.
09:03What the hell kind of name is Ida?
09:05Let me know if you find out.
09:10Okay, fine, then I'm gonna eat.
09:12With Lisa gone,
09:13your bill is $1,250.
09:19Real funny watching me get embarrassed again, isn't it?
09:22No, you and Mr. Sumtree again, huh?
09:23You kiss me and you go on a date with another guy.
09:25How is that fair?
09:26What, and you're any better?
09:27Patricia Brown feels like something happens
09:29and so then you swoop in and immediately take her side.
09:31Someone's jealous of you.
09:32I'm leaving.
09:33Okay, bye.
09:34Hey, hey!
09:36You okay?
09:38Look, there's nothing between Patricia and I.
09:41It's only because she saved my life four years ago.
09:43You can't hear this.
09:52I'll make sure everything matches code.
09:54Oh, also, if you plan on remarrying Miss Samson,
09:57you would need to make sure...
09:58Wait, wait, hang on.
10:01Yeah, I saw you two together the other night.
10:03The other night, I don't...
10:05At 7th Heaven.
10:07Hey, those cookies you ordered.
10:09This is Valentino.
10:11You hired your ex-wife as your secretary?
10:14My ex-wife?
10:16Lisa, please tell me that this is just another misunderstanding.
10:20I am your ex-wife.
10:22So I'm just the real joke here.
10:24The fool.
10:25Chasing you around, running around, saving you.
10:27Have you been playing me this whole time?
10:30I mean, even the nurse called you Miss Valentino.
10:33I even went to your house and I saw another woman.
10:35Okay, if you had cared about me even one tiny little bit,
10:38you would have known what I looked like.
10:40You didn't even know my name.
10:41So this is just revenge then.
10:43On who?
10:45Lisa Samson.
10:46I did Valentino!
10:50Okay, so I can't even have a coffee now?
10:56I mean, how could she be my skinny ex-wife?
11:07What's wrong?
11:08What's wrong?
11:10What do you do every day, Jake?
11:11I asked for a file on Lisa Samson.
11:13Where is it?
11:14My first secretary, sir.
11:15You tell me!
11:16I already gave it to you.
11:19I'm not seeing anything in here.
11:20It's right here.
11:23You found it.
11:26Paradise Villa number 12.
11:29That's the same address as Lisa.
11:31Shit, shit, shit!
11:33I'm gonna kill you, Jake!
11:38Just look on the bright side, sir.
11:39Lisa Samson is at least not this skinny, conniving gold digger that you described her as.
11:43I've never described her as that!
11:45But why did she need to hold back for this entire time?
11:49Perhaps she was looking for an opportunity to uncover your dark secrets
11:53so that she could extort you for more money.
11:55Lisa isn't like that.
12:00She's a Russian spy.
12:01That's gotta be it!
12:02Overactive imagination again, Jake.
12:04I don't want to talk about that.
12:06Sir, you never know.
12:08We've only really known her for about a month.
12:10I know my Lisa.
12:13She's not like that.
12:24Are those flowers for Lisa Samson?
12:26Sure are.
12:31What are you doing, sir?
12:33What are you doing, sir?
12:35Those flowers are ugly.
12:36I need ten fresh bouquets from the Netherlands.
12:44More for me.
12:48Hey, hey, hey, Lisa.
12:49Why don't I just give you a ride home?
12:53No, thanks.
12:59Grandpa Valentino!
13:00Lisa, come back tonight with Ivan for dinner.
13:03I will not rest until you do.
13:09I will not rest until you do.
13:14The car's ready, sir.
13:15Thank you.
13:21Thanks for the ride, Mr. Valentino.
13:26Sir, you asked me to call your grandpa.
13:28You knew that Lisa would for sure say yes?
13:30I knew she respects my grandpa too much.
13:32She couldn't say no.
13:33But you always said, um,
13:36she always knew to suck up to grandpa to manipulate him.
13:39That's pretty true.
13:41So do you plan to pursue Lisa Samson for reals this time?
13:44No, who said anything about pursuing her?
13:47I thought I'd just give her a chance, since she likes me.
13:51Thank you, Olga.
13:56We're all finally here together as a family.
14:02Oh, and we'll be coming back to visit you, grandpa.
14:06That's fantastic.
14:09Why don't you two stay the night then?
14:12Yeah, we'd love to.
14:15You know what?
14:17Yeah, we'd love to.
14:22Honey, why don't you try one of these grapes?
14:24I know how you like them.
14:28Grandpa's watching.
14:29There you go.
14:35There you go.
14:44If you want to fill me up, you can do that all night long.
14:49If you want to fill me up, you can do that all night long.
14:55I'm no longer hungry, actually.
14:56Thank you so much for dinner.
14:59You're welcome.
